schoenberg string quartet n.4 op37

Post on 13-Apr-2016






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Powerpoint presentation of an analisys of Schoenberg String Quartet N.4 op37


A. Arnold Schoenberg

B. String Quartet No.4, Op.37

1. Context

2. Dodecaphonich rows in the main voice

3. Musical elements

4. Cotrapuntual techniques

C. Conclusion

B. String Quartet No.4, Op.37

1. Context

Original row (O1)

2. Dodecaphonic rows in the main voice.

First theme based on O1

Other rows

3. Musical elements

Musical form: first theme, second lyrical theme

Tempos: Allegro Molto energico – 152 Pocco menno mosso - 108

Dynamics: ppp – fff; sf, fp.

Articulations: accented (srong beat), unaccented (weak beat).....

Instrumental techniques: pizzicato, ponticello, harmonics....

4. Contrapuntual techniques

● Main row (O1) is divided into four three-notes cells.

● Schoenberg uses a particulary technique during a short phrase and then switches to another

4.Contrapuntual techniques

Example a.1.Cells as subordinated accompanimental chords-Each three-notes cell of the melody is part of two simultneous rows

Row O1

4. Contrapuntual techniquesExample a.2) Cells as subordinated accompanimental chords but with the

retrograde row

Row R01

4 .Contrapuntual techniquesExample 2) Imitation of the melody in the “harmony” like a canon-like manner

Row I6

4. Contrapuntual techniquesExample 3) Three-notes cells in canon

Row I6

4. Contrapuntual techniquesExample 4. Partition of the row between two instruments

Row 01Row I6

5. Conclusions

● Highly “intellectual” way of composing● Avoidance of tonal suggestions and references

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