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Chapter Introduction

Section 1: Australia and New Zealand

Section 2: Oceania

Section 3: Antarctica

Visual Summary

Chapter Intro 1

Human-Environment Interaction The lands of Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica range from tiny islands to massive continents. Some places in this region have environments too harsh for people to live there permanently. Others have attractive climates but few resources. How might people survive in a land with limited resources?

Chapter Intro 2

Section 1: Australia and New Zealand

People’s actions can change the physical environment. Extensive farming and ranching, along with other agricultural and economic practices, have affected Australia and New Zealand.

Chapter Intro 2

Section 2: Oceania

Patterns of economic activities result in global interdependence. Many of Oceania’s islands have limited resources and depend on tourism or aid from other countries to support their economies.

Chapter Intro 2

Section 3: Antarctica

All living things are dependent upon one another and their surroundings for survival. Scientists fear that human activity may be harming plant and animal life in Antarctica.

Chapter Intro-End

Section 1-Main Idea

People’s actions can change the physical environment.

Section 1-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• lawsuit

• merino

• kiwifruit

Academic Vocabulary

• consist • acknowledge

Section 1-Key Terms

2,224 . . . 2,225 . . . 2,226 . . .People count the sheep running down the main street of Te Kuiti, New Zealand. The “Running of the Sheep” celebrates the New Zealand Shearing Championships that are held in Te Kuiti. Each year, the competition draws hundreds of sheep shearers to Te Kuiti, which is known as the “Shearing Capital of the World.” You can learn more about Australia and New Zealand today as you read the following section.

A. A

B. B

C. C

Section 1-Polling Question

Do you think the Aborigines have a right to claim land that “belongs to their people”?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

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Section 1

To keep Australia’s people, environment, and livestock free of disease and pests, the government has enacted strict quarantine laws. Quarantine means holding anyone or anything until health or cleanliness can be proven. Australia inspects incoming people, baggage, and cargo at its airports, seaports, international mail centers, and shipping centers. More than 10,000 ships are inspected every year, as are a million and a half pieces of mail.

Section 1


Australia has a strong economy, but economic growth has created serious challenges for its environment.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• Australia has a huge land area but only 20.6 million people.

• Needing skilled workers to develop resources and build its economy, the government has encouraged immigration.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• Most Australians are descended from the first immigrants who were from the British Isles and Europe.

• Today, immigrants come from Asia, South Africa, Latin America, and Oceania.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• The Aborigines were the first people to settle Australia, but they have suffered discrimination from white Australians for years.

• Recently the government has worked toward improvements in education, job pay, poverty solutions, and health care, but the problems still exist.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• In the late 1980s, a group of Aborigines filed a lawsuit to block mining on land they said belonged to their people, and in 1992 a court agreed.

• Later court decisions gave Aborigines control over land that was being used for sheep ranches and other economic activities.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• Other Australians are now worried that they might lose land to such Aborigine claims, and the government is trying to find a balance.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• Australia’s prosperous economy is partly based on the export of mineral and energy resources such as iron ore, nickel, zinc, bauxite, gold, diamonds, coal, oil, and natural gas to China and Japan.

Australia and Oceania: GDP per Person

for Selected Countries

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• Australia’s dry climate and poor soils limit farming, but irrigation allows farmers to grow grains, sugarcane, cotton, fruits, and vegetables.

• Australia is a world leader in the export of wool, lamb, beef, and cattle hides.

• Many of the sheep raised in the country are merinos, a breed of sheep known for its fine wool.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• Australian factories produce processed foods, transportation equipment, cloth, and chemicals.

• High-technology industries, service industries, and tourism are also important to the economy.

Section 1

Australia (cont.)

• Since the 1980s, Australians have been working to preserve their land, but some people fear these efforts are too extreme and will hurt the economy.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1


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The main agricultural activity in Australia is

A. the raising of livestock

B. the growing of sugarcane

C. the growing of cotton

D. the mining of iron ore

Section 1

New Zealand

New Zealand is a small country with a growing economy that is based on trade.

Section 1

New Zealand (cont.)

• The population of New Zealand consists largely of the descendants of European, especially British and Irish, immigrants.

• There are also people of German, Scandinavian, Croatian, and Dutch backgrounds.

