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Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

School Name: School Code:Location: Facility Code: 1935

Region: Superindendent: Dr. Jeremy SimmsJurisdiction: RCSSD #1 Contact Person: Richard Mysliwy

Telephone: 403-298-1356

Grades: 12-Oct School Capacity: 1245

Year of Compl.

No. of Floors

Gross Bldg Area (Sq.M.)

Type of Construction (i.e., structure, roof, cladding)

Description of Mechanical Systems (incl. major upgrades) Comments/Notes

1971 3/2 (split level)

11963.8 concrete slab on grade; owsj, metal deck, concrete topping/floor structure; owsj, metal deck roof structure; precast concrete cladding on exterior wall; stucco finish, masonry interior walls (bearing and corridors), demountable partition (internal to suites)

central boiler, perimeter radiation, ventilation and humidification

1989 2 299.2 same as 1971 separate air handling unit (roof top unit)


Evaluator's Name: John Wheatley& Company: Bathory Associates Architecture +

Interior Design

Building SectionOriginal Building

Additions/ Expansions

Bishop Carroll4624 Richard Rd. S.E.



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

1980 modernization to provide large resource areas for each department

1992 administration suite upgrade

1995 level one upgrade, drama computer corridor, weight room (new finishes and revision to layout)

1996 science room renovationslocker upgrade


no reports availableList of Reports/ Supplementary Information

Portable Struct. (identify whether attached/perman. or free-standing/ relocatable)

Upgrading/ Modernization (identify whether minor or major)


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Evaluation Components Summary Assessment Estim. Cost

1 Site Conditions some site restoration required due to emergency replacement of sanitary line $50,000

2 Building Exterior envelope problems (vapour/air barrier related), window failure $477,000

3 Building Interior interior finish upgrade relating to deteriorated finishes and mechanical and electrical upgrade $378,000

4 Mechanical Systems replace hot water heating system, replace ventilation systems, upgrade/replace steam humidification, modify DOS system $1,576,000

5 Electrical Systems replace some exterior lighting, car plug-ins, some additions and modifications to life safety systems, addition to convenience outlets, computer outlets, surge protection required on distribution system, install new emergency generator, install new lights in about 70% of facility, some work on communication system, further investigation is required to evaluate the implementation of energy efficiency measures


6 Portable Buildings $0

7 Space Adequacy:7.1 Classrooms school has resource areas, not traditional classrooms

7.2 Science Rooms/Labs adequate

7.3 Ancillary Areas lots of specialized program areas

7.4 Gymnasium adequate

7.5 Library/Resource Areas combined with the instructional resource area

7.6 Administration/Staff Areas staff advisors have their own offices

7.7 CTS Areas cts program area used for preparation of art and drama projects, IA is not a program offered from this facility

7.8 Other Non-Instructional Areas (incl. gross-up)

$2,870,500Overall School Conditions & Estim. Costs


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 1 Site Conditions Rating Comments/Concerns Estim. Cost1.1 General Site Condions

1.1.1 Overall site size. 4 8.1 ha

1.1.2 Outdoor athletic areas. 4 football and baseball fields

1.1.3 Outdoor playground areas, including condition of equipment and base.


1.1.4 Site landscaping. mature 1999 sanitary service to school was replaced (emergency); landscaping is still damaged (across play fields)

3 restore landscaping $50,000

1.1.5 Site accessories (i.e., perimeter and other fencing, guard rails, bike stands, flag poles).

4 perimeter chain link fence

1.1.6 Surface drainage conditions (i.e., drains away from building, signs of ponding).

4 adequate

1.1.7 Evidence of sub-soil problems. 4 none

1.1.8 Safety and security concerns due to site conditions. 4 none



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 1 Site Conditions Rating Comments/Concerns Estim. Cost1.2 Access/Drop-Off Areas/Roadways/Bus Lanes

1.2.1 Vehicular and pedestrian access points (i.e., size, number, visibility, safety).

4 School is well served by roads; school is not in a residential area so there is no conflict with other traffic. School is adjacent to Mount Royal College and former CFB Calgary so access and traffic patterns may be affected by redevelopment plans.

