speaker: tsung-yi wu rtl coding for fpga. verilog verilog is a hardware description language (hdl)....

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Verilog Open Verilog International(OVI) was formed to maintain the Verilog standard, in 1993, OVI releases the Verilog 2.0 Reference Manual, then becomes the IEEE (Verilog-1995)


Speaker: Tsung-Yi Wu

RTL Coding for FPGA

Verilog Verilog is a HARDWARE DESCRIPTIO

N LANGUAGE (HDL). Verilog is first introduced in 1984 for Gat

eway Verilog-XL digital simulator In 1989, Gateway acquired by Cadence.

Then in 1990, Cadence release the Verilog language and Verilog PLI to public.


Open Verilog International(OVI) was formed to maintain the Verilog standard, in 1993, OVI releases the Verilog 2.0 Reference Manual, then becomes the IEEE 1364-1995 (Verilog-1995)


The specification of the Verilog-2001 standard is complete– Voting draft completed March 1st, 2000– The official standard will be IEEE Std. 136


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Register Transfer Level (RTL)

Any code that is synthesizable is called RTL code.

Gate Level

Within the logic level the characteristics of a system are described by logical links and their timing properties.

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Integer LiteralsInteger literals can have underscores embedded in t

hem for improved readability. For example,– Binary literal 2’b1Z– Octal literal 2’o17– Decimal literal 9 or ’d9– Hexadecimal literal 3’h189– Decimal literal 24_000

Introduction: Basic Verilog

6'hCA 001010 truncated, not 11001010 6'hA 001010 filled with two '0' on left 16'bZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z filled with 16 Z's

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Module Port Declarations input a,b;output sum;inout c;– An Example

module adder(a,b,sum);input a,b;output sum;:


Introduction: Basic Verilog

Data Typesreal a, b, c; // a,b,c to be realinteger j, k; // integer variableinteger i[1:32]; // array of integer variablesreg [8*14:1] string ; /* This defines a vector with range [msb_expr: lsb_expr] */reg [15:0] mem16X512 [0:511];

// 16-bit by 512 word memory// mem16X512[4] addresses word 4// the order lsb:msb or msb:lsb is not important

wire net1;

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Net types– wire tri– wand triand– wor trior– tri0 tri1– supply0 supply1– trireg

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Relational Operators – a<b a less than b– a>b a greater than b– a<=b a less than or equal to b– a>=b a greater than or equal to b

Arithmetic Operators +, -, *, /, % (the modulus operator)

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Equality Operators – a === b a equal to b, including x and z– a !== b a not equal to b, including x and z– a == b a equal to b, resulting may be unknown– a != b a not equal to b, result may be unknown

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Logical Operators – ! logic negation– && logical and– || logical or

Introduction: Basic Verilog

0 if the relation is false 1 if the relation is true x if any of the operands has unknown x

bits z ?

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Bitwise Operators– ~m Invert each bit of m– m&n AND each bit of m with each bit of n– m|n OR each bit of m with each bit of n– m^n Exclusive OR each bit of m with n


Example–  0&x = 0 – 1&x = x&x = x – 1|x = 1 –  0|x = x|x = x – 0^x = x

Introduction: Basic Verilog

<< left shift >> right shift {b, {3{c, d}}}

this is equivalent to {b, c, d, c, d, c, d} out = (enable) ? data : 8'bz;

// Tri state buffer

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Introduction: Basic Verilog

module dff (q,qb,clk,d,rst); input clk,d,rst ; // input signals output q,qb ; // output definition wire dl,dbl ;

// parameter value assignment paramter delay1 = 3, delay2 = delay1 + 1;

nand #delay1 n1(cf,dl,cbf), n2(cbf,clk,cf,rst); nand #delay2 n3(dl,d,dbl,rst), n4(dbl,dl,clk,cbf), n5(q,cbf,qb), n6(qb,dbl,q,rst);


initial : initial blocks execute only once at time zero (start execution at time zero).

always : always blocks loop to execute over and over again, in other words as name means, it executes always

initial is un-synthesizable statement

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Example : initial and always

Initial always @ (posedge clk) begin  begin : D_FF   reset = 0;   if (reset == 1) q <= 0;   q <= 0; end else q <=d; end

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Bug?wire clk, resetreg enable, data; Initial  begin   clk = 0;   reset = 0;   enable = 0;    data = 0;  end

Introduction: Basic Verilog for (i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i=i+1) memory[i] = 0 ; // initialize to 0 repeat (bit-width) b = b << 1; case (select)

