self assessment report - institute of chemical technology

Post on 11-Jan-2022






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submitted to


for the accreditation of




Department of Food Engineering and Technology

Institute of Chemical Technology University under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956

Elite Status and Centre of Excellence, Government of Maharashtra

Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga (E), Mumbai 400 019, India

October 2019



No. Details Page No.

Part A Institutional Information 1-7

Part B Departmental Information 8-11

1. Program Curriculum & Teaching-Learning Processes 12-23

2. Program Outcomes 24-43

3. Students’ Performance 44-48

4. Faculty Contributions 49-64

5. Laboratories and Research Facilities 65-69

6. Continuous Improvement 70-77

7. Declaration Form 78

8. Annexure 1.2.1- Continuous Evaluation 79

9. Annexure 1.2.2- Sample Synopsis 80-86

10. Annexure 1.2.5– Lab Instruction Sheet 87-91

11. Annexure 2.2.1-Feedback Form 92-93


Program: Master of Technology in Food Engineering and Technology

Criteria No. Details Mark Institute


1. Program Curriculum and Teaching-

Learning Processes

125 125

2. Program Outcomes 75 75

3. Students’ Performance 75 73

4. Faculty Contributions 75 75

5. Laboratories and Research Facilities 75 75

6. Continuous Improvement 75 75

Total 500 498

1 |Institutional Information

PART A: Institutional Information

1. Name and Address of the Institution:

Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai

University under section 3 of UGC Act 1956 Estd.1933,

Elite Status and Centre of Excellence-Govt. of Maharashtra

ICT, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai – 400019

Tel: +91-22-33612312, Fax: +91-22-33611020


2. Name and Address of the Affiliating University, if applicable:

3. Year of establishment of the Institution: 1933

4. Type of the Institution:

Institute of National Importance


Deemed University


Affiliated Institution

Any other (Please specify)

5. Ownership Status:

Central Government

State Government

Government Aided




Section 25 Company

Any Other (Please specify)

2 |Institutional Information

6. Vision of the Institution:

We shall perennially strive to be a vibrant institute with continuously evolving curricula to

brighten the future of the chemical, biological, materials and energy industries of the

nation, and rank amongst the very best in the world through active participation and

scholarship of our faculty, students and alumni. We shall be creators of sprouting

knowledge and design cutting-edge technologies that will have the greatest impact on

society and benefit mankind at large.

7. Mission of the Institution:

We shall generate and sustain an atmosphere conducive to germinating new knowledge at

every available opportunity. The education we shall impart will enable our students to

devise new solutions to meet the needs of all segments of society with regard to material

and energy, while protecting the environment and conserving the natural resources. Our

endeavours, while extending well beyond the confines of the classroom, will aim to enhance

public welfare and our attempts to disseminate knowledge will spread to a greater multi-

and cross-disciplinary platform to conduct research, discovery, technology development,

service to industry and entrepreneurship, in consonance with India’s aspirations to be a

welfare state. We will team scientists and engineers with professionals in other disciplines

to arrive at better solutions. We will provide all our students with a strong foundation to

encourage them to be our ambassadors in the professional activities that they choose to

undertake in service of society at national and international levels. Through our vision, we

will serve the profession and society and strive to reach the summit as a team, and

ultimately serve as role models to the younger generation.

3 |Institutional Information

8. Details of all the programs offered by the institution:


No. Program Name

Name of the


Year of







intake, if







AICTE Approval Accreditation


1. B. Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering 1933 30 1996 75 F.No. Western/1-


27/12/2016 to


2. B.Tech - Dyestuff

Technology Dyestuff Technology 1944 16 1995 20

F.No. Western/1-


27/12/2016 to


3. B.Tech- Food Engineering

and Technology

Food Engineering and

Technology 1943 16 N.A. N.A.

F.No. Western/1-


27/12/2016 to


4. B.Tech- Fibres and Textile

Processing Technology

Fibres and Textile

Processing Technology 1933 34 N.A. N.A.

F.No. Western/1-


27/12/2016 to



B.Tech- Oils,

Oleochemicals and

Sufactant Technology

Oils, Oleochemicals and

Sufactant Technology 1943

F.No. Western/1-


27/12/2016 to


6. B.Tech- Pharmaceuticals

Chemistry and Technology

Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology 1943 10 - 18

F.No. Western/1-


14/01/2017 to



B.Tech Polymer

Engineering and


Polymer and Surface

Engineering 1946

F.No. Western/1-


27/12/2016 to


8. B.Tech Surface

Engineering & Technology

Polymer and Surface

Engineering 1946

F.No. Western/1-


27/12/2016 to


9. B. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology 1959

F.No. Western/1-


22/09/2016 to


10. M. Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering 1958 18 Not


F.No. Western/1-


28/09/2016 to


11. M.Tech- Dyestuff

Technology Dyestuff Technology 1961 4 N.A. N.A.

F.No. Western/1-


01/07/2015 to


12. M.Tech.-Food Engineering


Food Engineering and

Technology 1945 8 N.A. N.A.

F.No. Western/1-


08/11/2013 to


4 |Institutional Information

13. M.Tech- Fibres and Textile

Processing Technology

Fibres and Textile

Processing Technology 1961 Variable N.A. N.A.

F.No. Western/1-


01/07/2015 to



M.Tech- Oils,

Oleochemicals and

Sufactant Technology

Oils, Oleochemicals and

Sufactant Technology 1966

F.No. Western/1-


01/07/2015 to


15. M.Tech- Pharmaceuticals

Sciences and Technology

Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology 1961 6 N.A. N.A.

F.No. Western/1-


08/11/2013 to



M.Tech- Polymer

Engineering and


Polymer and Surface

Engineering 1966

F.No. Western/1-


01/07/2015 to


17. M.Tech- Surface

Engineering & Technology

Polymer and Surface

Engineering 1966

F.No. Western/1-


01/07/2015 to


18. M.Tech- Food


Food Engineering and

Technology 2008 2 2009 10

F.No. Western/1-


28/09/2016 to


19. M.Tech- Bioprocess


DBT-ICT Center of

Biosciences 1994

F.No. Western/1-


08/11/2013 to


20. M.Tech- Perfumery and

Flavor Technology Dyestuff Technology 1992 5 N.A. N.A.

F.No. Western/1-


01/07/2015 to


21. M.Tech. Green Technology Green Technology 2010 F.No. Western/1-


28/09/2016 to


22. M. Tech. Pharmaceutical


Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology 2017

F.No. Western/1-


23. M.E. (Plastic Engineering) General Engineering 1972 F.No. Western/1-


24. M.Sc. (Chemistry)


25. M.Sc. (Textile Chemistry) Fibres and Textile

Processing Technology 2010 Variable N.A. N.A.

26. M.Sc. (Engineering

Mathematics) Mathematics

27. M.Sc. (Physics)


28. M. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology 1965

F.No. Western/1-


01/07/2014 to


29. Ph.D(Tech.) Chemical

Engineering Chemical Engineering - - -

5 |Institutional Information

30. Ph.D (Tech.) Bioprocess

Technology 1943 2 2009 10


Ph.D (Tech.) Polymer

Engineering and


Polymer and Surface


32. Ph.D (Tech.) Surface

Engineering & Technology

Polymer and Surface

Engineering - 5 N.A. N.A.

33. Ph.D (Tech.)


34. Ph.D (Tech.) Plastic

Engineering General Engineering


Ph.D (Tech.)



Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology 1947 2 N.A. N.A.

36. Ph.D (Tech.)


Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology

37. Ph.D (Tech.)


Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology

38. Ph.D (Tech.)


Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology

39. Ph.D (Tech.)

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Pharmaceutical Sciences

and Technology

40. Ph.D (Tech.) Civil

Engineering General Engineering

41. Ph.D (Tech.) Dyestuff

Technology Dyestuff Technology


Ph.D (Tech.) Oils,

Oleochemicals and

Sufactant Technology

Oils, Oleochemicals and

Sufactant Technology

43. Ph.D (Tech.) Green

Technology Green Technology


Ph.D (Tech.) Fibres &

Textile Processing


Fibres and Textile

Processing Technology - Variable N.A. N.A.

45. Ph.D (Tech.) Food


Food Engineering and

Technology 2010 2 2009 10

6 |Institutional Information

46. Ph.D (Tech.) Food

Engineering & Technology

Food Engineering and

Technology 1943 2 2009 10

47. Ph.D (Tech.) Mechanical

Engineering General Engineering

48. Ph.D (Tech.) Electrical

Engineering General Engineering

49. Ph.D (Tech.) Electrical

Engineering General Engineering

50. Ph.D. (Tech.) in Electronic

Engineering General Engineering


Ph.D. (Tech.) in

Perfumery & Flavour


Dyestuff Technology - Variable N.A. N.A.

52. Ph.D. (Sci.) in

Mathematics Mathematics

53. Ph.D (Sci.) Textile


Fibres and Textile

Processing Technology

54. Ph.D (Sci.) Biotechnology

55. Ph.D (Sci.) Physics


56. Ph.D (Sci.) Food Science Food Engineering and


57. Ph.D (Sci.) Chemistry Chemistry 1971 2 N.A. N.A.

58. Ph.D (Sci.) Biochemistry Chemistry

Table: A.8.1

* Write applicable one:• Applying first time

• Granted provisional accreditation for two/three years for the period (specify period)• Granted accreditation for 5/6 years for the period (specify period)• Not accredited (specify visit dates, year)• Withdrawn (specify visit dates, year)• Not eligible for accreditation• Eligible but not applied

Note: 1. Add rows as needed. 2. Separate tables for UG and PG Programs to be prepared.

7 |Institutional Information

9. Programs to be considered for Accreditation vide this application



Program Name Current Year



Current Year

Admission (in


1. Master of Technology in

Bioprocess Technology 30 21

2. Master of Technology in Food

Engineering and Technology 18 18


Master of Technology in Oils,

Oleochemicals and surfactants


18 18


Master of Technology in

Pharmaceutical Sciences and


18 17

5. Master of Engineering in Plastic

Engineering 18 8

10. Contact Information of the Head of the Institution and NBAcoordinator, if designated:

i. Name: Prof. A. B. Pandit Designation: Vice-Chancellor Mobile No: 9820408037Email id:

ii. NBA coordinator

Name: Professor S S Bhagwat

Designation: Dean, IQAC

Mobile No: 9322303480

Email id:

iii. NBA co-coordinator

Name: Dr. C S Mathpati

Designation: Nodal Officer

Mobile No: 9322602298

Email id:

8 | Departmental Information

Part B: Departmental Information

Department of Food Engineering and Technology

1. State the Vision and Mission of the Department

Vision of Department

To establish a center of excellence to provide demand driven, value based and quality

technical education to make India a developed country through socio-economic


Mission of Department

1. To improve food especially Indian traditional food in terms of nutrition, safety and

functionality employing fundamental and applied sciences.

2. To produce trained personnel of highest standards for the benefit of the industry

and society in the field of Food Engineering & Technology and Food Biotechnology.

3. To provide leadership qualities in areas of education, research, innovations and

solutions in food and biotech sciences, technology and engineering in order to direct

overall activity towards economic growth of India.

2. Justification of consistency of the Department Vision and Mission with

the Institute Vision and Mission

Vision of the Institution:

We shall perennially strive to be a vibrant institute with continuously evolving curricula to brighten the future of the chemical, biological, materials and energy industries of the nation, and rank

amongst the very best in the world through active participation and scholarship of our faculty, students and alumni. We shall be creators of sprouting knowledge and design cutting-edge technologies that will have the greatest impact on society and benefit mankind at large.

Mission of the Institution:

We shall generate and sustain an atmosphere conducive to germinating new knowledge at

every available opportunity. The education we shall impart will enable our students to

devise new solutions to meet the needs of all segments of society with regard to material

and energy, while protecting the environment and conserving the natural resources. Our

endeavours, while extending well beyond the confines of the classroom, will aim to enhance

public welfare and our attempts to disseminate knowledge will spread to a greater multi-

and cross-disciplinary platform to conduct research, discovery, technology development,

service to industry and entrepreneurship, in consonance with India’s aspirations to be a

welfare state. We will team scientists and engineers with professionals in other disciplines

to arrive at better solutions. We will provide all our students with a strong foundation to

encourage them to be our ambassadors in the professional activities that they choose to

undertake in service of society at national and international levels. Through our vision, we

will serve the profession and society and strive to reach the summit as a team, and

ultimately serve as role models to the younger generation.

The consistency between Department Vision and Mission with the Institute Vision and

Mission has been justified in Fig. B1. The three missions of the department are well

connected to specific components of mission components for the institute as shown below.

9 | Departmental Information

Fig. B1: The justification of the consistency between Department Vision and Mission with the Institute Vision and Mission

To b

e a





& r




the v



To brighten the future

of chemical, biological,

materials & energy

industries of the nation

To be creators of

sprouting knowledge

and design cutting-

edge technologies

To have the greatest

impact on society and

benefit mankind at


To generate and sustain an

atmosphere conducive to

germinating new knowledge

To devise new solutions to meet

the needs of all segments of


To enhance public welfare,

protecting the environment &

conserving the natural resources

To provide students a strong

foundation to undertake in

service of society at national and

international levels

To serve the profession and

society and strive to reach the

summit as a team, and serve as

role models

Institute Vision Components

Institute Mission Components


Department Vision

To produce trained personnel of

highest standards for the benefit

of the industry and society in the

field of Food Engg & Tech and

Food Biotechnology

To provide leadership qualities in

areas of education, research,

innovations and solutions in food

and biotech sciences, technology

and engineering in order to

direct overall activity towards

economic growth of India

To improve food especially Indian

traditional food in terms of

nutrition, safety and functionality

employing fundamental and

applied sciences.

To e


a c


r of exc


to p


e d



driven, valu

e b


d a

nd q




al educa

tion t


make India

a d


ped c


y th

rough s





ic t




10 | Departmental Information

3. Details of all UG & PG Programs offered by the department


No. Program Name

Corresponding UG

Program Name

Current Year



Current year


(in Nos.)


Bachelor of

Technology in Food

Engineering and


16 18


Master of

Technology in Food

Engineering and


Bachelor of

Technology in Food

Engineering and


18 18


Master of

Technology in Food


10 10

4. State the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for the PG program(s)

under consideration for accreditation.

Program under Consideration

Master of Technology in Food Engineering and Technology

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

1. Successful Career: Post-graduates from the programme will have successful

technical or professional careers in food industry

2. Higher Study: Post-graduates from the programme will continue to do research

related to food engineering and technology in top institutes across the world

3. Lifelong Learning: Post-graduates from the programme will continue to learn and

adopt in a world of constantly evolving technology in the domain of food engineering

and technology

Consistency with PEOs with Department Mission

PEO1: Successful


PEO2: Higher


PEO3: Lifelong


M1: To improve food especially Indian traditional food

in terms of nutrition, safety and functionality employing fundamental and applied sciences.

2 2 3

M2: To produce trained personnel of highest standards for the benefit of the industry and society in the field of Food Engineering & Technology and Food


3 2 3

M3: To provide leadership qualities in areas of education, research, innovations and solutions in food and biotech sciences, technology and engineering in order to direct overall activity towards economic

growth of India.

3 3 2

3, 2, 1 refers strong, medium and weak correlations, respectively

11 | Departmental Information

Program Outcomes (POs)

K1, remembering; K2, understanding; K3, applying; K4, analyzing; K5, evaluating; K6,


Consistency with PEOs with Program Outcomes (POs)

POs Program Outcome Statement PEO1:

Successful Career

PEO2: Higher Study

PEO3: Lifelong Learning

PO1 An ability to independently carry out research or investigation and development work to solve practical problems

2 3 2

PO2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report or document 2 3 2

PO3 An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area of food engineering and technology 3 2 3

PO4 An ability to use and evaluate modern techniques or tools applied in food processing, analysis and packaging

3 3 2

PO5 An ability to provide solution to the issues related to nutrition, food safety and regulatory affairs 3 2 3

3, 2, 1 refers strong, medium and weak correlations, respectively


1 An ability to independently carry out research or investigation and

development work to solve practical problems K5

2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report or document K6

3 An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area of food

engineering and technology K5

4 An ability to use and evaluate modern techniques or tools applied in food

processing, analysis and packaging K5

5 An ability to provide solution to the issues related to nutrition, food safety

and regulatory affairs K4

12 | Criteria 1

CRITERION 1 Program Curriculum and Teaching – Learning Processes 125

1.1 Program Curriculum (35)

1.1.1 State the process for designing the program curriculum (10)

The curriculum for M. Tech. in Food Engineering and Technology is developed by taking into consideration:

I. The needs of the learner while they are in master’s degree in this field. II. The content in terms of M.Tech. in Food Engineering and Technology

III. Instructional methodology for learning master level courses

The criteria for defining curriculum are:

1. Should satisfy Program Specific Criteria 2. Basic knowledge in science, mathematics and computing 3. Basic and core knowledge in Food Engg &Tech domain areas to level of

design experience 4. In depth and broad knowledge in Food Engg &Tech 5. Balance between theory, practical and tutorial 6. Total credits, distribution of credit for different components and domains 7. Literature study, Seminar, internship, projects and presentation 8. Should meet the requirements of Program Outcomes (POs)

The steps for developing curriculum is given below:

Step I: Defining program specific


Science & Tech Courses

Engineering Courses

Core Electives

Interdisciplinary Electives

Step II: How to place in


What is lacking?

What is the required

knowledge & skill level?

Designing the course

Step III: Modifying the


Distribution of the courses

Defining Cos

Mapping CO-POs

13 | Criteria 1

Programme Curriculum is revised on the basis of:

• Changing needs related to developments in the field.

• Improvements based on feedback from students, alumni.

• Feedback from industry based on their requirements.

• SWOC analysis from faculty members, experts from Industry and Experts

from other institutes/universities.

Decision Making Loop

Conduct Meeting

Remove Redundant Outcomes

Group Related Outcomes

For each outcome,

identify topic

Identify Teaching-Learning method

Prepare material for


Collect inputs from


Draft preparation for

the topic

Sequence the foundation core,

program core, electives & Prerequisite

Verify & adjust the weightage of core and


Visiting Faculty members and speakers from various Institutions bring in new ideas and thinking which are positively absorbed in the curriculum. Such modifications are communicated

to the Stake-holders

Inputs from the faculty of the Department to revamp the syllabus

Suggests the norms for evaluation especially for the continuous assessment.

Based on the discussion, the needs and curriculum is revised. The minor changes are incorporated immediately. Major changes are put in Board of Management Meeting and

incorporated after the approval.

The syllabus of the top US, European as well as Indian schools is also analyzed in particular to check the distribution of the different courses.

The SWOC analysis are periodically reviewed in PGPC and faculty common room meetings.

The evolution of program curriculum is the formation of the departmental syllabus committee.

14 | Criteria 1

Following the above decision-making loop, appropriate changes are incorporated.

• Course improvements are made every five years.

• Based on lacunae in the previous course the course structure is revised.

• New subject modules are introduced to ensuring the syllabus is state of art.

• Laboratory courses are designed based on current happenings in the field.

• Suggestions from existing students, different course teachers, passed-out

students and industry people are taken.

