special church council meetings due to covid 19 · 04.05.2020  · rentschler, and deb warner....

Post on 18-Oct-2020






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For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die;

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal;

a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh;

a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; (Ecclesiastes 3:1-5)

Beloved people of God, This is my last pastor’s page to you. I wish we could be together in person for worship one last time be-fore I leave, but unfortunately we are in “a time to refrain from embracing” for the sake of public health. My heart has been heavy lately as I’ve been working to set you up as smooth a transition as possible dur-ing these strange times. My heart is also full of hope of what is yet to come for both of us. God is faithful, and I have seen over these past four years how resilient you are. God has seen you through so much and will continue to be with you into the future. Thank you all so much for your warm wishes and prayers as I move toward this new ministry adventure. It's important to end well which is a tricky thing to do during this time of physical distancing. But we will try our best. For the sake our own closure, on Friday, May 8th, Alan, Simon and I will walk through the church building holding our own little blessing and farewell service throughout the building. This way we can set apart intentional time to remember and give thanks to God for all of you and all the memories that have shaped us and fed us over the last 4 years. If you would like to leave a note for us about a favorite memory or a farewell blessing, as a way to find a bit of closure for yourself, we welcome that. Please leave it someplace visible. We will begin our walk through of the church at 4pm on Friday, May 8th, so make sure it’s in place by then. The church doors will be unlocked during this week so that you can make a quick run inside. Another option for saying goodbye will happen starting at 6pm also on May 8th. We will be standing outside in our driveway waving our goodbyes if you’d like to participate in a drive-by parade! Contact Al Leenderts for more detailed info, or simply drive on by. We’ll be outside until 7pm. After May 8th, while our mutual love and care for one another will remain, and we are forever joined to-gether into one body of Christ, our professional relationship as pastor and parishioner must come to an end. What does this look like? It means I will no longer be available to you for spiritual guidance, wor-ship leadership, pastoral acts, teaching, or visitations. We can remain in friendly contact, but please know that if I encourage you to turn to your new pastor about something, it is not because I don’t care, on the contrary, it’s because I care deeply about this community of faith and it’s future, as well as your ability to form new pastoral relationships. Remember God is in the resurrection business. New life comes from the ashes of loss, always. I was recently reminded that the word “goodbye” derives from an old English contraction meaning “God be with you.” That is exactly the benediction that I wish to leave you with. Goodbye, and God be with you. God loves you, and so do I. Thanks for everything. In Christ, Pastor Maggie

Special Church Council Meetings Due to Covid 19 Mission Statement: Bethlehem Lutheran church is a body of broken people connected through faith in Jesus Christ sent to share God’s love. The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council met remotely via Zoom March 24 to discuss recent news about the coronavirus outbreak and its implication for the church. Participating were Pas-tor Maggie, Alan Leenderts, Dan Ellingson, Jan Solberg, Brenda Plimpton, Eric Abels, Dave Leenderts, Emily & Nick Sandager, Alan Berndt-Dreyer, Lori Rentschler, Deb Warner, and Nan-cy Sandager (later). Regarding the recent news about the coronavirus outbreak, we don’t want to be a vector for spreading illness and plan to follow the recommendations of the governor and the synod. Dis-cussed how this impacts upcoming events, including Holy Week services, potential funerals, Maggie’s farewell, loss of income if no weekly services, ways to offer remote services and more. Different people were going to follow up to find updates about the local TV station through Alliance, the possibility of a “drive-in” church service and other ways to worship while still following health guidelines. Cami/Church Secretary should send Dave L/Trustees Chairman a weekly financial statement. Decision was made to have a follow-up Zoom Meeting on April 2. The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council met remotely via Zoom April 2 at 7 pm to continue dis-cussion about the coronavirus outbreak and its implication for the church. Participating were Pastor Maggie, Alan Leenderts, Dan Ellingson, Nancy Sandager, Jan Solberg, Brenda Plimp-ton, Eric Abels, Dave Leenderts, Lucas Sandager, Brenda Beyer, and Deb Warner. Pastor Maggie began the meeting with select verses from Isaiah 43 for devotions. God contin-ues to work in our new reality of “social distancing” and “shelter-in-place”. New health recommendations have come out since our last Zoom meeting. We need to contin-ue to plan how to move forward. Will continue online worship for the month of April. All boards and council should continue to meet electronically/remotely. Old Business: Covid 19:

Holy Week: Drive-in church not allowed by sheriff’s department. Pastor Maggie will put together a “Holy Week at Home” booklet to be mailed out. Approved. She will do the Easter sunrise service at 7 am on Facebook. She will post some interactive questions on Facebook during Holy Week.

