setting up a new qmail server oncentos 5.5

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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Guide to Setting up a new Qmail Server on Centos 5.5  


In 2004 I had the need and thought it would be a great challenge to set up a mailserver for my small business.  After 

doing a lot of reading I soon realised it was not a simple thing to do, however with the guidance of the qmailrocks 

website, I muddled my way through and created my first mailserver.  Since then, I have build a few mainly using 

Fedora however in 2008 I decided to build a Freebsd version (using the qmailrocks site).  This has worked well 

however I have decided to go back to Fedora 13 for my server.  I then decided to try Centos 5.5. 

The Qmailrocks site (now gone) was very out of date for Fedora so I thought I would use what knowledge I had 

gained over the years (perhaps not that much compared to some of the guru out there) and write an updated 

version for myself (an anyone else who is interested).  I first did this with Fedora 12 and have now successfully 

completed it on Fedora 13 and Centos 5.5.  I have used the “Life with qmail” site as well as references to the old 

qmailrocks site info and a lot of reference to John Simpsons site  and Bills goodcleanemail site to achieve this and 

just made changes where necessary for Fedora and Centos. 

I take little credit for the information contained within this document – I have scavenged the bits of info and put it 

together in order to build a working Qmail server on Fedora 13 and Centos 5.5.  The real heros here are John 

Simpson, John Bernstein, Life with Qmail, and many others.  I just put it together using the KISS method (Keep It 

Simple Stupid).  I am sure my guide can be improved upon however it results in a working qmail system. 

You will need to go to various web sites throughout this guide to check and perhaps download the latest versions of 

programs and place them in the /downloads/qmr folder.  I have put all the current files required to complete this 

install in one zip however not sure where to put this guide and the files as my personal system would not cope with 

the traffic!!! 

Finally, I know I may get yelled at, but I build this running as root (unless told not to).  I am certainly no expert – just 

a novice so any suggested improvements etc would be appreciated.  


There is however no support for this guide. Read, search google, look in forums and learn.  Help yourself. 

Good luck 

Dave Donnelly 


On your new system, if you follow this guide, you will end up with: 

Qmail ‐ patched with John Simpsons latest 7.10 patch  Dovecot 

Ucspi‐tcp  Ucspi‐ssl 

Daemontools  Clamav 

Ezmlm‐idx  Spamassassin 

Autoresponder  Qmail‐scanner 

Vpopmail‐5.4.30 with onchange  Qmailadmin 

Mkvalidrcptto and Mkauth  Vqadmin 

Maildrop  Squirrelmail 

Part 1 - Checklist

1. Make sure you have Centos installed. SELINUX is a huge problem with qmail and I had to firstly put it in permissive mode and then disable it altogether. I do however have a firewall on my router. Security is another topic.

2. Make sure you have the following (on your system) (Command line is “rpm –qa | grep pkgname”) Eg rpm –qa | grep php

a. http b. php c. perl d. perl-suidperl e. gcc f. gcc-c++ g. mysql h. openssl i. openssl-devel j. wget k. Personally I use midnight commander so I also install mc l. patch

3. If any are missing, install them. For example, to install php, type:

yum install php 4. Make sure you update your entire system with “yum update” after all this.

I then run perl –MCPAN –e shell (and go with it) When you get cpan> type “install Bundle::CPAN” when you get it again, type “install CDB_File”

Type exit when it comes up CPAN3>

This last bit takes a while and you have to answer a few questions – I just hit enter to accept the default Yes answers.

This last bit is needed for Spamassassin.

Required Files to complete Setup

Create a directory /downloads/qmr You need to go and get the required files which are currently hosted at

There are instructions for Fedora – don’t worry, the files are still the same – although you will not use all of them.

If the files are moved from that site, I should put a link as to where they are.

Part 2 - Run Script to create the necessary users etc for qmail install

Run the following script to create all the necessary users and folders / files and also to patch qmail with John Simpsons latest patch (currently 7.10). You should go check that this is still the latest and if not, edit the script and download the latest patch.

cd /downloads/qmr/scripts/install ./qmr_install_with_jms1.script

This script will:

Make some necessary directories Create necessary users and groups Unpack qmail-1.03 and patch it with John Simpsons 7.10 patch Unpack ucspi-tcp and daemontools and put them in the correct places on the system Create logging directories and supervise script directories

Part 3 – Install Qmail (with John Simpsons patches already done)

Then go to the /qmail-1.03-jms1-7.10 directory.

make man && make setup check

Qmail is now installed but you still have a lot to do. When finished, type

./config-fast your.full.hostname eg ./config-fast For example ./config-fast

# make clean

We are now done getting qmail setup (for now)!

