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Professional Higher EducationMaster’s Programme of Study



LMA authorized personStudy pro-rector Jānis Bērziņš

Riga - 2009

Latvian Maritime Academy, Master’s Programme of Study Tel.: +371 67161114; +371 67161111Flotes iela 5B Fax: +371 67830138Riga, LV-1016 e-mail: LATVIA



INTRODUCTION_____________________________________________________________ 4

1. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES AND TASKS, STUDY RESULTS _________________ 41.1. Objectives and tasks _________________________________________________ 41.2. Study results________________________________________________________ 5

2. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROGRAMME AND COMPLIANCE OF THE PLAN WITH LMA OBJECTIVES AND TASKS, INTERNAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT _ 52.1. Changes in the Programme framework___________________________________ 52.2. Compliance with LMA objectives and tasks ______________________________ 62.3. Internal quality management of the Programme ___________________________ 7


4. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM _________________________________________________ 9

5. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME ________________________________ 105.1. Methods and mode of the study ________________________________________ 105.2. Project/ research activities of the academic staff and their effect on studies______ 115.3. Involvement of students in research projects ______________________________ 12

6. PROSPECTIVE PROGRAMME EVALUATION ______________________________ 126.1. Compliance with the state higher professional education standard______________ 136.2. Inquiries of potential employers ____________________________________ 13

7. STUDENTS 157.1. Number of students in the Programme and short description__________________ 157.2. Number of students matriculated in and discharged from the Programme _______ 157.3. Number of graduates ________________________________________________ 167.4. Students’ inquiries and their results_____________________________________ 167.5. Graduates’ inquiries and their results ____________________________________ 177.6. Participation of students in the improvement of the process of study ___________ 17

8. EVALUATION OF ACADEMIC STAFF EMPLOYED IN THE PROGRAMME _____ 188.1. Short characteristics of academic staff ___________________________________ 188.2. Compliance of the qualifications of academic staff for the implementation of

programme objectives and tasks ________________________________________ 188.3. Number of Doctors of sciences and professors in the sector ____________________ 198.4. Selection, renewal, training and development policy of the academic staff ______ 208.5. Evaluation of quality and competencies of the academic staff ________________ 20

9. FINANCING SOURCES AND PROVISION OF INFRASTRUCTURE _____________ 209.1. Financing sources ___________________________________________________ 209.2. Material and information provision _____________________________________ 20

10. PUBLIC RELATIONS ____________________________________________________ 2210.1. Cooperation with employers _________________________________________ 2210.2. Cooperation with higher educational institutions of Latvia__________________ 2210.3. Cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions ___________________ 22


APPENDIXES (Basic Information)_______________________________________________ 25


P1.1. Study courses included in the Programme and their delivery planning________ 26P1.2 Academic staff responsible for study courses___________________________ 27P1.3 Description of Programme academic staff _____________________________ 28P1.4 Study course annotations___________________________________________ 29P1.5 Standards of Diploma and its Appendixes to be issued on accomplishing the

Programme requirements___________________________________________45

P1.6 List of other documents needed for Programme accreditation and references to their location and receipt possibilities_________________________________ 50

P1.7 The study programme (enrolment in academic year of 2010/2011) 52P1.8 Comparison of Programme with similar programmes in the universities of EU

countries _______________________________________________________ 53P1.9 PROTOCOL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN LMA AND RTU _____________ 55

P1.10 Scientific research biographies of the academic staff – INCLUDED IN SEPARATE VOLUME



The beginning of Master’s programme at the Latvian Maritime Academy can be traced back in 1994 when the Master’s programme “Marine Engineering” was introduced. The implementation of this programme was stopped by the Law on Higher Educational Establishments of the Republic of Latvia, which stated that Master’s studies might be conducted only in universities. Two students of the LMA completed the programme “Marine Engineering” obtaining degree of Master of Engineering. The new wording of the Law on Higher Educational Establishments, which became effective in 2001, enabled non-university higher educational establishments, including the Latvian Maritime Academy, to offer doctoral and professional higher education programmes of Master’s degree studies.

Considering the potentially small number of Master’s degree students, an integrated Master’s degree professional higher education study programme titled “Maritime transport” was established, initially planning two fields of specialization “Management of maritime transport” and “Operation of maritime transport”. The programme has been carried out for several years within part time extramural study course.

The Master’s Study programme titled “Maritime transport” has been first accredited for the period of two years in 2007.

Considering suggestions of Assessment Commission, employers, current and future Master’s degree students as well as taking into account the experience and conclusions of LMA during the programme implementation, it has been significantly developed in post-accreditation period in number of ways:

The full-time studies have been introduced since the beginning of the academic study year of 2008/2009;

The content and range of study courses, included in the programme have been gradually improved by attracting highly qualified experts both from Latvia and abroad for programme implementation;

Further enrolment (beginning with academic year of 2010/2011) into programme is planned in three fields of specialization corresponding to the professional Bachelor’s degree study programmes already offered by LMA: “Port and shipping management”, ‘Maritime transport – navigation” and “Maritime transport – ship engineering”;

Other improvements have been put into effect.

1. Programme objectives and tasks, study results

1.1. Objectives and goalsThe objective of Master’s programme: profound acquisition of professional and creative

knowledge, skills and abilities directed towards innovation and research work in transport sector, ensuring the implementation and formation skills of new technology, methods and systems which allow successfully integrate into the international maritime labour market of knowledgeable and skilful professionals, as well as continuing the acquisition of higher level education.

The tasks of the programme are as follows: To ensure the improvement of professional knowledge, which is based on feasible

achievements of practical research; To ensure professional and academic skills in classification of information, the

implementation of perspective results of researches, in creative application of legal documentation, in preparation of brief overviews and useful publications;

To develop the management skills of group work, the formation of productive management, cooperation and skilful capacity building;

To develop perfection skills of process and strategic management provision; To develop skills of human resource management, innovation and change implementation; To develop skills and expertise in pedagogical work.


The necessary detailed objectives and tasks for the achievement of programme goals are determined at the beginning of each academic year and included in the LMA Management report (Appendix P1.6, Item 7).

1.2. The study resultsProfound knowledge and skills acquired for versatile and efficient action in the sector of

maritime transport in the chosen management or operational sphere – in the position of the chief and leading technical experts, educators and researchers, the managers of nterprise/organization/institutional departments and others, as well as for further studies to obtain higher level qualification.

2. Organization of the programme and compliance of the plan with LMA objectives and tasks, internal quality management

Initially established in LMA and further implemented and developed during this accounting period was a single integrated professional higher education Master’s programme of studies “Maritime transport”, that includes directions of further studies and applied research that are most significant for the maritime transport sector (Appendix P1.6, Item 8).

According to LMA Regulation Nr.7 of 24.02.2003. “On Master’s degree Course of Latvian Maritime Academy” (Appendix P1.6, Item 9), the Master’s programme “Maritime transport” was initially developed by the joint working group of LMA under the leadership of LMA Pro-rector. Further development and implementation of the programme up till now is coordinated by the Scientific Council of LMA (Appendix P1.6, Item 10), the Programme Director is the LMA Professor V.Priednieks, but academic performance of students studying for a Master’s degree is supervised by the Senior Specialist of Master’s degree Studies Dipl.paed. I.Škapare.

The Master’s programme is designed following the regulations Nr.481 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia of 20.11.2001.”Regulations on the Sate Standards of the Second Level Higher Professional Education”, based on a system-type approach, defining strictly the framework of programme and its implementation plan (Appendix P1.1) and programmes of specific subjects (Appendix P1.4, Appendix P1.6., Item 32).

2.1. Changes in the programme framework Considering the proposals of Assessment commission, employers, the current and future

Master’s degree students as well as the acquired experience and the conclusions of programme implementation, the essential changes have been twice incorporated into programme in post-accreditation period. (Appendix P1.6, Item 11).

Firstly, starting with the academic year of 2008/2009, to preserve the basic structure, the 3 rd

edition of programme has been introduced (with the corrections in 4 th and 5th edition), where the implementation procedure of programme “B” part i.e. (Limited Choice courses) has been significantly modified, including the content and range of study courses:

Instead of narrowly specialized optional courses, 4 study courses have been determined, to be acquired by all the Master’s degree students of respective specialization, thus embracing all of the significant study and research directions of applied sciences (Appendix P1.6, Item 11): “The organization and management of activities of maritime transport enterprise” / “The technical management of maritime transport enterprise”, “Logistics of maritime transport”/ “The logistics of maritime transport- technical aspects”; “The modern technologies of ship and terminal operations” and “Software in maritime transport assignments”;

2CP are envisaged for optional courses in each of specialization. The other changes have also been made into programme, significant of which are incorporated into the compulsory part “A” of the programme (Appendix P1.6, Item 11):

The new study courses have been introduced: “The process quality management” -2CP; “The Maritime policy and legislation”- 3CP; and “The environmental impact of maritime transport” – 2CP, including study course papers in the latter two, in amount of 1 CP;


The extent of study course “Transport economics and finances” has been increased to 3 CP, additionally including bookkeeping issues, profoundly surveying economic and financial issues, as well as introducing the study work in amount of 1 CP;

Besides, “The scientific seminars” for improving the quality and monitoring of Master’s degree paper completion are transferred to the (E) part of study programme – The state examination.

Secondly, the draft of the new edition has been completed, according to which beginning with the academy year of 2010/2011, students are planned to be admitted into 3 specializations of the programme- basically corresponding to the professional studies of Bachelor’s programme at LMA: “Port and shipping management”, “Maritime transport – navigation” and “Maritime transport – ship engineering” (Chapter 11).

The implemented changes in general allow to improve the study content and procedure and to put into effect the programme according to clients’ demands.

2.2. Compliance with LMA objectives and tasks The Programme is developed in line with the LMA quality policy and basic objective of the

Academy: to provide students with higher professional maritime education and an academic degree, as well as to develop the applied research in order to maintain the intellectual potential of the seafaring sector of the Republic of Latvia, which will help to gain a stable position and recognition in the international maritime education market (Appendix P1.6, Item 4).

The Programme implementation and development plan meets general LMA quality objectives, which according to the LMA quality policy have been set out for a longer period of time (Appendix P1.6, Item 4):

To maintain the quality management system in compliance with the ISO 90001:2000 requirements, meeting the requirements of legislative acts, both local and international;

To update information and material basis of study and research work of LMA; To expand and effectuate international cooperation in the fields of training seafarers and

research, ensuring at the same time attraction of additional resources; To implement the Bologna Declaration ideas in LMA, to provide students with knowledge,

skills and expertise sufficient for successful practical work and competitiveness; To ensure the development both professional education and scientific research activities for

the academic staff of LMA. The Programme fits in organically with the general quality objectives of LMA and promotes

their implementation, fulfilling definite annual quality tasks, for example: The Programme quality management is carried out according to the procedure set out by the

LMA management system (development and maintenance of documentation: instruction and learning, evaluation and implementation of the wishes of our internal and external clients, improvement of information circulation, etc.);

In programme implementation the “Laboratory of applied researches in maritime transport and infrastructure” has been actively used, together with software available in Maritime transportation and Marine engineering departments, research equipment and information sources (Chapter 9.2);

The teaching staff employed to carry out the Programme together with students have established international cooperation with the present partners of SOCRATES/ERASMUS project and others, and are active in establishing new contacts (Chapter 10);

The Programme fulfils one of the goals of the Bologna Declaration, namely, the introduction of a three-stage (Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctor’s) degree system (Stage 2) in the maritime transport sector in Latvia;

The teaching staff of the Programme and the students participate in scientific workshops, scientific and methodical seminars of LMA, as well as in projects and research work (Chapters 5.3 and 8.2);

By maintaining contacts with the companies employing post-graduate students LMA activates its work and expands cooperation with shipping companies and organizations (Chapter 10);

Involvement of post-graduate students to work at LMA as teaching staff promotes the implementation of the Programme aimed at attracting new academic staff (Chapter 8.4).


2.3. Internal quality management of the ProgrammeIn the sphere of higher professional maritime education, LMA maintains certified Quality

Management System (QMS) according to the standards of ISO 9001/9002. The internal quality mechanism of the Master’s programme constitutes a part of this system and its activities are realized according to the procedures outlined in QMS documentation (Appendix 1.6, Item 4, 5, 6).

The preparation of maritime experts in LMA is organized according to the legislative acts of LMA, The Republic of Latvia and international law, through the implementation of processes such as P5 “Enrolment”, P6 “The study process”, P7 “The State examinations”, P8 ”Certification” and other QMS procedures in prescribed order. The competence criteria for the employees are determined by LMA, so that the above mentioned procedures could ensure the preparation of the experts according to the requirements (procedure P2-1 “Personnel management”, P9 “Research activities”), the requirements for basic documents of studies (process P4 “Completion and maintenance of basic study documents”), the requirements for the study process (procedure P6-1”The organization and management of the study process”, P6-3 “Practical training”, P6-4 “The semester tests”, P6-5 “The information support of studies” and others) and the requirements for state examinations (process P7 “The state examinations”).

The following activities are planned in academy to ensure the conformity of newly prepared experts by LMA to the requirements and to increase QMS efficiency: annual management reviews; internal audits; annual self-assessment reports of the study programmes; the inquiry of clients’ satisfaction and other.

The management review meeting in academy takes places once in academic year. The results of the previous academic year are analyzed and the decisions are taken with the respect of the necessary activities within QMS for the next accounting period, i.e. next academic year. The internal audit is carried out according to the annual audit programme of LMA. This is carried out by internal auditing group. The external audit of QMS of LMA is carried out by SIA DET NORSKE VERITAS once in 9 months. The annual study programme self assessment reports are reviewed by the LMA Senate. To determine the satisfaction of LMA clients and other interested parties (students, employers and others), LMA carry out different inquiries.

The activities discussed above in quality management sphere have been carried out in Master’s degree programme: the information has been compiled and analyzed for LMA management review and detailed quality objectives are set for the next academic year (Appendix P1.6, Item7), the measures adopted to rectify the detected inadequacies and the reasons, the annual self assessment reports of the programme provided (Appendix 1.6, Item 26), inquiries carried out (Appendix P1.6, Items 21 and 22).

The monitoring of work of Master’s degree students and teaching staff has been intensively carried out during the accounting period, with particular attention paid to the quality improvement and the management of students’ private assignments. The measures are put into effect with respect to the improvement of information circulation and part time extramural study process.

3. Description of the Programme and study measures

The programme of Master’s degree (Appendix P1.1; Appendix P1.6, Item 11), according to its objective, is aimed at providing an opportunity for further education to both the graduates of maritime programmes of study and graduates of other comparable programmes related to maritime transport. Currently, the programme of study (see the Chapter 11) is organized two basic directions i.e., “Maritime transport management” and “Maritime transport operation”, providing an opportunity for further specialization in each of the given basic directions, registering for limited and free choice (optional) courses, training practice, as well as developing a Master’s paper.

The extent of Master’s programme of study is 60 Latvian credits (90 ECTS credits). The official length of the programme is 1.5 years of full time studies. The total length of studies to obtain a professional Master’s degree in maritime transport is not less than 5.5 years, depending on the length of the previous studies.

To be enrolled in the programme the applicant must have a professional Bachelor’s degree or professional higher education and level five or comparable professional education, which is obtained


after completing appropriate programme of study in the maritime sector, with the right to study for a Master’s degree. Upon fulfilment of the above additional requirements the graduates of comparable programmes can also be enrolled (Appendix P1.6, Item 13).

The qualification gained is that of a professional Master’s degree in maritime transport, with the right to doctoral studies.The framework of the programme and extent of its parts are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1Framework of programme and extent of its parts

Parts of the programme Extent, credit scoreA. Mandatory courses 20 CSB. Courses of limited choice incl. - Specialization study courses - Languages

13 CS11 CS2 CS

C. Free choice (optional) courses 1 CSD. Training practice 6 CSE. Final testing – Master’s degree thesis 20 CSTOTAL: 60 Latvian credits

/90 ECTS credits/

The set of mandatory courses includes: courses that ensure mastering of latest achievements in the theory and practice of transport,

and particularly in the maritime transport sector: “Information technology”, “Transport economics and finances”, “Achievements and problems in maritime transport”, “Maritime policy and legislation” and “The environmental impact of maritime transport” – the total of 12 credits;

courses on research work, innovations, designing and management: “Methodology of research”, “The strategic and operational management”, “The process quality management” – the total of 6 credits;

courses in pedagogy and psychology: “Pedagogy and psychology” – 2 credits.The courses included in this set enable the post-graduate students to familiarize themselves

with new fields (education and psychology, methodology of research); to expand knowledge and skills gained during the previous studies (“The strategic and operational management”, “The process quality management”, “Information technology”, “Transport economy and finances”, “Maritime policy and legislation”, “The environmental impact of maritime transport”); to broadly analyse achievements and problems in the sector of maritime transport in general and in the chosen specialization in particular, to summarize the results in the study paper (“The achievements and problems in maritime transport”). The course papers are also produced in study courses such as “Transport economy and finances” and “Maritime policy and legislation”.

The module of courses of limited choice includes specialization courses and a foreign language. According to the selected basic direction and specific features of a Master’s degree paper, students are required to complete four compulsory and one or two optional courses and improve their foreign language proficiency in the field of study. The programme of two specialization course provides for development and presentation of a study course paper.

The free choice (optional) course module allows the students to improve knowledge, skills and abilities in the chosen field of study.

The amount of credit scores for practical training is 6 that correspond to 6 training weeks. During the period of practical training post-graduate students are acquainted with the innovations and problems in the technologies and management systems of the chosen basic direction of the sector, they realize in practice and assess the topicality of the selected subject for their Master’s degree paper and gain some actual worksite experience in the company (organization) and throughout the sector in general. They collect and systemize materials for the development of a Master’s degree paper, carry out practical research tasks and perform other tasks according to the instructions Nr.4 of LMA of 01.11.2005.“On practical training of LMA Master’s degree students” (Appendix P1.6, Item 15). During the period of practical training the student studying for a Master’s degree participates in the


solution of current and future tasks faced by the company (organization) of his practice, thus improving their technical intellect, organizational qualifications and developing personnel management abilities.

Master’s degree thesis should be based on independently developed qualified, applied, publicly defendable research (Appendix P1.6, Item 16). In their Master’s degree thesis, depending on individual choice, post-graduate students present applied researches into the problems of cargo transportation, port activity and development, maritime transport operation, ships’ power and electric energy equipment and systems operation, human resources management, as well as influence of maritime transport on the environment, and other problems of applied research. While developing the Master’s degree paper students acquire practical skills of publishing of applied / scientific research works.

The brief descriptions of subjects included in the Master’s Programme are given in Appendix P1.4. Courses, their content and extent, as well as work experience requirements are set out in line with the potential employment of the graduates of the programme to be accredited, together with their expected duties and tasks (Appendix P1.6, Item 17). The full description of study courses is available in Master’s Study department of LMA (Appendix P1.6, Item 32). The programme provides for a possibility to transfer the credit points, transferring respective courses of study completed in another university, including foreign universities.

4. Assessment system

The choice of the assessment system in the programme is determined by the binding regulating documents, the mode of study and the previous LMA practice. When assessing the level of academic progress and successful fulfilment of the programmerequirements, two basic principles are applied:

Openness when assessing the knowledge and skills – in conformity with the objectives and tasks of the programme and subjects of study standards of attainment have been established to qualify for a positive assessment of study results;

Mandatory character of the principle of assessment the postgraduate student has to receive a positive assessment with regard to each mandatory and free-choice programme element according to its description.The programme of study is assessed according to the procedure established in the LMA quality

management system in line with the following specific requirements.The basic form of assessment in the programme is a test and exam (Appendix P1.1). The exam

is the final stage in the process of subject mastering within the programme of study/ specialization. The accomplishment of the programme resulting in examination or state examination is

assessed in terms of a 10-point grading scale.Beginning with the Semester II of the academic year 2008/2009, 10-point grading scale is

applied for the tests on programme completion, except for specific cases: the completion of Master’ degree paper in Semesters I and II, as well as the achievements of the part I of practical training is assessed by the advisor of Master’s paper in two grading scale “tested” or “not tested”, in accordance with special regulations of LMA (Appendix P1.6, Item 15 and 16).

The assessment of programme in 10-point grading system is carried out according to common assessment criteria (Table 4.1.)

The aggregate of programmes requirements for positive assessment of study results is given in the subject descriptions and/ or respective LMA guideline.

On successful completion of the programme of study postgraduate students have to present their Master’s Paper to be considered and assessed by the final examination commission according to the regulations of LMA Nr.6 of 23.12.2002. “On the final examinations at LMA” and Nr.7 of 24.03.2003 “On Master’s degree studies at LMA” with amendments (Appendix P1.6, Item 6, 9) in prescribed procedure. The professional Master’s degree is granted on successful completion of the programme, i.e. when the student has received positive assessment and obtained required credit totals for all the programme elements, including presentation of a Master’s thesis.


Table 4.1Assessment scale

Assessment Compliance to programme10 With

distinctionKnowledge exceeds programme requirements, thorough understanding of the problem and ability to carry out independent research

9 Excellent Programme requirements have been met completely, the student has acquired the skills to use his knowledge independently

8 Very good Programme requirements have been met completely, yet the understanding of definite issues is not sufficient to apply the knowledge for solving more complicated problems

7 Good In general, the programme has been mastered in line with the established requirements, yet there is a certain lack of understanding of some less important issues, the student might encounter minor difficulties in the solution of definite practical tasks

6 Almost good In general, the programme has been mastered, yet the understanding of some major problems is not sufficient, the student might encounter difficulties in the practical application of the knowledge acquired

5 Satisfactory Generally the programme has been mastered, yet an insufficient understanding of some important problems has been observed, the student encounters difficulties in the practical application of the knowledge acquired

4 Almost satisfactory

Generally the programme has been mastered, yet an insufficient understanding of some basic concepts has been observed, the student encounters significant difficulties in the practical application of the knowledge acquired

3 Unsatisfactory Knowledge is superficial and insufficient; the student is unable to apply the knowledge in concrete situations

2 Very poor There is only a superficial and fragmentary knowledge on separate problems; the major part of the programme has not been acquired

1 Very, verypoor

There is no understanding of subject problems, the student has practically no knowledge on the subject

5. Implementation of the programme

5.1. Methods and mode of the studyUp till the beginning of the academic year of 2008/2009, only one mode of study was used in

the Master’s degree programme, that of part time extramural courses. The choice of this mode of studies was determined by the specific character of work of a vast majority of postgraduate students, i.e. work at sea on board ships for a period of labour contract followed by vacations, besides the employment-vacation schedules of postgraduate students are individual and different.

During the past few years along with the development shore infrastructure of maritime transport and change of expert generations, the number of new experts who want to work ashore and continue their studies has increased. This initiative of new experts to organize full time Master’s degree studies has been supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia and it has granted the programme “Maritime Transport” the study positions, financed by state budget. Therefore starting form the academic year 2008/2009 Master’s degree studies in LMA is offered in full time mode.

Full time studies are ensured by using the planned classes (lectures, seminars, laboratory/practical works and consultations). The programme acquisition in part time extramural studies takes place through individual studies by way of Master’s degree students’ cooperation with academic staff..

To improve the practical implementation of programme in both of study modes and to approach the new concept “from teaching towards learning”, several measures have been adopted by LMA simultaneously by the implementation of full time study programme (P1.6 Appendix, Item 6, 32):


It is determined that 16 contact lessons have to be realized for one Latvian credit point in full time Master’s degree studies, thus increasing the proportion balance of student’s independent work ;

At the same time, the greater importance is entrusted to the educator, as a supervisor and initiator, mediator and partner in student’s independent work;

The module study approach has been introduced in practical realization of programme, in this way significantly enhancing the possibilities of planned classes and the role for part time extramural students;

The adopted measures have permitted: To attract high level Latvian and foreign experts for the completion of programme study

courses; To activate and improve the study work of part time extramural students; To improve students’ independent work and other.