Remote Worship: Discussed Livestreaming from sanctuary, and if sound quality could be improved. Possibly doing it with 4 people: Pastor, Musician, Reader, and Vide-ographer – staying at least 6 feet apart. Church secretary should be trained to help with remote worship since we need to plan for Pastor Maggie’s separation. Also more follow up needs to be done with Alliance regarding the TV station such as copyrights and li-censes to stream.

Synod updates: Churches should check into if they qualify for small business loans or other financial help that may be available. Churches may need to update their by-laws to be able to make official decisions via online/electronic means. MN has a law in place to allow that.

Pulpit Supply: Pastor Maggie’s last Sunday is May 3 so we need to plan from that date forward. Alan L

has been in contact with the synod, but they do not have an interim pastor for us at this time. The Exec Board can decide on an interim, but not a “term call” pastor. Al will meet with deacons to review pulpit supply lists, both for our synod and for Sioux Falls. The next synod meeting is April 14.


Serving at the Banquet: They are still serving – just doing it as carry-out – and probably even have a greater

need than usual. Need approx. 5 people per shift to help. Will put a request into the Holy Week booklet.

VBS: Wait and see! Announcements/Correspondence:

Remember: This too shall pass! Reminder to Review Goals at each Council Meeting. The next full Council Meeting is THURSDAY, APRIL 23 at 7 pm via Zoom

The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council met remotely via Zoom April 23, 2020 at 7 pm to con-tinue discussion about the coronavirus outbreak’s implication for the church and plans regard-ing the end of Pastor Maggie’s time with us and the transition time ahead. Participating were Pastor Maggie, Alan Leenderts, Brenda Beyer, Nancy Sandager, Jan Solberg, Brenda Plimp-ton, Eric Abels, Diana Buffington, Brianna Leuthold, Emily Sandager, Alan Berndt-Dreyer, Lori Rentschler, and Deb Warner. Devotions: Pastor Maggie shared a video: “Church in these VUCA times” (VUCA= volatile, un-certain, complex, ambiguous) and the implications for future ministry. Old Business: Covid 19:

All our boards have been meeting remotely. Trustees have worked on a compensation package for an interim pastor. Deacons have been looking into temporary pulpit supply. Education/Sunday School superintendent is getting information from Pastor Maggie about the online Sunday School.

Discussion was held on possibilities for moving forward and how we might do things differ-ently as we continue to worship. We will need to have specific plans in place, be trans-parent, and be intentional about publicizing and sharing those plans. A task force with health care and church administration personnel (Diana B, Alan L, Eric A) was created to keep us updated on following proper health and safety guidelines as we look ahead.

A motion was made by Jan S with a second by Diana B that Bethlehem Lutheran Church congregation may hold meetings by remote communication, including electronically and by telephone conference, as long as there is an opportunity for simultaneous oral com-munication. To the extent permitted by state law, notice of all meetings may be provided electronically. A roll call vote was taken with unanimous approval. Motion carried. (This is item C10.08 from the synod’s suggested congregational constitution.)

Treasurer Brenda B met with Tim Plimpton at Security Savings Bank and applied for a Covid19 Payroll Protection Program loan administered by SBA. We received is $11,363.90, 70% of which must be used for payroll, benefits and utilities in order to avoid penalties.

We still need to encourage giving so we can pay our regular expenses during this time even though we are not meeting in person.

Discussion was held on how to recognize graduating seniors this year. We will ask them to participate in the livestream service on May 17 to receive their quilts, even though we will still observe the distancing guidelines of 6 feet and they won’t re-ceive a personal hug.

Pastoral transition: Discussion was held on Pastor Maggie’s upcoming departure and plans for the transition

time. Pres. Alan L and the council have been working on plans for temporary pulpit sup-ply and trying to line up an interim pastor. We will continue to use resources we have in place – Facebook page for livestreaming services, our current website, etc. (continued)

(Continued Council Special meeting) Livestreaming the service from the sanctuary

(with a limited # of people following health guidelines) was done last Sunday. Moving forward Michaela Abels has agreed to do the videotaping. We need to set up a policy regarding Facebook page administration. As Secretary, Nancy S also agreed to be an additional Facebook site administrator.

