sharepoint services 3.0: sharing documents the … services 3.0: sharing documents the university of...

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SharePoint Services 3.0: Sharing Documents The University of Akron

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The University of Akron.

Table of Contents

COURSE OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 3

LESSON 1: NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................................ 4

THE URL .................................................................................................................................................... 4

SIGN IN AND NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................................. 4 Tip – Request a SharePoint Site ....................................................................................................................... 5

SIGN OUT ................................................................................................................................................... 6

LESSON 2: SHARING FILES USING OFFICE 2007 .................................................................................. 7

DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................................ 7

VIEW A FILE WITHOUT EDITING ..................................................................................................................... 7

Method 1 to View a File (No Edits) ....................................................................................................... 7

Method 2 to View a File (No Edits) ..................................................................................................... 10

OPEN, EDIT AND SAVE A FILE ..................................................................................................................... 12

Discussion ........................................................................................................................................... 12

Why do you need to follow these steps? ............................................................................................ 12

Check Out ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Discard a Check Out ........................................................................................................................... 15

Save, Close and Check In the File ...................................................................................................... 17

UPLOAD A NEW FILE .................................................................................................................................. 18

FILE PROPERTIES – RENAME OR DELETE A FILE ......................................................................................... 21

THE RECYCLE BIN – RESTORE A FILE ......................................................................................................... 23

LESSON 3: SHARING FILES USING OFFICE 2003 ................................................................................ 25

VIEW A FILE WITHOUT EDITING ................................................................................................................... 25

Method 1 to View a File (No Edits) ..................................................................................................... 25

Method 2 to View a File (No Edits) ..................................................................................................... 28

OPEN, EDIT AND SAVE A FILE ..................................................................................................................... 30

Discussion ........................................................................................................................................... 30

Why do you need to follow these steps? ............................................................................................ 30

Check Out ........................................................................................................................................... 31

Discard a Check Out ........................................................................................................................... 32

Save, Close and Check in the File ...................................................................................................... 34

UPLOAD A NEW FILE .................................................................................................................................. 36

FILE PROPERTIES – RENAME OR DELETE A FILE ......................................................................................... 36

THE RECYCLE BIN – RESTORE A FILE ......................................................................................................... 36

LESSON 4: LIBRARY TIPS ....................................................................................................................... 37

CREATE A WEB FOLDER FOR QUICK ACCESS TO A SHAREPOINT SITE .......................................................... 37

Discussion ........................................................................................................................................... 37

Steps ................................................................................................................................................... 37

ALTERNATE METHOD TO CHECKOUT A FILE - OFFICE 2007 ......................................................................... 43

DOCUMENT LOCATION COMMAND............................................................................................................... 47

E-MAIL ALERTS ......................................................................................................................................... 48

Set an Alert for a Document ................................................................................................................ 48

Set an Alert for All Shared Documents ............................................................................................... 50

Delete an Alert..................................................................................................................................... 51

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E-MAIL A LINK ............................................................................................................................................ 52

Create an E-mail Link .......................................................................................................................... 52

Use an E-mail Link .............................................................................................................................. 53

APPENDIX A: SHARED WORKSPACE TASK PANE .............................................................................. 55

©2008 The University of Akron These materials were developed and are owned by The University of Akron. All rights reserved.

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Course Overview

A Windows® SharePoint Services document library is a location on a web site where

you can collect files to review or update with your co-workers. Any changes to the

documents are stored in the library. The library allows for easy access to files that

contain information needed by a group of people.

This sharing of files eliminates the need to e-mail documents as attachments and

provides a central resource for accessing information. All the people who are involved in

a project or effort can be given permission to use the library. One posting of the

document makes it available to the group.

In this course, Sharing Documents is the focus. Topics covered are:


Viewing a file without editing

Editing a file

Uploading a file

Renaming a file

Deleting a file

Restoring a file

Creating a web folder

Creating an e-mail alert

E-mailing a document link

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Lesson 1: Navigation


To access SharePoint, open your internet browser1 and navigate to the URL for the

SharePoint site that was created for you by the SharePoint administrator. The URL will

begin with .

In this manual’s example, the site is .

