st. thomas lutheran church at 10:30 am,...

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St. Thomas Lutheran Church Newsletter

Date: September 2019

Pastor: The Rev. Larry Hagerty Address: 215 St. Thomas Church Rd. Chapin, SC 29036 Office: 803-345-2993 Web: E-mail (church office):

E-mail (Pastor):

From the desk of Pastor Hagerty…

In Sunday worship, we have been following our Lord, Jesus Christ, who has been on His way to Jerusalem and the cross. Our gospel lessons continue to tell the travel narrative from St. Luke’s Gospel. Jesus and his teachings may afflict the comfortable parts of our lives, while comforting our afflictions. We look ahead for more of the same in September as we hear the Word from chapters 14 through 16 of Luke.

We look forward to Hotdogs for Heroes on Sunday, September 8th when our youth will honor first responders from our congregation and our surrounding community. We will have one service at 10:30 am, followed by a hotdog luncheon in our parish hall.

Our Sunday School and Confirmation Classes for the fall will begin on Sunday, September 15th at 9:15 am. We will have some refreshments to kick off the fall season.

Our Christian Education will feature Pastor’s Class on “Meeting God in Prayer” on Tues-days at 10:30 am, beginning on September 3rd. The Women’s Bible Study will resume on Mondays at 6:30 pm, beginning on September 9th.They will study the Book of Esther.

It would not be September without our Homecoming Service on the fourth Sunday. We will have a covered dish luncheon following the one service at 10:30 am Sunday, Septem-ber 22nd. Our guest preacher will be Pastor Karen Young.

See you at church!


Save the Date: October 20, 2019 our annual Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival from 5 -

7pm at our picnic shelter. We will need volunteers for trunks and setup/clean up.

Please look for sign up sheets in the narthex and weekly bulletin for more infor-

mation or ask Beth Ervin. Thanks!!


Church Council Minutes

August 11, 2019

Called to order: at 11:37 am by Lyn Odom

Opening prayer: Pastor Hagerty

Check Roll: Pastor Hagerty, Lyn Odom, Debbie

Morell, Tracey Hagerty, Donall Stoudemire,

Ginny Lindler, Lee Wessinger, Martha Der-

rick, Alice Lindler, Lib Derrick, and Fred


Excused absence: Connie Steele

July 14, 2019 Council minutes: Submitted, re-

viewed and approved.


Pastor’s Report: Pastor submitted a written

report which was also printed in the August

newsletter. Highlights of activities in our con-

gregation since our last council meeting of July

14th were reported. GraceWorks began on the

afternoon of July 14th, where 80 youth and 20

adults from 15 Lutheran congregations wor-

shipped, learned, and served among 20 agen-

cies in and around Columbia that help the poor

and needy. Beth Ervin did a great job schedul-

ing the GraceWorks service projects. Pastor

and Alexander Ervin served. Our YAH peach

run was a success. We thank Rev. Jim Nichols

for presiding and preaching at the funeral of

Miriam Bickley while pastor was in Canada on

vacation. We also thank Ginny for meeting

with the family along with Pastor Jim to plan

the hymns and scriptures that were used at the

service. The rest of the highlights and upcom-

ing events listed in Pastor’s report will be cov-

ered in other reports.

Memorial Fund Report: There was $650.16

received in July. No disbursements were made.

The balance at the end of July was $9,909.07.