1.1.2. Structure of Curriculum

Master of Technology in Food Engineering and Technology

Semester I

Component Course

code Course title

Total number of contact hours

Credits Lecture








Core I FDT


Advances in Food

Technology 2 1 N.A. 3 3




Chemistry &


2 1 N.A. 3 3




Techniques in

Food Analysis

2 1 N.A. 3 3


Elective I



Food Packaging

Science and


2 1 N.A. 3 3


Elective I



Food Standards

and Safety


2 1 N.A. 3 3

Practical FDP

2014 Food Analysis Lab N.A. N.A. 6 6 3

Seminar FDP


Seminar and

Critical Review of

Research Paper

N.A. N.A. 6 6 3

Project FDP

2017 Research I N.A. N.A. 12 12 6

# Seminars, project works may be considered as practical. ‘N.A.’ stands for not applicable.

15 | Criteria 1

Semester II



code Course title

Total number of contact hours

Credits Lecture








Core I FDT 2004

Advances in Food

Engineering 2 1 N.A. 3 3

Core II FDT 2002

Food Safety &

Toxicology 2 1 N.A. 3 3

Core III FDT 2003

Advances in

Nutrition 2 1 N.A. 3 3


Elective I FDT 2013

Experimental Design and Optimization in Food Processing

2 1 N.A. 3 3


Elective I FDT 2058

Bioprocess Engineering and Technology

2 1 N.A. 3 3

Practical FDP 2015

Food Process Engineering Lab

N.A. N.A. 6 6 3

Project FDP

2018 Research II N.A. N.A. 12 12 9

Semester III




code Course title

Total number of contact hours

Credits Lecture








Training FDP 2019

Industrial training

N.A. N.A.

40 hr



40 hr




Semester IV

Component Course

code Course title

Total number of contact hours

Credits Lecture








Project FDP 2020

Research, Thesis and Open Defense

N.A. N.A. 40 hr (15


40 hr




List of Other Electives

Component Course

code Course title

Total number of contact hours

Credits Lecture












Food Process and

Equipment Design 2 1 N.A. 3 3



Supply Chain

Management in Food


2 1 N.A. 3 3



Enzymes in Food and

Feed Industry 2 1 N.A. 3 3

Open Elective



Advances in

Commodity Technology 2 1 N.A. 3 3



Separation Techniques

in Food Industry 2 1 N.A. 3 3

16 | Criteria 1

1.1.3. State the components of curriculum (10)

Program curriculum grouping based on course components

Course component Total number of


Total number of

contact hours

Curriculum content

(% of total number of

credits of the


Program core (×6) 18 18 hr/ week = 385



Program electives (×2) 6 18 hr/ week = 385



Open electives (×2) 6 18 hr/ week = 385



Practical (×2) 6 12 hr 5.3%

Seminar 3 6 hr 2.6%

Internship 30 40 hr 26.3%

Major project 45 12 + 12 + 40 = 64 39.5%

Total 114 1,277 hr

1.1.4 Overall quality and level of program curriculum (10)

Benchmark considered for developing the curriculum is discussed is summarized below.


component Curriculum content (% of total number of credits of the program)

Institute ICT Mumbai IIT Kharagpur NIT Rourkela ETH Zurich

Stream Food Engg &


Food Process


Food Process




Program core 15.8 17.0 17.0 28.8

Program electives 5.3 17.0 10.2 9.6

Open electives 5.3 7.4 6.8 9.6

Practical 5.3 8.5 9.0 9.6

Seminar 2.6 7.4 6.8 -

Internship 26.3 - 4.5 -

Optional - - - 13.4

Major project 39.5 42.5 45.4 28.8

Total credit 114 94 88 104

Assessment is based on improvement in terms of ranks/score in GATE examination

Gate Score 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17

Highest Score 733 704 624

Minimum Score 230 306 195

The placement scenario of the students from this program is 90-100% in any academic year.

17 | Criteria 1

1.2 Teaching learning Process

1.2.1 Quality of end semester examination, internal semester question

papers, assignments and evaluation (20)

The weightages of different modes of assessments are:






Components of continuous mode Continu





- Exam

Theory 20% 30% 50%

Quizzes, class tests (open or closed

book), home assignments, group

assignments, viva-voce assignments,


Practical 50% - 50%

Attendance, viva -voce, journal,

assignments, project, experiments,



Research 100%

Continuous evaluation not applicable,

End semester evaluation will be based

on written report evaluation and

presentation in front of the external

examiner within the Department

Continuous Evaluation

-The continuous evaluation is conducted at least two times for each subject, typically for

10 marks for a 50-mark subject (3-credits).

-The types of continuous evaluation include Quizzes, class tests, home assignments, group


-The continuous evaluation encompasses each of course outcomes for the subject.

One of the examples of continuous evaluation covering the Course Outcomes are presented

in Annexure 1.2.1 – Continuous Evaluation.

Mid Semester Examination

-The Mid semester is one theory examination conducted once for each subject, typically

for 15 marks for a 50-mark subject (3-credits).

-The Mid semester question paper encompasses each of course outcomes for the subject.

End Semester Examination

-The End semester is one theory examination conducted once for each subject, typically

for 25 marks for a 50-mark subject (3-credits).

-The End semester question paper encompasses each of course outcomes for the subject.

1.2.2. Quality of student projects (30)

-All the student projects are relevant to the needs of the food engineering and


-A student project is evaluated from Semester I, II and IV.

18 | Criteria 1

-Research I include the Literature Survey, Planning and Preliminary Trials

-Research II include the Experimental Part with proper design and Data Analysis

-Research IV is Thesis Submission and Viva Voce

-A typical thesis consists of five chapters viz. Introduction, Literature Review, Materials &

Methods, Results and Discussion, Summary and Conclusion.

-The Thesis is evaluated by External Examiner and the students defend their thesis in

front of large gathering.

-The thesis is evaluated of 500 marks and the Rubrics for evaluation is given below.

Details Max.






Understanding of Research Area 70

Problem formulation/Experimental

design/Mathematical Modelling 70

Quality of Work done 70

Analysis and Interpretation of Results 70

Quality of Thesis Submitted 70

Quality of Presentation 70

Answer to Question raised during Open Defence 80

Total 500


The MTech thesis submitted by candidate is:

- Acceptable, may be regarded as final in present form.

- Acceptable, but with minor revisions.

FDP 2020: Research III – Thesis Submission and Open Defense

Course Outcomes (students will be able to…)

1. Perform experiments systematically to accomplish the set objectives (K3)

2. Evaluate critically the experimental data and draw meaningful inferences (K5)

3. Develop skills to defend own research effectively (K6)

4. Develop skills for writing scientific documents (K6)

CO-PO Mapping


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO2 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K6 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3

3, 2, 1 represent strong, moderate and weak correlation; ‘-‘ refers to no correlation.


-The student projects are conducted in a planned and methodological manner.

-Their objectives are well defined and appropriate technical terms have been indicated in

the projects. The projects are clearly designed to set a plan for the experiments to be

conducted. Good quality literature survey has been done and cited. The projects are well

presented along with valid justification of the results obtained. One of the examples of

synopsis of the MTech thesis is presented in Annexure 1.2.2 – Sample Synopsis.

19 | Criteria 1

1.2.3. Initiatives related to industry interaction including industry

internship/summer training (10) A. Industry supported laboratories

-Prof. DV Rege Laboratory is sponsored by HIMEDIA Lab., India

-Food Analysis lab has been renovated by Goodwill Industries Ltd., India

-PTC Research Lab renovated by Goodwill Industries Ltd., India

-Smart Classroom is sponsored by Fine Organics Ltd., India

B. Industry involvement in the program design and Curriculum

-The program curriculum has been designed considering the feedback from industry

personal such as

a) Dr. V. Ramni

b) Dr. Sudhir Tamne

c) Dr. SV Bhalkar

C. Industry involvement in partial delivery of any regular courses for students

-In each academic year of MTech Food Engineering and Technology, 6 visiting faculties

from industry take the courses.

AY 2016-17



Name of Visiting


Subject Hour/wk

1 Dr Rashmi Kolhe FDT2021: Food Standards, Safety & Regulations 3

2 Dr. Jyoti Baliga FDT 2005: Food Packaging 1

3 Dr JR Bandekar FDT 2002: Food Safety & Toxicology 1

4 Dr Veena Yardi FDT 2003: Advances in Nutrition 1

5 Dr. Parag Saudagar FDT 2077: Enzymes in Food Industry 2

6 Dr. Rashmi Dhake Intellectual Property Rights 3

AY 2017-18



Name of Visiting


Subject Hour/wk

1 Dr. Subha Nishtala FDT2021: Food Standards, Safety & Regulations 3

2 Dr. Jyoti Baliga FDT2023: Food Packaging Science & Technology 1

3 Dr JR Bandekar FDT 2002: Food Safety & Toxicology 1

4 Dr Veena Yardi FDT 2003: Advances in Nutrition 1

5 Dr. Shantanu

Samant FDT2005: Carbohydrate Chemistry & Technology 2

6 Dr. Rohit Upadhay FDT2001: Advances in Food Technology 2

7 Dr. Lambert

Rodrigues FDT2055: Biotechnology of Fermented Foods 1

AY 2018-19



Name of Visiting


Subject Hour/wk

1 Dr. Subha Nishtala FDT2021: Food Standards, Safety & Regulations 3

2 Dr. Jyoti Baliga FDT2023: Food Packaging Science & Technology 1

3 Dr. Shantanu

Samant FDT2005: Carbohydrate Chemistry & Technology 1

4 Dr. Veena Yardi FDT2003: Advances in Nutrition 1

5 Dr. Sagar Gokhale FDT2002: Advances in Food Engineering 1

20 | Criteria 1

D. Industrial training/tours for students

Industry Visit or tours are conducted for students each year for MTech students.

The examples include:

- Nestle, Bicholim, Goa

- Dr. Kurade's Button Mushroom Plant, Goa

- United Breweries, Ponda, Goa

- MAPRO, Mahabaleshwar

- Trilok Food Industry, SATARA

E. Industrial training of 4-6 months and post training Assessment

2016-2017 Batch

S. No. Name of the student Internship Industry

1 Abhisheka Pandian T SNP Dairy Pvt Ltd

2 Kakoli Pegu General Mills Pvt. Ltd

3 Kishori Panmand Paradigm Services Pvt Ltd

4 Rishab Dhar Innovertus Nutrition Technologies Pvt Ltd

5 Kapil Rai Tata Chemicals Ltd

6 Niveditha N V Diageo India Pvt Ltd

7 Shubham Goyal NA

8 Krutika Bhangale Mondelez

9 Sneha Awasti Mondelez

10 Harshal Mondelez

2017-18 Batch

Sr No. Name of the student Internship Industry

1 Omkar Soma Sawant Chitale Bandhu Mithaiwale

2 Sujay Ayachit VKL Seasoning Pvt Ltd

3 Admajith M Kaimal Omniactive Health Technologies

4 Naveen Kumar Mapro Foods Pvt Ltd

5 Megha Dhingra Marico Pvt Ltd

6 Sagar Mahale Chitale Bandhu Mithaiwale

7 Prateek Kataria Tastybite Eatables Pvt Ltd

8 Oindrila Ghosh Tetrapak Pvt Ltd

9 Aditi Rungta Sensient India Pvt Ltd

10 Madan Dhulgande Tastybite Eatables Pvt Ltd

2018-19 Batch



Name of the student Internship Industry

1 G. Vigneshwaran Equinox Labs

2 Muhammad Salman



3 Nachal N ITC Limited

4 Datla Nishitha Mondelez

21 | Criteria 1

5 Sukitha A Godesi Mandi Pvt Ltd

6 Bharati Bhagat Mondelez

7 Kavya sood Mondelez

8 Nissy Mary Prasad Jus Amazing Foods and Beverages Pvt Ltd

9 Johnsy K J Innovertus Nutrition Technologies Pvt Ltd

10 Anjali Barlea Innovertus Nutrition Technologies Pvt Ltd

11 Mohit Kumar Mondelez

12 Rupali Purushottam


C P Kelco India Pvt Ltd

13 Annapoorna R P Bauli India Pvt Ltd

14 Taniya Jha ITC Ltd

15 Shubham Mishra Wrigley India Pvt Ltd

16 Ashutosh Rai Fizzy Foodlabs Pvt Ltd

17 Akash Kshirsagar Equinox Labs

18 Nishank Waghmare Vista Processed Foods Ltd

F. Impact analysis of industrial training

-The industrial training is being evaluated for 30 credits (450 Marks) in Semester III of

MTech in Food Engineering and Technology. The rubrics is given below.

Criteria Details Max.



- Attendance certificate duly signed

- Regularity and Punctuality - Attentiveness and


- Communication, networking, personal grooming and

professional conduct


Work done

(based on


- Work done in various domains such as production, QA,

inventory management, waste management etc 50

- Work done in R and D, process or product or package

improvement or development 50

- Marketing - Regulatory aspects and labelling -

Understanding of business and finance 50

- Overall Involvement and initiative taken - Analytical

methods performed, instruments/ equipment used -

Innovation/ contribution to Industry



(based on


- Based on questions asked# and answers given during

presentation 50

Presentation - Quality of slides (format, aesthetics) - Technical content

and correctness of slides - Oral delivery - Time management 50


- Representation of all given assessment criteria of IPT (as

specified above) - Correctness of the document (spelling,

grammar, punctuations, format etc)


- Technical content of report - Overall learning through IPT

inferred and recommendations/ suggestions given in the



22 | Criteria 1

1.2.4. Participation of Industry professionals in curriculum development, as

examiners, in major projects (10) Following are the list of Examiners for the MTech Final Year Students

Graduating Year : 2017

No Name Guide Name Referee Name Referee from Academician/


1 Vrushti Shah Dr. L. Ananthanarayan Dr. Ashlesha Paschure Industry

2 Aroshi Sharma Prof. U.S. Annapure Dr. A. K. Sahoo Industry

3 Bulbul Rajinder Vij Prof. U.S. Annapure Dr. N. N. Misra Industry

4 Ashwani Jawahar Kumar Prof. R.S. Singhal Dr. Shantanu Samant Industry

5 Vardan Singh Prof. S.S. Lele Dr. Pratima N. Shastri Academician

6 Niharika Abhay Soni Prof. R.S. Singhal Dr. Shantanu Samant Industry

7 Swarnali Tarunkumar Das Dr. L. Ananthanarayan Dr. Jyoti Baliga Academician

8 Divya Mahalingaiah M. Dr. S.S. Arya Dr. Roji Waghmare Academician

9 Cheryl Allen Fernandes Dr. S.S. Arya Mr. Prakash S. Jagtap Industry

Graduating Year : 2018

No Name Guide Name Referee Name Referee from Academician/


1 Abisheka Pandian Snehasis Chakraborty Dr. Abhishek Gupta Industry

2 Harshal Smita Satish Lele Dr. Ashlesha Parchure Industry

3 Kakoli Pegu Shalini S. Arya Dr. Roji Waghmare Academician

4 Kapil Rai Rekha S. Singhal Dr. Hormaz Patva Industry

5 Kishori Balu Panmand L. Ananthanarayan Dr. Ashlesha Paschure Industry

6 Krutika Anil Bhangale Uday S. Annapure Dr. A. K. Sahoo Industry

7 Niveditha N.V. Uday S. Annapure Dr. Sudhir Tamne Industry

8 Rishab Dhar Snehasis Chakraborty Dr. Sumit Gupta Academician

9 Shubham Goyal Shalini S. Arya Dr. Roji Waghmare Academician

10 Sneha Awasthi Rekha S. Singhal Dr. Ashlesha Paschure Industry

1.2.5. Quality of laboratory work given (20)

The experiments to be conducted in the laboratory have been well defined and the lab

manuals have been provided to the students. The students are grouped in pairs to conduct

the experiment which allows them to learn independently. The results are discussed in


FDP 2015 Food Process Engineering lab

No. Syllabus Equipment Stu/grp

1 Milling, Particle size reduction and

sieve analysis of cereal and wheat


Sieve, miller, dehusker 2

2 Homogenization, Rheological Study

and mixing index in a food mixture

Homogenizer, Rheometer 2

3 Kinetics in thermal process design:

Retort processing & pasteurization

of liquid food

Autoclave, water bath,



4 Effect of process and product

parameters on baking of bread &


Baking oven, dough mixer,

kneader and sheeter, texture

analyzer, colorimeter


23 | Criteria 1

5 Effect of Process and product

parameters on quality of fruit


Cutter, shredder,

spectrophotometer, texture

analyzer, colorimeter, pH

meter, refractometer, water

activity meter, moisture



6 Effect of Process and product

parameters on quality of dairy


lactometer, butyrometer, pH

meter, refractometer, water

activity meter


7 Effect of material and air properties

on tray & spray drying of food


tray drier, spray drier 2

8 Non-thermal processing of food ultrasound, pulse light,

Autoclave, water bath,



9 Study of extraction of oleoresins

from spices using liquid carbon


super critical fluid extraction,



FDP 2016 Food Analysis Lab

No. Syllabus Equipment required Stu/grp

1 Proximate composition in food muffle furnace,

kjeldahl, soxhelt, oven


2 Analysis of milk and dairy products &

Detection of adulterants in milk (liquid)




3 Analysis of wheat flour; Determination of

damaged starch from whole wheat flour

Baking oven, dough

knider and sheeter,

texture analyzer


4 Analysis of tea and coffee muffle furnace,

kjeldahl, soxhelt, oven


5 Estimation of phenolics, antioxidant

activity, chlorophyll and carotenoids

spectrophotometer 2

6 Analysis of Food adulteration with respect

to specific foods dairy, cereal, muscles

food etc.




7 Microbial and Enzyme assay laminar air flow,



8 Discriminative and Descriptive Sensory

analysis of Foods


9 Demo of colorimeter, texture analyzer,


colorimeter, texture

analyzer, DSC, HPLC,



Specific Features of Lab Experiments

-Each practical is performed in a group of two students with at least 9 different types of

samples (formulations or treatment conditions)

-The data analysis is performed together (all data together for optimization purpose

-The students submit lab notebook (journal) for each experiment.

-For each experiments the students write: Background/ Relevance, Experimental design,

Observations, Results, and Inference.

-One Sample instruction Sheet for a Lab experiment has been shown in Annexure 1.2.5

– Lab Instruction Sheet (Sample).

24 | Criteria 2

CRITERION 2 Program Outcomes 75

2.1. Establish the connect between the courses and the POs

K1, remembering; K2, understanding; K3, applying; K4, analyzing; K5, evaluating; K6,


Code Course Strongly Connected to


FDT 2001 Advances in Food Technology √ √

FDT 2002 Food Safety & Toxicology √

FDT 2003 Advances in Nutrition √ √

FDT 2004 Advances in Food Engineering √ √

FDT 2005 Carbohydrate Chemistry & Technology √

FDT 2008 Comprehensive Techniques in Food Analysis √ √

FDP 2014 Food Analysis Lab √ √

FDP 2015 Food Process Engineering Lab √ √

FDP 2016 Seminar & Critical Review of Research Paper √ √

FDP 2017 Research I √ √

FDP 2018 Research II √ √

FDP 2019 Industrial Training √ √

FDP 2020 Research, Thesis and Open Defense √ √

FDT 2021 Food Standards and Safety Regulations √ √

FDT 2055 Biotechnology of Fermented Foods √ √

FDT 2023 Food Packaging Science and Technology √ √

FDT 2058 Bioprocess Engineering and Technology √ √

FDT 2025 Food Process and Equipment Design √ √

FDT 2026 Experimental Design and Optimization in

Food Processing √ √

FDT 2027 Supply Chain Management in Food Industry √ √

FDT 2077 Enzymes in Food and Feed Industry √ √


1 An ability to independently carry out research or investigation and

development work to solve practical problems K5

2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report or document K6

3 An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area of food

engineering and technology K5

4 An ability to use and evaluate modern techniques or tools applied in food

processing, analysis and packaging K5

5 An ability to provide solution to the issues related to nutrition, food safety

and regulatory affairs K4

25 | Criteria 2

Correlation between COs and POs


FDT 2001: Advances in Food Technology

Student will be able to ….

1. Analyse different design aspects of thermal processing applied to food (K4).

2. Demonstrate and apply the concepts of non-thermal food processing methods (K3).

3. Solve issues related to membrane, packaging and hurdle technology in food

processing (K3).