Part 4 – Install ucspi-tcp

cd /usr/src/qmail/ucspi-tcp-0.88

We must also patch this file.

patch < /downloads/qmr/patches/ucspi-tcp-0.88.errno.patch

It will say “patching file error.h” – This is good!

make && make setup check

That is all for this. Now to install qmail…

Part 5 – Install Daemontools

cd /package/admin/daemontools-0.76/src

We must patch this file as well

patch < /downloads/qmr/patches/daemontools-0.76.errno.patch

It will say “patching file error.h” – This is good!

cd ..


That’s it.

Part 6 – Install Ezmlm-idx

cd /downloads/qmr tar zxvf ezmlm-idx-7.1.1.tar.gz cd ezmlm-idx-7.1.1 make && make setup

Part 7 – Install Autorespond

cd /downloads/qmr tar zxvf autorespond-2.0.5.tar.gz cd autorespond-2.0.5 make && make install

Part 8 – Qmail-updater

cd /var/qmail/supervise

mkdir –m 1755 qmail-updater

mkdir –m 755 qmail-updater/log

cd qmail-updater/log

cp /downloads/qmr/service-any-log-run run

chmod 755 run

cd ..

cp /downloads/qmr/pipe-watcher pipe-watcher

cp /downloads/qmr/update-qmail update-qmail

cp /downloads/qmr/service-qmail-updater-run run

chmod 755 pipe-watcher update-qmail run

The last step here is to link the qmail-updater directory in the /service directory so daemontools can run it.

ln –s /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-updater /service/

Wait a few seconds then run:

svstat /service/qmail-updater /service/qmail-updater/log

You should see output showing up for more than 3 seconds for both.

Part 9 – Install Vpopmail with onchange

First we need to install Skel

cd ~vpopmail tar zxvf /downloads/qmr/skel.tgz chown –R vpopmail:vchkpw skel chmod –R 700 skel/ chmod 0600 skel/.qmail skel/mailfilter

We want to install vpopmail with the onchange function enabled. The latest version is 5.4.33 currently.

cd /downloads/qmr tar zxvf vpopmail-5.4.33.tar.gz cd vpopmail-5.4.33 ./configure --enable-logging=p --enable-onchange-script

make install-strip

If that all run without errors, vpopmail is configured and installed. Now we must get the onchange function working.

cd /~vpopmail/etc cp /downloads/qmr/onchange onchange

This is the script that vpopmail will execute when a user or domain is added or deleted from the system. You need to now set permissions:

chown vpopmail:vchkpw ~vpopmail/etc/onchange chmod 750 ~vpopmail/etc/onchange chmod +x ~vpopmail/etc/onchange

Now that the onchange script is in place we can test it with the qmail-updater log file. Open up another session (Ctrl+Alt+F2) and type

tail –f /service/qmail-updater/log/main/current

Go back to the original session (ctrl+Alt+F1) and add a domain and user and you should see your log file in the other session change – stuff goes in it.

cd ~vpopmail/bin ./vadddomain ./vadduser password

If the log file fills up with stuff, congratulations.

We need to make a slight modification to the vchkpw file to make it work with SMTP with ssl work.

cd ~vpopmail/bin chmod 6711 vchkpw chown vpopmail:vchkpw vchkpw

Part 10 - Validrccptto and Auth

We must then create the validrcptto and auth files which reside in /var/qmail/control.

To do this, we use the mkvalidrcptto and mkauth scripts.

cd /usr/local/bin



chmod 755 mkvalidrcptto mkauth

Then we run the scripts:

mkvalidrcptto –c /var/qmail/control/validrcptto.cdb

mkauth –c /var/qmail/control/auth.cdb

To test

ps axww | grep readproctitle

the output should be something like

0:0 read……..service errors…………………… …………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….

It will not be exactly this but similar!

