smark marketing research conference 2015

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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if we are talking about shifting gears towards a new direction of communication

we must definitely take a look at some non gender centric facts

moreover I invite you to leave the marketing scene and study a bit of physics

Why physics ? ‘cause it’s laws are universal

and Dan Cobley made a great case that I want to share with you.

Newton's Law: the force equals mass times acceleration

F = m X a

acceleration equals force over mass

a = F / m

which means that for a larger particle a larger mass

it requires more force to change its direction

It's the same with brands: the more massive a brand, the more baggage it has, the more force is needed to change its positioning.

If you are looking for a change think about a portfolio of brands

or maybe new brands for new ventures.

Now, who remembers Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle,

is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain

pairs of physical properties of a particle, known as complementary variables, such as position x and momentum p,

can be known simultaneously.

By measuring it, the act of measurement changes it. It's the same in marketing.

So with the act of observing consumers, changes their behavior.

Luckily, with now better point-of-sale tracking, more digital media consumption,

you can measure more what consumers actually do, rather than what they say they do.

The null hypothesis You cannot prove a hypothesis through observation,

you can only disprove it.

The null hypothesis You cannot prove a hypothesis through observation,

you can only disprove it.

No matter how much you've invested in your brand, one bad week can undermine decades of good work.

The second law of thermodynamics At a very microscopic level,

it simply says that if you have a system that is isolated, any natural process in that system

progresses in the direction of increasing disorder, or entropy, of the system.

With the kind of digital content creation and distribution tools that are available now to every consumer,

it's impossible to control where your message goes.

The message for marketing is that your brand is more dispersed.

You can't fight it, so embrace it and find a way to work with it.

EPIC SPLIT FAIL Feat. Van Damme - Volvo Truck Split Commercial

Now let’s get into the gender centric mode

What makes men tick?

Emotion vs. Logic

You hear very often that emotional triggers work for women, whereas men are touched by the logic of things.

But is that true?

2015 Commercial - #RealStrength Ad - Dove Men+Care

The emotional trigger works just fine for men too. It’s the different language you got to use in order to switch it.

Care = Strength

Product Navigation

Basic rule here, girls love to shop and guys want to get in and out. Women want to browse and look through products, whereas guys

love a small product line and a clear benefit. - Our Blades Are Great


When a guy is lost it will take some time and some alternative methods till he can stop and ask for directions.

Because man need to feel in control.

TENA Men – Control

Custom products

We like to own products that are further proof that we are as manly as it can get.

Hero Clean Launch: Ultra Laundry Detergent

Thank y u!

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