show your stuff – using data for creative and impactful marketing

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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This Blissdom workshop discusses practical tools and methods to demonstrate your value to your audiences, whether it be brands or other businesses. But first, you need to think about what to highlight. We’re not just talking about traffic statistics. You are more than your web traffic. Show the world – and the people who are making decisions about whether to hire you – and highlight all you have to offer. Think media/sales kit on steroids.


Show your Stuff Using Data for Creative and Impactful Marketing

What is a media kit?

TRADITIONAL DEFINITION A resource created by a publisher to help prospective ad buyers

evaluate advertising opportunities.

BROADER DEFINITION 2013 – A resource to help prospective partners, advertisers, customers,

collaborators, media evaluate your offerings and truly see who you are and what you have to offer.

HELPS YOU BE OSCAR-READY FOR: Interview opportunities Sponsorship/advertising opportunities Project/Service/Job opportunities Speaking/presentation opportunities

Your prospective clients/partners have a lot of choices.

So, why should they choose you?What makes you a good investment?What value do you bring?

You are more than your web traffic.

Show the world – and the people who are making decisions about whether to hire you – all you have to offer.

The big debate

Do you really want to post your fees, stats, and all your glory on your site?

Make it easy for brands/prospects & display all, or… Publicly display broad info and send more details upon


Paint a picture.

What are you selling?

OPEN STRONG with an overview of who you are and what you do. Who? What? Where? When? How?


Elizabeth Scherer
I'd add a new slide here building on your last run of questions and as a transition to the next. Leave the content section blank

Where are you rocking it?Your Blog YouTube

Facebook LinkedIn

Pinterest Flickr

Twitter Instagram



Of course, there’s overlap in your audience.

Estimate overlap with a reader survey on several platforms – adjust bubbles

Elizabeth Scherer
Are you saying that there is overlap in the audience? Then state it in the headline

Yes, traffic counts. But, so do…

Followers Engagement score Diversity Comments – average per post, week, month, etc. Growth Interconnectedness of your networks Traffic sources / inbound links Influence score (UGHHHH – if you must)

Engagement score

Engagement score – why it matters


Think about where you spend your efforts online. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Flickr LinkedIn Blog Google + Other

How would you describe your social presence?Very Focused, Well-Balanced, Very Diverse

Feeling the Love

Click through stats,, etc.

Social mentions Monitor links to your posts/blog Monitor mentions of your posts/blog

Elizabeth Scherer
by demonstrating

How long do visitors stay?

New vs. Returning Visitors

More about usage…

What are users searching for on your site? Could be a great selling point!

What are they coming for? See entrance page! Where are they coming from? Referral pages.

How many links to your blog?

Google Webmaster Tools Bing Webmaster


A Picture of Your ContentSo what is it that you write about?

Finding Blanche – lately

Visualize any content

Finding Blanche


Comments (Feel the love)

A Picture of Your Readers/FollowersOh right, the readers!

Reader Demographics & Psychographics

Age, Sex, Education, Geographical Location, Work Status, Income, Presence of Children, Home Ownership, etc., etc., etc.

Psychographics/Lifestyle - What are your readers like? what are their passions? Why do they read your blog? How do they engage? Where are they influential?

Quantcast Reader Surveys




What else do they like?

Beyond the NumbersSometimes, it’s the little things.

You’re more than a number.

What other campaigns have you done? Can you demonstrate success?

Ambassador? What experience do you have? What are your passions? Interests? Focus? Member of communities / Professional affiliations? Media clips (online & offline) Photos of you (with others?)

Rankings & Press

Are you on any lists? Aligned with Networks? Mentioned in any great articles? Rocked any speaking engagements? Have client/customer testimonials or recommendations to


Make a splash

Visuals - Quick Read Tell the story; be convincing Make it attractive; clean Be clear Be confident REMEMBER: Traffic is just one piece of what you bring to

the table.


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