Training practice is carried out in two parts, granting 3 credit points in Terms II and III according to the Nr.4 LMA Instruction of 01.11.2005. “On training places of Master’s degree students of LMA” with amendments (Appendix P1.6, Item 15).

An essential part in the studies is played by the independent and research work of students: in order to meet the programme requirements students have to develop 5 course papers; in other courses, depending on their capacity, one or two individual assignments; in research workshops they gain practical skills for the development of applied/scientific publications and presentation of papers; postgraduate students report at conferences organized by LMA or other conferences/seminars and /or prepare at least one publication; at the end of studies they have to develop an applied research oriented Master’s Paper (Appendix P1.6, Item 16).

5.2. Project/research activities of the academic staff and their effect on studiesThe Latvian Maritime Academy is a comparatively new university whose academic staff has

mainly been made up of the teaching staff of several other universities of Latvia (also Russia) and therefore the project/research work traditions at the Academy in the maritime transport sector are only under development.

The main directions of project and research activities of the academic staff involved in the Programme are as follows:

Scientific and other publications; Participation at national and international scientific conferences; Management of research projects and programmes of the Latvian Science Council and other

countries or participation in their implementation; Management of internationally funded research projects or participation in their

implementation; Management of scientific contractual works or participation in their implementation; Working as experts in Latvian and international projects and programmes; Patents and licenses; Reviewing of monographs, postgraduate thesis and master’s thesis; Studies in post-graduate or graduate courses; And others.

Project/research activities of the academic staff that are involved in the implementation of the programme of study are shown in greater detail in Chapter 8.

The project/research work and professional activities of the academic staff influence the work in the programme of study in several directions:

Selection of the teaching staff for the implementation of programme elements (Chapter 8.4); The selection of theme and supervisor of Master’s degree paper; The qualifications of the teaching staff are improving and correspondingly their work in the

formation and development of the programme of study and implementation plans, in the updating of the content of different subjects, supervision and assessment of studies, practice and Master’s paper, informative and material provision of studies, etc.;

Promotion of understanding and establishing of links between studies, project/research, creative work and actual professional work;



5.3. Involvement of students in research projects As stated in Chapter 8, the project and research work in the Academy has become active since

2005, achieving the best results in 2008, but in 2009, in conditions of overall crisis, a significant decrease is observed. The involvement of Master’s degree students into research projects during the accounting period has been in line with general activity level of LMA in this sphere.

More than 10 Master’s degree students are involved in research projects which are carried out according to the agreements on scientific activity development by the Ministry of Science and Education: 6projects in 2007, but 1 project in 2008 (Appendix P1.6, Item 18). Within this project postgraduate students perform definite tasks in line with the research direction of their Master’s Paper, for example, I.Kurjanovičs (supervisor: LMA Prof. J. Cimanskis) – “Vibration analysis of ships power plant and machinery”, G.Rijkuris (supervisor: LMA Assoc. Prof. G.Steinerts) – “Advanced navigational equipment for vessels’ safety improvement in harbours and its approaches”; K.Carjova (supervisor Prof. V. Priednieks), A.Unbedahts (supervisor Assoc. Prof. V.Aizenstads), I. Lesinskis (supervisor Prof. K. Krēsliņš) “Further Development of Applied Research into Maritime Transport and Infrastructure”, K.Kirillovs (supervisor Prof. A.Gasparjans) “Technical Diagnostics of Ship Power Equipments” and other.

The Project and its activities, results and prospects have been discussed at the LMA scientific workshops where the postgraduate students report on their part of the Project (Appendix P.1.6, Item 36).

During the last two and a half years postgraduate students with their research works have participated at the 10th and 11th international conference “Maritime transport and infrastructure”, organized by Latvian Maritime Academy and at 11 th, 12th and 13th international conference in Lithuania “Transport means” in the water transport section at the University of Klaipeda.

All in all, LMA postgraduate students during the accounting period have participated in 13 reports, 11 of which are published (Appendix P1.6, Item 19).

The tasks of post graduates in above mentioned projects and the reports at the conferences are generally related to the topics of their Master’s paper (research project).

6. Prospective programme evaluation

At present Latvia is one of the leading country on the East coast of the Baltic Sea and the sector of transport services will play a crucial role in the development of national economy also in the future.

The objective of transport development policy in Latvia is to establish an effective, safe, and environment friendly, multimode, balanced and competitive transport system, with maritime transport constituting an inseparable part of it.

There are several urgent tasks to be fulfilled for complete implementation of national programme, including the national maritime transport development programme. A coordinated development and improvement of professional education and research that are based on a creative mutual co-operation of lecturers, researchers and professionals is of particular importance. For the growth of the transport system a modern technical, technological and management education is required, which comprises a comprehensive knowledge, research capabilities and practical skills that would provide professionals with competitive ability on national and international labour market.

The professional Master’s degree programme of study “Maritime transport” satisfies the interests and needs of our country and society. This is proved both by the compliance of the programme to the state professional higher education standard (Chapter 6.1) and initial examination of the programme carried out by the professional maritime transport organizations (Appendix P1.6, Item 20) prior to its implementation. This is proved by the interest shown about the studies in this programme and support for the extension of studying possibilities (refer to Item 5.1.), as well as the inquiry results from Master’s degree students and the current and future employers (Chapter 6.2., Appendix P1.6, Item 21).


6.1. Compliance with the state professional higher education standard The programme of study “Maritime transport” complies with the Regulation of the Cabinet of

Ministers of the Republic of Latvia No 481 from 20 November 2001 “Regulation on Second Level Professional Higher Education Standard” together with amendments:

The strategic objectives and main tasks of the programme are set out according to the needs of the state, maritime transport and the transport sector in general (Chapter 1);

The Programme volume and total duration of studies for obtaining professional Master’s degree is in line with the requirements;

The amount and mandatory content of the programme are set out according to the requirements of the Standard (Chapter 3);

The programme matriculates the students who have previously obtained a professional Bachelor’s degree or professional higher education graduates or those with level five or adequate professional qualifications, which they have acquired after completing programmes of study in the maritime sector, entitling them to proceed to a Master’s degree. Upon fulfilment of additional requirements the graduates of other comparable programmes of study can also be enrolled (Appendix P1.6, Item 13);

The courses, their content and extent, as well as the content of training practice are defined according to the potential employment challenges, planned obligations and tasks to be faced by the programme graduates (Appendix P1.6, Item 17);

On successful completion of the programme the students are granted the professional Master’s degree in maritime transport;

The acquired degree provides for the right, upon fulfilment of enrolment requirements, to continue studies in a postgraduate (doctoral) programme of study;

The basic principles and formal procedure for evaluating the level of fulfilment of programme requirements according to the established standards are set out in regulating documents of LMA (Chapter 4).

6.2. Results of employers’ inquiries The aim of the programme related inquiries of students and graduates and their current and

potential employers is to find out the perspective evaluation of employers of the programme of study and to listen to their proposals aimed at the improvement and future development of the programme. As the greatest part of programme students work at the enterprises/organizations related to or associated with maritime transport sphere, the respondents for this accounting period were mainly chosen from employers of Master’s degree students. Besides, other enterprises/organizations of potential employers were inquired. Among the respondents is Latvian Maritime administration, Riga Free port authority, “SIA Amber Shipping Line”, “SIA L Project”, “SIA Flagmans”, “SIA Lat Mar Interiors”, “AV Logistic”, “SIA Jūra un Likums”, “SIA Lat B.G.I” and others.(Appendix 1.6., Item 21).

The analyses of answers given in the questionaire provide the following results (See Table 6.1).

Table 6.1.Results of employers’ inquiries

Questions Summary of answers1. How do you evaluate the quality of maritime specialists with higher maritime education trained by the Latvian Maritime Academy?

Enterprises/organizations employing LMA graduates give positive (53%) answers and more positive than negative (47%) answers.

2. Does your organization/enterprise need specialists with a professional master’s degree in maritime transport? If yes, then of what specialization?

Need of specialists with a professional master’s degree in maritime transport: yes –46%; more yes than no –31%, more no than yes -15%; 8% consider that experts with Master’s degree are not necessary.62% of the respondents are satisfied with the present specializations, the rest are proposing new specializations: fleet personnel management, marine law, port management.

3. In which branch and field, according to you, 31% of respondents believe that previous education must be


should the future graduates have higher education prior to starting studies at LMA to be able to qualify for a professional master’s degree in maritime transport?

in transport and traffic sphere, in appropriate sphere of chosen specialization; 23%- in any sphere and branch pertaining to transport; 15%- in any sphere and branch pertaining to maritime transport; 15%- in any sphere of transport and traffic; 15%- in sphere of maritime transport, in appropriate field of chosen specialization.

4. Please give your evaluation of the importance and topicality for your organization/enterprise of researches chosen by postgraduate students.

Upon evaluation of answers in general all mentioned research fields are recognized as topical and useful, however specific mentioning of any other field depends on the particular character of respondent’s activity. The greatest part of respondents admit the research significance in the field of “Management and training of human resources”’- 61%; 46% “Cargo transportation”, 38% “Port operation and development”; 38% “Shipping safety”. In turn, “Port and ship equipment operation” and “The environmental impact of maritime transport” are indicated as less important.

5. The result of master’s studies to a great extent is determined by the quality of cooperation between the Academy and customer – employers. Please assess the forms of possible cooperation between your organization/enterprise and the LMA in the training of postgraduate students.

38.5% of respondents have expressed willingness to participate in the development and upgrading of programmes of study, and about 70% of respondents are ready to provide places of research and practice. Yet, with regard to covering tuition fees all respondents give practically a negative answer, more responsive they seem to be in providing study/informative materials. No other form of cooperation was suggested.

6. What are your suggestions for the improvement of LMA master’s course and cooperation with employers?

38.5% of respondents suggest attracting the guest- lecturers of particular sphere for programme implementation that would promote closer cooperation with employers, ensure more complete information exchange and feedback. 23 % believe that more efficient marketing and advertisement activities are necessary so that the employers would be informed about the training of new experts and take part in the process of study perfection.

After evaluating the results of the inquiries in general and comparing them with the results of previous inquiries and the actual situation within the programme, the following conclusions can be made:

Employers require specialists with a professional Master’s degree in maritime transport; The directions of specialization and research carried out in accordance with the programme

meet the present day desires and needs of employers, still we have to provide an opportunity for postgraduates to conduct studies in other fields favoured by the employers, for instance, fleet personnel management, maritime law, port management and others;

The priority research areas have changed in comparison with previously conducted inquiry. The employers consider the following themes for research important and topical “The management and training of human resources” and “Cargo transportation”;

In comparison with the results of previous inquiry, it is observed that the employers are less willing to take part at the improvement of study programme;

International cooperation should be expanded within the framework of the programme.

The results of employers’ inquiries and comparative analysis indicate that it is necessary for LMA to carry out more efficient marketing and advertisement activities so that the employers would be better informed about the training of new experts and be more interested in active cooperation.

7. Students

7.1. Number of students in the Programme and short description


The number of students in the programme at the time of accreditation is given in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1.Number of students in Programme

(as of 01.11.2009.)

Study form

Term I Term II Term III TOTALSpecialization





Full time 15 2 17 - - - 12 2 14 27 4 31

Part time extramural 3 2 5 1 6 7 5 - 5 14 3 17


18 4 22 1 6 7 17 2 19 41 7 48

Specialization: MTM – Maritime transport management; MTO – Maritime transport operation

One can see that students mostly opt for the specialization “Maritime transport management”.40 out of 48 present students in the programme are graduates of the Latvian Maritime

Academy, the others – graduates form another Latvian higher educational establishments (Riga Technical university, The Institute of Transport and Communications, etc.)

In their professional activity nearly all postgraduate students are connected with the maritime transport sector, several students are involved in the work of LMA and the LMA Marine School as members of the teaching staff.

7.2. Number of students matriculated in and discharged from the Programme The number of students matriculated and discharged from the programme in the accounting

period is broken down by academic years is given in Table 7.2.The comparatively large number of discharged Master’s degree students (~ 20%) can mainly

be explained that due to the seafarer’s specific regime not everybody could successfully follow the Master’s degree study course. There are also other reasons for discharging: domestic reasons, personal decision, failure to adapt to extramural study regime, disappointment in studies, etc.In comparison with the previous accounting period, one can see that the situation has normalized – the largest part of the enrolled part time extramural students, faster or slower, are able to cope with the programme requirements. Particularly great interest is about full time studies, which is explained not

Table 7.2.Number of students matriculated and discharged form the programme

(as of 01.11.2009.)

Study formAcademic year

2007/2008Academic year

2008/2009Academic year

2009/2010 TOTAL

Matric. Discharg. Matric. Discharg. Matric. Discharg. Matric. Discharg. Studyin

Full time - - 7+5* 1+ 1* 18 +4* 1 34 3 31

Part time extramural 14 6 +1* 3 - - 17 7 10

*the number of students who have changed the study form

only by the possibility of state budget subsidized studies but also to use the advantages of this form of studies.


It should be noted that besides the students shown in the table there are some more potential Master’s students, the graduates from professions unrelated to seafaring who have expressed their wish to take up this programme, however prior to admission they have to satisfy additional entry requirement – they have to present an entrance paper.

7.3. Number of graduates At present there are 2 graduates – they have successfully completed the studies in part time

extramural department in June, 2009.There are nearly ready several other part time extramural Master’s degree papers, their final

review and presentation will take place as soon as it is possible for Master’s degree students taking account their job specifics.

The first full time study graduates are expected in January, 2010, when the academic group Nr. 2JT401-08 (14 students) which was enrolled in LMA in 2008, completes their studies.

7.4. Students’ inquiries and their analysis The results of the first type polls are used when implementing the programme of study (Chapter 5).

The Master’s degree students inquiries are aimed at finding out students’ opinions about the programme to be completed and its implementation, as well as listening to their proposals on the improvement of Master’s course at the Academy. The first and the third year Master’degree course students are included in the inquiry. 12 paragraphs (Appendix P1.6, Item 22) are included in questionnary.

The analyses of the answers reveal the following results (See Table 7.3).

Table 7.3Results of inquiry of Master’s degree students

Poll question Summary of answers1. Organization of the process of studies

All questions on the organization of the process of studies are evaluated on the average more as good, except the issue of the study venue and time, which received lower evaluation - rather good than mediocre.For this question the evaluation range is from mediocre (abot.13% of answers) to very good (about 30% of answers).

2. Programme of study The possibilty to choose the study direction and programme extent is evaluated quite differently.For this question the evaluation range is from mediocre (abot.10% of answers) to good (about 10% of answers).

3. Study subjects All questions on study subjects on the average are evaluated approximately similarly –more good than mediocre. For these questions the evaluation ranges from mediocre (abot.16% of answers) to very good (about 14% of answers.

4. Which study subjects, to your mind, should be included in the Master’s programme? Why?

Most respondents (about 90%) regard the proposed list of subjects as sufficient.

Some proposals have been voiced for joining some courses, excluding them from or including them into the programme. 5. Which study courses, to your mind,

are unnecessary in the master’s study programme? Why? 6. Facilities and resources available for the studies at LMA

Provision with training aids, library services, provision with handouts and availability of methodical materials in general were evaluated more as mediocre. For these questions evaluations in general were given in the whole possible spectrum, ranging from unsatisfactory (in 1 case) to – very good (10% of answers).The remaining two questions on the average were evaluated higher: availability of internet resources – more good than mediocre, but availability of consultations – more as good. For these questions the evaluation in general is from mediocre to good.

7. Your recommendations for the improvement of the process of studies and its provision

Acknowledging what has been done in the development and implementation of Master’s programme the respondents advise to continue the work as actively and creatively as before, paying at the same time particular attention to the following fields: To supplement the LMA library funds with literature needed for Master’s


studies; For the exchange of information with graduate students Internet services

should be used to best advantage, which means also updating of LMA website – entering there different types of materials that are needed for Master’s studies;

To attract more high level seafaring professionals and companies/organizations concerned;

Some respondents point to the necessiity of emphasizing more innovations and topicalities in marine transport in the study subjects.

8. Please evaluate to what extent the above circumstances might interfere with your successful completion of the programme of study

Among the circumstances referred to in the inquiry as disruptive is the specific character of work at sea and the insufficiency of teaching aids is considered as partly disruptive.

9. Information circulation All questions as to the information circulation were evaluated more as good than mediocre, except - communication possibilities with the teaching staff received higher evaluation – more as good.

10. Teaching staff The quality of teaching, individual cooperation possibilities between the student and the lecturer, and lecturers’ contacts with graduate students are evaluated on the average as good. For these questions the lowest evaluation –mediocre- was given only in some cases, but in its turn very good evaluation was received in 33% of the answers. The diversity of teaching methods on the average was evaluated as more good than mediocre, while the offered teaching aids are evaluated more as mediocre than good. For these questions on general the lowest evaluation – satisfactory, as well as – very good – were given only in some individual cases.

11. Master’s thesis

The greatest part of respondents (about 75%) evaluate information about the requirements set to the development of Master’s paper and cooperation with the supervisor as good or very good, but some respondents have given unsatisfactory evaluation.

12. Please characterize what helped you to choose the topic of your master’s thesis.

Topicality – 50% of respondents; interest of the employer and connection with the respondent’s future employment prospects – 25%; others, for instance, particular interest of the respondent himself, availability of materials and other – 25%. Some respondents point out difficulty in choosing the topic.

The total average evaluation of the study programme by graduate students is more good than mediocre (3.85 points), of which 18% of answers indicate a very good evaluation, satisfactory – in 3%, but unsatisfactory – in 2% of answers. Much appreciation on the part of respondents was given to cooperation with senior Master’s course specialists and programme managers, communication and cooperation possibilities with the teaching staff. However, technical facilities and programme resources were thought to be inadequate by respondents, especially as far as teaching aids, handouts and library services are concerned.

Summarizing the answers and comparing them with the actual situation in the programme and LMA in general, one can draw the following conclusions: Evaluations given by postgraduate students and voiced suggestions once more emphasize the

weak and strong points of LMA and in general confirm the topicality of quality objectives accepted by the Academy (Appendix P1.6, Item 4);

Evaluations given by postgraduate students and voiced suggestions help determine and define more precisely the specific quality tasks for the improvement of Master’s degree studies.

7.5. Graduates’ inquiries and their analysis At present there are 2 graduates of the programme. On average they have positive evaluation

of LMA Master’s degree studies (Appendix P1.6, Item 22).

7.6. Participation of students in the improvement of the process of studyParticipation of Master’s degree students in the improvement of the process of study is mainly carried out through:

The participation in the inquiries organized by LMA (See Chapter 7.4); Promoting cooperation of LMA with their permanent employment places; Cooperating with the management and implementers programme of study


Supplementing the information provision of study programme with their works (reports, study and Master’s papers and others) and newly acquired aids (books, catalogues, CDs, etc.). .

8. Evaluation of academic staff employed in the Programme

Implementation of the Master’s degree programme is carried out mainly by the departments and chairs of Latvian Maritime Academy according to their core activities. Additionally there are attracted highly qualified seafaring specialists, and also the teaching staff of Riga Technical University (RTU) and other Riga universities. In the accounting period, for the first time of the programme implementation the certain study courses are completely ensured by foreign teaching staff – namely, by the guest professors V.Paulauskas and V.Smailys form the Maritime Faculty of Klaipeda University and Maritime University, respectively, as well as by guest lecturer M. sc.jur. S.Lielbarde, who is now continuing her studies at the University of Lunda (Sweden) for obtaining the second Master’s degree in maritime law (Appendix P1.10).

8.1. Short characteristics of academic staff Short characteristics of academic staff involved in programme implementation is given in

Table 8.1

Table 8.1Short characteristic of academic staff of programme

TogetherNumber of academic positions Scientific or academic degree

Professors Assoc.Prof.

Assist. Prof.

Lecturers Dr.Habil. Dr. Masters

22 8 7 2 5 5 8 7

8.2. Adequacy of the qualifications of academic staff for the implementation of Programme objectives and tasks

The qualifications of the academic staff engaged in the programme are appropriate to satisfy general objectives and tasks of LMA (Appendix P1.6, Items 4 and 7). The programme, apart from optional courses and electives, training practice and final examinations, engages more than 57% of all elected LMA academic staff. Altogether the elected academic staff of LMA constitutes 50% of all those involved in the programme implementation (Appendix P1.2, P1.3).

During the accounting period LMA continues to organize international conferences “Maritime transport and infrastructure” and to publish the collection of conference materials, which starting with 2007 has acquired the status of periodical issue. The teaching staff of the Master’s study programme has an omportant role in procedure of LMA conferences.

In the Programme Committee of LMA 10th and 11th International conference for corresponding 16/15 members were 8/7 foreign representatives and 6 represented the teaching staff of involved in the implementation of Master’s programme. The Conference Steering Committee was made up of 9 members 5 of whom were members of the teaching staff of the Master’s degree programme. The reports /articles at these conferences produced by the programme teaching staff is respectively 18/8 from the total number of 49/29 reports /articles. Prof. V. Priednieks acted as Head of the Programme Committee and Steering Committee.

The programme director Prof. V.Priednieks is the science pro-rector of LMA during the accounting period, but assoc. Prof. J. Kokars – the head of the Research and development centre.

LMA teaching staff is carrying out project and research work mainly in the directions set forth in the science sub-sector “Maritime transport and infrastructure”:

– Cargo transportation systems, port operation and development;


– Maritime transport operation (general issues – ship navigation, navigation safety, etc.);– Operation of ships’ power and electric equipment and systems (diagnostics, modelling,

maintenance, etc.);– Impact of maritime transport operation on the environment;– Human resources management – selection and training of maritime transport staff.The teaching staff of the programme at present participates in the implementation of several

research and other projects. The most comprehensive are the research projects of 2007 and 2008 that were completed

according to the contracts of Ministry of Science and Education and Latvian Maritime Academy about the development of scientific activities in LMA: 6 in 2007, but in 2008 – one research project (Appendix P1.6, Item 18). These projects are aimed at the development of scientific activities and infrastructure of the Academy and getting young professionals interested in starting an academic career. It includes 48 project implementers, 26 out of whom are students (students, Master’s degree course and Doctor’s degree course students) and 11 programme teaching staff. The teaching staff of the programme including Prof. J.Brūnavs, J.Bērziņš, J.Cimanskis, A.Gasparjans and Prof.V.Priednieks (with 2 projects) are supervisors of 6 projects.

In the meantime, the second stage “MarEng Plus” (with the duration period from 2008-2010) of the project “MarEng” is being implemented within the framework of Leonardo da Vinci project with the ongoing successful work started at the preparation of maritime English manual. The main participants of “MarEng” project are maritime educational establishments of Belgium, Finland, Poland, Spain and Great Britain. S.Pakalna, Maritime English lecturer, participates in this project (Appendix P1.6, Item 25).

As a partner of higher educational establishment, LMA has enrolled in preparation of two INTERREG IVB project applications, called “Baltic Co-0peration in Maritime Education and Training” and “Marine focus”. In the Steering Group of LMA there are several members of the programme teaching staff (Prof. J.Brūnavs, V.Priednieks, assoc. Prof. J.Kokars, assoc. Prof.G.Šteinerts) who have participated at the international seminars in Wismar (Germany) and Gdynia (Poland) and others. Unfortunately, neither of projects has received EU funding yet. Meanwhile the applications are reviewed to be submitted in the next round.

In 2009, the agreement with the State Water Communications University of St. Petersburg has been signed. The preparation works are in progress for initiating the ERASMUS MUNDUS project. The new international Master’s degree programmes in a transport sphere will be developed within the project in cooperation with higher educational establishments from Poland, Finland, Lithuania and Russia.

Several persons from the programme teaching staff have worked abroad, for instance, Assoc. Prof. H.Šimkuva, has been repeatedly engaged in research work in different institutions in Austria and Germany, Assist. Prof. I.Rozenštrauha has worked in the Technical Institute of Fridrich Shiller Jena University (Germany).