4. Develop and analyse the efficacies of high-pressure processing to food applications


5. Infer about recent developments in advanced thermal and non-thermal techniques

of food processing (K4)

FDT 2005: Carbohydrate Chemistry & Technology

Student will be able to ….

1. Classify different types of carbohydrate and highlight their chemistry in specific food


2. Demonstrate the different composition and functions of carbohydrates specific to

food products (K3)

3. Highlight the function and mechanism of carbohydrate-based polymers for food

stabilization (K4)

4. Interpret the chemistry & mechanism of different chemical changes within the food

involving carbohydrate components (K4)

5. Apply and develop the carbohydrate-based formulations for different food

applications (K3)

FDT 2008: Comprehensive Techniques in Food Analysis

Student will be able to ….

1. Demonstrate the basic principles of modern techniques used in food analysis for

quality assurance (K3)

2. Infer about labels for food products based on food analysis (K5)

3. Develop analytical techniques for on-line monitoring of food quality during

processing and storage (K3)

4. Ensure consumer safety through analysis of food contaminants and adulterants

and apply them in the light of regulatory requirements (K5)

5. Discuss about the newer and relevant analytical techniques in food systems (K4)

FDP 2014: Food Analysis Lab

Student will be able to ….

1. Demonstrate the knowledge of redox chemical reactions to develop a protocol for

analysing specific food attributes (K4)

2. Interpret different chemical and biochemical analysis specific to food (K4)

3. Compare protocols on different types of chemical and sensory analysis in foods


4. Apply and infer about the principles of different enzyme and vitamin assays (K4)

FDP 2016: Seminar and Critical Review of Research Paper

Student will be able to ….

1. Develop critical thinking regarding the research paper given (K5)

2. Analyse different literature sources about a certain topic (K4)

3. Comment on others’ work in terms of the scientific content, novelty and

correctness of published work (K5)

4. Evaluate the research methodologies, data analysis and interpretation (K5)

5. Develop skills for presentation and writing scientific documents (K6)

26 | Criteria 2

FDP 2017: Research I

Student will be able to ….

1. Develop critical thinking to identify the research gap for the project (K5)

2. Formulate a scientific question and approach to solve it (K6)

3. Plan the experimental methodology for the project (K5)

4. Develop skills to communicate the research plan effectively (K6)

5. Develop skills for writing scientific documents (K6)


FDT 2004: Advances in Food Engineering

Student will be able to ….

1. Perform and analyse simultaneous material and energy balances in food processes


2. Demonstrate the concept of heat and mass transfer in food processing and its

integration to actual process design (K4)

3. Analyse the complexity of fluid flow problems associated with food operations (K4)

4. Design and estimate the performance of food processing equipment (K5)

5. Interpret the properties of materials used for food processing equipment and

corrosion control (K5)

FDT 2002: Food Safety and Toxicology

Student will be able to ….

1. Analyze different types of hazards associated with foods and risk assessment for

the hazards and safety evaluation systems (K4)

2. Explain the principles of toxicity testing in foods, role of additives in toxicity, and

define sources of food allergens (K4)

3. Analyze the action of different toxic compounds of chemical and biological origin


4. Interpret the mechanisms of action of various microbial toxins in foods (K5)

5. Suggest appropriate detoxification strategies for microbial toxins (K5)

FDT 2003: Advances in Nutrition

Student will be able to ….

1. Highlight the emerging areas of biochemistry of food metabolism and nutrition


2. Interpret the nutritional needs as a lifecycle approach (K5)

3. Evaluate the impact of processing, storage, interactions and fortification on

nutritional quality of food (K5)

4. Analyze the role of diet in disease management and special nutritional needs (K4)

5. Interpret the role of functional aspects of food components and nutrients affecting

immune systems (K5)

FDP 2015: Food Process Engineering Lab

Student will be able to ….

1. Estimate the efficacy of different unit operations in developing a process specific

to food (K5)

2. Analyse the effect of different process variables on the quality of food product


3. Analyse the effect of compositional variables on quality of food products (K4)

4. Design and develop the food process and products using the experimental design

concept (K6)

FDP 2018: Research II

Student will be able to ….

1. Perform various experiments and troubleshoot the methods to generate reliable

data (K5)

27 | Criteria 2

2. Apply different statistical tools for scientific data analysis (K4)

3. Evaluate critically the experimental data and draw meaningful inferences (K5)

4. Develop skills to communicate scientific results effectively (K6)

5. Develop skills for writing scientific documents (K6)

FDP 2019: Industrial Training

Student will be able to ….

1. Develop critical thinking regarding the various operations involved in food industry


2. Develop skills to address and solve certain industrial challenges in food processes


3. Develop skills for presentation and writing scientific documents (K6)

FDP 2020: Research III

Student will be able to ….

1. Perform experiments systematically to accomplish the set objectives (K3)

2. Evaluate critically the experimental data and draw meaningful inferences (K5)

3. Develop skills to defend own research effectively (K6)

4. Develop skills for writing scientific documents (K6)


FDT 2021: Food Standards and Safety Regulations

Student will be able to ….

1. Demonstrate the functional role and safety issues of food contaminants,

adulteration, additives, packaging & labelling (K3).

2. Evaluate the hygiene and sanitation condition in food processing plant, equipment,

storage and handling (K5)

3. Analyse the issues on microbial quality control of food and water in Food Processing

Industry (K4)

4. Identify and analyse the critical quality control point for organic and GM food and

thereby designing the HACCP system (K4)

5. Interpret the role, standard and law set by Indian and global regulatory authorities

with respect to food quality control (K5)

FDT 2023: Food Packaging Science and Technology

Student will be able to ….

1. Highlight about food packaging as a method of food preservation (K4)

2. Interpret the role of different packaging materials and their physico-chemical

properties (K5)

3. Establish the concepts of quality evaluation and testing of packaging materials (K4)

4. Asses the criteria for selecting a packaging material for a specific application (K5)

5. Develop the packaging materials suitable for newer processing techniques (K6)

FDT 2058: Bioprocess Engineering and Technology

Student will be able to ….

1) Demonstrate the concept of microbial kinetics in biochemical engineering (K3)

2) Apply the concept of stoichiometry in the modelling of microbial growth (K3)

3) Design and analyse different bioreactor systems and their components (K4)

4) Apply the principles of different upstream and downstream processes involved in

bioprocesses (K3)

5) Apply the concept of microbial technologies in food processing and biorefineries as

well as production of biologicals (K3)

FDT 2021: Enzymes in the Food Industry

Student will be able to ….

1. Highlight the action and mechanism of microbial enzymes and fermentative

production of enzymes followed by isolation and purification (K4)

28 | Criteria 2

2. Analyze the role of specific enzymes in the processing of dairy, bakery, brewery,

fruit and vegetable products, plantation crops (K4)

3. Analyze the role of specific enzymes in starch industry, confectionary, protein

hydrolysis, extraction of oil (K4)

4. Analyze the role of specific enzymes in processing of meat, seafood and poultry

products, waste management, animal feed industry (K4)

5. Analyze the role of specific enzymes as biosensors, additives, in packaging, and

describe the concept of recombinant enzymes and safety of enzymes (K4)

FDT 2026: Experimental Design and Optimization in Food Processing

Student will be able to ….

1. Analyse different the statistical tests and hypothesis testing methods used in food

processes (K4)

2. Apply the concept of experimental design in different food processes (K3)

3. Develop empirical equation using experimental data (K6)

4. Evaluate different types of optimization techniques in food processing (K5)

5. Apply multivariate analysis on a data set (K3)

FDT 2054: Biotechnology of Fermented Foods

Student will be able to ….

1. Highlight the concept of functional foods and different fermented foods (K4)

2. Interpret the role of microorganisms and enzymes involved in various food

formulations (K5)

3. Analyse the principles and mechanism of immunological detection of pathogens in

foods (K4)

4. Infer about the application of biotechnology in food processing and agricultural

practices (K5)

5. Highlight the newer developments in processing technologies for fermented foods



Subject PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5

FDT 2001: Advances in

Food Technology

K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO3 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO4 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO5 K4 3 2 3 3 3

Course K4 3 2 3 3 3

FDT 2005: Carbohydrate

Chemistry & Technology


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO5 K3 2 2 2 2 3

Course K4 3 2 3 3 3

FDT 2008:


Techniques in Food



K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO2 K5 3 3 3 3 3

29 | Criteria 2

CO3 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO4 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K4 3 2 3 3 3

Course K5 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2014: Food Analysis



K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO3 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K4 3 2 3 3 3

Course K5 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2016: Seminar and

Critical Review of

Research Paper


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO2 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO3 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2017: Research I


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO2 K6 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K6 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3


FDT 2004: Advances in

Food Engineering


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K5 3 3 3 3 3

Course K5 3 3 3 3 3

FDT 2002: Food Safety

and Toxicology


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K5 3 3 3 3 3

Course K5 3 3 3 3 3

30 | Criteria 2

FDT 2003: Advances in



K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO5 K5 3 3 3 3 3

Course K5 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2015: Food Process

Engineering Lab


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO2 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2018: Research II


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO2 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO3 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K6 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2019: Industrial



K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO2 K6 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2020: Research III


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO2 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K6 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3


FDT 2021: Food

Standards and Safety



K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO2 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO5 K5 3 3 3 3 3

31 | Criteria 2

Course K5 3 3 3 3 3

FDT 2023: Food

Packaging Science and



K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K6 3 3 3 3 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3

FDT 2058: Bioprocess

Engineering and



K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO2 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO5 K3 2 2 2 2 3

Course K4 3 2 3 3 3

FDT 2021: Enzymes in the

Food Industry


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO5 K4 3 2 3 3 3

Course K4 3 2 3 3 3

FDT 2026: Experimental

Design and Optimization

in Food Processing


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO3 K6 3 3 3 3 3

CO4 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K3 2 2 2 2 3

Course K6 3 3 3 3 3

FDT 2054: Biotechnology

of Fermented Foods


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO3 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO4 K5 3 3 3 3 3

CO5 K4 3 2 3 3 3

Course K5 3 3 3 3 3

3, 2, 1 represent strong, moderate and weak correlation; ‘-‘ refers to no correlation.

32 | Criteria 2

2.2. Attainment of Program Outcomes (60)

2.2.1. Describe the assessment tools and process used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of Program Outcome is based (20)

Calculation of Course Outcome (CO)

Assessment tools used to measure the student learning and Course Outcomes:

End Semester exam: End Semester Score (25 M)

Continuous Evaluation: Score for Continuous (10 M) and Mid sem Examination (15 M)

The process adopted to map the assess the course outcomes

The assessment of the course outcomes (COs) have been performed by subject

specialists. The corresponding steps have been discussed below.

Step I: Percentage weightage (W) has been given to each of the COs of a course

corresponding to each question asked in end semester question paper.

Step II: Matrix showing Question wise marks for each student.

Step III: Calculation of CO wise score from Question wise marks. It is calculated as follows

1 2 3 4 5

5 10 5


1 1 1

1 2 3 4 5

Sij kj

j j j j j

Q iQk

i j k

Q iQ Q iQ Q iQ Q iQ Q iQ



= = =


= + + + +





i ijCO


Sj =


Where, WiQk=percent weightage given to ith CO corresponding to kth question (Qk);

SQkj = Score obtained by jth student corresponding to kth question (Qk)

33 | Criteria 2

SCOij = Score obtained by jth student corresponding to ith CO

sCOi=Average of SCOij obtained for the entire class corresponding to COi

Step IV: Counting % of students (m) scoring at least class average score of corresponding

to COi.

If % of student scoring at least class average (m) Attainment assigned to ai

m ≥ 70% 3

60% ≤ m ≤ 69% 2

50% ≤ m ≤ 59% 1

Step V: Steps I to IV are followed for Continuous evaluation and Mid Semester marks.

Step VI: Calculation of Attainment of CO, as given below.

COAi iES ES iCA CAa w a w= +

Where, aiES=Attainment assigned to ith CO from End Semester Marks;

wES=Weightage of Attainment from End Semester marks = 0.8;

aiCA=Attainment assigned to ith CO from Continuous + Mid Semester Marks;

wCA=Weightage of Attainment from Continuous + Mid Semester Marks = 0.2;

Step VII: Calculation of Attainment of Course (Acourse), as given below.

1 2 3 4 5A5

CO CO CO CO COcourse

A A A A A+ + + +=

One sample calculation has been shown below

AY 2016-17: Semester II

Course: FDT 2004-Advances in Food Technology

Number of COs: 5

Total number of students: 10

Step I: Question pattern: Attempt any three out of Q2 to Q5 (five marks each).

End Semester: CO-Question Mapping

Question No. Max Marks CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5

Q.1 5 30% 30% 40% Q.2 5 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Q.3 5 30% 30% 40%

Q.4 10 30% 40% 30%

Continuous Evaluation and Mid Semester: CO-Question Mapping

Question No. Marks CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5

Continuous Evaluation 10 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Mid semester 15 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

34 | Criteria 2

Step II: Students marks obtained


End Semester Mark (25) Continuous





(15) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

16FET201 2 5 4.5 7.5 9.5 9

16FET202 4.5 4 4 8.5 9.5 9

16FET203 3 2.5 2.5 6 9 8

16FET204 4 3.5 4.5 7 8 11

16FET205 4 3.5 3.5 7 8 8

16FET206 5 2.5 4 4.5 9.5 11

16FET207 0.5 5 5 8 10 11

16FET208 1 5 4 7 8 9

16FET209 4 4.5 4.5 7 8 13

16FET210 2.5 5 3 8.5 9.5 12

Step III: Conversion from question wise mark to CO wise mark (End Semester)

ROLL NO End Semester Mark (25)


16FET201 1.6 5.2 5.35 1.8 5.05

16FET202 2.15 5.9 5.4 2.6 4.95

16FET203 1.4 3.95 3.65 1.7 3.3

16FET204 1.9 5.35 4.85 2.3 4.6

16FET205 1.9 5.05 4.55 2.3 4.2

16FET206 2 4.55 3.5 2.5 3.45

16FET207 1.15 5.05 5.7 1.2 5.4

16FET208 1.3 4.6 5 1.4 4.7

16FET209 2.1 5.55 5.05 2.5 4.8

16FET210 1.75 5.2 5.3 2 4.75

The conversion formula is

1 2 3 4 5CO 1 2 3 4 5Sij j j j j jQ Q k Q Q k Q Q k Q Q k Q Q kS W S W S W S W S W= + + + +

In this sense, for Student 1 (16FET201) the score corresponding to CO2 is 5.2. This has

been calculated as shown below.

21COS 0.3 2 0.2 5 0.3 4.5 0.3 7.5 5.2= + + + =

For the same student 2 (17FET202) the score corresponding to CO2 is 5.9. This has been

calculated as shown below.

22COS 0.3 4.5 0.2 4 0.3 4 0.3 8.5 5.9= + + + =

Step IV : Calculation of Attainment of Course Outcome (ai)

ROLL NO End Semester Mark (25)


16FET201 1.6 5.2 5.35 1.8 5.05

16FET202 2.15 5.9 5.4 2.6 4.95

16FET203 1.4 3.95 3.65 1.7 3.3

16FET204 1.9 5.35 4.85 2.3 4.6

16FET205 1.9 5.05 4.55 2.3 4.2

35 | Criteria 2

16FET206 2 4.55 3.5 2.5 3.45

16FET207 1.15 5.05 5.7 1.2 5.4

16FET208 1.3 4.6 5 1.4 4.7

16FET209 2.1 5.55 5.05 2.5 4.8

16FET210 1.75 5.2 5.3 2 4.75

Class average (sCOi) 1.725 5.04 4.835 2.03 4.52

No of students scoring at

least class average 6 7 7 5 7

Total no of student 10 10 10 10 10

% of students (m) scoring

at least class average 60 70 70 70 70

Step V - VI : Calculation of Attainment of Course (Acourse)


CO Attainment from End Semester

(aiES) 2 3 3 1 2

CO Attainment from Cont

Evaluation + Mid Semester (aiCA) 3 3 3 3 3

Attainment of CO 2x0.8+3x0.2 2x0.8+3x0.2 2x0.8+3x0.2 2x0.8+3x0.2 2x0.8+3x0.2

Attainment of CO (ACOi) 2.2 3 3 1.4 2.2

Attainment of Course (Acourse) (2.2+3+3+1.4+2.2)/5 = 2.36

Calculation of Program Outcome (PO)

Step I: Assessment tools for Direct measurement: The attainment values for POs

have been calculated with respect to attainment of Course (Acourse) and their corresponding

correlation with PO.

The working formula for calculating direct attainment has been presented below:

( )1


[ ]

Direct PO attainment (PO )


course p p


D n








Where, n= number of Courses correlated to corresponding PO

Acourse = Obtained attainment for pth course (0 to 3 scale)

Cp = Correlation of pth course to corresponding PO in (0 to 3 scale), where, 3, 2, 1 stands

for strong, medium, and weak correlation, respectively.

Step II: Assessment tools for Indirect measurement: The attainment values for POs

have been calculated with respect to two surveys viz. (i) Student exit feedback (ii) Feedback

from Examiner or Industry Mentor or Alumni. The sample feedback form has been attached in

Annexure 2.2.1-Sample Feedback Form.

For both the surveys, the working formula has been presented below:



Feedback Score1 (S )

Feedback Score2 (S )











36 | Criteria 2

Where, N= number of students giving Student exit feedback

SSEF = Score obtained from student exit feedback in the scale of 5

Q= number of Examiners and/or Alumni giving feedback

SSEA = Score obtained from Examiners and/or Alumni feedback in the scale of 5

Step III: Counting % of people (q) scoring at least average feedback score of

corresponding to PO.

% of people (q) scoring at least average feedback

score (q)

Attainment assigned (aIPO1 or aIPO2)

q ≥ 70% 3

60% ≤ q ≤ 69% 2

50% ≤ q ≤ 59% 1

Average of two feedback scores is assigned to indirect PO attainment (POI).

1 2Indirect PO attainment (PO )2


a a+=

Step IV: Calculation of Attainment of PO, as given below.