President Lyn Odom

Vice President Fred Falls

Secretary Connie Steele Youth and Children’s

Ministry Alice Lindler

Christian Education Debbie Morrell Tracey Hagerty

Worship and Music

Lib Derrick Ginny Lindler Property

Martha Derrick Donall Stoudemire

Evangelism and

Outreach Ministry

Lee Wessinger

Finance and

Stewardship Fred Falls

Cemetery Donall Stoudemire


Pastor The Rev. Larry Hagerty

Director of Music Ginny Lindler Organist Marie Stoudemire Administrative

Assistant Sharon Dickert

Sexton James Eskew


Treasurer Alicia Amick

Memorial Fund


Anne Shealy Recording Treasurer

Alicia Amick


Treasurer’s Report: We received $21,306.00

in current fund income in July. Current fund

expenses for June were $18,702.02. Year-to-

date, our actual income has exceeded our actu-

al expenses by $6,817. Our current fund in-

come is $10,497 higher than at this time last

year, which has enabled us to have a balanced


Outreach & Evangelism: The committee did

not meet in July. Our upcoming outreach ef-

fort, “Hotdogs for Heroes,” will be held on

September 8th and was initiated by the Youth

Committee and the Worship and Music com-

mittee. Our outreach effort with GraceWorks

was reported by Pastor.

Property: Donall reported that the pressure

relief valve is leaking on the well. David

Bouknight will come out and look at the equip-

ment and give us an estimate. The ceiling tiles

need repair and an anonymous person offered

to pay for the repairs. We will have a painter

come out and give us an estimate. Martha and

Fred have agreed to take over the job that

Ricky Waites had been doing of adding salt to

our water treatment system. We thanked Ricky

for a job well done.

Christian Education Report: Tracey reported

that Sunday School Rally Day has been moved

to September 15th, due to Hotdogs for Heroes

being held on September 8th. We will have a

celebration during the Sunday School hour,

rather than having a luncheon afterwards. Pas-

tor reported that confirmation class will resume

on September 15th, as well as our regular Sun-

day School classes.

Worship and Music: Lib handed out the

minutes from the Worship and Music commit-

tee meeting of August 5th, as well as comments

made during the open forums. Discussion fol-

lowed regarding the committee’s recommenda-

tion to develop a contemporary service, which

would be more casual and be held once per

month. It would last for a six month trial peri-

od. This contemporary service would include

no robes being worn and have contemporary

music. The goal is to draw more people to

worship. This would start no earlier than Octo-

ber, considering the Hotdogs for Heroes ser-

vice is on September 8th and Homecoming will

be on September 22nd. Ginny and Lib will have

the Worship and Music committee meet again

prior to the September council meeting, the

date to be announced, to discuss some ques-

tions presented at Council. The guest preacher

for Homecoming is being finalized by the

Worship and Music committee. WELCA will

meet on August 28th to discuss decorations for


Youth Report: Alice repor ted that the Youth committee met on Sunday, July 21st. The youth and children will lead our one worship service on Sunday, September 8th. We will invite any first responder and his/her family to join our congregation for this service and be honored for their dedication to the safety of our com-munity. This includes both current and retired Police, Fire, EMS, SRO, DNR, and Volun-teers. The worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Lunch consisting of hotdogs and all of the trimmings will follow the service. Cards will be made for our first responders by our chil-dren and youth during the Sunday School hour on August 25th and September 1st. Signup sheets are in the narthex for donations and to volunteer to help out with the meal.

Ginny thanked Alice for all that she is doing to give opportunities for the youth.

Cemetery Report: No repor t.


Stewardship & Finance Report: Fred is

working on setting up a Stewardship and

Finance committee meeting. Items that will

be on the agenda are the 2020 budget, the

audit committee, and updating the church

insurance. We may need people with a

strong financial background to serve on the

audit committee.

Old Business:

1) Deb Morell purchased some Blink-XT

cameras and donated them to the church.

She dropped them off at the church for

Lyn to look at. They work via WiFi. Lyn

will lead the effort to get them operation-

al and figure out how we can use cloud

storage of the camera footage. This will

help our security around the church.