NOTE: The SharePoint sites are secure sites. The URL begins with https:

rather than http:

Sign in and Navigation

1. Open your internet browser.

2. Enter the URL for the SharePoint site to which you have access and click on Go.

3. When you attempt to access a SharePoint site, the Sign in dialog displays.

A UAnet ID and password are required.2

1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x or higher is recommended. Firefox 1.5 or higher and Safari 2.0 and

higher are supported on the Mac, but some SharePoint features are not compatible with these browsers. 2 An active directory account is needed to access a SharePoint site.

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4. After Sign In, the site requested displays.

5. Use the links in the navigation pane to move to another page in this site in


6. To navigate quickly to this site in the future:

Save the site as a favorite in the browser.

Add the site to the Links toolbar by dragging the icon, in the Address bar, to

the Links toolbar.

The breadcrumbs can be

used to move back. It is best

not to use the browser’s

back and forward tools.

The navigation pane

provides links to move

to other areas of the

SharePoint site.

Sign Out is

an option at

the down


The tabs shown are

those to which you

have permissions.

The Home tab navigates to the home page for the SharePoint site.

Tip – Request a SharePoint Site

A SharePoint administrator creates

the sites. Contact the Support Desk

at x6888 to request that a site be

created for you.

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Sign Out

1. After selecting a site and signing in, the Welcome message appears with your name.

A menu is available at the down arrow after this message.

2. Click on the down arrow to display the menu.

3. Select the Sign Out option.

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Lesson 2: Sharing Files Using Office 2007


If you are using Office 2007 to view or edit documents, this lesson contains the

instructions for you to share documents. If you are using Office 2003, refer to Lesson 3

on page 25.

A file on a SharePoint site is available to many people, who are collaborating on a


Before opening a file, it is important to decide whether you will be:

Viewing the file without making any changes to it OR

Viewing the file and plan to make changes

To effectively share a file, you inform SharePoint of how you intend to use the

file. SharePoint then can accurately inform other individuals if the file is available for

viewing only or for editing.

View a File without Editing

There are two methods to view a file without making changes to it:

Method 1 to View a File (No Edits)

1. Follow the instructions in Lesson 1 to sign in to the site.

In this example, it is the Training site.

2. In the Navigation pane, click on the link for .

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The Shared Documents page displays.

3. If necessary, click once on a folder to open it and view the documents stored there.

4. Click on the icon that displays before the filename, such as for a Word


A dialog displays.

5. Select Read Only and click on OK.

6. If prompted with this dialog, enter your UAnet ID and password and click OK.

The document opens in the appropriate application.

Note: The dialog box that

displays may have a different

second option as shown here.

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7. When your review is complete, close the file.

NOTE: If you wish to edit the file, rather than close it:

Leave the file open.

Click on in the message bar,


Click on the Office Button > Server > Check Out.

If the following message displays, click OK.

Edit the file and use the Save icon in the application to periodically save the

changes to your draft folder. The changes will not be seen by others in

SharePoint until you Check In the file, as outlined on page 17.

The file is

identified as


A message

may display

below the


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Method 2 to View a File (No Edits)

1. Follow the instructions in Lesson 1 to sign in to the site.

2. In the Navigation pane, click on the link for .

The Shared Documents page displays.

3. If necessary, click once on a folder to open it and view the documents stored there.

4. Point to the document to view and not edit.

The document is selected and a down arrow displays.

5. Click on the down arrow to display the menu options.

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6. Point to Send To.

A menu displays.

7. Select Download a Copy.

The File Download dialog displays.

8. Click on Open.

This creates a copy of the document that is not linked to the original SharePoint file.

The document opens in the appropriate application.

9. When the review is complete, close the file.

NOTE: If you wish to edit the file:

Close the file without making changes.

Follow the instructions on page 12 to Open, Edit and Save a File.

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Open, Edit and Save a File


When you work with a file and make changes, you need to follow two steps:

the file to allow exclusive editing of the file.

the file, when you are done.

To effectively share a file, you inform SharePoint of how you intend to use the

file. SharePoint then can accurately inform other individuals if the file is available for

viewing only or for editing.

Why do you need to follow these steps?

If you do not do these two steps, there are problems that can occur:

If you open the file for editing without the Check Out option, you will lock out

other people from viewing or editing the file for a period of time.