Part 11 – Install Maildrop

You need maildrop aside from anything else, for qmail-scanner - which needs reformime.

Before you install maildrop, you need to install “pcre”. Download the file to the qmr directory.

Tar zxvf pcre-8.12.tar.gz cd /downloads/qmr/pcre-8.12 ./configure make

make install make clean


cd /downloads/qmr tar xvf maildrop-2.5.2.tar.bz2 cd maildrop-2.5.2 ./configure --enable-maildrop-uid=root --enable-maildrop-gid=vchkpw make install clean

We now add logging options to maildrop.

cd /var/qmail/supervise mkdir –m 1755 maildrop-logger mkdir –m 755 maildrop-logger/log cd maildrop-logger/log cp /downloads/qmr/service-any-log-run run chmod 755 run cd .. cp /downloads/qmr/log-maildrop log-maildrop cp /downloads/qmr/pipe-watcher pipe-watcher cp /downloads/qmr/maildrop-logger-run run chmod 755 pipe-watcher log-maildrop run touch /tmp/log-maildrop chown vpopmail:vchkpw /tmp/log-maildrop

Now we start the maildrop-logger service

ln –s /var/qmail/supervise/maildrop-logger /service/

Wait a bit then check

svstat /service/maildrop-logger /service/maildrop-logger/log

Again, it all should be running for more than 3 seconds

Part 12 – Uninstall Sendmail

To find out the version numbers to remove type

rpm –qa | grep sendmail


/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop


rpm –e –nodeps sendmail-x.x.x (version number from results above) rpm –e –nodeps sendmail-cf-x.x.x (version number from results above)

We now need to establist an artificial sendmail path – or a symbolic link to Qmails sendmail. This is needed to ensure the whole system is able to send mail.

ln –s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail ln –s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail

That’s it for this step.

Part 13 – Install Dovecot

Do not try to install any courier stuff as they do not support vpopmail any more.

The latest stable version is dovecot-1.2.12. (I tried using the later version 2.0.11 but this did not work well.)

cd /downloads/qmr tar xzf dovecot-1.2.12.tar.gz cd dovecot-1.2.12 cp /downloads/qmr/configure.dovecot configure.dovecot chmod 755 configure.dovecot ./configure.dovecot

make make install

There seems to be a few directories either weren't created, or were created with bad permissions. The following commands fixed the problems:

mkdir -m 0755 /usr/local/var /usr/local/var/run /usr/local/var/run/dovecot

chmod go=u-w /usr/local/share /usr/local/share/doc

chmod -R go=u-w /usr/local/lib/dovecot /usr/local/libexec/dovecot /usr/local/share/doc/dovecot

The next step is to create a new non-root userid which is used to process authentication requests.

This command is specific to Linux, and will probably need to be adjusted for other systems. The idea is to create a userid which cannot log in, which has no valid shell, and has no home directory- one which, if somebody were to "hack" into it, wouldn't be able to do much.

useradd -d /nohome -s /bin/false -c 'Dovecot user' dovecot


Configuring Dovecot

Dovecot itself is configured using a single control file, which will is in /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf When you install the software, it creates a dovecot-example.conf file in this directory, and the directions with the software tell you to rename or copy the file to dovecot.conf and then customize it.

There is a customised dovecot.conf file (thanks to John Simpson). Note that an invalid IP, so you will need to customize the file before using it- either that, or use the dovecot-example.conf file and build your own configuration.

The first thing you'll need to do is adjust the "first_valid_uid" and "last_valid_uid" values in the file. Find the numeric uid of the vpopmail user...

id -u vpopmail

My result was 508

To copy the dovecot.conf file (mentioned above, then

cd /usr/local/etc cp /downloads/qmr/dovecot.conf dovecot.conf chown root:root dovecot.conf

If the IMAP servers will ONLY be used for vpopmail accounts, make sure both of these values are set to that number (in this case, 508.) Also make sure both lines are un-commented (i.e. remove the "#" in front of the "last_valid_uid" line.)

## Mail processes

verbose_proctitle = yes

first_valid_uid = 508 last_valid_uid = 508 You also need to change the ip addresses too your own. – ssl_listen twice eg

Building the daemontools service(s)

This shows how to set up a daemontools service which starts the main dovecot process, which will listen for incoming IMAP and/or POP3 connections as specified in the dovecot.conf file.

