seek first-to-understand-then-to-be-understood-louis

Post on 10-Nov-2014






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Seek first to Understand then to be Understood 7 habits of thinking

Louis wings

Listening styles

Pretend listening- to act like your listening to someone but your not .

Selective listening-by just hearing what you wanna hear from someone selectively.

Word listening-by putting words together from someone that’s talking and saying the only words you wanna hear.

Self-centered listening-just listening to things about your self.

Spacing out-when someone is talking and we ignore them because we are zoning out on a person who is talking.

Difficult times giving feedbacks

A difficult time when im giving a feed back is when either im being pressure on either when I cant think about what to say to give a feedback to some one when im being rushed on by another person.

Expressing your self

When I express myself I think the person that im expressing myself to should give their opinion in their choice of words to help me understand something or just expressing my emotions with a lot more things in choice of expressing ur self.

A time you kept something to yourself

The last time I kept my thought and comments in was when I was a little kid. I kept my thoughts and comments to myself because the person that I was talking to have a lot on their shoulders so I didn’t want to out more pressure on them.

A way to improve your actions

A way to improve your actions is to just express your self to some one when their down expressing their self and speaking out and sharing your opinion and ideas for someone to understand.

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