serving queensborough w for years holy spirit parish · pro-life mass and prayer vigil ... media...

Post on 01-Sep-2018






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ments of harmony, feeling at one with everything—maybe similar to that mo-ment when God looked at the creation and felt its goodness. Think of some rare, secret moment when you have felt such deep happiness that you knew in a flash that you were one with not just the world, but the whole uni-verse. This is probably as close as we can experience in this life to who we really are in the fullness of the Divine Community. Our church, ekklesia in Greek, means to be “called out” from aloneness, into that unity which only the Trinity models for us. Let’s be busy encouraging eve-ryone to feel this truth

Have you ever got-ten up in the morn-ing with a stiff neck? It’s miserable

--you have to walk like a robot, and even your shoulders and arms don’t work right. Moses called the people “stiff-necked” because of their pride and arrogance. They weren’t looking to right or left, just at their own desires. Moses cannot lead them to God if they only do what pleases THEM. That greater perspective is at the very heart of our calling. Today is the Feast of the Holy Trinity. The word “Trinity” means

that, when we were con-ceived, we were born into a community of holiness, the Trinity. We were “stamped” with that iden-tity. Our God is One God—but that One God is the fullness of three Per-sons: the One who created us, the One who redeems us, and the One who com-forts and inspires us. Today we celebrate our life purpose, and our deepest calling--to call each other into unity with God, as the Persons of the Trinity are One. We are made in the image of a Unity, not just in the image of one of the Persons of the Trinity. We experience that truth in those “peak moments” in life—those deep mo-

Pro-life Mass and Prayer Vigil Join us for Mass on Sat-urday, June 4, at 9am at St. Mary’s Parish in Chilliwack for a peaceful, prayerful vigil for un-born children and their parents. Followed by vigil in the Church. Visit for more info.

Guardian Angels Spring Bazaar & Raffle Join us on Satur-

day, May 28, from 9am–2pm at Guardian Angels Millennium Parish Hall, 1175 Broughton St., Vancouver for our Spring Bazaar & Raffle with the inclusion of a garage sale and bake sale! Admission is free. For more info, please contact Guardian Angels Parish at 604-684-577

Birthright: Special Mass, Prayers and Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Please join us Saturday, May 28 for the 12:10 Mass. Preceded by the Rosary, followed by the Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Holy Rosary Cathedral, Van-couver. Refreshments to follow in Rosary Hall, 650 Richards Street. Donations of finger food greatly appre-ciated. For more info, please contact Jane or Helen at 604-323-1401 or Birthright services at 604-687-7223.

On Care For Our

Common Home Join us Thursday, May 26, 7-9pm at SFU Har-bour Centre, 515 W Hastings St., for a lec-ture by Dr. John Zucchi on Pope Francis’ encyc-lical Laudato Si’. Dr. Zucchi is a professor and past chair of the Department of History and Classical Studies and a member of the Catholic Studies Pro-gram at McGill Univer-sity. He is a Member of the Holy See’s Delega-tion at the 19th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that De-plete the Ozone Layer (Montreal, Sept. 2007); Member of the Holy See’s Delegation at the 11th Session of the Con-ference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and First Conference of the Signatory Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (Dec. 2005); and Vice-President, SOS – Boat People, Montreal (1990-1996). He is a frequent media commentator on Catholic issues and Ca-nadian leader of the Catholic Ecclesial Movement, Commun-ion and Liberation. For more info, visit

May 22nd, 2016 Volume 5 Issue 23

Thriving in the Trinity

Holy Spirit Parish Serving Queensborough For YEARS

Jesus the Teacher Retreat Join us for a weekend of enriching faith and per-sonal discovery guided by the Catechetics Office retreat team with a spe-cial Saturday session with Archbishop Miller. Jesus the Teacher Retreat is a journey in faith, a sharing in Christian love, and an opportu-nity to learn more about yourself and explore

your relationship with God. This retreat is pri-marily for catechists but is open to all who serve in ministry in our par-ishes. Friday, June 10, at 7pm to Sunday, June 12, at 1pm at Westminster Abbey, Mission. Cost: $195. For more info and to register, visit

That we may

allow the Holy

Spirit to guide

our daily

actions and

donation and will be col-lected for homeless youth in Vancouver. Over 400 young adults from the Archdiocese of Vancouver will attend the next World Youth Day in Kra-kow, Poland, this July. For more info, visit

Journey to Mercy - A World Youth Day Cele-bration Join in an evening of prayer, music, talks, fel-lowship and food in celebra-tion of WYD 2016 at St. Pat-rick's Parish, Vancouver, on Friday, May 27, from 6-11pm. Guest speakers include Archbishop Miller, Fr. Tom Rosica and Ambassador Krzysztof Olendzki with guest performances by A Guy and a Girl and a Polish cultural group. Food for purchase on-site and at surrounding areas. Open to all. Admission is by