2) We will continue to explore ways to im-

prove the speed and efficiency of Sha-

ron’s current computer by having a

knowledgeable IT person scrub the com-

puter and eliminate unwanted files and

programs. We all agreed to obtain an

external hard drive to back-up the data

on Sharon’s computer. Connie has one

that she will donate to the church. We

also agreed to establish a protocol to

back-up and periodically clean the

church computer system. Pastor agreed

to speak to Christy Brasington for her

advice and Donall agreed to ask an IT

person that he knows for his recommen-


3) We have had success in reducing our newsletter mailing costs. More people have opted out of having their newsletter

mailed to them and will access it online and/or pick up a copy in the narthex. We reduced our mailing from 143 copies to below 80 copies. Sharon can place the stamps on the newsletters and bring them to the White Rock Post Office. The mini-mum cost of mailing a flat is one dollar ($1.00) per piece. This is true whether it is 12 pages or up to 20 pages, using a booklet form with legal sized paper.

4) We will present the approved sexton’s job description and contract to Mr. Eskew. He has had shoulder surgery, which has caused a delay.

5) Alice asked about the Staff Support Committee and the starting date. We de-cided to make the starting date Septem-ber 1st. Beth Bedenbaugh has a one year term and Roger Edwards has a two year term.

6) A church member is willing to donate three signs to hang below our church signs at the crossroads and on Highway 76 which will list our Sunday worship times. We agreed to hold off until we confirm what our worship times will be, as we move forward.

7) The Farming Church visioning process is

on hold. We had only 15 people attend

the listening groups. We had a goal of

hearing from 40 people, which would be

half of our average worship attendance.

We will resume the Farming Church pro-

cess pending getting some advice from

Dr. Mark Tidsworth.


New Business:

1) Tracey presented an article entitled:

“U.S. Church Membership Down Sharp-

ly in Past Two Decades.” In the past

twenty years, church membership and

attendance has dropped across the board

of all generations. Fred mentioned that

the graphs of ELCA churches have near-

ly all shown a downward trend. On the

plus side, we have lots of new homes

being built around Saint Thomas and

our location is an advantage. Pastor not-

ed that several people talked to the two

women who were guests in our worship


2) Lyn Odom began a twenty-minute dis-

cussion of activities and declarations

that took place at the ELCA Churchwide

Assembly in Milwaukee from August

5th through August 11th. Since the as-

sembly just ended, we await the SC

Synod response to congregations like

ours, as to how these actions affect us.

There was wide agreement among

Council that we are not in favor of

our church getting too political, as this

could cause division and have a negative

effect on our evangelism efforts.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:57 pm and we

closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Pastor Hagerty and Connie Steele

Homecoming will be held on September 22nd and a covered-dish luncheon will follow in the Parish Hall after the one worship service at 10:30 am. Members of St. Thomas are asked to bring a covered dish to share.

Update on Churchwide Assembly

Since the council meeting, Pastor

Hagerty forwarded an email statement

by our SC Synod Bishop Herman Yoos

on Wednesday, August 14th, regarding

the ELCA Churchwide assembly.

Bishop Yoos made it clear that the

ELCA is not encouraging any congre-

gation to break the law, as it was false-

ly reported by the media. In addition,

no congregation will have anything im-

posed on them by the ELCA.

God’s Peace,



Pastor’s Report

Upcoming Events in September

1. Pastor’s Class on “Meeting God in Prayer” begins on Tuesday, September 3rd at 10:30 AM.

2. The Lutheran Men in Mission will meet on September 4th at 5:30 PM.

3. Hotdogs for Heroes will take place on Sunday, September 8th with one service at 10:30 am, (See page 7.)

4. WELCA Heartland Fall Meeting will meet at St. Luke’s, Prosperity at 3 PM on Sunday, September 8th

5. The Women’s Bible Study will begin on Monday, September 9th at 6:30 pm.

6. Game Nights will take place on Thursday September 12th and 26th at 6:00 PM and will begin with covered dish meals.

7. The Fall Sunday School curriculum

and Confirmation will begin on Sep-tember 15th and continue on Sundays at 9:15 AM.

8. Church Council will meet on Sun-day, September 15th at 11:40 AM.

9. The Young at Heart Fish Fry will take place on Tuesday, September 17th at 11:30 am.

10. Homecoming will take place on Sun-day, September 22nd. There will be one service at 10:30 AM followed by a covered dish meal in the parish hall.

