st. james the apostle roman catholic church ......2019/05/26  · monthly payment of $3,788.75...

Post on 25-Feb-2021






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Parish Pastoral Council…….………...Meets 2nd Wednesdays at 5:30pm Finance Council.……………………….....……..4th Wednesday at 5:30pm Choir……………………………….…..Practice each Thursday at 6:59pm Women’s Auxiliary.......……….…..2nd Sunday following 11:00am Mass Knights of Columbus………….…………………3rd Saturday at 11:30am Knights of Peter Claver……………………………4th Saturday at 9:30am Knights of Peter Claver-4th Degree……………….. 4th Saturday at 12pm Gracious Ladies-4th Degree…….…………………...1st Saturday at 11am Ladies’ Auxiliary of Peter Claver...…………........3rd Sunday at 12:45pm Spiritual Enrichment Committee..1st Saturday every other month 10am Sandwich Making Ministry……….1st & 3rd Sunday following 8am Mass Free Lunch for Neighbors...……………………Wednesdays at 10:30am (sponsored by the KPC and Ladies Aux) Nevadans for the Common Good (Interfaith)……….4th Thursday at 5:30pm

Special Events .......................................................... Revival in February Gospel/Jazz Brunch 3rd Sunday in October

Not Listed: Bible Study Group, Outreach, Liturgy Committee, Junior Knights and Daughters of Peter Claver. Please see bulletin for dates and time.


Wedding Information – Please contact the office 6 months in advance and before any dates are considered.

***************************************** Baptismal Information – Please contact the

office 3 months in advance and before any dates are considered.

Rev. James Michael Jankowski Shared Pastor with St. John Neumann

Rev. Lijo Abraham, O.SS.T. Shared Parochial Vicar with St. John Neumann

Deacon James Marek

Office Staff

Faith Formation Director Arsenia Eagan

Administrative Assistant Birdie Ray

Business Manager Pam Hunter

Custodian Arnel Biares

Director of Music Susan Briare

Parish Office:

1920 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89106 Ph: (702) 648-6606 Fax: (702) 648-0352 Email:


Office Hours: Monday– Thursday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Office is closed on Fridays and Saturdays




Ministries and Organizations


May 26, 2019

MASS SCHEDULES Sunday 8 a.m. (Community Choir)

& 11a.m. (Gospel Choir)

Reconciliation (Confessions): By Appointment Please call the office

Vernon Richardson Jr. Diane Hess Rudy Brewington Catherine Tasker Anthony Canapa Gloria Monconduit Yakkia Comminey Shirley Morris Jim Fautt Doris Weber If you would like to add a family member to our prayer list, you may do so by contacting the parish.

~~ Sunday, May 26, 2019 ~~ Sixth Sunday of Easter

St. James needs to collect $ 7,500.00 each week in order to meet our operating expenses.

Please help us meet this goal

May 19, 2019 Second Collection: Catholic Comm/Catholic Univ: $318.00

Ordinary Offering: $ 4,050.00 Outreach $ 125.00 Land $ 20.00 Religious/Gift Shop $ 153.00

Online Giving for the Month of April 2019: $1,720

May God Bless your generosity

Please don’t forget to include your envelope number on your offering contributions. Thank you

St. James webpage for online giving:


Rooted in the Catholic Faith, in order to build up the reign of God, the mission of St. James the Apostle Catholic Church is to live out the message of Jesus Christ by worshipping God by serv-ing the world.

If you would like to use your debit/credit card for your weekly offering, please stop by the church office. You can also set up automatic deposits from your bank to the church. Thank you for your contributions.


“There arose no little dissension and debate.” Did that happen at work this week? Most of us can recall run-ins with coworkers, even with the boss. Did it happen while socializing with friends? Go easy on politics, religion . . . even sports. At home? Even the most peaceful household experiences a little “give and take” now and then. So where was it that “there arose no little dissension and debate”? That tumultu-ous conflict occurred among our first Christian an-cestors, disrupting the community life of the early church. But today’s Acts of the Apostles shows how beautifully the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus in to-day’s Gospel, helped the church achieve a grace-filled resolution. What evolved was that “reconciled diversity,” often encouraged by Pope Francis and even envisioned in today’s Revelation passage; and a wondrous experience of Jesus’ promised Gospel gift: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

New Members to the St. James Community

If you are a new member and have officially registered here at St. James Catholic Church, you are encouraged to a end a new members’ mee ng. Mee ngs are scheduled the second Sunday of each month a er the 11:00 am Mass. The next scheduled mee ng is June 9, 2019, with Robert Bass. If you have any ques ons, con-tact the parish office at 702-648-6606.

