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9/19/2018 School Improvement Process!/form 1/25

School Location # -6611


9/19/2018 School Improvement Process!/form 2/25


School Improvement Process

School InformationName of School (School Number - School Name)

6611 - Country Club Middle School

Principal (Last Name, First Name)

Lima, Cynthia

Assistant Principal(s) (Last Name, First Name; Last Name, First Name)

Villazon, Jacqueline

Demographic Overview

Country Club Middle School services 663 students in grades 6-8 (76% Hispanic, 21% Black, 2% White, 1%Multiracial). Additionally, we are a Title I school based on the percentage of students on free or reduced lunch(93%). Country Club Middle School also has 26% of its students in the ESOL (English for Speakers of OtherLanguages) program.

a. Provide the School's Mission Statement

Country Club Middle School will support the unique needs of its students as they mature educationally,physically, and socially. All staff, students, and their families will work cooperatively in an atmosphere ofmutual respect to help each individual reach their optimum academic and social potential in a safe, respectful,and widely diverse learning community through a broad range of academic and extracurricular activities.

b. Provide the School's Vision Statement

Country Club Middle School will promote academic excellence for all students in a supportive and cooperativeenvironment which encourages mutual respect of persons from diverse, ethnic, and economic backgrounds.

1. Provide a brief description of the community the school serves as well as highlighting the uniquefeatures and programs within the school.

Country Club Middle School serves a community consisting of mainly single family homes and townhomes.Our school offers a variety of programs including two magnet programs, Biomedical and Forensic Science. Awide selection of academies also makes up Country Club Middle, including Law Studies, Culinary Arts, FashionDesign, French, Italian, and 2D Art.

Are you a Title I School?


Please confirm the following. School Improvement Plan (SIP) district coordinated educationalinterventions to be selected by schools implementing the Title I Schoolwide Program

Participate in district coordinated efforts to improve student outcomes at the schoolsite through educational services (Such asextended learning opportunities, summer services, before or after school tutorials, intersection and spring recess tutorial sessions,etc.), in accordance with the approved SIP/Title I Plan.

Participate in discretionary educational services provided by the school district generated from the proportionate share of thisschool's Title I Schoolwide Program allocation. Such services are tailored in accordance to the educational needs of the studentsas depicted within the SIP/Title I Plan.

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Phase I will be completed during the 2018 Synergy Summer Institute.

July 11- July 27, 2018

During the Synergy Summer Institute, SLTs will collaborate in trainings led by District staff designed to analyze,reflect and identify the components that contributed to the previous year’s data outcomes. The series ofprofessional development courses on School Leadership Core Competencies will assist schools in developingand implementing the School’s Improvement Process with a high degree of fidelity to maximize the impact andinvestment by stakeholders into all school improvement initiatives.

Through data disaggregation, reflection and discussion, the SLT’s goal will be to identify and agree on theEssential Practices that would need to be sustained or enhanced during the 2018-2019 school year to ensureimprovement in School Culture and Academic Programs.

Phase I: Data Analysis (July 11 – July 27, 2018) Phase I of the School Improvement Process will begin at the 2018 Synergy Summer Institute. The SchoolLeadership Team (SLT) will participate and collaborate in a 3-day development workshop to initiate theyearlong School Improvement Process. During the Synergy Summer Institute, the SLT will analyze acomprehensive set of quantitative and qualitative data within the areas of School Culture and AcademicPrograms from the previous school year. After an analysis of the data, the SLT will reflect on the currentpractices and processes contributing to the data results during a guided Systems Review. The SLT will reviewand consider Essential Practices utilized in M-DCPS and identify practices within School Culture and AcademicPrograms to sustain or enhance the implementation of the school’s continuous improvement process. The SLTwill develop overarching Outcome Statements for the 2018-2019 school year. During the Synergy SummerInstitute, the SLT will participate in coursework aimed to develop School Leadership Core Competencies tosupport the implementation of the school’s continuous improvement process.

Phase I will conclude with the design of an Opening of Schools Professional Development Agenda that willserve to: present the findings to the faculty to gain stakeholder involvement/feedback, build consensus anddevelop a collective understanding of how the school’s plan will address, and be aligned to, the school’s uniqueopportunities for improvement.

