sikandar murmu

Post on 22-Apr-2017






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Adhunik Group

Corporate Social Responsibilty of Adhunik Group

Presented By :-

Sikandar Murmu MBA- 4th semester

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of the business approach of Adhunik Group of Companies. We, at Adhunik Group, are committed for social well-being of the people of the periphery area of our business operations following the principals of sustainable development and structured process of stakeholder engagement for incorporation of their views and valuable inputs to ensure inclusive growth. Our group companies, in pursuit of the corporate social responsibility(CSR) philosophy, are driving development projects addressing the needs related to health, education, livelihood, institution and capacity building, in 106 villages in five different states of India. All CSR projects are executed in partnership with Nav Nirman Sanstha, an NGO incorporated under Societies Registration Act, 1860, Gram Panchayats and various Government agencies. Nav Nirman Sanstha has been instrumental in providing healthcare, education, empowering women, developing infrastructure & utility and promoting sports & culture aiming at improving social and economic conditions of communities we are working with. Owing a great deal to society, Adhunik Group firmly believes that ‘human beings are at centre of all the developmental activities’ and hence it discharges its social responsibility for welfare and well-being of the employees and society at large and at the same time encourages Employee Volunteering leading to employee‘s satisfaction and corporate sustainability.

Health In rural areas, health related issues are major obstacles to growth. The Group is taking care of its employees and the neighboring villagers by organizing regular medical check-ups. Special health check-up camps are conducted for children and women. Eye check-up camps are organized to identify patients suffering from cataract. Patients are operated upon and given free spectacles & medicines. The health camps administer free medicines and treatment to those with no access to these via mobile dispensaries and door-to-door visits. Apart from the camps, emergency ambulance services are also running in the surrounding villages. The health service is led by a team of qualified doctors, pharmacists and paramedics. Patients who require referral are treated at the nearby hospitals and nursing homes. The entire cost of treatment is sponsored by the Adhunik Group. Execution of all the healthcare projects is done in partnership with the district health system and village development committee The Group’s dedicated CSR team visits local inhabitants regularly and raises their awareness about various health hazards, their prevention and remedies through health awareness programmes. Mobile ambulances with doctor and medicines provide instant and door-step service in the remote areas. This service is being provided in Rourkela & Koira in Odisha and Kandra & Ghatkuri in Jharkhand. A dispensary has been running in Ghatkuri province for providing health services to local residents. The Group’s contribution towards this field was recognized by ‘Interface –Asia CSR-2011” when Adhunik Group received the ‘Think Odisha Leadership Awards-2011 by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Mr Naveen Patnaik in a function at Bhubaneswar .

Education Adhunik believes in the education of youth for the upliftment of society. With the mission of facilitating education in rural areas, the Group has taken several measures to get rid of illiteracy and drop-outs. Study materials like books & bags are provided as aid to students in different schools. Inter-school competitions on drawing, debate, etc. are organized to develop competitiveness among students. Apart from this, teachers have been recruited in the villages to pay special attention to the students and provide academic support. The Group is working towards strengthening Anganwadi centers. Sponsorships are also given to academic institutions for infrastructure development such as building school boundaries, making classroom equipment, providing drinking water facilities inside school campus, renovating school buildings etc. Meritorious students are encouraged to go for higher studies through scholarships. Free bus service is also provided to college girls. The Group also organizes adult literacy classes in villages.

Sport and Culture The group also encourages sportspersons, both men and women, in its domain. In order to encourage sports, sports gear is provided to the local youth, playgrounds are maintained, sponsorship is given to the sportspersons to compete in national and international levels. Players like wrestling champion Debendra Kumara and football player Anita Munda from Odisha have made us proud and have become role model for other players. Beside sports, the Group also promotes local cultures and traditions actively. Financial support is given to the villagers for construction and renovation of temples, celebrating tradition and festivals etc.