Section 1

New Zealand (cont.)

• The Maori, the first people to settle New Zealand, are the largest non-European group, forming about 15 percent of the population.

• In 1840 Maori leaders signed the Treaty of Waitangi with Great Britain, which acknowledged British rule over the islands and included the promise of the British to protect Maori land rights.

Section 1

New Zealand (cont.)

• Some Maori have charged that since 1840, Europeans unfairly took land from them.

• They use the Treaty of Waitangi to win lawsuits recognizing their right to land.

• Some people of European descent fear these lawsuits will cause them to lose their land and livelihood.

Section 1

New Zealand (cont.)

• The population growth rate among Pacific Islanders, East Asians, Southeast Asians, and the Maori in New Zealand is high, but the growth rate among whites is low, indicating a future change in the ethnic balance of the country.

Section 1

New Zealand (cont.)

• New Zealand’s export of wool and meat has long been a major factor in the country’s economy.

• The country’s cattle industry produces butter, cheese, and meat for export.

Section 1

New Zealand (cont.)

• Expanding businesses in New Zealand include the production of wood and paper products, and farming and winemaking.

• Apples, grapes, kiwifruit, barley, wheat, and corn are the major crops.

• Service industries and tourism also play large roles in the economy.

Section 1

New Zealand (cont.)

• New Zealand’s trade with other countries is an important part of its economy.

• Australia is still an important trading partner, but the United Kingdom has become a lesser partner as trade with the United States and countries in East Asia has increased.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1


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Why is trade with other countries such a major part of New Zealand’s economy?

A. Because the rate of population growth is increasing

B. Because it is a relatively small country

C. Because the country’s resources are dwindling

D. All of the above

Section 1-End

Section 2-Main Idea

Patterns of economic activities result in global interdependence.

Section 2-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• copra

• lingua franca

• fa’a Samoa

• habitat

Academic Vocabulary

• extract • establish

Section 2-Picture This

These ocean farmers use boats instead of tractors to harvest their crop of pearls in French Polynesia. Workers at the oyster laboratories select the best young oysters and prepare them to produce pearls. During “seeding,” the workers place a tiny, round piece of mussel shell inside an oyster and then put it back into the water. The oyster eventually produces a material called “mother of pearl,” which coats the seed and becomes a pearl. Read this section to learn more about islands in the Pacific Ocean.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2-Polling Question


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Why do you think American influence remains strong in Micronesia?

A. American tourists are plentiful.

B. American music is extremely popular.

C. U.S. military bases are in the area.

D. Americans provide government aid.

Section 2

In the island country of Palau there is a small lake that is home to between 10 and 20 million jellyfish. They range from marble-sized to larger than a softball. This habitat has been invaded by the non-native sea anemone. Scientists working to control the anemone believe the first one was carried in by a tourist and that if the anemone population grows, the jellyfish population will be endangered.

Section 2


Although small in population, Melanesia includes diverse groups of people.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• Papua New Guinea occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and several hundred smaller islands.

• Nearly all of its people belong to different Papuan or Melanesian ethnic groups, which are closely related, and they speak more than 700 languages.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• Many people in Papua New Guinea live by subsistence farming.

• Others work on plantations that grow coffee, oil palm trees, cacao trees, and coconut palms.

• Coconut oil from copra, the meat from dried coconuts, is used to make margarine, soap, and other products.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• Copra and other plantation products are produced for export, so food must be imported for city dwellers.

• Papua New Guinea also supports its economy by extracting oil, gold, copper, silver, iron, and zinc from deposits in the land and ocean floors.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• On the other islands of Melanesia, most of the people belong to different Melanesian ethnic groups.

• In the Fiji Islands, the population is about evenly divided between Melanesians and South Asians.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• The struggle between Melanesians and South Asians for control of Fiji’s government has made foreign companies afraid to invest there and has kept tourists away. Both have hurt Fiji’s economy.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• Most people in the Solomon Islands are ethnic Melanesians who live by subsistence farming and fishing. Most follow traditional ways.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• Most people in Vanuatu are farmers, although tourism is increasing.

• More than 100 Melanesian languages are spoken in Vanuatu, but many people use Bislama as the lingua franca, or a common language used for communication and trade.

Section 2

Melanesia (cont.)

