shinedown ‘bully’ finished

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Shinedown Bully -

    inspiration for our musicvideo production: We, ThBroken by SilverbySkyline

    By Thomas Cutmore

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Background information about the b

    Shinedown is an American hard rock band from Jacksonville, Floformed in 2001 and founded by members Brent Smith (vocals), BStewart (bass), Jasin Todd (guitar), and Barry Kerch (drums).

    The song Bully was first released as a single of their forthcominAmaryllis. The song itself was released as a single on the 3rdof J2012. The song reflects the personal experience of the band memespecially Brent Smith who suffered from bullying and alienationschool and outside in his social life, which in the end he fought b

    stand his ground against the alienation and the bullying. In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazinehe explained that th

    meant: - "about not feeling like you can't stand up for yourself aback your self respect if you feel as if someone is belittling you or

    push you around. The song is not condoning violence. What it is is survival. I don't think that anyone should ever have their self-retheir dignity taken from them."

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Why this music video is inspirationa

    The music itself is inspirational to us as it emphasises the cofear that the victim suffers when they are bullied as it uses ssharp shots of the victims along with what they are afraid ohelps bring up the feeling of fear as the victims are scared ethough they are on their own, showing the mental sufferingbullying and alienation could bring as well.

    The music video also shows the idea of society rejecting youyou as if you were invisible. This is shown through how the vbeing bullied and abused, where everyone around them jusand/or ignores and refuses to help.

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Screenshots of thisIgnorance showing

    alienation/the lack of care of

    society for the individual

    Bullying taking place The individual (society) ignoring it

    Bullying taking place The indiv

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Demonstration of genre characterist

    The song itself has a post grunge, alternative metal, hard rock genre to

    The band themselves are enforcing their music genre as their fashion the alternative genre to their music as they are seen mostly in black attire.

    The scene itself and the colour used in the edit also creates a darker gatmosphere as the colour which is mostly used for the band uses a lotblack and white colouring, emphasising the darkness of the genre andthe song.

    There are also a lot of aggressive shots of the band, especially close lead singer Brent where as he sings into the camera the camera shakeemphasising the hard rock and the power of the song. There is also asense of characteristics which are demonstrated in this music video asband members seemed wound up, heavily tattooed and act in highly eand aggressive ways towards the camera, i.e. facial expressions and gihighly energetic performance. This could relate as a classic example oidentifying hard rock/metal music genre.

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Screenshots of the demonstration ogenre characteristics

    The use of

    shadowingupon band


    Close upaggressive shots

    of Brent, -

    emphasising the

    power of the


    The dark, gothic clothing

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    The relationship between lyrics andvisuals

    There is a strong relationship between lyrics and visuals in tvideo as some of the lyrics which are mentioned then link wvisual picture straight after or during the singing. An exampwould be Make another joke/While they hang another ropethe same time these lyrics are mentioned there is footage ohanging.

    There is also another strong relationship with the lyrics and in the music video and the lyrics it mentions; - Whenever I sand blue/I feel the past/I share the bruise, the visuals showwho is dressed in black (black)beating the victim (bruise)lit mise en scene, which the women who is focused upon is wearing blue (blue).

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Screenshots of the relationship betwlyrics and visuals

    Whenever I see black and blue/I feel the

    past/I share the bruise

    blueblue clothingblueblue


    sceneblack the bullys


    Make another joke/While they hang

    rope as these lyrics are mentionethis rope sceneindicating the rela

    the lyrics and visuals. The editing an

    work along with the mise-en scene g

    rope a sinister and unpleasant feel t

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    The relationship between the musicvisuals The music and visuals itself also link as the music has a fast pace

    it, which is matched with the quick cuts and edits of the music vvisuals.

    There is also another relationship with the music and visuals as dopening 6-8 seconds of the music video, the music itself builds uthe opening titles, until then when it moves to the performance the bullies beating someone but as their stick they are using to b

    the drums and guitar kick in, giving the music and visuals synchr There are also synchronisations with the chorus and the visuals a

    the music first kicks into chorus beat, the victims shown are all aaccording to the tune of the guitar, i.e. as the chorus kicks in, theare all attacked by the bullies who cover their faces with bags.

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Screenshots of the relationship betwmusic and visuals

    As the chorus kicks in the victims get

    attacked in almost a blink of an eye

    movementshowing relationshipsbetween the pace of the music and

    the visuals of the video

    As the song starts,

    the visuals of the

    beating kicks in the

    drum and guitar aswhen the sticks drop

    so do the drummers

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Demands of the record label/TheCreation of Visual Style

    The music video does touch on demands of the record withsuch as close ups. These close ups both focus upon the leadBrent and also the actors/actresses in the scenes that they a

    In terms of the lead singer, the close ups bring about the pomusic and the meaning of the lyrics. It emphasises the strenlead singer and how strongly he (and the band) feel against of alienation in society.

    The close ups on the actors and actresses show the true emhow they feel, emphasising the fear, regret, shame and

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Screenshots of close ups

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Intertextual references

    As well as the music video reflecting a more personal experienceband members, the music video also has intertextual referencesmedia texts such as The Suicide Room(film), and also a documeentitled BULLY. Both of these films intertextually link to the sonboth show the mental and physical abuse that bullying causes, walso what is shown in the music video by the victims and the audare placed in their shoes, feeling the paranoia that bullying bring

    However though BULLYalso links well, intertextually, with the mas it shows how people can stand up towards bullying and makein an individual and a group unity, which is also the meaning andinspiration of Shinedownssong as Brent stood up and fought thwho were oppressing him.

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    Screenshots and examples of intertereferences

    BULLYplot summary: -

    This year, over 13 million American kids will be bullied at school,

    online, on the bus, at home, through their cell phones and on the

    streets of their towns, making it the most common form of

    violence young people in this country experience. BULLY is the

    first feature documentary film to show how we've all been

    affected by bullying, whether we've been victims, perpetrators or

    stood silent witness. The world we inhabit as adults begins on the

    playground. BULLY opens on the first day of school. For the more

    than 13 million kids who'll be bullied this year in the United

    States, it's a day filled with more anxiety and foreboding than

    excitement. As the sun rises and school busses across the country

    overflow with backpacks, brass instruments and the

    rambunctious sounds of raging hormones, this is a ride into the

    unknown. For a lot of kids, the only thing that's certain is that this

    year, like every other, bullying will be a big part of whatever

    meets them at their school's front doors....(source -

    The meaning be

    In an interview w

    Magazinehe ex

    meant: - "about

    stand up for you

    self respect if yo

    belittling you or

    around. The son

    violence. What iI don't think tha

    have their self-re

    taken from them

    Both mediatexts show

    how bullying

    can be


    towards the

    victim. The

    two texts also

    show how thevictims are

    not alone and

    that they can

    stand and

    fight against it

  • 8/10/2019 Shinedown Bully Finished


    The narrative of the music video

    The music video has a closed narrative as it reflects and enforcesand straight forward meaning as it shows the impacts, physical aimpacts of bullying. It shows this visually through abuse, mental of fear and social alienation.

    It also shows it through the lyrics of the song. In the lyrics it reflethe lead singer and yet others could have gone through, such as:another joke/While they hang another rope, and; Push him to ththe words dont hurt.The lyrics reflect a rather aggressive yet da

    as they tell real life sufferings and abuse that people could be pufrom bullies.

    Also with the mixture of performance and montage, the use of tcreates a flashback effect, showing what the victims experience/experienced mentally and physically in their life

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