Several persons from the programme teaching staff are members of the Professors’ Board and Promotional Board of LMA, RTU and other higher educational establishments (Prof. J.Cimanskis, Prof. G.Gasparjans, Prof. V.Priednieks, and others), as well as from LMA and RTU, Kaunas University (Lithuania), including other members of international conference Steering Committees (Prof. J.Brūnavs, Prof. J.Cimanskis, Prof. A.Gasparjans, Prof. V.Priednieks and others).

Project/research activities and results of the academic staff are shown in greater detail in Appendix P1.10.

8.3. Number of Doctors of sciences and professors in the sectorThe Programme is being implemented in the sub-sector “Maritime transport and

infrastructure”, Sector of Transport and Traffic. In this sub-sector LMA has 5 professors, 1 habilitated doctor and 2 doctors. There is one habilitated doctor in the transport sector.

8.4. Selection, renewal, training and development policy of the academic staffImprovement of the qualifications and professional competences of the teaching staff and

general staff, as well as organization of a modern educational and training basis in Daugavgrīva are


the main tasks of the Academy’s management (Extracts from LMA Quality Policy), (Appendix P1.6, Item 4).

Implementation of the first task falls under one of the five general LMA quality objectives – ”To ensure the development of scientific research and professional pedagogical work of the teaching staff of the Academy”. This objective has been defined for a longer period and in the LMA Quality management system a substantial attention is paid to its achievement (relevant regulating documents have been developed and maintained; concrete activities are defined in the Annual LMA Management Report; these activities are being monitored, etc.).

In the field of selection, renewal, training and development of the academic staff the most important activities at present are as follows:

Selection of the academic staff is carried out in line with the principles and procedure outlined in Quality Management System documents (Appendix P1.6, Item 5 and 6);

A programme for renewal and professional growth programme of the academic staff has been developed and, as much as possible, is being implemented (Appendix P1.6, Item 27);

Introduction of a system of three-step (Bachelor’s - Master’s – Doctor’s) programme in LMA is under way;

Development of project and research activities is facilitated (Research and Development Centre established, activity of LMA Scientific Council renewed, Laboratory of Applied Researches has been established, international cooperation agreements are signed and implemented (Gdynia Naval Force Academy), research and other practical projects are being implemented; annual LMA International conferences are being held and conference proceedings published, LMA Students’ Scientific Union has been established, etc.), (Appendix P1.6);

Studies, in-service training, lecturing and other activities of the teaching staff abroad are facilitated. The most often used form of work is mobility of the teaching staff within the framework of SOCRATES ERASMUS project. (Appendix P1.6, Item 25).

8.5. Evaluation of quality and competences of the academic staffThe qualifications and competences of the academic staff are sufficient to provide professional

training for students enrolled on the Master’s course in maritime transport and ensure that postgraduate students successfully acquire all the necessary research skills, theoretical knowledge, experience and competences.

9. Financing sources and provision of infrastructure

9.1. Financing sources Master’s studies are financed by state budget, postgraduate students themselves or by third

persons. Master’s degree study budget can be increased by earmarked donations from Latvian and foreign institutions or private persons (Appendix P1.6, Items 9, 30 and 39).

9.2. Material and information provision Programme implementation is generally ensured by the present LMA material and information

base in Daugavgriva, 5B, Flotes Street that is constantly upgraded. The total number of lecture-rooms is 40, total area about 4000m2, including study laboratories

and mechanical shops. Several lecture-rooms are equipped with fixed multi-media projectors. The teaching staff can use OHP, videocameras, videoplayers, videocassettes and multimedia projectors.

In the Academy there are 4 computer classrooms from 9 to 14+1 (lecturer’s) work places each.


The Academy has the following study laboratories, shops and trainers: In the Ship Engineering Department – diesel engine laboratory; ships’ engine room simulators;

locksmith’s, metal processing and welding workshops; electrical machinery laboratory; electrical engineering laboratory; electronics laboratory and ships’ automatic devices laboratory;

In the Maritime Transport Department – navigation laboratory and laboratory of technical devices for ship navigation; GMDSS simulator and tanker cargo simulator; ARPA, RADAR simulators; ECDIS.

For the modernization of infrastructure a new modern electric- and gas welding shop with 20 work places is being arranged, new stands – electric motors and generators are being purchased, there are applications for EU co-financed projects on the installation of modern bridge simulator in LMA. Training floating aids at the disposal of LMA which are located in Daugavgrīva port, Pilot channel – a training pontoon Kadets and a training ship Partner I, which will help students to acquire skills required for safety of life at sea, as well as other theoretical and practical professional skills.

In 2006, the Academy put into operation a renovated 2-storey building housing the newly established Study Centre (total area 6000 m2) and the Applied Research Laboratory as well as LMA Master’s studies, Research and Development Centre and Conference Hall.

The task of LMA Study Centre is to ensure efficient informative and technical support to LMA study process. In the Study Centre it is possible to prepare and print out documents (reports, course and graduation papers, etc.), with total number of 23 computer work stations, equipped with both local and international internet access as well as to possibility to photocopy and scan different materials.

An essential part of Study Centre is the Library with a Reading Room (40 work places), where the readers are given free access to the Reading Room stock (see At present the Library has 1550 registered readers, including 79 teaching staff. The average number of Library’s visitors is about 1600 per month. The Library’s stock has 35 000 units – mainly educational literature - special (on maritime topics) and general education literature – in the Latvian, Russian and English languages, as well as encyclopaedias and dictionaries (translating and explanatory). To successfully master Maritime English there are available teaching aids developed by five members of EU countries within the framework of Leonardo da Vinci project, and audio-visual materials (Chapter 8.2). In the Library there are available training aids developed by the teaching staff of the Academy. Among authors there are teaching staff of Master’s degree study programme: Assoc. Prof. V. Barkāns, Prof. A.Gasparjans, Assoc. Prof. R.Indriksons, lect. A.Rivošs, Prof. J.Cimanskis and others. Many publications of above mentioned authors are now available electronically in local LMA network. In the Library one can regularly read periodicals of the sector (Baltic Transport Journal, IMO News, Hydro International, Scandinavian Shipping Gazette, Maritime Reporter, Diesel and Gas Turbine Worldwide, World Port Development, Morskoj Flot, Sudostrojenije). The Library updates the seafaring sector regulating documents, for example, IMO Conventions and different codes (Marpol, SOLAS, STCW), it is possible to use the entity of international legislative acts in electronic KR-CON mode in the library of LMA. The Library stocks are increased with contemporary Latvian and foreign publications, through LMA purchase and donations of private persons. Provision of Master’s degree study programme with textbooks, as far as possible, is being improved according to a list (Appendix P1.6, Item 31).

Since 2003 the stock of LMA library has been systemized in the electronic catalogue Latvijas izglītības informatizācijas sistēma (LIIS) (Latvian Education Information Processing System) (http: //, but now due to the current situation with LIIS, different options are searched and evaluated to implement new automation system of LMA library.

The Applied Research Laboratory for Maritime Transport and Infrastructure was established in October 2006. Its aim was to promote scientific activities and development of infrastructure in LMA. In the Applied Research Laboratory students have access to two high capacity computers with Office software, text identification software and several specialized softwares for applied research (Mathcad with appendixes, Mathlab with appendixes, Logistics Simulation Software complex, Software for QFD and others).

Information technology. Academy has an internal communication network, which connects structural units of Academy, including Internet and e-mail. The special network address is available for students, where the can get acquainted with the methodological materials prepared by teaching


staff. Each department has 1-8 computers. There are more than 10 softwares and about 100 training CDs. In the Study Centre students have access to 16 computers with Office software, Internet and e-mail. The computer classrooms have a separate network, which is linked to the local computer network of Academy, and Internet. The computer classrooms have the text editing, database and design softwares, for training also other special softwares are used.

Where necessary the material and information provision is supplemented, making use of services of other organizations/institutions, e.g. the Training Centre of the Latvian Shipping Agency, Riga Technical University, etc.

10. Public relations

10.1. Cooperation with employers Cooperation with current and potential employers is established in four directions:

Preparation and development of the programme of study – study course implementation, inquiries of employers (Chapter 6.2); attraction of high class professionals from the specialists of employers (Chapter 8) etc;

Development of Master’s paper and provision of practical training – choice of research topic according to the needs of employers; choice of the supervisors of master’s thesis (practice) or consultants for the specialists of employers; practice at the employer’s facilities;

The state examination provision of Master’s studies- involvement of employer’s experts into reviewing of Master’s papers and into the work of state examination commission;

Other directions – involvement of prominent specialists of education and transport sectors in the LMA Councillors’ Convent; improvement of material/informative provision of studies; covering of study fees, etc.

10.2. Cooperation with higher educational institutions of LatviaIn the field of maritime transport and its operation the master level professional study

programme to be accredited is the only one in Latvia. LMA cooperates with the implementers of similar level study programmes in other fields of

transport and communication sector in Riga Technical University (RTU). In RTU the cooperation partners of LMA are Institutes of Transport Vehicle Technologies, Motor Transport and Motor Engineering technology and Production Quality institutes. LMA cooperates also with the Chair of Modelling and Simulation of RTU Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, which is one of the leading institutions in Latvia in the field of logistics. The main cooperation directions are as follows: involvement of the teaching staff of the above RTU structural units in the implementation of the study programme to be accredited (Chapter 8), cooperation in the organization of international conferences and participation in the collected articles, cooperation in project and research work (examination, consultations, work in joint projects, etc.), attraction of professors in work in the professors’ boards and post-graduate boards of higher educational institutions, provision of places of practice for students, other activities aimed at in-service training of the staff of higher educational institutions (also teaching staff), supervision of a Master’s thesis, etc. (Appendix P1.10; Appendix P1.6, Items 23 and 24).

10.3. Cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions During programme implementation LMA has established close cooperation with several

foreign higher educational institutions: Antwerp Maritime University (Belgium), the University of Applied sciences of Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshafen and, particularly, with its Navigation Institute (Germany), the Maritime Technology Faculty of Klaipeda University and Marine Institute (Lithuania), Gdynia Maritime Academy (Poland), Szcecin Maritime University and St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications.

The main directions of cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions are: mobility of students, mobility of teaching staff, participation in programme committees of international conferences, participation at international conferences, other activities aimed at in-service training of


LMA staff (also teaching staff) (for instance, study visits, etc.), cooperation in project and research work, etc... (Appendix P1.10; Appendix P1.6, Items 23, 24 and 25., etc).

Within the framework of SOCRATES ERASMUS project, in 2009 the lectures in LMA have been delivered by Prof. Z.Jozwiak, the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Transport Engineering Sciences of Szcecin Maritime University, Prof. W.Tarelko, the dean of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of Gdynia Maritime Academy and Prof. K.Rudzki. In the meantime the soon-to be accredited Master’s degree student I.Kurjanovičs is studying at the Szcecin Maritime University.

More detailed information about cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions is given in Chapter 8.

11. Development plan for the programme of study

The basis for further development of the programme is the proposals submitted by Assessment Commission, employers, current and future Master’ s degree students, as well as the experience and conclusions accumulated by LMA during the implementation of programme “Maritime Transport”.

The programme development plan is prepared according to the quality objectives and policy of LMA, including the folllowing main development trends: (Appendix P1.6., Item 4., 7.):

1. Programme of study: To maintain the programme according to the objectives and tasks of LMA in line with

requirements of internal and external legislative acts, the sector development tendences, as well as the evaluated desires and necessities of clients of LMA (employers, post graduates, etc.);

To prepare and further develop the new programme (Appendix P1.7.) and the resources for its implementation for students enrolement in the academic year of 2010./2011;

2. Students: To popularize more the advantages of Master’s degree education and advertise a

possibility to study in the programme “Maritime transport”, particularly in related enterprises/organizations

3. Methods anf forms of organization of studies: To intrduce pedagogical training for Master’ s degree students beginning with the

academic year 2010/2011; Using the employers support, practical training of students partly to conduct in industry

companies; To increase interactive teaching methods in LMA.

4. Informative and material provision of studies: To supplement the LMA library’s stocks with new sources of literature needed for

Master’s studies; To provide postgraduate students with the access to modern IT hardware and specialized

software in the LMA Laboratory of Applied Research for the development of a Master’s thesis.and supplement the stocks of LMA library with new sources of literature needed for the graduate course;

To improve handouts, to improve and supplement other methodical materials; To participate as far as possible in the improvement of material and technical basis.

5. Academic staff: For the insuring of studies to attract more high level sector professionals (for the teaching

of specialized courses or definite topics), among them also specialists of interested employers;

To promote and support the studies of the teaching staff in Master’s courses and postgraduate courses, as well as other activities aimed at the in-service training;


To promote and support participation of the teaching staff in LMA project and research work, participation in scientifice workshops and at conferences, as well as publication of scientific articles and methodic workouts.

6. Research work: To stimulate participation of postgraduate students in projects, research work; To motivate and support participation of postgraduate students at scientific conferences

and in collected articles

7. Cooperation: To expand and improve cooperation with employers and employers’ organizations

through cooperation forms acceptable for both parties; To expand international cooperation within the framework of SOCRATES ERASMUS etc.

projects with the existing partners, to establish new contacts and to implement new cooperation forms;

To continue work in a project working group of ERASMUS MUNDUS for establishing international Master’s study programme in transportation sector (Chapter 8.2.).

8. For insuring further sudy possibilities of programme graduates and for the renewal of LMA teaching staff to facilitate organization of LMA doctoral studies in the science sub-branch “Maritime transport and infrastructure”, and launching of a respective post-graduate study programme.

After the programme accreditation each year to carry out the self-evaluation of programme and work

Self assessment approved at the meeting of LMA Senate on 16.11.2009, (protocol No 118)

Chairman of LMA Senate V.Priednieks




APPENDIX P1.1Study courses included in the Programme and their delivery planning




Academic staff responsible for study coursesLMA Study Programme: „MARITIME TRANSPORT” (code 46 525), Programme cipher

JT401Level of Study: Professional higher education Master studyOfficial length of the Programme: 1.5 years of full-time studies or 3 years of part-time studies

60 Latvian credit points (CP), 90 ECTS credits

Access requirements: Professional bachelor degree or professional higher education and fifth-level or adequate professional qualifications obtained upon completion of a respective maritime study programmes, which provide access to master studies. Graduates of other related programmes of study may be enrolled on fulfilling additional entry requirements

Qualification: Professional master degree in Maritime Transport

Access to further study: Access to doctoral studiesEnrolment starts in 2009/2010


Responsible academic staff

A. COMPULSORY COURSES 20/301. Information Technology 2/3 Prof. A.Gasparjans2. Proceses Quality Management 2/3 Prof.

V.Priednieks3. Methodology of Research 2/3

V.Barkāns, Dr.hist. H.Šimkuva

4. Achievements and Problems in Maritime Transport 2/3 Prof. J.Brūnavs5. Transport Economics and Finances 3/4,5 Dr.oec. J.Kasalis, J.Kokars6. Strategic and Operational Management 2/3 Lect. I.Rezepina7. Pedagogy and Psychology 2/3 Dr.hist. H.Šimkuva8. Shipping Policy and Maritime Law 3/4,5 G.Šteinerts, I.Plankova9. Influence of Maritime Transport on an Environment 2/3 Prof.Habil.Dr. V.SmailysB. RESTRICTED OPTION 13/19,5 B1. Specialization Courses 11/16,5 B.1.1. Maritime Transport Management 111. Organization and Management of Enterprises of Maritime Transport

3/4,5 J.Brūnavs

2. Maritime Transport Logistics 3/4,5 Prof.Habil.dr. V.Paulauskas3. Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and Terminal 1/1,5 Dr.oec. J.Kasalis, A.Unbedahts4. Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

2/3 G.Upītis, Lect. A.Rivošs

5. Optional Course: Analysis and Management of Supply Chains

2/ A.Ļevčenkovs

Innovative Technologies in Cargo Carriage Lect. D.Slotiņš International Maritime Law on carriage by sea Lect. S.Lielbārde

B.1.2. Operation of Maritime Transport 111. Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and Terminal 3/4,5 Dr.oec. J.Kasalis,

Assist. prof. A.Unbedahts2. Technical Management of Enterprises of Maritime Transport

3/4,5 J.Brūnavs

3. Maritime Transport Logistics – Technical Aspects 1/1,5 Prof.Habil.dr. V.Paulauskas4. Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

2/3 G.Upītis, Lect. A.Rivošs

5. Optional Course: Modelling and Diagnostics of Technical Systems in

Maritime Transport

2/3Prof. A.Gasparjans

Strength, Dynamics and Stability of Power Plants Prof. R.Indriksons


International Maritime Law on carriage by sea Lect. S.Lielbārde B2. Foreign Languages 2/31. English Language 2/3 Lect. A.ĶepalsC. FREE OPTION 1/1,51. Intellectual property. Patent

J.CimanskisD. PRACTICAL TRAINING 6/9 Supervisors of Master’s thesisE. STATE EXAMINATION: 20/301. Master Thesis, including: Scientific Workshops



Supervisors of Master’s thesis (Appendix P1.6., Item 24.)Prof. V.Priednieks

APPENDIX P1.3Description of Programme Academic Staff

Name, surname PositionScientific or

academic degreeElected or

employed for a definite period

Study courses to be delivered

1. J.Bērziņš Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Maritime education and training systemSupervision of Master’s thesis

2. J.Brūnavs Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Achievements and Problems in Maritime TransportOrganization of ship and shipping companies’ operationSupervision of Master’s thesis

3. J.Cimanskis Professor Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing. Elected Strength, Dynamics and Stability of Power PlantsIntellectual property. Patent Supervision of Master’s thesis

4. A.Gasparjans Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Information technology Modelling and Diagnostics of Technical Systems in Maritime Transport Supervision of Master’s thesis

5. V.Paulauskas Professor Habil.Dr. For a definite period Maritime Transport Logistics 6. V.Priednieks Professor Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing. Elected Processes Quality Management

Scientific Workshops Supervision of Master’s thesis

7. V.Smailys Professor Habil.Dr. For a definite period Influence of Maritime Transport on an Environment

8. G.Upītis Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. For a definite period Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

9. V.Uzārs Emer. Professor Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing For a definite period Marine electric propulsion technologies 1. V.Barkāns Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing For a definite period Methodology of research

Mathematical methods in maritime transport tasks

2. R.Indriksons Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Strength, Dynamics and Stability of Power Plants

3. J.Kasalis Assoc. Prof. Dr. oec. For a definite period Transport Economics and Finances Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and TerminalSupervision of Master’s thesis

4. J.Kokars Assoc. Prof. M.A.S.S. Elected Transport economics and finances Supervision of Master’s thesis

5. G.Lauža Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Marine electric propulsion technologies6. A.Ļevčenkovs

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Ing. For a definite period Analyses and management of supply chains Supervision of Master’s thesis

7.H.Šimkuva Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hist. Elected Methodology of researchPedagogy and PsychologyScientific Workshops

G.Šteinerts Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Engineer Elected Shipping Policy and Maritime LawSupervision of Master’s thesis

1. I.Plankova Assist. Prof. M.A. in Maritime Law

For a definite period Shipping Policy and Maritime LawSupervision of Master’s thesis

2. A.Unbedahts Assist. Prof. Dipl Engineer Elected Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and


Terminal1.A.Ķepals Lecturer M.A. in Pedagogy For a definite period English language2. S.Lielbārde Lecturer M.A. in

International and European Law

For a definite period International Maritime Law on carriage by sea

3. S.Pakalne Lecturer M.A. in Linguistics Elected English language4. I Rezepina Lecturer M.A. in Business

management For a definite period Strategic and Operational Management

5. A.Rivošs Lecturer M.A. in Computer Science

Elected Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

6. D.Slotiņš Lecturer M.A. in Transport Systems Engineering

For a definite period Innovative Technologies in Cargo Carriage


Study courses annotations



A1. Information TechnologyResponsible lecturer: Prof. Aleksandrs Gasparjans

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subjectCredit points


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper Test

1 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours* 48hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions, develop a report)


- FT32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Modern data processing, storage and transmission technologies. Types of information systems and modern methods for the use of information technology. Basic problems of information technology in the study course are linked to the use of IT in ship movement control at sea and in ports. To acquire practical skills and expertise the students carry out lab/practical assignments and develop a report.

A2. Proceses Quality Management

Responsible lecturer: Prof. Valdis Priednieks

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours * 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- FT32 hours * 48 hours *

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies


Quality management systems and process management: development level of management system; integrated management systems, the most common management system models and standards (EFQM, CAF, Investors in Excellence, ISO 9001.2008); the new role of quality management in 21st century; the process management – the central axis of quality system; process characteristics/criteria; the methods of process management; combination of processes and strategies. The project for process improvement (DMAIC methodology): defining the project; SIPOC model; the inquiry of current status-productivity analysis and research of process and measurement system; the identification of major causes/impacts; the development and testing of provided solution; the implementation of optimized solution and guarantees of its durability. To gain practical skills and expertise the students carry out individual assignments.

A3. Methodology of Research

Responsible lecturer: Assoc. prof. V. Barkāns, Dr.hist. H.Šimkuva

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours * 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- FT32 hours * 48 hours *

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The scientific criteria in research work, the science as the form of public awarenes have been analyzed in study course, new scientific development conceptions are characterized, the understanding of research work stages is provided. The current issues related to transport sectors are analyzed together with specifics of research methodologies. To strengthen the practical skills abilities students carry out individual assignments.Discrete and continual case values, the rules of probability division, their determination based on the results of experiments and observation, method of smaller squares, mathematics statistical elements, credibility intervals, examination of hypothesis, the methods of obtaining statistical data.

A4. Achievements and Problems in Maritime Transport

Responsible lecturer: Prof. J.Brūnavs

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 2/3

1 KP

1 KP FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical



1 KP FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies


Maritime transport novelties. Development tendencies and technological topicalities. Short sea shipping development and problems. The organization of ship operation and fleet development. The organization and topicalities of commercial operation of ships. The highlights and organization of ships’ technical operation. Technical and technological novelties in shipbuilding, the market tendencies of shipbuilding and repair.The current themes taken from the professional maritime periodicals or internet resources have to be examined in the study work and the comprehension has to be demonstrated on the achievements and problems in maritime transport, the ability to form independent judgment, to form critical attitude towards expressed opinions, to propose new approaches and innovative conceptions to problem solutions. A5. Transport Economics and Finances

Responsible lecturer: Dr.oec. J.Kasalis, J.Kokars

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 2/3

2 KP

- Ex.32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical


3 1/1,5 - 1 KP -

TOTAL 3/4,53 KP

1 KP Ex. 32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The course gives insight into the forms of maritime enterprises and their specifics, the calculation of revenues and expenses of ship’s voyage, the risk insurance and introduces to international documents concerned with activities of maritime transport. The course provides knowledge about basics of funding, financial reviews, their analysis, ways of financing, evaluation of investments, introduces to the contents of a financial plan.To acquire practical skills students present course paper: based on calculation they present the options of ship acquisition through comparison of leasing and crediting.

A6. Strategic and Operational Management

Responsible lecturer: Lect. I.Rezepina

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours * 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; develop a report)

2 KP


TOTAL 2/3 - FT32 hours * 48 hours *

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Development tendencies of management theory. The essence and meaning of strategic management. The process of strategic management. The internal and external surroundings of organization. The management functions. The forms of organizations’ strategies. The tasks of the operative management. Strategic and operational planning within the organization. The decision taking process within the organization. The role of information in management process.To master practical skills and expertise students develop a course paper.

A7. Pedagogy and Psychology

Responsible lecturer: Dr.hist. H.Šimkuva

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours * 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- FT32 hours * 48 hours *

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The study course deals with theories of pedagogical work, it develops understanding about psychology and pedagogy issues, linked to the understanding of socio-psychological processes in different maritime transport related sectors. It examines the essence and development of knowledge-based society, adult learning features. It considers the importance of conclusions of general pedagogy and social, personal and organization psychology when in interrelations within an organization/company. For mastering practical skills and expertise students carry out independent assignments.