If you use Microsoft Windows XP, everyone is locked out for 15 minutes after the

last time you saved.

If you use Windows Vista, everyone is locked out for 60 minutes.

When the times mentioned are up, a second person can open the file for viewing

and editing.

You and a second person will be editing the same file.

If the second person saves his/her changes, you could also save changes and

override the second person’s changes. Confusion and lost data are the result.

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Check Out

1. Point to the document to open and edit.

The document is selected and a down arrow displays.

2. Click on the down arrow to display the menu options.

3. Select Check Out.

4. Click on OK.

The file is copied and checked out to your SharePoint drafts folder. In Windows

XP, this folder is a sub folder of My Documents and is named .

In Windows Vista, the file is checked out to Documents\SharePoint Drafts.

NOTE: Windows Vista users may see this error message after they select Use

my local drafts folder.

Best Practice - As

shown here, work on

the document locally

by marking the “Use

my local drafts

folder” box.

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Although you can click OK and still Check Out the file, the file will be checked out

and remain on the server, rather than be checked out to your SharePoint Drafts

folder on your local PC. A constant internet connection then will need to be

maintained to edit the file.

If you see the message, the best solution is to add the SharePoint site URL to

the list of trusted sites in your browser. In the Internet Explorer, choose Tools,

Options, Trusted Sites.

To indicate that the document is checked out, the icon to the left of the filename

changes to display a green box with an arrow .

Point to an icon to view who checked out the file.

5. Open the application needed to work with the file.

6. Use the Office Button > Open command to open the file from the SharePoint Drafts

folder, which is a subfolder of My Documents or Documents.

7. If prompted enter your UAnet ID and password.

8. Edit the file and use the Save icon in the application to periodically save the changes

to your draft folder. The changes will not be seen by others in SharePoint until you

Check In the file, as outlined on page 17.

Alternative Method

If the owner of the site has required that a file is checked out in order to edit:

1. Click on the icon before the filename. A dialog displays.

2. Select Check Out and Edit. Mark the checkbox to use the SharePoint drafts folder.

3. Click on OK.

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Discard a Check Out

If a file was checked out in error and/or changes were made to the file that are not to be

saved, discard the checkout.

Method 1 – in SharePoint

This method is used if you checked out the file, but have not opened it in the


1. In the Shared Documents list in SharePoint, point to the document.

The document is selected and a down arrow displays.

2. Click on the down arrow to display the menu options.

3. Select Discard Check Out.

A message displays.

4. Click on OK.

The checkout is discarded.

The screen should refresh and the checkout icon no longer appears before the file’s


If the screen does not

refresh, press the F5 key on

the keyboard or click on the

refresh tool in the


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Method 2 – in the Application

This method is used if you checked out the file and opened it in the application.

1. Select the Office Button > Server > Discard Check Out.

A message displays.

2. Click on Yes.

Any changes you made to the file are discarded and the file is checked in.

A read-only copy of the file is opened and displays.

3. Close the read-only copy of the file.

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Save, Close and Check In the File

1. As you edit the file, use the Save tool or Save command in the application, to save

the changes to the SharePoint drafts folder.

2. When the changes are completed and saved, use the Close command in the


A message displays.

3. Click on Yes.

A message displays.

4. Add any comments, if desired.

5. Click on OK.

The edited document is saved and available in SharePoint.

6. If the Check Out icon still is shown, refresh the page in SharePoint by pressing

the F5 key or by selecting the refresh tool in the browser.

Enter comments if the

site is configured to

save versions of a

document. Versioning

is an option that is set

by the site’s owner.

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Upload a New File

To copy a file to the SharePoint site’s Shared Documents library, the Upload command

is used.

1. Open the internet browser and enter your site’s URL in the address box.

The URL will begin with .

2. When prompted, sign in with your UAnet ID and password.

3. The selected site displays.

4. Click on the link for that site’s library.

The default library (and link) name is Shared Documents.

In this example, the Shared Documents library for Training displays.

5. If a file is to be stored in a particular folder, click once on the folder to open it.

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6. Click on the down arrow of the Upload tool .

A menu displays.

7. From the menu, select either Upload Document for a single file or Upload Multiple


If Upload Document is selected, this page displays. Use the Browse button to

locate the file to upload to SharePoint.

