steampunk productions production log

Post on 31-Aug-2014






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Charlotte Bracken

Steampunk Productions Production Log

10th September 2012

We was assigned for task 1 a different role in which we would do within the group and then researched and wrote down in a word document in a small descriptive paragraph what each person’s job is.

11th September 2012

Today we have had a meeting with the majority of the team, discussed and decided on when to film and what times we should film at. We have set dates for booking the equipment and what scenes we will be filming first.

13th September 2012

Today we have set up 2 different types of projects for both HD and STANDARD Versions for our short film. We have set up both of these because we have not fully decided whether we will be filming in HD or Standard.

14th September 2012

Today we went to the location of where the film is set in the second scene at around 5pm and finished at around 7pm. It took us longer to film than we hoped as the shots we had taken either seemed wrong to the director or they had things in the way which was not supposed to be there. Also recording the sound was difficult as we had to make sure it was silent and there was no interruptions within the recording, yet we managed to get the majority of the shots we need. We will need to continue the films to finish all the shots we need as we did not do all the shots we had planned to do within the daily production schedule.

15th September 2012

Today we went back to Liam’s house to record the rest of the film and do the shots we was not able to do within the time we planned on the 14th, however, we was not able to continue the filming we needed to do and record as there where complications such members of the team and the actors where not there and not able to make it so the recording for the day had been cancelled.

Charlotte Bracken

17th September 2012

Today I practiced my editing skills as I took 16 pre-recorded shots to create a little sequence of someone making a cup of tea. By cutting them and selecting specific parts of the shots to put into place to create a full sequence.

18th September 2012

Uploading the final practice edit I have completed to YouTube and also writing a brief explanation on what I did and how I did it, I have successfully uploaded them both to my task 4 area on to my blogger.

20th September 2012

Today I have taken the recorded shots me and my production team have taken, and also the audio tracks and synced them together using Adobe Premier. Doing scene by scene and making sure they are perfect so they are not out of sync, we have noticed that some of the shots we have taken need to be re-filmed.

25th September 2012

Today I started to complete the editing of footage which I had captured and sync the audio files to the recorded files. When exporting them, I named then the scene and shot number and then added ‘AUDIO SYNCED’ at the end so I know exactly what is what.

27th September 2012

Today I finished the rest of the editing of synchronization and now I am slowly starting to build up the footage to make a short film, piecing the bits together to create a sequence. I also booked the equipment ready for use on Friday and Saturday.

1st October 2012

Today I started the credits and title sequence for the beginning of my short film. To do this I started a new project on Adobe After Effects.

2nd October 2012

Today I went through the different animated effects to which ones I liked the best and which ones would go better with my title sequence to go with my short film.

Charlotte Bracken

4th October 2012

Today I went on the website to find a font which would be suited for the title in the sequence which was not easy as there were several which would have worked. But in the end I chose a font called ‘NIBIRU’. In order to get this font, I had to log off my computer and shout Iain to come over and log on so he then could download the font and put it into the computer which then would enable me to use that specific font within After Effect.

15th October 2012

Today I got the new footage that Liam and Carrie had recorded this weekend all over again as one of the actresses we had been using could not proceed with the filming as she was unreliable so we then re-named all of the footage and the audio clips we had taken and recorded to then place them into Adobe Premier. By doing this I am slowly piecing and synchronizing the audio and the footage together to create a scene for the short film which then will be all pieced together to create a sequence of the clips which will fit together.

16th October 2012

Today I have been going through all of the clips that Liam and Carrie got and renamed all of the audio clips and the recorded footage into the correct shots and scenes to make it easier for me to synchronise the footage with the sound. After renaming them all, I started to sync the audio clips and the footage together and then export them as a sequence.

18th October 2012

Today I just carried on with the synchronisation of the audio clips and the footage to create sequences and then put the sequences we already had together to see how I can structure the short film together when I have synced all of the pieces together.

22nd October 2012

Again, today I am still synchronising the audio clips and the footage together as there is more scenes and shots than last time. Some of the footage we recorded with the sound are being rather tricky to synchronize together, however, I have still managed to synchronize them together.