Phase I includes:

Data and Systems ReviewSchool Culture Data MapSchool Culture Data and Systems Review OrganizerAcademic Programs Data MapAcademic Programs Data and Systems Review OrganizerEssential Practices SelectionSchool Leadership Core CompetenciesPriority Actions DevelopmentOutcome StatementsOpening of School Professional Development

Phase I

Data Analysis

Analyze - Reflect - Identify

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Phase I will conclude with each school:

Identifying the Priority Actions for each Essential Practice selectedIdentifying the Outcome Statements for School Culture and Academic ProgramsCreating a plan to provide the faculty with professional development and garner feedback from allstakeholders on all Phase I content during the 2018 – 2019 Opening of Schools

DAY ONE- Synergy Summer Institute

DATA AND SYSTEMS REVIEWSchool Leadership Teams will review all 2017-2018 data points provided on the subsequent pages in theindividualized School Culture Data Map and Academic Programs Data Map to analyze the results using theData Driven Dialogue Protocol. Systems Review Organizers will assist the school to further examine and alignresults to the Essential Practices.

Data and Systems Review

1. Using the Data Driven Dialogue Protocol, SLTs will analyze the School Culture and Academic ProgramsData Maps (i.e. student level data, teacher level data, and parent level data) and discuss findings.

2. Within the Data and Systems Review Organizer, classify data findings into the second column titled:

“Data Findings & Area” based on their appropriate rating (input no more than three data points for eachrating):

Significantly Improved Data Findings: Data findings that indicate substantial increases ascompared to previous years. Also, data findings that, when compared to schools with similardemographics, indicate above the norm performance. Select the three data points that have had thegreatest positive impact on the school’s overall success.Neutral Data Findings: Data findings that have remained constant, with little to noimprovement/decline from previous years. Also, data findings that, when compared to schools withsimilar demographics, indicate with-in the norm performance. Select the data points that, ifimproved, could have the greatest impact on the school’s overall performance.Significantly Decreased Data Findings: Data findings that have declined in value from previousyears. Also, data findings that, when compared to schools with similar demographics, indicatebelow the norm performance. Select the three data points that have had the negative impact onoverall school success.

3. Within the Data and Systems Review Organizer, input a rationale for each data finding into the thirdcolumn titled “Rationale for Selection of Data” for School Culture and Academic Programs.

4. Within the Data and Systems Review Organizer, the SLTs will review each data point selected and after theSystems Review will determine which Essential Practices contributed the most or had the greatest impactfor each data finding (positive, neutral, and/or negative). The School Leadership Team will enter theEssential Practices into the fourth column titled “Connected Essential Practices”. Input no more thanthree Essential Practices for each data finding.

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The Data and Systems Review process will enable the SLTs to thoroughly analyze data results and identify thefactors that have had the greatest impact on their school’s performance.

Data Maps

The following Data Maps were provided to schools during the 2018 Synergy Institute. The maps are organized intwo parts, School Culture and Academic Programs. Data found on the includes:

Student Attendance ComparisonsStudent Disciplinary Referrals by Grade-levelEarly Warning System Indicators by Grade-levelTeacher AttendanceTeacher RetentionSchool Climate Survey Feedback from StaffSchool Climate Survey Feedback from StudentsSchool Improvement Data from Staff on:

Commitment to StudentsFocus on Sustained ResultsDevelop OthersEngages the Team

2018 FSA Data for all Tested Subjects by Grade-level2018 SAT-10 Data by Grade-level2018 FSA Data for all Tested Subjects by Subgroup

School Culture Data Map

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Data Rating

Data Findings & Area

Be specific in defining each data elementbelow.

Rationale for Selection of Data

Why was this data finding selected as being most impactful?


Which Essential Practice(s)contributed most to thedata findings?


Data Findings

Based on student climatesurvey 19% of students feelthat teachers make learningfun and interesting.

An increase in percentage points indicatesthat students are eagerly engaged in class as aresult of the methods used to deliver theinstruction.


Empower TeachersAnd Staff

Based on the student climatesurvey 19% of students feelthe principal does a good jobrunning the school.

The presence of the school principalthroughout the building and the herinvolvement in overall activities at the schoolmakes students feel she is doing a good job.



Based on the student climatesurvey 42% of students havean electronic device that canbe bought to school.

Incorporating the policy of bringing devicesto school has increased student's abilities toeasily access information through theinternet.