POA D D I IPO w PO w= +

Where, wD=Weightage of Direct Attainment of PO = 0.8;

wI=Weightage of Indirect Attainment of PO = 0.2;

One sample calculation for PO1 has been shown below

Direct Attainment of PO1

Code Course Level





FDT 2001 Advances in Food Technology K4 3 2.52

FDT 2005 Carbohydrate Chemistry & Technology K4 3 2.2

FDT 2008

Comprehensive Techniques in Food

Analysis K5 3


FDP 2014 Food Analysis Lab K5 2 2

FDT 2004 Advances in Food Engineering K5 3 2.36

FDT 2002 Food Safety and Toxicology K5 3 2.2

FDT 2003 Advances in Nutrition K5 3 2.2

FDP 2015 Food Process Engineering Lab K6 2 2

FDP 2018 Research II K6 3 2

FDP 2019 Industrial Training K6 3 3

FDP 2020 Research III K6 3 2

FDT 2021 Food Standards and Safety Regulations K5 3 2

FDT 2023 Food Packaging Science and Technology K6 3 2.8

FDT 2058 Bioprocess Engineering and Technology K4 3 1.36

FDT 2054 Biotechnology of Fermented Foods K5 3 2.52

T = 43

Direct PO1 Attainment = (3x2.52+3x2.2+3x2.16+…..+3x2.52)/ 43 = 2.231

37 | Criteria 2

Survey I: Student Exit Feedback

No. of Students

Feedback Scores (SSEF) for PO1 in scale of 5


S1 4 4 4 4 4

S2 4 4 3 3 4

S3 4 3 4 3 3

S4 3 3 3 4 3

S5 4 3 4 4 3

S6 3 4 3 4 4

S7 4 3 4 4 3

S8 3 4 4 4 4

S9 4 4 3 4 4

S10 3 4 4 3 3

Average (SFB1) 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.5

Students giving ≥ SFB1 6 6 6 7 5

No of Feedback 10 10 10 10 10

% Students giving ≥ SFB1 60 60 60 70 50

Attainment assigned (aIPO1) 2 2 2 3 1

Survey II: Examiners and/or Alumni feedback

No. of Examiner/Alumni

Feedback Scores (SSEA) for PO1 in scale of 5


P1 4 4 4 4 4

P2 4 4 3 4 3

P3 4 3 3 4 3

P4 4 4 4 4 3

P5 4 4 4 4 4

P6 3 4 4 4 4

P7 4 4 3 4 4

P8 3 3 3 3 3

P9 3 3 3 3 3

P10 4 4 4 4 4

Average (SFB2) 3.7 3.7 3.5 3.8 3.5

Students giving ≥ SFB2 7 7 5 8 5

No of Feedback 10 10 10 10 10

% Students giving ≥ SFB2 70 70 50 80 50

Attainment assigned (aIPO2) 3 3 1 3 1

Overall Attainment of PO1

Direct PO1 Attainment 2.193

Indirect PO1


Survey I Student Feedback 2 2.5

Survey II Examiner Feedback 3

Overall Attainment of PO1 (APO1) = 2.193x0.8+2.5x0.2 2.25

38 | Criteria 2

2.2.2. POs attainment levels with observations (40)

Batch 15FET

Course Level PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5

Wt Acourse W Acourse W Acourse W Acourse W Acourse

FDT 2001 K4 3 2.2 2 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2

FDT 2002 K5 3 1.72 2 1.72 3 1.72 3 1.72 3 1.72

FDT 2003 K5 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2

FDP 2011 K6 2 2.2 3 2.2 2 2.2 2 2.2 2 2.2

FDP 2017 K6 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

FDT 2004 K5 3 1.68 3 1.68 3 1.68 3 1.68 3 1.68

FDT 2005 K4 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

FDT 2007 K5 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04

FDP 2013 K6 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

FDP 2020 K6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

FDT 2021 K5 3 1.32 3 1.32 3 1.32 3 1.32 3 1.32

FDT 2023 K6 3 1.68 3 1.68 3 1.68 3 1.68 3 1.68

FDT 2021 K4 3 2.36 2 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36

FDT 2054 K5 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36

Direct Attainment 1.877 1.897 1.877 1.877 1.877

Indirect-Survey I 2 2 2 2 2

Indirect-Survey II 2 3 3 2 2

Final Attainment PO1 1.90 PO2 2.02 PO3 2.00 PO4 1.90 PO5 1.90

%Attainment PO1 63.3 PO2 67.3 PO3 66.7 PO4 63.3 PO5 63.3

Wt, connection with PO; Acourse, course attainment

39 | Criteria 2

Batch 16FET

Course Level PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5

Wt Acourse W Acourse W Acourse W Acourse W Acourse

FDT 2001 K4 3 2.36 2 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36

FDT 2002 K5 3 1.8 2 1.8 3 1.8 3 1.8 3 1.8

FDT 2003 K5 3 1.52 3 1.52 3 1.52 3 1.52 3 1.52

FDP 2011 K6 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

FDP 2017 K6 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

FDT 2004 K5 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04

FDT 2005 K4 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04

FDT 2007 K5 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04

FDP 2013 K6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

FDP 2020 K6 3 3 3 3 3 3

FDT 2021 K5 3 1.64 3 1.64 3 1.64 3 1.64 3 1.64

FDT 2023 K6 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36

FDT 2021 K4 3 2.04 2 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04 3 2.04

FDT 2054 K5 3 2.68 3 2.68 3 2.68 3 2.68 3 2.68

Direct Attainment 2.064 2.112 2.36 2.064 2.06

Indirect-Survey I 2 2 2 2 2

Indirect-Survey II 2 2 3 3 2

Final Attainment PO1 2.05 PO2 2.09 PO3 2.15 PO4 2.15 PO5 2.05

%Attainment PO1 68.3 PO2 69.7 PO3 71.7 PO4 71.7 PO5 68.3

Wt, connection with PO; Acourse, course attainment

40 | Criteria 2

Batch 17FET

Course Level PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5

Wt Acourse Wt Acourse Wt Acourse Wt Acourse Wt Acourse

FDT 2001 K4 3 2.52 2 2.52 3 2.52 3 2.52 3 2.52

FDT 2005 K4 3 2.2 2 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2

FDT 2008 K5 3 2.16 3 2.16 3 2.16 3 2.16 3 2.16

FDP 2014 K5 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

FDP 2016 K6 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

FDP 2017 K6 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

FDT 2004 K5 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36

FDT 2002 K5 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2

FDT 2003 K5 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2

FDP 2015 K6 3 2.8 3 2.8 3 2.8 3 2.8 3 2.8

FDP 2018 K6 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

FDT 2021 K5 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

FDT 2023 K6 3 1.8 3 1.8 3 1.8 3 1.8 3 1.8

FDT 2058 K4 3 2.36 2 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36 3 2.36

FDT 2054 K5 3 2.52 3 2.52 3 2.52 3 2.52 3 2.52

Direct Attainment 2.264 2.269 2.264 2.264 2.264

Indirect-Survey I 2 2 2 2 2

Indirect-Survey II 3 3 2 2 3

Final Attainment PO1 2.31 PO2 2.22 PO3 2.21 PO4 2.31 PO5 2.31

%Attainment PO1 77.0 PO2 74.0 PO3 73.7 PO4 77.3 PO5 76.7 Wt, connection with PO; Acourse, course attainment

41 | Criteria 2

POs attainment levels with observations

Overall PO Attainment

Batch PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5

15FET 1.90 2.02 2.00 1.90 1.90

16FET 2.05 2.09 2.15 2.15 2.05

17FET 2.31 2.22 2.21 2.32 2.30

% Overall PO Attainment

Batch PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5

15FET 63.3 67.3 66.7 63.3 63.3

16FET 68.3 69.7 71.7 71.7 68.3

17FET 77.0 74.0 73.7 77.3 76.7

Target for PO attainment

Being one of the premier institutes in the country in Food Engineering and Technology,

the skill level of the student is expected to be on a higher side. Therefore, starting the

70% attainment level in graduating batch 2016, the target for graduating batch 2018 is

kept at least 75-80%.



















PO Attainment (%)


42 | Criteria 2

Comment on Overall PO Attainment for Batch Graduating in 2018

PO Target Value Attainment Observation

PO1: An ability to independently carry out research or investigation and

development work to solve practical problems

PO1 75-80 77

The research component of the curriculum has

been revised from AY2017. It is expected that

attainment of this PO1 will be higher in

graduating batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

PO2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report or document

PO2 75-80 74

The submission of technical report has been

increased in revised syllabus from AY2017. This

is mainly associated with Research I, II, III and

Industrial Training. Inclusion of lab is also done

to emphasize this PO2. It is expected that

attainment of this PO2 will be higher in

graduating batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

PO3: An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area of food

engineering and technology

PO3 75-80 73

The engineering component of the curriculum has

been increased in revised syllabus from AY2017.

One laboratory course on Food Process

Engineering has been included in revised

syllabus. The inclusion of industrial Training will

also help in solving practical problem related to

Food Engineering and Technology. It is expected

that attainment of this PO3 will be higher in

graduating batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

PO4: An ability to use and evaluate modern techniques or tools applied in food

processing, analysis and packaging

PO4 75-80 77

The revised syllabus from AY2017, inclusion of

Food Analysis lab will emphasize this PO4.

Knowledge on experimental design as one of the

Electives will help in attaining the PO4. It is

43 | Criteria 2

expected that attainment of this PO2 will be

higher in graduating batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

PO5: An ability to provide solution to the issues related to nutrition, food safety

and regulatory affairs

PO5 75-80 76

The attainment if Satisfactory. However, in the

revised syllabus incorporation of Industrial

Training will also help in solving practical problem

related to nutrition, food safety and regulatory


Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

44 | Criteria 3

CRITERION 3 Students’ Performance 75

Table: 3.1

Item AY

2018-19 AY

2017-18 AY

2016-17 AY

2015-16 AY


Sanctioned intake of the

program (N)

18 10 10 10 10

Total number of students

admitted through GATE (N1)

18 10 10 10 10

Total number of students

admitted through PG Entrance

and others (N2)

- - - - -

Total number of students

admitted in the Program (N1 +


18 10 10 10 10

CAY – Current Academic Year

CAYm1- Current Academic Year minus1= Current Assessment Year

CAYm2 - Current Academic Year minus2=Current Assessment Year minus 1

LYG – Last Year Graduate

LYGm1 – Last Year Graduate minus 1

LYGm2 – Last Year Graduate minus 2

Table: 3.2

Year of entry

N1 + N2

(As defined


Number of students who have successfully


I Year II Year

2018-19 18 18

2017-18 10 10 In process

2016-17 10 10 10

2015-16 10 9 9

2014-15 10 10 10

3.1. Enrolment Ratio through GATE (20)

Table: 3.1.1

Year of entry

Enrolment Ratio= N1


Students enrolled

through GATE 2018-19 1 100%

2017-18 1 100%

2016-17 1 100%

2015-16 1 100%

2014-15 1 100%

N is sanctioned intake; N1 is number of students admitted through GATE.

45 | Criteria 3

3.2. Success Rate in the stipulated period of the program (20)



2018-19 AY

2017-18 AY

2016-17 AY

2015-16 AY


Sanctioned intake of

the program (N) 18 10 10 10 10

Number of students

completing program

in stipulated duration

In process 10 9 10

Number of students

admitted in first year

of same batch

18 10 10 10 10

S.I. - 1 1 0.9 1

Average S.I. of past 3

years - 0.967

Assessment Point 0.967 x 20 = 19.33

S.I. = Number of students completing program in stipulated duration/ Number of

students admitted in first year of same batch; Average S.I.= Mean of SI for past 3

Batches Assessment points = 20 X Average S.I.

3.3. Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship (20)

Item Graduating in AY





The total no. of students admitted in

first year (N) 18 10 10 10

No. of students placed in companies or

Government Sector (x) - 8 9 9

No. of students pursuing Ph.D. / JRF/

SRF(y) - 2 0 0

No. of students turned entrepreneur in

engineering/technology (z) - 0 0 0

x + y + z = - 10 0.9 0.9

Placement Index: (x + y + z) /N - P1=1 P2=1 P3=0.9

Average placement= (P1 + P2 + P3)/3 0.95

Assessment Points = 20 × average

placement 0.95 x 20 = 19

Table: 3.3.1

46 | Criteria 3

3.3.1a. Provide the placement data in the below mentioned format with

the name of the program and the assessment year: Name of the student placed

Enrollment no.

Name of the employer Appointment letter reference no. with date

1 Abhisheka Pandian 16FET201 K P Manish Global Ingredients Pvt Ltd


2 Harshal 16FET202 ITC Limited 9-Jul-18

3 Kakoli Pegu 16FET203 JRF, ICT Mumbai ICT/REG RRD/ 327 18th July,2018



5 Kishori Panmand 16FET205 Fine Organic Industries Limited


6 Krutika Bhangale 16FET206 Indchem International 1st August, 2018

7 Niveditha Giri 16FET207 DKSH India private limited NV OL – 2018, 7th Aug, 2018

8 Rishab Dhar 16FET208 JRF, ICT Mumbai ICT/REG/RRD/4495 15th Jan, 2018

9 Shubham Goyal 16FET209 Central Bank of India 12th March, 2018

10 Sneha Awasthi 16FET210 ITC Limited 9-Jul-18

11 Shah Vrushti 15FET2002 VKL Seasoning Pvt Ltd 9th February ,2017

12 Aroshi Sharma 15FET2004 VKL Seasoning Pvt Ltd 9th February ,2017

13 Bulbul 15FET2005 VKL Seasoning Pvt Ltd 9th February ,2017

14 Ashwani Kumar 15FET2006 Vinayak Ingredients Pvt Ltd 24th April,2017

15 Vardan Singh 15FET2007 ITC Limited 14th July,2017

16 Soni Niharika 15FET2008 Tasty Bite 2nd May,2017

17 Swarnali Das 15FET2009 Capital foods private limited CFL/HR/AP/PL/08/543 30th June, 2017

18 Divya M 15FET2010 NutriPlanet Foods NP0005

19 Cheryl Fernandes 15FET2011 VKL Seasoning Pvt Ltd 9th February ,2017

20 Rahel Das 14FET2001 Ruchi Soya Industries Limited 6th August, 2016

21 Siddhant Banura 14FET2002 Unibourne Food Ingredients NA

22 Yuga Bhat 14FET2003 Alfa Laval L/APPT/GET/2016-17/24 18th May,2016

23 Ashwini Mohurle 14FET2004 Ankush Enterprises NA

24 Sunil Jondhale 14FET2005 Preparing for Civil Services NA

25 Dhananjay

Ghorpade 14FET2006 Keva Flavours Pvt Ltd 30th June,2016

26 Rahul Jain 14FET2007 Preparing for Civil Services NA

27 Himanshu Chaudhary

14FET2009 Firmenich 12th August, 2016

28 Sonakshi Meshram 14FET2010 VKL 13th July, 2016

29 Krati Dargarh 14FET2011 AB Mauri India Pvt Ltd 1st February, 2017

47 | Criteria 3

3.4. Professional Activities (15)

3.4.1. Student’s participation in Professional societies/chapters and

organizing engineering events (5)

From the MTech batch 15FET, 16FET, 17FET

1. Abhisheka Pandian has presented poster on the topic “Quality Monitoring of Paneer

during Cold Chain using Enzymatic TTI” at International conference on recent advances

in Food Processing Technology organized by IIFPT, Thanjavur during 17th-19th August,


2. Rishab Dhar has presented poster on the topic “Pulsed light treatment of mixed tropical

fruit beverage: Product formulation, processing, kinetics and secondary modelling” at

UAA ICT Innovative Idea Competition which was held on 9th May, 2019

3. Kakoli Pegu has presented poster on the topic “Optimization of process parameters

drying time and temperature of Syzygium cumini L. leather using response surface

methodology” at IFCON 2018 organized by CFTRI, Mysore

4. Oindrila Ghosh has presented poster on the topic “Extraction of bioactive compounds

from agro-industrial waste using plant oil” at UGC-CAS One Day In-house Seminar

organized by ICT Mumbai on 26th December 2018

5. A workshop on ‘Analytical and preparative instrumentation for the food industry’ was

conducted by Anton Paar on 27th February, 2017 in the dept. food engineering and

technology (FETD), ICT, Mumbai. The objective of this workshop was to help students to

find the best solution for trace element analysis of food ingredients, quality checks on

flavours and sophisticated analysis of mouth-feel, mixing and stirring behavior.

6. The FETD, ICT organized a hands-on training for analysis of food bioactives on 2-4

March, 2017 with the assistance of TEQIP. The workshop was coordinated by Dr. Shalini

Arya and her team of post-graduate and Ph.D. Students. Industry professionals,

academicians and scientists from reputed institutes attended this workshop

7. A 3 day “Bakery Technology Workshop” was held at FETD from 27th to 29th July, 2017.

It was jointly organized by FETD and Assocom Institiute of Bakery Technology and

Management (AIBTM). There was a session on introduction to bakery products, bakery

equipments and short bread cookies. The participants learnt about the different

ingredients and mixing methods involved in preparation of breads, cookies and cakes.

They prepared chocolate chip cookies, buns, chiffon cake, chocolate truffle cake, French

baguette and hard oils.

8. Workshop on food preservation techniques was jointly organized in association with

biotechnology industry research assistance council (BIRAC) and Department of food

engineering and technology, ICT Mumbai on and from 26thfebruary

9. DuPont Nutri Scholars Awards 2017

Ms. Aratrika Ray, Mrs. Suman Kumari and Mrs. Anu Ahlwawat stood second and won

One lakh cash prize in the category ULTIMATE HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCT under

the guidance of Dr. US Annapure

Ms. Madhura Janve, Mr.Baburaj Regubalan, Ms. Shraddha Srinivasan and Ms.

Sana Shaikh won Stood second and won cash prize of one lakh in the category MOST

NUTRITIOUS FOOD IDEA under the guidance of Dr. Laxmi Ananthanarayan

10. On July 31, 2015, on behalf of Keva Flavours Pvt Ltd (formerly Kelkar Group), an

interactive session was conducted for the first- and second-year M. tech students of FETD.

This session that discussed the scope and prospects of food processing and allied industries

in India was convened by Mr. Amit Choudhury and Mrs. Sangita Dasgupta (Senior

Manager- Key accounts) along with Mrs. Anita Kulkarni from Keva flavours.

11. Every year students of FETD participate in National Nutrition Week which is organized by

AFSTI at ICT, Mumbai

48 | Criteria 3

3.4.2. Student’s publications (10)

Graduating year 2015-16

1. Banura, S., Thirumdas, R., Kaur, A., Deshmukh, R.R., Annapure, U.S. (2018)

Modification of starch using low pressure radio frequency air plasma. LWT - Food

Science and Technology. 89, pp. 719-724

Graduating year 2016-17

1. Bulbul, V. J., Bhushette, P. R., Zambare, R. S., Deshmukh, R. R., &Annapure, U. S.

(2019). Effect of cold plasma treatment on Xanthan gum properties. Polymer

Testing, 79, 106056.

2. Shah, N. N., Soni, N., & Singhal, R. S. (2018). Modification of proteins and

polysaccharides using dodecenyl succinic anhydride: Synthesis, properties and

applications—A review. International journal of biological macromolecules, 107, 2224-


3. Soni, N., Shah, N. N., & Singhal, R. S. (2019). Dodecenylsuccinylated guar gum

hydrolysate as a wall material for microencapsulation: Synthesis, characterization and

evaluation. Journal of food engineering, 242, 133-140.

4. Nagavekar, N., Kumar, A., Dubey, K., & Singhal, R. S. (2019). Supercritical carbon

dioxide extraction of kokum fat from Garcinia indica kernels and its application as a

gelator in oleogels with oils. Industrial Crops and Products, 138, 111459.

5. Fernandes, C. G., Sonawane, S. K., & Arya, S. S. (2019). Optimization and modeling

of novel multigrain beverage: Effect of food additives on physicochemical and

functional properties. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e14151.

6. Fernandes, C. G., Sonawane, S. K., & Arya, S. S. (2018). Cereal based functional

beverages: a review. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Food Sciences, 8(3).

Graduating year 2017-18

1. Arya, S. S., Pegu, K., & Sadawarte, P. D. (2017). Bioactive Compounds and Health

Benefits of Jamun (Syzygium cumini). Bioactive Molecules in Food, 1-20.

2. Dhar, R., & Chakraborty, S. (2019). Effect of Pulsed Light Treattemnt on Various

Quality Attributes and Kinetic Modeling. Innovative Food Science and Emerging

Technologies. (Communicated).

3. Pandian, A. & Chakraborty, S. (2019). The Enzymatic Time-Temperature Indicator

(TTI) Device: A Review of its Applications in Quality Monitoring and Shelf-life

Estimation of Food Products during Storage. Journal of Food Engineering Reviews


49 | Criteria 4

CRITERION 4 Faculty Contributions 75

Sl No.


Highest Degree

Date of Receiving Highest Degree

Area of Specialization Current Designation

Date (Designated as

Prof/Assoc. Prof.).