11. The Youth/KICS will go bowling af-ter the Homecoming lunch and are all encouraged to invite a friend

August Highlights

1. Pastor returned from vacation on

Monday, August 5th.

2. The Worship and Music Committee

held their regular quarterly meeting on

Monday, August 5th at 6:30 pm.

2. The Lutheran Men in Mission met on

Wednesday, August 7th at 5:30 pm.

3. Game Nights were held on Thursday,

August 8th and 22nd at 6:00 pm.

4. Fellowship Breakfasts took place on August 8th and 22nd at Palmetto Roads

at 8:30 am.

5. Church Council met on Sunday,

August 11th after the late service.

6. Feeding the Homeless took place on August 18th at 1:00 pm at Finlay Park

in Columbia

7. Young at Heart had an indoor picnic

on Tuesday, August 20th at 11:30 am.

8. Pastor’s Bible Study completed their study of the Book of Acts during the month of August. The class met on

Tuesdays at 10:30 am.

9. Pastoral Care in August included providing 4 shut-in visits with Holy Communion, two hospital visits, and 4

counseling sessions.


2 Christina Bickley

Thomas Ervin

3 Michael McCaslin

5 Earline Derrick

7 Trish Edwards

Michael Harvey

Michael Rowland

10 Millette Mullins

Molly Slice

12 Tim Slice

Ella Stoudemire

12 Tom Johnson

13 Margaret Brasington

C.J. Lindler

Janet Tapp

16 Bennie Derrick

Mike Edens

17 Elise Harvey

19 Pam Meetze

23 Betty Rowland

Woody Woodham

24 Marie Stoudemire

Natasha Stoudemire

28 Evelyn Evans

2/1951 Pete & Shirley Petersen

3/1966 Joe & Margaret Epting

11/1993 Woody & Cindy Woodham

26/1987 Andy & Debbie Rennhack

26/1965 Albert & Marie Stoudemire

28/2002 Lyn & Sue Odom

The Youth of St. Thomas Lutheran Church invite you to join us for worship service followed by a hotdog lunch to honor our Heroes.

We invite any first responder and his/her family to join our congregation for this service and be hon-ored for your dedication to the safety of our community.

This includes both current and retired Police, Fire, EMS, SRO, DNR, and Volunteers. Worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m.

Lunch consisting of hotdogs and all of the trimmings will follow the service. Please RSVP to by September 5, 2019 with your name and the number

of people who will attend. St. Thomas Lutheran Church is at 215 St. Thomas Church Road, Chapin.

We look forward to honoring you on this special day.


WELCA NEWS ♦ Betty Koon, Debbie Rennhack and Beth Ervin attended the 32nd annual WELCA

Convention at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Lexington in June. The theme was “Grace in Community”. Our keynote speaker was Jen Thompson from Light-house for Life and Convention Chaplain Rev Ginger Litman Koon. The convention project was Lighthouse for Life Freedom Bags and “Thank you for your service” cards for our military. St. Thomas donated 5 completed Freedom Bags. The conven-tion donated over 400 bags to Lighthouse for Life!! Our convention members signed hundreds of cards to be sent to our military. A total of $9.000 in checks and gift cards were also donated to Lighthouse for Life.

♦ Heartland Fall Meeting will be Sunday, Sept. 8, 3 PM, St. Luke's Prosper ity ♦ WELCA will be decorating tables for Homecoming this year. We look forward to see-

ing old and new faces! ♦ We will be cutting pound cakes again for the HUB Thanksgiving meal in November.

We will need 11 cakes. Please look for the sign up sheet in the Narthex in early No-vember.

♦ We will be putting together the Angel Tree again this year. Anne Orange is our coor-dinator for this project. Look for information and details in October’s newsletter and the Angel Tree in early November. We appreciate your generosity!!

