sharing the g.i.f.t. of faith · 2019-09-18 · iii. christian degrave and rebecca sarkis iii....

Post on 27-May-2020






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Saint Benedict Parish: Striving to know, love, and serve God in all others.

St. Mary’s Church 95 North Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424

St. Bridget’s Church 15 Church Street

Bloomfield, NY 14469


If you have not had the opportunity to make your gift to the Moving Forward in Faith Capital Campaign, please do so this week or by next weekend. If you have already re-ceived your pledge card or pledge envelope and would like to make your commitment today, please place the envelope with your pledge in the collection. Please remember that every contribution is necessary since we are doing this together as a parish family.

THE GIFT YOU ARE ASKED TO CONSIDER Reaching our goal of $600,000 requires gifts of sacrifice and few can give as much in one payment as could be given over a period of 36 months. Therefore, for the success of our campaign, we are asking all parishioners to “pledge” to the best of their ability. This is the only way we can raise a large capital sum. With God’s help and your generosity, we will succeed. Your pledge also provides an accounting of how you plan to contribute and this will help the parish properly an-ticipate the amount of funds available for our project over the next three years. We ask all parishioners of St. Bene-dict’s Parish to consider the suggested gift categories and plan to budget for them accordingly, realizing that a pledge of $3,000 can be made on a sacrifice of about $20 per week over 3 years. Please Remember: in order to reach our goal we must receive many pledges and gifts at the $3,000 level or higher since a number of our families may not have the re-sources to pledge at this level. Therefore to average $3,000 we need as many gifts at $3,000 as possible or above. However, all gifts regardless of size are both needed and appreciated. Thank you!

August 7, 2016

SHARING THE G.I.F.T. OF FAITH When I was a child growing up in a small town not too far from Canandaigua, my parents gave me a gift. Not the kind wrapped up with shiny bows and brightly colored wrapping paper, but the kind of gift you can’t even see. At that time, I wasn’t even able to truly appre-ciate it. However, I’ve come to watch that gift grow and change over the course of my life. And it wasn’t until recently that I truly needed this gift—the gift

of faith. Having come out on the other side of great loss and sadness, I have a renewed sense of the importance that faith plays in our lives, and am eager to continue to grow and share it with those around me. As a for-mer educator at the elementary and high school levels, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you as the new coordinator of faith formation at St. Benedict Parish. I am excited that together as a parish family we will be able to further our faith journey through the G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) initi-ative. As a wife to Jeff, mother to Olivia, George, Jimmy (and Thomas, in Heaven), I understand the often fre-netic pace of life. I also know how much we all need opportunities to take a time-out to reconnect with our spiritual sides and reflect on what truly matters—our family and our faith. It is my sincere hope that you will carve out one Sunday a month so that we can pray together, share a meal, and renew our sense of belonging and commu-nity with each other. For more information about the G.I.F.T. program see page 3 in the bulletin for weekly updates. I look forward to meeting those of you I don’t yet know, and having more opportunities to connect with those of you I do. Fondly,

Emily Spinelli

Page Two St. Mary’s Church / St. Bridget’s Church August 7, 2016 Page Two St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish


Sunday, August 7

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 a.m. (SM) Ken Vallee by the Vallee Family 9:00 a.m. (SM) Cyril Kennedy by Mary McCarthy 9:30 a.m. (SB) Samuel Orlando by Dianna Orlando and

Family 11:30 a.m. (SM) Mary Pettee by the Pettee Family

During 9 :00 a.m. Mass (SM) Pre-K Faith Formation in Dougherty Hall

Monday, August 8

Saint Dominic

6:45 a.m. (SM) Word and Communion Service 8:00 a.m. (SB) For the Deceased Members of the Bigham,

McDade, and Farren Families by bequest 9:00 a.m. (SM) Raymond R. Rodney, Jr. by Linda Rodney,

wife and daughter

Tuesday, August 9


Saint Teresa Bene-dicta of the Cross

6:45 a.m. (SM) Peggy Corning by Phil and Kathy Lahue 9:00 a.m. (SM) Marie Valenti by Barbara Dixon and family