If Upload Multiple Documents is selected, this page displays.

Use the left pane to locate the drive and folder for the files.

In the right pane, mark the boxes for the files to upload.


A single click on the

Upload tool (not the down

arrow portion) selects the

Upload Document option.

To upload multiple files,

click on the


Make a decision whether or not to

. Mark or unmark

the check box to reflect your decision.

Make a decision whether or

not to .

Mark or unmark the check

box to reflect your decision.

Locate the

drive and

folder here.

Locate the

files to

upload here.

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8. Click on OK.

9. If one document was uploaded, this page displays. The original file name displays in

the title bar and in the Name field.

Edit the Name, if you wish.

Optionally, enter a Title.

Click on .

The document is uploaded and appears in the list of documents.

10. If multiple documents were uploaded, a message similar to this displays.

Click on Yes.

The files are uploaded and the Shared Documents list displays with these files in

the list. The files are checked out. Each file must be checked in.

For each file that displays the Check Out icon:

- Point to the file.

- Click on the down arrow.

- Select Check In from the menu.

- At the Check In page, click on OK. The Check Out icon no longer displays.

The Title displays in the library

only if the owner of the site elects

to display it.

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File Properties – Rename or Delete a File

1. In the Shared Documents library, point to the file.

The file is selected and a down arrow displays.

2. Click on the down arrow.

A menu displays.

3. Select .

This message displays.

4. Click on OK.

The properties page displays.

Some of the

fields that

display are

determined by

the users who

are owners of

the site.

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5. To rename the file:

Enter a new Name and click on OK.

The name is changed and the library’s list of files displays.

The file remains checked out and must be checked in.

On the library’s list, point to the renamed file and click on the down arrow.

Select .

The Check In page displays.

Click on OK.

6. To delete a file:

Follow steps 1 through 4.

Select on the Properties page.

This message displays.

Click on OK.

Delete a file – A file also

may be deleted by

pointing to the file name

in the library’s list and

selecting Delete at the

down arrow.

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The Recycle Bin – Restore a File

Deleting a file is a two staged process.

When a file is deleted, it is placed in the recycle bin of the person who deleted it.

The file can be restored from that person’s recycle bin.

When a file is deleted from the recycle bin, a user can no longer restore the file.

1. In the Navigation pane, click on .

The Recycle Bin page displays.

NOTE: Read the message, “Use this page to restore items that you have deleted

from this site or to empty deleted items. Items that were deleted more than 30 day(s)

ago will be automatically emptied.”




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2. To restore a file:

Click to mark the file’s checkbox.

Select .

This message displays.

Click on OK.

The file is restored and displays in the library.

3. Use the breadcrumbs or tabs to navigate within the SharePoint site.

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Lesson 3: Sharing Files Using Office 2003


If you are using Office 20033 to view or edit documents, this lesson contains the

instructions for you to share documents. If you are using Office 2007, refer to Lesson 2

on page 7.

A file on a SharePoint site is available to many people, who are collaborating on a


Before opening a file, it is important to decide whether you will be:

Viewing the file without making any changes to it OR

Viewing the file and plan to make changes

To effectively share a file, you inform SharePoint of how you intend to use the

file. SharePoint then can accurately inform other individuals if the file is available for

viewing only or for editing.

View a File without Editing

There are two methods to view a file without making changes to it:

Method 1 to View a File (No Edits)

1. Follow the instructions in Lesson 1 to sign in to the site.

In this example, it is the Training site.

2. In the Navigation pane, click on the link for .

3 The Microsoft Office 2007 Compatibility Pack should be installed on the PC. At The University of Akron,

that add-in was pushed to your PC in February of 2007. The add-in is available from Microsoft at

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The Shared Documents page displays.

3. If necessary, click once on a folder to open it and view the documents stored there.

4. Click on the icon that displays before the filename, such as for a Word


A message displays.

5. Click on OK.

If prompted with this dialog, enter your Uanet ID and password and click OK.

The document opens in the appropriate application.

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6. When your review is complete, close the file.

NOTE: If you wish to edit the file, close the file without making changes and

follow the instructions on page 30 to Open, Edit and Save a File.