♦ WeCare Donations: 88 lbs ♦ We will meet again in November 25th at 7pm in parish building: we will be cutting

cakes and electing officers for 2020. Please join us!! ♦ Come be a part of WELCA:

Purpose Statement: As a community of women created in the image of God,

Called to discipleship in Jesus Christ,

And empowered by the Holy Spirit,

We commit ourselves to grow in faith,

Affirm our gifts,

Support one another in our callings,

Engage in ministry and action,

And promote healing and wholeness in the

Church, the society, and the world.

Thanks! Beth Ervin


Christian Education

Now, through September 1st, we will offer a One Room Sunday School for children ages 3 to 12. using the Deep Blue curriculum from Cokesbury. We will meet every Sunday at 9:15 AM. Regular

classes start on September 15th.

Our confirmation class for 6th through 9th grade is taking a summer break and will resume on September 15th. The class uses the “Here We Stand” curriculum

from Augsburg Fortress.

The adult class will continue throughout the summer

and use the Augsburg Adult Bible Studies.

Women's Bible Study will resume on Monday, September 9th, at 6:30 p.m. We will be studying the book of Esther. Please sign-up in the Narthex by September 1st to reserve your book. I am look-ing forward to this time of faith - filled conversations as we study His Word. Questions - Call Ginny Lindler

Beginning on Tuesday, September 3rd, Pastor will begin the class entitled: “Meeting God in Prayer” at 10:30 am. Among the questions we will discuss:

• What is prayer? • What does scripture have to say about it? • Why do we pray?

We start off with a five minute video clip to engage in an intimate conversation with some teachers of the church as they share their biblical understanding of prayer, their own stories of prayer and point to the promises of God who meets us in prayer.


Please join us on Tuesday, September 17th at 11:30 am for our Annual Fish Fry and Fellowship! More details in upcom-ing bulletins. Please RSVP to Sharon by September 15th.


Game Night will be held Thursdays,

September 12th & 26th in the Par-ish Hall. The covered dish meal be-gins at 6:00 pm. Come join us for lots of fun and fellowship!


We will meet at Palmetto Roads in Hilton on Thursdays, September 12th & 26th. Everyone is invited to come share in this Dutch Treat time of good food and fellowship.

We extend our condolences to:

Bennie Derrick on the death of his brother in law,

Jim Cheesman.

Roberta Eskew on the death of her brother

MEMORIALS Given to the glory of God and in memory of:

Miriam Bickley by James & Edith Wessinger, Mike & Ina Edens, Carl

David & Janice Lindler, Betty Hicks, Gary & Gwyne Bedenbaugh,

Brenda Smith & Grady Lindler, Paul & Cheryl (Weed) Lundy, Hal &

Kay Bickley, Joe & Jean Ann Rauch, Epting’s Landing, Margaret Epting, Rose Bickley,

Ronnie & Ginny Lindler, Bill & Melverta Sandel, Deb Morell

Frances Derrick by Rayleen Hollis

Warren Sandel by Dennis Lindler

St. Thomas, Your expression of sympathy will always be remembered.

Thank you very much for providing our family with a meal after the funeral for Miriam. That was very nice and we appreciate the support.

With love, The Bickley Family


A Record of Our Faithfulness

Through 8/25/2019

2019 Budgeted income $ 222,251

2019 Monthly need $ 18,521

2019 Monthly avg income $ 18,657

Jan thru August income $ 149,258

2019 Attendance:

8:00 AM worship average 20

10:30 AM worship average 59

Special service average 97

2019 overall worship average 81

The Joy of Giving

As autumn draws near, it’s a great time to reflect on how God has blessed you. Please consider those blessings when mak-ing your faithful and joyful response to God’s grace through your monetary gifts to Saint Thomas. Let’s see if we can finish the year with a balanced current fund budget!

With your continued sacrificial help, our congregation can continue to make an im-pact for the sake of God’s kingdom. Thank you!

