script garden life

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Script Garden Life


Álvaro Gómez


1. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. A couple of kids holds hands. (Sounds: Forest, wind)

2. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. They separate their hands to show the path through the garden.

3. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. The camera goes through their hands. (Sounds off) (The music starts: “Danzon #2”)

4. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. The words “Garden Life” (handwritten)appear. The camera goes on.

5. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. The camera goes from left to right, showing plants growing up with parts of their lives on the top. From infancy to time to meet his wife. Words: first steps, first communion, soccer and sex (Man Life). (Font: Media Gothic) (Plants grow at the pace of music).

6. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. The camera goes from left to right, showing plants growing up with parts of their lives on the top. From infancy to time to meet her husband. Words: first words, first Kisses, amorousness and sex( Woman life). (Font: Media Gothic) (Plants grow at the pace of music).

7. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. The camera stops at the end of the path, ground opens and a tree begins to grow, represented by lines.

8. EXT. GARDEN. D/N. The tree becomes a family tree composed of letters and family names. As it grows and expands more names are added. Typography of the name is Media Gothic, with different sizes depending on the longevity of members. Larger size for the two leading members of the family and smaller size for the remaining children and grandchildren

9. END CREDITS (Music off)

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