simple past

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Simple Past

Regular and Irregular Verbs

Past Simple is used to express:

Past actions that are now finished

The first use of the Past Simple to express actions that happened at a specific time in the past. The actions can be short [1] or long [2].

Examples:• John cut his finger last week. [1] • I went to college 3 years ago. [2] • He ate the dinner 1 hour ago. [1] • I slept well last night. [2]

Situation in the past

• Another use of this tense is to talk about situations in the past.

Examples: • I lived in New York for 10 years (I don't live

there anymore).

A series of actions in the past

The Past Simple can also be used with a few actions in the past happening one after another.


He entered a room, lit a cigarette and smiled at the guests.

Past Tense of BE The verb "be" has two forms in the past

tense: was and wereSUBJECT VERB


He was wasn’tShe It

WeYou were weren’t


She was at home.

You were in the beach He wasn’t in the cinema


(W/h word) + Verb BE + subject + complement +? in past


Where was Lucy yesterday afternoon ? How many were you in the class last semester?

Regular verbs add "ed" to the simple form

Simple present

Work Open

wait Walk Live Move Study

Simple past

Worked opened waited walked Lived moved Studied

Irregular verbs

Simple present


Simple pastcutbetfit


forgot caughtfound


Affirmative statements

Subject + the past form of the verb


I saw two dogs in the park yesterday Mary tried the soup but it was too hot.

Negative Statements

Subject + auxiliar + not + verb did base formExamples:

Kate didn’t go to the party last night. We didn’t finish the homework


Did + subject + verb + ? base formExamples:

Did you see Harry Potter? Did he study yesterday?

W/H… Questions

W/h word + did + Subj. + Verb + Compl. + ?B.F

Example:Where did you study English ?When did you arrive to Barranquilla?

Common time expressions in the Past Simple are:

• yesterday • the other day• just now • the day before yesterday • -----days month hours year months ago last

week/weekend years Tuesday week night

Common past time expressions Example sentences Similar Expressions

yesterday(one day before today)

I walked to work yesterday.Yesterday, I walked to work.

yesterday morningyesterday eveningyesterday afternoon

the day before yesterday(two days before today)

Pete bought a house the day before yesterday.The day before yesterday, Pete bought a house.

the week before last (week)the night before last (night)

last night(the most recent night)

Avril travelled to Halifax last month.Last month, Avril travelled to Halifax.

last timelast weeklast monthlast year

this morning(an earlier time on the same day)

Kathleen called me this morning.This morning, Kathleen called me.

this afternoonthis evening

one week ago(a specific period of time in the past)

Kenneth and his wife had a baby one week ago.One week ago, Kenneth and his wife had a baby.

one hour agoone day agoone month agoone year ago

in 1990 / On Saturday(a specific point in the past)

Darren finished university in 1990.In 1990, Darren finished university.

in 1970in Marchon Sunday

when + subject + past tense verb(a specific period of time, event, or point in the past)

Paul played basketball when he was a student.When he was a student, Paul played basketball.

when I was bornwhen John finished high schoolwhen I turned 18

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