Feast of Our Lord of Miracles

A Portuguese tradition of venerating the Ecce Homo image of Christ during a procession. Join us for Mass in Portuguese on Saturday, June 18, at 6pm and a bilingual Mass and procession on Sunday, June 19, at noon at Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish, Vancouver, fol-lowed by a social in the church hall.

plays various members of Eugene de Mazenod's family, his teachers and mentors, and his fellow priests and religious brothers. Locations/times for the play: · June 10 at 7pm at St. Pius X Parish, 1150 Mount Seymour Road, North Vancou-ver · June 11 at 6:30pm at St. Peter's Parish, 330 Royal Ave-nue, New Westminster · June 12 at 6:30pm at St. Augustine's Parish, 2028 W 7th Avenue, Vancouver

· June 13 at 7pm at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, 1340 W 38th Avenue, Van-couver Admission by donation at the door. For more info, please email or visit

Saint Eugene de Mazenod Come and see a new play, written and pre-sented by Father Edward Evanko, an Eastern Rite priest and Oblate Associate. Fr. Edward plays Eugene de Mazenod from his early days as a privileged and rather profligate French nobleman until his transformation into an ascetic man of God whose main aim was to minister to the poor and marginalized. In the course of the one-hour long play Fr. Edward also

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Week-end of May 21/22, 2016 In today’s Gospel Jesus talks about life with his Fa-ther and the Spirit. He tells his disciples that what be-longs to the Father belongs to him, and that the Spirit will take from what is his and give it to them. Jesus helps us understand that the relationship between Father, Son and Spirit is one of perfect sharing and loving generosity. This shared life is the founda-tion for what we now un-derstand as part of living life in the Trinity. The abun-dant generosity of those who are good stewards of the gifts entrusted to them gives us a glimpse into the love of the Triune God. Does the gen­erosity with which we live our lives bear witness to God’s extraordi-narily generous life within us? Parish Stewardship for May 11th, 2016 128 families donated $2764.00 14 families donated $270.00 to the Building fund 13 familes donated $145.00 to the Pope’s Pas-tral Works. Thank you for generosity in support of the parish.

Page 2

Advokate Walk for Life: “A person is a person no matter how small” Support the smallest people in our commu-nity by participating in the 2016 Walk for Life. Walk or run our 4K or 8K routes to raise funds for the life-affirming work of Advokate Life & Edu-cation Services. We pro-mote the inherent value and dignity of every hu-man being by advocat-

ing for the most vulner-able members of soci-ety. Join us on Saturday, June 4, from 12–3pm at Mill Lake Park (Bevan Ave. Side - 32961 Bevan Ave.), Abbotsford for a walk or run, and family fun activities including face painting, bouncy castles, balloons, a low cost BBQ and more! For more info or to register, visit

Holy Family's 2nd annual Community Yard Sale All are welcome to Holy Family’s 2nd Annual Com-munity Yard Sale Saturday, May 28, at Holy Family Church, 4851 Beatrice Street, Vancouver. Come out and grab some great bar-gains. Doors open at 10:30am (after the 9am Mass). Proceeds go towards those in need.

friends, and colleagues missing from our lives because of it. Evening includes a testimony from Elizabeth Sutcliffe of Si-lent No More Awareness and music by Jesse and Kathleen LeBlanc of A Guy and a Girl. Join us Friday, June 10, at 7:30pm at St. Patrick's Church, Maple Ridge. For more info, please contact Stephanie Gray at

Memorial Service for Aborted Chil-dren With 100,000 abortions annually

in Canada, and over 3 mil-lion since legalization, this night of prayer, reflection, and song is designed to re-member and honour the pre-born whose lives were cut short. All of us have been touched by abortion be-cause there are children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, cousins,

Parish 75th An-

niversary Cele-


June 5th, 2016

Following the 11.00 a.m. Mass

At the Queensborough Community Centre

Garden Party 12.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m

Lunch, Music

Tickets are on sale now Don’t miss out get your

ticket today.

Saturday, June 25, from 10am

–1pm at Holy Name of Jesus

Parish, Vancouver. For more

info, to register or to sponsor

someone, please contact


Volunteers Needed for Agape Street Min-istry Agape Street Ministry is a Street Outreach for women struggling with drug and alcohol addictions and for those working in prostitu-tion. We invite all to con-sider sharing the love of

Jesus with these women. Areas in Vancouver, Surrey and Chilliwack are in need of volunteers. Interested individuals need to be 19 years of age and available one evening a week; train-ing and support provided. If interested, please contact Vicki at 604-215-4115.