St. James Parishioners—We want to keep all parishioners in-formed of parish activities and other important information re-garding our community. Email is a great way to communicate with you. We will try to minimize the number of emails sent out. If you are currently not receiving any of the St. James emails, please check with the parish office to see if we have your correct email on file. Thank you!

Respectfulness in the Sanctuary and the Vestibule Please refrain from talking during Mass. Also the vestibule is an ex-tension of the Sanctuary when Mass is going on. There are parish-ioners and little ones in the vestibule who want to participate in the Mass but need to sit in the vestibule. If there is a need to discuss other matters, please do so outside. Thank you!

May 26, 2019 St. James the Apostle Church Page 3

“May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you!” — Psalm 67:6

May 26, 2019

8:00 am: People of the Parish 11:00 am: Confirmandi

Sunday: May 26, 2019 Mass ~ 8:00 am Confirmation Mass ~ 11:00 am (Bishop Emeritus Joseph Pepe) Reception following the Mass Monday: May 27, 2019 Memorial Day (office closed) Thursday: May 30, 2019 Bible Study Group ~ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Gospel Choir Practice ~ 6:59 pm Saturday: June 1, 2019 Spiritual Enrichment ~ 10:00 am Gracious Ladies ~ 11:00 am


Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Psalm 149:1b-6a, 9b; John 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Psalm 138:1-3, 7c-8; John 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Psalm 148:1-2, 11-14; John 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9; Ephesian 1:17-23 or Hebrews 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Luke 24:46-53 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 18:1-8; Psalm 98:1-4; John 16:16-20 Friday: Zephaniah 3:14-18a or Romans 12:9-16; Isaiah 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Luke 1:39-56 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Psalm 47:2-3, 8-10; John 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Revelations 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; John 17:20-26; or, for Ascension, Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9; Ephesians 1:17-23 or Hebrews 9:24-28;10:19-23; Luke 24:46-53

Catholic Stewardship Appeal (CSA)

St. James the Apostle’s 2019 assessment is $31,661. We re-ceived pledges in the amount of $38,970 from 93 parishioners and have payments of $16,888.00 We are encouraging our 300 registered households to participate in making this a successful “In Your light we are light.” appeal. Please remember that any funds received over our assessment obligation will be returned to St. James for our use.

“No gift is too small and no gift is too large!” The minis-tries that this campaign funds allows us together as a

church to reflect the light of Christ in many ways.

Thank you for your prayers and continuous support.

St. James The Apostle Catholic Church Parish Pastoral Council Vacancy -

The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body acting in an advisory capacity to the Pastor in accordance with the Code of Canon Law and the Las Vegas Diocese norm. The Council pro-vides the parish with a vehicle whereby the laity serves with and contributes to the shaping and guiding of the mission of the Par-ish.

Serving on the Pastoral Council is a special ministry to the parish requiring an understanding of and commitment to the Church in accordance with the Second Vatican Council.

The Pastoral Council is comprised of members of the parish who are baptized, confirmed and registered, participating and contrib-uting Catholics at least 18 years of age.

Membership on the Pastoral Council consists of a two (2) year term with the possibility of renewal for another two (2) years.

Qualifications for serving on the Pastoral Council are: You must be baptized and confirmed; a registered, participating and contributing member of St. James Parish; at least 18 years of age and are able to fulfill a three-year term on the Council.

To apply, please complete a nomination form (located in the Parish Office) by May 26, 2019.

Victim Advocacy Number If you believe you are a victim of sexual and/or physically abused, please call our 24hr-hotline at 702-235-7723.

St. James Land Status Initial Loan: $375,783.88

Monthly Payment of $3,788.75 (began Dec. 2012) Est. Balance as of April 30,2019: $158,128.36

May 26, 2019 St. James the Apostle Church Page 4

Why Register In the Church Many people attend Mass here at our church, but are not regis-tered parishioners. It is important to be registered and use your offering envelopes so that if you ever request a letter, whether it’s for being a godparent, sponsor, marriage, confirmation, tax state-ment or any other purpose, we can check our records and see that you attend Mass here. This would also benefit you if you would like to have your child enrolled in next year’s Religious Education Program. If you are not registered in the church, we cannot issue or sign any type of letter stating that you are a member of the par-ish, even if you attend Mass here. If you would like to register and receive offering envelopes, you must complete our registration form. You may also use the parishioner’s updated form (green) located on the church lobby shelf for any changes to your ad-dress, email or phone number. If you have any questions, please contact the office.


