saint george · 2021. 3. 12. · sólo quiere lo mejor para nosotros. Él no desea condenarnos,...

Post on 12-Aug-2021






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Weekends Saturday....5:00 pm; (7:00 pm Spanish) Sunday .....9:00 am, 11:00 am; (1:00 pm Spanish ) Weekdays Monday - Friday 8:00 am; (7:00 pm Spanish) First Saturday ..... 8:00 am Holy Day of Obligation Masses 8:00 am, 6:00 pm, (8:00 pm Spanish) Confession Saturday ............. 3:30 - 4:30 pm Scanlan Office Building or by appointment Baptism Preparation English: Call the Parish Office to register Spanish: 1

st & 2

nd Sat., 2:00 pm (Scanlan)

Baptism English: 4

th Saturday at 9:00 am

Spanish: 3rd Saturday at 9:00 am

Marriage Preparation English: Contact the Parish Office Spanish: Contact a Deacon Anointing of the Sick First Friday during 8:00 am Mass Call Parish Office for home/hospital anointing Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday - Friday.........9:00 am - 3:00 pm Last Friday of the month - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, after 7 pm Mass - Saturday 6:00 am Mission Churches Mass Schedule Saint Paul’s - Hurricane (171 S. Main) Sunday Mass—12:30 pm San Pablo Mission - Beryl Junction (721 S. Highway 18) Sunday Mass—4:00 pm Saint Christopher’s - Kanab (39 West 200 South) Daily Mass—8:00 am, Sundays— 9:00 am Zion Park - Springdale (Canyon Community Center, 126 Lion Blvd.) SCAP…Sundays at 8:00 am Palm Sunday through December 1


Church Office 157 North 200 West / PO Box 188 St. George, UT 84771 Ph:435-673-2604 / Fax:435-688-2704 Email: Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed from 12 noon-1:00 pm

Saint George

Photo: Bob Parks


March 14, 2021 / Fourth Sunday of Lent

CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. David Bittmenn, Pastor

Rev. Kelechi Alozie, Parochial Vicar


My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Getting to Know Saint Joseph Friday is the feast of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary. Because this feast is a solemnity, we are dispensed from abstinence on that day.

In Joseph’s honor Pope Francis wrote an Apostolic Letter Patris Corde (With a Father’s Heart). In it he portrays Joseph as someone who helps us see clearly the importance of ordinary people. Those who go about their daily work

unnoticed, but who patiently fulfill their roles of caring for others. He notes that the current pandemic has made us more aware of such unknown and unsung heroes in our midst.

Joseph played a key role in salvation history. All the Gospel writers allude to him directly or indirectly; yet none recorded a word he said. We can easily infer, however, that he was a good listener. In dreams, Joseph listened to and obeyed God’s angelic messengers. They influenced him to take Mary as his wife; to flee to Egypt in order to avoid King Herod’s plan to kill infant Jesus; to leave Egypt when it was safe to return to their homeland; and not to go to Judea, but to Nazareth, which is where the Holy Family ultimately settled. There, as a skilled craftsman, Joseph likely taught his trade to Jesus.

Carmelite Saint Teresa of Avila was deeply devoted to Saint Joseph. She attributed to his intercession her healing from a serious, life-threatening illness. Teresa later wrote, “I had the desire to persuade all to be devoted to him.” She also attested that for many years, “I have asked him for something on his feast day, and my petition is always granted.” She advises others to do the same.

Saint Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church, fathers, travelers, social justice, workers, a happy death, and more.

Saint Joseph, pray for us!

