satria budi darma

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    Description of Self in English








  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    Full Name : Satria Budi Darma

    sex : Male

    Place, Date of Birth : Batam, 20 february 1993

    Nationality : Indonesia

    Marital Status : Single

    Height, Weight : 170 cm, 55 kg

    Health : excellent

    Religions : Moslem

    Address : Nongsa, kavling kabil blok U no 416

    Phone, Mobile :0887 612 2031, HP = 0856 6814 1567

    E-mail :

    Educational Background

    2000 - 2006 : 001 state primary schools batam

    2006 - 2009 : The first state secondary schools 8 batam

    2009 - 2012 : vocational schools state 1 batam

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma


  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    As a boy I had a dream of being a pilot, but my goal fell to the last moment is the

    desire to become a successful entrepreneur in the future and I want to aspire to raise

    pilgrimage both parents.

    From my childhood my father was the person who really cares about the education of

    their children. While the conditions of deprivation father insisted that his son should

    receive the best education.

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    Since elementary school I've accomplished and satisfying enough to be ranked in the

    class. Then the third grade I was invited to go to a higher class rank and I am among

    those who pass the selection.

    But of the 32 best students I've always had friends outside the school was ranked in

    the top 30 and it made me quite popular in my class. In addition, the ability of the

    economy compared to my friends the other arguably low. But that does not make me

    feel inferior.

    In the end I entered junior high school was the best in the city of Batam, Batam

    SMPN 8. In junior high school, I could not get a good rating because I was focused

    on playing and when I do not want to prove that I can get a good education, then the

    result I get too relaxed.

    but now I'm used to burn schools because smp short circuit. there are several rooms

    on fire, one of which is indoor teachers.

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    When I entered a vocational school, I studied very seriously. That's what caused me

    to get a high enough at the end, but the competition is not the same as in smk smp.

    heavier competition, as long as I sat on the bench smk grade one to grade two I can

    not get a top ten ranking, it does not lessen my learning process to be improved,

    finally d grade three I was getting a top ten ranking.

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    I followed two Bimbel in grade 3 SMK to make me be able to pass in college,

    specifically I really want to go in medicine. Plus the parents are very supportive

    financially so I'm still excited

    From the beginning until now the most visible character is shy and timid. Even

    though my body is great but mentally (guts) as big as his body was not hers, she told

    my close friends. I am sometimes afraid to spend in my opinion. I know because I

    was afraid of my own fears. But I'm now starting to learn to be brave, though not yet

    fully materialized. If I have a problem in my family, as much as I try not to think

    about him / her when I hang out with my friends. I do my best to make myself happy

    / fun time with my friends - my friend. My friends say that they know all of the story

    I do not think they can be strong if I was with my family a big problem. Actually I

    feel inferior when the problem occurred, but after some years old I began to open up

    to my closest friends. I do not know what is the advantage for me, as a person can

    only exceed the value of the people around me. If my weakness, besides shy and

    timid, in which case my reading less well, and when - certain moments I sometimes

    lazy. Usually if I beretengkar with my sister, I sometimes I prefer the silence, rather

    than having to respond to it, because if the response is going to get another problem.

    My mom told me if I was sick I was silent.

    New students are very pleasant position when called by a senior, but not when the

    college was very different when the high school. Although the dress for free but he

    works a lot and hard Superb. Not to mention, the new students are targets for all

    senior activities, so that shows my schedule for MABA very crowded campus. Many

    valuable lessons and I eventually formed today.

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    Currently I do not follow every student activities on campus, but for now I try to be

    active in the KM named GXRG, from the information of a friend, according to KM

    GXRG can provide direction and helped me to deepen about computer programming.

    All of it is also inseparable from the courses I took, information systems. back to the

    introduction of the self me.I love a challenge, because I was active in the

    organization of vocational schools, to the top of the head of one of my

    extracurricular, at SMK me first. I have a motto of life, everything that should be

    considered carefully before being implemented. With a motto of my life, I always

    think first before taking action.

    Hahaha, this vent however, only at the end of this I became more serious. Starting

    from murabbi from serious to mandate liqo something amazing, I had it all in year 4.

    There's also changed my life, to follow the Forum Indonesia Muda (Young Indonesia

    Forum). There I got a couple of new friends who are also incredible and very

    inspiring me. So I enjoyed being in the FIM as well.

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    There is also a change my life, to follow Forum indonesia muda (young Indonesian

    Forum). There I got a couple of new friends who are also outstanding and very

    inspired me. So I enjoyed being in the FIM as well.

    My expertise is very much, this is not arrogant but I got a hard education from father

    that I can be prosecuted for a variety of special skills such as driving cars and

    motorcycles, swimming, chess, and other more. Thankful though my parents ga firm

    and cool, but direct my life toward always better.

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    The most enjoyable thing for me there are two, the first time my family on holiday to

    Bali and also all of my dad's office, apparently went to Bali twice a plane.

    from Batam to Jakarta I boarded the plane adam water,

    the journey takes about fifty minutes, on arrival we d Jakarta Soekarno Hatta

    gathered at the airport for the departure of the two we headed to Bali, from jakarta to

    bali we all Garuda Indonesia plane, the trip takes about forty-five minutes.

    arrival in Bali we d welcome with music so beautiful.

    we and other entourage went directly to car pool to transfer to a dinner place. after

    our dinner with a group transfer to the hard rock hotel bali not far from Kuta beach.

    the next day we were with a group walk around the bali-round, it would be nice to

    see the sunset from Kuta beach ..

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    The second is fun for me is hiking and mountain climbing Kerinci seven lakes,

    it was my first experience hiking Kerinci, from the foot of the mountain we went for

    a hike sixes. Our mountain climbing as high as 3805 meters above sea level, we

    hiked starting at 12:00 pm, the arrival of the post termination d we set up a tent,

    because it was already going dark,

    on our second day in the morning continuing to pack for our trip to the post dismissal

    of a second, post our two stops to take a break. because mearsa was very tired and

    lunch time, all six of us to cook our lunch.

    After lunch and rest, we continued our's journey to the dismissal of three post, where

    the post is the last post unutuk dismissal.

  • 7/29/2019 satria budi darma



    arrive in the mail stops to three, we hit six of smog, which can separate us, we

    immediately set up a tent, after the tents standing, along with the rain storm came,

    the weather was very, very very cold.

    after the rain stopped, I and my co-whooping the others out of the tent.

    we heard the sound of water is so hard from the top of the mountain, apparently the

    water is water that falls from the top of the mountain when it rains d earlier

    evening arrived, before we slept there the other climber group had just arrived, and

    they join us.

    we all slept very cold temperatures. rested for tomorrow morning.about four in the

    morning we went on a trip to puncang mountain to see the sunrise, the temperature is

    a trip-seven degrees Celsius. the weather was very very cold for me. arrived at the

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    top of the mountain I was very proud and happy because get to the top. because it's

    the first time I climbed the mountain.

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