A8. Jūrniecības politika un likumdošana

Responsible lecturer: G.Šteinerts, I.Plankova

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 2/3

2 KP

- Ex.32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical


2 1/1,5 - 1 KP

2 KP


TOTAL 3/4,5 1 KP Ex.32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Maritime law as the part of the common international law. Legal relationships as the result of common sea management. Legal regime of sea-waters. The acquisition of standards of maritime law and their practical application in issues related to maritime transport. To master practical skills and expertise, the course paper is to be developed on international convention and the situation of implementation of EU legislation both in Europe and Latvia.

A9. Influence of Maritime Transport on an Environment

Responsible lecturer: Prof. Habil.dr. V.Smailys

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 2/3

1 KP

1 KP FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical



1 KP FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

In a theoretical part of the program the main attention is given to studying of components of sea transport (seagoing ships and port complexes) as sources of unfavourable influence on sea environment and its pollution by harmful substances. Their relation to global problems of environment degradation, and also ways, technologies and the equipment, used on marine ships for restriction and diminution of these influences, abolishing of their consequences is estimated.

The course work, included in the program of a subject, is carried out by students under individual tasks. In each task self-dependent preparation of the scientific analysis of one of actual problems of influence of marine transport on environment is provided. At formation of subjects of course works, the preference is given to problems of Baltic sea and marine transport complex of Latvia. To course work demands are made as to the report on scientific conference. Procedure of its maintaining includes the preparation and public presentation of main thesis at a group seminar.


B11.1. Organization and Management of Enterprises of Maritime Transport

Responsible lecturer: Prof. J.Brūnavs, lect. S.Lielbārde

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper



1 1/1,5

1 KP

- -16 hours * 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical


2 2/3

1 KP1 KP Ex.

16 hours * 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical


TOTAL 3/4,52 KP

1 KP Ex.32 hours * 48 hours *

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The organization, types of activities and specialization of the shipping companies. The establishing, operation and cancelling of the operation of commercial entities. The management and representation issues of commercial entities. The rights and duties of the share holders, management institution and creditors in relation to the operation of the commercial entity. Cooperation and dividing of the functions and risk of the ship’s commercial and technical managers. The choice of ship’s flag and functions and basis of operation of classification societies. The organization of ship’s purchase and ship building. Types of carriage of goods. Ship’s chartering, types of chartering and duties and liability of the parties. Chartering with payment by instalments. The specification of commercial activity for different types of the ships. Planning of expenditure, crew and repair for the voyage. Recruiting of the crew. Organization of cargo operations, cargo claims. Shipping agents, agency contracts, disbursement expenses and control. An insurance, types of insurance, insurance clubs and operations. An economical analysis of the ships’ operations, ships’ budget, main items of income and expenditure and organization of control over finance and budget. Lean shipping. Master students work out the study work in order to obtain practical skills and proficiency.

B11.2. Maritime Transport Logistics

Responsible lecturer: Prof. Habil.dr. V.Paulauskas

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 3/4,5

2 KP

1 KP Ex.32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical


TOTAL 3/4,52 KP

1 KP Ex.32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Intensive Countries development and optimization many sectors request new more effective producing and management forms. Economics globalization process, which is as result of countries extensive development, producing optimization and new market and regions involving, possibilities of the informatics technologies and telemetric possibilities, create and improve new producing, transportation, distribution, trading principles, in which more and more important role play goods costs, delivery time, safety factors. Logistics as practical and research sector is known from antic times and in different forms were used every


time, independent what name was used: industry or producing planning, transportation supply or cargo operation preparation, goods management and so on, but in all mention sectors were logistics elements.Logistics definition was described by Alexander Macedonian, according his definition logistics means full actions planning, with maximum evaluation possible internal and external factors influence and positive and especially negative influence on planning processes and now is more improve and develop.

B11.3. Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and Terminal

Responsible lecturer: Dr.oec. J.Kasalis, A.Unbedahts

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 1/1,5

1 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)

TOTAL 1/1,51 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The study course consists of several parts: universal port terminal planning, determining the dimensions, the selection of technologies, as well as the analyses of hydro-technical constructions and the engineering science of port technologies, modern control and supervision systems, as well as safety systems of maritime transport sector, which includes the duly prevention and forecasting of probable mistakes.The test envisages profound understanding of systematic planning of ports’ terminals and the use of mathematical methods for these purposes, gaining of understanding on methods how to determine the terminal dimensions, envisages gaining profound understanding of defect forecasting of system by using modern methods, such as - FTA, FME(C)A and others.

B11.4. Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

Responsible lecturer: Lect. A.Rivošs, prof. G.Upītis

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 1/1,51 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)

1 KP


3 1/1,5 - FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- 2 FT32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Basic assumptions. Data acquisition methods, data processing and analysis. The process visual modelling in Service Model environment. The mathematical formulation and resolving of analogue tasks using Excel/Solver. Traditional engineering graphics and computerized Technologies. MCAD computer software SolidWorks.To gain skills and expertise in solving the transportation tasks, the Master’s degree students prepare individual assignments.B11.5a. Analysis and Management of Supply Chains

Responsible lecturer: Prof. A.Ļevčenkovs

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


3 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- FT32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Logistics systems. Supply chains. Interaction of logistics and suppliers. Order management. Material processing. Transport systems. Transportation management. Location of distribution centres. Management of material resources. Warehouse functioning. Logistics channels in international distribution. Designing of logistics systems. Control in logistics systems. Integration of supply chain. Logistics and electronic data exchange. To master practical skills and expertise students carry out independent work and develop a study paper.

B11.5b. Innovative Technologies in Cargo Carriage

Responsible lecturer: Lect. D.Slotiņš

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 1/1,5

1 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignment)

1 KP


TOTAL 1/1,5 - FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

There is rapid boom of information and telecommunication technologies. Modern technologies, electronic devices and their offered possibilities take new and new shapes. We can not imagine our day without usage of electronic devices. More and more companies and countries in whole worlds have invested and keep investing massive funds and efforts to optimize and automate logistic processes. It is being done in order to shorten logistics supply chain and therefore fasten processes in whole logistics chain – it is possible to use special systems, software’s and machines instead of labour force.The way people are shopping and vendors are selling their products or services have tremendously changed. The way how business deals are effectuated has changed. Also communications between people has changed. Direct contact in communication or business deals decreases – people use electronic devices, internet, e-mail and new technologies resources.Course provides insight into way of how new technologies and e-commerce influences logistic processes. The way how to optimize, simplify, accelerate logistics by the help of these two instruments.B11.5c. International Maritime Law on carriage by sea

Responsible lecturer: Lect. S.Lielbārde

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 1/1,5

1 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignment)

TOTAL 1/1,51 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The role of the international maritime transport law (the carriage of goods by sea) in relation to the general maritime law. The parties and their rights and duties in the international maritime transport law. The documents used in the international maritime transport law. In order to obtain practical skills the documents used in international carriage of goods by sea are presented to the students.

B.1.2. Operation of Maritime Transport

B12.1. Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and Terminal. Responsible lecturer: Dr.oec. J.Kasalis, A.Unbedahts

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 3/4,5

2 KP

1 KP Ex.32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical



TOTAL 3/4,52 KP

1 KP Ex.32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The study course consists of several parts: the engineering science of ship and port technologies, modern control and supervision systems, as well as safety systems of maritime transport sector, which includes the duly prevention and forecasting of probable mistakes.The course paper envisages gaining profound understanding of defect forecasting of system’s (node), by the use of modern methods, such as FTA, FME(C)A and others, as well as envisages profound understanding of systematic planning of ports’ terminals and the use of mathematical methods for these purposes.

B12.2. Technical Management of Enterprises of Maritime Transport

Responsible lecturer: Prof. J.Brūnavs, lect. S.Lielbārde

Parts of the Subject(terms))

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 1/1,51 KP

- -16 stundas* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical


2 2/31 KP

1 KP -16 stundas* 24 hours*

(Studies of theoretical questions)

TOTAL 3/4,52 KP

1 KP Ex.32 stundas* 48 stundas*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The organization, types of activities and specialization of the shipping companies. The establishing, operation and cancelling of the operation of commercial entities. The management and representation issues of commercial entities. Cooperation and dividing of the functions and risk of the ship’s commercial and technical managers. The choice of ship’s flag and functions and basis of operation of classification societies. The organization of ship’s purchase and ship building. The specification of commercial activity for different types of the ships. Planning of expenditure, crew and repair for the voyage. Recruiting of the crew. An insurance, types of insurance, insurance clubs and operations. H&M insurance claims. Financial liability in case of environmental pollution. Legal aspects of producer’s and builder’s guaranties. An economical analysis of the ships’ operations, ships’ budget, main items of income and expenditure and organization of control over finance and budget. Lean shipping. Master students work out the study work in order to obtain practical skills and proficiency.

B12.3. Maritime Transport Logistics

Responsible lecturer: Prof. Habil.dr. V.Paulauskas

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 KP


1 1/1,5 - FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)

TOTAL 1/1,51 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Logistics as practical and research sector is known from antic times and in different forms were used every time, independent what name was used: industry or producing planning, transportation supply or cargo operation preparation, goods management and so on, but in all mention sectors were logistics elements.

Logistics definition was described by Alexander Macedonian, according his definition logistics means full actions planning, with maximum evaluation possible internal and external factors influence and positive and especially negative influence on planning processes.B12.4. Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

Responsible lecturer: Lect. A.Rivošs, prof. G.Upītis

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 1/1,5

1 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)

3 1/1,5

1 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- 2 FT32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Basic assumptions. Data acquisition methods, data processing and analysis. The process visual modelling in Service Model environment. The mathematical formulation and resolving of analogue tasks using Excel/Solver. Traditional engineering graphics and computerized Technologies. MCAD computer software SolidWorks.To gain skills and expertise in solving the transportation tasks, the Master’s degree students prepare individual assignments.

B12.5a. Modelling and Diagnostics of Technical Systems in Maritime Transport

Responsible lecturer: Prof. A.Gasparjans


Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


3 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- FT32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Modelling technologies. Modelling tasks. Modern ships’ modelling systems. Methods and instruments for the modelling of ships’ technical systems. Mathematical modelling of ships’ technical systems. Technical and computerized instruments for the modelling ships’ technical systems. Modern modelling methods of ships’ technical systems. For mastering practical skills and expertise students carry out practical works and develop a course paperB12.5b. Strength, Dynamics and Stability of Power Plants

Responsible lecturer: Prof. J.Cimanskis, R.Indriksons

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- FT32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The course deals with the basic issues of oscillation theory – free, dying and constrained oscillations of material points and flexible systems, resonance in systems with one, several and unlimited movement freedom degrees. The reasons vibrations and oscillations of ship’s power equipment are discussed. The methods are provided for calculation for parameter impact on vibrations. The impact of vibrations upon the durability of power equipment parts is evaluated. The insight is provided into non-linear oscillations and movement stability issues. To gain practical skills and expertise students prepare individual assignments.


B2.1. English Language

Responsible lecturer: Lect. A.Ķepals


Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


3 2/3

2 KP

- FT32 hours* 48 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)


- FT32 hours* 48 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

The course includes advanced studies of maritime English and provides an all-inclusive review of latest seafaring practice trends: on ships’ engines, automated systems and their application, international and national safety provision requirements, different aspects of port economic management and functions, seafaring safety problems, also on cargo handling operations, logistics solutions and use of port machinery. For mastering practical skills students develop a report and other individual papers related to the topic of Master’s degree.


C1. Intellectual property. Patent

Responsible lecturer: Prof. J.Cimanskis

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


3 1/1,5

1 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)

TOTAL 1/1,51 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Forms of intellectual property. Rights to the patent. Patent acquisition. Trade marks, trade names and other codes related to the trade. Trade names and trade secrets. The impact of the contract “On accession the European Union” to the industrial property rights.

C2. Maritime Education and Training System

Responsible lecturer: Prof. J.Bērziņš

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper



3 1/1,5

1 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*(Studies of theoretical

questions; completion of individual assignments)

TOTAL 1/1,51 KP

- FT16 hours* 24 hours*

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Specific character of seamanship. Basic principles of education. Specific character of maritime education. Significance of maritime education in seamen’s life and work. Legislation of the Republic of Latvia on seamen’s certification. International standards. International conventions, regulations in the maritime field. Achievements and problems in maritime education, possible solutions.


D. Training Practice

Responsible lecturer: Supervisors of Master’s Thesis

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


2 3/4,5

3 KP

- FT- 120 hours

3 3/4,5

3 KP

- FT- 120 hours


- 2 FT- 240 hours

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; *) – for full time studies

Tasks of the first stage of practical training:To get acquainted with the structure of the company, sphere of activities and management system. To get acquainted with technologies used at an enterprise related to the specifics of the chosen specialization, as well as the company’s achievements, problems participation in project and research works. To estimate Master’s thesis practical topicality, as well as novelty of expected solutions at the end of research and their significance for company in dealing problems in respected sphere in general. To carry out practical research works required for Master’s degree paper. To collect, summarize and systematize the necessary materials for Master’s degree paper. To carry out other tasks set by training supervisor..Tasks of the second stage of practical training:To get acquainted with innovative and creative activities as well as the process management and


protection of intellectual property in the company. To cooperate, as far as practical in solution of current tasks/issues related to the chosen study specialization. To continue the required research works for completion of Master’s degree paper. To evaluate the main results of practical research in context of Master‘s degree paper under the circumstances of company where practical training is organized. To collect, summarize and systematize the additional materials for completion of Master’s degree paper. To carry out other tasks set by training supervisor.


E. Master Thesis

Responsible lecturer: Supervisors of Master’s Thesis

Parts of the Subject(terms)

Structure and volume of subject

Credit points total,


Theoretical studies,including lab/practical


Independent work of the student’s

Course paper


1 3/4,53 KP

MT FT16 hours* 104 hours

2 7/10,57 KP


16 hours* 264 hours

3 10/1510 KP

MT SE16 hours* 384 hours

TOTAL 20/306 KP

MT 2 FT, SE48 hours* 752 hours

Explanations: KP – Latvian credit points; ECTS – ECTS credits; MT – Master’s Thesis; *) – for full time studies

Master’s degree thesis should be based on independently developed qualified, applied, publicly defendable research (Appendix P1.6, Item 16). In their Master’s degree thesis, depending on individual choice, post-graduate students present applied researches into the problems of cargo transportation, port activity and development, maritime transport operation, ships’ power and electric energy equipment and systems operation, human resources management, as well as influence of maritime transport on the environment, and other problems of applied research. While developing the Master’s degree paper students acquire practical skills of publishing of applied / scientific research works.



Standard of Diploma and its Appendixes to be issued on fulfilling the Programme requirements



Ar valsts pārbaudījuma komisijas200__. gada _______ lēmumu


Juris KALNIŅŠpersonas kods ____________



jūras transportā


Rektors Jānis Brūnavs

Valsts pārbaudījuma komisijas vadītājs ___________

Rīgā200__. gada ________

Reģistrācijas Nr. ________



5B Flotes Street, Riga, LV-1016, Latvia; Phone: +371 67161125, fax: +371 67830138, e-mail:, web:


Diploma series PD E No. 0061

This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the Supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international “transparency’’ and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.).It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, the reason should be explained.

1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification:

1.1. Family name: Kalniņš1.2. Given name: Juris1.3. Date of birth (day/month/year): _________1.4. Student identification number: _________

2. Information identifying the qualification:

2.1. Name of qualification and title conferred:

profesionālais maģistra grāds jūras transportāprofessional Master’s degree in maritime transport

2.2. Main fields of study for the qualification:

maritime transport and its management

2.3. Name and status of awarding institution:

Latvijas Jūras akadēmija,state-accredited (28/06/2001), state-founded non-university type higher education institution

2.4. Name and status of institution administering studies:

Same as in point 2.3.

2.5. Language of instruction / examination:


3. Information on the level of the qualification:

3.1. Level of qualification: second (graduate) professional degree


3.2. Official length of programme, start and end date of the acquisition of the programme:

1.5 years of full-time studies, 60 Latvian credit points, 90 ECTS credits01 February 2007 – 30 January 2009

3.3. Access requirements: Professional bachelor degree or professional higher education and 5th level or adequate professional qualifications obtained upon completion of maritime programmes which provide access to master studies. Graduates of other related programmes of study may be enrolled on fulfilling additional entry requirements

4. Information on the contents and results gained:

4.1. Mode of study: part-time studies

4.2. Programme requirements:

completed compulsory courses, 19 credit points; courses of restricted option, 12 credit points;– elective courses, 3 credit points;– practical training, 6 credit points;– Master Thesis, 20 credit points.

4.3. Programme details and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained:

Study courses CreditsECTS

credits Grades

PART A (COMPULSORY)Information Technology 2.0 3.0 passedQuality Assurance and Management 2.0 3.0 passedMethodology of Research 3.0 4.5 8 /very good/Achievements and Problems in Maritime Transport 2.0 3.0 5 /satisfactory/Achievements and Problems in Maritime Transport (Course paper)

2.0 3.0 5 /satisfactory/

Transport Economics and Finances 2.0 3.0 passedManagement Theory 2.0 3.0 passedGeneral Pedagogy and Psychology 2.0 3.0 passedScientific Workshops 2.0 3.0 passedPART B (RESTRICTED OPTION)Analyses and Management of Supply Chains 2.0 3.0 9 /excellent/Analyses and Management of Supply Chains (Course paper)

1.0 1.5 9 /excellent/

Maritime Transport Logistics 2.0 3.0 8 /very good/Maritime Transport Logistics (Course paper) 1.0 1.5 9 /excellent/Strategic and Operational Management 2.0 3.0 7 / good/Strategic and Operational Management (Course paper)

1.0 1.5 7 / good/

Maritime English Course 3.0 4.5 passedPART C (ELECTIVE COURSES)Basis of Logistics 1.0 1.5 passedPorts and Terminal Operation 2.0 3.0 passedPRACTICAL TRAININGTraining Practice 6.0 9.0 passed FINAL EXAMINATIONMaster’s Thesis „Analysis and Modeling of Cargo Supply Chain for Carriage of Metal in the Baltic Sea Region”

20.0 30.0 8 /very good/

4.4. Grading scheme:10 – with distinction 9 – excellent 8 – very good7 – good 6 – almost good 5 – satisfactory4 – almost satisfactory 3-1 – unsatisfactory


Weighed average grade of the qualification holder – 7.694

4.5. Overall classification of the qualification:

Standard (see 6.1)

5. Information on the function of the qualification:

5.1. Access to further study: access to doctoral studies

5.2. Professional status: not applicable

6. Additional information:

6.1. Additional information: 1. Latvian Maritime Academy’s professional higher education programme „Maritime Transport” leading to a Master degree was accredited by the State for a period of 20/06/2007 – 31/12/2009.

2. Criteria for awarding Standard” qualifications – fulfillment of all programme requirements

6.2. Further information sources: Master Studies of Latvian Maritime Academy 5B, Flotes street, Riga, LV-1016Phone.: +371-67161114, fax: +371-67830138,e-mail:;

7. Certification of the supplement:

7.1. Date: 25/02/2009

7.2. Signature: J. Brūnavs

7.3. Capacity: Rector

7.4. Official stamp or seal:

8. Information on the national higher education system

See pages 4 and 5 in the Supplement.



List of other documents needed for Programme accreditationand references to their location and receipt possibilities

Item Document title Location Can be received

1 Accreditation sheet of Latvian Maritime Academy

Staff and Legal Department

Electronically, by fax

2 Licence for the implementation of professional higher education master’s degree study programme “Maritime transport”

Staff and Legal Department

Electronically, by fax

3 Det Norske Veritas certificate on management system’s compliance to ISO 9001:2000 requirements

Staff and Legal Department

Electronically, by fax

4 LMA Quality Management Manual LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department

5 LMA Procedure Manual LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department

6 LMA Internal regulating documents: statutes, regulations/instructions

LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department

7 LMA Management reports LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department

8 Decision of LMA Senate from 17.06.2002 on programme implementation (minutes No 51)

LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department; electronically

9 LMA Regulation from 24.02.2003 No 7 “Regulation on Master’s degree studies of Latvian Maritime Academy”

LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department, electronically

10 LMA Regulation from 30.05.2005 No 23 “Regulation On Science Board of Latvian Maritime Academy”

LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department; electronically

11 Study Programme „Maritime transport” LMA Science Department; Local Network; LMA Website

In LMA Website

12 Decision of LMA Senate from 30.10.2006 “On establishment of Maritime transport and infrastructure applied research laboratory”

LMA Science Department; Local Network

In LMA Science Department

13 Enrolment provisions in LMA Master’s degree course, including Additional requirements

LMA Science Department; LMA Website

In LMA Website

14 Individual study plans of Master’s degree students

LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department, electronically

15 LMA Instruction from 01.11.2005 No 4 LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department,


„Instructions on Master degree students’ training practices”


16 LMA Instructions on development and defence of Master’s thesis

LMA Science Department; LMA Library

In LMA Science Department; LMA Library

17 Description of expected employment of LMA master’s study graduates

LMA Science Department Electronically

18 Materials of the 2006 LMA research project “Establishment of water transport and infrastructure applied research laboratory”

LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department

19 Participation of Master’s degree students at conferences and publications

LMA Science Department Electronically

20. Initial examination of Programme LMA Science Department Electronically, by fax21 Potential employers’ questionnaires LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department,

electronically22 Master degree students’ questionnaires LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department,


APPENDIX P1.6 – continued

Item Document title Location Can be received

23 Materials of international conferences LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department 24 Topics and supervisors of Master’s thesis LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department;

electronically25 Materials of SOCRATES ERASMUS,

Leonardo da Vinci a.o. international projects LMA Rector’s Office In LMA Rector’s Office

26 List of targeted post-graduate student positions (Letter to MoES)

LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department

27 Program for LMA academic staff renewal In Staff and Legal Department

In LMA Staff and Legal Department; electronically

28 Professional improvement programme of LMA academic staff

Staff and Legal Department

In LMA Staff and Legal Department; electronically

29 Decision of LMA Senate on the establishment of Students Scientific Union in the Academy

LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department; electronically

30 Estimate of financial income and expenditures LMA Accounting Department; LMA Science Department

In LMA Accounting Department; LMA Science Department

31 List of literature needed for Master’s degree studies

LMA Science Department; LMA Library

In LMA Science Department; LMA Library

32 Set of Master’s degree study documentation LMA Science Department; LMA Staff and Legal Department

In LMA Science Department; LMA Staff and Legal Department

33 Programme propaganda materials LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department34 Documentation of LMA Science Board

meetings LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department;

electronically 35 List of planned classes and consultations LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department36 Decision of LMA Science Board on additional

requirements when enrolling graduates of comparable study programmes

LMA Science Department In LMA Science Department; electronically

37 Resolution of LMA Senate on the change of title of Master’s study programme “Maritime transport and its operation”

LMA Science Department LMA Science Department; in electronic form

38 Resolution of LMA Senate on approval of self-assessment of Master’s study programme “Maritime transport”

LMA Science Department LMA Science Department; in electronic form



LATVIAN MARITIME ACADEMYLMA Study Programme: „MARITIME TRANSPORT” (code 46 525), Programme cipher JT401Level of Study: Professional higher education Master studyOfficial length of the Programme: 1.5 years of full-time studies or 3 years of part-time studies

60 Latvian credit points (CP), 90 ECTS creditsAccess requirements: Professional bachelor degree or professional higher education and fifth-level or

adequate professional qualifications obtained upon completion of a respective maritime study programmes, which provide access to master studies. Graduates of other related programmes of study may be enrolled on fulfilling additional entry requirements

Qualification: Professional master degree in Maritime TransportAccess to further study: Access to doctoral studie

Enrolment starts in 2009/2010A. CP/

ECTSResponsible academic staff

A. COMPULSORY COURSES 18 KP1. Information Technology 2 KP Prof. A.Gasparjans2. Proceses Quality Management 2 KP Prof. V.Priednieks3. Methodology of Research 2 KP V.Barkāns, asoc.pof.