• New Caledonia is a French-owned island territory.

• Rich nickel deposits provide the country’s chief export.

• About one-third of the people are of French descent, and they control the economy.

• Some of New Caledonia’s Melanesians want independence from France.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2


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Which island in the region is owned by France?

A. Vanuatu

B. Papua New Guinea

C. Fiji

D. New Caledonia

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia

Many people in Micronesia and Polynesia practice subsistence farming.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• Micronesia and Polynesia are made up of high volcanic islands and low, ring-shaped atolls.

• Since the 1970s, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, Palau, Nauru, and Kiribati have become independent.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• People on the volcanic and fertile high islands practice subsistence farming, growing yams, sweet potatoes, and cassava.

• People on the low islands fish and grow breadfruit, taro, and bananas.

• Poor soil limits farm production, so most food is imported.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• The Federal States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands have phosphate, a mineral salt used to make fertilizer, but they lack the money to mine the resource.

• Kiribati’s phosphate deposits are gone, and Nauru’s are almost gone.

• Kiribati is dependent on foreign aid, but Nauru is investing abroad and trying to develop service industries.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• Polynesia is a vast island area that lies southeast of Micronesia.

• Today, after a period of European rule, some Polynesian islands, such as Samoa and Tonga, are independent.

• Others, such as French Polynesia, are still controlled by European countries.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• Many people in Polynesia practice subsistence farming.

• Several island economies depend on foreign aid.

• Samoa and Tonga have built strong tourist industries, and both also earn money by exporting timber.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• Samoa has tried to prevent deforestation by establishing a program to replant trees as they are cut down.

• Tonga grows vanilla beans and coconuts as cash crops.

• Other import industries in Polynesia include canning tuna and issuing colorful postage stamps for collectors.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• Samoans call their way of life the fa’a Samoa, which emphasizes living in harmony with the community and the land.

• The people of Samoa are known for their music, dance, handicrafts, and tattoos.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• In the late 1940s, the United States and other countries tested nuclear weapons in the Pacific area, exposing residents of nearby islands to radiation that caused deaths and illnesses and poisoned the land, water, and vegetation.

• The United States has provided millions of dollars to help Marshall Islanders affected by the atomic tests.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• United States aid has been used to clean up the environment in testing areas.

• Still, by the late 1900s, islanders could not return to Bikini Atoll, where the United States began nuclear testing in 1946.

• France planned nuclear tests on an atoll in French Polynesia but cancelled those tests as a result of international protests.

Section 2

Micronesia and Polynesia (cont.)

• Phosphate mining also has caused environmental damage.

• About 80 percent of Nauru cannot support human life, and native birds are threatened by the loss of their habitats.

• Nauru is now seeking international aid to restore its land.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2


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What is the largest cause of environmental damage in this region?

A. Deforestation

B. Nuclear testing

C. Phosphate mining

D. Volcanic activity

Section 2-End

Section 3-Main Idea

All living things are dependent upon one another and their surroundings for survival.

Section 3-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• extinction

• krill

• ozone

Academic Vocabulary

• research

• specify

Section 3-Picture This

If you visit Antarctica, look for a red-and-white striped pole near the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. The actual geographic South Pole is located some distance away from the striped pole—buried under an ice sheet more than 1.5 miles (2.4 km) thick. The ice sheet moves more than 30 feet (9 m) per year, so every January 1st, a new brass marker is placed at 90°S to indicate the true geographic South Pole. Read this section to learn about Antarctica.

A. A

B. B

C. C

Section 3-Polling Question

Do you think Antarctica should be preserved for scientific research as stated in the Antarctic Treaty of 1959?

A. Strongly agree

B. Somewhat agree

C. Disagree

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Section 3

Each year in December, runners from around the world meet for the 26.2 mile (42.2 km) Antarctic Ice Marathon. Temperatures vary, but the average is from 14°F to –4°F (–10° to –20°C), and officials caution that the distance plus the cold equal a difficult run—but people keep coming. They love the challenge and the beauty of Antarctica!

Section 3

International Cooperation

Antarctica is a center of scientific research.

Section 3

International Cooperation (cont.)

• After Antarctica was first sighted in the 1820s, scientists and seal hunters visited parts of the coasts, but the interior remained unexplored until the early 1900s.

