sias newsletter no 115revised

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Conversln of waretpuse to rear cil 31 - 35 Fore Strcet, to tedMial IP111M6?JFUL (Craps Fhid Systems site) br empbymert atd teteil uso. Redewlopment of land tothe west of Rarnomee Wayll'lacton Red DemditionotFftcaim Works, Pftcaim Road ad er€cdon of hur Dentd Emporium, Acton Sq.ran, Su&ury (fomer s{k weavirB mill). ct11t1u7 ct11t184 Demolltim of Deby Rod Statim ard ercc{isr of rcsidentid can Erection ol fird froor rear extension at Weave/s Cotbge, Z/ MitJd+ B/11/Mfi8/FHA/JD c/118005







Erection ol fird froor rear extension at Weave/s Cotbge, Z/ MitJd+ton R@d, S'Jdbury.

Erection of twostorey eide extonsion to accommodde stdrqre &crcdion of 2 m residCntid apattments as pafi ol first froor al TheDentd Emporium, Acton Sq.ran, Su&ury (fomer s{k weavirB mill).

Extension of dmFstot€y ext€nsion and altsrdtons followiru demol'idon ofexisting dorch atThe OH Forgs, 2 BrnJlp St€et, Hadottt.

Ercc{im of lront and side ext€nsions ard afrerdims al Copdock Mill,Mill larte, Copdock & Wastbrcok.

Demolltim of Deby Rod Statim ard ercc{isr of rcsidentid canhorne.

DemditionotFftcaim Works, Pftcaim Road ad er€cdon of hurdndlings.

Conversln of waretpuse to rear cil 31 - 35 Fore Strcet, to tedMialtnits.

Redewlopment of land tothe west of Rarnomee Wayll'lacton Red(Craps Fhid Systems site) br empbymert atd teteil uso.












Demolition of Ttnrrston Granary, Station l-lill, Tlurstat, & erec{bn olraskbrilial and retail developmern (to extrend time limit lcr existingdarx*rg apdicalion OlJl 40/04).

Ercctim of 14 drellirBs at former Mason's Cement lttorks, GrppinsRoad, Gred Blak€nham.

Corwersim & exterpion olThe Old FoEe, SrW MahirUs, Snape&i48, Trnstdl, to regkbntid unit

Redacement olexisting wo*strop wth new boatyad rcrkshop &3 apartm€nts at Woodbridge Boatyard Ud., Eversqts Whad, RiverWall, Wooeddgo.

Existing tenoetration ctnngps ard raisirq ol eaves ard ridge at Urft12, Snape Maltings, Srepe Iridg€, Turstall.

Alterdirns to The Jam Factory'd the Granary, Clurch Common,Snape, tobrm strJdo.

Demolilion of ancilliary strucfues in gardsn to make spaot ftrr singledweillng d th€ OH Malting Fhuso, 43A Cumbedand $rcet, Woo&hi&e.


Joumals of o&pr So<Jotes lrcqJenty anive on yar Chairman's doormat in order trc dvemembers some idea of wfid fnese rintain, rve

-rEprod,rce the contents liils bdolr. lf-alldirE

sands to be.ol inlercst deas6 contact the Ctrdman and tB wiil ar?ange ftr ptdocopie6;f disrdovant afiicb to be made.

SUH( Re*rr, ih Softs 5t, Alrt fi l.Ihe SupCV anO Uees ol Water in lpewich B€brB 1700, bv Wes Moor€.FodirB rcqrihls and Vaccination - t-low the Lorvestoft A.rtrorities,Doalt wih tF 1d/2€Smdlpox Epidsmic, by Pebr Clemerfs.To the New WorH ard Back - an Emisrart from lpswicfi. bv RLfi Seded{.Qeacon, Post and Tel€graph - tligrCting m tte Ooast W 6cU Mabtei..Peter Norhoast's R.{Cished Works, by Val l,bnington srd Davk' Dymond.

fhlocd lfsbEr Anllcr20ll, Vd4t, ih.3.The labour Mowment in Weelmorland lgfil - 19z4, by Roger Smalby.Edrcdbn in a Nineteerft€ontJry Oxtordshire Villab, Uv MCvllCurtii.The Spice ol Ub? The Mdtid€ Uies ot Gumin in Uddbvirl Endand. bv Srlean Frsnci&To_ MakeirB a Coffin': The Recods ol a VillagB Undenaker, bfAdrian-Gray.A Conzumer Revohlbn h Hurilingdonstire?-ty fen Sneah.Gdblines for setliru ry a vdunter Group to Transcdbe local Docr.rmenls, by l-leatherFlcrner.Oplnio: Qmcensus orOmteshlirn - Visifis dLocal Hishry as Vierved fnom Devm, SPhilllpps Plsrd.

