small group leader guide “… if a blind person leads ... · doesn’t know god’s right way....

Post on 16-Sep-2020






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Small Group Discussion

Say the point and Bible verse together.

Think. Pray. Then follow. Matthew 15:14 NIRV “… If a blind person leads another who is blind, both of them will fall into a pit.”

1. What do you think this Bible verse mean? Answers will vary.



Small Group Welcome

Choose a few review questions.

1. Who is always the best example to follow? Jesus 2. What clues can you look for to see if someone is a

good example? They love God, obey leaders, love others, make wise choices, are respectful, honest, caring, helpful, etc.

3. Think about the Bible story (1 Kings 12:12-16). What do you think made Rehoboam follow the advice of the men his own age? Answers will vary.

4. What do you think you would do if your friend set a bad example? Answers will vary, but steer kids toward loving their friend without copying them.

5. What do you think will happen if you follow someone’s godly example? Answers will vary.

1. Introduce yourself, and welcome new kids by name. 2. Kids share what happened during the past week. 3. Check up on past week’s prayer requests and events. 4. Discuss the welcome question: Which flavor of

pudding is your favorite?

Small Group Activity

You’ll Need Per Kid Nothing Per Group Nothing

After Activity Kids Keep Nothing You Keep Nothing

To Do Say: Who wants to walk around with your eyes shut? I’ll even give you a leader—but they’ll shut their eyes, too! 1. Choose two volunteers who will keep their eyes shut! 2. Assign one as leader and the other as follower. The

follower puts their hand on the leader’s shoulder and they both shut their eyes.

3. The other kids in the group stand near the volunteers to block them from escaping the group, and freeze.

4. The leader tries to help the follower escape the group without touching or running into any kids or objects.

5. When they touch or run into something, kids open their eyes. Note: Allow kids to continue if they escape, but keep them from running into things that might hurt.

Say: This game is kind of like following a leader who doesn’t know God’s right way. You might go in the right direction a little bit, but eventually you’ll get stuck. Think and pray before you follow someone so you can follow leaders who do see God’s right way! 6. If time allows, repeat the game with different kids.

Choose an action step question.

1. Name some people who are godly examples to you. Answers will vary.

2. What can help you remember to think and pray before you follow someone? Answers will vary. Ideas: practice it, write it down, put a note on your mirror, ask someone to help you, etc.

Pray together.

1. Ask kids to share things they’d like to pray about. 2. Write down their prayer requests. 3. Pray together over the prayer requests. Not sure what to pray? Pray this: God, please help us to think and pray before we follow someone’s example. Thank You for giving us wisdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Check Out

Stay in small groups until kids are checked out.

1. Encourage kids to talk about what’s on their mind and play the game again.

2. When a kid from your small group leaves, say something positive and specific to their family.

3. Ask parents to take a pic of the parent convo card at the door to help continue the conversation at home.

Please save questions on back for Small Group Discussion.

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