Birthright Intl. Walk/Run Day Every year Birthright Van-

couver, a downtown crisis

pregnancy service, hosts a

Walk/Run fundraiser. It’s a

fun way to support an impor-

tant ministry in our archdio-

cese. This year, the Walk/Run

will start at Holy Name Par-

ish, Vancouver, and go

around Queen Elizabeth Park.

After this scenic adventure,

music, refreshments, and

prizes will follow back at the

parish. We hope you can join

us for this event! Join us on

Volume 5 Issue 23 Page 3

“But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth...”

JOHN 16:13 Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know and live the truth. To prepare our-selves, we need to open our hearts to receive this gift before we can give it. Develop a daily prayer routine to ask the Holy Spirit to help guide our thoughts and actions



Annual Appeal:

Parish Goal for 2016

$50,200.00 At this time 43 families have contributed to the annual appeal $15,104.00 Every thing now donated to the annual appeal will be retained for our parish use. We need to raise funds before we can start the building project of a new parish centre. Therefore the financial support of all parishioners is necessary. You can make it happen! Please fill out a pledge card or go on line A pledge of $500.00

riage is not required before a Sacramental

Marriage in Canada. In

order for the Catholic

party to have a valid

marriage in the Church,

they must be married by a priest in the Church, by not following this norm the Catholic party/ies cannot receive any of the Sacraments , i.e. Con-fession, Eucharist, or Anointing of the Sick.

Validation: If your marriage was not cele-brated as a Sacrament and you wish it to be recognized by the Church, then call the parish office to make an appointment to see Father.


Please contact the office be-

fore making any arrangements

Baptism By appointment within a mini-mum of two months notice (during the pregnancy) so that instructions can be given to the parents and godparents, about their duties and respon-sibilities in this Sacrament. The family must registered in the parish and are seen to be liv-ing their Catholic faith.

The child /children should be baptized within seven days of birth or within a month of birth.

Marriage A minimum of six months notices with one of the parties registered in the parish and attending mass. Marriage Preparation course is manda-tory. Please ask for the –

Guidelines for the celebration of Mar-

riage - A civil mar-

with the Funeral home.

Have you recently moved into Queensborough? Have you been attending mass at Holy Spirit for a while now? Then why not join the parish fam-ily by filling out a registration form today. It is important to be registered in the parish where you live. And become a financially supporting parishioners by using a box of Sunday envelopes and returning one hours wage back in support of the parish Church each week, where you worship and give praise

244 Lawrence Street New Westminster, BC

Telephone: 604-521-0334 Fax: 604-521-9518. E-mail:

Holy Spirit


Please keep the following people in thoughts and prayers this week as we wish them a return to good health: Mr. Cassty; Mrs. Irma Morgan; Mrs. E. Scomazzon; Mrs. Isleda Zanocco. Mr. Sean Santa Elena; Mrs Mary-Lynn Murray; Archbishop Adam Exner, OMI; Anna Raposa; Mrs. E. Canil; V. Crow; Mrs. E. Lontok; Mrs. Grace Sami; Fr. Anthony Boniface.

Through the intercession of St. John Paul the Great , we humbly present our prayers for the needs of the sick to Our Heavenly Father.

Parish Office Hours

Office is Closed on



10.00a.m. –4.30 p.m.

Sunday Mass Times 5.00 p.m. Saturday

9.00 & 11.00 a.m. Sunday. Week Day Masses Tuesday & Friday

7.00 P.M. Wed, Thurs & Sat

9.00 a.m. Confessions Saturday

9.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m.—4.30 p.m. or by


Parish Religious Education PREP Co-Coordinator

Shirle Schweers 604-549-6655

Safe Environment Policy

Stewardship/Finance Ms Cecilia Cartago.

604-522-9901 Mr. Jose Cabalu 778-838-6051


Maridin Cabalu 778-838-6051

Church Cleaning Sharon Apolonio


Development & Peace Representative

Mr. Joe Vaz 604-515-8251

Mr. Jose Casas 604-521-526-6472

Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight Mark Rizzo


Catholic Women’s League President

Mrs. Violeta Tonido 604-522-4924

Sacramental Life of the Parish

Mass Intentions for May 22nd, 2016 May 21– 5.00 p.m. Ernesto Pabellon RIP V. Pabellon

May 22 –9.00 Anita Alberto RIP May 22-11.00 May 24—mass at 9.00 a.m. May 25—mass at 10.20 a.m. Funeral Mass—Antonio Pellizzari, RIP May 26 May 27 May 28-9.00 a.m. For the unborn K of C

The Funeral arrangements for the late

Mr. Antonio Pellizzari are as follows:

Prayers on Tuesday Evening at 7.00 p.m.

Funeral Mass at 10.30 a.m. On Wednesday May 25 fol-

lowed by reception at Queensborough Community Centre

Burial at Ocean View after reception.

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