Month of May

May 02: Rhonda Hooper, Keiba Crear May 03: Tyrell Bass May 04: Robert Marshall May 05: Theresa Usigbe May 07: Nancy Czulewicz May 08: Rhonda Royal, Danielle Villano May 10: Charles Okeke, Anniv: Charles & Betty Allen May 12: Naeem Langston, Jr. May 14: Mary Schirling, Jeffery Ferba May 15: Elizabeth Chimal-Arellano, Raymond Newell Anniv: John & Janet Holmberg May 16: Amy Urrea May 17: Maria Angela May 18: Mike Rippa, Christian Tamburr May 19: Elijah Hunter May 22: Steven Nwogbe May 23: Dan Skrenes, Michelle Okeke May 24: Pauline Evans, Dorothy McComb, Clarke Barte, Sr. May 26: Jordan-Ruth Dillard May 29: Virginia Castaneda, Elyza Chimal-Arellano May 30: Maria N. Gonzalez May 28: Ina Dorman, Walt Evans May 31: Stacey Scott-Cherry

If your birthday or anniversary date is missing and you are a registered parishioner, please contact the church office.


The Faith Formation Office hours:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays ~ 9:00 am -3:00 pm Thursdays ~ 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

If you are 18 years of age or older, or know someone who is, and would like to become Catholic, the Church has a special program to help you through this process. Also, if you were bap-tized into the Catholic faith but have not received your Sacraments of Confirmation or First Eucharist, this program is for you as well.

Please contact Ms. Eagan in the Faith Formation office for more details.

May Calendar 26 - Confirmation Mass ~ 11:00am

June Calendar 2 - Graduate Recognition ~ 8:00am and 11:00am 9 - Catechists’ Appreciation ~ 9:30am

Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony If you would like to have your child baptized or would like to be married in the Church, you must complete the preparation process. Contact Ms. Eagan in the Faith Formation office for details.

Attention Graduates

Every year the St. James community recognizes those parishion-ers who are graduating, with a special blessing at mass. This year our mass, where we will call forth our graduates, will be on June 2 at both the 8:00 and 11:00 Masses. If you are a registered, participating member of this parish, and are graduating from 8th grade, high school, or college, and would like to be recognized and receive a special blessing, stop by the church office to register. Today is the last day to register so that your name will be on the list. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Eagan, the Director of Faith Formation.

Sacrament of Confirmation

St. James, let us congratulate those who are receiving the Sacra-ment of Confirmation at our 11:00am Mass today:

Camryn Bechtel Elijah Hunter Shantel Imatz Marycarmen Macias Angeline Navarro Aracely Pamplona-Lomeli Leonardo Ramirez Please support them with your prayers and encouragement as they continue their faith journey into full initiation into the Church.

Catechism Classes 2019-2020

Registration for all catechism classes, preschool thru 8th, sacra-mental prep and RCIA will be coming soon. Dates to be an-nounced.

May 26, 2019 St. James the Apostle Church Page 5

Very soon, just the third Catholic high school in the entire state of Nevada, will open its doors to their first Freshman class, right here in North Las Vegas! Cristo Rey St. Viator, part of the nationwide Cristo Rey Network of High Schools, will open a brand-new school on North Las Vegas Boulevard and Van der Meer Street, across from the Broadacres Marketplace. Cristo Rey St. Viator is unique, because all students receive a college preparatory education, and every student will gain real world work experience as they work at a professional administrative job every week! This job will help off-set tuition costs for families. ADMISSIONS OPEN NOW for Fall 2019.

~~ Pastor’s Message ~~

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. James the Apostle,

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FIRST COMMUNICANTS! Last Sunday at the 8:00 AM Mass four of our young parishioners had their first of a lifetime of encounters with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. I am so very proud of Xenia Jones, Layla Larios, Oscar Sanchez Jr and Ava Urrea who approached the Holy Eucharist with such simple and sincere faith. It’s always an inspiration to me to experience their faith which is a direct result of being formed in their homes and in our Faith Formation program here at St. James the Apostle. Thanks to all of you who, at home and at St. James, continue to nurture the gift of faith which was given these children in Baptism. We look forward to all of them continuing their growth in our great Faith Formation program here at St. James!