10:00 a.m. (SB) Prayer Shawl Group in the Church Hall

Wednesday, August 10

Saint Lawrence

6:45 a.m. (SM) Earl LaCrosse by his wife and family 8:00 a.m. (SB) William and Mary Sullivan by Bequest 9:00 a.m. (SM) Word and Communion Service

5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (SB) Confessions in the Church 7:00 p.m. (SM) St. Benedict Men’s Group in Yellow House

Thursday, August 11

Saint Clare

6:45 a.m. (SM) Joseph Evangelista (Anniv.) by the Family 9:00 a.m. (SM) Jane Wagner by Nancy Rubery

Friday, August 12


Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

6:45 a.m. (SM) Julie Ceravolo Garnish by Vince and Dee Valvano

8:00 a.m. (SB) Word and Communion Service 9:00 a.m. (SM) Louis and Anne Tepper by Ann Dubois 2:30 p.m. (CCC) For the Sick of St. Benedict Parish

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (SB) Bloomfield Mobile Pantry (Foodlink) in the Parking Lot

Saturday, August 13

Weekday Saints Pontian and


8:00 a.m. (SM) Vince Hayes (Anniv.) by the Hayes Family 11:00 a.m. (SM) Wedding of Christian DeGrave and Rebecca

Sarkis 2:00 p.m. (SM) Wedding of Christopher Kneller and Brigitthe Santiago 5:00 p.m. (SM) Pat Noaker Carson by Tom and Carol


7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (FLCC) 5K for Kalama 8:30 a.m. (SM) Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary in Church 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (SM) Confessions in Church

Sunday, August 14

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 a.m. (SM) Johnny Valtos by Richard and Susan Onze 9:00 a.m. (SM) Nino Guastadisegni by Linda Gerstner 9:30 a.m. (SB) Ben Hartman by Annette and Tom Wahl 11:30 a.m. (SM) Debbie (Cull) Cross by Joe and Aline Clement

During 9 a.m. Mass (SM) Pre-k Faith Formation in Dougherty Hall

Events listed as SM take place at St. Mary’s, those listed as SB take place at St. Bridget’s, and those listed as SMS take place at St. Mary’s School

Today’s Responsorial Psalm

Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own. ~Psalm 89

Altar Memorials At St. Mary’s, the Sanctuary Lamp will burn in memory of my sister, Juliette, by Ninfa and Charles Chappell and family.

III. Christian DeGrave and Rebecca Sarkis III. Christopher Kneller and Brigitthe Santiago II. Craig Scheve and Jena Burtsell II. Robert Lydell and Stephanie Standera

Readings for the Week of August 7, 2016 Sunday: Wis 18:6-9/Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22/Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12/Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40 Monday: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c/Ps 148:1-2, 11-14/Mt 17:22-27 Tuesday: Ez 2:8--3:4/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131/Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-9/Jn 12:24-26 Thursday: Ez 12:1-12/Ps 78:56-59, 61-62/Mt 18:21--19:1 Friday: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Is 12:2-6/Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 19:13-15 Next Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/Lk 12:49-53

Question of the Week:

Attention families with school age children!!

*With the exception of Saint Mary’s School, G.I.F.T. is the only faith formation program our parish will offer

for children in grades k through 12 *The diocese requires children in grades k-5 to have

30 contact hours. We are able to accomplish this by offering 10 Sunday sessions and 5 Saturday sessions

*If your child is intending to make a sacrament this

year (First Communion or Penance) they are required to attend all 15 G.I.F.T. sessions (10 Sunday and 5

Saturday) in addition to sacramental preparation classes

*If your child intends to be confirmed, it is now a 2- year preparation process beginning no sooner than

eighth grade. The expectation is that children of that age attend all 10 Sunday G.I.F.T. sessions in addition

to several Sunday youth group sessions.

