school year 2017 - 2018 september 5, 2017 - may 17, 2018 ... · si se presenta un brote de la...

Post on 17-Oct-2018






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HRCA PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION PACKETPackets must be received by the Preschool Office no later than August 30, 2017.

School Year 2017 - 2018September 5, 2017 - May 17, 2018

ChecklistThe Preschool is required to have the following paperwork on the file before children may attend:

• Completed Preschool Application • Tuition Acknowledgement• Immunization Records • Allergy Information Sheet• Statement of Health • Handbook Acknowledgement (Must be signed by a physician) • Pre-Attendance Parent/Child Survey• Medical Forms signed by a physician • Allergy Policy

(if the child has medication that will be administered while in the program)

PaymentAll classes have an annual non-refundable registration fee: Member $90, Guest $110

Payment is expected on the 1st of every month and considered late on the 5th.Toddler - 5 days $1000/$1150 month Preschool - Pre-K 2 days $170/$190 monthPreschool - Pre-K 3 days $220/$250 monthPreschool - Pre-K 5 days $345/$390 month

Refunds will not be granted if HRCA is required to cancel a program due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.

Important Dates: September 5 Meet and Greet January 12 No School for Preschool/Pre-K (T, TH & M-F classes)/No School for Preschool/Pre-K January 15 MLK Day/No School for Preschool/Pre-K September 6 Meet and Greet February 16 No School for Preschool/Pre-K (M, W, F classes)/ School starts (M-F classes) February 19 President’s Day/No School for Preschool/Pre-K September 22 No School for Preschool/Pre-K March 16 Conferences/No School for Preschool/Pre-K October 6 Conferences/No School for Preschool/Pre-K March 19-23 Spring Break/No School for Preschool/Pre-K October 9-13 Fall Break/No School for Preschool/Pre-K April 20 No School for Preschool/Pre-K November 7 No School for Preschool/Pre-K May 16 Last Day (M, W, F classes) November 20-24 Thanksgiving/No School May 17 Last Day (T & Th, M-F classes) December 22 No School for Preschool/Pre-K May 18 Graduation for Pre K/No School for Preschool/Pre-K December 25-January 5 Winter Break/No School for Preschool/Pre-K

Parent Contact #1 Information - Call 1stName: _________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________ Email: ___________________

City: ____________________________ State: Colorado Zip: ___________

Home Phone: ___________ Work Phone: __________ Second Phone: _________

Employer: ________________ Emp. Address: _________________________

Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________ Email: ___________________

City: ____________________________ State: Colorado Zip: ___________

Home Phone: ___________ Work Phone: __________ Second Phone: _________

Employer: ________________ Emp. Address: _________________________

Contact #1:

Name: __________________

Address: ________________


Phone: _________________

2nd Phone: _______________

Relationship to Child: _____

Authorized Pick-Up: Yes No

Emergency Contact: Yes No

Contact #2:

Name: __________________

Address: ________________


Phone: _________________

2nd Phone: _______________

Relationship to Child: _____

Authorized Pick-Up: Yes No

Emergency Contact: Yes No

Contact #3:

Name: __________________

Address: ________________


Phone: _________________

2nd Phone: _______________

Relationship to Child: _____

Authorized Pick-Up: Yes No

Emergency Contact: Yes No

2017-2018 Preschool Application

Please check one: Recreation Center at Eastridge Recreation Center at Westridge

Application Date: ____________ Enrollment Date: _____________

Name: ________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________

City: ____________________________ State: Colorado Zip: ___________

Sex: M F Birth Date: _____/_____/_____

Child Information

Physician: ______________________ Phone: ________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________

Dentist: ____________ Phone: ____________Address: ________________

Insurance Provider: ____________________ Policy #: _________________

Hospital: __________________________ Phone: ___________________

Address: _____________________________________________________

Allergies/Medical Problems*: _____________________________________

Other Emergency Contacts

Medical Information

*If so, please fill out a medical plan.

