social cognition looking at skills, signs of difficulty and interventions based on work of melvin...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Verbal Pragmatics

Understands and uses language in social contexts Interprets a speaker’s feeling correctly and responds

accordingly Knows what to talk about, when , with whom and for

how long Is able to tailor communication for different people;

children, teachers,

Verbal Pragmatics

Responds to others jokes Uses humour tastefully and appropriately Had developed conversational techniques

Social Behaviours

Acts in a way that fosters optimal relationships with others

Presents self in ways that others find acceptable Is cooperative and collaborates well with others Knows how to pace a relationship (eg when it is ok to

do what) Makes friends easily

Social Behaviours

Is comfortable initiating conversation or entering into a social activity

Resolves conflicts without aggression Nurtures positive relationships with important people Understands the meaning of different kinds of

relationships (friends/teachers)

Signs of Difficulty: Verbal Pragmatics

May sound abrasive, angry or negative without intending

Does not switch communication style when interacting with different people

Makes statements about inappropriate topics during a class discussion

Signs of Difficulty: Verbal Pragmatics

Has trouble using or understanding humour, can’t take a joke, uses humour that offends

Tries to dominate conversations, does not listen, interrupts

Does not pick up on the feelings behind what someone is saying

Signs of difficulty: Social behaviours

Dresses inappropriately for his or her peer group Invades others personal space Tends to have adversarial relationships with peers Resolves conflicts by arguing or fighting

Signs of difficulty: Social behaviours

Has trouble making new friends Antagonizes people in authority, fails to connect with

those who are important to him or her Is unable to read the meeting behind different social

encounters or the meaning of different kinds of relationships

Interventions: Whole Class/small group

General: Teach skills of empathizing Teach social concepts: friendship, teams, sharing Introduce literature having social problems; identify

with characters and suggest alternatives Identify negative labels and name calling,

define/discuss impact Establish discussion groups Post social skills to work on

Interventions: Whole Class/small group

Verbal pragmatics: Talk to students about self marketing; how you present

says something about you Teach conflict management strategies Older students: careers in which teamwork and

collaboration are critical

Intervention: Individual studentGeneral: Be honest, in private explain when a topic or

behaviour is inappropriate

Intervention: Individual student

Verbal Pragmatics:

Describe the language used in different social situations, role playing activities

Use agreed upon signals and cues to alert students

Discuss appropriate and inappropriate humour

Dissect a conversation to see expectations and behaviours; role play

Teach a student how to repair miscommunications

Coach was to begin and end a conversation


Intervention: Individual student

Social Behaviours

Preview or anticipate conflict

Generate and practice appropriate ways to avoid or resolve these situations

Analyze non verbal interactions

Provide students with skills for self-monitoring and self-regulation in social situations.

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