*We would love to be able to make accommodations for people in our parish who may have special needs,

dietary restrictions or may need childcare for young ones. We want to make G.I.F.T. a reality for everyone!

The Pope´s Prayer Intentions for August Universal: Sports That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world. Evangelization: Living the Gospel That Christians may live the Gospel, giving wit-

Sunday G.I.F.T. Dates

September 18 October 16 November 20 December 18

January 8 February 12

March 5

April 9 May 7

June 4

Saturday Sessions

October 22 December 3

January 21 March 25

May 20

Page Four St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish August 7, 2016

St Benedict’s Parish Support for July 31, 2016

Sincere thanks for your support of the parish and its ministries!

Attendance for 7/31................................................. 1,579 Weekly Offertory Income* ................................ .$17,876 Weekly Needs ................................................... ..$19,040 Overage (Shortage).............. ............................... $(1,164) Year To Date Offertory Income* .............................................. $93,987 Year To Date Need ............................................. $95,200 Year To Date Overage (Shortage)…………..…...$(1,213)

*Regular Sunday Collection ELECTRONIC GIVING PROGRAM St. Benedict’s is pleased to offer this safe and convenient op-tion for you to contribute your Sunday offering to the Church automatically through your checking or savings account. Please contact the business office at 394-1220.

POPULAR PRIEST RETURNS FOR AN EVENING On Wednesday, July 27,some sixty parishioners gathered in Dougherty Hall to welcome Father Dominic Munini back for an evening. Father provided updates on our seven year Kalama Project which has pro-vided clean water to drink, education for village children and health care for the region. He described how dire the water situation has become; the river that villag-

ers used to trek to each day to bring water for their animals has now become so badly polluted by factories in Nairobi that all the fish have died and vegetation has become compromised. The students we have sponsored for high school and college continue to thrive and the clinic continues to be successful in caring for the medical needs of the community. Since that meeting, we have been blessed with a matching funds grant from parishioners who have promised to match all donations for Kalama received in the month of August up to a total of $5000. MAKE YOUR DONATIONS TO “ST. BENE-DICT PARISH—KALAMA PROJECT.” Put it in an envelope to the attention of Deacon Claude and place it in the Sunday collection. This is the time of year we prepare to pay the tuition for our four students; those bills total $18,579. Your dollars—matched until the end of August—will help us meet this need.


On Sunday, July 24, Deacon Claude had the privilege of Bap-tizing the Muchard quadruplets: Brian, Lillian, Owen and Mason, the children of Kathleen and Christopher Muchard. “I’ve certainly Baptized MANY chil-dren, sometimes even twins,” said Deacon Claude. “But this

Would you like to know more about Catholicism?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic?

Do you know someone that might be interested in Catholicism?

ST. BENEDICT PARISH ADMIN CENTER: 95 N Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424

(585) 394-1220 Fax (585) 396-3230

Parish Emergency Pager: (585) 220-7339

Parish Office Hours:

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-W-F 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. T and T

Closed Daily from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to our Parish Family! We are so glad you are here! Please let us know you are here so that we can minister to your needs. Speak with a hospitality member at the end of Mass (at the doors), or call or email the parish office. BAPTISMS Call or email Deacon Claude so he can discuss with you the steps to baptism, for you, your loved one, or your children.

MATRIMONY Engaged couples should contact the parish at least 6 months prior to desired wedding date. Marriage Preparation is required. Please call or email Deacon Claude to begin your journey to wedded bliss.

PARISH COUNCIL Chairperson: Chr is Decker

Members of the Council: Br ian Car l, Bill DiBacco, Caryl Favro, Brid-

get Hart, Rob Knopf, Nancy Lynch, Jean Mercandetti, Norah Nolan-

Cramer, Kathy Valvano, and Andy Yudichak.

Ex officio members: Deacon Claude Lester, Dawn Burdick, Ann Marie

Deutsch and Valerie Haynes.