Parent Contact #2 Information - Call 2nd

Office Use Only: Class_______________________

In the event that a parent/guardian or emergency contact cannot be reached in a medical emergency, I authorize treatment for my child __________________________ to preserve life and prevent disability to begin without delay. In the event that a parent/guardian or emergency contact cannot be reached in a dental emergency, I authorize treatment for my child __________________________ to minimize and/or repair trauma to teeth, jaw, tongue and gums. The undersigned parents or legal guardians of __________________________ hereby give permission for the minor to participate in the Preschool programs sponsored by the Highlands Ranch Community Association by and through the Highlands Ranch Recreation Centers. If the minor walks to and from the center, I/we understand I/we have sole responsibility and liability for that walking. I/we authorize the minor to participate in all special field trips or excursions where the children are walking from the Preschool. I/we, the parent(s)/guardians(s) of the minor child, hold harmless and indemnify the Association, and its officers, director, employees, agents, assigns, legal representatives, contractors, and volunteers from and against all loss, liability, damage and claims of injury to the minor arising out of or in any way related to, the above activity or the use of any facility involved. I/we understand that some of the above persons are volunteers receiving no compensation who are in a non-profit corporation serving young persons in Colorado. In the event the minor is injured, we do hereby consent to first aid treatment of the above persons and to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care, to be rendered to the minor under the supervision of any licensed physician, dentist, surgeon, paramedical, or emergency treatment technician. I/we, the parent(s)/guardians(s) of the minor child agree to the use of pictures and/or the likeness of our child to be used in marketing materials by the HRCA. I/we, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the minor child, have received, read and agreed to all the policies and procedures included in the Parent Handbook.

Date: _____/_____/_____ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian: _______________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian: _______________________________________

Program Release

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian: ____________________________________________ (Please initial boxes below)


I prefer that my child does not participate in the following Preschool activity/activites: _____________________________

Movie Permission

I authorize my child to view movies while in the Preschool program. All movies will be G or PG rated. Movies have been

previewed and deemed appropriate before viewing.

Sun Screen and Topical Ointments Permission

I authorize the HRCA Preschool to apply sunscreen or topical oitment (petroleum jelly or diaper rash ointment) to my

child. I will provide labeled sunscreen or topical ointment for application. If sunscreen is not provided, the HRCA Preschool

has permission to use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen.

Use of Cot Permission

I authorize the HRCA Preschool to allow my child to rest on a cot.

Activity Release


Name_________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian __________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Vaccine Enter the month, day and year each immunization was given

Hep B Hepatitis B

DTaP Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (pediatric)

DT Diphtheria, Tetanus (pediatric)

Tdap Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis

Td Tetanus, Diphtheria

Hib Haemophilus influenzae type b


PCV Pneumococcal Conjugate

MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella

Varicella ChickenpoxHealthcare Provider

Documentation Date _________________________________ Lab Verification Date_________________________________

Vaccines recorded below this line are recommended. Recording of dates is encouraged.

HPV Human Papillomavirus

Rota Rotavirus

MCV4/MPSV4 Meningococcal

Hep A Hepatitis A

TIV/LAIV Influenza



MEDICAL EXEMPTION: The physical condition of the above named person is such that immunization would endanger life or health or is medicallycontraindicated due to other medical conditions.EXENCIÓN POR RAZONES MÉDICAS: El estado de salud de la persona arriba citada es tal que la vacunación significa un riesgo para su salud o incluso su vida; obien, las vacunas están contraindicadas debido a otros problemas de salud.

Medical exemption to the following vaccine(s):La exención por razones médicas aplica a la(s) siguiente(s) vacuna(s):

Signed (Firma) _________________________________ Date (Fecha) ____________ � � � � � � � �Physician (Médico) Hep B DTaP Tdap Hib IPV PCV MMR VAR

RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION: Parent or guardian of the above named person or the person himself/herself is an adherent to a religious belief opposedto immunizations.EXENCIÓN POR MOTIVOS RELIGIOSOS: El padre o tutor de la persona arriba citada, o la persona misma, pertenece a una religión que se opone a la inmunización.

