shawshank redemption' titles analysis

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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‘Shawshank Redemption’ Titles


By Mary Hainsby

Production Company The first title to appear in the films opening sequence is the production company’s, Castle Rock Entertainment. The title being in capital letters, a large front size and being in the centre of the shot makes it standout to the audience. ‘Castle Rock Entertainment’ stands out even further by the film makers use of colours, the white text on a completely black background makes sure the audience’s focus is full on the productions company’s name. The presentational techniques used to ensure the audience’s focus would be on the title would suggest that it holds significant importance.

Actors Using the same colour scheme means like the production company’s name the actors titles stand out to. To drawn larger audiences many film makers use Gledhill’s star theory, which suggests the bigger the actor the bigger the audience. Morgan Freeman is an example of this, he is well known and recognisable Hollywood actor. Therefore, by incorporating his name in the opening titles the film is attracting both fans of Morgan Freeman and fans of the films genre. The fade in and fade out between the titles makes the transitions clean and keeps the audiences attention at the centre of the shot. The second set of actors titles being on a moving background rather than plain black would suggest they are not as important. The audiences focus would be taken a little off the tiles and more on the background as this is our first sighting of any action.

The Movie TitleThe same colour scheme of white text on a black background has again be used for the movie title. However, the movies title is a slightly larger size symbolising its importance. The use of two contrasting block colours creates a dramatic affect. The colour black used in the titles background has connotations of shadows, death and mystery which are themes commonly used in psychological thrillers.

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