St. Mary’s Church 95 N. Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424

St. Bridget’s Church 15 Church Street, Bloomfield, NY 14469

Rev. Stan Kacprzak, Pastor….x31……………………

Rev. Daniel Ruiz, Parochial Vic-


Rev. Kevin Murphy, Senior Priest

Dcn. Claude Lester, Faith Form / Social Min x15…….

Valerie Haynes, Parish Life Coordinator...x 24……

Dawn Burdick, Pastoral Associate……...x 39………

Andrew Uttaro, Youth Ministry Coordinator..x


Trixie Meteyer, Music Director………...x 12………

Anthony DiPrima, Financial Director…...x 25……

Patricia Simmons, Business Mgr…...... x 13………

Helen Vallee, Asst. to Business Mgr….....x 34………

Maureen Horrocks, Receptionist…........x10……

Nick Laskowski, Administrative Assistant

............................................................. …..x37..nlaskowski@dor .org

Rich Clayton, Scot Haynes, Joe Schrader & Laurent Paré,


Cemetery………………………....…………………...…………….....x 33

Page Five St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish August 7, 2016

Please Pray for Our Sick

A Nell Adams William Aikins Baby Anthony B Baby Claire Neal Badger Sheryl Barry Dawn Bartholomew Albert Benivegna Alicen Bentley Anna Bomwell Shannon Breen Bob Bucceri Kristy Buella Evelyn Bugg Sara Burns Lucille Burrill Virginia Buskus C Christopher Case Avery Lynn Casella Ben Cassarino Dennis Walter Castle Cheryl Cecere Michelle Cleaves Stephen Cole Ginny Coniss Mark Conover Terrence Constable Todd Cook Matthew Coons

Charlene Cowell Pauline Crosier Ellie Crouse Bruce Currier Travis Curtis D Joe D’Agostino Brenda D’Angelo Joe Deats Bernice Delforte Karen DeSeyn Kevin Dillon Sue Dobies E Jeanne Erdle F Nicole Favro John & Joan Fleming Anne Fiorentino Marilyn Fisher Nicholas Forgione Diane Fudalik G Christopher Gallagher Deborah Genovese Robert Genovese Andrew German Kathy Gilbert Suzanne Greenwood Anne Griffith Lacey Pietropaolo Gulick

H Barb Haight Sue Hall James Hamilton Al Harter Mike Heise Noelle Henning Connor Hicks Ted Horrocks Bennett Hudson Dean Humbert I John Inness J Susan Jackson Adam Jemmott Dawn Jensen Eric Johnson Jeff Johnson Jerry Johnston Patt Jones K Martha Kastler Chris Keely Christine Kimmerly Charles King James King Nancy Kolb Robert Kubiak Jr. L Barbara LaBombard Natalie Lawler

Nicholas LeGrett Kitty & Philip Loeper Mary Jane Lortscher Hope Lowman John Luvera Joseph Lynch M Bob Mack Mary Malinowski Claire Maney Michael Mapes Jim Marianacci Alicia Marney Anne Martin Esther Martin Justin Martin Michael Mason Sandy Mason Terryn Maybeck Jay Mayeu Janet McCloud Elli McDermott Robert McGlynn Shelby McGlynn Heather McFadden Barbara & James McKee Terry McKenna Genevieve McWilliams Paul Meath Liz Michaels Art Miller Caty Miller

Cindy Miller Karen Miller Ron Milton Ken Moore Virginia Lee Mosely Carolyn Muldoon N Gordon Nicholson P Ed Pasciak Harry Patrick Cindy Peck Joyce Pelusio Jeanetta Pharis Frank Pontera Patricia Popielec Q Buddy Quayle R Joe Rafter Ann Recker Barbara Redman Shannon Reeves Rick Revier Tom Revier Wendy Rex Ryder Thomas Rexford Linda Rodney Frank Rutallie S Beverly Savage