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWLY CONFIRMED! Today, May 26th, six of our teens were sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of our Bishop Emeritus Joseph Pepe. They are Camryn Bechtel, Elijah Hunter, Shantel Imatz, Marycarmen Macias, Angeline Navarro, and Aracely Pamplona-Lomeli. In my recent interviews with each of them, I was happy to see, once again, how these young people were so grateful for their two years of for-mation in our Confirmation program here at St. James. They liked the fact that they were a small group which enabled them to bond togeth-er, appreciate each other and encourage each other. In a very real sense, they sort of mirror what the early Church must have been like. The early followers of Christ were also a small group who encouraged each other and bonded together in their common experience.

So, please join me in thanking our teens’ families for bringing them to this point in their faith formation and for all those who helped form them in our Confirmation program.

We here at St. James might not be numerous, but we are very strong in our faith and our care for one another. And a big thanks to all of our young parishioners who help us keep our eyes fixed on a future full of hope!

ENJOY MEMORIAL DAY! Every Memorial Day we honor the memory of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives while serving in our nation’s Military. Their sacrifice ensures our freedom. May we always be a nation of gratitude for those who have died in battle, those Veterans who have lived and still live with the scars of war, and those who have served and continue to serve our country in our nation’s military service. May God continue to bless them and the United States of America!

Peace always, Fr. James M. Jankowski Pastor

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church invites all women to our 3rd Annual Women’s Retreat on Saturday, June 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the parish hall at 1811 Pueblo Vista Dr., LV, NV 89128. This year’s topic: The Parables of Jesus and Disney. Cost is $25.00 which includes morning hos-pitality, lunch, and retreat materials. Walt Disney … Jesus Christ … you may wonder how they can be put in the same boat or even in the same sentence. Yet, they are both master story tellers with timeless words of wisdom that have the abil-ity to make us change our perspective, our hearts, and our behavior. Join with other women of faith as we explore the timeless message and morals found in the stories (parables) of Jesus and Disney. Please register in the SEAS Kairos Gift Shop or contact Marcie Wilske at (702-804-8370) or visit

Light a Candle, Say a Prayer, Support your Church - Did you know we have a special reserved area for prayer in our church? It's our little Blessed Sacrament chapel, and it's located in the North-west corner of the church. There, we reserve some consecrated hosts - the Body of Christ - in the tabernacle (that is why we have a candle burning in that area). In addition to images of Mary and Joseph and Jesus, we also have a panel of votive candles. A strong tradition among Christians since the beginning of the Church is to light a candle, while saying a prayer for a loved one or for a special intention. The lighted candle represents Christ, the Light of the World, who brings light and life into our lives. Donations are made when lighting a candle. So, take a moment after mass sometime, to visit Our Lord in the chapel, and Light a Candle, Say a Prayer, and Support your Church!

Diocesan Conference 2019

Early Bird Registration -

We welcome all God’s people to attend our Diocesan Con-ference 2019 United in Christ – Unidos en Cristo. We will be gathering at Texas Station, September 6 & 7, 2019. We invite you to become involved in our faith formation con-ference and seek growth in our Catholic teachings. Let’s make this gathering a vibrant learning experience. The ear-ly bird registration deadline of June 30th is soon approach-ing; register as soon as possible to take advantage of the early bird registration fee of $65. Workshops are available both English and Spanish, and lunch will be provided. Your participation is very welcome and appreciated. For more information please contact the parish office.

Bulletin Announcements Deadline/Bulletin Advertising

Written announcements to be published in our Sunday church bulletins must be received by the church secretary no later than noon on Tuesdays (unless there are early submissions due to holidays). Unfortunately, bulletin announcements advertising for profit organizations/businesses will not be accepted. If you would like your profit organizations/businesses to be published on our back bulletin page, please contact bulletin publisher, J. S. Paluch Co., 1-800-231-0805. We do encourage all of our parish-ioners to use those advertisers listed. Our church bulletin is published free because of their advertising with Paluch. Also, if your advertisement is listed on the back bulletin advertising page, you are most welcome to place your business information on our church information shelf in the front lobby. Thank you for your support!

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