Effective Use ofResources

Essential Practice for Significantly Improved Data Findings (Sustained)

Empower Teachers And Staff

Data Rating

Data Findings & Area

Be specific in defining each data elementbelow.

Rationale for Selection of Data

Why was this data finding selected as being most impactful?


Which EssentialPractice(s)contributed most tothe data findings?

Neutral Data

FindingsBased on student climatesurvey 16% of students feelsafe at school.

Steps have been taken to ensure that students feelsafe at the school such as increased securitypresence, locked campus, etc.


Based on student climatesurvey 9% of students feel foodserved for lunch tastes greatand looks good.

A variety of menu choices has been added to theschool menu to increase the number of studentseating at school and to ensure they are pleased withthe food they choose.


Based on EWS data, 0% ofstudents failed ELA comparedto 2% of tier 1 schools.

Steps have been taken to implement a uniformgrading distribution for ELA teachers.

Early WarningSystems

Essential Practice for Neutral Data Findings (Secondary)

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Early Warning Systems

Data Rating

Data Findings & Area

Be specific in defining each dataelement below.

Rationale for Selection of Data

Why was this data finding selected as being most impactful?


Which EssentialPractice(s)contributed mostto the datafindings?


Data Findings

Based on EWS data,student absences increasedby 2 percentage points for31 or more absences.

Student absence directly impacts student learning.Therefore, strategic steps have been taken to decreasethe percentage of students with excessive absences.

AttendanceMonitoring/ iAttend

Based on EWS data,student disciplinaryreferrals are 8 percentagepoints higher than thedistrict average.

Providing students with alternatives to suspension isessential in decreasing the number of studentsreceiving referrals which may lead to exclusion fromclass.


Based on EWS data, 1 % ofstudents following rulesdecrease.

It is imperative that all students are aware of schoolexpectations. Therefore, each student participated inan orientation meeting the first week of school todiscuss the importance of abiding by school rules.

CharacterEducation /ValuesMatter

Essential Practice for Significantly Decreased Data Findings (Primary)

Attendance Monitoring / iAttend



Data Rating

Data Findings & Area

Be specific in defining each data element below.

Rationale for Selection of Data

Why was this data finding selected as being mostimpactful?


Which EssentialPractice(s) contributedmost to the data findings?


Data Findings

FSA ELA learning gains increased by8 percentage points to 51%.

Despite having a large number ofELL, ESE and low performingstudents the data increased.

Coaching Cycles


Accountable Talk /DefendingAnswers

FSA Mathematics proficiency ingrade 7 increased by 10 percentagepoints from 16% to 26%.

Despite having a large number ofELL, ESE and low performingstudents the data increased.


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Civics EOC proficiency increased by10 percentage points from 62% to72%.

Despite having a large number ofELL, ESE and low performingstudents the data increased.


Accountable Talk /DefendingAnswers

Explicit Instruction

Essential Practice for Significantly Improved Data Findings (Sustained)

Data-Driven Instruction

Data Rating

Data Findings & Area

Be specific in defining each data elementbelow.

Rationale for Selection of Data

Why was this data finding selected as being most impactful?

ConnectedEssential Practices

Which Essential Practice(s)contributed most to the datafindings?

Neutral Data

FindingsFSA ELA proficiency increasedby 1 percentage point from 34%to 35%.

Despite having a large number of ELL, ESEand low performing students the dataremained neutral.

Coaching Cycles


FSA Mathematics proficiencyremained the same at 31%.

Despite having a large number of ELL, ESEand low performing students the dataremained neutral.


ELL Strategies

Collaborative DataChats

Essential Practice for Neutral Data Findings (Secondary)

Collaborative Data Chats

Data Rating

Data Findings & Area

Be specific in defining each data elementbelow.

Rationale for Selection of Data

Why was this data finding selected as being most impactful?


Which EssentialPractice(s) contributedmost to the datafindings?

Significantly Science FCAT 2.0 There has been a decrease in performance on the ELL Strategies

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Decreased Data


proficiency decreased by 6percentage points from 40%to 34%.

FCAT 2.0 for numerous years. Strategies havebeen implemented to target tested benchmarks.


FSA Mathematics learninggains decreased by 1percentage point from 44%to 45%.

Despite having a large number of ELL, ESE andlow performing students the data remainedneutral.


