solar power new

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Solar power

By  Holly

What Is Solar Power?Solar power is energy from the sun. Due to climate change from fosil fuels the earth is getting hotter and solar power is one of the only sources of energy that will help save the earth, because it is renewable. The sun will shine for many more years, that means solar power will last for many more years.


Thermal energy rocks!!!!!!!!!!Thermal  energy is so cool.It works so hard. It even works when we do not want it to : If you wanted a cold pool outside on a hot day all you would get would be hot water in a big hole.It also dries are washing, gives us hot water (if it is solar powerd), gives us a hot day to sunbathe, and many more.

Solar panels.Solar panels are made in factorys that is bad, but in the end it all pays of with all the energy from hot days you get. Black is the best colour to absorb energy, black is not a vibrant and peaceful colour to have on top of you roof (cars, houses and many othere things). Solar panels will not work at night.Solar panels are very handy though,because sometimaes we do not want the solar panels to work, but it is so sunny that we get lots of energy when we do not want them to.  

Solar Power VS Wind Power.Wind power beats solar power at efficiency and wind power is used more to. This is good because they are both renewable, but it is not briliant because wind power relises carbon dioxide when it is planted, and does not work when there is no wind, but solar panels do not work at night.

Pros and Cons of solar power.

Pros *Solar power is renewable, because the sun will always shine. *Solar panels are made out of silicon, there is a lot of silicon on earth. *We have thermal energy wich will work even if we do not want it to.

Cons *Black is the best colour when absorbing energy and is not a nice and peaceful colour to have on your roof. *It takes a lot of energy when making solar panels, they are made in factories. *Solar panels do not work at night.

Were do solar panels work?Solar panels only work in hot places where the sun shines (not all the time but at least a bit). Solar panels can be on roof 's of cars, houses, buses, trucks and many othere types of transport.Solar panels will not work in the south and north pole, but would work in the desert. 


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