shs keeping connected...young geographer of the year competition the competition, run in partnership...

Post on 06-Jul-2020






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Today marks the beginning of our final half term of the academic year. It is week ONE and as previously

advised we would encourage students to follow their school timetable in order to maintain an effective routine for home learning. Work will be set in the usual way and teachers will be in touch to support

students through the continued partial closure of school.

To supplement the work set by teachers you will find a range of competitions and activities in edition 11 of the Keeping Connected newsletter as well as support and guidance for both students and parents.

Launching next week we have our biggest competition so far since the beginning of the lockdown.

Arrangements for the digital Seaham’s Got Talent competition are being finalised and more details will be published in the newsletter next week. Students may wish to start rehearsing now for what promises to

be a spellbinding show of talent from our students.

Keep Learning Maths – Courtesy of Mrs


The school building maybe closed but the weekly maths challenge continues! As

always, entries should be emailed directly to

Five points will be awarded to all who enter

and the winner will receive fifty points.


An examination paper is made by taking 5 large sheets of

paper, folding the pile in half and stapling it. The pages are then numbered in order from 1 to 20. What is the sum of the

three page numbers that are on the same sheet of paper as page number 5?

Finding My FutureMe Online - Introduction to Higher


The second theme of the ‘Finding My FutureMeOnline’ series has been launched. The second activity

features three virtual campus tours from three of our local higher education institutions: New College

Durham, Northumbria University and Teesside University. There are three accompanying scavenger

hunt worksheets. The webpage also signposts students to virtual tours of many other higher education

institutions across the region and nationally.


REMINDER: GCSEPod Webinars for Parents (Years 9-11)

Last week we notified parents about the availability of the GCSEPod webinars and we have been pleased by the positive response and uptake for these sessions. All sessions are funded through our

membership with GCSEPod and parents/carers will just need to register in advance. A range of dates are offered below:

• Jun 4, 5:00 PM -

• Jun 11, 9:30 AM -• Jun 15, 12:00 PM -

• Jun 23, 5:30 PM -

Young Geographer of the Year Competition

The competition, run in partnership with Geographical magazine, gives students the opportunity to

explore the geography of ‘the world beyond my window’.

Although we are currently confined to our homes, the competition allows you to examine the human and physical geography of places that exist beyond your window, be it locally or further afield. The

competition encourages young people to know how their lives are connected to and influenced by the world around them and aims to increase understand around how geographical processes in the

physical and human worlds have created and might be changing the world beyond your window.

There are two categories our students can enter:• KS3 (pupils aged 11-14)

• KS4 or GCSE (pupils aged 14-16).

The deadline is 5pm on 30th June. If you’re interested and want some help with your application then please email Miss K Murray ( as she will also need to fill in an electronic

entry form for you.

Further Details:



An Update from the Farm

You may remember that Seaham High

School was able to adopt and name two lambs back in edition 2 of the newsletter.

Below is an update from the farm:

Down on the farm this week all of the adults have been sheared. They were so pleased

to lose all the wool especially in this hot summer weather. All of the lambs were

wormed and vaccinated. Photographed first you can see the

sheering process followed by George (right) and Sheila (left) of Mam (middle).

#ProudToBeSeahamCompetition Winners & Year Leader Awards

Staff from Seaham High School were proud to visit the homes of our competition winners this week to

deliver gift vouchers, chocolate, cuddly toys and books. Prizes were given for winning the competitions included in the Keeping Connected Newsletter and Year Leader awards were also handed out in

recognition of consistent hard-work and resilience demonstrated throughout lockdown.

We are proud of every single one of our students and it was fantastic to visit just a small number of them to celebrate their success at such a difficult time. We will be on the road again before the summer

holiday in order to further celebrate student success!

Amber H: Y7 Mr Lumsdon's Scavenger Hunt Winner & Year Leader Award Y7

Anna M: Y7 Winner of the Lamb Naming Competition

Anna R: Y9 Year Leader Award Y9

Anna-Scarlett: Y10 Year Leader Award Y10

Charlie G: Y8 Year Leader Award Y8

Daisy H: Y8 Easter Science Competition Winner

Harry B: Y7 Battle of the Sandwich Winner

Jack B: Y7 Easter Bake-Off Winner & Year Leader Award Y7

Jake S: Y8 Two Time Winner - Weekly Challenge Grid

Joshua M: Y8 Year Leader Award Y8

Max E: Y9 Year Leader Award Y9

Neida V: Y8 Mr Lax's Isolation Challenge Winner

Olivia W: Y7 Geography Competition Winner & Remmer's Riddle Winner

Ryan S: Y10 Year Leader Award Y10


WELL DONE to Ava H (Year 7) who

set up the experiment seen to examine the force of friction. Ava

took a pencil sharpener and a rubber and pushed both with the

same force to see which travelled furthest from the same starting point.

Mr Brown and the Science team

were impressed with Ava’s enthusiasm for completing science

experiments from home.


WELL DONE to Ryan T (Year 8) who has

been working on a local history project for History.

Ryan researched Seaham Hall, the

George Elmy Lifeboat and our mining history. He then produced this

museum exhibit to make his learning visual and informative for anybody

else wanting to learn about our community.

Mr Parker was incredibly proud and

loved the level of creativity included.


