sap tzc4 c1 2016 release - col10 latest sample

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Participant Introductions

Course Objectives


Introduction to Cloud for Customer Starting the Project WorkingwithOrganizations ScopingandFineTuningIntegrationIntegratingwith MS Outlook Data MigrationPreparingforthe Solution Walkthrough & Test Plans Personalization and Extensibility

'WorkingwithCloudforCustomerMobile Reporting

1Wrappingup the Project

SON Site

Module 1: Introduction to Cloud for Customer

Module Objectives

What is Cloud for Customer?

Cloud for Customer Navigatior

Navigating and Searching in Cloud for Customer

Incident Management

Cloud for Customer Mastery



Table of ContentsUsing This Guide....................................

Course Introduction________________________Course Objectives and Goals

Additional Resources

Module 1 Introduction to Cloud lor CustomerModule Obieclves.........—....— ------............---- -lesson1.1 What isCloudtorCustomer lesson 1-2. Cloud tor Customer Navigation

Confirm Mi estone O

lesson 21 SAP Ciouo imp ementation MctnoootoayLesson 2-2 Project K ckoll.....— .....—......... .....lesson 2-3.Lesson2-4.

Module 3 Working with Organizations

lesson 3-1 Sett ng up an Org Structure

Products and Distribution ChaiLesson 3-2.


Lab 4 Distribution Channels and Products

Lesson 3-3. Maintain Employees...............................

Lesson 3-4. Maintain Business Users.........................

Lesson Review...... ...........................

Module 4 Scoping and Fine l unmgModule Object ves--------—......... ....—......... .........Lesson 4-t. Scoping,... _............ ...........— .....—Lesson 4-2. Fine Tuning

tab 7 I armory Management

Module S Integration_____________________Module Object ves.........— ..... ....—...—- —

Lesson 5*2. Product Related and Pricing Ma ntenance

Lesson 5-3. Cloud tor Customer integ-ation Lesson 5-4. Project Management integrationLesson Review.------ ---- ------ -—,------—

Module 6 Integrating with MS OutlookModule Object ves-------- ------ ---- ---—.....— ....—Lesson 6-1. Using MS Outlook with Cloud lor Customer Lesson 6-2. Prerequisites tor using MS Outlook

tab • t inaJawg MS (Mtoos noo-i'-Lesson 6'3 MS Outlook Addin


Module 7. Date MigrationModule Object ves 95

Lesson 7 2- Oala Migration Templates 97Lab '3 Rata attracty rod

Lesson Review .101

Module 8 Prepaiing lor the Solution Walkthrough and Test PlanstO? Module Objectives 102Lesson8-1 Preparing the Environment 102Lesson8*2- ConductingtheSolutionWalkthrough. .. 103

Lab re Scvcon wafttihcvpn toa

Module 9 Personalication and Extensibility

Lesson 9*3 SSO Fo-m ReviewLesson Review.............. ....................

Module 10 Working with Cloud lor Customer MobileModule Objectives ------- ---— ------............------Lesson 10-1 Mobile Integration

Lab • S Won .sg on MOOrO f .1**7

Lesson Review

Module 11. Reporting_______________________Module Object vesLesson 11-1 Running Standard Refjorts Lesson 11-2. Excel integration Lesson tt-3 Creating New Reports

lab '7 B'.iraoReccts


Opportunity forecasting. Lesson Review

Module 12. Wrapping up Ihe Project

Lesion 12-1 Culower P anningLesson 12-2. Lesson 12-3. Lesson 12-4. Lesson 12-5. Lesson Review...

Training PlanningGo-LiveCheckpoint............................AlterGo-LiveKeyHesponsioiirtiesot theCustomer ManningiheCustomerOhIOIheSupportTeam


Using This Guide

This classroom guide is intended for use in conjunction with an instructor. The guide provides general information, and the instructor may elaborate.

information. The following table illustrates how this guide uses icons to indicate different types of comments that support the text.

Exercise (or Activity): Indicates an activity for you to complete that helps reinforce the information you just learned.

Note: Indicates additional information that is related to the information presented.

rResource: Indicates there are other resources available for additional information for the task.

Job Aid: Indicates there are job aids available for additional

a Lab: Indicates a step-by-step, hands-on exercise that you need to complete during training that will take you through the proper process to complete the task,


Course IntroductionThrough discussion, demonstration, and hands-on computer lab work, this courseteachesimplementationconsultantstheinformationandskillsneeded to successfullyimplementSAPCloudforCustomer.

Course Objectives and Goals

Effectively kickoff a Cloud for Customer (C4C) project using SAP best practicesCreate an organization structure enabling customers to use C4C to meet theneedsofthebusinessSuccessfully migrate data into the application and troubleshoot migration

Set up and configure C4C to manage business processes including sales, serviceandsocialandutilizeforusewithmobileDescribe cutover planning and impact to the customer’s business Use the administrative tool set to effectively manage the needs of the

Demonstrate the reporting capabilities of the system


Target Audience and Agenda

This is a 3*day, instructor-led training course intended for project managers and functional consultants that lead implementation projects on Cloud for Customer.

This course covers:

' Module 1: Introduction to Cloud for Customer► Module 2: Starting the Project

* Module 3: Working with Organizations► Module 4: Scoping and Fine Tuning► Module 5: Integration

► Module 7: Data Migration* Module 8: Preparing for the Solution Walkthrough & Test Plans

► Module 9: Personalization and Extensibility

' Module 11: Reporting► Module 12: Wrapping up the Project


Cloud for Customer Help Portal can be aci using the following link:


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