0: out[0] = 1; 1: out[1] = 1;endcase

Introduction: Basic Verilog

while(delay) begin @(posedge clk);

ldlang = oldldlang; delay = delay - 1;end

Introduction: Basic Verilog

 module and_from_nand(A, B, Y);

input A, B;output Y;wire W;// Two instantiations of the module NANDnand U1(A, B, W);nand U2(W, W, Y); 


Structural model of AND gate from two NANDS

Introduction: Basic Verilog

always @ (posedge enable) repeat (20) @ (posedge clk) ; while (mem_read == 1'b1) begin

wait (data_ready) data = data_bus; read_ack = 1;end

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Function function [range] FCTID;

{input [range] {ARGID,};}[{declaration}]begin [{sequential_statement}]endendfunction

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Task task TASKID;

[{input | output | inout [range] {ARGID,};}][{declaration}]begin [{sequential_statement}]end

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Introduction: Basic Verilog

System task– $stop Interrupt– $finish Terminate – $display[defbase]([fmtstr,] {expr,}); – $monitor[defbase] ([fmtstr,] {expr,});

Compiler Directives– `define WORD_SIZE 32– `include head.v– `timescale100 ns / 1 ns

Introduction: Basic Verilog

Example– $display( “Example of using function”);

/* display to screen */– $monitor($time, “a=%b, clk = %b, add=%h”,

a,clk,add); // monitor signals– $setuphold( posedge clk, datain, setup, hol

d); // setup and hold checks

Combination CKT Coding

Combinational circuit is used to calculate the next state of the flip-flops

Data Path can be constructed by combination CKT

Combinational CircuitF( inputs, flip-flops )

Sequential CircuitFlip-Flops inside here



Combination CKT Coding Verilog Example of Priority Encoded if Statement

module mult_if(a, b, c, d, sel, z);input a, b, c, d;input [3:0] sel;output z;reg z;always @(a or b or c or d or sel)begin

z = 0;if (sel[0]) z = a;if (sel[1]) z = b;if (sel[2]) z = c;if (sel[3]) z = d;


Combination CKT Coding Verilog Example for Single if Statement (Not Priority Encoded)

module single_if(a, b, c, d, sel, z);input a, b, c, d;input [3:0] sel;output z;reg z;always @(a or b or c or d or sel)begin

z = 0;if (sel[3])z = d;else if (sel[2])z = c;else if (sel[1])z = b;else if(sel[0])z = a;end


Verilog for Single case Statement

module case1(a, b, c, d, sel, z);input a, b, c, d;input [3:0] sel;output z;reg z;always @(a or b or c or d or sel)begin

casex (sel)4’b1xxx: z = d;4’bx1xx: z = c;4’bxx1x: z = b;4’bxxx1: z = a;default: z = 1’b0;endcase


Combination CKT Coding

Combination CKT Coding

Example 3-1 Verilog for Decoder Using Indexingmodule decoder_index (in1, out1);parameter N = 8;parameter log2N = 3;input [log2N-1:0] in1;output [N-1:0] out1;reg [N-1:0] out1;always @(in1)beginout1 = 0;out1[in1] = 1’b1;endendmodule

Combination CKT Coding

Example 3-3 Verilog for Decoder Using Loopmodule decoder38_loop (in1, out1); parameter N = 8; parameter log2N = 3; input [log2N-1:0] in1; output [N-1:0] out1; reg [N-1:0] out1; integer i; always @(in1) begin for(i=0;i<N;i=i+1) out1[i] = (in1 == i); endendmodule

Combination CKT Coding

Combination CKT Coding

Combination CKT Coding Example 3-8 Verilog for Reduction XOR Chain

module XOR_reduce (data_in, data_out); parameter N = 5; input [N-1:0] data_in; output data_out; reg data_out; function XOR_reduce_func; input [N-1:0] data; integer I; begin XOR_reduce_func = 0; for (I = N-1; I >= 0; I=I-1) XOR_reduce_func = XOR_reduce_func ^ data[I]; end endfunction always @(data_in) begin data_out <= XOR_reduce_func(data_in); endendmodule

Combination CKT Coding

Combination CKT Coding

Verilog for XOR Treemodule XOR_tree(data_in, data_out); parameter N = 5; parameter logN = 3; input[N-1:0] data_in; output data_out; reg data_out; function even; input [31:0] num; begin even = ~num[0]; end endfunction