WELL DONE to Ellis J (Year 7) who

recently submitted some of his fantastic artwork when Mr

Henderson asked for work to be shared with NHS staff from

across the region.

We were so impressed with the artwork that we wanted to share

it with you all in our newsletter.



Each week we will award one star baker award to a student who has created a culinary

masterpiece. The winner will receive:• a technology scratch card

• hot chocolate treat for you and a friend• a certificate of recognition.

CONGRATULATIONS to David S who is this weeks

winner! Prizes can be collected on return to school.

Alfie C


Ellie T

Creamy Meatballs

Jake B

Red Velvet Cake

Ryan T

Lemon Madeira

Mrs James

Giant Wagon Wheel Cake

David S

Chicken Skewers

Grace B

Lasagne & Chips

Miss Graham


Olivia W

Ferrero Rochers

Joshua F

Beef Stir Fry Grace – Choc Cake

David S

Bueno Cheesecake

FOCUS ON… Mrs BainbridgeThe diary extract from a teacher in lockdown

Wednesday 27th May 2020

Today, I volunteered to go into school, so it was an early start

for me again! It was wonderful to spend the day at work with Miss Thynne, Mr Henderson and 3 lovely students and it was

fantastic fun! We had an egg drop challenge, a poetry slam and even got outside for some socially distanced games.

Every time I see the students coping with the changes that have happened to every day life recently, I am proud and

happy that they have adapted so well. Even so, I will be pleased when we get back to school proper. I miss the

rhythm of the school day and teaching all things English.

Tuesday 26th May 2020

Today was all about getting up very early! It is so light outside now that

summer is here that Freddie decides to inform me that 'the sun is up' really early, which is his way of saying he is bright eyed and raring to

go. I've been rotating his toys and today we had a jigsaw fest. The entire living room was covered with dinosaurs (a firm favourite of his)

and animal jigsaws before his dad had even got up. We take turns on the early morning get ups and it was my turn today. I then cooked up

some carrot and coriander soup. It is great to have time to cook food from scratch and I have tried lots of recipes recently but this soup is a

firm favourite. I seem to be much better at savoury food. I know lots of people out there are getting their bake on, but my attempts have not

always been a success.. I made a very questionable batch of gingerbread men that tasted ok but had a very odd shape to them!

Monday 25th May 2020

As many of the students I teach know, I have a 3 year old boy called

Freddie, so lockdown, for me, has been a juggling act of school work and keeping Freddie occupied! It doesn't sound difficult when you

sum it up like that, but sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge. He likes a lot of attention! Thankfully, my diary week has fallen during

half term, so I can share some of the fun things we have been getting up to. Today was a lovely day where we got out for a walk

despite it being a little breezy. During this time period, we have found so many great walks that are really close to home and this has

been a wonderful way of burning off some energy, which Freddie has in abundance.



Thursday 28th May 2020

Today was another scorcher so it was out for an adventure

in the woods. I have been teaching Freddie about nature and he really likes knowing about animals, so we went on a

bug hunt and found beetles, snails a ladybird and a wood louse, who we named Woodhouse the Woodlouse. Then we

got sticks and stones and threw then in the river; this entertained him for ages. It's quite difficult to explain social

distancing to a 3 year old, so I have been choosing secluded spots for our outings. When we got back, we had

a mini barbeque and toasted marshmallows, then put them inside chocolate digestives. I can at least do smores as a


Friday 29th May 2020

Today was so was a day to play footie and get

the paddling pool out for certain! We actually had to have a break from the heat in the hottest part of the day

and get the Play-Doh out inside. The heat must have tired Freddie out, so I happily read my kindle in the garden. I've

read 8 books since lockdown began...not quite a book a

week, but that's my new goal. When Freddie woke up my

new yoga mat had been delivered...I am trying this out as a new hobby and to keep fit. He was really curious about

it so we found a kids yoga video on YouTube and had a laugh trying to keep was Spiderman yoga so that

held our interest for a while, as we pretended to shoot

web all over the living room! It's been great writing this

diary, as it has given me time to reflect each day on the best bits. If you haven't done this yet, I would urge you to

give it a go for just a week, not writing a list of everything but spending time describing the most memorable part of

your day! This will really help your English skills and I have

found it really has helped me count my blessings!

One Point Service: Online Support Sessions for Families

Support and Guidance Updates

3rd June

2020Cooking on a budget

10th June

2020Ideas for play

17th June

2020Spick and span - routines for the home

24th June

2020Healthy relationships

1st July

2020Parent / teen conflict

8th July


Parenting - the importance of rules, rewards and appropriate


Mrs Whitehead

Assistant Headteacher:

Safeguarding and Student Welfare

Miss Reichard

Year Achievement Leader

Year 9

Miss Ledger

Year Achievement Leader

Year 7

Mr Green

Year Achievement Leader

Year 10

Mr McCracken

Year Achievement Leader

Year 8

Mr Neale

Year Achievement Leader

Year 11

As a new half-term commences, we wanted to take the opportunity to share some key contacts for

parents and carers. Year Leaders can be contacted for any concerns relating to academic performance whilst Mrs Whitehead is available for anything relating to student welfare.

Local & National Support for CHILDREN

Local & National Support for ADULTS

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