For information on the Shared Workspace task pane, refer to the Appendix on page 55.

The file is

identified as


The Shared


task pane


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Method 2 to View a File (No Edits)

1. Follow the instructions in Lesson 1 to sign in to the site.

2. In the Navigation pane, click on the link for .

The Shared Documents page displays.

3. If necessary, click once on a folder to open it and view the documents stored there.

4. Point to the document to view and not edit.

The document is selected and a down arrow displays.

5. Click on the down arrow to display the menu options.

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6. Point to Send To.

A menu displays.

7. Select Download a Copy.

The File Download dialog displays.

8. Click on Open.

This creates a copy of the document that is not linked to the original SharePoint file.

The document opens in the appropriate application.

9. When your review is complete, close the file.

NOTE: If you wish to edit the file, close the file without making changes and

follow the instructions that begin on page 30 to Open, Edit and Save a File.

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Open, Edit and Save a File


When you work with a file and make changes, you need to follow two steps:

the file to allow exclusive editing of the file.

the file, when you are done.

To effectively share a file, you inform SharePoint of how you intend to use the

file. SharePoint then can accurately inform other individuals if the file is available for

viewing only or for editing.

Why do you need to follow these steps?

If you do not do these two steps, there are problems that can occur:

If you open the file for editing without the Check Out option, you will lock out

other people from viewing or editing the file for a period of time.

If you use Microsoft Windows XP, everyone is locked out for 15 minutes after the

last time you saved.

If you use Windows Vista, everyone is locked out for 60 minutes.

When the times mentioned are up, a second person can open the file for viewing

and editing.

You and a second person will be editing the same file.

If the second person saves his/her changes, you could also save changes and

override the second person’s changes. Confusion and lost data are the result.

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Check Out

1. Point to the document to open and edit.

The document is selected and a down arrow displays.

2. Click on the down arrow to display the menu options.

3. Select Check Out.

The document’s icon changes to show the Check Out green arrow .

NOTE: Individuals can point to an icon to view who checked out the file.

4. Click on the document’s icon .

This message displays.

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5. Click on OK.

6. If prompted with this dialog, enter your UAnet ID and password and click OK.

The document opens in the appropriate application.

7. Edit the file and use the Save icon in the application to periodically save the

changes, if you wish.

Discard a Check Out

If a file was checked out in error and/or changes were made to the file that are not to be

saved, discard the checkout.

Method 1 – in SharePoint

This method is used if you checked out the file, but have not opened it in the


1. In the Shared Documents list in SharePoint, point to the document.

The document is selected and a down arrow displays.

2. Click on the down arrow to display the menu options.

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3. Select Discard Check Out.

A message displays.

4. Click on OK.

The checkout is discarded.

The screen should refresh and the checkout icon no longer appears before the file’s


Method 2 – in the Application

This method is used if you checked out the file and opened it in the application.

1. From the application’s menu, select File, Close.

A message displays.

2. Select Discard changes and undo check out.

3. Click on OK.

A confirmation message displays.

4. Click on OK.

The file is closed and the checkout is discarded.

5. In SharePoint, press F5 to refresh the screen, if necessary.

If the screen does not

refresh, press the F5 key on

the keyboard or click on the

refresh tool in the


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Save, Close and Check in the File

Method 1

1. As you edit the file, use the Save tool or Save command in the application, to save

the changes.

NOTE: If you periodically save the changes to the file, others who open a read-only

copy of the file will see your changes. In Office 2003, a checked out file remains on the

server and requires a constant internet connection for editing purposes.

2. Select File > Close from the menu. One of two Check In dialog boxes displays.

The options in the dialog box depend on whether or not you have saved all your


3. Select Save changes and check in OR Check in file.

NOTE: In the dialog box, the Save changes and check in option appears if changes

have been made by you and were not saved. The Check in file option appears if all

changes made by you have been saved.

4. Click on OK.

5. Click on OK in the Check In Comments dialog box.

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1. As you edit the file, use the Save tool or Save command in the application, to save

the changes.

NOTE: If you periodically save the changes to the file, others, who open a read-only

copy of the file, will see your changes.

2. In the Shared Workspace task pane, click on the Status tab .

For more information about the Shared Workspace task pane, see page 55.

