sinagoga tunisiana em acco

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Or Torah synagogue in Acco also known as El-Gribba(Jarivah) or, the The Tunisiansynagogue

2. Acco, an ancient city steeped in history, has a lot to offer its visitors. One of the city highlights is a unique building outside the Old City walls, the Tunisian Synagogue. The inside walls are completely covered in mosaic pictures which are all based on biblical themes and were all made at the mosaic workshop of Kibbutz Eilon. The synagogue is situated at 13 Kaplan St.Visiting hours are Sunday-Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.It is advisable to arrange the visit ahead of time by telephone050-6822781.Ask for Yaffa.There is no entrance fee, however visitors are expected to make a small donation, depending on the size of the group. 3. Even the courtyard wall is a work of art, hinting at what can be expected inside 4. 5. Immediately upon entering the entrance hall, the visitor is struck by the awesome sight:all the walls, as well as the ceiling and the floor, are completely covered with magnificent mosaic. 6. On the ceiling, a scheme of the Temple can be detected 7. Al so on the ceiling are depictions of the High Priest breastplate, and the altar tools. 8. Honey sucker Woodpecker On the floor, pictures of birds, flowers, fish, and more. hoopoe Hawk 9. Two Stripe Damselfish Grouper 10. There are two prayer halls. The central one, on the second floor, is more luxurious. From the womens section above it one can observe the hall as well as the Wheel of Fortune mosaic on the ceiling. 11. 12. The Eastern Wall (which faces south, in this case) is full of decorated Torah cases (Arks). Above them more mosaics. 13. The brass doors of the holy Arks. A look into the Arks and the Torah scrolls inside them. The curtains covering the Arks 14. The walls and the ceiling are covered with huge mosaic pictures, with Jerusalem serving as a central theme. 15. Between the mosaics,gorgeous stained glass windows. 16. The candelabrum also appears in many variations. 17. The staircase leading to the lower hall is also decorated from top to bottom. 18. The lower hall is also covered in mosaics, including the floor and the ceiling. On the ceiling a huge carpet depicting a map of the north of Israel. 19. Lion On the floor,colourful pictures of a great variety of plants and animals. Starling Warbler 20. Jacobs dream Stained glass panes 21. The sacrifice of Isaac Remember Amalek The Exodus from Egypt 22. The Meidva map Jerusalem on the map of Meidva (Jordan). 23. The spies The exodus from Egypt 24. Ruth the Moabite Sarah and the angels 25. The Ark of the Covenant Daniel in the lions den 26. You will be able to see all the rest of the sights if you take the trouble to go to this very special place. Igal Morag [email_address] You are welcome to visit my site at: English version -Gila Kaye

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