~ Contributed by Ruth Ann Pilney


Gratitude in Action: Our Way of Life / Gratitud en Acción: Nuestra forma de Vida

Darkness versus Light – Disbelief versus Hope – Condemnation versus Love Without belief in God’s great love for each of us, with the atonement of all our sins by His only Son, Jesus Christ, where is the hope for life beyond the grave? In reality, where is the hope to move forward in our journey of faith while on this earth? “God calls us all to holiness. No matter where we are in life, no matter what we’ve done, God is showing us the way even if it twists and turns in seeming darkness. Christ will never abandon us. He calls out to us, and we must respond.”1 Regardless of our individual circumstances, the lives we enjoy, the challenges we face, there will always be moments of darkness and those of joy. Hours of darkness can envelop us during times of heartache and loss, compromising health issues, financial difficulties, as well as frustrating indecisiveness toward decisions that may significantly impact our lives. Unexpected setbacks on our spiritual journey also can lead us into darkness. Yet, when we can hear God’s voice and receive His encouragement and guidance, perhaps through our encounter of another, that darkness can be lifted and the Light shine brightly in a moment of splendor only God can provide. That moment of splendor we recognize because of our belief, our faith in God. “The coming of the dawn is the rising up of an inner light. In that undefiled dawn, the soul opens wide to life’s essential wonder, and the hidden meaning of being here knocks on the door of the heart.”2 Our God made us in His image. He wants only the best for us. He does not wish condemnation on us, but rather He chooses to love us. “… my sin is always before me. Against you, you alone have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your eyes…”. (Psalm 51:5-6) Can we possibly say “no” to His gift of Love so graciously given us despite our sinful ways? “To follow Christ is an option, a choice, a call, a vocation, and we are totally free to say yes or no or maybe.”3 As believers on this earthly journey, experiencing life through the eyes of faith, there is only one way to follow Christ – the way of Light, the way of Hope and the way of Love! 1Faith Under Fire by Matthew Archbold 2Stars at Night by Paula D’Arcy 3Eager to Love by Richard Rohr

~Carole Drake

Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach

Oscuridad versus Luz – Incredulidad versus Esperanza – Condena versus Amor Sin creer en el gran amor de Dios por cada uno de nosotros, con la expiación de todos nuestros pecados por Su único Hijo Jesucristo, ¿dónde está la esperanza de vida más allá de la tumba? En realidad, ¿dónde está la esperanza de avanzar en nuestro camino de fe mientras estamos en esta tierra? "Dios nos llama a todos a la santidad. No importa dónde estemos en la vida, no importa lo que hayamos hecho, Dios nos está mostrando el camino incluso si se retuerce y se vuelve en la oscuridad aparente. Cristo nunca nos abandonará. Él nos llama, y debemos responder." 1 Independientemente de nuestras circunstancias individuales, las vidas que disfrutamos, los desafíos que enfrentamos, siempre habrá momentos de oscuridad y los de alegría. Las horas de oscuridad pueden envolvernos en tiempos de dolor y pérdida, comprometiendo problemas de salud, dificultades financieras, así como una indecisión frustrante hacia decisiones que pueden afectar significativamente nuestras vidas. Los contratiempos inesperados en nuestro viaje espiritual también pueden llevarnos a la oscuridad. Sin embargo, cuando podemos escuchar la voz de Dios y recibir Su aliento y guía, tal vez a través de nuestro encuentro de otro, que la oscuridad puede ser levantada y la Luz brilla brillantemente en un momento de esplendor que sólo Dios puede proporcionar. Ese momento de esplendor que reconocemos por nuestra creencia, nuestra fe en Dios. "La llegada del amanecer es el levantamiento de una luzinterior. En ese amanecer no profanado, el alma se abre de par en par a la maravilla esencial de la vida, y el significado oculto de estar aquí llama a la puerta del corazón." 2 Nuestro Dios nos hizo a Su imagen. Sólo quiere lo mejor para nosotros. Él no desea condenarnos, sino que decide amarnos. "... mi pecado siempre está delante de mí. Contra ti, sólo tú has pecado; He hecho lo que es malo en tus ojos...". (Salmos 51:5-6) ¿Podemos decir "no" a Su don de amor tan amablemente dado a pesar de nuestras maneras pecaminosas? "Seguir a Cristo es una opción, una elección, una llamada, una vocación, y somos totalmente libres de decir sí o no o tal vez." 3 Como creyentes en este viaje terrenal, experimentando la vida a través de los ojos de la fe, sólo hay una manera de seguir a Cristo – el camino de la Luz, el camino de la Esperanza y el camino del Amor!

Pastor’s Message / Mensaje del padre: Father David Bittmenn

Joachim of Fiore was a good and holy monk

who happened to spend time trying to

uncover the hidden meanings he thought to be

in the Scriptures. His musings on the Book of Revelation lead him to a three-fold division

of history. The first was the Age of the

Father which was the time of the Old Testament. The

second was the Age of the Son lasting from Christ’s days

on earth to perhaps the year 1260. The third was the Age

of the Holy Spirit and in it a new religious "order" of spiritual men would arise to lead the Church and at the

same time it would be possible to understand the deepest

meaning of Scripture. Joachim died in peace - before the

year 1260 - and after his death the Church formally rejected

some of his ideas. The real problems came when others

added to Joachim’s ideas. One group, the Joachites,

thought that the Scriptures would be superseded by an “eternal gospel” in the Age of the Holy Spirit. The Church

took a very dim view of this notion.