1.2.2 Surfacing of on-site road network (note whether asphalt or gravel).

4 asphalt

1.2.3 Bus lanes/drop-off areas (note whether on-site or off-site).

4 off city streets, students use public transportation

1.2.4 Fire vehicle access. 4 adequate

1.2.5 Signage. 4 adquate



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 1 Site Conditions Rating Comments/Concerns Estim. Cost1.3 Parking Lots and Sidewalks

1.3.1 Number of parking spaces for staff, students and visitors (including stalls for disabled persons).

4 336 (with two h/c stalls)

1.3.2 Layout and safety of parking lots. 4 large parking loit with no designated pedestrian zones

1.3.3 Surfacing and drainage of parking lots (note whether asphalt or gravel).

4 adequate, east parking lot recently re-paved

1.3.4 Layout and safety of sidewalks. 4 adequate

1.3.5 Surfacing and drainage of sidewalks (note type of material).

4 concrete, some settlement

1.3.6 Curb cuts and ramps for barrier free access. 4 asphalt ramping


Overall Site Conditions & Estimated Costs$50,000


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 2 Building Exterior Rating Estim. Cost2.1 Overall Structure Bldg.

Section Description/Condition2.1.1 Floor structure and beams (i.e., signs of bending,

cracking, heaving, settlement, voids, rust, stains).4 all concrete topping on metal deck and steel joints, slab on grade at lowest level

2.1.2 Wall structure and columns (i.e., signs of bending, cracking, settlement, voids, rust, stains).

4 adequate

2.1.3 Roof structure (i.e., signs of bending, cracking, voids, rust, stains).

4 adequate

2.1.4 Control/expansion joints.




Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 2 Building Exterior Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns2.2 Roofing and Skylights

Identify the availability of an up-to-date inspection report or roofing program. Note if roof sections are of different ages and/or in varying states of repair.

Bldg. Section or Roof Section Description/Condition/Age

2.2.1 Based on the inspection report (and to the extent possible, direct observation), assess and rate roof conditions and estimate costs for required improvements (i.e., covering materials, membrane, insulation, other components).

5 reroofed between 1989 and 1995 (3 stages); SBS membrane

2.2.2 Roof accessories (i.e., ladders, stairs, hatches, masts, exhaust hoods, chimneys, gutters, downspouts, splashpads).

4 adequate

2.2.3 Control of ice and snow falling from roof. 4 flat roof

2.2.4 Skylights (i.e., signs of distress, leaks, ice build-up, condensation, deteriorated materials/seals).




Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 2 Building Exterior Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns2.3 Exterior Walls/Building Envelope Bldg.

Section Description/Condition2.3.1 Exterior wall finishes (i.e., signs of deterioration,

cracks, brick spalling, effluorescence, water stains).3 1971 some evidence of vapour exfiltration where portions of exposed concrete have been painted, wall

system does not have an air vapour barrier, some aggregate is falling off stucco; install vapour barrier/gypsum board and insulation to exterior wall


2.3.2 Fascias, soffits, parapets (i.e., signs of looseness, stains, rust, peeling paint).

4 new with re-roofing

2.3.3 Building envelope (i.e., evidence of air infiltration/ exfiltration through the exterior wall or ice build up on wall, eaves, canopy).

see 2.3.1 for pricing

2.3.4 Interface of roof drainage and ground drainage systems.

4 adequate

2.3.5 Inside faces of exterior walls (i.e., signs of cracks, water stains, dust spots).

4 adequate/concrete block masonry



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 2 Building Exterior Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns2.4 Exterior Doors and Windows Bldg.

Section Description/Condition2.4.1 Doors (i.e., signs of deterioration, rusting metal, glass

cracks, peeling paint, damaged seals, sealed unit failure).

4 exterior metal doors in pressed steel frames

2.4.2 Door accessories (i.e., latches, hardware, screens, locks, alarms, holders, closers, security devices).

4 hardware adequate

2.4.3 Exit door hardware (i.e., safety and/or code concerns).

4 adequate

2.4.4 Windows (i.e., signs of deterioration, rusting metal, glass cracks, peeling paint, damaged seals, sealed unit failure).

