sap treasury_r2.ppt

Post on 08-Jul-2018






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8/19/2019 SAP Treasury_R2.ppt 1/6

SAP – Treasury – R2

August 01st 2013

GE Proprietary Information – The information contained in this document is General Electric Comany !GE" rorietary

information and is disclosed in con#dence$ %t is the roerty of GE and shall not &e used' disclosed to others or reroduced

(ithout the e)ress (ritten consent of GE' including' &ut (ithout limitation' it is not to &e used in the creation' manufacture'

de*eloment' or deri*ation of any reairs' modi#cations' sare arts' designs' or con#guration changes or to o&tain +AA or any

other go*ernment or regulatory aro*al to do so$ %f consent is gi*en for reroduction in (hole or in art' this notice and the

notice set forth on each age of this document shall aear in any such reroduction in (hole or in art$ The information

contained in this document may also &e controlled &y the ,$S$ e)ort control la(s$ ,nauthori-ed e)ort or re.e)ort is

/timi-ed A*iationSer*ices %nformationSystem


8/19/2019 SAP Treasury_R2.ppt 2/6

2 GE Prorietary

arch 1' 201


 TAccounting+rom Santander to 4radesco



5ire Transfers 4et(een GE Celma Accounts . 4R6

7o( todo8

Santander !ainAccount" Santander !/utgoing"

4radesco !ainAccount" 4radesco !%ncomming"

!A" 10000 2000 !2" !2" 2000 2000 !1" !3" 2000 !1" 2000 2000 !3" 



+.02 +.02

+rom 4radesco to Santander

4radesco !ainAccount" 4radesco !/utgoing"

Santander !ainAccount"


!A" 10000 2000 !2" !2" 2000 2000 !1" !3" 2000 !1" 2000 2000 !3"  ++$E4S




+.02 +.02

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3 GE Prorietary

arch 1' 201


 TAccounting+rom Santander4radesco to 44CE+



5ire Transfers 4et(een GE Celma Accounts . 4R6

7o( todo8

Sant$4rad$ !ainAccount" Sant$4rad$ !/utgoing"

44CE+ !ainAccount"

!A" 10000 2000 !2" !2" 2000 2000 !1" !1" 2000 

+.02 +.02

+rom 44CE+ to Santander4radesco

44CE+ !ain Account"Sant$4rad$ !ain



!A" 10000 2000 !1" !2" 2000 !1" 2000 2000 !2"



+.02 +.02

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: GE Prorietary

arch 1' 201


 TAccounting+rom 44 to CE+

5ire Transfers 4et(een GE Celma Accounts . 4R6

7o( todo8

44 !ain Account" CE+ !ain Account"

!A" 10000 2000 !1" !1" 2000

  +.02 +.02

+rom CE+ to 44

CE+ !ain Account" 44 !ain Account"

!A" 10000 2000 !1" !1" 2000

 +.02 +.02

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GE Prorietary

arch 1' 201


 TAccounting+rom Citi&an; <= !,S>" to Santander !4R6"

5ire Transfers 4et(een GE Celma Accounts – ,S> to 4R6 . E)chang

7o( todo8

Citi <= !ain Account" Citi <= !/utgoing"Santander !ain



!2"10000 .,S> 2000 . ,S>

!2" !2"

2000 .,S>

2000 .,S>

!1" !3":000 . 4R6

!1":000 . 4R6 :000 . 4R6


  :000 . 4R6 :000 . 4R6 :000 . 4R62000 .,S>

2000 .,S>

2000 .,S>





+.02 +.02

5ire Transfer Through E)change ContractsE)change Contract – GE Celma ? Citi&an; SP . Rate – 2$00

ATT$8 5ire transfer rocessed manually from Citi&an; <= to Citi&an;

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GE Prorietary

arch 1' 201


 TAccountingSantander @ 4radesco

4an; +ee

7o( todo8

++$ ++$

44 e CE+

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