semoga bahagia

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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Semoga BahagiaSemoga Bahagia

by MrZubir Saidby MrZubir Said

Sama-sama maju ke hadapan,

Pandai cari pelajaran,

(Together we progress)

(Seek knowledge wisely)

Jaga diri dalam kesihatan,

Serta sopan-santun dengan kawan-kawan.

(Take care of your health)

(And be courteous to your friends)

Dengan hati bersih serta suci,

Sama-sama hormat dan berbudi.

(With a clean and pure heart)

(We respect and do good to one another)

Jaga tingkah pemuda-pemudi.

Adat dan budaya junjung tinggi.

(Watch your behaviour, oh youths)

(Respect and honour your customs and traditions)

Capailah lekas cita-cita


(Reach for your goals and dreams,

Oh youths)

Supaya kita ada harga

Di mata dunia.

(So that we’ll have our worth,

in this world)

Kalau kita lengah serta lupa,

hidup kita sia-sia.

(If we are lazy and forgetful)

(Our lives will be worthless)

Jiwa besar sihat serta segar,

Rajin dengan sabar tentu bahagia.

(With a big heart and a fresh mind,)

(Hard work and patience definitely brings success and happiness)

Lemah-lembut perangai pemudi.

Cergas tangkas wataknya pemuda.

(Soft-spoken is the lady)

(Energetic and tenacious is the man)

Sukarela selalu berbakti.

Sikap yang pembela dan berjasa.

(We must be charitable, always contributing and have

a righteous spirit to do good)

Capailah nama yang mulia,


(Attain a respectable position,)

(Oh youths)

Rajinlah supaya berjaya,

Semoga bahagia!

(Be hardworking so that you will succeed.

May you achieve happiness)

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