Religious exemption to the following vaccine(s):Exención por motivos religiosos de la(s) siguiente(s) vacuna(s):

Signed (Firma) _________________________________ Date (Fecha) ____________ � � � � � � � �Parent, guardian, emancipated student/consenting minor Hep B DTaP Tdap Hib IPV PCV MMR VAR

(Padre, tutor, estudiante emancipado o consentimiento del menor)

PERSONAL EXEMPTION: Parent or guardian of the above named person or the person himself/herself is an adherent to a personal belief opposedto immunizations.EXENCIÓN POR CREENCIAS PERSONALES: Las creencias personales del padre o tutor de la persona arriba citada, o la persona misma, se oponen a lainmunización.

Personal exemption to the following vaccine(s):Exención por creencias personales de la(s) siguiente(s) vacuna(s):

Signed (Firma) _________________________________ Date (Fecha) ____________ � � � � � � � �Parent, guardian, emancipated student/consenting minor Hep B DTaP Tdap Hib IPV PCV MMR VAR

(Padre, tutor, estudiante emancipado o consentimiento del menor)




� A) Child Care Up to Date ______________________________________________________________Up to date through 6 months of age for Colorado School Immunization Requirements Update Signature Date

� B) Child Care Up to Date ______________________________________________________________Up to date through 18 months of age for Colorado School Immunization Requirements Update Signature Date

� C) Child Care/Pre-school/Pre-K* ______________________________________________________________Up to date for Child Care/Pre-School/Pre-K for Colorado School Immunization Requirements Update Signature Date

� D) Complete for K–5th Grade ______________________________________________________________Up to date for K–5th Grade for Colorado School Immunization Requirements Update Signature Date

* If age 4 years and fulfills Requirements for Pre-School & Kindergarten, check BOTH Boxes C and D.


Signed ____________________________________________ Title _____________________________________ Date________________________(Physician, nurse, or school health authority)


Refer to Table 1 for the minimum number of doses required for a particular grade level. Table 2 shows the year of implementation for a requirement fromTable 1 and is restricted to varicella vaccine dose 1 (Var1) and dose 2 (Var2) and tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine (Tdap). Requirements andeffective dates for other vaccines are listed in Table 1. In this table, after a vaccine is required for grades K to 12, it is no longer shown, but therequirements listed in Table 1 continue to apply.

School YearGrade Level

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2007–08 Var2 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1TdapVar1

Var1 Tdap

2008–09 Var2 Var2 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1TdapVar1


Var1 Tdap Tdap

2009–10 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var1 Var1 Var1TdapVar1



Var1 Tdap Tdap Tdap

2010–11 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var1 Var1TdapVar1





Tdap Tdap

2011–12 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1

2012–13 (Var1 requiredfor grades K to 12)

Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1

2013–14 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2

2014–15 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2

2015–16 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2

2016–17 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2

2017–18 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2

2018–19 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2

2019–20 (Var2 requiredfor grades K to 12)

Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2 Var2


a: Vaccine doses administered no more than 4 daysbefore the minimum interval or age are to becounted as valid.

b: Five doses of pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheriavaccines are required at school entry in Coloradounless the 4th dose was given at 48 months of ageor older (i.e., on or after the 4th birthday) in whichcase only 4 doses are required. There must be atleast 4 weeks between dose 1 and dose 2, at least4 weeks between dose 2 and dose 3, at least 6months between dose 3 and dose 4 and at least 6months between dose 4 and dose 5. The final dosemust be given no sooner than 4 years of age (dose4 may be given at 12 months of age provided thereis at least 6 months between dose 3 and dose 4). Ifa child has received 6 doses of DTaP before theage of 4 years, no additional doses are required.

c: For students 7 years of age or older who havenot had the required number of pertussis doses, nonew or additional doses are required. Any student 7years of age or older at school entry in Coloradowho has not completed a primary series of 3 appro-priately spaced doses of tetanus and diphtheria vac-cine may be certified after the 3rd dose of tetanusand diphtheria vaccine (or tetanus, diphtheria, andpertussis vaccine if 10 or 11 years) if it is given 6months or more after the 2nd dose.

d: The student must meet the minimum priorrequirement for the 4th or 5th doses of diphtheria,tetanus, and pertussis vaccine and have 1 tetanus,diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine dose.