It’s possible that some of the Joachites were moved by the

attraction of being part of something spectacular,

something earthshaking, and something beyond. Routine

lives don’t always fuel the fires of devotion like being part of a group that is doing something revolutionary. In fact,

there are times when being revolutionary is just the thing to

do. That was the case in the Early Church. But being part

of something beyond us is not confined to revolution. In

this weekend’s second reading, God’s gifts to us are given

so that “in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in his kindness to us in

Christ Jesus.” We make part of God’s gift to humanity

alive and this spark will last through the ages. We are

walking in the steps of the saints before us and we will

prepare for those who come after us. This kind of life

prepares for the most earthshaking experience: life gazing

on the face of God in heaven.

The second reading pulls our attention to God’s gifts and

the joy that they bring. Examining Lent in this context can

help us spot one of the promises of Lent. All the work we

do in Lent is so that we might give ourselves - particularly

our wills - over to God and when we do so we are living in God. And that’s spectacular, a life beyond us. No one ever

said that being part of something greater than we are would

be free from work.


We are one community nourished and transformed by the Eucharist. As the body of Christ, we are led by the Holy Spirit to know, love and serve God and one another.

Somos una comunidad alimentada y transformada por la Eucaristía. Como cuerpo de Cristo, somos guiados por el Espíritu Santo para conocer, amar y servir a Dios y unos a otros.

Joaquín de Fiore era un monje bueno y santo que pasó tiempo tratando de descubrir los significados ocultos que pensaba que estaban en las Escrituras. Sus reflexiones sobre el libro Apocalipsis lo llevaron a una división de la historia en tres partes. La primera parte fue la Era del Padre, que fue la época del Antiguo Testamento. La segunda parte era la Era del Hijo que se extendía desde los días de Cristo en la tierra hasta quizás el año 1260. La tercera parte era la Era del Espíritu Santo y en ella surgiría una nueva "orden" religiosa de hombres espirituales para dirigir la Iglesia y al mismo tiempo, sería posible comprender el significado más profundo de las Escrituras. Joaquín murió en paz - antes del 1260 - y después de su muerte la Iglesia rechazó formalmente algunas de sus ideas. Los verdaderos problemas surgieron cuando otros se agregaron a las ideas de Joaquín. Un grupo, los Joaquinos, pensó que las Escrituras serían reemplazadas por un “evangelio eterno” en la Era del Espíritu Santo. La Iglesia tuvo una visión muy sombría de esta noción. Es posible que algunos de los joaquinos se sintieran conmovidos por la atracción de ser parte de algo espectacular, algo trascendental y algo más allá. Las vidas rutinarias no siempre alimentan el fuego de la devoción como ser parte de un grupo que está haciendo algo revolucionario. De hecho, hay momentos en los que ser revolucionario es lo que hay que hacer. Ese fue el caso en la Iglesia Primitiva. Pero ser parte de algo más allá de nosotros no se limita a la revolución. En la segunda lectura de este fin de semana, los dones que Dios nos da para que "en los siglos venideros pueda mostrar las inconmensurables riquezas de su gracia en su bondad para con nosotros en Cristo Jesús". Hacemos parte del regalo de Dios a la humanidad viva y esta chispa perdurará a través de los siglos. Seguimos los pasos de los santos que nos precedieron y nos prepararemos para los que vendrán después de nosotros. Este tipo de vida se prepara para la experiencia más trascendental: la vida mirando el rostro de Dios en el cielo. La segunda lectura atrae nuestra atención hacia los dones de Dios y el gozo que traen. Examinando la Cuaresma en este contexto puede ayudarnos a identificar una de las promesas de la Cuaresma. Todo el trabajo que hacemos en Cuaresma es para que podamos entregarnos - particularmente nuestra voluntad - a Dios y cuando lo hacemos, estamos viviendo en Dios. Y eso es espectacular, una vida más allá de nosotros. Nadie dijo nunca que ser parte de algo más grande que nosotros estaríamos libres de trabajo.

EVENTS and MASS INTENTIONS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at for questions or submissions.