Essential Practice for Significantly Decreased Data Findings (Primary)

Standards-based Lesson Planning

ESSENTIAL PRACTICES SELECTIONSchool Leadership Teams will examine the “Connected Essential Practices” column within the Data andSystems Review Organizer for School Culture and Academic Programs. SLTs will identify and come to aconsensus on which continuing Essential Practices lead to, and/or had the greatest impact on, overall schoolimprovement.

Sustained Essential Practice

To identify the Sustained Essential Practice, SLTs will review the Essential Practices listed within the“Significantly Improved Data Findings” section. The SLT will agree on the Essential Practice which hadthe greatest impact on overall school improvement. This observed practice can exist school-wide or begrade-level or department/content specific. Schools will identify the Priority Actions to ensure this successfulpractice is sustained during the 2018-2019 school year.

Priority Actions

Schools will reflect on the implementation of the Sustained Essential Practice, the Primary EssentialPractice and the Secondary Essential Practice in the previous year(s) to identify what specific actions arenecessary to sustain and/or enhance the practices during the 2018-2019 school year. These actions will becaptured under Priority Actions.

Primary Essential Practice

To identify the Primary Essential Practice, SLTs will review the Essential Practices listed within the“Significantly Decreased Data Findings” section. The SLT will determine which Essential Practice needsthe greatest enhancements to have a positive impact on the school’s overall performance during the 2018-2019 school year.

Secondary Essential Practice

To identify the Secondary Essential Practice, SLTs will review the Essential Practices listed within the“Neutral Data Findings” section. The SLT will determine which Essential Practice needs enhancements tohave a positive impact on the school’s overall performance during the 2018-2019 school year.

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The selection of each Essential Practice (Sustained, Primary and Secondary) and Priority Actions will drive theschool’s action plans for the 2018-2019 school year.


Sustained Essential Practice

Empower Teachers And Staff

Priority Actions for the Sustained Practice

Teachers will have an opportunity to share best practices at meetings and collaborate with stakeholders.

Primary Essential Practice

Attendance Monitoring / iAttend

Secondary Essential Practice Selection

Early Warning Systems


Sustained Essential Practice

Data-Driven Instruction

Priority Actions for the Sustained Practice

Data chats will be held with teachers to discuss data regularly and strategies will be infused into lessons to targetweakest standards.

Primary Essential Practice

Standards-based Lesson Planning

Secondary Essential Practice Selection

Collaborative Data Chats

DAY TWO- Synergy Summer Institute


The School Improvement Process begins with identification of Essential Practices within a school to sustain orenhance to improve the school’s overall performance during the 2018-2019 school year. The next step in theprocess is to assess and develop the School Leadership Team’s skills to successfully lead and support theimplementation of the plan.

The School Leadership Core Competencies identified below include patterns of thinking, feeling, acting, orspeaking that are directly connected to a leader’s ability to affect change within a school. During the SynergySummer Institute, coursework will allow for the evaluation and development of these School Leadership CoreCompetencies to increase efficiency and skill mastery which can be used by school leaders to successfullyimplement the School Improvement Process.

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Competency 1: Commitment to Students A relentless pursuit and commitment to student learning as evidencedby a belief in one’s own capability, and the courage to take a stand on behalf of students.

Commitment to Students includes certain behaviors such as:

taking ownership for students’ learningsetting high expectations for all learnersbelieving in students’ ability to learn regardless of barriers relentlessly pursuing the implementation of what is right for the studentssupporting decisions and policies to improve instruction and advance learning for all students

Development in Commitment to Students prioritizes the students’ learning as the foundation of the SchoolImprovement Process.

Competency 2: Focus on Sustainable Results The deliberate actions and continuous drive to set challenginggoals and reach a high standard of performance despite barriers.

A Focus on Sustainable Results includes certain behaviors such as:

prioritizing activitiesimplementing initiativesregularly tracking progressdemonstrating perseveranceconsidering innovative actionstaking courses of action to achieve desired results and minimize risks

Developing in the area of Focusing on Sustainable Results will provide short and long-range goals forsuccessful implementation of School Improvement Process.

Competency 3: Developing Others The act of influencing others, with the specific intent, to increase their shortand long-term effectiveness, perceptions, thinking, and actions.

Developing Others includes certain behaviors such as:

setting positive expectationspersonally providing instructionproviding developmental feedbackchoosing the timing and delivery of informationselecting training and work assignments to build other’s capabilitiesfully delegating so that others may learn from their own successes and mistakes

Growth in Developing Others will provide opportunities to influence and improve the skills of all stakeholdersthroughout the School Improvement Process.