Initial Date of Joining

Association Type

Currently Associated

with (Yes/No)

1 Dr. Uday S. Annapure PhD 29/09/2000 Food chemistry Professor 16/04/2009 16/04/2003 Regular Yes

2 Dr. Rekha S. Singhal PhD 30/09/1989 Food Technology Professor 30/04/2007 1/8/1989 Regular Yes

3 Dr. Smita S. Lele PhD 15/02/1990 Biochemical Engineering Professor 30/01/1999 18/11/1986 Regular Yes

4 Dr. Laxmi Ananthanarayan PhD 9/9/2010 Biochemistry Associate Professor 27/07/1998 16/10/1985 Regular Yes

5 Dr. Shalini S. Arya PhD 31/12/2008 Food Technology Assistant Professor 25/07/2008 Regular Yes

6 Dr. Jyoti S. Gokhale PhD 27/09/2011 Bioprocess Technology Assistant Professor 16/06/2014 Regular Yes

7 Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty PhD 8/8/2015 Food Engineering Assistant Professor 29/10/2015 Regular Yes

8 Dr. Gunjan Prakash PhD 8/8/2007 Bioprocess Technology Associate Professor 26/01/2017 9/2/2009 Regular Yes

9 Dr. Reena Pandit PhD 1/3/2007 Bioprocess Technology Assistant Professor 2/5/2012 Regular Yes

10 Dr. Anand Patwardhan PhD 29/02/1988 Chemical Engineering Professor 18/12/2007 18/12/2007 Regular Yes

11 Dr. D. D. Sarode PhD 15/02/2010 General Engineering Associate Professor 12/6/1997 12/6/1997 Regular Yes

12 Mr. M.A.K. Kerawala M.Tech 29/09/1984 General Engineering Associate Professor 16/02/1987 16/02/1987 Regular Yes

13 Dr. Parag Gogate PhD 20/06/2002 Chemical Engineering Associate Professor 4/7/2016 3/7/2007 Regular Yes

14 Dr. A.B. Pandit PhD 31/07/1984 Chemical Engineering Professor 1/1/1996 1/1/1991 Regular Yes

15 Dr. P.R. Vavia PhD 1/7/1991 Pharmaceutical Sci & Tech Professor 8/4/2013 1/12/1993 Regular Yes

16 Dr. P.D. Vaidya PhD 4/1/2005 Chemical Engineering Associate Professor 12/2/2015 1/8/2007 Regular Yes

17 Dr. Prerana Goswami PhD 28/05/2018 General Engineering Assistant Professor 6/6/1998 Regular Yes

18 Dr. S.S. Bhagwat PhD 1/6/1989 Chemical Engineering Professor 18/11/2003 18/11/1986 Regular Yes

19 Dr. P.R. Nemade PhD 30/08/2008 Chemical Engineering Assistant Professor 1/1/2013 Regular Yes

20 Dr. Shamlan Reshamwala PhD 18/08/2012 Bioprocess Technology Assistant Professor 20/08/2014 Regular Yes

50 | Criteria 4

Name of The Faculty Research Publications PhD Guidance

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16

Prof. Smita S. Lele 3 5 5 5 8 10

Prof. Uday S. Annapure 7 14 8 14 17 18

Prof. Rekha S. Singhal 9 15 10 17 17 18

Dr. Laxmi Ananthanarayan

4 8 6 13 16 16

Dr. Shalini S. Arya 8 10 19 5 6 6

Dr. Jyoti Sagar Gokhale NA NA NA NA NA NA

Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty 3 3 7 1 NA NA

Dr. Gunjan Prakash 15 15 13 0 0 0

Dr. Reena Pandit 9 9 9 5 4 0

Dr. Anand Patwardhan 64 59 53 14 13 9

Dr. D. D. Sarode 12 11 10 1 1 0

Mr. M.A.K. Kerawala 3 3 1 0 0 0

Dr. Parag Gogate 274 263 183 11 8 5

Dr. A.B. Pandit 339 333 294 42 38 36

Dr. P.R. Vavia 148 144 122 43 41 31

Dr. P.D. Vaidya 73 59 41 18 9 4

Dr. Prerana Goswami 20 12 4 0 0 0

Dr. S.S. Bhagwat 70 64 63 35 32 31

Dr. P.R. Nemade 10 10 5 0 0 0

Dr. Shamlan Reshamwala 7 7 7 0 0 0

4.1. Student-Faculty Ratio (SFR) (10)

Bachelor of Technology in Food Engineering and Technology

Year of Study


(2018-19) (2017-18) (2016-17)

























2nd Year 16 0 16 0 16 0

3rd Year 16 0 16 0 16 0

4th Year 16 0 16 0 16 0

51 | Criteria 4

Sub-Total 48 0 48 0 48 0

Total 48 48 48

M.Tech Food Biotechnology

Year of Study

(2018-19) (2017-18) (2016-17)

Sanction Intake Sanction Intake Sanction Intake

1st Year 10 10 10

2nd Year 10 10 10

Total 20 20 20

M.Tech Food Engineering and Technology

Year of Study

(2018-19) (2017-18) (2016-17)

Sanction Intake Sanction Intake Sanction Intake

1st Year 18 10 10

2nd Year 10 10 10

Total 28 20 20

Total Data for All PG Program

Year of Study

2018-19 2017-18 2016-17

Sanction Intake Sanction Intake Sanction Intake

1st Year 28 20 20

2nd Year 20 20 20


Description 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17

Total No. of

Students in the


96 88 88

Sum total of all

(UG+PG) students

Sum total of all



Sum total of all



No. of Faculty in the


18 18 18

F1 F2 F3

Student Faculty

Ratio (SFR)

5.33 4.89 4.89

SFR1=S1/F1 SFR2=S1/F1 SFR3=S3/F3

Average SFR 5.04


F=Total Number of Faculty Members in the Department (excluding first year


52 | Criteria 4

4.1.1 Information about the regular and contractual faculty

Total Number of regular Faculty

in Department

Total Number of contractual

Faculty in Department

2018-19 7 0

2017-18 7 0

2016-17 7 0

4.2.1 Faculty Competencies in the Area of program Specialization (30)

(Relevant Faculty Information, in the area of Program specialization.

Name of


Relevant area of Specialization

2018-19 2017-18

Prof. Smita S.


Food Engineering, Fermentation

Technology, Fundamentals of

Food Process, Engineering,

Advances in Food Engineering

Food Engineering, Fermentation

Technology, Fundamentals of Food

Process, Engineering, Advances in

Food Engineering

Prof. Uday S.


Carbohydrate chemistry and

technology (gelatinization,

retrogradation and resistant

starch) and Advances in food

technology (extrusion, pulsed

light, modified

Carbohydrate chemistry and

technology (gelatinization,

retrogradation and resistant starch)

and Advances in food

technology (extrusion, pulsed light,


Prof. Rekha S.


Food additives and ingredients,

Current topics in food science

and technology, Nutraceuticals

and functional foods, Principles

of food analysis, Modern

techniques in food analysis,

Food safety and toxicology

Food quality, Food chemistry,

Biopolymers, Lipid chemistry and

technology, Food product

development, Food processing,

Fermentative production and

downstream processing of

biomolecules, Traditional foods.

Dr. Laxmi


Human nutrition, Food

packaging, Food product

development, Food chemistry,

Instant food formulation,

Protein rich food formulation,

Food preservation

Human nutrition, Food packaging,

Food productdevelopment, Food

chemistry, Instant food formulation,

Protein rich food formulation, Food


Dr. Shalini S.


Hydrodynamic cavitation of

liquid food, Cereal chemistry

and processing – process and

product development ; Indian

Traditional foods – chemistry,

technology and product

development; Nutraceuticals –

chemistry, technology and

product development; Cereal

legume health products - low

glycemic index foods, gluten

free formulations; utilization of

food waste; Fermented

indigenous foods; Downstream

processing of biomolecules

Cereal chemistry and processing –

process and product

development; Indian Traditional

foods – chemistry, technology and

product development;

Nutraceuticals – chemistry,

technology and product

development; Cereal legume health

products - low glycemic index

foods, gluten free formulations;

utilization of food waste; Fermented

indigenous foods; Downstream

processing of biomolecules

53 | Criteria 4

Dr. Jyoti Sagar


Principles of Food Analysis,

Biotechnology of Fermented

Foods, Waste Management in

Food Processing, Nutraceuticals

and Functional Foods,

Biochemistry Lab, Technical

Analysis Lab

Principles of Food Analysis,

Biotechnology of Fermented Foods,

Waste Management in Food

Processing, Nutraceuticals and

Functional Foods, Biochemistry Lab,

Technical Analysis Lab

Dr. Snehasis


Advances in Food Technology,

Advances in Food Engineering,

Experimental Design and

Optimization in Food Processing

Advances in Food Technology,

Advances in Food Engineering

4.2.2. Faculty Research Publications (10)

Name of The Faculty

Academic Research

Part A: Number of quality publications in refereed/SCI Journals, citations, Books/book Chapters etc.

Publications in refereed/SCI Journals

Citations Books/Book Chapters










Prof. Smita S. Lele

3 5 5 347 381 386 1 NA NA

Prof. Uday S.

Annapure 7 14 8 267 184 125 NA NA NA

Prof. Rekha S. Singhal

9 15 10 1705 1638 1627 1 2 4

Dr. Laxmi Ananthanarayan

4 8 6 362 328 311 NA NA NA

Dr. Shalini S. Arya

8 10 19 135 82 64 1 NA NA

Dr. Jyoti Sagar Gokhale

NA NA NA 2 11 9 1 1 NA

Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty

3 3 7 77 56 28 NA 3 NA

Name of The Faculty

Academic Research

Part B: Ph.D Guided/Ph.D awarded during the assessment period

while working in the institute

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16

Guided Awarded Guided Awarded Guided Awarded

Prof. Smita S. Lele 5 1 8 1 10 3

Prof. Uday S. Annapure 14 2 17 1 18 3

Prof. Rekha S. Singhal 17 2 17 1 18 4

Dr. Laxmi Ananthanarayan 13 3 16 NA 16 2

Dr. Shalini S. Arya 5 1 6 NA 6 NA

Dr. Jyoti Sagar Gokhale NA NA NA NA NA NA

Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty 1 NA NA NA NA NA

54 | Criteria 4

4.2.3. Faculty Development Work (10)

Sr.No Topic Description Venue Date

Prof. Smita S. Lele

1 Career Selection and Personality Development

Invited talk and chief guest at Golden Jubilee Function Pachora

Coope Bank Pachora, Jalgaon

August 31, 2015


Fermented Fruits and Vegetables: Scenario and Potential in India

Invited talk at National

Conference on Biotechnological Interventions for Upgradation of Food Products of India,

University of Kashmir 9-10 September, 2015.

3 Nutrition, Health and

Beyond Invited talk

Mumbai Commissioners



14, 2015.


Invited lecture on “Science and

Technique of S & T propagation

Invited lecture at39th

Indian Social Science Congressheld during

Manglore University,

1st -5th

December 2015

5 Food Safety & Life Style

Invited speaker shree pancham KhemrajMahavidyalaya, Sawantwadi.

December 5, 2015


National Seminar on Recent FSSAI on

Recent FSSAI Notifications and Amendments

Invited speaker Hotel Peninsula Grand, Mumbai

March 9, 2016

7 Career selection and positive thinking

Delivered a lecture Singhgad College September 20, 2016.

8 Holistic approach on health and nutrition

Chief Guest, for felicitation program under IQAC (Internal quality assurance committee)

and delivered lecture

Modern college, Vashi September

19, 2016.

Appropriate career selection

Delivered a lecture ST Xavier’s college, Mumbai

August 20, 2016.


Mango, Jamun &

Other Fruit Wine Making

Organized two successive one week workshop in collaboration with

Sawarde Valley Food Foundation (SVFF) and supported by support from TEQIP III.

Sawarda, Chiplun, June, 2018

Prof. Uday S. Annapure

1 Food Science and

Technology Invited talk CKT College, Panvel

January 10,



Recent trends in

Food Processing and


Invited talk at state level seminar on ‘Recent

Trends in Dairy and Food Processing

Vivekanand Arts, Sardar Dalipsingh

Commerce and Science College, Aurangabad

February 16,



Non-thermal Processes :

Emerging Technologies for Food Processing

Invited talk at Farmer Empowerment through Agro-processing & Sustainable Technologies duringXXIV Indian Convention of Food Scientists &


VNMKV, Parbhani December 18-19, 2015


Non-Thermal Process - Emerging Technologies for Food and Nutrition

Innovative Thought Forum, Brainstorming on Food Processing, Food Security and Food

Maple Room, Indian Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

November 25, 2015

55 | Criteria 4

Security Nutrition


National conference

on Technologies in Sustainable food systems (TSFS - 2016)

Invited guest of honour

Dept. of food engg. and technology, SLIET Longowal University,


7-8 October 2016

6 Plasma processing of


Invited to talk at a

workshop Dept. of Physics, ICT


21, 2016

7 Soy Based Extruded Products

Invited talk delivered at

USSEC conference on “Soy: Avenues and Opportunities”

American Soybean Association and US Soybean Export Council, at Ahmedabad, Gujarat

February 28, 2017.

8 Soy Based Extruded


Invited talk delivered at

conference on “Soy Nutrition and Soy Opportunities – Creating Linkages

Organised by USSEC in collaboration with the Association of Food Scientists and

Technologist, Soy Food

Promotion and Welfare Association and Soy Processors Association of India at Hotel Taj Santacruz,


28, 2016.

9 Cold Plasma Processing

Invited talk at the World Food Day seminar

Department of Food

Processing Technology, A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidya Nagar, Anand, Gujarat.


Non-Thermal Process - Emerging Technologies for Food Processing

Invited talk delivered under TEQIP

Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

September 14, 2016.

11 Recent Trends in Food & Agri Biotech

Invited to talk on DBT sponsored National


Dept. of Biotechnology, Sinhgad College of

Engineering, Pune

14-15 September


12 Nutrition week 2017 Invited Guest of Honour ICT, Mumbai in Association with AFST Mumbai at ICT


7, 2017

Prof. Rekha S. Singhal

1 Tips for writing

research papers

A lecture delivered at National Workshop on ‘Writing Scientific Research Articles of International Standards,

College of Home Science, Nirmala Nikatan, Mumbai

July 10,


2 Challenges in Food Analysis,

A lecture delivered Chandigarh August 20, 2015


Nutraceuticals for joint health,

A lecture delivered at

Savitibai Phule Pune University Sponsored

two-day International Seminar on “pharmaceuticals to Nutraceuticals: A Pragmatic Approach’

Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Pune

January 16, 2016.


Nutraceuticals for joint health,

A lecture delivered at seminar on ‘Nanobiotechnology and Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease Management’

Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and

Science, New Panvel

January 19, 2016

5 Trehalose - a newer lecture delivered at Tata Chemicals January 22,

56 | Criteria 4

food ingredient with

nutritional and processing




Innovation Centre,




Food safety from farmto- fork: some realities, challenges,

constraints and regulatory framework,

Lecture delivered at 25th Indian Convention of Food Scientists and

Technologists (ICFOST-XXV),

Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar,


November 10-12,


7 Making agriculture pronutrition

Lecture delivered at Prof. Jamuna Prakash Felicitation Function University of Mysore

February 18, 2017.

8 Bioavailability of nutraceuticals: some


Lecture delivered at the TEQIP organized workshop on ‘Hands on

Training for Analysis of Food Bioactives’,

March 3,


9 Woman: A salute to the centre of gravity of our existence,

Lecture given on the occasion of International Women’s Day,

Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere,

March 8, 2017.

10 Microbes and depression: a deep connect

Lecture delivered at 7th Interdisciplinary Research Conference

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences

Deemed University, Karad,

March 9,


11 Valorization of food processing wastes,

A plenary lecture delivered at UGC SAP National Seminar on

Research Trends in Food Processing: Value Addition and Enterprise Development (RTiFP-


Tezpur University, March 27, 2017.


Health and Wellness

through Affordable Food Technology, organized by

Seminar on ‘Prosperity through Science & Technology,

Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Nehru Science Centre,

February 16, 2018.

13 Supercritical fluid extraction of


Lecture delivered at a workshop on Food

Preservation Techniques

Organized by BIRAC, New Delhi at ICT,


February 15-17,



Innovations in Chemistry - Laboratory to Society (ICLS- 2018)”,

Food as a complex matrix of chemicals and materials: some innovations, plenary

lecture, National Conference ICLS-2018

North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon,

March 5-6, 2018.



Microencapsulation of sensitive food constituents

b) Nutraceuticals for joint health

Lectures delivered at Dept of Studies in Food science & Nutrition, University of Mysore,

March 23, 2018

Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty


Safety aspects of

Synthetic, Nature Identical and Natural flavoring Substances

Lecture delivered at India in Food Safety and Quality Management (FSQM) Course

IIT Kharagpur January 17 to30, 2016

2 Advanced thermal and nonthermal


Delivered a guest lecture KK wagh College, Nashik,

26 August 2017.

57 | Criteria 4

of food


Spray drying:

operating principles and design criteria

Provided training Sunpharma industries Ltd. Delhi

5-6 July, 2017.


Give training on Advanced Food Processing

Techniques to Masters students at

Provided training Centre of food technology,


14-15 May 2017


Analysis of food bioactives,”statistical techniques applied in analysis of food


Provided hands on training

ICT Mumbai 2-4 March, 2017.

Seminars/lectures/workshops organised by Department





Distinguished speaker/Affiliation

Title of lecture/workshop

1 March 6,

2019 UGC & TEQIP

Dr. Umesh Hebbar Prof. Utpal


Carbohydrates in Food and Food Processing’

2 February 5-7, 2019

UGC & TEQIP Hands on Training for Analysis of Food


3 26 Dec, 2018


One-Day In House Seminar on ‘Uprising Drift in the Path of Food Biotechnology

and Fermentation Technology:

4 26-28 Feb,


Food engineering and technology department,


NA Workshop on Food Preservation



May 4- 8, 2018 and June 14- 21, 2018.

In collaboration with Sahyadri Education Society at Chiplun and sponsored by TEQIP III.


Two workshops were organized with hands on training on non-

grape-fruit wine making

6 Friday, Dec

29, 2017

Dr. P. Neville R. J. Amunugoda, Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), Colombo, Sri Lanka

Initiatives of Non-thermal Food

Processing in Sri Lanka: An overview

7 Tuesday Dec 12, 2017

Professor Keshavan Niranjan Professor of Food Bioprocessing Editor,

Journal of Food Engineering Department of Food

and Nutritional Sciences University of Reading

New ProductDevelopment (NPD) in food business

8 Friday, Jan 19, 2018

Dr. C. Anandharamkrishnan,

Director, Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur, India

Current and future prospects of nanotechnology in food processing

58 | Criteria 4


Tuseday 28th November, 2017

Marico Industries Visiting Fellowship

Dr. Shyam S. Sablani, Associate Department Chair Department of Biological Systems

Engineering, WSU

Polymer Packaging for Advanced Food Processing Technologies

10 December

9, 2016 NA NA

National seminar on opportunities & challenges of foreign direct investment (FDI) in food retail india

11 September 27, 2016

Food engineering and technology department

jointly with AFST Mumbai


Workshop to showcase ICT FETD success stories & bringout opportunities for fruit & veg processing in India for dreaming

entrepreneurship &

SME & farmers

12 August 12,


Food Engineering and technology department under TEQIP-II in collaboration with AFST(I) Mumbai Chapter

A workshop on " E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p

Development: Dare to dream"

13 February 15, 2017

Food engineering and

technology department jointly with AFST Mumbai chapter under TEQIP-II program supported by world bank

Prof. D.V.Rege Memorial seminar Nutraceuticals-Science to Business

14 2-4th March,


Supported by TEQIP-II workshop on Hands on training for analysis of

food bioactives

15 September


organized by Prof S.S. Lele jointly with Trilok

Food, Satara and supported by TEQIP

One day workshop on “Fruits and Vegetable Processing Opportunities in Maharashtra

16 1st September, 2015

Golden Jubilee Visiting fellowship

Dr. Anil Gaokar Teacher’s Colony, Post: Nandanagadda, Karwar, Karnataka

Food Rheology

17 12th January, 2016

Golden Jubilee Visiting fellowship

Prof. Dr. Jyoti Prakash

Tamang Dean, School of life sciences, Prof. Dept. of Micriobiology, Sikkim University

Microbiology & Health benefits of Global Fermented Food & Beverages

18 4th July, 2015

Marico Industries visiting fellowship

Dr. Hormazdiar Patva,

Director, Sensient India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.