Eric Abels will be an additional website admin-istrator.


Farewell for Pastor Maggie, Alan, and Simon Berndt-Dreyer: FRIDAY, MAY 8, from 6-7 pm, we encourage members t drive by the parsonage to wave and sharing farewell greetings! We are also hoping to have the church unlocked again following the May 4 guideline set by the State of MN, so members may stop by individually to drop off any personal farewell messages. Our next Council meeting will be via Zoom on

May 7th.

Adjournment followed prayer led by Brenda Plimpton. Nancy Sandager, Secretary ——————————————————

PRAYER LIST In order to better stay connected in this time of keeping our distance physically, we are trying to update our church prayer chain. A big THANK YOU to Marilyn Nelson for stew-arding the list so we can pray for and with one another. Here’s a note from Mar-ilyn concerning updat-ing Bethlehem’s prayer chain: I will take our new directory and include every-one’s email. If you do not want to be included, please give me a call - 962 3791 - and ask to be deleted. If you know of anyone else who would like to be included please let me know. Since I don’t get out much, I need people to call me if they or someone they know would want to be prayed for...be sure to get their permission first.

CAMI’S CORNER CONGRATULATIONS CLASS 2020!! Mother’s Day Sunday, May 12th Mom, Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world. Happy Mother’s Day!! LADIES AID HUMOR Three older ladies were discussing the travails of getting older.

One said, "Sometimes I catch myself with a jar of mayonnaise in my hand in front of the refrigerator and can't re-member whether I need to put it away, or start making a sandwich."

The second lady chimed in, "Yes, some times I find myself on the landing of the stairs and can't remember whether I was on my way up or on my way down."

The third one responded, "Well, I'm glad I don't have that problem; knock on wood," as she rapped her knuckles on the table, then told them "That must be the door, I'll get it!" Keeping you posted

Congrats to my two granddaughter’s who will be graduating from Brandon Valley High School 2020.

Regan Bly & Avery Timmons!

Deacon Minutes The deacons met on Apr. 16 via Zoom with all present.

President Al is in contact with our synod concerning an interim pastor. We are looking for a supply pastor for the last 4 weeks of May. Deb Warner is contacting Pastor Mary Sacco (who has been with us before) through the SD synod. If Pastor Mary cannot come for the 4 Sundays, Jan Solberg and Deb Warner will fill in.

Deb Warner will also be sending cards to various members of our Bethlehem family to remind them we are thinking of them and praying for them.

The council officers and trustees have given $250 to the Buss family from their Lenten suppers. We also discussed asking Pastor Maggie to set up a video call to our members in Tuff and

The Village (Lois Nelson, Howard Hoyme, Darrell Brown and Joanne Goehle). Submitted by Jan Solberg, sec. ——————————————————————————————————————————- Board of Trustees Meeting April 9, 2020 -7:00 pm - Zoom Those present: Nick Sandager, Brandon Boeve, Kristen VanMaanen, Brenda Plimpton, Lucas Sandager, Dave Leenderts, Brenda Beyer, Alan Leenderts and Dan Ellingson.

The monthly income and expenses were reviewed. Motion to approve by Lucas and second by Brandon. Concerns with the absence of regular offering during this Covid time was dis-cussed.

Our thanks to Brenda Beyer for all her extra work with Security Savings Bank to get Bethle-hem an SBA loan. This will greatly help during this difficult time. Brenda is also navi-gating the new Quick Books.

Motion by Lucas, second by Nick, to give the Trustee and Executive Board Lenten Meal of-ferings to the Buss and Abels families.

The water heater and one geothermal pump need replaced. The water heater will be re-placed right away and we will check on our insurance policy to see if the geothermal pump is covered.

Harnack Construction has been contracted to take the chimney down. They will work on it when time permits.

Bids are being accepted for new concrete for the Parsonage. The primary goal is to correct the water pooling concerns.

With the virus and inability to meet in person, the signage and youth director position have been tabled.