Joan, Donald, and Charles Scheibener Regina Schmitt Barbara Schram Rita Schuster Deb Scorse Charles Scott Kelly Shannon Eugene Sharp The Scott Shinkle Family Cindy Skrypek James Smith Mary and Ralph Smith Morgan Smithling Patricia Stauffer James Sullivan Natalie Swift T Sandra Tambe Steve Tempest Rick Terry Nancy Barnett Tighe Ethel Toner V John Valeska Angela Vallachi Michael Vallachi Oretta Valvano Jonathan Vanderwall Janet VanGelder Toni Vatlimo

Page Six St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish August 7, 2016

and in our global society. This unique learning environment teaches the whole child to go beyond the ordinary with eth-ics, wisdom, empathy and respect. Registration is ongoing, but class sizes are limited so that your child receives the attention and support necessary to reach his/her greatest potential. Call (585)394-4300 or visit to set up an independ-ent guided tour.


• Week of August 13 & 14-Cereal; Pork and beans; Canned fruit; Canned vegeta-bles; Crackers

• Week of August 20 & 21-Tuna; Canned meat; Mac and Cheese; Soup; Crackers

• Week of August 27-Cereal; Pork and

LAWN SALE TIME!!!!! Thank you everyone for the overwhelming generosi-ty of your donations to this year’s yard sale. The last day for any items to be dropped off will be on August 8. Thank you from the yard sale team. The yard sale will be held August 17 and 18, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and August 19 from 7 a.m. to noon. We will need many hands on deck to set up the yard sale on Au-gust 16. Please contact Valerie at 394-1220 if you can help! THE FESTIVAL! There are sign-up sheets at the en-trances to each church. Please look and sign up where you feel called. We need help with setting up and taking down booths, working during the festival, and in the following areas:

• Craft items for the Country Store

• Cakes for the Cake Booth (can be homemade or store-bought)

• Calling people to ask them to provide cakes for the cake booth (this can be done from home!)

THEME BASKET ITEMS NEEDED! We are looking for donations of items to go into out Theme Baskets that we put up for lottery. Can be cash, an idea you have, or you can ask us to do the shopping and assembling for you! Call Valerie with donations, ideas, etc. at 394-1220.

Knightline A prayer for vocations: Almighty God, as we are called to be Knights in your service of charity for those in need, unity with the church and her clergy, and fraternity with each other and our families, make the Frank A Cutri

Council an instrument to encourage others to give of themselves and challenge us to do the same. Please help us to inspire men and women to respond generously to your call to service into leadership in your church as priests, consecrated religious and deacons. ~ Amen ST. MARY’S SCHOOL: FAITH IN EVERY STUDENT Visit us and see why so many generations of Canandaigua and surrounding area families send their children to SMS. For over 167 years, SMS has provided a faith-based, high-standard foun-dational education where children develop critical think-ing, problem solving, and innovative leadership skills. Our curriculum is designed to nurture life-long learn-ers by developing academic excellence, personal integrity, intellectual curiosity, old fashioned values and proactive compassionate service. See what SMS can offer your child. Empower your child today to tackle the challenges of tomorrow at home

August 13, 2016, 9:00 a.m. Race Start Location: FLCC Race will be on trails Sign up at 5K Entry Fees: $20 - Pre-Registration, $25 - Race day registration


NYS State Law requires that ONLY CASH can be ac-

cepted for the purchase of raffle tickets….Super Raffle

Tickets are now available at the PAC during regular business

hours (we are only open until noon on Tues. and Thurs.) Tickets

are $25 and only 1,000 will be sold. Get one for yourself or go

in on one with a friend and split the cost!

The drawings will take place on Saturday, August 27, at 11

p.m., the last night of the summer festival,

Also, tickets can only be sold to persons living in Ontario

Grand Prize $10,000

Second Prize $1,000 Fifth Prize $250

Third Prize $750 Sixth Prize $250

Fourth prize $500 Seventh Prize $250

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