3 original aluminum framed windows, aluminum frame is separating, some double hung units, some casement; hardware/screens not functioning; replace exterior windows


2.4.5 Window accessories (i.e., latches, hardware, screens, locks, alarms, holders, closers, security devices).

see 2.4.4 for pricing

2.4.6 Building envelope (i.e., signs of heavy condensation on doors or windows).


Overall Bldg Exterior Condition & Estim Costs $477,000


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 3 Building Interior - Overall Conditions Rating Estim. Cost3.1 Interior Structure Bldg.

Section Description/Condition3.1.1 Interior walls and partitions (i.e., signs of cracks,

spalling, paint peeling).4 masonry

3.1.2 Floors (i.e., signs of cracks, heaving, settlement). 4 concrete, OK


3.2 Materials and Finishes Bldg. Section


3.2.1 Floor materials and finishes. 3 replace flooring in high traffic areas, levels two through five (corridors and cafeteria) $80,000

3.2.2 Wall materials and finishes. 3 refinish in relation to mechanical and electrical upgrades $80,000

3.2.3 Ceiling materials and finishes. 3 t-bar in about 70% of school original, upgrade ceilings in relation to mechanical and electrical upgrade




Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 3 Building Interior - Overall Conditions Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns3.2 Materials and Finishes (cont'd) Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

3.2.4 Interior doors and hardware. 4 adequate

3.2.5 Millwork 4 adequate

3.2.6 Fixed/wall mounted equipment (i.e., writing boards, tackboards, display boards, signs).

4 adequate

3.2.7 Any other fixed/mounted specialty items (i.e., CTS equipment, gymnasium equipment).

4 adequate

3.2.8 Washroom materials and finishes. 4 adequate



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 3 Building Interior - Overall Conditions Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns3.3 Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

3.3.1 Building construction type - combustible or non-combustible, sprinklered or non-sprinklered.

4 non combustible, not sprinklered

3.3.2 Fire separations (i.e., between buildings, wings, zones if non-sprinklered).

4 central stairway divides building into five fire zones

3.3.3 Fire resistance rating of materials (i.e., corridor walls and doors).

4 adequate

3.3.4 Exiting distances and access to exits. 4 adequate

3.3.5 Barrier-free access. 4 elevator serves all levels, one barrier free washroom

3.3.6 Availability of hazardous materials audit (i.e., evidence of safety concerns with respect to asbestos, PCB's, chemicals).

F1 expected in finishes, insulation and electrical

3.3.7 Other health and safety concerns (i.e., evidence of excessive noise conditions, air quality problems)

4 none


Overall Bldg Interior Condition & Estim Costs$378,000

Health and Safety Concerns --- Intent is to identify renovations considered necessary to meet applicable codes, primarily due to safety concerns. Basis of evaluation should be an up-to-date inspection report from the authority having jurisdiction together with direct observations as appropriate. Evaluator should note if in his opinion a comprehensive code evaluation is required.


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 4 Mechanical Systems Rating Estim. Cost4.1 Mechanical Site Services

4.1.1 Site drainage systems (i.e., surface and underground systems, catch basins).

4 Roof drains, catch basins and underground to municipal system.

4.1.2 Exterior plumbing systems (i.e., irrigation systems, hose bibs).

5 Hose bibbs.

4.1.3 Outside storage tanks. n/a


4.2 Fire Suppression Systems Bldg. Section


4.2.1 Fire hydrants and siamese connections. 4 Fire hydrants on adjacent street.

4.2.2 Fire suppression systems (i.e., pumps, sprinklers, piping, reservoirs, hoses, stand pipes, CO2 systems).

4 Stand pipe and hose system.

4.2.3 Hand extinguishers, blankets and showers (i.e., in CTS areas).

4 Portable fire extinguishers.

4.2.4 Other special situations (e.g., flammable storage areas, science labs, CTS areas).




Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 4 Mechanical Systems Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns4.3 Water Supply and Plumbing Systems Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