In Christ,


The St Thomas LMM will meet in the Parish Hall on

Wednesday, September 4th and October 2nd at 5:30 pm.

HAPPY 75th ANNIVERSARY to Heifer International!

Started by Dan West after the Spanish Civil War with the idea of “not a cup, but a cow” to help the refugees. His idea bloomed into a way to help people through gifts of animals, plants and educating them to better living skills. This organization has helped many people in many countries to make a better life for their families!

Better education, better housing, better medical care and better ways of working to-gether make for a better world. ~ Lib


September Pantry Needs

Cereal, corn muffin mix, soup (all flavors and sizes), jam/jelly, canned fruit, chili beans,

pancake mix/syrup, instant potatoes, Vienna sausages, and salmon



If you have a name which you would like to have listed, please indicate by filling out a pew card or by calling the church office. Names will then remain on the prayer list for four weeks, unless we are notified to extend the time. Thank you.

• STLC, Staff, Pastor & their families

• SC Synod, Bishop, Staff & their families

• Annette Falls (overlapping auto immune disease)

• Debbie Wise (health is-sues / cancer treatments / daughter of Rose Bickley)

• Lucas Powell (recovery from chemotherapy and radiation treatments)

• Lynnox Givins (3 year old girl in ICU in Greenville / foster child of Alicia Amick’s niece)

• Rev. Beverly Aurand (breast cancer / radiation treatments)

• Thomas Jaco (2 year old child with eye cancer is in remission / child of a friend of Margaret Epting)

• Oscar Rabon (recovery at home from hip surgery)

• Toni Kleckley (health issues / recovery from knee surgery)

• Bernie Hoefer (staying at Carolina Gardens in Lexington, room 318 / cerebellar ataxia / balance issues)

• Nancy Shealy Dimaccio (cancer / recovery from surgery on August 14th / classmate of Margaret Epting)

• Andrew Connelly (recovery at home with therapy from auto accident of December 5th / former organist at St. Thomas / will have to have surgery)

• Hope Grasso (granddaughter of Rev. Lynne O’Shea / pre-mature baby at home now)

• Mitchell Fleck (recovery from surgery / hospitaliza-tion in Louisville, KY / son of Cheryl Kolb)

• Holly Wessinger (recovery from thyroid surgery of July 2nd)

• Larry Monts (recovery from stroke at the LMC Long Term Care in Lexington)

• Jackson Shealy (recovery from brain surgery of July 5th / 10 year old grandson of Anne Shealy)

• Judy Swygert (recovery from hip surgery of July 24th)

• Family of Miriam Bickley (who died on July 26th)

• Jim Eskew (recovery from shoulder surgery on August 6th / our church sexton)

• Rev. Jim Nichols (recovery from back surgery of August 9th)

• Sadie Waites (health is-sues / wife of Christopher Waites son and daughter-in-law of Tracy and Allen Lindler.)

• Family of Ken Webb (who died on July 20th / son of the late Rev. Ken & Betty Webb)

• All those affected by the shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH

• The families of Jim Cheesman (brother in law of Bennie Derrick who died on August 7th)

• Jeannine Olson (knee surgery complications / upcoming second surgery)

• Natalie Zuspan (pneumonia and hospitali-zation / niece of Pastor and Tracey Hagerty)


Date Flowers Greeter Lay Reader

10:30 am


10:30 am

1 Debbie Morell

Lynn Rennebaum

Fred Falls

Andrew Lindler

8 Richard Lindler

Lynn Rennebaum

Beth Ervin

Meshack Lameck

15 Edith Wessinger

Lynn Rennebaum

Debbie Rennhack

McKenzie Metts


Homecoming Mary Joyce

Shealy Lynn

Rennebaum Debbie Morell

C: Grace Derrick A: Alexander Ervin A: Sara Elizabeth W.