Competency 4: Engages the Team A group of adults working collectively to leverage their input, to developactionable and tangible goals, and to implement change in the school.

Engaging the Team includes certain behaviors such as:

empowering otherskeeping people on the team informedensuring that the team produces as plannedpromoting the morale and performance of a team

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obtaining resources that the team needs to performmotivating the team with a compelling vision and enthusiasm

Development in Engaging the Team allows for a collaborative and comprehensive effort by all stakeholdersthroughout the School Improvement Process.

School Leadership Core Competency Course Reflections

School Leadership Teams will participate in a series of courses during the Synergy Summer Institute to measureand develop School Leadership Core Competencies and utilize these high-level competency skills to implementthe identified Essential Practice Enhancements to improve outcomes within School Culture and AcademicPrograms. SLTs will reflect on their current leadership roles and implementation of the core competencies andconsider opportunities for growth and application of each core competency for the 2018-2019 school year.

Competency 1: Commitment to StudentsDescribe the School Leadership Team's current reality regarding Commitment to Students.

Sees self as the champion and takes ownership for student learning. -The major focus of the school is on the"bubble" kids.

As evidenced by:

There are programs and remediation programs for students who fall into the "bubble" group. They are givenextra support and teachers are given on-going data.

Describe how the School Leadership Team will use the Commitment to Students competency in the SchoolImprovement Process.

The Leadership team will work together to establish a culture where ALL students are the focus.

Competency 2: Focusing on Sustainable ResultsDescribe the School Leadership Team's current reality regarding Focusing on Sustainable Results.

Takes initiatives to create change and deliver results. -In science, there is a lack of standards based and data-driven instruction in 6th and 7th grade.

As evidenced by:

FCAT results showed that the students did well in the 8th grade standards and did poorly on 6th and 7th gradestandards. Also, the students were showing great progress on the unit assessments. Unfortunately, the unitassessments only covered 8th grade standards.

Describe how the School Leadership Team will use the Focusing on Sustainable Results competency in theSchool Improvement Process.

The school's leadership team is going to recruit and and retain highly qualified teachers, reassign teachers, andsupport teachers with data chats and walk-throughs with feedback.

Competency 3: Developing OthersDescribe the School Leadership Team's current reality regarding Developing Others.

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Gives and explains instructions and ensures understanding. -Leadership team provides feedback to teachers afterwalk-throughs via post observation meetings. Teachers provide feedback to their students on paper and datachats.

As evidenced by:

Some teachers and administrative team members are providing limited feedback.

Describe how the School Leadership Team will use the Developing Others competency in the SchoolImprovement Process.

Teacher and administrative team stakeholders will have a set plan in place for providing feedback. Teachers willprovide feedback to students via chats and comments on student work.

Competency 4: Engages the TeamDescribe the School Leadership Team's current reality regarding Engages the Team.

Manages the group. -Not all stakeholders are engaged due to varying factors such as limited voice andconformity.

As evidenced by:

Some teachers are not willing to take on extra responsibilities or step out of their current teaching assignments.

Describe how the School Leadership Team will use the Engages the Team competency in the SchoolImprovement Process.

Regular meetings will be held with different stakeholders to discuss items that are pertinent to the school, itsprogress and success.

DAY THREE- Synergy Summer Institute


School Leadership Teams will review the Essential Practice Enhancements to create Priority Actions necessaryto ensure the successful implementation of the Sustained, Primary, and Secondary Practices by the end of the2018-2019 school year.

Sustained Essential Practice

SLTs will review the Priority Actions for the Sustained Essential Practice.

Secondary and Primary Essential Practices

SLTs identify the Priority Actions for the Secondary and Primary Essential Practices by reviewing theselected enhancements for each and determining a list of actions necessary to successfully implement theidentified enhancements by the end of the 2018-2019 school year.

The Priority Actions will assist in prioritizing the detailed action plans to be developed throughout the SchoolImprovement Process during the 2018-2019 school year.

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Sustained Essential Practice

Empower Teachers And Staff

Priority Actions for the Sustained Essential Practice

Teachers will have an opportunity to share best practices at meetings and collaborate with stakeholders.