HrtiJ Ads*Or llffi, 1{o 1S8, Arrrn fi f .AIA Msit to Sureden, 30 May - 4 Jwr 2011, by Richad Hatrce.Mdoim in lrelan4 by RobertOan.Cockdoo lslard in Sy&rey Harbotr, bv Chris Banprr.The H€dtage Aliarrce and the l-derv Fund's Sbateoic p,lan-The F$rre of $dionary Steam Muieume. bv Jolrr-porter.Ihe t'talidtal Pbrs Society, byTim Mickleixrrrqh.

fd!ftJ ftdEery tks. Irh tq ffir.l}t t.$A-Conleronco, Co* 201 1, by Roger Fod.Pobssor Marie Mssor (t$I7 : 20t-1). bv l,leil Coeeone.Ierihg, Ldery RndeSr+port b tndi6tiat Heri@,by Tcry Croeby.Sweden - A Poetscript, by Colin Borvdenne Ooumeay Sptpre, by Robert Cen.

lOoif l*sUw tuuilr, tS. I, Vd A. lrhv Afl.RemembedrB Rdt: A Sympoeium in fbrpurbtti tOOtrR:rym$lng n$:Asympoeium in-ttorrcu$tfi6 i0(fiArriversary otLT.C.Rdt's Biilh - AHoneer d trxtustial Arcttaeolory, w nngus eJdtarsr, I\l9il cosson6. Jdta Etton. Kei0r

-Falconer, Ricfrard l.lope ard *lirbs'SrlidanO.

JrJtaElton, Keitr

iff ffi,itff fi ffil,ffi ffi 5iffiilffi P"lffi HffiFrom SliltirB Mill to Alloy Steet he Dewlqrnsnt ol lronurcrks,',rrr orlong Aroy ureq: me uewbpmgnt ot swelwdl lronu,orks, bv David crandsr.r n6 um bI€et worke and savile works: chaniru the Growh of the smali shotrdd sxE€l Frm,by Ben Reeves.

9gg4q ar$ bqr6t,Arrm 2ofl . lftgHr l{fre}yqqs e.*a.ys at the qJ'l€ntside olthe indrtrhl hedhge arE its conservdion - TheAoe olIru$ry; untr8tandns the togacy; The Power of prctectim; The power of s-tervardsfioiTheroruer or u'te H€oOe; croosing Cmtinents; lnveslim in the Futrrb.

sl.tcl.x hDusIHAt ARctlAEooGY socrETY

ftrrbs dtD AGll H cr $t l{qmter20ll er * }I Ootrrnr*y Ante, hdridr

Preeenl: S. Wordey (Chairman), & 8 members

1. The meeting opened br business at 19.i10.

Z Apoh*nirkrceR.Bamard, B.Barnad, S.Leslie.

3. ffibodPrs*ualle*rgThe minlrtes had been puilCished in the l,lowmber l,lewsletter. They were uanimorlyacces€d a8 a trw record, ft's beirU propoced by T.Gibbs and secmded by R.Feam.

4. ffrttAdlfeTherc ryerc rn mattera afising.

5. AcqlloCofies ol lhe lncome and Expencltuo Accout had been circrlded. The Society csttin-ued to nrn at a sli$t d€fcit, hrt ressrves rcmained adeqrato. At fte 2010 AGM it hadbo€n pcinted out hal he loss br hat year (5105) oqrabd to the cost of ptinting and post-irq the l{ewsHter. ElQerimgtte wi0r the emailing of the l,lewsletter had been proceededwiFr fuirU 2011, ard had Edisod conefrJerable savings. A srlbstanilhl incrcase in posblcharges was anticipded in the new year, and dscueeln centred around increasing ftepercentago ot ho membership taking the l.lewsletter ebc-trodcally, rafier than increadngsrbscridims. Sr$scridion renewal bms will tlus irwitg m€mbers to povido heir emaildrcseee and also req.irc them to odor.rt olths email odim if thoy wishto contiruotoreceive hard copies of the l,lewdetter. These ldter migtt be availaHe d meslings ifpees dates and ginling can bo arangodbtie in wih tris - tis shdJd also ctltdown onposbl costs. lt was poposed Oy J.Fudong, seco.rfu by R.Feam) that s.bcriflimrdee rcmdn at thgir curent levds, to be €conskJer€d in 2012 &pendart on eavingsmade W tp adodim of electroric t{ewsbthr dstrihdon,The acoounte w€re acceded uarimor sly, foflolitng the gopoeal of T.Gibbs ardseconded by S.Shrw.Joln Jones agneed O csdinB as lndep€rdont Examiner ol Accomts.

