st. maximus and domatius

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St. Maximus and Domatius. Grade 2 Sunday School Class January 29 th 2012 “ The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace” (Galatians 5:22) . Review!. Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men. Luke 5:10 What was the name of 2 of the disciples? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


St. Maximus and Domatius

Grade 2 Sunday School Class January 29th 2012

“The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace” (Galatians 5:22)

Review!• Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men. Luke

5:10• What was the name of 2 of the disciples? • Peter, Andrew, James, John, Mathew, Philip ,

Bartholomew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, and Simon• Who were the sons of thunder? • James and John• Who betrayed Jesus? • Judas

Emperor Walendianus

• Roman emperor• Feared God• Orthodox

God gave him…

Two Sons• Were angelic in their purity and

holiness since their young age• Always praying and reading holy


When they grew up…

• They asked their dad for permission to go to the City of Nicea to pray.– They’re father was very HAPPY

and sent with them lots of soldiers and servants.

• When they arrived they sent the servants and soldiers back and they stayed with an old monk.

• St. Macarius

• Healing sick people • Learned how to make sails

for the ships and boats

“The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace” (Galatians 5:22)

•One of the followers of the emperor saw the names of Maximus and Domatius on the sails.• Immediately the emperor sent their mother and sister the princess to see them. • The brothers wanted to stay monks!

St. Maximus & St. Domatius

• Then the two brothers went to St. Macarius in the desert.

• Salty water Sweet water • Plaiting palm• They stayed in the desert of Egypt

3 YEARS before St. Macarius came to visit them again.

• When St. Macarius was visiting them, he saw them praying during the night …

• Ray of light coming out of their mouth to heaven and an angel with a sword of fire was protecting them.

• St. Macarius was amazed from what he saw and in the morning he put on them the cloths of monks.

• What if someone is sick? – Visitation

• Putting God first.• Trusting in God.

“The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace” (Galatians 5:22)

St. Maximus & St. Domatius

Review Questions• What is the name of the two brothers? • Maximus and Domadius • Who was their father? • Emperor of Rome• Were they Christians? • Yes• What was written on the sail of the ship? • Maximus and Domadius • Who took the two brothers to St. Macarius? • God• What did St. Macarius teach them to make? • Plait palms• How long did they stay alone in the desert? • Three years• What was coming out of the mouth of the saints? • Light

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