Pastor Maggie's last day is May 15. Approved Pastor to stay in the parsonage until the end of May. The reception for Pastor will likely be postponed until a later time when she can come back.

Parsonage cleaning and new blinds will be installed in June. Alan Leenderts shared the process currently underway for pulpit supply, Interim Pastor and

Calling a new Pastor. The process can be seen at swmnsynod.com. Motion by Lucas, second by Brenda P. to broadcast Bethlehem Sunday Service on the new

City of Hills/Alliance channel. The cost is $50 a month. Church staffing during the pandemic was discussed. Office hours will be reduced to 2 hours

a day. Motion by Nick, second by Kristen. Next meetings: Full Council May 7 & Trustees May 7. Meeting closed in prayer. Submitted by Brenda Plimpton


1 - Trenton Bass 2 - Kelly Warner Mariah Rossow Cheyenne Albers 3 - Rebecca Goossen Alex Harris 4– Britny Paulsen 6 - Travis Helgeson Kari Kueter Bob Johnson 7 - Cooper Vaughn 8 - Lee Sells 9 - Sherry Paulsen 10– Raylan Leuthold Gene Scheerhorn 11-Gene Sandager Kelsey McGuire 12 - Marilyn Nelson 13 - Paul Opheim 15 - Corey Warner 16 - Taylor Huisman 17 - Rodney Hadler Darrell Brown 18 - Tanner Paulsen Reagan Spath 19 - Dawn Leenderts 22 - Linda Ellingson 24 - Tess VanMaanen 25 - Vicki M. Nelson 26 - Micah Sandager

(May Birthday’s continue) 27 - Joanne Goehle Nancy Swanson 28 - Jeff Bass 29 - Karen Soehl Robin Spath 30 Michele Brandenberg Jerry Johnson 31 - Marj Roning Spencer Sells


OFFICE HOURS during the COVID-19 Virus. Monday-Friday 8:00—10:00 am. If you need assis-tance you can email or call the church. 962-3270. The church will re-main closed till further notice.

2020 Bethlehem Lutheran Church


Michaela Abels Kyle Kueter

Jaxon Steensma

** Seniors will be honored on May 17th during our live stream worship @ Bethlehem.

H-BC Graduation Friday, May 22



Your continued financial support to the mission and ministry of the church is important during this time of keeping physical distance from one another for the sake of public health. For your convenience, there are 4 ways to give: ** By mail: send your offer ing by mail to Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 112 N. Main Ave, Hills, MN 56138 ** Automatic Account transfer: Call Security Savings Bank or your own bank to set up an ACH transfer to Bethlehem. **Give online: Follow the link on blchills.org to give by credit, debit, or bank account. **Text to give: Using your smar t phone, text the amount you wish to give to (507) 204-5959. *Note, there is a processing fee for either of these options.


MICHAELA ANN ABELS Parents: Eric & Melisa Abels Sibling: Carter Plans after graduation: Major Elementary Education Minor #1 Early Childhood Development Minor #2 Child Psychology Activities: choir & band

KYLE ROBERT KUETER Parents: Jim & Kari Kueter Siblings: Josh, Casey & Jayden Plans after graduation: Attending Lake Area Tech in Watertown, SD. for Diesel Technology Activities: football, basketball, FFA, trap Shooting


PASTOR MAGGIE BERNDT-DREYER’S last Sunday will be Sunday, May 3rd.

Farewell for Pastor Maggie, Alan, and Simon Berndt-Dreyer:

FRIDAY, MAY 8, from 6-7 pm, we encourage members to drive by the parsonage honk your horn and wave your goodbye.

Thank you for all you have done for Bethlehem.

Best Wishes to you & your family.


Pastor Maggie & Simon

JAXON SLATER STEENSMA Parents: Dale & Heather Steensma Siblings: Skyler & Talon Plans after graduation: Join former professional wrestler Eugene’s gym, Midwest All Pro Wrestling in Sioux Falls, SD. Fulfilling his dream to becoming a Professional wrestler. Activities: 2020 HBC Homecoming King, football, basketball, track & FFA

Bethlehem Lutheran Church 112 N. Main Hills, MN 56138-0576 Phone: 507.962.3270 Pastor Maggie Berndt-Dreyer E-mail: bethlehemluth@alliancecom.net Web site: www.blcofhills.org Address Service Requested

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