sensis agile marketing: the key to effective hispanic social media marketing

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Agile Marketing

The Key To Effective Hispanic Social Marketing

Hispanicize 2013

2013 April 11,

2 I’ve been working in advertising for the last 14 years

My background : – Web / tech / geekiness – Strategy consulting – Economics

I sort of stumbled into this business…


3 … and I’m one of the few people you’ll meet that runs an ad agency that never worked in

advertising before.


“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really

know about what they imagine they can design.”

- F.A. Hayek

5 My philosophy about marketing….

We think we know more than we do about

what will work and what won’t.

Economics meets Marketing?

Our challenge


The world is changing faster than we can keep up with


8 We’re living in the “wild west” of marketing


The Hispanic market is changing even


10 Hispanic marketing is that rowdy saloon in

the wildest part of the West…

11 Population growth Bicultural Digital

12 Yet we’re failing…

Our method is the madness…

14 Most of us are approaching marketing incorrectly


Spending too much time “planning”


Worshiping the false god of market


17 Market research is not what it used to be…


Obsessed with the “big launch”

19 Waterfall / Sequential-Predictive

Introducing Agile…

21 Agile Methodology

• Approach to software development • Flexible alternative to traditional or “Waterfall” methodology

– which attempts to identify every requirement of the project before any design or coding occurs

• Agile helps teams respond to the unpredictability of building software through incremental, iterative work cadences, known as sprints.

– By focusing on the repetition of abbreviated work cycles, agile methodology could be described as “iterative” and “incremental.”

22 Agile “Nuts & Bolts”

23 Agile-based website planning and development process. It’s only real if you build it.

24 Benefits of Agile Getting what you want vs. knowing what you want

Waterfall Agile

Agile Marketing Model

26 What is Agile Marketing? • Takes its inspiration from the Agile

software development methodology

• Avoids the “big leap” approach and “marketing lottery” paradigm

– whereby a few initiatives win while the majority lose

• Agile replaces "big leaps" with

continuous mini-steps comprised of ongoing "test-learn-commit" loops


stresses speed to market and

rapid iteration

28 Embraces ignorance

Presentation Notes
Embraces notion that marketers don’t know what works before they’re actually in market. 

29 documentation and assumptions are replaced with living programs and actual results (and data)

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isn’t about discarding all planning, but instead about condensing into short cycles, where

30 near instant feedback relatively inexpensive allows for easy testing and learning

Why Agile is Perfect for Social Media

Applying Agile to Hispanic Marketing

32 How Agile is perfect for Hispanic marketing

(more broadly)


Perfect for Hispanic marketing newbies

Presentation Notes
agile Hispanic social media marketing is perfect for companies that are just getting started in the Hispanic market. Success in the U.S. Hispanic mark often requires investments and changes in other aspects of a company’s operation – such as customer service, human resources, and product / service development. Trying to predict them all upfront would be difficult if not impossible


Figuring out your “Right Spend” for Hispanic

Presentation Notes
This basically involves drawing up a series of incremental investment levels based on the successful achievement of milestones at each decision-point, or option point. The underlying concept is to start with controlled market tests, utilizing highly actionable data to guide success. In a recent article I fleshed out this agile approach in the context of Hispanic social media programs.

35 Not for everyone

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I wouldn’t suggest this agile approach for all Hispanic marketing programs, particularly those with hard deadlines and highly defined deliverables (like event marketing, direct mail, or print/OOH advertising), it’s perfectly suited to social media marketing. 

Agile Marketing Manifesto

37 Agile Manifesto

• Validated learning over research and planning • Iterative campaigns over Big-Bang launches • Flexible vs. rigid planning • Responding to change over following a plan • Many small experiments over a few large bets



Thank you

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