On my server, all of my daemontools physical service directories are in the /var/qmail/supervise directory.

Your own server may be different- the physical directory can be anywhere on the system, except within the "/service" directory itself.

cd /var/qmail/supervise mkdir -m 0755 dovecot dovecot/log cd dovecot/log cp /downloads/qmr/service-any-log-run run chmod 0755 run cd .. cp /downloads/qmr/service-dovecot-run run chmod 0755 run

Use your text editor of choice.

Like the other "service-blah-run" scripts, this one consists of configuration variables at the top, followed by code to build the final command line, and then run it. The variables are:

• IP is the IP address you want to listen on. You can set it to "0" if you want it to listen on every IP attached to your system, however I don't normally recommend doing things that way.

• PORT is the TCP port number you want to listen on. The standard values are 143 for IMAP, 993 for SSL-IMAP, 110 for POP3, and 995 for SSL-POP3.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND RUNNING NON-SSL POP3 OR IMAP SERVICES on any unsecured network (i.e. on the open Internet) because the authentication methods for both POP3 and IMAP involve sending the password across the wire in plain text. Remember, if some "bad person" happens to get one of your users' passwords, they not only have access to that user's email, they will probably have the ability to use that ID and password with an SMTP AUTH command, and use your server as a relay.

• MAX is the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by this service. If this is blank, a default value of 40 will be used instead.

• ACCESS_CDB gives the name of a .cdb file made by tcprules, which controls which clients are and are not allowed to connect. Note that if you plan to use rules involving remote userids (very few people do, because they are so easily forged) you will need to remove the "R" from the options of tcpserver and/or sslserver within the script itself.

• SVC_LOGIN is the full pathname of the service you wish to run. Normally this will be "imap-login" or "pop3-login".

• IS_SSL should be set to a number greater than zero if this is to be an SSL-secured service. This tells the script to use sslserver instead of tcpserver, exports the CERTFILE variable (needed by sslserver), and adds a flag to the end of the command line which tells imap-login or pop3-login that the connection is already encrypted.

• CERTFILE should be set to the full pathname to the .pem file containing the server's encryption key. You can point this to the same servercert.pem file used by qmail-smtpd if you like.


Start up Dovecot

This is just like starting up any other daemontools service - create a symlink from /service/something to the physical service directory, wait about ten seconds, and make sure it's running.

ln -s /var/qmail/supervice/dovecot /service/

Wait about ten seconds...

svstat /service/dovecot /service/dovecot/log /service/dovecot: up (pid 23841) 8 seconds /service/dovecot/log: up (pid 23843) 8 seconds

As we have not yet set up the certfile, the service will not run properly. If you check the log file in /var/qmail/supervise/dovecot/log/main/current

It will show an error about the certificate file.

Fixing that is next…

Part 14 – Install UCSPI-SSL create Certificates

Now we need to install ucspi-ssl so qmail will accept smtp connections with ssl.

cd /package tar zxvf /downloads/qmr/ucspi-ssl-0.70.tar.gz cd host/

Compile the package


Run some tests: Note There are some fatal cypher errors and broken pipe errors only, that is ok – ignore them.


Install the package


That is that. Now we need to create the key:

cd /var/qmail/control openssl req –newkey rsa:1024 –x509 –nodes –days 3650 –out servercert.pem –keyout servercert.pem

Answer the questions and make sure the Common Name is the name of your mail server!!

Now we give proper ownership

chown root:nofiles servercert.pem

The “nofiles” group is the group which qmaild belongs to. This combination of ownership and permissions allows qmail-smtpd to read the key but not change or delete it.

chmod 640 servercert.pem cp servercert.pem clientcert.pem chown root:qmail clientcert.pem chmod 640 clientcert.pem

You can now go back and check that dovecot is working:

svstat /service/dovecot /service/dovecot/log /service/dovecot: up (pid 23841) 8 seconds /service/dovecot/log: up (pid 23843) 8 seconds

Part 15 – Finalise the qmail installation

There is a bit in this but it is not too difficult. I have modified a script from the old qmailrocks site to suit Centos. To start with run a script which will:

1. Copy all the supervise scripts to their correct locations

2. Copy qmail.rc and qmailctl to the propper locations and create the necessary symbolic links.

3. Set all needed permissions on the supervise scripts

Ok. To get things going:

cd / downloads/qmr/scripts/finalise chmod 755 finalize_linux.script ./finalize_linux.script

Configuring Qmail

Now we will need to edit a few files to make them work on the new system for this new server.

cd /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d We need to edit the run file.

vi run (or mc or whatever editor) Change the mail server name (line 4 at the end) to your mail server. Eg /

cd /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd vi run

IP= (change this to your ip address obviously) Port=25 (set the port number we will be listening on) SSL=0 (This says do not run an SSL-only service) FORCE_TLS=0 (Refuse to accept mail from clients who have not done STARTTLS) DENY_TLS=0 (Do not refuse to process the STARTTLS command) AUTH=0 (We are turning off auth on port 25 and only allow incomming mail) Require_Auth=0 (Refuse to accept mail from clients who have not done AUTH).

You must also uncomment the following line of the smtp run file or else no mail will be scanned by qmail scanner. Make it this:


Now we need to set up some qmail aliases. Replace with the addres you want the mail to go to:

echo > /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root echo > /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster echo > /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon

Now we set up selective relaying.

mkdir /etc/tcp cd /etc/tcp cp /downloads/qmr/etc-tcp-makefile Makefile

Now create the smtp file. Add your ip address. If your ip address was, then it will go like this:

vi /etc/tcp/smtp

Add the following to the new file:

192.168.1.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=”” :allow

save this and then run:


You should get output saying

tcprules smtp.cdb smtp.tmp < smtp chmod 644 smtp.cdb smtp

Setting up smtp with SSL We need to edit the file

vi /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd-ssl/run

Set the following values:

IP= (change this to your own ip address obviously) Port=465 (set the port number we will be listening on) SSL=1 (This says to run an SSL-only service) FORCE_TLS=0 (Ignored for ssl services) DENY_TLS=0 (Ignored for ssl services) AUTH=1 (Allow the AUTH command) Require_Auth=1 (Refuse to accept mail from clients who have not done AUTH).

You must also uncomment the following line of the smtp run file or else no mail will be scanned by qmail scanner. Make it this:


Save the file then…

Creating the smtpssl file

cd /etc/tcp vi smtpssl

in this new file, simply put the following and then save it.


Now you need to edit the Makefile and add smtpssl.cdb after smtp.cdb, save and exit. Now run:


The final step is to start the service running:

ln –s /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd-ssl /service/

Now check that the service is running ok by:

svstat /service/qmail-smtpd-ssl /service/qmail-smtpd-ssl/log

As usual, if you see the output is up for more than 3 seconds, all is OK

Now we want to start qmail:

qmailctl start

You should get output like:

Starting qmail…

Starting qmail-send Starting qmail-smtpd Starting qmail-pop3d

To check to make sure it is running ok type:

qmailctl stat

As long as everything is up for more that say 3 seconds you have succeeded. Well done.

That is all that finished.

You could just operate a mail server with what you now have but lets install programs to make life much easier. For example, you could easily just manage all your mail accounts and domains with vpopmail. But using qmailadmin and vqadmin is much nicer and easier. Squirrelmail makes life easier for all your users as they can get their mail via a web browser. Clamav checks for viruses in mail and spamassassin gets rid of a lot of spam.

Anyway lets get on with it…..

Part 16 – Install Spamassassin

I have done this in two different ways – both worked. You can compile from source then install or

The simplist way is just use yum to install it:

yum install spamassassin

Then go and edit /etc/mail/spamassassin/

All you have to put in this file is

required_score 3.2 (that is what I use)

And if you want you can create a whitelist of good known email addresses – eg friends


Now to set it up under daemontools.

mkdir –m 1755 /var/qmail/supervise/spamd mkdir –m 755 /var/qmail/supervise/spamd/log cd /var/qmail/supervise/spamd cp /downloads/qmr/spamd-run run chmod 755 run cd log cp /downloads/qmr/service-any-log-run run chmod 755 run

All we need to do now is create the service:

ln –s /var/qmail/supervise/spamd /service/

Wait a bit then:

svstat /service/spamd /service/spamd/log

Again, make sure the service is up for more than say 3 seconds. If issues, try stopping the service then re start it.