Flavour and colour


current overview and research focused approach

19 15th February, 2016

NA Dr. Prathap Shetty

Microflora from fermented foods as rich bio- resource for technological


20 30th March, 2016

Marico Industries visiting fellowship

Dr. Joseph Lewis Food Law: Principle to Practice

59 | Criteria 4

4.3. Faculty as Participants in Faculty Development/Training activities/

STTPs (5)

Sr.No Programm Title Description Duration

Prof. Smita S. Lele

1 Training Programme on

NBA Accreditation

5 & 6th

February 2016

2 Prof. D. V. Rege Memorial

Seminar Neutraceuticals-

Science to Business


3 Bioreactors and challenge

in scale up of food


UGC refresher course, 3/1/2017

4 Mango, Jamun & other

fruit wine making

Modules on fruit selection and


fruit processing, upstream and


processing of wine, routine wine

analysis, sensory evaluation

techniques, and finance and

market opportunities.


5 Ideas, Innovation &

Industry enabling smart


factories organized


6 Advanced pedagogy and

management capacity

building training for

engineering faculty and

senior administrators

Faculty development program 21st to 25th

June 2018

7 How to stay fit, happy and

be efficient at work

Capacity building programme 6/24/2018

8 Fruit processing 1/7/2018

9 Bioprocessing of fruit

vegetable waste

Faculty development program 10/15/2017

10 19th World Congress of

Food Science and


IUFoST- 2018 23-27,

October 2018

Prof. Uday S. Annapure

1 Quality Initiatives in

Technical & Higher



Workshop 07/10/2015 -


2 Cold Plasma Processing:

An Emerging Technology


Food Processing

18/12/2015 -


3 Recent Trends in Dairy & Seminar 2/16/2016

60 | Criteria 4

Food Processing

4 Recent FSSAI Notifications



Seminar 3/9/2016

5 Palm Oil Familiarization


21/08/2016 -


6 Tailoring Technologies for

Rural Sector: Development

& Dissemination

29/10/2018 -


7 Techniques in Food

Processing & Preservation

Seminar 3/23/2019

8 Scope of Research in Hotel

Management & Catering


Workshop 8/10/2019

9 8th International Food


12/12/2018 -


10 iCFRAFPT-2018 17/08/2018 -


11 25th ICFoST-XXV 10/11/2016 -


12 Post-Harvest Handling,

Ambient Controlled


and Supply Chain



13 Bakery Technology Workshop 27/07/2017 -


14 Prof. D. V. Rege Memorial

Seminar Neutraceuticals-

Science to Business

Tequip and supported by

world bank


15 19th World Congress of

Food Science and


IUFoST- 2018 23-27,

October 2018

Prof. Rekha S. Singhal

1 Regulatory Practices:

Interpretation &

Compliance, PFNDAI

Faculty development program April 18, 2016.

2 Prosperity through Science

& Technology, Marathi

Vidnyan Parishad

Seminar 2/16/2018

3 Food Preservation

Techniques, BIRAC, New


15 to 17-02-




6 Advanced pedagogy and

management capacity

building training for

engineering faculty and

senior administrators

Workshop, Faculty development


21st to 25th

June 2018

61 | Criteria 4

7 19th World Congress of

Food Science and


IUFoST- 2018 23-27,

October 2018

Dr. Laxmi Ananthanarayan

1 Advanced pedagogy and

management capacity

building training for

engineering faculty and

senior administrators

Faculty development program 21st to 25th

June 2018

2 19th World Congress of

Food Science and


IUFoST- 2018 23-27,

October 2018

3 Scope of research in Hotel

Management &

Catering Technology

Theory course in food analysis 10th August


Dr. Shalini S. Arya

1 Food Entrepreneurship


Workshop FETD, ICT & AFSTI

(Mumbai Chapter),

12th August


2 Fruits and Vegetable

Processing Opportunities in


Workshop 27th



3 19th World Congress of

Food Science and


IUFoST- 2018 23-27,

October 2018

4 Level 2 workshop on

Research Based

Pedagogical Tools




5 Science Leadership

Workshop for New Global

Young Academy Members

8th International Conference of

Young Scientists &

Annual General Meeting of the

Global Young Academy, Pattaya,


7-11 May,


6 Research Based

Pedagogical Tools

Training on Level 2 workshop

National Science Academy

(INSA), New Delhi, India Centre

of Excellence in Science and

Mathematics Education (CoESME),

Indian Institute of Science

Education and Research (IISER),

Pune and Sheffield

Hallam University, UK




7 Research Based

Pedagogical Tools,

Level 1 Teacher Training


Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,


Chhattisgarh and Sheffield

Hallam University, UK

6-9, October,


62 | Criteria 4

Dr. Jyoti Sagar Gokhale

1 Microwave Heating and

Processing of Foods

AICTE Sponsored one-week QIP

Short Term Course

13th August to

17th August


2 Nutraceuticals: Recent

Trends and Advances

National Seminar 30th



3 Uprising Drift in the Path

of Food Biotechnology and

Fermentation Technology

In-House Seminar for Research

Scholars of Department of Food

Engineering and Technology




4 Faculty Induction Program Faculty Induction Program November 27

to December

2, 2017

5 Orientation Program Orientation Program February 6 to

March 4, 2017

6 Teaching and Learning

Biology: Problem Solving


National Workshop August 4- 11,


Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty

1 Microwave Heating and

Processing of Foods

Concept of microwave technology,

its effect on food materials, and

research work done on it so far

(at IIT Bombay)

5 Days

[13/05/2019 -

17/05/2019 ]

2 Recent Advances in

Chemical Science and


Recent Advances in Chemical

Science and Technology at

Mumbai University, India

20 Days [12

Nov-1st Dec


3 Preparative Processing and

Analysis of


Preparative Processing and

Analysis of Bio/Pharmaceuticals at

ICT Mumbai, India

5 Days [14 -

18 March


4 Summer Workshop on

Bioprocess Engineering

Summer Workshop on Bioprocess

Engineering at

IIT Madras, India

5 Days [27

June - 1 July


5 Training Programme on

NBA Accreditation

Training Programme on NBA

Accreditation at

ICT Mumbai, India

2 Days [4 - 5

Dec 2015],

2 Days [5 - 6

Feb 2016]

6 19th World Congress of

Food Science and


IUFoST- 2018 23-27,

October 2018

63 | Criteria 4

4.4. Research and Development (30)

4.4.1. Sponsored Research (15)

AY 2018-19

No. Faculty Project Name Fundin

g Body Grant (₹)





Smita S.


Techno-commercial Viability

Studies for Small Scale Fruit



Govt. of


31,76,000 2018-


2 Dr. Shalini

S. Arya

Novel, non-thermal, energy

efficient, industrially scalable

hydrodynamic cavitation

processing of indigenous fruit

juices for enhanced

nutritional bioactives and

shelf life extension

MOFPI 49,30,560 2018-


3 Dr. Shalini

S. Arya

Novel, non-thermal, energy

efficient, industrially scalable

hydrodynamic cavitation

(HC) processing of milk for

enhanced nutrients and shelf

life extension


SERB 43,06,000



4 Dr. Snehasis


Integrated processing of

beverages from minor

tropical fruits

MoFPI 36,46,800


2018 –



AY 2017-18

No. Faculty Project Name Funding

Body Grant (₹) Duration

1 Prof. Uday

S. Annapure

Studies in surface

sterilization of spices

using non thermal


DST- (Indo

srilankan joint




r 2017-


r 2019

AY 2016-17

No. Faculty Project Name Funding

Body Grant (₹) Duration

1 Dr. Snehasis


Pulse light processing of

beverage using under-

utilized fruits




2017 –

Mar 2020

4.4.2. Consultancy (from Industry) (15)

AY 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19

No. Faculty Project Name Funding

Body Grant (₹) Duration


Prof. Uday S.


. Snehasis


Parametric study and

data analysis in the

process of developing

cooking aids

Godrej &

Boyce Mfg

Co Ltd, India

₹ 5,17,500 Mar –

Sep 2017

64 | Criteria 4

2 Prof. Uday

S. Annapure Low GI wheat grits

Kargill India

Pvt Ltd



3 Dr. Shalini S.


Assessment of tur dal


Bühler India

Pvt Ltd,


₹ 2,50,750 2018-19

4 Dr. Shalini S.


Shelf life and quality

study of Kombucha

Zen Tiger



₹ 1,75,000 2018

5 Dr. Shalini S.


Expert opinion on fruit



Buildcom ₹ 2,00,000 May-17

6 Prof. R. S.


Microbial fermentation of




Pvt. Ltd,





7 Prof. R. S.


Taste response study of

amaranth-quinoa snacks

by Indian population


Centers for







₹ 4,72,000


2014 to



8 Prof.







₹ 4,51,000

17th June

- 17th


r 2017

9 Prof. Uday S.


Safety Evaluation of

cereal food products General Mills ₹ 2,80,900 May-15

10 Dr. Shalini S.


Usage study of Fortified

Wheat and Monitoring

Tata Trust







₹ 3,00,000 2016-17

11 Dr. Shalini S.


Physical, chemical,


characterization and

product development of


Bühler India

Pvt Ltd.,



₹ 4,33,125 2016-17

65 | Criteria 5

CRITERION 5 Laboratories and Research Facilities 75

5.1. Adequate & well-equipped laboratories in area of Program specialization (30)

List of support staff

Name Designation

Mrs. S. S. Jadhav Lab Technician

Mrs. C. B. Koli Lab Assistant

Ms. S. R. Dhakne Lab Assistant

Mrs. Pramila Pawar Lab Attendant

Mr. Santosh Rajam Lab Attendant

Mr. Ganesh Bhagat Lab Attendant

Mr. Rupesh Alim Lab Attendant

Laboratory Used for M. Tech. Food Engineering and Technology

S.No. Name of




Equipment Name







1. Food



Weighing balance (g) Anand


PO1, 3, 4 70%

Weighing balance (mg) Sartorius PO1, 3, 4 70%

Spectrophotometer x




PO1, 3, 4 30%


Incubator Bacto

PO1, 3, 4 15%

Hot Air Oven Labline PO1, 3, 4 30%

Cyclo mixer Remi PO1, 3, 4 20%

Hot plate x 3units Labline PO1, 3, 4 30%

Water Purification

System Sartorius

PO1, 3, 4 100%

Autoclave Equiptronics PO1, 3, 4 15%

Water Bath Equiptronics PO1, 3, 4 50%

Fumehood Inhousedesign PO1, 3, 4 40%

2. Food


Lab (A 289)

Refrigerator Samsung PO1, 3, 4 30%

Homogenizer APV PO1, 3, 4 20%

Balance 1kg Smart PO1, 3, 4 50%

Balance 3kg Smart PO1, 3, 4 20%

Coating Pan Hally instruments

PO1, 3, 4 10%

Colloidal Mill Hally instruments

PO1, 3, 4 20%

Conventional Oven Garbin PO1, 3, 4 20%

Deep Freezer Bluestar PO1, 3, 4 10%

Dough mixer Abrazo PO1, 3, 4 20%

Dryer 2 no Adv system PO1, 3, 4 20%

Filter press Dinshaw PO1, 3, 4 20%

Hammer mill x 2 Natraj PO1, 3, 4 20%

Heavy duty mixer Bosch PO1, 3, 4 30%

66 | Criteria 5

Hot Air Oven Labline PO1, 3, 4 30%

IR Dryer Gel Engg PO1, 3, 4 10%

Juicer x 2 Prestige PO1, 3, 4 10%

Particle size shaker CS Scientific PO1, 3, 4 10%

Planetary mixer Abrazo PO1, 3, 4 15%

Pulper Parson PO1, 3, 4 20%

Refractometer ABBE PO1, 3, 4 20%

Retort Laxmi Engg PO1, 3, 4 10%

Sealing Machine Pakona PO1, 3, 4 20%

Sheeter Ferneto PO1, 3, 4 10%

Stone Grinding mill Smartken PO1, 3, 4 10%

Vacuum pump Vijay PO1, 3, 4 15% Table 5.1.1

Utilization % = (No of experiment in which it is used/Total experiment) x 100%

FDP 2016 Food Analysis Lab

No. Experiment Equipment required Stu/grp

FA1 Proximate composition in food muffle furnace, kjeldahl,

soxhelt, oven


FA2 Analysis of milk and dairy products &

Detection of adulterants in milk (liquid)

lactometer, butyrometer 2

FA3 Analysis of wheat flour; Determination of

damaged starch from whole wheat flour

Baking oven, dough

knider and sheeter,

texture analyzer


FA4 Analysis of tea and coffee muffle furnace, kjeldahl,

soxhelt, oven


FA5 Estimation of phenolics, antioxidant

activity, chlorophyll and carotenoids

spectrophotometer 2

FA6 Analysis of Food adulteration with respect

to specific foods dairy, cereal, muscles

food etc.




FA7 Microbial and Enzyme assay laminar air flow,



FA8 Discriminative and Descriptive Sensory

analysis of Foods


FA9 Demo of colorimeter, texture analyzer,


colorimeter, texture

analyzer, DSC, HPLC,



FDP 2015 Food Process Engineering lab

No. Experiment Equipment Stu/grp

FPE1 Milling, Particle size reduction and

sieve analysis of cereal and wheat


Sieve, miller, dehusker 2

FPE 2 Homogenization, Rheological

Study and mixing index in a food


Homogenizer, Rheometer 2

FPE 3 Kinetics in thermal process

design: Retort processing &

pasteurization of liquid food

Autoclave, water bath,



67 | Criteria 5

FPE 4 Effect of process and product

parameters on baking of bread &


Baking oven, dough mixer,

kneader and sheeter, texture

analyzer, colorimeter


FPE 5 Effect of Process and product

parameters on quality of fruit


Cutter, shredder,

spectrophotometer, texture

analyzer, colorimeter, pH meter,

refractometer, water activity

meter, moisture analyzer


FPE 6 Effect of Process and product

parameters on quality of dairy


lactometer, butyrometer, pH

meter, refractometer, water

activity meter


FPE 7 Effect of material and air

properties on tray & spray drying

of food materials

tray drier, spray drier 2

FPE 8 Non-thermal processing of food ultrasound, pulse light,

Autoclave, water bath,



FPE 9 Study of extraction of oleoresins

from spices using liquid carbon


super critical fluid extraction,



5.2. Research facilities / Center of excellence (30)

S.No. Name of the



Equipment Name



Related PO &

Used in Expt

1. Extruder room Extruder Brabender PO1




Differential Scanning

Calorimeter Shimadzu


HPTLC LamagAhchlom PO1

Laminar Air Flow Micro-Med India PO1, FA7, FPE3, 8

Microscope Motic PO1


spectrophotometer Shimadzu

PO1, FA5-7, FPE3,



spectrophotometer Hitachi

PO1, FA5-7, FPE3,


Centrifuge (J2-MC) Bechmann PO1, FA2,5, FPE3,


3. Lab A-211 Shaker incubator Remi PO1

Water Purification Borosil RO PO1

Autoclave Local PO1, FA7, FPE3, 8

pH meter Thermo fisher PO1, FA7, FPE3, 8

Rotary Evaporator Ika PO1

Centrifuge Remi PO1, FA2,5, FPE3,


Weighing balance Wensar PO1

4 Lab A-214 Nanodrop PO1

Gel doc BioRad PO1

Heating block Neolab PO1

Rocking platform Neolab PO1

UV transilluminator UVP PO1

5. Lab A-213 1. Centrifuge Remi PO1, FA2,5, FPE3,

2. Shaker algae 25C Orbiteck PO1, FA5, FPE3

3. Bath Sonicator PO1, FPE8

6. Lab A-218 1. Cooling centrifuge Remi

PO1, FA2,5, FPE3,


68 | Criteria 5

2. Incubator Thermolab PO1, FA7, FPE3, 8

3. Ultraflitration unit Millipore PO1, FPE8

4. Rotavap Buchi PO1

5. Pulsed Light Xenon PO1, FPE8

7. Lab A-237 1. Bath Sonicator Plasto crafts PO1, FPE8

2. Centrifuge

Superspin R-V/FA Equiptronics

PO1, FA2,5, FPE3,


3. pH meter with

magnetic stirrer Sunbim

PO1, FA5-7, FPE3,


4. Reflux unit PO1, FA4

5. Microwave oven Vacucell PO1, FPE3

6. Vacuum oven PO1, FPE7

8. Lab A-283 1. Hot Air Oven Expe Hi-Tech PO1, FPE7, FA1

2. Kel Plus Kjeldahl Unit PO1, FA1

3. Sox plus PO1, FA1

4. Fibra plus PO1, FA1

5. Weighing Balance Contech PO1

6. pH meter PO1

9. Autoclave room 1. Environmental Test



Instruments Ltd.


2. Oil/Water Bath

Shaker Global Corp.

PO1, FPE3, FA7

3. Water Bath Shaker PO1, FPE3, FA7

10. PTC MAP-CAP Reepack PO1

11. Fermentation



spectrophotometer Shimadzu

PO1, FA5-7, FPE3,


Milipore Lab Scale

Ultra filtration System Millipore


Real Time PCR ApliedBiosystems PO1

Fermentor Sartorius PO1

GC-MS Varian PO1

12 SFE Lab Spray dyer x 2

JISL, LS8-48,

JISL, Spraymate


Supercritical Fluid

Extraction x 2


Separation and



13 Prof. D V Rege


96- Well Plate

Spectrophotometer Biotech

PO1, PO1, FA5-7,

FPE3, 8

HPLC Dionex PO1

HPLC Jasco PO1

HPLC Jasco PO1

PCR Techne PO1

PCR Bio Rad PO1

PCR Bio Rad PO1

Protein Purification

Fraction Collector Bio Rad


Rheometer (Brookefield) PO1, FPE2

Colorimeter HunterLab PO1, FA9, FPE3

Sonicator (probe+tub) PO1, FPE8

Weighing Balance Wensor PO1

Weighing Balance Sartorius PO1

GC Agilent



GC Chemito PO1

Viscometer Haake PO1, FPE2

Gel Doc BioRad PO1

Water activity meter Rotronics PO1, FPE7

Table 5.2.1

69 | Criteria 5

5.3. Access to laboratory facilities, training in the use of equipment (15)

All M.Tech students have access to all the sophisticated instruments and have been

trained during their coursework and labwork.

List of FETD Laboratory and Utilization

Sr. No Lab No Name Utilization

1 A-209 Extruder Room UG, PG, Ph.D.

2 A-208 Instrumentation Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

3 A-211 FETD Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

4 A-212 Autoclave room UG, PG, Ph.D.

5 A-213 Lab-A213 UG, PG, Ph.D.

6 A-214 Mol. Bio Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

7 A-215 Fermentation Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

8 A-216 Laminar Room UG, PG, Ph.D.

9 A-217 Prof. DV Rege Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

10 A-218 FETD Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

11 A-237 PTC Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

12 A-238 FBT Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

13 A-283 Lab 283 UG, PG, Ph.D.

14 A-285 Super Critical Extraction Room UG, PG, Ph.D.

15 A-289 Processing Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

16 A-241 Technical Analysis Lab UG, PG, Ph.D.

17 - Lalwani Center Food Biotechnology UG


UG, PG, Ph.D.