e: For polio, in lieu of immunization, written evi-dence of a laboratory test showing immunity isacceptable.

f: Four doses of polio vaccine are required at schoolentry in Colorado unless the 3rd dose was given at48 months of age or older (i.e., on or after the 4thbirthday) in which case only 3 doses are required.There must be at least 4 weeks between dose 1 anddose 2, at least 4 weeks between dose 2 and dose3 and at least 6 months between dose 3 and dose4. The final dose must be given no sooner than 4years of age. Minimum age/interval does not apply if4th dose of polio (3rd dose if given after 4th birth-day) was administered prior to July 1, 2009.

g: For measles, mumps, and rubella, in lieu ofimmunization, written evidence of a laboratory testshowing immunity is acceptable for the specific dis-ease tested. The 1st dose of measles, mumps, andrubella vaccine must have been administered at 12months of age or older (i.e., on or after the 1st birth-day) to be acceptable.

h: The 2nd dose of measles vaccine or measles,mumps, and rubella vaccine must have been admin-istered at least 28 calendar days after the 1st dose.

i: Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is not requiredfor college students born before January 1, 1957.

j: The number of Hib vaccine doses requireddepends on the student’s current age and the agewhen the vaccine was administered. If any dose wasgiven at 15 months of age or older, the Hib vaccine

requirement is met. For students who began theseries before 12 months of age, 3 doses arerequired of which at least 1 dose must have beenadministered at 12 months of age or older (i.e., on orafter the 1st birthday). If the 1st dose was given at12 to 14 months of age, 2 doses are required. If thecurrent age is 5 years of age or older, no new oradditional doses are required.

k: The number of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine(PCV) doses required depends on the student’s cur-rent age and the age when the 1st dose was admin-istered. If the 1st dose was administered before 6months of age, the child is required to receive 3doses 2 months apart and an additional dosebetween 12–15 months of age. If started between7–11 months of age, the child is required to receive2 doses, two months apart and an additional dosebetween 12–15 months of age. For any student whoreceived the 3rd dose on or after the first birthday, a4th dose is not required. If the 1st dose was given at12 to 23 months of age, 2 doses are required. If anydose was given at 24 months of age through 4years of age, the PCV vaccine requirement is met. Ifthe current age is 5 years or older, no new or addi-tional doses are required.

l: For hepatitis B, in lieu of immunization, written evi-dence of a laboratory test showing immunity isacceptable. The second dose is to be administeredat least 4 weeks after the first dose, and the thirddose is to be administered at least 16 weeks afterthe first dose and at least 8 weeks after the second

dose. The final dose is to be administered at 24weeks of age (6 months of age) or older and is notto be administered prior to 6 months of age. Mini-mum age/interval does not apply to those studentswho had 3 doses of the vaccine administered priorto July 1, 2009.

m: For varicella, written evidence of a laboratorytest showing immunity or a documented diseasehistory from a health care provider is acceptable.The 1st dose of varicella vaccine must have beenadministered at 12 months of age or older (i.e., onor after the 1st birthday) to be acceptable.

n: If the second dose of varicella vaccine wasadministered to a child before 13 years of age, theminimum interval between dose 1 and dose 2 isthree months, however, if the second dose is admin-istered at least 28 days following the first dose, thesecond dose does not need to be repeated. For achild who is 13 years of age or older, the seconddose of varicella vaccine must have been adminis-tered at least 28 calendar days after the 1st dose.See Table 2 for the school years/grade levels thatthe 1st and 2nd doses of varicella will be required.

o: Information concerning meningococcal diseaseand the meningococcal vaccine shall be provided toeach new student or if the student is under 18years, to the student’s parent or guardian. If the stu-dent does not obtain a vaccine, a signature must beobtained from the student or if the student is under18 years, the student’s parent or guardian indicatingthat the information was reviewed


