slanic prahova - english presentation

Post on 04-Nov-2015






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A very nice touristic zone to go to


  • Slnic Prahova, Prahova

    one of the resorts in high demand due to natural factors and the climate pleasant cure , cleaning and ozone

    one of the 14 towns of Prahova County, Romania , located on the river valley of the same name

  • Salt Mountain unique in the world

  • the largest salt mine in Europe : 78000 square meters

  • access in to the mine is done by two elevators that make the transport of the visitors possible

    the way down with the elevator is 208 meters long and it lasts almost 3 minutes

    ventilation is naturally made, and the 12 degree C temperature is constant throughout the whole year

    humidity of the air is circa 50% and the air composition in the mine is richer in sodium ions that have spectacular ameliorative and prophylactic effects,in breathing diseases and deficiences

  • transformed in a sanatorium, for the treatment of pulmonary diseases in a saline air microclimate, hundreds of people choose to spend daily couple of hours : on the playing grounds

    on sports ground : cycling around for better inspiratory results

    in room with tables for billiards

    bar room

    admiring the statues of Decebal and Traian, carved in salt by the artist Iustin Nastase

  • historically and currently known as a salt extractioncenter, as well as a spa town, with salt lakes

  • Bride's Cave (Lake) Grota Miresei

    Colour : green

    Salinity : over 260 g/l

    Depth : 32 m

    Surface : 1300 mp

  • The Shepard's Lake - Baia Baciului

    Colour : yellow-green

    Salinity : 80-110 g/l

    Depth : 7,25 m

    Surface : 6100 mp

  • bathing in the 7 lakes that have a high level of salinity (+275 g/l )is recommended for the treatment of : degenerative and abarticular rheumatic diseases post-traumatic conditions (after sprains, fractures of the limb bones) peripheral neurological (light paresis, condition after polyneuritis, old poliomyelitis sequels) gynecological disorders respiratory disorders dermathological diseases (psoriasis) vascular diseases and more

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