H.Šimkuva4. Achievements and Problems in Maritime Transport 2 KP Prof. J.Brūnavs5. Transport Economics and Finances 2 KP J.Kasalis, J.Kokars6. Strategic and Operational Management 2 KP Lekt. I.Rezepina7. Pedagogy and Psychology 2 KP H.Šimkuva8. Shipping Policy and Maritime Law 2 KP G.Šteinerts,

I.Plankova9. Influence of Maritime Transport on an Environment 2 KP Prof. V.SmailysB. RESTRICTED OPTION 15 KP B1. Specialization Courses 13 KP B.1.1. Ports and Shipping Management1. Organization and Management of Enterprises of Maritime Transport

3 KP Prof. J.Brūnavs, lect. S.Lielbārde

2. Maritime Transport Logistics 2 KP Prof.V.Paulauskas3. Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and Terminal 2 KP J.Kasalis,

A.Unbedahts4. Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

2 KP Prof. G.Upītis, Lect. A.Rivošs

5. Development of Ports and Infrastructure 2 KP L.Ļakmunds6. Optional Course: 2 KP Analysis and Management of Supply Chains Prof. A.Ļevčenkovs Innovative Technologies in Cargo Carriage Lect. D.Slotiņš International Maritime Law on carriage by sea Lect. S.Lielbārde

B.1.2. Operation of Ships 13 KP1 Organization and Management of Enterprises of Maritime Transport

3 KP Prof. J.Brūnavs, lekt. S.Lielbārde

2. International Maritime Law on carriage by sea 2 KP Lect. S.Lielbārde3. Modern Technologies of Operation Ships 1 KP A.Unbedahts4. Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

2 KP Prof. G.Upītis, Lect. A.Rivošs

5. Modern Technologies of Shipbuilding 2 KP Prof. 6. Shipping Safety 2 KP G.Šteinerts7. Optional Course: 1 KP Innovative Technologies in Cargo Carriage Lect. D.Slotiņš Transport Logistics Prof.V.Paulauskas B.1.3. Ship Engineering 13 KP


Approved at the meeting of LMA Senate on 16.11.2009, (protocol No 118)

1. Modern Technologies of Operation Ships 2 KP A.Unbedahts2. Technical Management of Enterprises of Maritime Transport 3 KP Prof. J.Brūnavs3. Modelling and Diagnostics of Technical Systems in Maritime Transport

2 KP Prof. A.Gasparjans

4. Application Software for Solving Problems Ship Engineering 2 KP Prof. G.Upītis, Lect. A.Rivošs5. Mariene Electric Propulsion Technologies 2 KP V.Uzārs,

G.Lauža6. Optional Course: 2 KP Strength, Dynamics and Stability of Power Plants Prof. J.Cimanskis,

R.Indriksons Maritime Transport Logistics – Technical Aspects Prof. V.Paulauskas B2. Foreign Languages 2 KP1. English Language 2 KP Lect. A.ĶepalsC. FREE OPTION 1 KP Intellectual property. Patent Prof. J.Cimanskis Maritime Education and Training System Prof. J.BērziņšD. PRACTICAL TRAINING 6 KP Supervisors of Master’s thesisE. STATE EXAMINATION: 20 KP1. Master Thesis, including: Scientific Workshops

20 KP Supervisors of Master’s thesis (Appendix P1.6., Item 24.) H.ŠimkuvaProf. V.Priednieks


APPENDIX P1.8Comparison of Programme with similar programmes

in the universities in EU countries

The choice of Master’s degree programmes of EU countries in transport, including also maritime transport is rather wide and the principles laid at the basis of these programmes are different. There are wide profile programmes, for example, management of transport and maritime affairs, but there are also programmes envisaging a possibility for gradual specialization in the course of the programme, for example, programme in maritime affairs with specialization in maritime education, environment management, etc.

For the comparison we have chosen the Master’s study programme in maritime affairs of the World Maritime University – WMU, Sweden, Malme), as well as two structurally similar programmes of the Klaipeda University (KU, Lithuania, Klaipeda) – Fleet’s technical operation and Management of fleet’s technical operation. When comparing one should take into consideration that contrary to the above foreign programmes as a result of fulfilling the LMA programme requirements the post-graduate student is granted a professional Master’s degree.

The results of the comparison of the programmes’ general content, structure and volume are given in Table 1 and following description.

Table 1Comparison of programmes

Parts of study programme Credits and their proportion


A. Mandatory (general) part: including – Study/ research work methodology/ scientific work , workshops

28,5 (32%)7,5

26 (25,5%)6

73,5 (61%)24,0

B/C/D. Specialization (selection) part: including – Language; – Free choice; – Training practice

31,5 (35%)4,54,59,0

48 (47%)---

16,5 (14%)---

E. Master’s thesis 30,0 (33%) 28 (27,5%) 30,0 (25%)

TOTAL 90 102 120

NOTICE: Study volume is set in ECTS credits


The LJA and WMU programmes have some common features. Firstly, the general (mandatory) programme part that is compulsory for all students is similar regarding its volume. Secondly, in the course of studies both programmes envisage gradual specialization. Thirdly, after the graduation of studies everybody, irrespective of specialization, is granted Master’s degree in one sector/field (respectively maritime affairs and maritime transport). The LJA programme is different because of higher proportion of general education courses in the mandatory part, free choice of limited specialization courses, separate practice and in-depth mastering of foreign languages in the amount of 9 and 4.5 ECTS credits respectively.

When comparing the specializations/directions of the LJA programmes „Management of maritime transport” and „Operation of maritime transport” with KU study programmes „Fleet’s technical operation” and „Management of fleet’s technical operation”, one can conclude the following. As to their structure the programmes are similar, however, the proportions of their parts are different (Table 1), the LJA programme puts bigger emphasis on general education courses, it has separate practice and foreign language course.

The compared Master’s programmes of study provide modern knowledge and skills enabling grounded and active innovation, research, management and professional activities in maritime transport and in sectors connected with the use of maritime transport in national economy. Although profundity and range of knowledge and skills mastered in different programmes in definite fields of activity are different, yet generally mastering of all compared programmes considerably increases the competency and competitiveness. The programme’s graduates are given an opportunity to continue post-graduate studies or develop independently post-graduate thesis.




Latvijas Jūras Akadēmija

Kronvalda bulv. 6, Rīga, VDP, LV-1206, LATVIA

Tâlr.: 7321161fax: 7830138



27.06.2002. Nr. AV- 219

Protocol of Agreement between LMA and RTU

To insure the continuity of studies in case the professional higher education Master’s programme “Maritime transport and its operation’ of Latvian Maritime Academy is terminated, we hereby guarantee a possibility for students enrolled in this programme of study to continue their studies in Riga Technical University.

The Protocol of Agreement was drawn up in two copies and comes into effect as of the moment of its signing.


Pro-rector of LMA V.Priednieks

Pro-rector of RTU E.Beķeris



Professional Higher EducationMaster’s Programme of Study

MARITIME TRANSPORTScientific research biographies

of the academic staff

Appendix P1.10 of the Self-assessment

Riga - 2009Latvian Maritime Academy, Master’s Programme of Study

Tel.: +371 67161114; +371 67161111


Flotes iela 5B Fax: +371 67830138Riga, LV-1016 e-mail: LATVIA


Description of Programme Academic Staff

Name, surname

Position Scientific or academic


Elected or employed for a definite period

Study courses to be delivered

1. J.Bērziņš Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Maritime education and training systemSupervision of Master’s thesis

2. J.Brūnavs Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Achievements and Problems in Maritime TransportOrganization of ship and shipping companies’ operationSupervision of Master’s thesis

3. J.Cimanskis Professor Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing.

Elected Strength, Dynamics and Stability of Power PlantsIntellectual property. Patent Supervision of Master’s thesis

4. A.Gasparjans

Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Information technology Modelling and Diagnostics of Technical Systems in Maritime Transport Supervision of Master’s thesis

5. V.Paulauskas

Professor Habil.Dr. For a definite period

Maritime Transport Logistics

6. V.Priednieks

Professor Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing.

Elected Processes Quality ManagementScientific Workshops Supervision of Master’s thesis

7. V.Smailys Professor Habil.Dr. For a definite period

Influence of Maritime Transport on an Environment

8. G.Upītis Professor Dr. Sc. Ing. For a definite period

Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

9. V.Uzārs Emer. Professor

Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing

For a definite period

Marine electric propulsion technologies

1. V.Barkāns Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Habil. Sc. Ing

For a definite period

Methodology of researchMathematical methods in maritime transport tasks

2. R.Indriksons

Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Strength, Dynamics and Stability of Power Plants

3. J.Kasalis Assoc. Prof.

Dr. oec. For a definite period

Transport Economics and Finances Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and TerminalSupervision of Master’s thesis

4. J.Kokars Assoc. Prof.

M.A.S.S. Elected Transport economics and finances Supervision of Master’s thesis

5. G.Lauža Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Sc. Ing. Elected Marine electric propulsion technologies

6. A.Ļevčenkovs

Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Sc. Ing. For a definite period

Analyses and management of supply chains Supervision of Master’s thesis

7.H.Šimkuva Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Hist. Elected Methodology of researchPedagogy and PsychologyScientific Workshops

G.Šteinerts Assoc. Prof.

Dipl. Engineer Elected Shipping Policy and Maritime LawSupervision of Master’s thesis

1. I.Plankova Assist. Prof.

M.A. in Maritime Law

For a definite period

Shipping Policy and Maritime LawSupervision of Master’s thesis

2. A.Unbedahts

Assist. Prof.

Dipl Engineer Elected Modern Technologies of Operation Ship and Terminal

1.A.Ķepals Lecturer M.A. in For a definite English language


Pedagogy period2. S.Lielbārde Lecturer M.A. in

International and European Law

For a definite period

International Maritime Law on carriage by sea

3. S.Pakalne Lecturer M.A. in Linguistics

Elected English language

4. I Rezepina Lecturer M.A. in Business management

For a definite period

Strategic and Operational Management

5. A.Rivošs Lecturer M.A. in Computer Science

Elected Application Software for Solving Problems in Maritime Transport

6. D.Slotiņš Lecturer M.A. in Transport Systems Engineering

For a definite period

Innovative Technologies in Cargo Carriage



Latvia Maritime Academy

2 Family name Berzinsh3 First name Janis4 Date of birth 24 December 19385 Nationality Latvian

6 Education Higher

Institution Rīga Polytechnical Institute

Higher Technical School of Moscow named after

N. BaumanDate: from 1957 1969 to 1962 1972Qualifications/Degree Mechanical Engineer Doctor of Engineering


Other Training (as participant) Exhibitions of Latvian transport “Gateway to Latvia”

1997 - Copenhagen, Antwerp1998 - Hamburg, Bremen, Rotterdam1996 – English Language Course, Bornemouth, UK1992 – Coastguard Course, Stockholm1980 and 1985- Upgrade Courses for Heads of Physics Department, Physics Engineer Institute, Moscow1974 - Upgrade Course for Physics Lecturer, Physics Engineer

Institute, Moscow 7 Language skills

Latvian – nativeEnglish – goodRussian - excellent

8 Membership of professional bodiesLatvian Union of MarinersAssociation of Transport Development and Education of Latvia

9 Other skillsExtensive Computers skillsPerformance ManagementPresentations

10 Present position: Vice-Rector of Latvia Maritime Academy11 Years in Higher EducationDates (from-to)

July 2004 – present

May 1993 - June 2004 1990-1993

Location Riga Riga RigaCompany Latvia Maritime

AcademyLatvia Maritime


Technical University

Position Vice-Rector Rector Faculty “Latvia


Academy”Description Vice-Rector of

Studies Rector Dean

Courses delivered

Theory of Gyroscope,

2 CP

Theory of Gyroscope,

2 CPPhysics, 6 CP

Dates (from-to) 1972-1990 1962-1969Location Riga RigaCompany Riga Polytechnical

Institute Rīga Polytechnical InstitutePosition Physics Department Machinery Construction

DepartmentDescription Head, Asoc. Professor LecturerCourses delivered Physics, 6 CP Automation of Linear and

Angular Measurement, 6 CP

12 Key qualificationsMaritime Education Organizing and DevelopmentQuality Management in Higher Education and Technological

processMarine Power Plant Operation and Technical DiagnosticsFeasibility Study of Freight and Passenger Trade LinesOptical Electronic and Technological Measuring Instruments of

Image IdentificationLaser-Based Metrological AppliancesOptical Electronic Devices of Laser Beam ControlLaser Measuring Devices in Ship RepairTechnological Laser Devices in Industry

13 OthersPublications

83 publications 35 - research 13 – inventions35 - methodology of teaching

National AwardsCommander of the Order of ViestursContact e-mail

Signature, name, surname Date





PERSONAL DATA:NAME, SURNAME Jānis BrūnavsDATE OF BIRTH 06.09.1944PLACE OF WORK Latvian Maritime Academy


1992 – Riga technical University, doctor’s degree

1985 – Chief Scientiffic coworker

1975 – Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg), cendidate’s of technics degree1972-1975 - Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg), Department of ship electro automatics, graduate

1964-1969 - Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg), Department of ship electro automatics


2002 – Strategically management course

(2001 – 2008) 2002 – seminary “Norwegian insurance plan”2002 – courses of passenger ship management1993; 1995-2003 – Ship management and ship technical operation forums and seminary in London, Oslo, Cyprus, Riga2005 g. Jan. – Training technique, methodises and practices in accordance with STCW reg.1/6. Cert. By LR SM Shipping department, Reg. Nr.1332001 – strategic course of applied communication2001 – seminary about how to make shipbuilding contracts2001 – LNG tankers course1998 – management course of professor Lars Johnson in Upsala university1998 – ISM auditor’s course1998 – courses of maritime and classification requirements 1998 – Chemical tankers course1995 – Cambridge transport academy, “Ship anatomy” course1994 - OPA 90 chief operators’/ship owners’ course1993., 1988 – department of business management (2 years), Riga


1991 – I class electrician on ships1977-1978 – crash course in French (10 months), Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg)


From 2003 – Latvian Maritime Academy, Member of brunch of professors, sub brunch “Water transport and infrostructure”2000-2003 – Latvian Maritime Academy, Member of brunch of professors, sub brunch “Maritime transport and operation”2001., 1997., 1994 – Latvian Maritime Academy, Valsts Eksaminācijas komisijas priekšsēdētājs Kuģu elektromehānikas specializācijai1997-2000 – Latvian Maritime Academy, ecspert in ingieering sciencies “Energetics and electronics”1993-1997 – Latvian Maritime Academy, docent, lecturer in “operation of electrical equipment”1979-1987 – Centrālā Jūras Flotes ZPI, Riga affiliate, head of ship technical operation department1986-1987 – Centrālā Jūras Flotes ZPI, Riga affiliate, discharge of director duties in scientific work1972-1976 Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg), lecturer1973-1976 – Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg), Junior research associate of “Ship electrical equipment” departmentNo 2004.g.30.June – Latvian Maritime Academy, rectorSIA”Baltic Shipmanagement Ltd.”,2003.g. September - 2004.g.30.June. - Head of the board2002.g.October - 2003.g.September - head1999-2002 - SIA “Ship management”, member of board1997-2002 – A/S “Latvian Shipping Co.”, member of board1998-2002 – SIA “Maritime agency”, member of board1998-1999 – A/S “Latvian Shipping Co.”, head of ship management1993-1998 – A/S “Latvian Shipping Co.”, head of technical management 1993 - A/S “Latvian Shipping Co.”, chief engineer1992 – Columbia Ship management Ltd. (Cyprus), technical superintendant, trainee1991-1992 – Network Shipping Company, engineer - electrician1987-1991 - A/S “Shipping Co.”, electrician on bulkers and Ro-Ro


1979., 1976., 1969-1972 – A/S “Latvian shipping Co”, electrician on tankers1963-1964 - A/S “Latvian Shipping Co.”, seaman, electrician 1960-1963 – Latvian seaways district, seaman, helmsman, motorman2002-2003 - “Bureau Veritas”, head of Nordic Committee From 1998- “Bureau Veritas”, member of Nordic Committee, deputy


(2001 – 2008)

From 1999 “Lloyds Register”, member of Nordic Committee

From 1999 – “American Bureau of Shipping”, member of Nordic CommitteeFrom 1999 – member of “Latvian Maritime Union”

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian, English, French

Signature, name, surname Date





Limbazi district, LatviaApril 6, 1943


1968. Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg)Ships’ MechanicSecond Class Mechanic on ships with main engine power over 3000kWProfessor


1992. Ph.D.of Engineering Science, Diploma B – Dh Nr.000021


1991 – 2008 – Latvian Maritime Academy.Director of Ships Mechanics’ Department, Professor

ACTIVITY: 1990 – 1991 – Head of the Chair 1988 – 1990 – Professor1978 – 1988 – Head of Research Department 1975 – 1978 – Senior Researcher1973 – 1975 – Junior Researcher 1970 – 1972 – Post Graduate Student 1970–1991–Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg)1968. – 1970. –Latvian Shipping Company, Ships’ Mechanic


1988-2008 – Professor Lecture courses: - Engineering Graphics, - Ships’ Diesel Engines and Auxiliary Machinery

- Hydrostatics and Hydraulic Machinery


- Dynamics and diagnostics of ships’ power equipment,- Protection of environment,- Optimisation of ships’ power equipment dimensions



Leonardo da Vinci Project “Pilot Project Regarding Re-Training and Integration of ex Naval and Deep Sea Fishing Fleet Officers into the Merchant Fleet”.2002. – 2005. Performer. Development of ion-plasma coating for the protection and restoration of vehicle power equipment parts. 2005 – 2006. Performer The products’ of industry functional composite covering execution with ion-plasma evaporation. RTU Transporta mašīnu tehnoloģijas institūts. 2006. 01.06. – 2006. 31.12. Co-author.Cilvēku ar kustību traucējumiem pārvietošanās ierīču analīze un sintēze. RTU TMF Mechanical department. 2006. 01.06. – 2006. 31.12. Co-author.


1. Maintenance Manual (Technical Procedures). Ship Management. Latvian Shipping Company Group. Riga, 2002. -329 pp. (co-author). 2. Ю. Циманский. Испытательные стенды со шпинделем на магнитном подвесе. Российская Академия транспорта. Актуальные проблемы транспорта. Сборник научно – технических трудов. Том 4. 2003.3. Comparative Analyses of Waste Gas Heat Recovery System with Intermediate Steam Extraction at Limited Size (height) Restrictions of Exhaust Boiler. (Co-author), Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, The 9th International Conference, 2005.


160 research and methodic papers, including50 inventions and patents, of which 5 inventions have been put into practice,45 methodic papers.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian, English EFFICIENCY COURSES: (2001 – 2008)

LU department of teaching and psychology. Didactics of universities: modern theory and practice. Year 2008. 04.02 – 16.06LR administration of vocational education. Further education of teachers programme’s 6 module „Mācību metodes specializācijas nozarē. Mācību priekšmetu metodika”. Year 2007. 25 – 29 June. LR centre of vocational education. Bases of teaching and didacting. Year 2005. 21 – 24 March. Latvian Maritime Academy. Course for Seafaring Instructors and Estimators. Year 2002. 5 days.International Maritime Organization. Quality Standards. Year 2001. 5 days.Gdynia Maritime Academy. Course for Ship Engine Room Simulation Instructors. Year 2001, 5 days.


International transport academy of Rotterdam. Professional development for Seafaring Instructors. Year 2000. 21 day.


Chairman of LMA Council of Professors of Water Transport and Infrastructure Member of RTU (Riga Technical University) Council of Professors of Machine Science Member of RTU Council of Professors of Mechanics Member of Professors’ Association of the Republic of Latvia Evaluator of Machinery Team Specialists of Seafarer’s Register of Latvian Maritime Administration Consultant of Ships’ Technical Inspection of Latvian Maritime Administration Consultant of Classification Society BUREAU VERITAS

Signature, name, surname Date





DATE OF BIRTH 17 march, 1953

RESIDENCE, PHONE MARITIME ACADEMY OF LATVIA Flotes 5B, Riga, LV – 1016, Latviaphone: +371 67161124, fax: +371 7830138,e-mail:


Riga Polytechnical institute.Electrical and energy departament; Electrical mashines and apparatus prof., Engineer -electromechanic.


▪ 1987- Technical Science Candidate.▪ 1992- Engineer Science Doctor of Latvia

B-D Nr. 000049 "Electrotechnic and Energy".


1975 – 1992 RTU, teacher;1992 – 2004 LJA, as. professor;2004 – 2008 LJA professor

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Computer Science;Information Tehnology;Ship Electrotechnics;Marine Electrical Machines;Electrical and Automatical Computer Problems.Lecture, Laboratory, Project, Master and Doctor works.


Ship power and electrical mashines reliability, control and tehnical diagnostics;Numerical magnetic field calculations in electrical machines.


“Ship power converter controls and diagnostics models”.



1. Diagnostics of Ship Power Installations in Transient Regimes. Proc. of EPE-PEMC Conference. Vol.4, September 2004.

2. Problems of Electric Energy Quality in Ship Diesel Engine - Generator Installations. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas University of Technology. 2005.

3. The Use of Results of Spectral Analysis of Synchronous Generator Output Voltage for Technical Diagnostics. International Conference on Industrial Technology ICIT-2006.Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Bombay. 2006.

4. Aspects of Creation of Asynchronous Oscillating Electric Drives. Proceedings of 7th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”. Latvia University of Agriculture. Jelgava, 2008.


96 scientific and 15 teaching aids publications.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian, English.

EFFICIENCY COURSES : (2003 - 2008):

1. “Pedagogy and Didactics Basics” 1 Module Programme. 2005. Cert. Nr. 2315.

2. Professional Teacher Pedagogy Programme. 2005. Sert. Nr. P 0523.

3. LMA course „ Engine Room Simulators”, UNITEST, 2006.g.;

4. LMA course „Project management”, 2008.g.


Latvian Academical Professorial Association member.LMA Senate vice-chairman.LMA Enrolment committee secretary.LMA Science council member.LMA “Maritime Transport and Infrastructure” professorial councilor member.

Signature, name, surname Date



Family name: PaulauskasFirst names: VytautasDate of birth: October 31, 1950Nationality: LithuanianCivil status: Married


Institutions, Date (from-to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

Kaliningrad Maritime Academy (1968-1974)

Master Marine

St.-Petersburg Maritime Academy (1974 – 1978)

PhD, Technical Science

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (1993)

Habilitate doctor, Technological Science, Transport Engineering


Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)

Language Reading Speaking WritingLithuania 1 1 1English 1 1 1Russian 1 1 1Polish 3 2 4

Membership of professional bodies:

Member ofLithuania Governmental Port Development Committee

Member of EU FP7 Transport Adviser groupOther skills:

Computer literacy / Analytical skills / Mediating skillsPresent position:

Professor, Head of Shipping Department in Klaipeda University (Lithuania)

Years within the firm:28

Key qualifications (relevant to the assignment):Prof. Vytautas Paulauskas graduated in 1974 from the Kaliningrad Maritime Academy and work on ships on fourth, thread, second, chef mate, captain position on tankers, rifer and general cargo ships. Later work in Kaunas Polytechnic Institute on Associate Professor and Head of Ships Mechanics positions. From 1990 until 1994 work in Lithuania Transport Ministry on Waterborne Transport Department Director position. In 1995 – 1999 represent Lithuania in IMO. Since 1994 until now work in Klaipeda university as professor and head of Shipping Department. Prof. Vytautas Paulauskas has "on-hand" experience in many EU and EU accession countries by various assignments, either as project manager or as senior consultant. As a result Prof. V. Paulauskas is well aware of the specific conditions within these countries concerning shipping and navigational safety, the local technical and financial feasibility of investment projects.