Primary Essential Practice Selection

Attendance Monitoring / iAttend

Priority Actions for the Primary Essential Practice

School counselors will call parents of students who are absent everyday starting at the end of first block.Mentoring program for lowest 25 6th grade students. Hurricane Bucks incentive program.

Secondary Essential Practice Selection

Early Warning Systems

Priority Actions to Enhance the Secondary Essential Practice

Specific attention will be given to students identified on the EWS report and services will be provided to themby our Success Coach and Counselor.


Sustained Essential Practice

Data-Driven Instruction

Priority Actions for the Sustained Essential Practice

Data chats will be held with teachers to discuss data regularly and strategies will be infused into lessons to targetweakest standards.

Primary Essential Practice Selection

Standards-based Lesson Planning

Priority Actions for the Primary Essential Practice

Common planning will take place by departments/subject/grade levels, and lessons will be created to ensurestandards are being strategically taught.

Secondary Essential Practice Selection

Collaborative Data Chats

Priority Actions to Enhance the Secondary Essential Practice

Data chats will take place regularly to discuss student data and make adjustments to instruction as needed.

OUTCOME STATEMENTSThe School Leadership Team will create an overarching Outcome Statement in the areas of School Culture andAcademic Programs. The School Improvement Process Outcome Statement is the goal the school aims toaccomplish by the end of the 2018-2019 school year. SLTs will:

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Participate in a protocol to assist in creating the overarching School Improvement Process vision for theirschool.Consider the predicted results if effective implementation of the identified Essential Practices (Sustained,Primary, and Secondary) occur.

Develop a statement that encompasses the intended outcome as a result of having successfully implemented theSustained Practice and Primary/Secondary Essential Practice Enhancements at the end of the 2018-2019 schoolyear.



School Culture

Student morale and their eagerness to be actively engaged in school will continue to increase as a result ofhaving a principal and leadership team that develops a plan of action involving relationship-building strategiesas well as involving students in decision-making.



Academic Programs

Performance on the 2019 FCAT Science 2.0 will increase by 10 percentage points as a result of strategic data-driven instruction targeting tested standards.

OPENING OF SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTSchool Leadership Teams will design a professional development to be provided during the Opening of Schoolactivities on one or both Teacher Planning Day(s). In the plan below, specify the following: morning orafternoon sessions, topics to be shared, protocols being used in both small and large groups, and thefacilitator(s) leading the group sessions. The purpose of the professional development will be to share what wasrealized, acknowledged, learned, and planned during Phase I of the School Improvement Process during theSynergy Summer Institute with teachers and staff to garner feedback.

The professional development should include a summary of the:

Data and Systems Review SummarySchool Leadership Core Competency Course ReflectionsSustained Essential Practice and Priority ActionsPrimary & Secondary Essential Practice Selections

Priority ActionsOutcome Statements

The professional development should include opportunities to gather teachers’ and staff input/feedback on thefollowing:

Sustained Essential Practice and Priority ActionsPrimary & Secondary Essential Practice Selections

Priority Actions - How will the priority actions be addressed during the school year? Brainstorm possible Implementation StepsIdentify possible roles/resources

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Opening of School Professional Development Agenda


School Date

(08/14 -08/17)


Phase I Topic

What topic will beshared?

Data andSystemsReviewSummarySchoolLeadershipCoreCompetencyCourseReflectionsSustainedEssentialPracticePrimary &SecondaryEssentialPracticeSelectionsPriorityActionsOutcomeStatements

Process Description

What process/protocol will be used toshare the topic and garner feedback from

all stakeholders?

Activity Lead

Who will facilitate the sharing ofthe topic and the collection and

discussion of feedback regardingthe topic?

8/16/18 Data Overview andComparison

Faculty meeting was held and topic wasdiscussed at length. Faculty and staffmembers were able to provide feedback asneeded.

Principal, AP, and Dept. Chairs

8/16/18 School Culture

Faculty meeting was held and topic wasdiscussed at length. Faculty and staffmembers were able to provide feedback asneeded.

Principal, AP, and Dept. Chairs

8/16/18 Safety FirstInitiative

Faculty meeting was held and topic wasdiscussed at length. Faculty and staffmembers were able to provide feedback asneeded.

Principal, AP, and Dept. Chairs

8/16/18 Social EmotionalLearning

Faculty meeting was held and topic wasdiscussed at length. Faculty and staffmembers were able to provide feedback asneeded.

Principal, AP, and Dept. Chairs

top related