Training Given to Students in last three AY



Date of


Name of the equipment/

facility Training Given By

1 8/01/2017 Turbidity meter Systronics meter

2 15/01/2017 HPLC UV Jasco

3 25/05/2017 Vacuum oven Best Engine

4 20/03/2018 Pulsed Light System Xenon Corporation

5 05/04/2018 FTIR Thermofisher

6 28/06/2018 Viscotip Brookfield

7 25/07/2018 Texture Analyser Stable Microsystems

8 17/08/2018 LAB Spectrophotometer Jasco

9 03/01/2019 Colorimeter Hunter Lab

10 12/02/2019 Cooling centrifuge Remi

11 15/03/2019 Water Activity Meter Potronics

12 27/08/2019 HPLC RID Jasco

13 30/08/2019 Rheometer Anton Paar

70 | Criteria 6

CRITERION 6 Continuous Improvement 75

6.1. Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of each of the POs (25)

Target for PO attainment

Being one of the premier institutes in the country in Food Engineering and Technology,

the skill level of the student is expected to be on a higher side. Therefore, starting the

70% attainment level in graduating batch 2016, the target for graduating batch 2018 is

kept at least 75-80%.

Comment on Overall PO Attainment for Batch Graduating in 2018

PO Target Value Attainment Observation

PO1: An ability to independently carry out research or investigation and

development work to solve practical problems

PO1 75-80 77

The research component of the curriculum has

been revised from AY2017. It is expected that

attainment of this PO1 will be higher in graduating

batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

PO2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report or document

PO2 75-80 76

The submission of technical report has been

increased in revised syllabus from AY2017. This is

mainly associated with Research I, II, III and

Industrial Training. Inclusion of lab is also done to

emphasize this PO2. It is expected that

attainment of this PO2 will be higher in graduating

batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

PO3: An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area of food

engineering and technology

PO3 75-80 76

The engineering component of the curriculum has

been increased in revised syllabus from AY2017.

One laboratory course on Food Process

Engineering has been included in revised syllabus.

The inclusion of industrial Training will also help in

solving practical problem related to Food

Engineering and Technology. It is expected that

attainment of this PO3 will be higher in graduating

batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

PO4: An ability to use and evaluate modern techniques or tools applied in food

processing, analysis and packaging

PO4 75-80 77

The revised syllabus from AY2017, inclusion of

Food Analysis lab will emphasize this PO4.

Knowledge on experimental design as one of the

Electives will help in attaining the PO4. It is

expected that attainment of this PO4 will be

higher in graduating batch of 2019.

Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

71 | Criteria 6

PO5: An ability to provide solution to the issues related to nutrition, food safety

and regulatory affairs

PO5 75-80 77

The attainment if Satisfactory. However, in the

revised syllabus incorporation of Industrial

Training will also help in solving practical problem

related to nutrition, food safety and regulatory


Action: Trying to maintain the level and targeting for higher.

Action Taken on Curriculum

Curriculum for M. Tech. in Food Engineering and Technology (FET) has been revised in

2017-18. The important points in revised curriculum was as follows.

Concern Raised from the AY


Action Taken Related PO

Engineering Component of the


The component for Engineering

Science in the entire curricula was



Practical problem-Solving ability

of students needs attention

The syllabus of all the technical

courses has been revised


No hands-on practical component

in curriculum except Research

In each of the first two semesters,

one laboratory course has been

accommodated. The laboratory

courses are FDP 2014: Food Analysis

Lab and FDP 2015: Food Process

Engineering Lab


Students were lacking in overall


Industrial Training for One semester

(Semester III) has been introduced.

PO1, PO3

Quality of Project The M.Tech. Project Component has

been divided to Semester I, II and IV.

Semester IV is entirely devoted to


PO1, PO2

Number of Electives offered are

less from the department

The number of core electives for

M.Tech. courses has been increased.

For instance, the added core electives

are: Separation Techniques in Food

Industry, Food Process and Equipment

Design, Experimental Design and

Optimization in Food Processing,

Supply Chain Management in Food

Industry, and Advances in Commodity


PO4, PO5

Examination reforms: Out of 100 marks, 20 marks are assigned to Continuous

Evaluation (such as surprise test, quiz & assignment). Next 30 marks are given to Mid

Semester Examination (periodic test) and End Semester Examination Consists of 50


72 | Criteria 6

6.2. Improvement in Quality of Projects (10)

MTech from Food Engg & Tech graduated 2015-16

Student Thesis Title Broad Category in Food Engg & Tech

Ms. Sonakshi M. Meshram Studies on Development of Indian Traditional Foods

Processing & Analysis

Ms. Ashwini E. Mohurle Study of Functional Properties of Protein Co-

Precipitate Analysis

Ms. Yuga N. Bhat Product & Process Development for Utilization of Dill Herb (Anethum Graveolens) and Drumstick Pods (Moringa Oleifera)

Product & Process Development

Ms. Rahel S. Das Studies on Protein Co-Precipitates Processing

Mr. Siddhant Banura Effect of Cold Plasma Treatment on Properties of Starches


Mr. Sunil Jondhale Studies in Isolation and Characterization of

Plant Gum Exudated

Processing &


Mr. Dhananjay Ghorpade Studies on Peanut Meal Incorporated Bread Product Development

Mr. Rahul Jain Studies on Microwave Processing of Paneer & Wheat-Grass Dehydration


Ms. Krati Dargarh Omega-3 Enriched Functional Semi Sweet Biscuit with Flaxseeds

Product Development

Himanshu G Kumar Chaudhary

Enzyme Active Grain Flours in Novel Food Applications

Product Development

Average Score out of 500 374

No of Students Scoring more than

average out of 10 students 4

Attainment assigned in scale of 3 1

MTech from Food Engg & Tech graduated 2016-17

Student Thesis Title Broad Category in Food Engg & Tech

Vrushti Jigneshkumar Shah

Effect of cereal flour ingredients on textural properties of selected traditional foods

Processing & Analysis

Aroshi Mohinder Kumar


Studies on isolation and physico-chemical

characterization of plant gum exudates

Processing &


Bulbul Rajinder Vij Studies on effect of Cold Plasma Treatment on Xanthan gum


Ashwani Jawahar Kumar Studies on Oleogels: Formulation, Functionality and Applications

Processing & Analysis

Vardan Singh Studies on roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and its food applications

Processing & Analysis

Niharika Abhay Soni Modification of guar gum hydrolysate using dodecenyl succinic anhydride

Processing & Analysis

Swarnali Tarunkumar Das Studies on the development of healthful fruit beverages

Product Development

Divya Mahalingaiah M. Flaxseed incorporated functional flat bread Product Development

Cheryl Allen Fernandes Multigrain Functional Beverage Product Development

Average Score out of 500 425

No of Students Scoring more than average out of 9


Attainment assigned in scale of 3 2

73 | Criteria 6

MTech from Food Engg & Tech graduated 2017-18

Student Thesis Title Broad Category in

Food Engg & Tech

Abisheka Pandian Quality Monitoring of Paneer during Cold

Chain using Enzymatic TTI Engineering

Harshal Novel Products from Fruit Seeds Product


Kakoli Pegu Effect of processing on bioactive compounds

of fruit and vegetable leathers

Processing &


Kapil Rai Development of flavored sugar cubes using

ginger oleoresin

Product & Process


Kishori Balu Panmand Development of sugar-free and reduced-fat

Indian traditional confection

Product & Process


Krutika Anil Bhangale Effect of cold plasma treatment on Acacia

catechu gum

Processing &


Niveditha N.V. Effect of cold plasma processing on the

physico-chemical properties of palm oil

Processing &


Rishab Dhar Pulsed Light Treatment of Mixed Tropical

Fruit Beverage


optimization &


Shubham Goyal

Encapsulation of Momordica Charantia Linn.

(bitter gourd) juice by spray drying



optimization &


Sneha Awasthi Ginger candies: Process optimization and

product development


optimization &



Average Score out of 500 438

No of Students Scoring more than

average out of 10 6

Attainment assigned in scale of 3 3

Comment on Improvement of Research Project

-There is a steady improvement in quality of the project as can be seen from the average

score of the students is gradually increasing

-The number of students scoring more than average is also increased for the batch

graduating in 2017-18

-The application of sound experimental design and using modern state-of the art

instrument are facilitating the improvement.

-The thesis is thoroughly checked by two examiners (internal & external) and it is being

plagiarism checked prior to submission.

-The process optimization, modelling, design and engineering component is increasing in

the project gradually

-Further, the research component has been increased in AY2017 including the revised

rubrics of the project. The project component has been divided to Semester I, II and IV.

Semester IV is entirely devoted to research. It is expected that the quality of project is

going to improve in next year.

-The thesis is evaluated of 500 marks and the Rubrics for evaluation is given below.

74 | Criteria 6

Details Max.






Understanding of Research Area 70

Problem formulation/Experimental

design/Mathematical Modelling 70

Quality of Work done 70

Analysis and Interpretation of Results 70

Quality of Thesis Submitted 70

Quality of Presentation 70

Answer to Question raised during Open Defence 80

Total 500


The MTech thesis submitted by candidate is:

- Acceptable, may be regarded as final in present form.

- Acceptable, but with minor revisions.

6.3. Improvement in Placement, Higher Studies & Entrepreneurship (10)

Item Graduating in AY

2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16

The total no. of students admitted in

first year (N) 18 10 10 10

Total No of students completed first

year (N1) 18 10 9 10

No. of students placed in companies or

Government Sector (x) - 8 9 9

No. of students pursuing Ph.D. / JRF/

SRF(y) - 2 0 0

No. of students turned entrepreneur in

engineering/technology (z) - 0 0 0

x + y + z = - 10 0.9 0.9

Placement Index: (x + y + z) /N - P1=1 P2=0.9 P3=0.9

Actual Placement index: (x+y+z)/N1 - P1=1 P2=1 P3=0.9

Average placement= (P1 + P2 + P3)/3 0.95

Assessment Points = 20 × average

placement 0.95 x 20 = 19

Comment on Improvement in Placement

-The placement for last three graduating batches is more than 90% in either case. Rather

for the last year graduates (i.e. graduate in AY 2017-18) the placement is 100%.

-One student from entry year 2014-15 (14FET) did not continue after admission, so all

other 9 students got placed in graduating year 2016-17

- The number of students opting for higher studies or PhD has been increased to 2 (20%

increase) in last graduating year (AY 2017-18)

75 | Criteria 6

-The average pay package of the students, graduating in AY 2017-18, got placed in

industry was Rs. 5.5 lakh per annum; whereas, the average package from previous year

was within Rs. 4.8-5 lakh per annum

-All the students placed in last graduating year (AY 2017-18) are in Core national or

Multinational company in Food Sector

-The trend in becoming entrepreneur is increasing and we expect that in coming year, at

least one or two students will become entrepreneur in Food Sector.

6.4. Improvement in the quality of students admitted to program (10)

Assessment is based on improvement in terms of ranks/score in GATE examination

GATE Score

2018-19 2017-18 2016-17

Highest Score

733 704 624

Minimum Score

230 306 195

Table 6.4.1

Comment on Improvement in quality of students admitted

-All the students in last five academic years of this program are GATE qualified and they

receive fellowship and contingency sponsored by AICTE

-From the above Table 6.4.1, it is clear that the quality of students admitted increased in

last year. The Highest marks in GATE score is increasing in last three years.

-As there is increased sanction in intake from 10 to 18 in AY 2018-19, the minimum

GATE score has been decreased (including reservation)

6.5. Improvement in quality of paper publication (10)

Graduating year 2015-16

1. Banura, S., Thirumdas, R., Kaur, A., Deshmukh, R.R., Annapure, U.S. (2018)

Modification of starch using low pressure radio frequency air plasma. LWT - Food

Science and Technology. 89, pp. 719-724

Graduating year 2016-17

1. Bulbul, V. J., Bhushette, P. R., Zambare, R. S., Deshmukh, R. R., &Annapure, U. S.

(2019). Effect of cold plasma treatment on Xanthan gum properties. Polymer

Testing, 79, 106056.

2. Shah, N. N., Soni, N., & Singhal, R. S. (2018). Modification of proteins and

polysaccharides using dodecenyl succinic anhydride: Synthesis, properties and

applications—A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 107, 2224-


3. Soni, N., Shah, N. N., & Singhal, R. S. (2019). Dodecenylsuccinylated guar gum

hydrolysate as a wall material for microencapsulation: Synthesis, characterization and

evaluation. Journal of Food Engineering, 242, 133-140.

4. Nagavekar, N., Kumar, A., Dubey, K., & Singhal, R. S. (2019). Supercritical carbon

dioxide extraction of kokum fat from Garcinia indica kernels and its application as a

gelator in oleogels with oils. Industrial Crops and Products, 138, 111459.

76 | Criteria 6

5. Fernandes, C. G., Sonawane, S. K., & Arya, S. S. (2019). Optimization and modeling

of novel multigrain beverage: Effect of food additives on physicochemical and

functional properties. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e14151.

6. Fernandes, C. G., Sonawane, S. K., & Arya, S. S. (2018). Cereal based functional

beverages: a review. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Food Sciences, 8(3).

Graduating year 2017-18

1. Arya, S. S., Pegu, K., & Sadawarte, P. D. (2017). Bioactive Compounds and Health

Benefits of Jamun (Syzygium cumini). Bioactive Molecules in Food, 1-20.

2. Dhar, R., & Chakraborty, S. (2019). Effect of Pulsed Light Treattemnt on Various

Quality Attributes and Kinetic Modeling. Innovative Food Science and Emerging

Technologies. (under review).

3. Pandian, A. & Chakraborty, S. (2019). The Enzymatic Time-Temperature Indicator

(TTI) Device: A Review of its Applications in Quality Monitoring and Shelf-life

Estimation of Food Products during Storage. Journal of Food Engineering Reviews

(under review).

International Publications with MTech students of program are co-authors

Cumulative Impact Factor

Graduating Year

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Number of graduates 10 9 10

Number of Publications 1 6 3

Cumulative impact factor of the journals 3.714 16.831 8.302

Comment Improvement in quality of paper publication (10)

-The cumulative impact factor of the journal publications has been increased from

Graduating year 2015-16 to 2016-17.

-As discussed earlier, the quality of thesis work has been improved in last three years

and it is reflecting through publications

-It is fact that the manuscript needs to undergo rigorous revision and journal protocols.

Therefore, the number of publications from the master’s thesis work from graduating

batch 2017-18 is expected to be increased.

-All the journals are of high standard international journal and comes in top 20 journals

in Food Science & Technology.

-The examples of journals include LWT - Food Science and Technology, International

Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Journal of Food Engineering, Industrial Crops and

Products, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Innovative Food Science and

Emerging Technologies, Journal of Food Engineering Reviews.

6.6. Improvement in laboratories (10)

Industry supported laboratories in last two years

-Prof. DV Rege Laboratory is completely renovated to attain the state-of-the art facility in

the area of Food Analysis. It is sponsored by HIMEDIA Lab., India. This centre helps all

the MTech and PhD students to carry out their research smoothly.

77 | Criteria 6

-Food Analysis lab has been renovated and it is sponsored by Goodwill Industries Ltd.,

India. This lab is used by UGs, PGs & PhDs was renovated which led to increase in

working space for the students resulting in increased output and efficiency.

-PTC Research Lab re-designed and renovated and it is sponsored by Goodwill Industries

Ltd., India. It is equipped with high tech instruments pertaining to food analysis and

processing. M.Tech in Food Engineering and Technology students work in this lab, it is

convenient for analysis

-One Smart Classroom is being constructed with modern tools and conferencing facility.

It is sponsored by Fine Organics Ltd., India. Through this the students can be connected

to any online tutorial facility from Foreign University.

79 | Annexure 1.2

Annexure 1.2.1 - Continuous Evaluation (Sample)

FDT 2001: Advances in Food Technology

.AY 2018-19: Continuous Evaluation – Presentation & Group Discussion (15 min each)

Sl No.

Roll No.

Topic of Presentation Related


Evaluation Division (10)








y o



T (




n w











A (


1 1 & 18 Challenges in High-pressure Thawing

of Foods CO4

2 2 & 17 Microbial Risk and Regulatory

Aspects of RTE Frozen foods CO5

3 3 & 16 RF Flash Heating for Food

Sterilization CO5

4 4 & 15 Design Aspects of Forward-Osmosis

Equipment for Fluid Foods CO3

5 5 & 14 Consumer Perception and Regulatory

Aspects for Irradiated Food CO2

6 6 & 13 Natural Antimicrobials in Food

Packaging: A Biopreservation Method CO3

7 7 & 12 Challenges in Low-Temperature

Smoking and Curing of Meat CO1

8 8 & 11 Microbial Safety of Pickled

Vegetables CO3

9 9 & 10 Oscillating Magnetic Field in Food

Preservation CO5

Course Outcomes

Student will be able to ….

1) Analyse different design aspects of thermal processing applied to food (K4).

2) Demonstrate and apply the concepts of non-thermal food processing methods (K3).

3) Solve issues related to membrane, packaging and hurdle technology in food processing (K3).

4) Develop and analyse the efficacies of high-pressure processing to food applications (K4)

5) Infer about recent developments in advanced thermal and non-thermal techniques of food

processing (K4)

CO-PO Mapping


K5 K6 K5 K5 K4

CO1 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO2 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO3 K3 2 2 2 2 3

CO4 K4 3 2 3 3 3

CO5 K4 3 2 3 3 3

Course K4 3 2 3 3 3

3, 2, 1 represent strong, moderate and weak correlation; ‘-‘ refers to no correlation

80 | Annexure 1.2

Annexure 1.2.2 – Synopsis of Master’s Thesis (Sample)

Pulsed Light Treatment of Mixed Tropical Fruit Beverage

Synopsis submitted to


for the award of the degree of






under the supervision of


Department of Food Engineering and Technology

Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai

(University under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956;

Elite Status and Centre of Excellence, Government of Maharashtra)

Maharashtra, India

2016 – 2018

81 | Annexure 1.2

Graphical Overview

Synopsis Summary

Name of student Rishab Dhar

Name of the degree M.Tech

Department Food Engineering and Technology

Name of Guide Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty

Registration No. M.Tech Food Engineering and Technology / 9

Date of registration June 30, 2018

Title of the thesis Pulsed light treatment of mixed tropical fruit beverage

Classification Food preservation, food processing, Experimental design

Keywords Pulsed light, beverage, fuzzy logic, kinetic study, ANN, optimization

82 | Annexure 1.2

1. Abstract

Consumers demand high-quality processed foods with minimal changes in nutritional and sensory

properties. Pulsed light (PL) is one of the types of non-thermal processing and considered to keep food

quality attributes better than traditional thermal processing. The present study was performed to get a

benchmark in evaluating changes in quality parameters along with kinetic modeling with mixed fruit

beverage samples after thermal and non-thermal (PL) treatments. PL treatments were carried out with

four independent parameters i.e. voltage (1800, 1950 and 2100V), time (1, 30, 60, 90 and 120 sec),

number of pulses (2, 47, 94, 140 and 187) and distance (2.4, 6 and 9.6 cm). PL treatments have

significantly affected microbial load in beverages and showed 3.87, and 3.54 Log10 CFU/ml reduction

in terms of aerobic mesophilic count (AMC) and yeast and mold count (YMC) respectively. Yeast and

mold were able to resist for a longer duration (90°C, 7.5 min). PL has retained antioxidant capacity and

vit-C as compared to thermal treatments. Colour was minimally influenced by PL. The study explores

that PL has a potential as an excellent alternative or complement to the conventional thermal processing

of beverages. Inactivation kinetic equation deducted from this study can be integrated to predict the

microbial reduction level of specific liquid foods under PL treatment.

2. Introduction

India is the 2nd largest producer of tropical fruits in the world with a production of 82.631 MT

in 2014-15. The tropical fruits have a unique chemical composition of sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino

acids and are the finest source of phytohormones as well as phytonutrients. However, fruits are

perishable in nature which leads to post-harvest losses; about 30-40% of the cultivated tropical fruits are

lost due to inadequate processing and limited usage. It is well known that a variety of fruits are being

produced in India and the diversity within the usage of fruits managed them to categorize as a major,

minor and underutilized ones. The underutilized fruits are basically the fruits which are not being

explored earlier with respect to its nutritional functionality. There are a group of underexplored tropical

fruits having a huge content of phytochemicals within it. In this sense, fruit-based beverages which are

rich in functional compounds are becoming more and more popular because of their refreshing tastes,

unique colours, exciting flavours and high nutrient content. However, the limited shelf-life of these

products is acting as the barrier before the commercialization of the beverages.