Specific experience in the region:Country Date from – Date toBelgium 1999 – 2008 (Short time expert) (ports and terminals

navigational safety)UK January 2008 – December 2008 (Short time expert) (ports

and terminals navigational safety)TRACECA CountriesApril 2007 – December 2007 Estonia 2004 – 2006 (Short time expert) (ports and terminals

navigational safety)Bulgaria December 2005 - July 2006 (Short time expert) (Search and

Rescue system)Latvia January 2001 – December 2004 (Short time expert) (ports

and terminals navigational safety)Professional experience:

Date from – Date to

Location Company

Position Description

September 1993 - date

Lithuania Klaipeda university

Head of Shipping Department

Teaching and Research works

2007 – 2008

UK and Belgium


Expert Navigational Safety expert in Ports development projects (Zeebriuge, Humber, Dartford ports)

04/2007 – 12/2007

Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan

NTU Expert EU project “MoS in Black and Caspian Seas” TOR preparation project

2004 – 2007

Baltic Countries

Klaipeda university

Expert INTEREG 3B projects (5 projects)

12/2005 – 07/2006

Bulgaria NTU Expert EUROPAID project (Bulgaria) “Search and Rescue in Bulgaria Responsible Sea area system preparation” project

1994 - 2008

Lithuania Klaipeda university

Project manager

Klaipeda port development Projects (12 projects) (Navigational safety)


2003 Estonia HAECON

Expert Tallinn Container development project

2002 – 2003


Expert Liepaja Port Greenfield development project

2000 - 2001

Lithuania Klaipeda university

Waterborne transport expert

PHARE project: Harmonization of transport legislation in Lithuania –Phase III.

2000 Belgium HAECON

Nautical expert

Ostend port extension

1998 - 1999

Baltic Countries

Klaipeda university

Transport and maritime expert

PHARE project “Early warning system for the Baltic Sea”.

1990 - 1993

Lithuania Lithuania Transport Ministry

Director Waterborne transport Department

1981 - 1990

Lithuania Kaunas Technological University

Head of Ship’s Mechanics Department

Teaching and Research works

1982 - 1990

Lithuania Lithuania Shipping Company

Mate, expert on Sea going ships

Research works, mate duties

1974 - 1981

Lithuania Lithuania Shipping Companies

Mate, Captain

Ships mate, Captain duties

Other relevant information (e.g., Publications): More than 200 publications and more than 60 scientific and research projects in shipping, shipping and navigation safety, port management, environmental, transport technology fields, lecture and coordinator more than 30 international seminars on Port Management, Transport Technology, Transport logistics, Transport Economics, Shipping and navigational safety items.Lithuania representative in OECD (Paris) commission in 1992 – 1993.Lithuania representative in IMO (London) committees in 1995 – 1999.


Lithuania representative in EU Waterborne Transport Technology Platform since 2005.

16. Home address: Igulos 18A – 5, 5800 Klaipeda, LithuaniaTel/fax: private: + 370-6- 25 55 03, University: + 370-6-39 86 88E-mail:

Signature, name, surname Date



NAME, SURNAME Valdis Priednieks

PLACE OF BIRTH Liepaja district, AizputePLACE OF WORK Latvian Maritime Academy, professor, director of

Master’ s Study programmes



Riga Polytechnic Institute; Manufacturing engineering, metal cutting equipment and tools.Mechanical engineer (30.12.67.)

DEGREE OF REPUBLICOF LATVIA,DIPLOMA Nr., BRANCH:, diploma B – Dh Nr.000099 (15.01.98.), diploma B – D Nr.000766 (21.12.93.)Branch: “Engineering Industry and Machinery science”Speciality: “Qualimetry and Experimental Mechanics”


From 09.2009 Latvian Maritime Academy, professor, director of Master’ s Study programmes

02.2005 – 08.2009 Latvian Maritime Academy, science pro-rector, professor

09.2002 – 01.2005 Latvian Maritime Academy, pro-rector, professor08.2000 – 08.2002 Latvian Maritime Academy, pro-rector, associated

professor1996 – 08.2000 Riga Technical University (RTU), department of

transport and mechanical engineering (TMF), associated professor

1993 – 1996 RTU, TMF, docent1992 – 1993 RTU, TMF, lecturer1990 – 1992 LR Agricultural ministry, centre of teaching

methodise, director1989 – 1990 LR agro-cultural committee, department of staff and

educational establishment, head specialist1970 – 1989 Riga Polytechnic Institute, department of

mechanical engineering, research student, head lecturer

1968 – 1969 Riga motor factory “Sarkanā Zvaigzne”, head engineer

TEACHING EXPERIENCE::(2004-2009) Leading doctor’s

dissertationSupervision of 2 doctor’s dissertations in “Science of machines” sub-sector “Diagnostic and quality”: both successfully completed (in 2005 and 2006).

Leading master works

Supervision of 3 RTU and consultation of 1 LU Master’s works, all of them got the Master’ s grade. Currently supervising 2 RTU and 2 LMA Master works.


Lectures, seminars and projects leading

Preparation and delivery of 11 lecture courses and corresponding practical classes, LMA Master and professional studies. Supervision of 3 LMA and 3 RTU student’s diploma projects.

Studying course programmes development

Elaborated 6 new study course programs. Currently working on 2 new study courses for the Bachelor’s and Master’s studies in LMA

Studying programmes development

Heading the elaboration of LMA master’s professional programmes higher education “Maritime transport” and is its director.

Participation in academic conferences

Participated in 2 international conferences: in St.Petersburg and Petrozavodsk (Russia).

Lecturing in foreign countries

in framework of Lifelong Learning program in higher education ERASMUS has given lectures in the partner institutions in Lithuania, Germany and Slovenia

Length of pedagogical service

35 years


Quality and reliability in industry and transport; quality in education; logistic

PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH WORK:(2004 – 2009) Internationally

financed research projects

EU programme INTERREG IV B, the Baltic Sea Region, 2007-2013:Prepared and submitted in 31.03.2009, the project application „Baltic Co-operation in Maritime Education and Training”. Cooperation in project application making, leader of the work group of LMA


Latvian Scientific council and other cantries research projects and programmes

LR ministry of Education and Science subprogram „Insurance and development of scientific infrastructure in high schools”:1. The head of LMA scientific project “Further Development of Applied Research into Maritime Transport and Infrastructure” –. Completed in 2008;2.The head of LMA scientific project “Prospects of Yacht Port Development in Latvia” – .Completed in 2007;3. The head of LMA scientific project „Foundation of a Laboratory for Applied Research in Maritime Transportation and Infrastructure” – Completed in 2006Participation at Latvian Scientific council cooperation project Nr.02.0001 „Development of the intellectual systems of transport in Latvia”. Leader A.Gūtmanis. Duration 2002. – 2004.Participation at Latvian Scientific council project Nr. 01.0612 „Technical improvement of the industry for increasing the competitive capacity”” Leader, prof. N.Salenieks. Duration: 2001. – 2004.


K.Carjova, V.Priednieks, A.Unbedahts. QFD for the Development of Yacht Ports // TRANSPORT MEANS: 13th International Conference. – Kaunas, Lithunia: Kaunas University of Technology, 2009R.Gailītis, I.Stelpa, V.Priednieks. Development of Yacht Piers and Yacht Clubs in Latvia. // LMA 11.International conference „Maritime transport and infrastructure - 2008”. Riga: Latvian Maritime Academy, 2008, P. 47-54 I.Stelpa, R.Gailitis, V.Priednieks. Yacht piers and yacht-clubs in Latvia // TRANSPORT MEANS: 12th

International Conference. – Klaipeda, Lithandia: Klaipeda University, 2008J.Ivanova, V.Priednieks. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for the Development of Yacht Ports in Latvia// LMA 10.International conference „Maritime transport and infrastructure - 2008”. Riga: Latvian Maritime Academy, 2008I.Rozenštrauha, J.Staško, M.Drille, V.Priednieks, M.Kokmanis, A.Undbedahts. Ecological Situation of the Baltic Sea due to Maritime Transport Pollution // LMA 10.International conference „Maritime transport and infrastructure - 2008”. Riga: Latvian Maritime Academy, 2008, P. 201-206R.Gailītis, I.Stelpa, V.Priednieks. Yacht Piers and Yacht Clubs in Latvia // LMA 10.International conference „Maritime transport and infrastructure - 2008”. Riga: Latvian Maritime Academy, 2008, P. 226-233


E.Balcers, J.Rudņevs, V.Priednieks, N.Salenieks. Reliability increase of driving chains by the balanced resistance to wear approach // Scientific Proceedings of RTU / Transport and Engineering / Quality and Reliability. – Riga: RTU, 2007, P. 32-37M.Drille, I.Rozenštrauha, I.Dreyer, A.Andbedahts, V.Priednieks. Marine Spills – Causes, Monitoring and Morality Aspects // TRANSPORT MEANS: 10th

International Conference. – Klaipeda, Lithuania: Klaipeda University, 2006, P.225-228.R.Kalnina, A.Priksane, J.Ivanova, V.Priednieks. Improvement of quality management in higher education // Bulletins of the Faculty of Education. – Joensuu, Finland: University of Joensuu, 2006, P.94-105.V.Priednieks, J.Ivanova, R.Kalnina, E.Balcers. Improvement of Higher Maritime Education Process // TRANSPORT MEANS: 9th International Conference. – Klaipeda, Lithandia: Klaipeda University, 2005, P.182-185.J.Ivanova, O.Krivoruchko, V.Priednieks. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Higher Maritime Education // Transportation Logistics in Science and Practice. 8th International Conference on Traffic Science – ICTS 2004. – Slovenia, Nova Gorica: University of Ljubljana, 2004, 7 p.J.Vilipsons, A.Podskochijs, V.Priednieks. Improving Maintenance Management System for Means of Transportation // Transportation Logistics in Science and Practice. 8th International Conference on Traffic Science – ICTS 2004. – Slovenia, Nova Gorica: University of Ljubljana, 2004, 6 p.Ivanova J., Priednieks V. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Higher Education // QUALITY IN SERVICES: 7th “TOULON-VERONA” International Conference, Proceedings. – Toulon-Var, France: Universite du Sud, 2004, P.37-41.


Scientific work - 81, author rights – 3, methodical works– 31, books (co-author) – 2

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian, German, English – weak



Foreign countries SOCRATES ERASMUS programmes trainee within the faculty framework:

- 2009 – Scecin Maritime university (Poland);- 2007 – Gdynia Maritime university (Poland)

and Klaipeda Maritime university (Lithuania);

- 2005 – member of LMA delegation in German, Belgium and Dutch maritime educational establishments;

- 2004 – Ljubljana university Maritime studies and transport department (Slovenia);


SIA „Active Management” certificate in projects management

LNKB personnel competence qualification certificate in “Quality System



academic commission, collegiate institutions

Riga Technical University Doctoral Studies’ Council “RTU P-15” in Science of Machines, sub branch “Diagnostics and Quality”, Expert;Riga Technical University Doctoral Studies’ Council “RTU P-20” in Science of Transport and Traffic, Expert;Member of LMA United Council of Branch’s Professors of “Transport and Traffic”, sub branch “Maritime Transport and Infrastructure”;Member of Riga Technical University Council of Branch’s Professors in Science of Machines; Chairman of LMA Senate;Chairman of LMA Science Council

International conferences, working comities, board of editors of scientific editions

International conference “Transport Means” (Lithuania), member of scientific editorial commitee;LMA International conference “Maritime transport and infrastructure”, Chairman of Programme committee and Organizing committee;RTU International scientific conferences subsection „Intellectual transport systems” member of scientific board

Other activities IMLA, LNKB, LPA and LTAIA member



Signature, name, surname Date


1. Family name: Smailys

2. First name: Vytautas

3. Date of birth: 1931 12 17

4. Nationality: Lithuanian

5. Civil status: single6. Present position: Professor of Maritime Institute of Klaipeda

University, 7. Education:

Siberian Institute of Technology (Krasnoyarsk) 1954 - 1959

Engineer –mechanic

Institute of Shipbuilding (Leningrad) 1965 Doctor of science

Polytechnic Institute (Leningrad) 1989 Habilitatis doctor

8. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language Reading Speaking WritingLithuanian 1 1 1

Russian 1 1 1English 1 3 3

9. Key qualifications: Internal combustion engines- transport engineering - environmental engineering – research and control of air pollution from ships and other sources – employment of biodiesel in marine and railway transport

10. Professional experience1960-1992- scientific researcher / chief of department in former USSR (Central Diesel research institute in former Leningrad) -complex of works establishing diesel machinery in the USSR mines and quarries; author of two state standards of the former USSR (now Russian Federation) regulating smoke and harmful emission from ships, locomotives and industrial diesel engines.Since 1993 – professor of Klaipėda University; Complex of scientific works in fields of policy and technology of marine transportation, marine environment protection, research and control of air pollution from ships, research and employment of alternative fuels and biodiesel in marine transport and non-road diesels.11. Membership of professional bodies:Chairman of Senate of Klaipeda University (1994 – 2002);Member of Council of Klaipeda university (from 2005);


Chairman of Academic Council of Maritime Institute of Klaipeda University (since 1994);Editor (1999-2007) / deputy editor (since 2008) of scientific journal “Sea and Environment”Deputy Editor of scientific journal “Environment Research, engineering and management” (since 1995);Member of Lithuanian Catholic Science Academy; 12. Scientific publications:

Total number – over 140, including 2 monographs, 12 inventions, over 125 of scientific articles, Major publications (extract, main after 1993):1972 - Smailys V. Diesel Engines of Low Toxicity – monograph,”Mashinostroenie”,Leningrad,127p.1989 –Balakin V.I.; Semenov B.N.; Smailys V.I. Principles of Making High

Economic and Low Toxic Combustion Process in High –Speed Diesel Engines. Paper D 155 on CIMAC, Tokyo;

1993- Bordoukov V.T.; Semenov B.N.; Krasovskiy O.G.; Smailys V.I.; Lipchiuk V.A.. Fuel economy and ecological properties of diesel engines. Conference paper: CIMAC, Proc. of the 20th Internat. Congress on Combustion Engines, London, GB, May 17-20, 1993, Congres International des Machines a Combustion (CIMAC) / 1993

1995 -Smailys V. Emission of Pollutants of Heavy Duty Diesel Engines into Atmosphere. Environment Research. 1995 No 1;

1996 –Smailys V. Orimulsion and Environment. Environment Research, engineering and management.1996 No 2 (3). (in Lithuanian with English abstracts and summary).

1997 –Smailys V. , Senčila V., Dobrovolskis G.. Air Pollution from Ships Arriving to Klaipeda Seaport. Environment Research, engineering and management.1997 No 2(5).

1999 - Perspectives of Development of Lithuanian Sea Transport and Environmental Problems. Science of Lithuania, book 22, Transport, Vilnius, 1999. 354 - 413 p. ISBN–795–02–2.(in Lithuanian).

2003 -Smailys, V.; Strazdauskienė, R.; Gedgaudas, A.. Air pollution from ships operating in Klaipėda seaport. Sea and Environment. Klaipeda University, Nr.1(7), 2003. (in Lithuanian with English abstracts and summary).

2004 -Smailys, V.; Daukšas, K.; Bereišienė, K..Orimulsion transportation perspectives in the seaport of Klaipeda // „Technological science works of western Lithuania“. - 2004, Klaipėda, Nr. IV, p. 162-168. (in Lithuanian with English abstracts and summary).

2004 - Smailys, V.; Senčila, V.; Marchenko, A.; Prochorenko, A.; Osetrov, A.; Bereišienė, K.. Assessment of chemmotological properties and problems of practical implementation of vegetable oils derived diesel fuels. // “Sea and Environment”. Klaipėda: KU l-kla; 2004, Nr. 2, p. 65-75. ISSN 1392-785X. 

2004- Marčenko, A. P.; Prochorenko, A. A.; Osetrov, A. A.; Smailys, V.; Senčila, V. Comparative estimation of effective use


of vegetable oil based fuel indiesel engine.// Internal combustion engines.- 2004, Charkiv: NTU”KPI”, No. 1, p. 46-51.

2005 - Smailys, V.; Daukšas, K.; Bereišienė, K..Orimulsion transportation safety assessment in the Seaport of Klaipeda. //Environmental research, engineering and management.–2005, Kaunas: KTU l-kla; Nr. 1 (31), p. 14-20 (in English with Lithuanian abstracts and summary).

2005- Smailys, V.; Senčila, V.; Bereišienė, K. Tests of RME on high–speed air–cooled diesel engine // Dvigatelestroyeniye. ISSN 0202-1633. Sankt-Peterburgas, 2005, Nr. 4 (222), p. 45-49.

2005- Smailys, V.; Strazdauskienė, R.; Gedgaudas, A..Measurement of NOx emission of ferry engine during regular voyage // Dvigatelestroyeniye. ISSN 0202-1633. Sankt-Peterburgas, 2005, Nr. 4 (222), p. 33-38.

2006- Smailys, V.; Česnauskis, M.. Estimation of expected cargo oil outflow from tanker involved in casualty. Transport: journal of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2006, Vol. 21, no. 4, p. 293-300. ISSN 1648-4142.

2007- Smailys V., Strazdauskienė R., Gedgaudas A. Application of different methods in evaluation of air pollution from sea ferry in Klaipėda port. // Environmental research, engineering and management.–2007, Kaunas: KTU l-kla; Nr. 4 (42) (in English with Lithuanian abstracts and summary).

2008 – Marchenko A., Parsadanov I., Prochorenko I., Smailys V., Senčila V.,***, Bereišienė K. Research of Energy Effectiveness and Exhaust Emissions of Direct Injection Diesel Engine Running on RME and its Blends with DO. Proceedings of International Conference. Transport Means. 2008

2009 - V. Smailys, V. Senčila, R. Strazdauskienė, K. Bereišienė. Assessment of NOX and SO2 emission and deposition to nearby areas of Baltic sea from ships operated in Klaipeda seaport. // International conference "Air Quality Expert Meeting on Ship emission effects in Baltic Sea Region" , Lappeenranta, Finland 18-19 August 2009.

Participation in the main international projects:1. PHARE 2001 „Establishment of an infrastructure for

prevention, reduction and monitoring of air pollution from ships in the Baltic Sea“ - 2003m.-2004m., project leader.2. Enhanced co-operation between EU member state and

Associated Candidate States in Maritime Research. 6th Framework Programme for research, Technological development and Demonstration. Encomar – ACC, 2003. (member of project group);PHARE 2003 “Further development of an infrastructure for prevention, reduction and monitoring of air pollution from ships in Baltic Sea region” (2005-2007), project leader.

Signature, name, surname Date



Personal dataName, surname Gunars Upitis

Address Saldus street 3B-44, Riga, Latvia, LV-1007Phone 67468272Date of birth June 25, 1946, Riga


1992 Doctor of Science ( , diploma Nr. B-D 000044, 1986 Candidate of technical sciences, thesis

“Diagnostic Analysis of Rotating Machinery Technical Parameters’ Fluctuations”

1964 - 1969 student at Riga Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of Automation and Technical Appliances, specialty Apparatus and Fine Mechanics 1953 - 1964 Riga 1st High-school

Work Experience 1972 till now professor, associate professor, assistant professor, teacher, Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, provided study courses “Machine Elements”, “Machine Design”, “Technical Drawing”, “Lifting and Conveying Machines”

1969 - 1972 design engineer at Riga Automobile Electrical Equipment Factory

Professional interests machine design, machine dynamics, strength and vibration calculations of machines and constructions, vibrational diagnostics of machines, signal analysis



Languages Latvian - native, Russian - fluent, English – basics

Programming languages Pascal, FORTRAN, C, Win32API, Delphi

Computer software SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Matlab, MS Word etc.

Efficiency courses (2004 – 2009):

ESF Akadēmiskā personāla kompetences paaugstināšanas un profesionālās pilnveides programma „Studiju kvalitātes pilnveide” (IZM lēmums Nr.444 12.05.2006).

Būvprakses sertifikāts Nr. 20-5245 LATAK-S3-176 metālkonstrukciju pārbaudē ar nesagraujošām metodēm, 2006.

Participation in research work (2004 – 2009):

Pļaviņu HES portālceltņu ekspluatācijas drošības analīze - sliežu ceļa noslodzes un stiprinājumu aprēķini, A/S „Latvenergo”, 2005.

Ķeguma HES ūdens pārgāzes aizvaru pacelšanas – nolaišanas mehānismu darba cikla statikas un kinemātikas analīze, A/S „Latvenergo”, 2006.

Dzelzceļa sliežu savienotājplākšņu slodžu un ilgizturības analīze, Latvijas –Austrijas kopuzņēmums „VAE Rīga”, 2006.

Ķeguma HES ūdens pārgāznes aizvaru remonta sienas drošuma novērtēšana, A/S „Latvenergo”, 2007.

Rīgas HES būvkonstrukciju ģeometrisko mērījumu metodikas un aprīkojuma izstrāde, A/S „Latvenergo”, 2009.

Main scientific publications (2004– 2009):

1. Upītis, G. Cilindrisku virsmu formas analīze : profila polārās diagrammas, RTU zinātniskie raksti,

sērija 6, sējums 15, 2004.2. Upītis, G. e - tehnoloģijas mašīnzinību studijās, RTU zinātniskie

raksti, sērija 6, sējums 23, 2007.3. Upītis, G. Portālceltņa sliežu ceļa balstu slodžu analīze, RTU

zinātniskie raksti, sērija 6, sējums 23, 2007.4. Upītis, G. CAD/CAE datorprogrammu pielietošana kuģu mehānikas

studijās, 10. starptautiskās konferences „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure” rakstu krājums, Rīga, LJA, 2008.

5. Upitis, G., Mazais, J., Rudnevs, J. Problem-Oriented E- Tools for Studies in Mechanical Engineering,

Proceedings of ICEE 2008, Pecs-Budapest, 2008.


6. Upītis, G. Ķeguma HES ūdens pārgāznes aizvaru manevrēšanas procesu analīze, RTU zinātniskie raksti, sērija 6, sējums 32, 2008.

7. Upītis, G., Rudņevs J., Mazais, J. Computer Technologies in Studies of Mechanical Engineering: What, How, Where?, RTU zinātniskie raksti, sērija 6, sējums 32, 2008.

Total number of: Published research papers 45 Patents, inventions 1 Methodic papers: 10




Valdis UzārsValdis Uzārs04.02.1934.04.02.1934.Professor Emeritus


Latvian Maritime Academy,Ph.:+371 7161124


Moscow Institute of Transport Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Transport, engineer, transport system electromechanic;

Signature, name, surname Date



Dr. habil. sc. ing.- Since 1996 the Candidate of Technical

Sciences;- Dissertation defended at Moscow

Institute of Transport Engineering;Theme:Parameter Selection for Alternating Current Semiconductor on the Basis of Analyses of...