I also then type


to update spamassassin

That’s it for spamassassin.

Part 17 - Install Clamav

For the first time install of Clamav, you need to create a new user and group to your system:

groupadd clamav groupadd qscand useradd –g clamav –s /bin/false –c “Clam Antivirus” clamav useradd –g qscand –s /bin/false –c “Qscand” qscand

Now you need to download Clamav from Get the latest stable version which is currently 0.97

cd /downloads/qmr wget tar zxvf clamav-x.x.x.tar.gz cd clamav-x.x.x

./configure make make check make install make clean

Now you need to create the clamd and freshclam service scripts.

cd /var/qmail/supervise

mkdir –m 1755 clamd mkdir –m 0755 clamd/log cd clamd cp /downloads/qmr/service-clamd-run run chmod 755 run cd log cp /downloads/qmr/service-any-log-run run chmod 755 run

cd /var/qmail/supervise

mkdir –m 1755 freshclam mkdir –m 0755 freshclam/log cd freshclam cp /downloads/qmr/service-freshclam-run run chmod 755 run cd log cp /downloads/qmr/service-any-log-run run chmod 755 run

Now we need to edit the clamd.conf file so it will run correctly via daemontools.

chmod 744 /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf vi /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf (or type mc and use midnight commander if you like)

#Example – must be commented out

#LogFile – comment out

#LogSysLog no – comment out

#PidFile /var/run/clamav – comment out

DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/share/clamav

LocalSocket /tmp/clamd.socket – uncomment this

FixStaleSocket yes - optional

User qscand

Foreground yes – this is absolutely required to run via daemontools

chown –R qscand:qscand /usr/local/share/clamav

Configuring freshclam

The freshclam program checks for updated virus definition files and, if it finds them, downloads and installs them automatically. It then sends a message to clamd, telling it to read the new definitions into memory, and can also call another program that we specify. We will be using this "call another program" capability to inform qmail-scanner and/or simscan to update its version database, so the headers that they add to email messages will have accurate version numbers.

To configure freshclam, we will edit a file called freshclam.conf, which will be found in the same directory where we found the clamd.conf file (above.) This is a list of the changes we need to make:

chmod 744 /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf

vi /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf (or use mc as above)

#Example – comment out DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/share/clamav #UpdateLogFile – comment out #LogSyslog – no #Pidfile – comment out DatabaseOwner qscand Foreground yes checks 24

Set up the services to start

ln –s /var/qmail/supervise/clamd /service/ ln –s /var/qmail/supervise/freshclam /service/

Now check the services are running:

svstat /service/clamd /service/clamd/log

and then

svstat /service/freshclam /service/freshclam/log

make sure each is up for more than 3 seconds and all is ok. That is it for Clamav.

Part 18 – Install Qmail-scanner

The latest version (currently) is 2.08

cd /downloads/qmr

tar zxvf qmailscanner-2.08

cd qmailscanner-2.08

cp /downloads/qmr/qms-config qms-config

Now you need to change the qms-config to match your settings. The bits in bold must be changed to your domain specific settings. If you have multiple domain names, in local-domains, separate them by a comma (no space).

When you have made your changes, then make it executable and give it a test run:

chmod 755 qms-config


When it asks you Continue? ([Y] / [N]) go ahead and hit Y

It will ask this twice. If all goes well you will get Finished. and a bit more without error messages.

If the above worked, then you will need to actually install:

./qms-config install

Updating the qmail-scanner version files

The first one is the command that updates your version files. It updates your headers when you upgrade ClamAV or SpamAssassin. It also helps keep the /var/spool/qscan folder clear when SMTP sessions are dropped.

Put this one in a cron and run it once a day.

setuidgid qscand /var/qmail/bin/ –z

Anytime you update qmail-scanner you should also run

setuidgid qscand /var/qmail/bin/ –g

One final ownership check

chown –R qscand:qscand /var/spool/qscan

Testing Qmail-scanner

Now before we finish, we need to test that it works. Make sure you have set up your main domain and email accounts (in particular the domain that you set the aliases to earlier) as these are where the test emails will go. Then run the following:

/downloads/qmmr/qmail-scanner-2.0.8/contrib/ –doit

When this runs, it will send 4 messages – 2 with viruses, one standard message and a piece of junk mail. So when this runs, you should have 1 in /var/spool/qscan/quarantine/viruses/new , 1 message in /var/spool/qscan/quarantine/policy/new , 1 message in ~vpopmail/domains/domainXXX/postmaster/Maildir/new and 1 in your ~vpopmail/domains/domainXXX/postmaster/Maildir/.Spam/new folder (or this will be in your maildir).

