social media camp workshop victoria - "maximizing facebook"

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Chris Burdge's presentation on "Maximizing Facebook" at SMC Workshop Victoria October 18, 2011


  • 1. Social Media CampWorkshop Series: VictoriaMaximizingChris Burdge@b_WEST

2. Source: 6S 3. Source: 6S 4. Source: 6S 5. what to expectfrom facebook 6. 1Expect your customers to want youto be on facebook 7. 2Expect Facebook to help expandyour reachFor its sheer size and viral features, Facebook is greatfor disseminating marketing messages. 8. 3Expect to participate oftenJumping on Facebook or grabbing a Twitter handle isnta social strategy. Frequent posts & sharing are requiredif you hope to get real value from Facebook. 9. 4Expect to serve your customers onfacebook.91% of social customers report abandoning at least onebrand on Facebook.To increasecustomer value youneed to answer the phone. 10. Whats new@facebook? 11. 3 3165287 12. 123 56 13. 21 14. does your page stand out 15. Custom tabs convert to fans47% higher than the Wall 16. what makes agreatfacebook page? 17. Why Fans UnLike Companies 18. creating custom tabs 19. 520 pixels 20. WIN at-shirt 21. TipYour facebook vanity URLis important for SEO. Create it wisely. 22. Use facebook as your business 23. Use facebook as your business Like other Pages as your business Post content on other Pages Comment on other Pages wall content 24. building your network 25. best practices Always add value Comment, dont just like content Be aware of etiquette Please dont connect Facebook& Twitter And be sure to 26. answer the phone 27. post wall-to-wall 28. tag all your photos 29. 3126 30. WIN at-shirt 31. 41,420The average facebook user has 190 friends 218 X 190 = 41,420 32. campaign results Campaign cost = $1,300 (including prizing) Results 1,100 new fans Cost / Fan = $1.18 Bonus = 41,000 brand exposures 33. measuring success 34. Page Level 35. Post Level 36. 5 metrics to track new fans tab views engagement impressions unsubscribes 37. facebookadvertising 38. facebookad tips1. Run Split - or - A /B Tests2. Ask questions in the body copy3. Keep the language short & simple4. Create a sense of urgency: enroll today, register now or last day to save5. Highlight special offers or discounts. Use words like free, discount, and 20% off6. Use engaging images that maximize the space 39. split testing 40. split testing 41. facebookad tips7. Send users to a relevant landing page that references your ad8. Target by location. Select the area where your audience is located9. Use the demographic profile of existing customers to target who your new customers might be10. Target users based on interests and likes11. Test performance at different times / days12. Use a Cost Per Fan performance model 42. 5 things you can do today1. Create a page2. Create a reveal tab (and other tabs)3. Register your vanity URL4. Create a facebook ad campaign5. Analyze your results 43. Resources1. Facebook Promo Guidelines5. Facebook Ads6. Recent Facebook Updates 44. Thank you. Questions?Chris BurdgeTwitter 508-7761

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