- From 1958 to 1962 Latvian Railway; electrician of traction substation; craftsman of department; engineer;

- From 1962-1969 V2426, engineer, chief engineer, senior scientific associate;

- From 1969-1992 Riga Tehnical University, senior lecturer; associate professor, head of department; professor;

- From 1992 Latvian Maritime Academy, director of department; Professor Emeritus;

- From 2001 Latvian Maritime Academy, Professor Emeritus;

- 2003 The Emeritus Scientist of Latvian Republic; Diploma N0238;


Riga Technical University (RTU)Courses in:

- Electrical Engineering;- Industrial Electronics;

Latvian Maritime Academy (LJA)Courses in:

- ......Electro- machinery;- Ship Industrial Electrotehnics;- Ship Electronics;


Head, Latvian Science Council Grand No93.041 (1993-1997);


Estimation of criteria and analyses of safety factors relatively intermodal equipment carrying dangerous chemical goods;


65 scientific and 100 inventions;

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian (fluent), German, Lithuanian (elementary level);


EFFICIENCY COURSES:(2000. - 2008. g.):

- Foreign Member of Russia Transport Academy, Diploma No.780,03 February 1997;- Full Member of Russia Transport Academy, Diploma No. 2141, 13 October 2003- Certificate of Trainer N2 issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia, Year 2000;- Certificate N336 for completion courses in accordance with the STCW- 78/95 Convention Issued by the Registry of Seamen of the Republic of Latvia;- State Emeritus Scientist of the Republic of Latvia, Diploma No0238, 17 June;


- Head of the First Habilitation Council H- 05 of the Republic of Latvia in the field of Power Industry and Electrical Engineering (nostrification of the Diplomas of scientists of the Republic of Latvia in the respective field);

- Member of Habilitation Council at Riga Technical University and at the Institute of the Physical Energetics of Latvian Academy of Latvia;

- Member of Arbitration of the council of science, Republic of Latvia;

- Member of the Council for Promotion RTU-P14 at Riga Technical University;

- Member of Presidium, Association of Higher Education Institutions’ Professors of the Republic of Latvia;

Signature, name, surname Date



PERSONAL DATA:NAME, SURNAME Voldemārs BarkānsDATE OF BIRTH 10 August 1937POSITION Ass.professor

RESIDENCE, PHONE LMA General Education department, +371 67259844

EDUCATION, PROFESSION 1954-1959 Latvian State University, Department of MathematicsQUALIFICATION: 1966-1969 Post Graduate courses at Riga Polytechnical Institute

QUALIFICATION:25 November 1999 Professor at the Maritime Academy of Latvia5 May 1999 Dr. habil. sc. ing. (Dr. habil. sc. ing. thesis

“Calculation of Heat Technologies”)29 September 1992 Dr. sc. ing.14 September 1977 title of assistant professor16 March 1973 candidate of science13 November 1972 candidate thesis at Riga Polytechnical Institute

WORK EXPERENCE:2002 to present: ass. Professor at the Maritime Academy of Latvia25 November 1999 professor at the Maritime Academy of Latvia 1 February 1993 assistant professor at the Maritime Academy of Latvia1977-1993 assistant professors at Riga Polytechnical Institute1969-1977 senior lecturers1960-1966 assistant and senior lecturers at the chair of Higher Mathematics, Riga Polytechnical Institute1958-1960 lab assistant, senior lab assistant at the chair of Higher Mathematics, Riga Polytechnical Institute.

SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Mathematical methods of power engineering



Methods of Mathematics

SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 47 publications on science, 75 works on method,

22 description of the subject.2002 - 2008 10 scietific publications, 11 works on method

PARTIPANCE IN CONFERENCES:January 1969 Young Scietists conference, MinskMay 1981 VI conference of Technology and Science, KuibishevNovember 1984 Third All-Union conference on theoretical research of materials used in Nuclear reactors, LeningradSeptember 1986 Theoretical research of the process of drying, OdessaSeptember 2001 Conference of “Clima 2000”, ItalyOctober 2002 Conference of Riga Technical University, RigaConferences of science and method: Vilnius (1971), Riga (1977, 1981, 1995), Tallin (1987)April 2002-2008, 2-10 Conferenc Maritime Academy of LatviaOctober 2006 Conference Riga Technical University, RigaSeptember 2007 ISES Solar Congress 2007, Solar and Human Settlement, Edited by D. Yogi Goswami, Yuwen Zhao, September 18-21, 2007, Beijing, China, Volume II, p. 722-725.

MAIN SCIENTIFIC Scietific publicationsPUBLICATIONS, PARER 1.Temkins A., Barkāns V, Izolēta pazemes siltumvada

temperatūru lauks.-Rìga, RTU, Enerģētika un elektrotehnika, 2002, sēr 4,etc. (2003-2008): sēj. 6, 243. - 250. Lpp.

2. Temkins A., Gerhards J., Barkāns V. Temperature field of a

Two-layer plate at linear variations. - Latv. of J. Phys. Tehn.

Sci., 2003, N2, p. 25. -303. Barkāns V., Liepiņa V. Matemātikas metodes

enerģētikā. - Rīga, LJA 7. Zinātn.-prakt. konf., 2005.g. 14.-15. aprīlis,

104 - 112 lpp.4. Temkins A., Barkāns V., Šipkovs P., Vanags M.,

Lebedeva K.,


Šipkovs J. Heat conduction process on plane surfaces of a solar

Collector”s absorber the mathematical description. - Latv. Of

J. Phys. Tehn.Sci., 2005, N6, p. 3. - 15.5. Temkins A., Barkāns V. Siltumpārnese caur

vertikālu spraugu.- Rīga, RTU, Enerģētika un elektrotehnika, 2006,

sēr 4, sēj.16, 75. - 82. Lpp.6. Barkāns V., Temkins A., Šipkovs P., Kaškarova G.,

Vanags M., Lebedeva K.,Šipkovs J. Plakanas virsmas saules

kolektora fizikāli matemātiskie modeļi - Rīga, LJA 8.

Starptautiskā konf. “Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra“,

2006.g. 20.-21. aprīlis, 130. - 137. 7. Barkāns V., Temkins A., Šipkovs P., Vanags M.,

Kaškarova G., Šipkovs J., Lebedeva K. Saules enerģijas

kolektora teorētiskie modeļi - Rīga, RTU, Enerģētika un elektrotehnika,

2006., sēr.4. sēj. 17., 124 -132 lpp.8 Barkāns V., Temkins A., Šipkovs P., Vanags M.,

Lebedeva K. Nestacionāra siltumvadīšanas procesa

matemātisks apraksts saules kolektorā - Rīga, LJA 9. Starptautiskā

konf. “Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra“, 2007.g. 19.-

20.aprīlis, 214. – 225. lpp.9. Shipkovs P., Vanags M., Barkāns V., Temkins A.,

Lebedeva K., Kashkarova G., Shipkovs J. The Mathematical Description for the Heat Conduction Process on

Planesurfaces of a Solar Collector"s Absorber // ISES Solar

Congress 2007, Solar and Human Settlement, Edited by D. Yogi

Goswami, Yuwen Zhao, September 18-21, 2007, Beijing,

China, Volume II, p. 722-725.10. Barkāns V, Šipkovs P, Vanags M. Temperatūras

lauks karstā ūdens akumulātora siltummainī - Rīga, LJA 10.



konference.“Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra“, 2008.g. 24. - 25.

Aprīlis, 221. - 225. lpp.

Works on method and Scietific-method

1. Barkāns V., Liepiņa V. Vienargumenta funkcijas. Mācību līdzeklis.- Rīga, LJA, 2003, 46 lpp.2. Barkāns V. Matemātika III. . Mācību līdzeklis Latvijas Jūras akadēmijas neklātienes nodaļas studentiem.- Rīga, LJA, 2004. 57 lpp.3. Barkāns V. Matemātika IV. . Mācību līdzeklis Latvijas Jūras akadēmijas neklātienes nodaļas studentiem.- Rīga, LJA, 2004, 41 lpp. 4. Barkāns V. Matemātika V. Mācību līdzeklis Latvijas Jūras akadēmijas neklātienes nodaļas studentiem.- Rīga, LJA, 2004, 29 lpp.5. Barkāns V., Liepiņa V. Studentu patstāvīgais darbs.- Rīga, LJA 7. Zinātn.-prakt. konf., 2005.g. 14.-15. aprīlis, 18. – 20. lpp.6. Barkāns V., Dergunova N. Matemātika (Diferenciālrēķini. Nenoteiktais integrālis. Noteiktais integrālis.) .- Rīga, RTU, 2005, 46 lpp.7. Barkāns V., Veilande I. Matemātikas metodisko līdzekļu struktūra un saturs – Rīga, LJA 8. Starptautiskā konf. “Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra“, 2006.g. 20.-21.aprīlis, 92. - 98. lpp.8. Maļgina O., Zeļenkovs V., Barkāns V. Jaunu mainīgo ievešana parciālajos difererenciālvienādojumos - Rīga, LJA 9. Starptautiskā konf. “Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra“, 2007.g. 19.-20. aprīlis, 77. - 78. lpp.9. Barkāns V. Matemātika , I daļa - Rīga, AK, 2007, 88 lpp.10.Barkāns V. Matemātika , II daļa - Rīga, AK, 2008, 80 lpp.11.Barkāns V., Liepiņa V., Pētersone S., Beļska J., Spalviņa A., Kuzņecova J. Matemātikas elementi pielietojumos - Rīga, LJA

LANGUAGE SKILL Latvian, Russian, German

OTHER PROFESSIONAL- * Member of the RTU Promotion council.PUBLIC ACTIVITIES: * Expert of Science branches: „Būvzinātne” ( „Siltuma,


gāzes un ūdens inženiersistēmas”) and „Enerģētika”

(„Siltumenerģētika” ). * Member of LR Higherschool’s professors’ society. * Member of LMA Senate (to 15.09.2008).



PERSONAL DATA: NAME, SURNAME Rihards Indriksons DATE OF BIRTH 28.11.1940. POSITION Assistant professor, Latvian Maritime Academy,

Department of Marine Engineering RESIDENCE, PHONE

V.Seiles str. 26 – 7 , LV-4600 Rezekne, Latvia, phone +731 64622316


Higher, mechanical engineer, diploma C Nr.469115


Doctor’s degree of engineering, diploma B-D Nr.000325, dynamics of machine and equipment specialization


Since 02.09.1996. – assistant professor, Department of Marine Engineering, Latvian Maritime Academy07.1993. – 07.1996. – assistant professor, dean, Rezekne Higher school 09.1971. – 06.1993. – senior lecturer and assistant professor, RPI (since 1990.g. – RTU)09.1968. – 08.1971. – graduate student, RPI09.1965. – 08.1968. – assistant of department of Theoretical mechanics, RPI

Signature, name, surname Date



Since September, 1965. done lecturing and conducted classes and laboratory works in courses of studies – theoretical mechanics, strenght of materials, technical mechanics, theory of machines and mechanisms, machine parts, structural analysis, engineering mechanics.


Research of twist oscillations of ships propeller shafts.


1. Diagnostics of ships propeller shaft oscillation – 2004.g. – 7 p.2. Approximated calculation of basic frequency of twist oscillations of cylindrical shafts – 2004 – 5 p.3. Influence on shafts durability of twist oscillations – 2005 – 6 p.



LANGUAGE SKILLS: Russian, English, German a little.


Secretary on Latvian Maritime Academy’ Senate

Signature, name, surname Date


Curriculum vitae

Personal data Janis Kasalis14th of June 1973 21-22Rupniecibas Str.,; 29425545

Education 1. Latvian University, The bachelor of the economics Year 1991 until 1995;2. Latvian University, The magister of the

economicsYear 1995 until 1997;3. Latvian University, The doctor of the economics,

Year 2006.

Additional education 1. Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt (The financing of the international activities, 1 month), Y 1994;2. The Austrian Industry Camera, Wien (Marketing management and accounting, 1 month); Y 1995;3. Euromoney, NY (Credit risks management, 1

week), Y 1998;4. Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Tallinn, (Mergers and acquisitions), Y 1999.

Professional activities

Y 1993 – 1994 JSC “Baltic Transit Bank”, financial analyst;Y 1994 - 1996 JSC “Baltic Transit Bank”, the head of marketing department;Y 1996 – 1998 Ltd “Tallinn Pank Leasing

Latvia”, Director;Y 1998 – 2000 JSC “Saules Bank” (SEB - Group bank), Vice- president, Member of the board, the first co- chairman of the board, The head of credit department;Y 2000 – 2001 JSC “Baltic Transit Bank”, Vice president, The head of corporative customers department;Y 2001 – 2002 JSC “Rinuzhi”, Commercial

director;Y 2002 – and now Ltd “Riga Universal Terminal”, Chairman of the board;Y 2002 – and now Ltd “Alpha Express”, Executive




Y 2006 – and now Ltd „BFT”, Chairman of the board;

Y 2005 – 2009 Latvian University, lector, task – „The Company’s financial analysis”;Y 2007 – and now Latvian Maritime Academy, associated professor, task – „Bookkeeping and finances” and „The modern Technologies of the port terminals”.

Scientific activitiesPublications

1. Ekonomika, III, Latvijas Universitātes raksti; Universāls uzņēmējdarbības finanšu analīzes modelis un tā adaptācija, J.Kasalis// Rīga: Zinātne, 671. sējums, 135.-141. lpp. (ar līdzautoru).

2. Ekonomikas un vadības zinību attīstības problēmas, IV; Globalizācijas ietekme uz Latvijas Republikas finansu sektoru, J.Kasalis// Latvijas Universitātes zinātniskie raksti, Rīga, 2002, 355.-364. lpp. (ar līdzautoru).

3. Enterpreneurship in Latvia; Trends in the concentration of capital structures in Latvian Credit Institutions and the effect of the trends on the business environment, J.Kasalis// University of Latvia, Riga, 3(32)/2001, p. 35-45 (ar līdzautoru).

4. Integration of Latvia’s economy into the European Union; Latvia’s business accounting system in the global context, J.Kasalis// University of Latvia, Riga, 1(41)/2004, p. 109-116 (ar līdzautoru).

5. Latvian economy at the start of the 21st century; Analysis of the financial operations of Latvia’s leading wood processing companies in the context of the processing industries and the national economy, J.Kasalis// University of Latvia, Riga, 4(37)/2002, p. 26-37 (ar līdzautoru).

6. Latvian economy at the turn of centuries; Analysis of the financial indicators of Latvia’s economic sectors, J.Kasalis// University of Latvia, Riga, 1(26)/2000, p. 106-122 (ar līdzautoru).

7. Latvia’s economy on the road to the European Union; The European common currency and its possible influence on the Latvian economy, J.Kasalis// University of Latvia, Riga, 3(28)/2000, p. 89-103 (ar līdzautoru).

Participation in the conferences

1. Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanās Baltijas jūras reģionā: sociāli ekonomiskie izaicinājumi un iespējas; Finanšu analīzes modeļi un to pielietojums Latvijas tautsaimniecībā, J.Kasalis// Latvijas Universitātes Ekonomikas un vadības fakultātes starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences referāti, Rīga, 2004, 58.-63. lpp. (ar līdzautoru).

2. Jūras transporta un ostu terminālu vadības jautājumi; Ostu terminālu finansiālās darbības analīzes modeļi un attīstības prognozēšana, J.Kasalis// Latvijas Jūras akadēmijas 7. zinātniskās konferences referāti, Rīga, 2005, 73.-76. lpp.


3. Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstības problēmas; Finanšu pārskatu analīzes aspekti kredītrisku vadībā, J.Kasalis// Latvijas Universitātes ekonomikas un vadības fakultātes konferences referātu tēzes, Rīga, 1999, 50. lpp.

Business Project management1. Konteineru termināla izveides un darbības uzsākšanas projekta

vadība Rīgas Brīvostā, SIA „Rīgas Universālais Termināls” teritorijā, 2007.g.-2008.g.

2. Saldētavas izbūves un saldēto pārtikas kravu tranzīta plūsmas nodrošināšanas projekta izveide Rīgas Brīvostā, SIA „BFT” teritorijā, 2006.g.-2009.g.

Signature, name, surname Date



DATE OF BIRTH 24 July, 1958 PLACE OF BIRTH Riga, Latvia


Riga, Eksporta Str. 4., ap. 4. LV-1010, (371) 29 223 227

PLACE OF WORK Riga, Flotes 5b, Latvian Maritime Academy, (371) 67 161 111


2005 – today – LTU doctoral programme2000 – Teaching courses in International transport academy of Rotterdam1999 – Auditor courses of qualification system “Price Waterhouse Coopers”, Riga


1997-1998 – Latvian University, Bank’s economist1997-1998 – Latvian University, master studies in Social sciences1993-accounting and auditor courses from Latvian University“Moore Stephens” auditor firm1992-Maritime academy. Two-week training course, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden1991-efficiency courses in international management centre in University of Leuvena1980-1986 – Makarov’s State Maritime Academy (St.Petersburg) – Ships’ Mechanic1974-1978 – Riga maritime school – Ships’ Mechanic


From 1999 – Latvian Maritime Academy, Ships Mechanics’ Department, associative professor, Member of senate1992-1994 – Latvian Maritime Academy, lecturer


1999 International qualification systems auditor’s register

1997 – National Association of Marine Engineers1995 – Latvijan welder Association 1990 – Latvian seamen’s Association


“ISO 9000 standartu loma uzņēmumu peļņas palielināšanā” J. Kokars. Monetary policy and credit policy. Latvian University, 1999

(2001 – 2008) “Metināto metāla konstrukciju drošības faktori un kritēriji” J.Kokars, G.Taraniks. International Welder conference, Riga 1996.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian (mother’s), Russian - free, English - free,

Signature, name, surname Date





04.01.1946. Riga Technical University (RTU), Power and Electrical Engineering Faculty (PEEF), Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IIEEE), Professor, Riga, Kronvalda b.1 room 202, phone.+3717089917,mob.29333 084,



1974-1977. RTU research student. Profession: “Information theory and technical cybernetics”.Post-graduate thesis: “Structure and research of multiple decision taking models in organized management systems.”RTU Post-graduate Board P-09 Diploma B-D №

000612, 16.02.1993, 1964-1969. Riga Polytechnic Institute (RTU), student. Diploma of electrical engineer Ш № 482801,

27.06.1969Speciality “Automation and teleautomatics”.1953-1964. Pupil of Riga Secondary School No 10. Certificate Л No.009885, 1964.26.06.


Candidate of Technical Sciences (VAK, 1978, profession:Information theory and technical cybernetics)Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr. Sc. Eng.), Riga, 1993.



From 2009 until now - Professor of RTU PEEF IIEEE 2005 – 2006 – Professor (Assoc.) of RTU PEEF IIEEE2001 – 2005 – Professor (Assoc.) of RTU Transport and Machine Sciences Faculty (TMSF), Railway Transport Institute (RTI) 1997 – 2001 – Assist. Professor of RTU TMSF RTI.1992 – 1997 - Head of RTU ASTF Chair, Assist. Prof.1984 –1997 - Assist. Professor of RPI-RTU ASTF 1981 –1982 – University of Manchester, Great Britain 1979 – 1984 – Senior Lecturer of RPI-RTU ASTF 1977 –1979 - Assistant of RPI-RTU ASTF 1974 -1977- Research student of RPI ASTF 1967-1974 – Laboratory assistant, engineer, head of research subject of RPI ASTF.


Supervisor of 3 post-graduate thesis; 1 post-graduate student defended his post-graduate thesis in 2004. Publications and reports at 14 international conferences. Supervisor of 18 Master’s thesis in 2001 - 2006; publications at students’ and international conferences.Delivered lecture courses and workshops in 2001 - 2006.E-commerce for 1st study year engineers and Master’s degree students of RTU Faculty for Computer Sciences and Information Technology (FCSIT);

Transport flow theory /for TMSF un PEEF post-graduate students; Information technologies for transport intelligent systems /for TMSF un PEEF post-graduate students;Transport electronic business technologies /for TMSF un PEEF post-graduate students;Programming technologies in industrial electronics /for PEEF bachelors;Computer education (special course in industrial electronics) /for PEEF bachelors;Development of study course (subject) software in academic years 2001-2006;


Logistics methods in industrial electronics and power industry / for PEEF bachelors;Programming languages in computer technologies /for PEEF bachelors;Simulation of electric processes of mechatronic systems / for PEEF bachelors;


“Decision support systems and group decision support in complex transport management systems“, telematics and logistics, transport intellectual systems

Grants of Latvian Science Council No 04.1182 and 06.2033 “Development of multiagent systems in electric energy distribution”“18th International Conference Multiple Criteria Decision Making”, Crete, Greece. 2006.“Transport means 2005, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2005.“European Simulation and Modelling Conference”, Paris, France. 2004.“17th International Conference Multiple Criteria Decision Making”, Whistler, Canada. 2004.“1st International Industrial Simulation Conference”, Valencia, Spain, 2003. “18th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future”, Porto, Portugal, 2002. “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management”, Quebec City, Canada, 2001.‘15th European Simulation Multiconference’, “Modelling and Simulation”, CTU Prague, 2001.



Levchenkovs, A, Kunicina, N, Gorobetz M. Back-Propagation Algorithm for Intelligent Agents in Electric Transport Systems. Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Knowledge Engin. and Decision Support, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006

Levchenkovs, A, Kunicina, N, Greidane S. “Decision support systems in electric power supply in liberalized electricity market” proceedings of CARs&FOF'2005 conference Krakow, Poland, 2005

Levchenkovs, A. Mor-Yaroslavtsev, A. (2004), “Visual Dynamic Modelling of Transport Flows for Electronic Business Problems”, Proc. “The 2004 European Simulation and Modelling Conference,”, Paris, France

Levchenkovs, A. (2004), “The Algorithm of Negotiation for Software Agents and Group Decision Making in Logistics Tasks”, Proc. “17th International Conference Multiple Criteria Decision Making”, Whistler Canada

Levchenkovs, A., Kunicina, N., (2003), “Scheduling and Program Agents Algorithms for E-logistics”, Proceedings “1st

International Industrial Simulation Conference”, Valencia, Spain.


Levchenkovs, A., (2002), “Coordination Between Programs Agents for E-commerce Systems”, Proceedings “18th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future”, Porto, Portugal.

Levchenkovs, A., (2001), “Intelligent Logistics Transport Systems”, “World Markets Series “BUSINESS BRIEFING”, European Purchasing & Supply Chain Strategies, World Markets Research Centre Ltd, London.

Levchenkovs,A., Kunicina, N., (2001), “Multicriterial Group Decision Making in Transportation Logistics Systems”, “Modelling and Simulation 2001”, ‘15th

European Simulation Multiconference’, CTU Prague.

Levchenkovs, A., (2001), “Modelling for Logistics Group Decision Support Systems”, Proceedings “8th European Concurrent Engineering Conference ECEC’2001. Concurrent Engineering: The Path to Electronic Business. Valencia, Spain.


Since 1969 there are 121 research publications, including 53

foreign (Western) publications and 1 monograph:

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian, English – freely.


Pētnieciskā darba temats: “Member of Transportation Public Board of Riga City Council (since 2004)

Signature, name, surname Date




Riga26 June,1955

PLACE OF WORK Latvian Maritime Academy , Dept of Electrical AutomationPh. +371 67161124, e-mail:


Riga Politechnical Institute, 1978Electrical EgineerDr., Diploma No. B-D000544


1999 – 2008 - Assoc. Prof. at Latvian Maritime Academy,

Director of the Dept of Marine Electrical Automation;1992 – 1988 – Docent at Latvian Maritime Academy;1989 - 1992 - Lecturer at Latvian Maritime Academy;1986 – 1989 – phD student at Riga Technical University;1979 – 1985 – Engineer, assistant teacher at Riga Technical University


Study courses Marine Electrical Machinery; Marine Electrical Engineering and

Electronics; Electric Circuits; Ship Electric Drives


1. LJA 7. Scientific-practical conference 14.-15.04.2005. Riga. ”Multimodālo pārvadājumu attīstība Baltijas reģionā”

(2001 – 2008) 2. International Conference “Transportation logistics in science and practice” 11.-12.11.2004. Nova Gorica, Slovēnija. International Transportation of Dangerous Cargo (IMO 1 Class) / A. Unbedahts, J. Kokars3. The International Workshop on Harbour, maritime and multimodal logistics modelling and simulation 18.-20.09.2003., Rīga. “Training and education of seafarers”./ A. Unbedahts, J. Cimanskis., V. Priednieks, J. Kokars


4. 7th International conference on traffic science – ICTS 12.-14.11.2002. Nova Gorica, Slovēnija. “Training and education of seafarers”./ A. Unbedahts, J.Cimanskis., V. Priednieks, J. Kokars5. International conference “Transport means – 2002” 24.-25.10.2002. Klaipēda, Lietuva. “Short review on Latvians reasons to develop marine transport”./ A. Unbedahts, J. Cimanskis., V. Priednieks, J. Kokars6. LJA 6. Scientific-practical conference 14.-15.04.2004. Riga. „LJA dalība zinātniskajos pētījumos”.7. RTU Scientific-practical conference „Kompjuterizētās apkalpošanas sistēmas (CMS) un drošība uz jūras”.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian, English, GermanEFFICIENCY COURSES: (2001 – 2008)

Evaluator and instructor courses of maritime branches

Courses of quality management

Signature, name, surname Date





1 September, 1957Latvian Maritime AcademyUniversity of Latvia (LU)



- 1980. Faculty of History and Philosophy of Latvian State University (LVU) qualification – teacher of history and society.- 1983. Postgraduate course of LVU Faculty of History and Philosophy


Doctor of History 1993Candidate of history.1987.Associate Professor of Latvian Maritime Academy1999.Assistant professor of Police Academy of Latvia 1996.Assistant professor of Latvian Maritime Academy 1991.Assistant professor of Riga Technical University 1989.