Combination CKT Coding Verilog for XOR Treefunction XOR_tree_func;input [N-1:0] data;integer I, J, K, NUM;reg [N-1:0] temp, result;begin temp[N-1:0] = data_in[N-1:0]; NUM = N; for (K=logN-1; K>=0; K=K-1) begin J = (NUM+1)/2; J = J-1; if (even(NUM)) for (I=NUM-1; I>=0; I=I-2) begin result[J] = temp[I] ^ temp[I-1]; J = J-1; end else

begin for (I=NUM-1; I>=1; I=I-2) begin result[J] = temp[I] ^ temp[I-1]; J = J-1; end result[0] = temp[0]; end temp[N-1:0] = result[N-1:0]; NUM = (NUM+1)/2; end XOR_tree_func = result[0]; endendfunctionalways @(data_in)begin data_out <= XOR_tree_func(data_in);endendmodule

Combination CKT Coding

Combination CKT Coding Example 4-1 Original Verilog Before Logic Duplication

module BEFORE (ADDRESS, PTR1, PTR2, B, CONTROL, COUNT); input [7:0] PTR1,PTR2; input [15:0] ADDRESS, B; input CONTROL; // CONTROL is late arriving output [15:0] COUNT; parameter [7:0] BASE = 8’b10000000; wire [7:0] PTR, OFFSET; wire [15:0] ADDR; assign PTR = (CONTROL == 1’b1) ? PTR1 : PTR2; assign OFFSET = BASE - PTR; //Could be any function // f(BASE,PTR) assign ADDR = ADDRESS - {8’h00, OFFSET}; assign COUNT = ADDR + B;endmodule

Combination CKT Coding

Combination CKT Coding

Example 5-3 Combinational Ripple Carry Adderfunction [7:0] adder;input [7:0] a, b;reg c;integer i;begin c = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1) begin adder[i] = a[i] ^ b[i] ^ c; c = a[i] & b[i] | a[i] & c | b[i] & c; endendendfunction

Combination CKT Coding Example shows how a task statement is used to define an adder function.

module task_example (a,b,c);input [7:0] a,b;output [7:0] c;reg [7:0] c;

task adder;input [7:0] a,b;output [7:0] adder;reg c;integer i;begin c = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i+1) begin adder[i] = a[i] ^ b[i] ^ c; c = (a[i] & b[i]) | (a[i] & c) | (b[i] & c); endendendtask

alwaysadder (a,b,c); //c is a regendmodule

Sequential CKT Coding

Verilog Showing Unintentional Latch Inferencealways @(cond_1)begin if (cond_1) data_out <= data_in;end

Sequential CKT Coding : in out declaration

module UP_COUNTER (clock,reset,value_now);input clock,reset;output [7:0]value_now;

reg [7:0]value_now; // Q value for filp-flops……endmodule

Sequential CKT Coding : combinational ckt

wire [7:0]value_now_d; // D values for flip-flopsassign value_now_d=reset?8'b0:(value_now+1'b1);

Sequential CKT Coding : sequential ckt

A edge triggered always block will infer real flip-flops

always@(posedge clock)begin

value_now<= value_now_d;end

Above statement will use 8 flip-flops

Sequential CKT Coding

Example 5-11 RTL Nonblocking Assignmentsmodule rtl (clk, data, regc, regd);input data, clk;output regc, regd;reg regc, regd;always @(posedge clk)begin

regc <= data;regd <= regc;


Sequential CKT Coding

Example 5-12 Blocking Assignmentmodule rtl (clk, data, rega, regb);input data, clk;output rega, regb;reg rega, regb;always @(posedge clk)begin

rega = data;regb = rega;


Sequential CKT Coding

Latch Inference Using an if Statementalways @ (DATA or GATE) begin

if (GATE) beginQ = DATA;


Sequential CKT Coding

Avoiding Latch Inferencealways @ (DATA, GATE) begin Q = 0; if (GATE) Q = DATA;end

Sequential CKT Coding: Verification

How can we ensure our design is right?


Test bench(a test machine)

Real design

A special Verilogmodule to test the design

Give inputs Observe outputs

Do the responses right?