Water is an incredibly important aspect of our daily lives. Villages in Odisha and Jharkhand, particularly around the periphery, face an extreme scarcity of water. To address this pressing issue, an extensive study was conducted into the rural water dilemma. Once the study was concluded, the Adhunik Group came out with a revolutionary technology to devise an economical drinking water program religiously following WHO and BIS guidelines. The technology treats the existing pathogens, arsenics and other harmful dissolved compounds and organisms. The Adhunik Group has constructed water treatment plants in association with Project Dewdrop, for the villages of Odisha near the periphery of its plants and mines at Rourkela and Koira respectively. It is presently supplying 8000ltrs of drinking water to the villagers. The same technology is also implemented across various units of the Adhunik group at Jharkhand. Various initiatives have been taken to cope with this situation including repair of malfunctioning tube wells. Drinking water is supplied to all the villagers through tankers and deep boring is carried out at various villages near the periphery of all the units of the Adhunik Group. At regular intervals, water kiosks are also erected. The Group’s contribution towards providing safe drinking water was recognized by ‘Interface –Asia CSR-2012” when Adhunik Group was awarded with ‘Think Odisha Leadership Awards-2012. Other than this, several infrastructure related initiatives have been worked out in order to provide basic facilities like roads, drinking water, electrification etc. in surrounding areas. Roads and culverts have been constructed in the remote areas for better and faster communication. Water treatment plants have been set up in the villages like Gobira and Lodosera of Kuarmunda block in Rourkela, Odisha to ensure safe drinking water. Apart from this, tube wells and chapakals have also been installed in the villages. Electrification facilities in the said villages have been provided and the project is in progress in other villages. A bus-stand shed in Kuarmunda, Rourkela was constructed for the public.

Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is one of the important factors contributing to nation building and hence Adhunik Group has started specific drives for empowerment of women living in surrounding geographic area of its business facilities. Recognizing the power of women in today’s society, the Group gives special attention to empowering local girls and women. In order to improve their social condition and make them economically independent, several vocational training programmes have been executed and the women Self Help Groups (SHG) have been strengthened by enhancing their competencies through training on soap making, envelope making, phenyl making, domestic food products, candle, paper envelopes, stitching, tailoring and embroidery, mushroom cultivation, pattals (plates made of leaves), incense sticks preparation, papad preparation, fishery and vermi-compost making and facilitating them to start their own enterprises for income generation. Mushroom cultivation, pattal and vermi-compost making provide regular income to the SHG members of Jamshedpur & Ghatkuri respectively. Phenyl preparation has become a regular source of income for some women in Rourkela while making paper envelopes has provided women in Jamshedpur with some additional monetary help. Training in tailoring is provided to village girls at Don Bosco Vocational Training Institute, Rourkela, Odisha in different batches. After completing the training, the trainees are certified by the institution and awarded with sewing machines sponsored by Adhunik. After successful completion of the six-month training in tailoring, Rina Kisan of Hariharpur village in Rourkela was given a sewing machine and she set up her own tailoring unit at home. Currently, she is earning around Rs. 3000-4000 per month through her entrepreneurial venture. Her tailoring unit has been a motivation for other girls to join the tailoring course. Another story is of Rashmi Mintz of Khukundbahal village, who is running a stitching shop from her home. She was the student of the first batch at Don Bosco Vocational Training Institute and she is now financially supporting her family. The soap factory at Ghatkuri in Jharkhand has been opened to local girls and women for training and manufacturing purposes. The company has also provided a market by consuming the products in its mines & plants while the remaining products are sold in the local market. The employment facility has supported the local women and girls in running their home. The Group’s contribution towards this field was recognized by ‘Interface –Asia CSR-2010” when Managing Director of Adhunik Metaliks Limited received the ‘Think Odisha Leadership Awards-2010 by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Mr Naveen Patnaik in a function at Bhubaneswar organized by Tefla – a noted event management company – in collaboration with the Times of India.