2000 University of Latvia, Lecturer1999 - Latvian Maritime Academy, Associate Professor.1999-2000. Police Academy of Latvia, Head of Science Department 1996 -2000. Police Academy of Latvia, Assistant Professor.1991-1999. Latvian Maritime Academy, Assistant Professor.1983-1991. Riga Technical University, Assistant Professor.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE In LMA delivers lecture courses, conducts practical classes and master’s thesis. Main courses:History of culture of Latvia; History of Latvian navigation; Research work methodology.


History of Latvia



Research work in the LU Institute of History in the academic publication “History of Latvia of XX century” from 1996 till 2003.EU, University of Hamburg, International Project of Hansa Parliament “Social and experimental changes in Europe in the 20th century”, 2005


H.Šimkuva. European studies. Course description. – Liepāja Pedagogical Academy - 2004 - 26 pp;H.Šimkuva. History of navigation. Course programme – Latvian Maritime Academy - 2003 - 28 pp.;H.Šimkuva. Minderheitenpolitik in Lettland. - Berishte und Forschungen. Jahrbuch des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa. - Bd.13. - 18 pp., 2005.




Member of Goethe Society in Latvia Co-founder and Board Member of DAAD_Alumni Club.Member of the Methodical Work Group on History of Examination Centre of Naturalization Board, Republic of Latvia

Signature, name, surname Date





Latvia Maritime academy,67161120


1959 - 1965 - the Leningrad admiral Makarova Highest Maritime School of Engineers, navigator – engineer

Seagoing captain 1980.g. Captain of ocean yachts 1990.g.


Diploma Nr. Υ No. 867463, navigator



2006 – present - Latvia Maritime academy, Sea transport department, director p.I.2000 – 2006 - VAS the Latvia Sea administration, Float safety department, director1997 – 2000 - BOVAS the Latvia Sea administration director deputy float out of harm's way1993 – 1997 - The Latvia permanent representative in the International Seagoing organization (IMO)1991 – 1993 - Ministry of LR Sea businesses, minister deputy1990 – 1991 - Latvia Sea shipping, captain1973 – 1980 – Latvia Sea shipping, navigator1967 – 1973 - Latvia Sea shipping Ventspils Navigation chamber, deviatour1966 – 1967 - Riga Trades port, navigator in a port fleet1965 – 1966 - Ventspils Trades port, navigator in a port fleet1954 – 1955 - Katangaras timber Industry economy, Citas area, forest master


2006 – present – Latvia Maritime academy:Associate professor, in the courses of studios of the “Sea tiesibas”un “Jūras tiesību pamati",the Sea transport department students practice organizational and methodical guidance2007 – present - executive of courses and teacher in the course of studios in the “Jūras tiesības” in the LJA courses “Professional improvement programme" in speciality of navigators of ships2006 – visiting lecturer in the Mersina Maritime academy, in Turkey 2008 – visiting lecturer in the La Laguna University Maritime college, in Spain


Sea rights, float safety, float policy


2002 - 2004 ES PHARE Latvia - Germany collaboration project (Twinning Project - From. LV/2001/IB/TR/01) “Float safety” - Project executive from the Latvia side



2006 - Report „Latvian Shipping Policy, history of development, legal framework and prospects of implementation.” International conference in Tallin with keynote “Is Estonia Sea State?”.2006 – Report „Latvian Shipping Policy” Baltic states association of proprietors of ships conference Druskininkai ( Lithuania) „Review of Maritime Industries of the Baltic States” 2007 – Report “Responsibility and indemnification in connection with refuge places in Latvia waters” LJA 9th International Conference “Water transport and infrastructure” 2007 Responsibility and indemnification in connection with refuge places in Latvia waters” LJA 9th International Conference “Water transport and infrastructure” publication material 2008 – Report “Latvia and European float policy EU state support Guidelines code” LJA 10th International Conference “Water transport and infrastructure”



LANGUAGE SKILLS: LatvianRussianEnglish



2001 - the Latvia Maritime academy Seagoing industry estimator teaching courses, STCW 78/95 A-1 / 6 2001 - the LR Motion ministry Estimator certificate jurisdiction of specialist of ships estimation2007 - VAS Latvia Sea administration Mariner register Mariner jurisdiction estimator Certificate


The association of proprietors of Latvia Ships responsible secretarythe Latvia Seagoing union Rule memberLatvia cholastic yachting association member of the boardLatvija Sailors union, Qualification commission chairman


Signature, name, surname Date

CURRICULUM VITAEData of the personNAME, SURNAME INĀRA PLANKOVADATE OF BIRTH 19 of September, 1959NATIONALITY latvianADDRESS 23, Sipeles Street, Riga, LV 1058PHONE Office +371 67165210,

mobile +371 29255654MERITAL STATUSS marriedEDUCATION1995 - 1996 International Maritime Law Institute

of the IMO, Master of Maritime Law;1990 - 1995 Faculty of Law of the Latvian

University, lawyer.WORKING EXPERIENCE1999 –till now “Sea and Law “LTD, Member of the Board;1996- till now Latvian Maritime academy, lecturer of

the Maritime Law ; 2006– 2007 Centre of the Judge trainingin Latvia, lecturer;1993 – 1999 Division of Legal and International

treaty of the Maritime department of Ministry of Transport, Head of division;

1977 - 1993 Secretary of the Judge of Kurzemes region Court of Riga.

OTHER IMPORTANT EXPERIENCE1998/01 Shipping Management Programme,

Norwegian Shipping and Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy/ bringing up qualification;

1997/10-11 Shipping Management Programme, Norwegian Shipping and Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy/ bringing up qualification; ,


1996/ 10 ICC seminar in Paris “International treaty, preparation, negotiation and treaty concluding” ;

1996/ 09 ICC seminar in Paris “International Arbitration on Commerce”.

OTHER PROFESSIONAL – PUBLIC ACTIVITIES1996- 1999 Offical representative of Latvia in IMO

Legal Comitee and Fund 1992 1997 - 2000 Member of Board of the Latvian

Association of Maritime Law;2000 - 2002 Chief of Board of the Latvian

Association of Maritime Law2001-till now Secretary of the Latvian Association of

the Crewing CompaniesPUBLICATION1996- 1997 Co- author of the study book

“Maritime Law”, publishers “Jumava” .

ABILITY:LanguageLatvian, mother tongue;Russian excelent;English very good. another

19951996 Driver licence, cat. B, 24

years experience.

Signature, name, surname Date



Valdemarpils 16 May,1956


1979-1989 – Kaliningrad State Technical University1974-1977 – Klaipeda maritime school1963-1974 – Valdemarpils secondary school

PROFESSIONAL1993 – Latvian Maritime Academy, Ships Mechanics’ Department, docent

ACTIVITY: 1998-2002 – Riga Freeportpārvaldes Tehniskā un attīstības departamenta direktors1997-1998 – Latvijas Jūras administrācijas Transporta daļas vadītājs


1997-1998 - Latvijas Jūras administrācijas Meklēšanas un glābšanas dienesta kuģa ‘’Māra’’ vecākais mehāniķis1992-1997 - Latvijas kuģniecība, mehāniķis uz refrižeratorkuģiem1977-1992 – mehāniķis uz vietējās un ekspedīcijas zvejas kuģiem


1. LJA 7. Scientific-practical conference 14.-15.04.2005. Riga. ”Multimodālo pārvadājumu attīstība Baltijas reģionā”

(2001 – 2008) 2. International Conference “Transportation logistics in science and practice” 11.-12.11.2004. Nova Gorica, Slovēnija. International Transportation of Dangerous Cargo (IMO 1 Class) / A. Unbedahts, J. Kokars3. The International Workshop on Harbour, maritime and multimodal logistics modelling and simulation 18.-20.09.2003., Rīga. “Training and education of seafarers”./ A. Unbedahts, J. Cimanskis., V. Priednieks, J. Kokars4. 7th International conference on traffic science – ICTS 12.-14.11.2002. Nova Gorica, Slovēnija. “Training and education of seafarers”./ A. Unbedahts, J.Cimanskis., V. Priednieks, J. Kokars5. International conference “Transport means – 2002” 24.-25.10.2002. Klaipēda, Lietuva. “Short review on Latvians reasons to develop marine transport”./ A. Unbedahts, J. Cimanskis., V. Priednieks, J. Kokars6. LJA 6. Scientific-practical conference 14.-15.04.2004. Riga. „LJA dalība zinātniskajos pētījumos”.7. RTU Scientific-practical conference „Kompjuterizētās apkalpošanas sistēmas (CMS) un drošība uz jūras”.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian, Russian, English, GermanEFFICIENCY COURSES: (2001 – 2008)

Evaluator and instructor courses of maritime branches

Courses of quality management

Signature, name, surname Date




PERSONAL DATA:NAME, SURNAME Andris KepalsPLACE OF BIRTH Latvia, Ventspils, 10.07.1971.PLACE OF WORK Latvian Maritime Academy, lecturer at Foreign

languages departmentTel.+37167161115; Mobile: +371 2 9457148;e-mail:


From 1989-1994; Latvia University, the Faculty of Education and Psychology, qualification of teacher of English language and literature.


1994, Latvia University, Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy, Nr. 0013981996, Latvia University, Master’s degree in Pedagogy, Nr.0022772004, Latvia University, Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences, Serial Nr. MDA, 1454



Since 01.09.2009 – lecturer at the Latvian Maritime Academy, Foreign languages department and at Master’s Study programme;Since 16.09.2009 – guest lecturer of English and environmental management at Latvian Agriculture University, the Faculty of Social sciences;From 01.10.2008.-15.06.2009.- sales expert in company “SIA DELTARS”;From 01.09.2008-31.08.2009.- teacher of English at Educational Centre “DURBE”;From 14.04.2008-11.07.2008.- project manager in company “SIA VENTEKO”;From 06.03.2006-11.04.2008. – deputy director of studies and English language teacher at Educational Centre “LATED”;From 01.11.2004-03.03.2006.- environmental consultant in company “SIA FIRMA L4”;From 2001-2004 – the manager of environmental works at the Harbour Master’s office in Ventspils Freeport;From 1988-2001- the expert of Marketing and Public Relations;From 1994-1998- teacher of English at the Police Academy of Latvia; From 01.05.1994.-10.10.1994.- translator and interpreter in company “SIA LATTELEKOM”; From 1991-1994- teacher of English at Pumpuri Secondary school.


Experience at the Educational Centre “LATED” – 2 years; at Educational Centre “DURBE” -1 year, at Latvian Maritime Academy – 3 months;- all together 3,3 years.


The use of methodology of different approaches to English teaching to students with legal studies background; Waste management and environmental safety in the ports.


Design and implementation of “The ships’ waste management plan in Free port pf Ventspils”, participation at the “Ventspils Free port oil spill contingency plan”, participation at the implementation of “National oil and chemical spill contingency plan and risk assessment”.



Publication at „Baltic 21 News Letter “Issue of 01/2004 “Environmental management in Free port of Ventspils”.



LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian (native) (reading, writing, speaking skills – excellent)English (reading, writing, speaking skills – excellent)Russian (reading –excellent, speaking and writing – good)French (reading- good, speaking and writing skills- mediocre)


07.03.2009. Participation at “EXPRESS PUBLISHING“ seminar on usage of different materials in teaching of English, with focus on cognitive and interactive method.21.04.2006. Participation at “PEARSON LONGMAN” conference, titled “The teacher’s role in adult teaching”. 14-15.11.2005. Certificate for completion of course, titled “Today’s communication strategy – in attractive and convincing way” 27-29.09.2005. Certificate for completion of the intensive “Project management” course, organized by Commercial Education Centre.

Signature Name, surname





PERSONAL DATA:NAME, SURNAME Sandra LielbardePLACE OF BIRTH October 17, 1974, BalviPLACE OF WORK -----


Since September, 2008 – Master studies of in Maritime Law, Lund University, Sweden2006 – 2007, Master of Laws in International and European Law, Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia1997 – 2001, Bachelor of social sciences, Daugavpils University, Latvia1995 – 2000, Bachelor of Law, Rezekne University, Latvia


Master of International and European Law, Riga Graduate School of Law, 2007, Sēr. MD C, Nr. 0075




September, 2008 – June, 2009, lecturer (EU Law integration in Latvian Law; International Commercial Law, European Company Law) at Rezekne University, Latvia

February, 2008 – January, 2009, The Transport ministry of the Republic of Latvia, Maritime department, International agreements’ division, senior officer

September, 2006 – August, 2007, Latvian Maritime academy, Rector’s assistant in international relations

March, 2004 – August, 2006, Law offices of V. Gencs – lawyer

July, 2001 – March, 2004, The Register of the Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia – state notary

May, 2000 – June, 2001, the Municipality of city Ilukste – lawyerMay, 2000 – June, 2001, the Enterprise of the Municipality of city Ilukste “ORNAMENTS” – lawyer


2008- 2009. The lectures prepared and presented in EU Law integration in Latvian Law (55 hours) and in International Commercial Law and European Company Law (26 hours) to students of Master at Law programme, Rezekne University, Latvia.


Maritime Law, EU Law, International Commercial Law


Master thesis: Lielbarde, S., Fragmentation of public international law : Example of the UNCLOS Convention / Sandra Lielbarde. - Riga : Riga Graduates School of Law, 2007. - 36 p. - Tutor Galina Zukova.



Lielbarde, S., Rotterdam Rules – new legal regime for international carriage of goods by sea, sent for publishing in Latvian legal newspaper “Jurista Vards” (in Latvian).

Lielbarde, S., Fragmentation of public international law : Example of the UNCLOS Convention / Sandra Lielbarde. - Riga : Riga Graduates School of Law, 2007. - 36 p. - Tutor Galina Zukova.

Lecture “The legal relevance of the register and the flag in air and maritime law in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia” presented on Seminar “International and Comparative Transport Law in the Baltic Sea Area” in Binz (Germany) on, organized by Institute of East European Law at Christian – Albrechts University at Kiel, January 18, 2007 – January 21, 2007 –



LANGUAGE SKILLS: Languages: Latvian – native, English – fluently; Russian – fluently, Swedish - preliminary knowledge.



November, 2009.Seminar on 8th International Symposium on Maritime Security, organized by World Maritime University, Malmö (Sweden)

May, 2009.Seminar on contemporary issues in Marine environmental Law, Policy and Management, organized by World Maritime University, Malmö (Sweden)

May, 2009.Seminar on Maritime Arbitration in Copenhagen (Denmark), organized by Danish Ship owners’ Association and the Danish Institute of Arbitration

October, 2008.Training on EU maritime legislation by European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Lisbon, Portugal

July, 2007.Participation in Summer Program on WTO Studies in Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI) the University of Geneva, Switzerland

Signature Name, surname



Name, surname Silvija PakalnePersonal code 190951-10122Address 64A, Raunas street, Flat No 9Telephone 67569627, 29525046Marital status married, with 2 children

Education higher

1959-1970 Riga Secondary School No 491970-1976 Latvia University

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Qualification Filologist, English language teacher


1995 IMLA Seminar on Maritime English, Gdyna, Poland

1996 Upgrading Course on Maritime English conducted by Prof.F.F.Weeks (Plymouth University)

1997 IMLA Conference on Maritime English, Malmo,Sweden

1997 Upgrading Copurse on Maritime English conducted

by Prof.F.F.Weeks (Plymouth University)

1998 International Seminar on Maritime English, Senmalo, France1999 IMLA Conference on Maritime English, Rijeka,

Croatia2000 International Conference on Maritime English

Terminology & Translation, Turku, Finland2005 International Maritime English Teachers Training

Seminar organized by IMO, Szeczin, Poland

2006-2007 Participation in the International Leonardo da Vinchi Project Mareng

2008- Participation in the International Leonardo da

Vinchi Project Mareng II

Work Experience

1992- today Latvian Maritime Academy, lecturer1999-1976 Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Energy, translator Languages Latvian, Russian, EnglishComputer skills MS WordInterests Reading, theatre, travelling

Signature Name, surname





PERSONAL DATA: NAME, SURNAME Irina RezepinaPLACE OF BIRTH 19.05.1956.PLACE OF WORK Lecturer at Regional and Economics Chair of Riga

Stradina University, the chairman of programme, titled “The small and medium business management”. Lecturer of Latvia University


From 1973- 1978- The Faculty of Economic, Latvia University, qualification of economist-engineer, in a study field of Economic information processing;From 1979-1980- University of Kyiv, Faculty of in-service training;1986-1989- Full time graduate course of chair of Political economy, Latvia University; From February-May, 1994- Business School of Belgium, Dutch School, tempus PROJECT, Marketing and Management programme; Form January- June, 1996- Dalhouse University, The Baltic economics and management programme. Certificate of programme completion;2004- University of Daugavpils. The certificate Nr.386 on programme completion, titled “The basics of pedagogical education of the teaching staff of higher educational establishment”


1995 Master’s degree course in Business management OF Latvia University. Master’s degree in Business Management.



From 1978-1986- Assistant at the Chair of Political Economy of Latvia University;From 1990-1992- Senior teacher at the Chair of Economic theory of Latvia University; Since 1992- Lecturer at the Chair of Management Sciences of Latvia University; Since 1998- Lecturer at Regional and Economics Chair of RSU/AML and the chairman of programme, titled “The small and medium business management”.


The study courses delivered:“The technological management of economic processes”, 4CP, 64 classes, Part A;“The management of strategy and policy of the enterprise”, 4 CP, 64 classes Part A;“The theory and management of organizations”, 5CP, 80 classes, Part A; “Marketing”, 5CP, 80 classes, Part A;“The international business strategies and management”, 4CP, 80 classes, Part B;“The strategic and operational management”, ”, 4 CP, 64 classes Part B;“The strategic and operational management”, 2CP, 80 classes, Part A.


From 2004-2005 - The research carried out by European Commission ”Employees financial participation in Latvia”;From 2005-2007- National programme of EU Structural Funds ”The research of labour market”, by Ministry of Welfare, the research titled: “The specific problems of labour market of Latvia and its regions” The agreement LM 17.6-04/35-2005 .



1. 1. I.Rezepina. „Globalisation –oriented knowledge transfer with Focus of Latvia”. –conference thesis. Centre for European Studies university of Navarra, 2nd -7th August, 2004, 4-6.pages.

2. 2. I.Rezepina. Article in EC project framework „Financial Participation in Latvia” page 30, 2005

3. 3. I.Rezepina, I.Dovladbekova. National programme of EU Structural Funds ”The research of labour market”, by Ministry of Welfare, the research titled: “The specific problems of labour market of Latvia and its regions” - LLU, 2007.- p. 185. (with co-authors).

4. 4. I.Rezepina H.Kaļķis. Increasing wood processing company`s productivity and competitiveness by implementing healthy environment and applying ergonomics.- The article to the conference „2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics”. 2008, pages 23-29.

5. 5. I.Rezepina., A.Vīksna. Private Business. Theoretical indention- Rīga, LID 2009, 232 pages.


Since 1998- The secretary of Bachelor’s examination commission at the Chair of Management Sciences;Since 1996- the Chair’s cooperation coordinator with Latvia University Scientific library; Since 2001- work at the group of Assoc. Prof. V.Niedrīte;Since 2006- the member of RSU / ESF Council

Signature Name, surname





Alexander Rivosh


17 June, 1981



ADDRESS Rīga, LV-1063Maskavas str. 303, apt. 74

CONTACT INFO (+371) 29618209E-mail:

EDUCATION2006 – present moment

University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science. PhD studies. Diploma thesis: „Quantum Search Algorithms”

2003–2005: University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science. MSc studies. Diploma thesis: „Quantum Search Algorithms and its Applications”

1999 – 2003: University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science. BSc studies.Diploma thesis: „Quantum random walks on the plane and its applications in search algorithms”


Russian, Latvian, English


2006–2008: Lecturer at Latvian Maritime Academy (course “Information Technology”)

2008: Lecturer at University of Latvia (course „Algorithmic methods in bioinformatics”,research assistant in Quantum Computation group

2004 – 2008: Assistant at Latvian State Biomedical Study and Research Centre(in Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Cancer), programmer position

2006: Lecturer at University of Latvia (course „Algorithmic methods in bioinformatics”

2004 – 2005: Webmaster at Computational Centre of SJSC “Latvian Railway” (contract job)


1. Scientific project „Development of bioinformatical method for cancer-specific alternative splicing variant identification” (2004-2006). Founded by Latvian Academy of Science (grant #04.1143).

2. European 6th framework collaboration Project (2005-2008): ENACT (European Network for the identification and validation of Antigens and


biomarkers in Cancer and their application in clinical Tumour immunology). Founded by European Union (contract #: 503306)

3. University of Latvia Grant Y2-ZP01-100: Quantum Computation Research Project.


1. A.Ambainis, J.Kempe, A.Rivosh “Coins Make Quantum Walks Faster” . Published in SODA’05 conference proceedings (pages 1099-1108)Vancouver, Canada. January, 2005.e-preprint: arXiv/quant-ph:0402107; .

2. A.Dubrovska, T.Mischenko-Slatenkova, A.Rivosh „Quantum Query Algorithms for Certain Problems and Generalization of Algorithm Designing Techniques”Published in conference „Developments in Language Theory 2007” proceeding; satellite workshop „Probabilistic and Quantum Automata” (pp. 65–80)Turku, Finland.

3. A. Ambainis, A. Rivosh "Quantum Walks with Multiple or Moving Marked Locations"SOFSEM 2008: Theory and Practice of Computer Science",LNCS vol. 4910, pp. 485-496.Novy Smokovec, Slovakia


1. Z. Kalniņa, K. Siliņa, I. Gailīte, A. Rivošs, P. Zajakins, D. Pilāns, A. Linē“Melanomas imunoma noteikšanas iespējas, izmantojot uz fāga displeju balstītu SEREX metodi”, University of Latvia, February 9, 2006.

2. K. Siliņa, A. Rivošs, Z. Kalniņa, P. Zajakins, A. Ābols, A. LinēBioinformātikas pieejas izstrāde splaisinga defektu identifi cēšanai

audzējosUniversity of Latvia, February 9, 2006.

TEACHING Supervisor of BSc diploma, thesis “Database of changes in protein structure”. Defended at University of Latvia, June, 2006.

Signature Name, surname







2007-2009 -Riga Technical University, Master Professional Degree in Transport Systems Engineering,2002-2007 - Latvian Maritime Academy diploma of navigating officer with qualification in engineering,1998-2002 - Dobele city gymnasium,1990-1998 - Šķibes elementary school.


Riga Technical University, Master Professional Degree in Transport Systems Engineering. Diploma series PD E Nr.1713, registration Nr.15B-018,Latvian Maritime Academy, Navigating Officer with qualifications in engineering, Diploma series PDC No.0129.


quality assurance specialist.


Master diploma „Optimisation of containerised logistic processes with influence of e-commerce”.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Latvian – mother tongueEnglish – fluentRussian – fluent




Participation in Riga Technical University Scientific Conference in 2009 with topic „Optimisation of containerised logistic processes with influence of e-commerce”.

Other activities sports, music, cinema, travelling.

Signature Name, surname




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