Sequential CKT Coding: test-bench

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module test_up_counter; // test bench module

reg clock,reset,max,freeze,pre_load;reg [7:0]pre_load_val;wire [7:0]value_now;

UP_COUNTER MY_COUNTER(clock,reset, value_now);

Sequential CKT Coding: test-bench


clock=1; reset=1; #81reset=0;


always #10 clock=~clock;

always@(posedge clock)begin

#5$display("Present valur of the up counter=%d",value_now);


Sequential CKT Coding: outputs/responses

Sequential CKT Coding: synthesis

Sequential CKT Coding

Example 6-14 D Latch With Asynchronous Resetmodule d_latch_async_reset (RESET, GATE, DATA, Q);input RESET, GATE, DATA;output Q;reg Q;//synopsys async_set_reset "RESET"always @ (RESET or GATE or DATA) if (~RESET) Q = 1’b0; else if (GATE) Q = DATA;endmodule

Sequential CKT Coding

Positive-Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flopmodule mslatch (SCK, MCK, DATA, Q);input SCK, MCK, DATA;output Q;reg Q;always @ (posedge SCK) Q <= DATA;endmodule

Sequential CKT Coding

Negative-Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flopmodule dff_neg (DATA, CLK, Q);input DATA, CLK;output Q;reg Q;always @(negedge CLK) Q <= DATA;endmodule

Sequential CKT Coding

D Flip-Flop With Synchronous Resetmodule dff_sync_reset (DATA, CLK, RESET, Q);input DATA, CLK, RESET;output Q;reg Q;//synopsys sync_set_reset "RESET"always @(posedge CLK)if (~RESET) Q <= 1’b0;else Q <= DATA;endmodule

Sequential CKT Coding

Example 6-27 D Flip-Flop With Asynchronous Setmodule dff_async_set (DATA, CLK, SET, Q);input DATA, CLK, SET;output Q;reg Q;always @(posedge CLK or negedge SET) if (~SET) Q <= 1’b1; else Q <= DATA;endmodule

Sequential CKT Coding

Drink Machine—State Machine VersionThe design is a vending control unit for a soft dri

nk vending machine. The circuit reads signals from a coin-input unit a

nd sends outputs to a change-dispensing unit and a drink-dispensing unit.

Input signals from the coin-input unit are nickel_in (nickel deposited), dime_in (dime deposited), and quarter_in (quarter deposited).

Sequential CKT Coding

Drink Machine—State Machine Version

Outputs to the vending control unit are collect (collect coins), to the coin-input unit; nickel_out (nickel change) and dime_out (dime change), to the change-dispensing unit; and dispense (dispense drink), to the drink-dispensing unit.

The price of a drink is 35 cents.

Sequential CKT Coding

Drink Machine—State Machine Version‘define vend_a_drink {D,dispense,collect} = {IDLE,2’b11}module drink_machine(nickel_in, dime_in, quarter_in,collect, nickel_out, dime_out,dispense, reset, clk) ; parameter IDLE=0,FIVE=1,TEN=2,TWENTY_FIVE=3, FIFTEEN=4,THIRTY=5,TWENTY=6,OWE_DIME=7; input nickel_in, dime_in, quarter_in, reset, clk; output collect, nickel_out, dime_out, dispense; reg collect, nickel_out, dime_out, dispense; reg [2:0] D, Q; /* state */ // synopsys state_vector Q

Sequential CKT Codingalways @ ( nickel_in or dime_in or quarter_in or reset )begin nickel_out = 0; dime_out = 0; dispense = 0; collect = 0; if ( reset ) D = IDLE; else begin D = Q; case ( Q ) IDLE: if (nickel_in) D = FIVE; else if (dime_in) D = TEN; else if (quarter_in) D = TWENTY_FIVE;

Sequential CKT CodingFIVE: if(nickel_in) D = TEN; else if (dime_in) D = FIFTEEN; else if (quarter_in) D = THIRTY;TEN: if (nickel_in) D = FIFTEEN; else if (dime_in) D = TWENTY; else if (quarter_in) ‘vend_a_drink;TWENTY_FIVE: if( nickel_in) D = THIRTY; else if (dime_in) ‘vend_a_drink; else if (quarter_in) begin ‘vend_a_drink; nickel_out = 1; dime_out = 1; end

Sequential CKT CodingFIFTEEN: if (nickel_in) D = TWENTY; else if (dime_in) D = TWENTY_FIVE; else if (quarter_in) begin ‘vend_a_drink; nickel_out = 1; endTHIRTY: if (nickel_in) ‘vend_a_drink; else if (dime_in) begin ‘vend_a_drink; nickel_out = 1; end else if (quarter_in) begin ‘vend_a_drink; dime_out = 1; D = OWE_DIME; end

Sequential CKT CodingTWENTY: if (nickel_in) D = TWENTY_FIVE; else if (dime_in) D = THIRTY; else if (quarter_in) begin ‘vend_a_drink; dime_out = 1; end OWE_DIME: begin dime_out = 1; D = IDLE; end endcase endendalways @ (posedge clk ) begin Q = D;endendmodule

Sequential CKT CodingSchematic

Sequential CKT Coding


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