Our Lady of Grace Candle

burns this week in memory of

Walter Vodge Wapienik


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Tuesday - Friday

9 am - 3 pm

Stephen Ministry

Christ caring for People through People Walking with Others during Troubled Times

Saint George Catholic Church

Parish Events Monday 10:00 am Everyday God (every other week) Kuzy Hall - Rm 3 7:00 pm RCIA Scanlan - Fl 2 3:30 pm Holy Rosary Hurricane Tuesday 9:00 am Marian Hour - Our Lady of Peace Church 6:00 pm CCD Scanlan 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Kuzy Hall - Rm 3 First Tuesday 6:30 pm Knights of Columbus Kuzy Hall - Rm 1 6:30 pm Women’s Group Kuzy Hall - Rm 3 Second Tuesday 1:00 pm Women’s Group Lunch at Harmons Wednesday 12:00 pm Bulletin Deadline (11 days prior to publication date) 6:00 pm Holy Spirit Prayer Group Kuzy Hall - Rm 3 7:00 pm Clases Biblicas CERS Scanlan - Fl 2 Third Wednesday 6:30 pm 4th Degree K of C Kuzy Hall - Rm 1 Thursday 9:00 am Prayers for the Unborn Church 6:00 pm CCD Scanlan Second Thursday 1:30 pm Mass at Sterling Court, St. George 324 N 1680 E Friday First Friday 8:00 am Anointing of the Sick at Mass Church Last Friday 7:00 pm Nocturnal Adoration Church Saturday 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Kuzy Hall - Rm 3 First Saturday 8:00 am Mass in Honor of Our Lady Church 9:30 am Pro - Life Presence Bluff & 600 S After Last Friday 6:00 am Nocturnal Adoration ends - Mass Church First Weekend All Masses Renovation Fund Collection Third Weekend All Masses K of C Food Drive Last Weekend All Masses DDD Collection Sunday 9:00 am CCD Scanlan 11:00 am CCD Scanlan 5:00 pm Rosary Church First Weekend All Masses Renovation Fund Collection Third Weekend All Masses K of C Food Drive Last Weekend All Masses DDD Collection

Saturday, 3/13

5:00 pm U Ken Odette

U Coach Ray Odette

U Robert Kowalski

U Helen Milovich

U Lucy Kennedy

U Alfred Jankus

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Sunday, 3/14

9:00 am U Louie Tan by Rita & Nate

U Jose Mendez

11:00 am RCIA

1:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Monday, 3/15

8:00 am U Horst Duesterwald

Catherine Ann Saldana

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Tuesday, 3/16

8:00 am U Bernard Keane

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Wednesday, 3/17

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Thursday, 3/18

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Friday, 3/19

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo


Pastor........................ Rev. David Bittmenn Parochial Vicar……..Rev. Kelechi Alozie Retired……………… Rev. Glenn Dare


Business Manager ..... Don Drake (

Bookkeeper ................. Kelli Callister (

Receptionist………...Nora Escatel (

Maintenance……… Call Office

Deacons Rigoberto Aguirre ...................... 628-9107 Rogaciano Tellez ........................ 652-9219 Jesse Robles (…909-953-0240 Baptismal Preparation Registration (English)

Deacon Jesse Robles……Call the Office to register

Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach Carole Drake………435-673-2604 Ext 104 or 435-668-9202


Religious Education Coordinator

Mariana Lawrentz …720-227-8319 or 435-673-2604 (

Newman Catholic Club Veronica Gonzales, President: Online Giving Link …….please visit our website

Bulletin Ministry………

Thrift Store (Jackie Rickman)………673-1029

Gift Shop (Sharon Rawlins)………688-1948

Parish Council …… Safe Environment…Carole Drake, Local DSE

435-673-2604 or

ANNOUNCEMENTS and REPORTS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at for questions or submissions.


March 15 Lenten Penance Service 7:00 pm in the Church

March 22 Everyday God Retreat 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Kuzy Hall 2nd Floor

March 27 A Taste of Carmel: Exploring Carmelite Spirituality, 2:15 - 4:00 pm Scanlan Conf. Room

March 27 Palm Sunday Saturday Vigil 7:00 pm Church

March 28 Palm Sunday Masses 9:00 & 11:00 am English 1:00 pm Spanish. Call the Office March 15 - 25 for reservations .

