social media basics

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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10.10 Social Media Basics Emakina

10.30 Monitoring social mediaAttentio

11.00 Coffee Break 11.20 Practical cases

Attentio / Groupe Reflect 12.00 Social Media Strategy

Emakina 12.30 Walking lunch 14.00 End

Before we get started…

Let’s make sure we all speak the same language

What is social media?

“Social media describes the online tools and platformsthat people use to share opinions, insights, experiences,

and perspectives with each other.”


If you prefer a more creative definition

So, what’s the “problem”?

Another definition

"Social media encompasses everything that is written,spoken and shown about your organization

that you have no control over.“

Josh Hallett

How do they do it?The tools

Social Media Tools

1. Blogs

2. RSS

3. Podcasting

4. Forums/Message Boards

5. Wikis

6. Social Networks

7. Photo/Video Sharing

#1: Blogs

More than 100 million blogs.

Nearly 75,000 new blogs each day: one every second!

The blogosphere doubles in size every 6 months.

#2: Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

#3: Podcasting

iTunes 1 million Podcast

subscriptions the first week they were available

Podcast Alley Yahoo Podcasts Podcasting News Just Google it

#4: Forums/Message Boards

More than 20 million active message boards/forums

Includes message boards, forums, bulletin boards, Usenet groups, e-mail discussion lists, Yahoo! Groups, Google Groups, opinion sites

Narrowly focused (automotive, parenting, health, stocks/finance, etc.)

Heavily moderated, both by forum webmasters and participants

Structured, threaded discussions predominant

#5: Wikis

Collaborative knowledge sharing

#6: Social Networks

FacebookMySpaceLinkedINMSN SpacesYahoo 360LiveJournal

#7: Photo & Video Sharing


Those tools provide absolutely anyone to establish credibility and gain trust. And the information, good or bad, that's created and shared with those tools stays in search engines forever.

Today we’ll show you

A Two Company Presentation

Your brand

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