4.3.1 Domestic water supply (i.e., pressure, volume, quality - note whether municipal or well supply).

4 Municipal water supply

4.3.2 Water treatment system(s). n/a

4.3.3 Pumps and valves (including backflow prevention valves).

4 Good Condition.

4.3.4 Piping and fittings. 4 Good Condition.

4.3.5 Plumbing fixtures (i.e., toilets, urinals, sinks) 4 Good Condition.

4.3.6 Domestic hot water system (i.e., heater, storage tanks, failure alarms, pressure, volume, recirculation).

4 Gas fired heater and storage tank separate gas fired heater for kitchen.

4.3.7 Sanitary and storm sewers, including sumps and pits (note whether sewage system is municipal or septic).

4 Good condition - sanitary main replaced this year.



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 4 Mechanical Systems Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns4.4 Heating Systems Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

3 1970 Heating capacity is marginal, gas fire, multi zone, equipment is failing and needs to be replaced with a hot water boiler to provide hot water and glycol systems for air handling coils and perimeter radiation.

4 1988 Roof-top gas fired HVAC unit.

4.4.2 Heating controls (including use of current energy management technology.

4 Good condition - need to modify for new heating and ventilation system.

4.4.3 Fresh air for combustion and condition of the combustion chimney.


4.4.4 Treatment of water used in heating systems. n/a

4.4.5 Low water cutoff/pressure relief valves and failure alarms (i.e., hot water heating).


4.4.6 Heating air filtration systems and filters. Poor condition. See 4.4.1 for pricing

4.4.7 Heating humidification systems and components. 4 Steam boiler but not being used because of problems with team grids in air handlers.see 4.5.9

4.4.1 Heating capacity and reliability (including backup capacity).



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 4 Mechanical Systems Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns4.4 Heating Systems (cont'd) Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

4.4.8 Heating distribution systems (i.e., piping, ductwork) and associated components (i.e., diffusers, radiators).

see 4.4.1 for pricing

4.4.9 Heating piping, valve and/or duct insulation. Provide new hot water distribution system.see 4.4.1 for pricing

4.4.10 Heat exchangers. Gas fired heat exchangers are constantly failing and are difficult to obtain. See 4.4.1 for pricing

4.4.11 Heating mixing boxes, dampers and linkages. n/a

4.4.12 Heating distribution/circulation in larger spaces (i.e., user comfort, temperature of outside wall surfaces).

Change mixing boxes to constant volume boxes with reheat and provide perimeter radiation.see 4.5.1 for pricingsee 4.4.1 for pricing

4.4.13 Zone/unit heaters and controls. Modify controls for new heating systemsee 4.7.1 for pricing



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 4 Mechanical Systems Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns4.5 Ventilation Systems Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

4.5.1 Air handling units capacity and condition. 3 Air handling systems appear to have marginal capacity for ventilation and cooling units should be replaced with air handlers with glycol heating coils and chill water coils. Constant volume.


4.5.2 Outside air for the occupant load (if possible, reference CFM/occupant).

Marginal condition.see 4.5.1 for pricing

4.5.3 Air distribution system (if possible, reference number of air changes/hour).

4 Good condition.

4.5.4 Exhaust systems capacity and condition. 4 Good condition.

4.5.5 Separation of out flow from air intakes. 4 Good condition.

4.5.6 Special/dedicated ventilation and/or exhaust systems (i.e., kitchen, labs, CTS areas).

4 Shop areas - good condition, Kitchen area - good condition.



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 4 Mechanical Systems Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns4.5 Ventilation Systems (cont'd) Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

Note: Only complete the following items if there are separate ventilation and heating systems.

4.5.7 Ventilation controls (including use of current energy management technology).

3 Modify systems to accommodate recommended upgrads to systems. $366,000.00

4.5.8 Air filtration systems and filters. see 4.5.1 for pricing

4.5.9 Humidification system and components. 3 Modify existing steam piping and controls and provide new steam grids in each new air handler. $60,000.00

4.5.10 Heat exchangers. see 4.5.1 for pricing

4.5.11 Ventilation distribution system and components (i.e., ductwork, diffusers, mixing boxes, dampers, linkages).

see 4.5.1 for pricing



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 4 Mechanical Systems Rating Estim. CostComments/Concerns4.6 Cooling Systems Bldg.

Section Description/Condition

4.6.1 Cooling system capacity and condition (i.e., chillers, cooling towers, condensers).

4 1970 Centrifugal chiller and cooling tower to provide chill water to air handlers.