All you need to do to finish is to restart qmail:

qmailctl restart

That’s Qmail-scanner installed! Well done.

Part 19 – Install VqAdmin

VqAdmin is a nice simple web based interface that lets us manage Vpopmail. You can create new domains, new users, net quotas and more.

cd /downloads/qmr

tar zxvf vqadmin-X.x.x

cd vqadmin-X.x.x

./configure --enable-cgibindir=/var/www/cgi-bin --enable-htmldir=/var/www/html

(If the paths above are not the same on your system, change them to match)

make && make install-strip

If the installation is successful, VqAdmin will install itself in the cgi-bin directory of your website.

Now you need to edit your apache file (or httpd.conf file).

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Now, on about line 325 (of mine anyway) you need to change it to AllowOverride ALL

Also on about line 265, make sure your servername is defined.

Insert (on mine I did it on line 575 but that does not really matter)

<Directory “/var/www/cgi-bin/vqadmin”> deny from all Options ExecCGI AllowOverride AuthConfig Order deny,allow </Directory>

That’s that bit done.

cd /var/www/cgi-bin/vqadmin

Now you need to create a .htaccess file to password protect the vqadmin interface. There should already be a .htaccess file in the vqadmin directory, so all you need to do is configure it.

vi .htaccess

AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/.htpasswd (in fact you can put this wherever you like) AuthName vQadmin require valid-user satisy any

Now change ownership

chown apache .htaccess

chmod 644 .htaccess

Now you need to create a corresponding .htpasswd file that will contain the username and encrypted password for the VqAdmin administrator.

htpasswd –bc /etc/httpd/conf/.htpasswd admin admin-password

chmod 644 /etc/httpd/conf/.htpasswd

Make sure you leave the user admin as admin else it won’t work. Obviously the admin-password should be a password.

Now we need to restart apache.

apachectl stop

apachectl start

If all has gone well, in you web browser, put:

Enter admin and whatever password you created and hey presto. You can now add domains, users etc. If errors, check permissions on vqadmin.cgi.

Part 19 – Installing Qmailadmin

This provides us with a nice web based interface for administering mail accounts once they are set up through Vpopmail or VqAdmin.

cd /downloads/qmr

tar zxvf qmailadmin-X.xx.x

cd qmailadmin-X.x.x

./configure --enable-cgibindir=/var/www/cgi-bin --enable-htmldir=/var/www/html --enable-modify-spam –enable-ezmlm.idx

make && make install-strip

Now to make sure when we add new users via qmailadmin that we want Spam Fighting turned on by default edit the following:

vi /usr/local/share/qmailadmin/html/add_user.html

find the line <input type=”checkbox” name=”spamcheck”>

Change it to: <input type=”checkbox” name=”spamcheck” checked>

That it for the install.

Now open your web browser and go to:

You all done here.

Part 21 - install Squirrelmail.

Squirrelmail is a web based program that allows you to access your email via a web browser.

First you must check that you have PHP uploads turned on.

vi /etc/php.ini

The line you want to check / edit is:

file_uploads = On

That’s that. Now on to installing Squirrelmail.

cd /var/www/html tar zxvf /downloads/qmr/squirrelmail-X.x.x.tar.gz

Now rename the untared folder to something more friendly…

mv squirrelmail-X.x.x webmail

Now we configure squirrelmail..

mkdir /var/local/squirrelmail mkdir /var/local/squirrelmail/data chown –R apache:apache /var/local/squirrelmail/data

cd webmail/config ./

This will run the squirrelmail setup scriot which allows you to customise the installation and set your server settings. Most of the important things are in area #2 which is called “Server Settings”.

You will be presented with a menu. Under 1 - Organization Preferences, Any one of the setings inside this window are optional. When you are done, hit S to save and then hit Enter and then hit R to go back to the Main Menu.