3. Select the Check in link.

4. Click on OK in the Check In Comments dialog box.

5. Select File > Close from the menu.

The edited document is saved and available in SharePoint.

If the Check Out icon for the document still is shown, refresh the page in SharePoint

by pressing the F5 key or by selecting the refresh tool in the browser list.

Enter comments if the

site is configured to

save versions of a

document. Versioning

is an option that is set

by the site’s owner.

Method 2

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Upload a New File

Follow the instructions that begin on page 18.

File Properties – Rename or Delete a File

Follow the instructions that begin on page 21.

The Recycle Bin – Restore a File

Follow the instructions that begin on page 23.

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Lesson 4: Library Tips

Create a Web Folder for Quick Access to a SharePoint Site


One method to easily access your SharePoint site is to use the Add Network Place

Wizard to create a Web folder. A Web folder allows you to view and manage the files

and folders stored on SharePoint. A file can be opened and checked out without

opening the web browser.

Web folders transfer information over a network connection to a server in a secure

computing environment. The folders use a protocol4 that helps to protect information as

it is being transmitted.

Web folders allow easy access to the files on the SharePoint site. Follow these steps to

create a web folder.


1. Locate the Add Network Places Wizard with one of these methods.

Open My Computer at Start > My Computer in Windows XP, or

Double click on the My Computer icon on the desktop, or

Start > Computer in Windows Vista.

Click on the link for My Network Places.

4 The protocol is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). The “s” in the internet address that begins with https

indicates that the Web server supports the SSL protocol.

If you do not see the link for My

Network Places, select Tools >

Folder Options from the menu in

My Computer. On the General tab

of the Folder Options dialog, mark

the option to Show common tasks

in folder. Click on OK.

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The My Network Places window displays.

Select .

The Add Network Place Wizard displays.

2. Click Next.

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3. Select Choose another network location.

4. Click Next.

5. Enter the URL for the SharePoint site to be accessed by this Web folder.

The URL will begin with .

The URL for the Training site is used in this example, .

6. Click Next.

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7. In the Connect to SharePoint dialog, enter your UAnet ID and password.

8. Click OK.

The next step displays to ask for a name for the web folder.

9. OPTIONAL: Modify the suggested name for the web folder.

It is recommended that you leave the on sharepoint.uanet.ed as part of the web

folder’s name. This will identify the folder clearly for you.

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10. Click Next.

The last step displays.

11. OPTIONAL: Unmark the checkbox if you do not wish to open the new network place

that you created.

12. Click Finish.

13. If the checkbox was marked in the last step of the Wizard:

- You are prompted for your UAnet ID and password.

- After entering your UAnet ID and password, the SharePoint site displays in a

Windows Explorer view of folders and files.

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14. A double click on the Shared Documents folder displays:

Note: Double clicking on a document’s icon in the web folder will open the document as

a read-only file in Office 2007 and in Office 2003.

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Alternate Method to Checkout a File - Office 2007

These steps work in the 2007 versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

1. Create a Web folder following the instructions that begin on page 37.

This only needs to be done once.

2. In the application, Word, Excel or PowerPoint, click on the Office Button > Open.

3. In the Open dialog, click on My Network Places.

4. In the list of Network Places, double click on the Web folder for the SharePoint site

where the file is stored, for example,

5. If the Sign In box displays, enter your UAnet ID and password and click on OK.

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6. Make your selection when the site displays.

7. In this example, double click on to move to that location.

The list of files displays.

8. If necessary, double click on a folder to open it.

9. Double click on a file to open it.

The file opens in the appropriate application. It is read-only.

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A message bar displays.

10. Click on the Check Out button in the message bar.

A dialog displays.

11. Click on OK.

The file is checked out from SharePoint.

The message bar no longer displays.

12. Review the document and/or make any changes.

13. Use the Save tool or Save command in the application to save the changes.

14. Select the Office Button > Close to close the file.

This dialog displays.

Check out –

In Office 2007, click

on the Office Button.

Select Server >

Check Out.

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15. Click on Yes.

This dialog displays.

16. OPTIONAL: If your site uses versions, enter a comment.

17. Click on OK.

The file is checked in.

The file is closed.