When it comes to the environment, the Adhunik Group has always been an epitome of values. It has been setting high standards through responsible environment management that make life safer and easier for both its workers and the community as a whole. For Adhunik Group, the meaning of good corporate citizenship always stands for the active contribution of a company towards preserving the environment. There are certain very important safety measures that the company has undertaken towards the safety management of its working environment to facilitate a better working atmosphere for its workers. The company has made substantial capital investments to ensure proper treatment of generated effluents to meet all the relevant regulatory requirements. It has also reduced pollution through the installation of control equipment on processing equipment. The Company has invested in a full-fledged dust extraction mechanism (ESP) in its DRI kilns that separate dust electrostatically from flue gases resulting in

harmless emission. There are Electrostatic precipitators in DRI kilns, CPP, FAD and sinter plants.

The Company also uses waste heat coming out of the blast furnace and DRI kilns in its captive power unit (first unit).

Coke oven gases are used in rolling mills for reheating billets.

The Company has invested in a coal washery from which the solid waste is reused in the captive power plant (second unit).

The Company has also set itself a target of zero discharge by using dust particles from the electrostatic precipitator in the blast furnace at the sinter plant. The Company intends to achieve zero discharge through the following initiatives:

Waste management by adopting the 3 Rs – reduce, recover, recycle/reuse.

Power generation through captive power plant through utilisation of rejects from coal washeries, char from DRI kilns and waste heat from DRI plants.

Waste heat/BF gas and coke oven gas utilisation in hot rolling mill and SMS.

Sprinklers and dust suppression systems are present in the material-handling site to reduce fugitive emission. As a result, the Company's emissions are now well below the norms as specified by the local, regional and national regulatory bodies. There are also well-designed bag houses at raw material conveying systems in DRI plants and furnaces in steel melting shops.

Greenbelt development and tree plantation have been resorted to by the company in order to fulfill its duty towards the natural environment. Clearly Adhunik is pulling all the measures it can to take care of its responsibilities pertaining to its environment.


Focus on the safety and health of the employees and the preservation of the environment has always been an important part of the agenda of the Adhunik corporate policy. An investment in elaborate safety measures on the part of the company ensures that the employees are assured a very safe working environment and that the ecological footprint is minimal. The Company aims to achieve a clean, healthy and safe environment by investing in air pollution control, waste management, drainage systems, road construction, landscaping and plant beautification. The Company also imparts regular environment and safety training to its employees and has appointed a well experienced team to ensure an effective EHS management system. There are also doctors on call round the clock at the sites to attend and case of emergency. The additional safety measures undertaken by the Company include a variety of them:-

The Company has established a number of systems to ensure the safety of its plants and personnel. The first line of defense remains prevention. Systems and

operations are therefore designed to prevent the smallest mishap that could potentially lead to accidents. As a part of the safety protocol, Adhunik has laid down strict safety norms that employees, irrespective of their organisational positions, have to follow. The following measures have been further undertaken to monitor safety process: Compliance with all national and international safety standards

Countering risks with suitable control measures.

Establishment of a Central Safety Committee to review and upgrade safe working practices.

Devising of an emergency management plan.

Arrangement of regular mock drills in units and mining sites.

Establishment of systems to record and report any accident. All reported incidents are thoroughly investigated and corrective action is taken for preventing

similar occurrences in the future..

Provision of appropriate protective equipments and gear with strictly monitored usage to ensure safety.

Conducting of regular safety training programs for the employees.

The Company maintains its own fire station, fully equipped with a fire tender, modern communication facilities, an elaborate fire hydrant system and fire extinguishers, among others, operated by trained experts. Additionally, fire training drills are periodically organised to provide hands-on training and create confidence among the employees.

Clearly Adhunik is pulling all the measures it can to take care of its responsibilities pertaining to its environment.

Creating Livelihood Opportunities

Apart from primary education, the Group is focused on conducting various training programs in computers, painting, repair and maintenance of electrical and electronic home appliances, welding, nursing and tailoring activities in different adopted villages for providing extra income to the villagers. Special training programmes on modern farming techniques, use of quality seeds and organic farming are also held for ‘Kissan Samitis’. Recently, it has come up with an ITI programme (under SUVT) at Koira for students of the area.Apart from above training, marketing assistance is also provided to the ladies of the villages. Training on fisheries, mushroom cultivation and vermi-compost making have helped the ladies in earning their livelihood.

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