4.6.2 Cooling distribution system and components (i.e., ductwork, diffusers, mixing boxes, dampers, linkages)

4 Good condition.

4.6.3 Cooling system controls (including use of current energy management technology).


4.6.4 Special/dedicated cooling systems (i.e., labs, CTS areas).

4 1970 Separate air handling units with chill water coils and air cooled condenser for computer room and television studio.


4.7 Building Control Systems Bldg. Section


4.7.1 Building wide/system wide control systems and/or energy management systems.

4 Modify existing BMS - DDC system to accommodate new heating and ventilation systems.see 4.5.7

Overall Mech Systems Condition & Estim. Costs $1,576,000.00


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 5 Electrical SystemsRating Comment


Estim. Cost

5.1 Site Services5.1.1 Primary service capacity and reliability (i.e., access,

location, components, installation, bus sizes - note whether overhead or underground).

4 Existing service is 1200 amp, 3 phase, 4 wire, 277/480 volts fed underground and is in good condition with room for future growth.

5.1.2 Site and building exterior lighting (i.e., safety concerns).

3 Existing fixtures are in poor condition and need replacement. New HID, HPS fixtures will be installed at entrances and building perimeter.


5.1.3 Vehicle plug-ins (i.e., number, capacity, condition). 3 Some of the parking plug-ins are damaged and new coverplates are required. $2,000.00


5.2 Life Safety Systems Bldg. Section Description/Condition

5.2.1 Fire and smoke alarm systems (i.e., safety concerns, up-to-date technology, regularly tested).

3 The existing system is an Edwards ESA-2000 and generally meets code. Additional bells and strobes $10,000.00

5.2.2 Emergency lighting systems (i.e., safety concerns, condition).

4 Existing in good condition

5.2.3 Exit lighting and signage (i.e., safety concerns, condition).

3 Existing exit signs are base building incandescent and should be replaced with new LED technology. $14,000.00



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 5 Electrical SystemsRating Comment


Estim. Cost

5.3 Power Supply and Distribution Bldg. Section Description/Condition

5.3.1 Power service surge protection. 2 None in place. $1,500.00

5.3.2 Panels and wireways capacity and condition. 3 In general, panels are in good condition with some space for expansion. Some additional panels are r $15,000.00

5.3.3 Emergency generator capacity and condition and/or UPS (if applicable).

2 Exsting generator is natural gas fed and does not meet code. A new diesel generator or indepenent fu $65,000.00

5.3.4 General wiring devices and methods. 3 Generally is in good condition, some additional required to meet computer and convenience outlet nee $25,000.00

5.3.5 Motor controls. 3 Existing are in good condition with some being obsolete and need replacement to allow for a new life c $7,500.00

Other 3 Provide for additional control and wiring for mechanical upgrades. $15,000.00


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 5 Electrical SystemsRating Comment


Estim. Cost

5.4 Lighting Systems Bldg. Section Description/Condition

5.4.1 Interior lighting systems and components (i.e., illumination levels, conditions, controls).

3 The existing lighting sy $178,000.00

5.4.2 Replacement of ballasts (i.e., health and safety concerns).

4 No PCB's

5.4.3 Implementation of energy efficiency measures and recommendations.

F.I. Refer to Item 5.4.1 and 5.3.2



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 5 Electrical SystemsRating Comment


Estim. Cost

5.5 Network and Communication Systems Bldg. Section Description/Condition

5.5.1 Telephone system and components (i.e., capacity, reliability, condition).

4 Existing in good condition

5.5.2 Other communication systems (i.e., public address, intercom, CCTV, satellite or cable TV).

3 Additional speakers are required in some areas to improve sound and taps changed in others to reduc $5,000.00

5.5.3 Network cabling (if available, should be category 5 or better).

4 Existing in CAT.5

5.5.4 Network cabling installation (i.e., in conduit, secured to walls or tables).

4 Existing is correct

5.5.5 Wiring and telecommunication closets (i.e., size, security, ventilation/cooling, capacity for growth).

3 There is a need to provide proper wiring closets at two locations to meet BICSI standards. $20,000.00

5.5.6 Provision for dedicated circuits for network equipment (i.e., hubs, switches, computers).

3 There is a need to provide dedicated outlets in several areas to meet computer requirements. $25,000.00



Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 5 Electrical SystemsRating Comment


