spm2003 p2

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Section A[60 marks]

Answer all questions in this section. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90 minutes.

1 Figure 1 shows the set-up of apparatus for an experiment to determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide.

FIGURE 1Results:Mass of crucible + lid = 24.0 gMass of crucible + lid + magnesium = 26.4 gMass of crucible + lid + magnesium oxide = 28.0 g

(a) What is meant by empirical formula?

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(b) Based on the above results,(i) Calculate the mass of magnesium and the mass of oxygen that have


[1 mark]

(ii) Calculate the mole ratio of magnesium atoms to oxygen atoms. [Relative Atomic Mass: O, 16; Mg, 24]

[1 mark]



iii. determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide

[1 mark]

(iv) write the chemical equation for the reaction in the experiment.

………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(c) Why was the crucible lid opened once in a while during the experiment?

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(d) Metal X is placed below hydrogen in the reactivity series. You are

required to carry out an experiment to determine the empirical formula of the oxide of metal X. The apparatus provided are combustion tube, glass tube, cork, Bunsen burner, and porcelain dish.

(i) Draw a labeled diagram of the set-up of the apparatus for the experiment.

[2 marks](ii) Describe the steps that should be taken to ensure that all the air in the

combustion tube has been expelled.



.……………………………………………………………………….[3 marks]



2 Figure 2 shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements.

1 18

H 2 13 14 15 16 17

Mg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Figure 2

Based on Figure 2, answer the following questions.(a) What is the element represented by the symbol Fe?

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(b) In Figure 2, mark ‘X’ in the boxes for all the transition elements. [1 mark]

(c) State one specific characteristic of transition elements.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(d) Write the electron configuration for the Mg atom.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(e) (i) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between aluminium and oxygen gas.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(ii) Briefly state the electron transfer in the bond formation between aluminium and oxygen.





Helium Gas

Light Not reactive colourless

Hydrogen gas

Light Flammable colourless

(f) Based on the above information, which gas is more suitable to be used in meteorological balloons? Give one reason.

………………………………………………………………………………. [2 marks]

3 Figure 3 shows the flow chart for the industrial manufacture of sulphuric acid and the production of fertilizer Z

Figure 3

Based on Figure 3, answer the following questions, (a) Name the process of manufacturing sulphuric acid.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(b) Name the substance X.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(c) Substance X could react directly with water to form sulphuric acid. Explain

why this step is not carried out in the industrial process.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(d) Write the chemical equation when oleum reacts with water to form

sulphuric acid.




[1 mark] (e) Name the substance Y and the fertilizer Z.

Substance Y : …………………………………………………………………

Fertilizer Z : ………………………………………………………………… [2 marks]

(f) Write a chemical equation when sulphur dioxide reacts with water.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

4 Figure 4 shows the set-up of apparatus for the preparation of ethyl ethanoate from the reaction of ethanol with ethanoic acid.

Figure 4

(a) On the Liebig condenser in Figure 4, mark "X' to indicate the place where water flows in and Y where water flows out.

[1 mark](b) Why is the mixture heated using water bath?


……………………………………………………………………………….[2 marks]

(c) (i) Name the reaction for the preparation of ethyl ethanoate.



The combustion of petrol in the engines of vehicles produces sulphur dioxide. This gas

when dissolved in rain is corrosive.


[1 mark](ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction in (c)(i).

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(d) The experiment is repeated by replacing ethanol with propanol(i) Name the ester formed.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(ii) State one physical property of the ester.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(e) The flow chart below shows the conversion of ethanol to ethene and ethanol to ethanoic acid.

EtheneProcess I

EthanolProcess II

Ethanoic Acid

Based on the flow chart, write the chemical equation for

(i) Process I. ………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(ii) Process II. ……………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(f) An alkane has a structural formula as shown below.

What is the name of the alkane?

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]



5 Figure 5 shows the set-up of apparatus to investigate the reactions that take place in test tubes P and Q.


(a) State the observation for the reaction(i) in test tube P.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(ii) in test tube Q.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(b) Write the ionic equation for the reaction in (a)(i).

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(c) State what is meant by oxidizing agent in terms of electron transfer.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(d) Referring to the reaction that takes place in test tube P.

(i) what is the change in the oxidation number of magnesium?

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(ii) name the oxidizing agent.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]



(e) Referring to the reaction that takes place in test tube Q, (i) state the type of reaction that occurs.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(ii) state the oxidation number of bromine in bromine water.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(iii) what is the function of bromine water?

