setting your child up for success

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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The Value of Knowing and Supporting Your Child’s Learning Style

Setting Your Child Up For Success:

“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine

Everyone learns things in different ways. By recognizing your

child’s learning style you can support them toward

educational success.

When they are clear about how they best learn, they will be better prepared to approach

learning challenges at school, at work, and in life.

You should consider the importance of your own learning style as well. If you and

your child share the same learning style you may find that this makes helping them

somewhat easier. If you have different learning styles, there may be some initial challenges, but ultimately you will be able

to work through them.

Generally speaking, learning is a dynamic undertaking. Essentially it can be broken down into the three distinct

styles of visual learning, auditory learning and kinesthetic learning.

Most of us learn in a combination of each of these styles, but it is most likely

that you and your child favor one of these styles over the others.

Your preferred learning style is not a conscious choice, it is how you naturally

process and apply information in the most effective and efficient way. You can’t choose

your learning style any more than you can determine which will be your dominant hand. We are all simply wired to approach learning

a certain way.

Although they are different, each of the learning styles is equal in their

effectiveness. When you know your child’s learning style you can make accommodations to support their

natural tendencies.

If you don’t have knowledge of your child’s learning style, you might find it more difficult to support them. If their

learning style is different than everyone else’s in the family, they might feel like

they are dumb or unable to learn.

Lets look at the three learning styles and get a better understanding of how each

one manifests.

Auditory learning:

Auditory learners are active listeners. They gather and retain information by listening to it. Successful learning contexts for them could be

lectures and audio books. They will be more skilled at reciting things from memory after

hearing once and may be able to learn musical instruments by ear. The skill of auditory

learning is valuable for everyone to develop even as a secondary learning style.

Visual Learning:

Visual learners gather and retain information through their eyes. People with this learning style may be able to watch someone do a task once and then reproduce it with little effort. Often they are strong readers and learn well

through visual demonstration or video instruction. For a visual learner, the lecture

format can pose some challenges but, if they are aware of their learning style they can develop

ways to adjust and adapt.

Kinesthetic Learning:

Kinesthetic learners like to get their hands involved. They learn through touching and getting their bodies involved. They may used devices such

as writing things down repeatedly in order to engage their muscle memory to get information

locked into their minds. For this type of learner, a physical component is the key to their learning.

Whatever your child’s learning style is, there are steps you can take to support

them in their learning so they can achieve their highest potential.

If your child is an auditory learner you might consider providing them with a

tape recorder or MP3 recording device so they can listen and play back

information. Encourage them to ask questions and engage in discourse as this will help them to retain information and

lock in what they learn.

In general, visual learners will respond well to pictograms, graphs and diagrams.

They like taking notes because it gives them something to look at and reflect on.

They also find greater success through visualization and should be encouraged

to use their imagination to anchor concepts in their mind.

Kinesthetic learners need to get their bodies into the learning game. Without external physical stimulation they can

quickly grow distracted and bored. Simple things like doodling or underlining text

while they read or even moving around or rolling a ball between their hands while listening may help them to learn and

retain at a higher level.

No matter what your child’s primary learning style is, they can become

anything they want to be. Their road to achieving their goals may be

different depending on their style, but through support and encouragement they will find more grace and ease on

their road to success.

“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine

For more advice on positive parenting and creating the life you want, visit:

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