• Explorers reached the South Pole in 1911.

Section 3

International Cooperation (cont.)

• Hoping to find mineral resources, several countries claimed territory in Antarctica, but many other countries, including the United States, opposed the claims.

• During the 1950s, several countries began to cooperate on scientific research in Antarctica.

Section 3

International Cooperation (cont.)

• Twelve countries signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1959.

• This agreement stated that Antarctica should be used only for peaceful, scientific purposes.

• It specified that Antarctica could not be used for weapons testing or any other military use.

Section 3

International Cooperation (cont.)

• Since 1959, forty-five countries have signed the Antarctic Treaty.

• These countries have agreed to forbid mining in Antarctica and to protect its environment.

Section 3

International Cooperation (cont.)

• Geologists have found the remains of trees from millions of years ago.

• They believe these findings show that Antarctica was once joined to Africa and South America.

• Climatologists study samples of ice from deep beneath the surface of the ice layer, hoping to learn about the climate from thousands of years ago.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3


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What proof have scientists found that Antarctica might have been joined to Africa and South America?

A. Ice samples that reveal climate changes in the region

B. The remains of trees

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Section 3

Antarctica’s Environment

Climate changes are affecting Antarctica’s environment.

Section 3

Antarctica’s Environment (cont.)

• Penguins, seals, fish, whales, and many kinds of flying birds live in or near the seas surrounding Antarctica.

• Larger animals, such as whales and seals, were once hunted nearly to extinction, or disappearance from the Earth.

Section 3

Antarctica’s Environment (cont.)

• Higher temperatures from global warming could lead to the loss of ice in and near Antarctica, resulting in the loss of plants that live on that ice.

• These plants form the diet of krill, which is the main food source for many larger species of animals.

• Less plant life means less krill, and less krill threatens the survival of other animals.

Section 3

Antarctica’s Environment (cont.)

• Scientists warn that an Antarctic ice melt could raise sea levels around the world, probably flooding low islands in Oceania and highly populated coastal cities.

Section 3

Antarctica’s Environment (cont.)

• A gas called ozone forms a layer around the Earth in the atmosphere and protects the Earth from certain harmful rays of the sun.

• In the 1980s, scientists noticed a “hole” in the ozone layer above Antarctica, caused, they believe, by human-made chemicals reacting with the sun’s rays.

The Ozone Hole

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3


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What do scientists believe caused the “hole” in the ozone layer?

A. Global warming

B. Off-shore drilling

C. The extinction of species

D. Human-made chemicals reacting with the sun’s rays

Section 3-End

VS 1


• Australia’s largely European population is becoming more diverse.

• The Aborigines still face problems in Australian society.

• Australia has rich minerals and productive farms and ranches.

VS 2

New Zealand

• New Zealand’s population is mostly of European background.

• The Maori have laid claims to lands in New Zealand.

• New Zealand’s agricultural economy depends on trade.

VS 3


• Papua New Guinea is Oceania’s largest and most populous country.

• Most people in Melanesia practice subsistence farming.

• People in many areas of Melanesia follow traditional lifestyles.

VS 4

Micronesia and Polynesia

• Many islands in Micronesia have close ties to the United States.

• Low-lying islands in Micronesia have to import food.

• Polynesian countries have built strong tourist industries.

VS 5


• Many nations have agreed to set aside Antarctica for peaceful purposes.

• Antarctica is a major center of scientific research.

• Small animals and plants live in Antarctica. Larger animals thrive in nearby coastal waters.

• A number of problems threaten Antarctica’s fragile environment.

Figure 1

Figure 2

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legal action in which people ask for relief from some damage done to them by someone else



breed of sheep known for especially fine wool



small, fuzzy, brownish-colored fruit with bright green flesh



made up of






dried coconut meat


lingua franca

common language used for communication and trade


fa’a Samoa

Samoan way of life, which puts a heavy emphasis on living in harmony with the community and the land



type of environment in which a particular animal species lives






set up



complete disappearance from the Earth of a particular kind of plant or animal



tiny shrimplike sea creatures that provide food to whales and many other sea animals



gas that forms a layer around the Earth in the atmosphere; it blocks out many of the most harmful rays from the sun



work done by scientists or scholars



make clear


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