29 Rennhack Family

Lynn Rennebaum

Janet Tapp

Karen Lameck

Early Ushers: O’Neal Bickley & Albert Stoudemire

Late Ushers: Capt-Rick Rennebaum, Lynn Rennebaum, Lyn Odom, Sue Odom

Altar Guild: Betty Koon, Debbie Rennhack, Betty Wessinger, Martha Derrick,

Roger & Trish Edwards

Keepers of the Keys / Offering Courier: Debbie Morell

Nursery Keeper: On-call list

Funeral Crucifers: Harr ison Bedenbaugh, Fred Falls

2019 Flower Chart is Posted! Our flower chart is posted on the Cry Room door and we do have

open dates. If you would like to put flowers in the church in honor or memory of someone, please sign up on the calendar for your special date and PLEASE indicate one or two flower bouquets beside your

name. Thanks!

Typewritten Text
In Christian Service



The Rev. Larry Hagerty

Director of Music

Ginny Lindler


Marie Stoudemire

Administrative Assistant

Sharon Dickert

Council President

Lyn Odom

Council Vice President

Fred Falls

Council Secretary

Connie Steele


Alicia Amick

Memorial Fund Treasurer

Anne Shealy

Recording Treasurer

Alicia Amick

Church Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Pastor’s Availability Tuesday through Sunday 8 AM to 9 PM

Feel free to call Pastor’s cell: 673-6507

to talk or to make an appointment

Church Phone: (803) 345-2993

Office email:

Pastor’s email:


In Case of Emergency, Call Any Time:

Pastor Hagerty Cell 673-6507

Lyn Odom

Cell 414-9464

STLC Newsletter

St. Thomas Lutheran Church

215 St. Thomas Church Road

Forwarding Service Requested



Worship Services: 8 am & 10:30 am

On September 1st, 15th, and 29th

Children’s One Room Sunday School

meets at 9:15 am.

Adult Sunday School at 9:15 am

Sun Mon Tue Wed

1 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

2 Happy Labor Day

Church Office Closed

3 Fitness Works 9:00 am

Pastor’s Class 10:30 am “Meeting God in Prayer”

4 Lutheran Men in Mission share-a-meal 5:30 pm

Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm

8 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Hotdogs for Heroes lunch following the one worship Service at 10:30 am

WELCA Heartland Fall meeting

at St. Luke’s at 3 :00 pm

9 Women’s Bible Study book of Esther 6:30 pm

10 Fitness Works 9:00 am

Pastor’s Class 10:30 am “Meeting God in Prayer”

11 Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm

15 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Church Council 11:40 am

Feeding the homeless 1 pm

16 Women’s Bible Study book of Esther 6:30 pm

17 Fitness Works 9:00 am Young at Heart annual Fish Fry 11:30 am

18 Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm

22 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Homecoming (one service 10:30 am)

Youth Bowling follows at AMF Columbia

23 Women’s Bible Study book of Esther 6:30 pm

24 Fitness Works 9:00 am

Pastor’s Class 10:30 am “Meeting God in Prayer”

25 Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm

29 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Change for Change 10:30 am

30 Women’s Bible Study book of Esther 6:30 pm

October 1

Pastor’s Class 10:30 am “Meeting God in Prayer” ++++++++++++++++++ Neighborhood Watch Meeting at 6:30 pm

October 2

Lutheran Men in Mission share-a-meal 5:30 pm Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm

September 2019


Offered Every Sunday

Thu Fri Sat

Lutheran Men in Mission meal 5:30 pm

Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm


6 Fitness Works 9:00 am


Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm 12 Fellowship Breakfast 8:30 am at Palmetto Roads

Game Night STLC 6 pm

with covered dish

13 Fitness Works 9:00 am


Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm 19

20 Fitness Works 9:00 am


Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm

26 Fellowship Breakfast 8:30 am at Palmetto Roads

Game Night STLC 6 pm

with covered dish

27 Fitness Works 9:00 am


Lutheran Men in Mission meal 5:30 pm

Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm

October 3 October 4 Fitness Works 9:00 am

October 5

September 2019

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