Estim. Cost

5.6 Miscellaneous Systems Bldg. Section Description/Condition

5.6.1 Site and building surveillance system (if applicable). N/A

5.6.2 Intrusion alarms (if applicable). 4 Existing in good condition

5.6.3 Master clock system (if applicable). 4 Existing in good condition


5.7 Elevators/Disabled Lifts (If applicable)5.7.1 Elevator/lift size, access and operating features (i.e.,

sensing devices, buttons, phones, detectors).

5.7.2 Condition of elevators/lifts.

5.7.3 Lighting and ventilation of elevators/lifts.


Overall Elect. Systems Condition & Estim Costs Existing in good condition with upgrades required for code and to provide for a new life cycle. $389,500.00


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Section 6 Portable Buildings Rating Comments/Concerns Estim. CostNote: Separate sheets can be completed, if necessary, for portable buildings of different ages and/or conditions.

n/a none

6.1.1 Foundation and structure (i.e., signs of bending, cracking, settlement, rust, voids, stains).

6.1.2 Roof materials and components (i.e., signs of deterioration, leaks, ice build-up).

6.1.3 Exterior wall finishes (i.e., signs of deterioration, cracks, water stains).

6.1.4 Doors and windows (i.e., signs of deterioration, rusting hardware, glass cracks, peeling paint, damaged seals).

6.1.5 Interior finishes (i.e., floors, walls, ceiling).

6.1.6 Millwork (i.e., counters, shelving, vanities, cabinets).

6.1.7 Fixed/wall mounted equipment (i.e., writing boards, tackboards, display boards, signs)

6.1.8 Heating system.

6.1.9 Ventilation system.

6.1.10 Electrical, communication and data network systems.

6.1.11 Health and safety concerns (i.e., fire and smoke alarms, fire protection systems, exiting, fire resistance rating of materials).

6.1.12 Barrier-free access.

Overall Portable Bldgs Condition & Estim Costs 0


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

No. Size Total Area No. Size Total Area

7.1 Classrooms (Resource areas for math, modern living, philosophy / religion, testing, english, communication skills, special education)

2254 31 80 2480 -226 The school operates a self-paced school program; there are few defined classrooms; programs are offered in "resource areas" (English, Fine Arts, Modern Living, etc.)

7.2 Science Rooms/LabsScience resource area and prep rooms 699 6 120 720 -21

7.3 Ancillary Areas (i.e., Art, Computer Labs, Drama, Music,)

2460 2 130 800 1660

computer 107computer 648

fine arts 437drama 183music 390

theatre 343 6 90cafeteria / study 352

7.4 Gymnasium (incl. gym storage) 1278 1425 -147Gymnasium (incl. gym storage) 1040

weights and aerobics 2387.5 Library/Resource Areas 597 -597

(part of English resource area)7.6 Administration/Staff, Physical Education,

Storage Areas1197 1197 1220 -23 teacher advisors have their own office

7.7 CTS Areas 7.7.1 Business Education 4 115 460 -4607.7.2 Home Economics7.7.3 Industrial Arts 223 223 1 410 410 -1877.7.4 Other CTS Programs

7.8 Other Non-Instructional Areas (i.e., circulation, wall area, crush space, wc area)

4152 3134 1018

Overall Space Adequacy Assessment 12263 11246 1017

Section 7 Space Adequacy Comments/ConcernsSurplus/ Deficiency

This Facility Equiv. New Facility


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Evaluation Component/ Sub-Component Additional Notes and Comments


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Evaluation Component/ Sub-Component Additional Notes and Comments


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Evaluation Component/ Sub-Component Additional Notes and Comments


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Evaluation Component/ Sub-Component Additional Notes and Comments


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Evaluation Component/ Sub-Component Additional Notes and Comments


Alberta InfrastructureSchool Facilities Branch

School Facility Evaluation ProjectPart IV - Additional Notes and Comments

School: Bishop CarrollDate: December 17, 1999

Evaluation Component/ Sub-Component Additional Notes and Comments


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