6. Ebdiodi:ffi$eve Wordey, Tim Gibbs and Eob Malsbr had agreed to continw in treir present rdes.It proving impo*Jt{e b elect either a Secrctary or a Trcasurer, it was proposed b S.Shaw and seconded by J Fudong trd they be leelected br a further term.

7. AryOrrBdxJoh.t Jon€s stdod trat tt6 llarfulk l.A Society were con{$dedm

'tdaling and pdCist$ng

th6 booklet Ind.rstrialArchaedoSy in and arqrtd NoritK oriSinaly prodrc€d irn 1$0.Tlis inc{uded a rumber of eites in Suffrtk, dom to the border-o on ior.nes rdairp hunl.loriCk. lt was Ht tnt tte SIAS ougttt to pailkSpde in t{s rcvision, viaitirg the sitee toascertainhef they remain htact, ptrotograptingf'6m wherc poedbla, ad mayb€suggesting furher addtims. lt was determinEd to email descriplirne of hese Bihs tomembors on he email list, andtogqdrco a standard le6rd ftxm sohddda is recod€din a consistant lormat.A vde of thanks to the commit€o fu fp efbt prn in to keep the society in being wasgoposed by Jotm Jmes.

8. Iftoalbdls*u.Actual date to be advi6€d, A Wednsday in l,lovember 201 2 d 1 9.$.

9. therc behU no further bushress, th€ meetirq chsed d 20.20



INCOME and EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the vear ended 30th SEPTEMBER 201I



Bank deposit interest


AffiliationsStationery and Newsletter

Meetings - room hire & refreshments

speakers' expenses


Bank charges

SuroluV(Deficit) for the vear


Current assets

Cash at bank - current account

deposit aacount

Cash in hand

Debtors and prepayments

Less: Creditors

Net Assets

Accumulated fundBalance brought forward

Surpluv(deficit) for the year

Extraordinaxy income - sale ofbooksBalance canied forward

I have independently examined the accounts of the Society for the year ended 30th Sepfember 20 I I .

My responsibilities are to:tdentiry whether or not proper accounting records hav€ been kept

Check that the accounts abov€ agree with the accounting records.

I-ook for possible significant errors in the accounts.

Check that the accounts have been properly ptepared

No matters have arisen during the course ofmy examination where I have to give an adverse report

"$f^X^-......J.M.rones 7th November 20r I

Hines Farm, Earl Stonham, Stowmarket, Suffolk.



As will be seen fiom the mirutes of tte rccent AGM wtt'ch are includod wibin tris l&wsletter,prodjclixt and dstrihrlion costs ate on the dse, lncreasing subscriflions was s*n as oneway of addrcssing the goHem, h.rt the savings resullirp lrom 9 members taking theirl,lewslefters dectronically are orch tnt, if a greater poporlion of the were brccdve their l,lewelefters by $is means, costs corJd bg k€d under cortrol. Accor&rgly il rvasdecided that all members wih an emailaddrcss worJd honcsfuwad r€csive trdr I'lewelefterstis way. Ttre subscridkn renewal brm on page 8 indudes bo0r a sectftn to enter your emailaddrcss, and dso the odion ot 'odim ot.t' of tris. lf yqr fU in tis laller eec'tion, a hard cory ofthe l{eyyel€tter will contirue to be delivered. &n, il yor are &le to receive ydJr copydectrcdcdly, dease consider dcing so; it will be ol emrmoue benefit in albring us to ke6pcosts t.rlder control.