Level of School/Age of Student

Child Care2–3 mos

Child Care4–5 mos

Child Care6–7 mos

Child Care8–11 mos

Child Care12–14 mos

Child Care15–18 mos

Child Care19–23 mos

Pre-school2–4 yrs

K Entry 4–6 yrs

Grades K to 5

5–10 yrs

Grades 6 to 12


Hepatitis B l 1 2 3 3 3 3

Pertussis/ Tetanus/Diphtheria

1 2 3see

footnote b4 5/4 b 5/4 b c 5/6 c d

Haemophilusinfluenzae type b (Hib) j

1 2 2 3/2 3/2 3/2/1 3/2/1 3/2/1

PneumococcalConjugate k

1 2 3/2 4/3/2 see footnote k

Polio e 1 2 3 4/3 f 4/3 f 4/3 f

Measles/ Mumps/Rubella g

1 see footnote g 2 h 2 h 2 h 2 h i

Varicella m 1 see footnote n 2 n 2/1 n 2/1 n

Meningococcal o



Child’s Statement of Health Status

Highlands Ranch Community Association Preschool9568 University Blvd.

Highlands Ranch, CO 80126Eastridge Preschool Office 303-471-8814

Westridge Preschool Office 720-348-8214

The Preschool/child care facility must obtain a signed and dated statement of the child’s current health status which indicates the child’s abilities and/or limitations to participate in a regularly scheduled Preschool program. This report is to be filled out by a licensed physician or other health care professional that has seen the child in the last twelve months.

Child’s Name _________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________________ Sex _____________

Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Past Illnesses – Check those the child has had and give approximate dates:

Chicken Pox ___________________ Rubeola ______________________ Rubella ____________________

Rheumatic Fever ________________ Asthma ______________________ Hay Fever _________________

Whooping Cough _______________ Mumps ______________________ Epilepsy ___________________

Diabetes _______________________ Poliomyelitis __________________ Other _____________________

Comments _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Surgery/Accidents/Illnesses/Chronic Health Problems:


Describe any physical conditions requiring the facility’s special attention: _____________________________________________

Medication(s) Prescribed ___________________________________________________________________________________

Allergies: _____________________________________________ and prescribed routine _______________________________

If tuberculin test given: Date _______________ Results ______________________________________________________

If chest x-ray taken: Date _______________ Result _______________________________________________________

Vision ____________________________________________ Hearing ___________________________________________

Please record immunizations and dates administered on the Colorado Department of Health Certificate of Immunization and attach form.

Date of my recent examination of the child _____________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature of licensed physician or other health care professional Date

Please print: ___________________________________________________________________________ Name of physician/care professional

___________________________________________________________________________ Address

___________________________________________________________________________ Phone


Allergy Policy

We very much appreciate your child participating in our programs. We work very hard to ensure that this is a safe place for your

child to learn, grow and make friends.

Many children in our program experience food allergies. These allergies range from peanuts, eggs and milk to gluten. Though we

cannot guarantee that our facilities are free of these allergens, we can make reasonable efforts to protect your child from

exposure to such allergens.

The Highlands Ranch Preschool, Preschool Enrichment and Day Camp programs have made the following efforts to protect

children with severe allergies:

1. We require a signed Health Care Plan for children with severe allergies

2. We provide access to prescribed emergency medication provided by the parent

3. We train our staff in administering epi-pen’s through the Colorado Children’s Hospital Nurse program

4. We provide pre-packaged snacks with options available for children with specific allergens

5. We create peanut-free tables in our classrooms for children with peanut allergies during lunch

6. We ask all children to wash their hands before and after eating snacks and meals

7. We wipe down all tables after children have eaten

8. We do our best to provide food crafts and projects that do not involve allergens by children in attendance (this cannot

be guaranteed unless children are registered a week in advance)

9. We clean the classrooms each night

For the following reasons, our Preschool, Preschool Enrichment and Day Camp programs cannot be considered allergen free:

1. We are a drop in program, which means we do not have the control over a set group of “aware” children attending day

after day.