April 2 Good Friday - Office Closed

Weekly Collection Report

Collection (03/07)...…..…….......................$ 10,834

Capital Improvement Project (February) Building Fund……………...………...… $ 6,638



Throughout Lent, please bring non-perishable food items to church and deposit them in the Knights’ food wagons in the Church vestibule.

STATIONS of the CROSS (Bilingual—In the Church)

Every Friday evening at 5pm Beginning February 19

Ending Friday, March 26

Good Friday Services April 2nd 12:00 pm Stations of the Cross (Bilingual) 1:00 pm Seven Last words (English) 3:00 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (English) 7:00 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (Spanish)

The Knights Of Columbus Council Vic Giasson Council 10733 is holding a Holy Hour for Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney, Founder of The Knights of Columbus. Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Time:12:00 pm Where: Saint George Catholic Church

Light lunch & refreshments will be served immediately after the Holy Hour service in the Knights’ Room on the 2nd Floor of Kuzy Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Coming Soon Kuzy Hall, March 27th & 28th

after each Mass

Baked goods can be dropped off in Kuzy Hall, Saturday the 27th after 3pm or before any Mass on the 28th. Your contributions and support are much appreciated. Our group helps many causes within our parish, local community, and diocese. Questions or to volunteer, text/

call Brigitte: 435-703-3731


Scripture Readings for the Week of March 14

Catholic Relief Services This Weekend 2nd Collection

Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We are motivated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life, foster charity and justice, and embody Catholic social and moral teaching. Poverty is a plague against which humanity must fight without cease.—Pope Benedict XVI

Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [6ab]/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 or 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4,5, 6 [1]/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41

Monday: Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b [2a]/Jn 4:43-54

Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 [8]/Jn 5:1-16

Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18 [8a]/Jn 5:17-30

Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23 [4a]/Jn 5:31-47

Friday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 [37]/Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/ Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a

Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12 [2a]/Jn 7:40-53

Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 [12a]/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 or Ez 37:12-14/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [7]/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45

Knights of Columbus Food Collection Next weekend

We always need canned meats, cereal, canned fruit, spaghetti and pasta noodles, cooking oil, and mayonnaise.

RETIRO DE HOMBRES: En honor a la fiesta de San José, las Misioneras Servidoras de la Palabra invitan a los hombres de 18 años en adelante a vivir un día con San José, un verdadero modelo a seguir para todos los hombres. Redescubra lo que es la verdadera masculinidad el domingo 21 de marzo a las 2:00 pm.

Nos reuniremos en el Kuzy Hall. Si tienen preguntas o si quieren registrarse, por favor llame o envíe un mensaje a las misioneras al (435)229-8273

Fellow parishioners, we invite the entire family to join us after the Easter Sunday Masses, on April 4th, for an Easter egg hunt. Just as Jesus has hatched from His

tomb to give us new life, we hope this time of almsgiving, prayer, and penance will hatch many fruits in your walk towards an eternity with our Lord. Share the joy that our Lord brought with His resurrection with the littlest members of our Catholic Church. Be sure to remind them that the small happiness they receive from the treats that hatch from the eggs is little when compared to the happiness we will receive when finding new life in our Lord. Hope to see you peeps there!

DONATIONS NEEDED: Please consider donating candy and easter eggs for the Easter Egg hunt. We will be leaving a designated box inside of the church. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and generosity. Queridos herman@s feligreses, invitamos a toda la familia a unirse a nosotros después de las misas del domingo de Pascua, el 4 de abril, para una búsqueda de huevos. Así como Jesús ha salido del cascarón de su tumba para darnos una nueva vida, esperamos que este tiempo de limosna, oración y penitencia produzca muchos frutos en su caminar hacia una eternidad con nuestro Señor. Comparta el gozo que nuestro Señor trajo con Su resurrección con los miembros más pequeños de nuestra Iglesia Católica. Asegúrese de recordarles que la pequeña felicidad que reciben de los dulces que saquen de los huevos es poca en comparación con la felicidad que recibiremos al encontrar una nueva vida en nuestro Señor. ¡Esperamos verlos allí!

DONACIONES: Por favor considera donar dulces y huevos de Pascua para la búsqueda de huevos. Dejaremos una caja designada dentro de la iglesia para las donaciones. Gracias de antemano por su cooperación y generosidad.

Bethlehem Wood

Bethlehem Wood Carving will be here next weekend, Saturday, March 20 and Sunday, March 21 to sell olive wood carvings from the Holy Land. Proceeds will be used to support Catholic and Christian families living in Bethlehem who face difficulties. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.

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