tte 4Gf4, it was agmed to aesist he tlorfiCk LA.SocieU ln trir upddim of the prblicdim'lndrstrid Archaeolory in and Around l'lorblk'. Ttris was pLdtisH in 1980 to cdrrci& wih treAesociation br ln&etdal Ardaodogy's Conhrenca wt*dr was heH h l'lorwich that year. Agezel€or of sites in t'lorfiCk ard aditning ccrrti€s, it includes a rnrnb€r of site6 her€ in Sufblk.qbr/iq8ly, in the 31 years since il was Fodroe4 mary sites have sub$arfidy dtercd or, likeTlingos Malinge in Bury, vanished completely. As wil as rovising the descd]tti$s, it ieintended troaddany sigificant sites tnat were omitt€d frcrn he od{trnl bookh.

lf arry member is interested in parlicipdirB in the cunent wrvey of these sites by visitim andrepoding on h€ dec€s listsd, drr R€cods Officsr, Jolvr Jones (01449 711448) wcdd tadeased to hear lmm yol. Suggestions ol any oher importart sites wcdd al€o b6 welcomed.It is intended to desig a sbndard r€port funr to ensure anyone visidrB the r$tes captures allthe vihl data and it ie recorded in a co.lsist€nt tomd. The sites in ouicornty ntrich vyerccovercd in the oftjrnl Fblicdirn were:

Su&iry: f,lavigdi:n Warehousee. Silk weaver,s domeslic ruorkstrops. Siilk works.l-ongMefford. MaltirUs.Glemsford. l-lorsehair meruhctory.Siicklesmere. Rake Factory. Toll arttage.l-averfiam. l-brsehair marufactories. Com mill.Layham. Watermill.tladqgh. Coir-malting factory. Medreval hidgo.Bendey. Railway station.

lpes{tdt. Dock. lsaac lords warctrouses. Corset factory. Tramway depct.Baylham. Watemill. Navigation Lock.lJeedum Ma*et Clurch rmf.Combs. Webb's hrmery. Webb's rnodd farm.Stowmarket. Museum of EastArdhn Lib. Railway statknDrinkstone. Mills.ery St Edrnurds. ndngqo maltings. Greerc King brewery.Pakerfiam. Wa0emi[. Wndmill.SaxtedGrcen. Windnill.Framsden. Wndmill.D€ber*Em. Cyderhouse.Newmarket. Racing stad€. Mileposts.Worlirpton. King s StaundlMilder*rall. ltavigtion locks. Lark Mills.

Roc€ndy, ttre€ members undertook a survey of derdict and since d€mdished hildings al trebrmer Gred Ashfdd aim€H. some members were alerbd to the rpcoming vir*t by e-mail. lfyor.r vrouH like to be inlormed of frrturc surveys/visits in fils msner, please let us kirow and wewill addycu-to thelig. As to dp airfnH lugdngs, ws trop€ to bdng !6u he resrlts ot curzurvey in a fuh.rre l,lewsletbr. To whet the appetite, horiever, he-irro hlldngs were a

Gymnasium wifr Chapel exlension and a Sqrash Backets Court. Bofrt btildings we- re. - . . ,

cdrstructed in what wis known as temporary brick construction, that is sirgle skin (4trl'ttick)brickwork faced wifr a rerder finish. Bofrr were to standard Air Mir$stry deskls, and were tobe found in Wetherden, sorfi ol Great Ashfield itself, in whd was known as Commurnl SiteNo. 3. D€mditim ol the buildims after almost 70 years was due to the reuse of the sito lorporhry hrming; work hae dread conrmenced onthe grorndworks br the rpw potdtry shedson the site.

Great Ashfield airfreld was origt'nally estaHished duting lhe First WorH War, wbsequendy beingused by the RAF tortrairdng urtder tre name RAF Elmswell. lt was rehlifi in 1942 tor h€IJSAAF EiShth Air Force urho stafoned heavy bombers herc from 1943. When hoslilitiesceased, the site became a bornb store, being finally sdd in 1$5.


ErUNish Her@e ar€ concerned d tlre loss ol industdal sites lhro4h nJnctional redundancy. lnproducirg their annual 'Hedtag€ at Risk' register, they discovered that the percentage of list€{rial Mdngs at risk is hree times greater tlan the national average for lisled buildnge atrisk. lt is a disadvant+B of industrial buildings that thg average coservation deficit (cosl ofrepair in excess of end value) is twice that of nonind.rctdal fuildings. Two of the ten 'PtioritySites' on which English l'leritage East of Englard are to bcue their resources to secur€ theirfuturee are industrial sites - lilty Mill in Essex and l-atrgfnm Airfield Dome Trainer in l,lorlolk.Also tighlighted as hreing at risk is the Quinan Stove (br drying $ncotton) d the GupowderMills, Wahham Abbey.