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(iv) name another reagent that can replace bromine water.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

6 A student carried out an experiment to determine the heat of displacement for the reaction between copper and silver nitrate solution. In this experiment, excess copper powder was added to 100 cm3 of silver nitrate solution 0.5 mol dm-3. The heat of displacement in this experiment was - 05 kJ mol-3.[Specific heat capacity of the solution is 4.2 J g-1 oC-1, and the density of the solution is 1 g cm -3](a) What is meant by heat of displacement?

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(b) Besides the data given above, state one other piece of data that is needed to

calculate the heat of displacement.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(c) State one precaution that must be taken while carrying out the experiment.

……………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(d) (i) State one observation of the experiment.

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]



(ii) State the reason for the observation in (d)(i).

………………………………………….…………………………….[1 mark]

(e) Based on the information from this experiment, calculate

(i) the number of moles of silver ions reacted.

[1 mark]

(ii) the amount of heat released.

[1 mark]

(iii) the change in temperature.

[1 mark]

(f) Draw an energy level diagram for the reaction in this experiment.

[2 marks]



(g) The experiment is repeated using 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 silver nitrate solution and excess copper powder.Calculate the temperature change in this experiment. Explain why this change of temperature is different from that in (e)(iii).


……………………………………………………………………………….[3 marks]



Section B[20 marks]

Answer any one question from this section. The time suggested to complete Section B is 30 minutes.

1 The rate of reaction is affected by several factors. One of the factors is the size of particles.

(a) Explain the above statement based on the size of the particles. [2 marks]

(b) A student carried out three experiments to investigate the effects of the factors influencing the rate of reaction. Table I shows the results of the experiments.

Experiment I II III

Set up of apparatus

Temperature /oC 30 40 50

Time taken for all

magnesium to

dissolve /sec

50 20 15

Table 1

(i) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. Calculate the maximum volume of hydrogen gas produced.[Relative atomic mass: Mg, 24; molar gas volume: 24 dm3 mol-1 at room condition] [4 marks]

(ii) Sketch the graphs for the volume of hydrogen gas against time for Experiment I, II,and III on the same axes. [3 marks]

(iii) Calculate the average rate of reaction for Experiment I, II, and III in cm3 s-1 [3 marks]

(iv) Compare the rates of reaction between Experiment I and Experiment II, and between Experiment II and Experiment III.With reference to collision theory, explain why there are differences


One kilogramme of meat, cut into big pieces, takes a longer time to cook compared to one kilogramme of meat cut into small pieces


in the rates of reaction in the experiments. [8 marks]2 (a) State two methods of food preservation which are used in our daily lives and

explain how the methods work. [4 marks]

(b) A student discovered that his socks have oily stains. He washed them with soap.Explain the cleansing action of soap on the oily stains. [8 marks]

(c) A student carried out four experiments to investigate the cleansing effects of soap and detergent on oily stains in soft water and hard water.Table 2 shows the set-up of apparatus, types of water used, and the observations for Experiments I, II, III, and IV.

Experiment I II III IV

Set up of apparatus

observationOily stains disappeared

Oily stains remains

Oily stains disappeared

Oily stains disappeared

Table 2

Compare the cleansing effects between (i) Experiments I and II (ii) Experiments II and IV

Explain why there are differences in the observations: State the substance which is moresuitable as a cleansing agent to remove oily stains. [8 marks]



Section C[20 marks]

Answer any one question from this section. The time suggested to complete Section C is 30 minutes.

3 (a) Lime juice was electrolysed using carbon electrodes.What is produced at the cathode? Write a half-equation for the reaction.

[2 marks]

(b) Figure 6 shows two types of cell.

Figure 6

Compare and contrast cell P and cell Q. Include in your answer the observation and half- equations for the reactions of the electrodes in both cells. [8 marks]

(c) A student intends to electroplate an iron key with a suitable metal to beautify it. Design a laboratory experiment to electroplate the iron key.Your answer should consist of the following:

• Chemicals required• Procedures of the experiment• Diagram showing the set-up of apparatus• Chemical equation involved in the reaction• Observation

[10 marks]



4 (a) A farmer discovered that his vegetables were not growing well because the soil was poor and acidic. As a chemistry student, you can help the farmer.Suggest how the farmer can overcome the problem. [2marks]

(b) Figure 7 shows an incomplete flow chart of cation and anion tests for salt X.

Use the reagents listed below and complete the flow chart to confirm that salt X contains Pb2+ ions and C03

2- ions. Include your observations.

[8 marks]

(c) You are required to prepare dry magnesium chloride salt. The chemicals supplied are

• magnesium sulphate solutions,• dilute hydrochloric acid,• potasium carbonate solution.

Describe a laboratory experiment to prepare the salt. In your description, include the chemical equations involved. [10 marks]


REAGENTSDilute hydrochloric acid, dilute

nitric acid, and lime water

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