2. We share our rooms with multiple programs, and thereby different children will use different cubbies each day for their


3. We are located in a public facility and cannot control what members and guests bring into the buildings.

4. Our rooms are rented out during non-program hours, to groups who could potentially bring allergen products into the


As a parent of a child WITH an allergen:

I understand that the HRCA programs and buildings cannot be guaranteed allergen free. I understand that it is my responsibility to

provide the program with a signed Health Care Plan and any prescriptive emergency medication, if my child’s allergy requires it. I

hereby waive any and all claims of liability that may result from my child’s participation in the Highlands Ranch Preschool,

Preschool Enrichment and Day Camp programs and I hereby agree not to sue and to indemnify and hold harmless HRCA and, its

directors, officers, agents, members, and employees from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, demands, and costs that

result from my child’s participation in the Highlands Ranch Preschool, Preschool Enrichment and Day Camp programs.

As a parent of a child WITHOUT an allergen:

I understand there are children in the program with severe allergies. We will keep from sending our child with peanut products in

their snacks and lunches and we will have our child wash their hands upon arriving at the program.

Date: ____________________________________

Child’s Name: _____________________________

Parent Name: ______________________________

Parent signature: ____________________________

Highlands Ranch Community Association Preschool Enrichment Swim Skill Sheet

Please take a few minutes to fill out this swim skills survey on your child. This form will enable the Preschool Enrichment teachers to assess and monitor your child while swimming in our program. Thank you for your help.

Child’s Name_______________________________ Child’s Age______________

Swimming Permission

Is able to swim in the deep end unassisted

May NOT swim in the deep end

Requested SupervisionPlease indicate the level of supervision you think is necessary for your child while swimming or participating in pool/water activities:

Very Independent, totally comfortable and confident in water

Somewhat independent, still a little hesitant about swimming

Somewhat dependent, used to having someone swim with him/her

Very dependent, not comfortable in water, uses floating devices, relies on parent or older sibling for help and support.

Parent’s Name ______________________________

Signature __________________________________

Date ______________________________________





Tuition Acknowledgment

The Highlands Ranch Community Association takes pride in offering a quality Preschool program to serve our community. Our dedicated staff are committed

to providing a safe and exciting class for every child we enroll.

Fee Payment Guidelines: Our school year will begin September 5, 2017 and conclude May 17, 2018. Tuition is based on a yearly rate for each class and is paid by the 1st of every month. A $25 late fee will be applied after the 5th of the month. This offers nine equal monthly payments. There is no change in fee due to your child’s absence or weather closures.

First and last month’s payment will be due on September 5, 2017. (Does not apply to Toddler Classes) Termination: At least one month notice in writing must be given if a child will be withdrawn from the program. Withdrawal from the program will not be accepted after March 1, 2018.

We are happy that you have chosen the Highlands Ranch Community Association to give your child a rewarding Preschool experience. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.

Please sign and date below.

Name _______________________________________ Date ____________________

Child’s Name _________________________________

Child’s Class _________________________________

Jamie Bouchard, Eastridge Preschool Director, 303-471-8814Tammi Howard, Westridge Preschool Director, 720-348-8214

Preschool Parent Handbook

I have received a copy of the 2017-2018 HRCA Preschool Parent

Handbook and have read and understood all of the information in

the book.



Child’s Name__________________________________________



Pre-Attendance Parent Information Survey Dear Parents/Guardians, We are looking forward to having your child in our program. In order to plan an exciting program with funand educative activities, we would like to know a little bit more about each individual child. Please take a fewminutes to answer the questions below. You may want to discuss them with your child. Child’s Name__________________________________Nickname__________________________________Family’s Primary Language_______________________Child’s Primary Language______________________How many siblings are in your family?__________Names?________________________________________Has your child been in other “school experiences”?___________If so where?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mother’s Occupation_____________________________Father’s Occupation_______________________Would you be willing to share your occupation with your child’s class?_____________________________How would you like to help in your child’s classroom? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Would you be willing to help cut or prepare for art/craft projects?_________________________________These are my child’s favorite activities: Sports and Games Plays and Dramas Construction Music and Dance Nature and Science Books Arts and Crafts Others______________________________________________________What new skills and/or interests would your child like to develop? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How would you describe your child’s temperament?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you think are your child’s best qualities?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please describe your child’s strong dislikes or fears (if applicable)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who does your child enjoy playing with? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you most like to do as a family? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please indicate what extra help or support your child may need._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What else would you like us to know about your child?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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