Engilish Fl€ritage pt.blished an industrial-themed issw ol'Conservation Bdletin' in October,Articles by a number of the great and the good of he lrdusttial Archaeology wotld havecontrihll€d to t€ magazine, including Sir Neil Cossons, Madlyn Palmer, Banie Trinder, andKeith Falcorpr.


Subscriptions br the year commerrcing Oc'tober 1st 2011 are now being accapltod. Ratesremain as last year, altu.lgh irrcreasing costs have led us to dtompt to increase the total otmembers wlp receive their l{ewsletters electronically. Please provide yorr emailaddrcss; ifyou are not 'n€tted up or do rpt wish to rsceive an eloctronic l,lewshtter, dease make hiedvious on the relevant pad ol the lorm ovedeaf. The lollovying are the cunert subscdption€tes:

FrlllMembership. t10.00.StudentMembershp t8.00.(aged 25 or under and undergring Ml-time educdion).FamilyMembership e15.00.(includes husbarxl, wite, ard any chiklren up to age 18).

Please retum the tearotf portion over, togsther with the appropriate remittance (ctreqms to bepayaHe to'Sutfolk lnfustrial Arcfpeology Society') to the Chairman:

Mr. S. Worsley,24 Abbotshiry Close,lpswich,Suffolk,IP2gSD.


O{ficers of Sufidk Cornty Comcil arc to cornffie a detailed bugness case for a new body totake m responsiUlity br tte cotrtcil's hedtage seMces. The new body wuJd take over tliamanagemont of the courty's archives, ils archaeolqicd seMca, ard he Museum ol EastAnSlbn Ul6. A tudgetott1.8 million is postJded. -


Work ie prcs€nty underway on at1.Smillkrr overharl of the 1S reeervcirin Pa* Road,lpswich, wtrich storcs wdelrumped rp fronr bore hdee d Wtjtton prior b it entedrE the-toyn's rfsfiih.r{qr^B-y-6tem. The cmcrete hnk wih a st€€l intemal stnrt,r6 is preo€ndy visiHeafter its layer of 6,0@ tornes of topsd wele remolr€d to airi rcnovation,

Phns to convert he Victolian 'J*tl€o' seaside sheltor d the bcfitom of Bert Hill in Felixsbwe toa cab have been drcppeo ana insteao the shefter is to be prcsorvod. The Rlwadsr shelter attr toO of .fnq{ Road mid't 6{ill be developed, dependant m kieas or business plans beingprgseril€d to Felixstowe Futnos steedng gru.p.

Felixstowe'spier hae been khnilified by 0p Ndional Phre Society as one ol 10 (of the 54remaining in the.coutuy. ) hat are mosi in danger of colhpse or dimdilion. The pi€r is cunentyclosed to the pdCic ard dtempts to rcvive il traw faltered dre to lack ot finance.

The 1912 l,leedram Market Shard Mason stoam fire 6rmp appliarrce wfich ins bo€ndisplayed d lpewich's cdcheeter Road firc suion sirice fc$'ttas b€€n moved to tre Mus€umof East Anslihn Ub in Storvmarket. hs morre doryved the dosun of tre fire statior1 noyygplaged by-a pw facility across town. Ttb 1732+r.dlt han$ump, atso originally fr6rnhl€e&am Market which was also hotrced in the fire statin,'is td 6€ bundi nefr home but asy6t no dedobn has been rcadpd about its future.


I wish to rsnew my memberslip of t'o S.I.AS h 2011 . 2012 and enc{ose tin payment.


Ph€o retrm his slip wifr the appropriate remithnce to lhe Chairman:Mr.9. Worsley,24 Abbcfsbury Cloee,lpswich,Sutblk,tP2 gSD.

Phone. .

emait. . . . . . . . . . . .'. .-.-.-. .'.-. . .'. .'.'.'.'. .'.'.'. .'.','.','.'.'. .'.'I am tnppy to receive tp l0ewsletter electonically / I wish to rec€ive a tnrd copyof the Newsletter (delete wtrich ever is appropride).lshcx.rld like to be lnft'rm€d €loctronicdly 6f arry futurs surveys (dehte ilneceesary).

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