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Document Location Command

When a file is open in an application, the file’s name displays in the title bar. However,

the location of the file is not shown. The Document Location command can be added to

the Quick Access toolbar in Word, Excel and PowerPoint 2007 to view this information.

1. In Word, Excel or PowerPoint 2007, click on the Office Button and then that

application’s Options button.

2. Select the Customize category.

3. Select All commands.

4. Select the Document Location command.

5. Click on Add.

6. Click OK.

The document’s location command is added to that application’s title bars.

NOTE: This must be done in each application for which the Document Location

Command is to display.

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E-mail Alerts

Alerts can be set to send email notifications to you when a file is changed.

Set an Alert for a Document

1. Navigate to the Shared Documents page that displays the file for which you want to

add an alert.

2. Point to the file and click the down arrow that displays.

3. Select Alert Me from the menu that displays.

The New Alert page displays.

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4. Accept the defaults or modify the default options, if appropriate.

Alert Title – Will be the subject line of the email.

Send Alerts to – Who is to receive the email. By default, you will be listed.

Use the Browse icon to lookup other names.

Send Alerts for These Changes – The default option sends an e-mail when

anyone makes a change, including you. Select another option that meets your


When to Send Alerts – Decide on the frequency of the email alerts.

5. Click on OK.

An e-mail is sent to confirm that the alert is in place.

When an alert is sent, it appears as shown here.

In the Inbox, the single message line looks similar to this:

The e-mail alert looks similar to this:

The Share

tab of the

Ribbon has

tools to

Connect to

or to

Preview the



Links are

available to

work with



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Set an Alert for All Shared Documents

1. Navigate to a site’s Shared Documents. Do not select a document.

2. Click on the Actions button.

This menu displays.

3. Select Alert Me.

4. On the New Alert page, select options as outlined on page 49.

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Delete an Alert

1. Navigate to a site’s Shared Documents. Do not select a document.

2. Click on the Actions button.

This menu displays.

3. Select Alert Me.

4. On the New Alert page, click on the link .

The My Alerts on this Site page displays.

5. Mark the checkboxes for the alerts to be deleted.

6. Click on .

The confirmation message displays.

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7. Click on OK.

The alert is deleted. The page is refreshed.

8. Navigate on the site by using the tabs or breadcrumbs.

E-mail a Link

Create an E-mail Link

1. Navigate to the Shared Documents page that displays the file for which you want to

e-mail a link.

2. Point to the file and click the down arrow that displays.

3. Select Send to > E-mail a Link.

A new message window displays in Outlook with the document link in the body of

the message.

4. Complete and send the message.

In the message, include the text “If you cannot follow this link by clicking on it, copy

the link and paste it in the address box of the browser.”



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Use an E-mail Link

1. Click on the link


Copy the link and paste it in the address box of the browser. Click on Go.5

The sign on box displays.

2. Enter your UAnet ID and password.

3. Click OK.

The File Download dialog displays.

5 As of this writing, Microsoft® states that the next patch for Windows SharePoint Services will resolve the

problem that prevents some users from activating the link with a click.

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4. Save the file.

The Download complete dialog displays.

5. Click on Open.

If an error message displays, click on OK.

The appropriate application opens with the file displayed.

This is a copy of the SharePoint document.

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Appendix A: Shared Workspace Task Pane

When a document from a SharePoint library is opened in Word, Excel or PowerPoint

2003, the Shared Workspace Task Pane displays.

The Task Pane has 6 tabs.

When a SharePoint document is opened in Word, Excel or PowerPoint 2003 from a

Web folder, it is opened as read-only. To Check Out a file for editing, see the

instructions that begin on page 30.

NOTE: This task pane displays only when a SharePoint document is opened. If you

close the task pane and need to use it, select View > Task Pane from Word, Excel or

PowerPoint 2003’s menu.

Tab Description


If the document has been checked out, this will show who has checked out the document.


The members of the SharePoint site are listed and whether or not they are online. In this example, the number 7 under the icon indicates there are seven members in this particular SharePoint site.

Tasks Any tasks assigned are displayed.

Documents Other available documents or folders are displayed.

Links Any available URL links are displayed.

Document Information

Basic document information is displayed – created by, author, modified by, modified date and time.

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