Now we want to go to 2 - Server settings. Hit 1 for Domain and hit Enter on the keyboard. You can type the name of the server or the local IP or public IP, whichever you prefer. If your mailserver is behind a router/firewall, I use the local IP. If you are on the public side of things, the hostname or the static IP will work fine. Under Server settings we want to use the following. Please change x.x.x.x to the IP of your mail server: 1. Domain : x.x.x.x 2. Invert Time : false 3. Sendmail or SMTP : Sendmail A. Update IMAP Settings : localhost:143 (other) B. Change Sendmail Config : /var/qmail/bin/sendmail

Hit Y and then hit Enter. Hit S to save and then hit Enter again. Hit Q to quit and exit the menu.

If you like there are other features you can customise but not critical. Once you are done here, we must configure Apache to serve our new webmail interface.

Open up the httpd.conf file and add the following down the bottom under Virtual Domains..

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

<VirtualHost> Change to your ip ServerName ServerAlias mail.* ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /var/www/html </VirtualHost>

Now all you need to do is restart apache

apachectl stop apachectl start

Now in your browser:

That is it. You now have a great qmail server with lots of useful extras.

Now for Maintenance of everything we have set up…

Part 22 – notes on Changing and Maintaining your new Qmail Server


To start, stop or restart a service (run under daemontools – ie the ones in the /service directory):

To stop

svc –d /service/name (d is for down)

eg svc /-d /service/spamd will stop spamd

To start

svc –u /service/name (u is for up)

To restart

svc –t /service/name

To check all your services at once

svstat /service/* /service/*/log


I wanted the subject line to be altered with spam messages. To do this, you need to edit the file in /var/qmail/bin…

in this file on my system (line 258) says:

my $spamc_subject=’***Spam***’ ;

I set it to delete messages more than 5 over my limit of 3.2. You can edit this two lines below

my $sa_quaratnine_over=’5’ ;

This is all I did.

Update Clamav

This would be the cause of most pain as it changes every 3 months or so. To see info about freshclam and if it is current type: freshclam -v

Or you can look in the file /service/freshclam/log/main/current and see if clamav is outdated. It will say so in the log. To upgrade your clamav, go to the clamav site and download the latest stable source file:

Now download the latest and put it in your downloads directory. For example, to download 96.1 version,

cd /downloads wget tar zxvf clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz cd /clamav-0.96.1

I then backup the clamd.conf and freshclam.conf files to be sure.

cd/downloads cp /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf freshclam.conf cp /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf clamd.conf

You must then stop qmail and clamav and also freshclam…

qmailctl stop svc –d /service/clamd svc –d /service/freshclam

Now we start the upgrade:

./configure make (This can take some time) make check (Same – make sure the tests passed – ie no errors)

make install make clean

Check the conf files and if they are still the same (they should be unaltered).

Start up the services again: qmailctl start svc –u /service/clamd svc –u /service/freshclam

You must now update qmail-scanner database setuidgid /var/qmail/bin/ –g

and also update the version number setuidgid /var/qmail/bin/ –z

Now type freshclam –v and you will see the new version number. That’s it for updating clamav. I just did this exactly and it worked perfectly on my system.

A Script I run to make sure things run smoothly

I created a file called “daily-updates”

#!/bin/sh PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin sa-update svc -t /service/* /service/*/log setuidgid qscand /var/qmail/bin/ -z setuidgid qscand /var/qmail/bin/ -g

I set this to run in crontab daily

Other issues I have come across:

An error in a log file

“Unable to bind: address already used”

This error can be for a few qmail things but I will assume it is smtpd is not working. If you see this error message it means that another program has already bound to the address you are trying to bind. To solve this, stop the service and check it is actually stopped:

svc –d /service/qmail-smtpd svstat /service/qmail-smtpd

Now check to see if something is running on port 25

netstat –an | grep 25

To see what:

lsof –n –i:25

Now whatever that program is, you need to stop it and uninstall it. I had an example where the problem was Exim.

I just:

rpm –e –nodeps exim

You then turn on smtpd again and check it is all ok.

svc –u /service/qmail-smtpd svstat /service/qmail-smtpd

The output should say it is up for more than 3 seconds. Check your logs again and make sure all is ok with them.

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