The conventional technique or method to pasteurize the fruit beverage is the thermal processing.

However, it is already evident that high temperature during the treatment can adversely affect the quality

of food products, by reducing their nutritional value or altering sensory attributes, such as color and

flavor. Therefore, there is a search for non-thermal processing technique for the beverage to extend the

shelf-life simultaneously retaining the nutritional profile. Pulsed light (PL) is a fast, environment-

friendly and high potential novel technology for food decontamination and preservation. It is based on

83 | Annexure 1.2

the application of short intensity pulses (100-400 μs) majorly in the UV range. PL treatment of foods

has been approved by the FDA (1996) under the code 21CFR179.41. Current literature on food

applications is relatively scarce, mainly dealing with the PL decontamination of solid and semisolid

products such as vegetables [1], fruit, food powers and seeds [2]. However, the study on PL treatment

of real beverage system is scarce.

The proposed research has two different domains. First one is exploring the underutilized

tropical fruit and coming up with a novel fruit beverage. This is very much important in the case of a

country like India where the diversity in the product is the focus to fulfill the consumer demand. The

second one is to explore the pulse light treatment for fruit beverage in view of pasteurization. Apart from

high-pressure processing, the concept of non-thermal processing is still not commercialized in India.

Therefore, exploring a non-thermal treatment and coming out with the optimized condition will be of

great interest to the industry. On the other hand, using the underexplored fruit to come up with the high

quality minimally processed beverage will add value to the entire chain and minimize the post-harvest


Research Objectives

1) To optimize the formulation of the mixed fruit beverage through sensory analysis.

2) To develop the inactivation kinetics for different quality parameters (enzymatic, microbial,

and nutritional) under the pulsed light domain.

3) To optimize the pulsed light treatment conditions for the beverage with a maximum

nutritional retention and microbial destruction.

3. Materials and Methods

Formulation of the mixed fruit beverage through sensory analysis

Mature fruits pineapple (Ananas comosus), coconut (Cocos nucifera), and amla (Phyllanthus

emblica) were used to prepare beverage in such way that, alma contributes to maximum nutrient content,

pineapple for dominant taste; while the coconut water to provide mild taste and appearance as well as it

replaces the amount of water in the beverage. D-optimal mixture design with 3-components was opted

for deciding 16 different formulations where overall acceptability served as the single response. FSSAI

specifications were followed for fixing the limits of each component. A group of 16 semi-trained sensory

panel members from the department (FETD, ICT) was the assessors. Fruit beverages were rated on the

basis of five-point linguistic scale in a completely randomized manner during evaluation. Score(s)

obtained from discriminative sensory analysis were evaluated through two optimizing methods viz.

numerical optimization and Fuzzy Logic. Finally, the most common formulation from both the

optimizing tools was considered as an optimized formulation for the mixed fruit beverage.

84 | Annexure 1.2

Pulse Light (PL) Treatment

The present study was performed to get a benchmark in evaluating changes in quality parameters

between mixed fruit beverage samples after thermal and non-thermal (PL) treatments. PL treatments

were performed with a horizontal bench-top pulsed light system (Model X–1100, Xenon Corporation,

USA) equipped with 16-inch linear xenon flash lamp. The equipment comprises the controller unit,

treatment chamber and Xenon flash lamp that could deliver high-intensity white light in short pulses to

treat mixed fruit beverage samples. For each treatment sample (15 mL) was carefully spread in 85 mm

diameter petri plates facing the center-most position of the lamp at a specific distance. Each treatment

was performed at a fixed pulse width of 640 ms.

PL study was carried out in 75 conditions according to full factorial design with three independent

parameters i.e. voltage (1800, 1950, 2100, 2250 and 2400 V), time (1, 30, 60, 90 and 120 sec), and

distance (2.4, 6 and 9.6 cm). While thermal Study was accompanied at 5 different temperature (50, 60,

70, 80 and 90 °C) and time (1sec, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 min) combinations. An individual set of untreated

samples were kept along with thermal as well as non-thermal study.

Kinetic Study and Process Optimization

The kinetic study was performed for different quality attributes of the mixed beverage under pulse

light treatment. The process variables were light intensity, pulsation and distance between light and

sample treated. The physical and biochemical responses include color, total phenols, antioxidant

capacity and ascorbic acid content in the beverage. Besides, that inactivation kinetics of spoilage

enzymes viz. polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) was also measured. The destruction

kinetics of the natural micro-flora (aerobic mesophiles, coliform, yeast and mold counts) in the beverage

was also developed. The nth order kinetic model was employed in this sense. Further, the treatment

condition was optimized using the artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA). The

optimization was targeted to process the beverage with maximum inactivation of spoilage entities and

minimum nutrient degradation.

4. Results and Discussions

The summary of the results and inferences obtained from the study of the effect of thermal, non-

thermal (PL) along with individual untreated samples on quality parameters of beverages has been

summarized below.

• Even though results for colour were not showing clear trend but approximately we observed

that the colour of samples were not much affected by PL treatments whereas, in case of

thermal treatment yellowness of beverages was significantly affected by the simultaneous

increase in temperature and time which may be due to degradation of colored polymeric

85 | Annexure 1.2

compounds and enhancement in the browning of juice. ΔE* represents the total color

difference increased after PL treatment, which was in agreement with the trend reported by

Bhat et al. [3] for UV treatment of starfruit juice.

• PL treatments showed a slight increase in total polyphenols at an extreme voltage of 2400

V with minimum distance at 2.4 cm (1.29 residual phenolic content) which might be due to

increased activity of enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase due to exposure of UV-C [4] as

PL includes the UV range as well. Other than that inactivation of PPO to some extent also

leads to prevention of loss of polyphenols [5].

• The antioxidant capacity (AOX) decreased with simultaneous increase in temperature in

case of thermal treatments. While a slight increase in AOX capacity was observed with the

severity of PL intensity which was also reported in the case of UV-C treatment of starfruit

juice [4].

• Degradation of vit-C increased with the severity of both treatments, 40 and 31% losses were

observed in case of thermal (90°C, 10 min) and PL (2400V, 2.4cm and 120s) treated

samples respectively which might be due to oxidation process [9] along with activities of

ascorbate oxidase and POD [6].

• PL treatments have significantly affected microbial load in beverages and showed 3.87, and

3.54 Log10 CFU/ml reduction in terms of total plate count (AMC) and yeast and mold count

(YMC) respectively. In case of thermal, minimum visible count for AMC (1.3 Log10

CFU/ml) was observed at 90°C, 5 min and thereafter inactivated completely. Whereas no

YMC were there beyond 90°C, 7.5 min; this might be due to the difference in thickness of

the cell wall and size of microorganism. This shows that yeast and mold were little more

resistant towards both thermal and non-thermal conditions. Coliforms were least resistant

in both treatments and were not observed throughout the study.

• It has been suggested that photo-degradation of proteins proceeds through photo-oxidation

causing amino acid residues to give cross-links [8] and through reduction of disulphide (S-

S) bonds [9] which may finally lead to reduced enzyme activity. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO)

enzyme seems to be more resistant than peroxidase enzyme (POD). An insignificant

increase in enzyme activity was observed for PPO in milder conditions with lower fluence

obtained at 9.6, 6 and 2.4 cm distance with 1800 V, 1950 V and 2100 V. During more severe

PL treatment conditions, PPO and POD activity was successfully diminished. Almost at all

the treatment conditions, POD activity was reduced significantly. Similar results were

86 | Annexure 1.2

obtained by Bhat & Stamminger [6] and Manzocco et al., [7] who worked with UV and PL

treatment respectively.

• In terms of resistivity similar trend was observed while thermal treatment [10]. But in this,

clearer inactivation was visible. Compared to PL inactivation rate, thermal inactivation rate

was slightly faster.

5. Conclusion

PL treatment caused slight increase in total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity compared

to the untreated juice, whereas in case of thermal treatment no significant change appeared in

total phenolic content and loss of antioxidant capacity was observed. The loss of vit-C was

higher in case of thermal as compared to PL treatment. From the aspect of microbial reduction,

PL showed a lower microbial reduction and enzyme inactivation rate than thermal, which might

be due to an insufficient PL exposure as well as the blockage of radiation.

6. References

[1] Gomez-Lopez, V. M., Devlieghere, F., Bonduelle, V., & Debevere, J. (2005). Intense light pulses

decontamination of minimally processed vegetables and their shelf-life. International Journal of Food

Microbiology, 103(1), 79-89.

[2] Fine, F., & Gervais, P. (2004). Efficiency of pulsed UV light for microbial decontamination of food

powders. Journal of Food Protection, 67(4), 787-792.

[3] Bhat, R., Ameran, S. B., Voon, H. C., Karim, A. A., & Tze, L. M. (2011). Quality attributes of starfruit

(Averrhoa carambola L.) juice treated with ultraviolet radiation. Food Chemistry, 127(2), 641-644.

[4] Alothman M, Bhat R and Karim AA. (2009b). UV radiation induced changes of antioxidant capacity of

fresh-cut tropical fruits. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technology, 10, 512–516.

[5] Oms-Oliu, G., Martín-Belloso, O., & Soliva-Fortuny, R. (2010). Pulsed light treatments for food

preservation. A review. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 3(1), 13.

[6] Bhat, R., & Stamminger, R. (2015). Impact of ultraviolet radiation treatments on the physicochemical

properties, antioxidants, enzyme activity and microbial load in freshly prepared hand pressed strawberry

juice. Food Science and Technology International, 21(5), 354-363.

[7] Manzocco, L., Panozzo, A., & Nicoli, M. C. (2013). Inactivation of polyphenol oxidase by pulsed light.

Journal of Food Science, 78(8), E1183-E1187.

[8] Shen, H. R., Spikes, J. D., Smith, C. J., & Kopecek, J. (2000). Photodynamic crosslinking of proteins. IV.

Nature of the His-His bonds formed in the rose bengal-photosensitized cross-linking of N-benzoyl-L-

histidine. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 130, 1–6

[9] Davies, M. J., & Truscott, R. J. W. (2001). Photo-oxidation of proteins and its roles in cataractogenesis.

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 63, 114–25.

[10] Tan, T. C., Cheng, L. H., Bhat, R., Rusul, G., & Easa, A. M. (2014). Composition, physicochemical

properties and thermal inactivation kinetics of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase from coconut (Cocos

nucifera) water obtained from immature, mature and overly-mature coconut. Food Chemistry, 142, 121-



87 | Annexure 1.2

Annexure 1.2.5 – Lab Instruction Sheet (Sample)

EXPT. Effect of product parameters on quality of baked product

A biscuit is a kind of small, flat-baked product that is usually made with a chemical leavener

such as baking powder. The term ‘Biscuit’ is said to derive from French word “bisc”, meaning

double cooked. Biscuit is a wheat flour baked product with low moisture, less than 5% and high

shelf life. Soft wheat flour is flour is used generally for making biscuit.



Flour 100gm

Pulverized Sugar 35gm

Salt 3.5gm

Shortening 20gm

GMS 0.6gm

Sodium bicarbonate 0.5gm

Ammonium bicarbonate 1gm

Powdered Vanilla 30gm

SMP 2gm

Liquid Glucose 3gm

Lecithin 6gm

Water 10-15ml

Essence Vanilla+Nutmeg 1ml each

Part of the shortening is mixed with GMS and lecithin. Add sugar and cream the mixture. Add

the balance fat and blend. Add liquid glucose. Dissolved soda, salt and ammonium bicarbonate in water.

Cream and mix for about 20 minutes. Add flour and mix for about 10 minutes. Cover with wet muslin

cloth and give a holding time of 30 minutes. Roll the dough in 3-4mm thickness. Cut into biscuit shape.

Bake at 2300 F for 6-7 minutes.



Flour 100gm

Pulverized Sugar 22gm

Salt 0.7gm

Fat 18gm

GMS 0.6gm

Sodium bicarbonate 0.5gm

Ammonium bicarbonate 0.75gm

Corn flour 4gm

SMP 2.7gm

Liquid Glucose 2.5gm

88 | Annexure 1.2

Lecithin 0.6gm

Water 42ml

Essence Vanilla+Butter

Colour As required

Sodium bisulphate 0.02gm

Pulverized sugar, lecithin and fat are creamed together. To the flour add 3/4th of water and mix

well. In the remaining water add salt, aerating agent, sodium bisulphite, SMP and add to the dough. Add

the cream mix. Total mixing is about 25 minutes. Sheet the dough to 2-2.5mm thickness. Add 4-6 layers

and final sheet 2.5mm thickness. Cut circular pieces biscuit. Apply a film of milk and bake at 1600 C

for 25 minutes.


Take 1gm compressed yeast. To this add 60gm flour, 1.25gm powdered sugar, 5gm shortening and about

25-30ml water. Allow to ferment for 18 hours at 300 C at 75-80% RH. The balance of ingredients,

flour40gm, 0.75gm baking powder, 0.5gm ammonium bicarbonate, 8ml glycerin are mixed with the

sponge (to the required amount of water) and then allowed to ferment for 2 hours.

Plying and Rolling: Use 20% layering dust consisting of 100gm flour, 35gm fat and 4.5gm salt (20%

layering dust based on weight of the flour). Dough is rolled to about 2mm thickness. Then 6-8 layers

are laminated with layering dust in between and then rerolled to about 2mm thickness. Cut circular

pieces of 4mm diameter and sprinkle salt on the top of the pieces by tapping with a finger. Bake at 2000

C for 10 minutes. At the end, keep the dough open for 3 minutes. After removal dip the cracker in refined




Flour 175gm

Fine Rawa 25gm

Vanaspati 130gm

Powdered Sugar 125gm

Ammonium bicarbonate 0.25gm

Cardmom 2gm

Nutmeg 2gm

Cream the sugar with fat till it is dissolved. Add rawa and mix thoroughly, finally add flour and other

ingredients mix to get dough. Make equal sized balls and place them in grassed tray. Bake at 160-1700

C for suitable time (15-20 minutes).

89 | Annexure 1.2


Wheat flour 100g

Salt (X1) 5-15 g

Vanaspati 50g

Water (X2) 50-70 mL

Experimental design: Face centered composite design (FCCD)*

Run x1 x2 X1 X2

1 +1 +1

2 +1 -1

3 -1 +1

4 -1 -1

5 -α 0

6 +α 0

7 0 -α

8 0 +α

9 0 0

10 0 0

11 0 0

12 0 0

13 0 0

*In FCCD, α = 1

Procedure: Weigh the ingredients. Wheat flour is put into the mixing pan and water in which salt is

dissolved in added, continuously and slowly. About ¼-1/5 of fat is added and mixing is continued till

highly elastic dough is obtained (20-25 minutes).

• Cover the dough with a wet muslin cloth and allow for equilibration of moisture (15 minutes).

Divide the dough into pieces of uniform size.

• Sheet to 1 mm thickness. Plasticize the fat by working with hand and apply the fat to all the


• Cut the sheets into 3-4 pieces. About 4 strips are spooled one on the other and dough pieces is

covered with wet muslin cloth for 15-20 minutes.

• Dough piece is sheeted with roller pin to 0.5-1cm thickness.

• Cut the sheet into suitable size (8 X 3cm2), place on baking trays.

• Apply a film of water on surface with a wet muslin cloth and bake at 1700 C for 6 min.

• Cool the biscuits to room temp.

• Perform the analysis of the corresponding responses in triplicate.

Responses (Y1-Y5): Hardness, Fracturability, total color change, browning index, specific volume

Data Analysis: RSM and ANOVA

Optimization: Numerical Optimization

Outcome: Optimized Composition of Salt and Water in Khara Biscuit

90 | Annexure 1.2

Texture Analysis

Here is our modified list of typical TPA parameters:

Parameter How Expressed How Measured (Plot #2)

Hardness The maximum force of the 1st compression. Same

The Hardness value is the peak force that occurs during the first compression. The hardness need not occur at

the point of deepest compression, although it typically does for most products.

Fracturability The force at the first peak Peak Force at F1

Not all products fracture; but when they do fracture the Fracturability point occurs where the plot has its first

significant peak (where the force falls off) during the probe's first compression of the product.

Cohesiveness The area of work during the second

compression divided by the area of work during

the first compression.

Area 2/Area 1

Optional (similar, not

identical): Area 5/Area 4

Cohesiveness is how well the product withstands a second deformation relative to its resistance under the first


Springiness Springiness is now expressed as a ratio or

percentage of a product's original height.

Springiness is measured several ways, but most

typically, by the distance of the detected height

during the second compression divided by the

original compression distance.

Distance 2 / Distance 1

Optional (same value):

Time 2/Time 1

Springiness is how well a product physically springs back after it has been deformed during the first

compression and has been allowed to wait for the target wait time between strokes. The springback is measured

at the down-stroke of the second compression. In some cases an excessively long wait time will allow a product

to springback more than it might under the conditions being researched (e.g. you would not wait 60 seconds

between chews).



Gumminess is mutually exclusive with

Chewiness since a product would not be both a

semi-solid and a solid at the same time.

Hardness * (Area 2/Area 1)

Optional (similar

value):Hardness * (Area

5/Area 4)

Hardness x


Gumminess applies only to semi-solid products and is Hardness * Cohesiveness (which is Area 2/Area 1).



Gumminess * Distance 2 / Distance 1 Hardness x Cohesiveness x


Chewiness applies only to solid products and is calculated as Gumminess * Springiness (which is


Resilience It is calculated by dividing the upstroke energy

of the first compression by the downstroke

energy of the first compression.

Area 4/Area 3

Resilience is how well a product "fights to regain its original height". Resilience is measured on the withdrawal

of the first penetration, before the waiting period is started. Resilience can be measured with a single

compression; however, the withdrawal speed must be the same as the compression speed.

91 | Annexure 1.2

92 | Annexure 2.2

Annexure 2.2.1_Sample Feedback Form


Institute of Chemical Technology

Programme: MTech in Food Engineering & Technology

Name (Optional): __________________________________ Entry Year: __________

This is for you to give us the honest and correct information about the services offered in this department. This would help us in improving our system effectively.

Kindly rate your ability using the scale:

5. Excellent 4. Good 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Improvement 1. Poor

No. Details of Ability 5.

Excellent 4.

Good 3.


2. Needs Improvem


1. Poor

1 To carry out research

2 To solve practical problems

3 To write technical document

4 To present a technical topic

5 To use modern analytical techniques

6 To use sophisticated or statistical tools

7 Mastery on food safety & regulation

8 Mastery on food processing, packaging & analysis

9 Mastery on food engineering & technology

10 Career goal (4-5 years down the line)

Any further comment for improvement :

93 | Annexure 2.2

Annexure 2.2.1_Sample Feedback Form


Institute of Chemical Technology

Programme: MTech in Food Engineering & Technology

Student Name: __________________________________ Date: __________

This is for you to give us the honest and correct information about the student ability from your perspective. This would help us in improving our system effectively.

Kindly give your ratings for the student using the scale:

5. Excellent 4. Good 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Improvement 1. Poor

No. Details of Ability of the student 5.

Excellent 4.

Good 3.


2. Needs Improvem


1. Poor

1 To carry out research

2 To solve practical problems

3 To write technical document

4 To present a technical topic

5 To use modern analytical techniques

6 To use sophisticated or statistical tools

7 Mastery on food safety & regulation

8 Mastery on food processing, packaging & analysis

9 Mastery on food engineering & technology

Any further comment : _______________________________________________________________


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