25th October 2012

Today I have finished synchronising all audio tracks with the recorded footage and pieced them together to create a rough edit of the short film we are creating. This will enable me to then do an evaluation on the rough edit which I have done and talk about what I can improve or change as I start to finalize a final edit with the rest of the footage and the title and end credits.

Charlotte Bracken

29th October 2012

Today I uploaded the rough edit of the short film to YouTube and then embed it onto my blog to show that my rough edit has been done. Then I started to right a brief paragraph on what I could do differently or better within the rough edit and what I like the most about it.

30th October 2012

Today we got the equipment to film over half term. We picked up the sound equipment, the boom pole, the wind sock, the camera and the tri-pod. These will all be used to film the rest of the scenes in our short film outside.

5th November 2012

Today we recorded the outside scenes of the short film and it took us a while as there was traffic on the road which took time to get all the scenes done quickly. We also had different shots as there was something’s we forgot to keep the same continuity as the actress either put her glasses back on or you could see her glasses.

6th November 2012

Today we put all of the footage that we had filmed the day before onto the computer then placed the filmed footage into the E drive where all out work was kept and then renamed each of the audio clips and the filmed footage to the correct scenes and shots so it will be much easier to synchronize on premier.

8th November 2012

Today I imported all of the audio clips and filmed footage into premier and then began to synchronize the audio with the footage and then exported the clip to make a sequence which would help make piecing of the final edit easier and it would be one item to move other than highlighting all of the clips on the timeline and moving them. This would ensure the synchronization would stay.

12th November 2012

Today I continued to synchronize the footage to the audio clips as there where a lot of them that needed synchronizing together in order to create the sequence. Some of the audio clips where not

Charlotte Bracken

easy to match up to the footage or we didn’t record enough sound which made it a slight problem as we had to cut some of the audio clip we already have, and copy and paste it and make sure that the sound fitted with the rest of the footage.

13th November 2012

Today I have again continued with the synchronization of the audio clips and filmed footage. Doing each individual sequence building was hard as some of them needed work as before of cutting and copying and pasting things together to make sure that the sequences sound right.

15th November 2012

Today I had a break from synchronizing the footage with the audio clips and carried on with fixing the title credits which will go at the start of my short film when the final edit has been fully completed.

19th November 2012

Today I started to finish off the final edit of my film and piece all of the sequences together in an order which will make sense to the audience and to me where the story of the film can be followed easily and is more understanding.

20th November 2012

Today I chose the ending in what I would like to end my film as we as a production group has filmed two different endings which either can be used as they both fit within the story yet each give the short film a different meaning as you might expect one ending but might not expect the other. Each of the production team members have chosen their own endings which makes it different from everyone else’s.

22nd November 2012

Today, I placed the ending of the short film within the timeline and started to put each of the sequences together in order to form my final short film. After watching it back, I realized some of the sequences where not synchronized and then I had to redo them individually within the time line and then again export the sequences to finish my final edit.

Charlotte Bracken

23rd November 2012

Today I finally finished piecing all of the sequences together to create the final short film edit, I then started to watch through it to see if it made sense and if any changes were needed to be made and there was some sequences which needed to be switched round as they seemed out of place or I looked confusing.

26th November 2012

Today I started to look at different kinds of edits that I could use within premier that would help make it look better and more to the genre which we had set the short film to be. Using effects like ‘texturize’ within the short film has given it a little bit of a spooky look and distorted which helps back up the genre of the film. I also added certain audio clips within the short film at certain places. The audio clips of one of the actors whispering ‘Tabitha’ and ‘Tabitha come play’ and even a giggle.


27th November 2012

Today I added more effects like ‘fade to black’ to certain parts of the film where it’s needed, also ‘cross fade’. I also added effects to the audio clips to give it a more echoic feel and fading in and out as if its more ghostly then it was before. I also added extra footage we filmed such as the dolls face and the little girls face and put them in on top of certain sequences yet made the opacity faint.

3rd December 2012

Today I finished the title credits. During this I had to change the composition time to 15 seconds to make sure all of the text that was within the title credit on After Effects would work. Spacing it out to make it readable and making sure it isn’t too long. Then I rendered the title credits and added them to the final edit of my film. I had to make sure it wasn’t too fast for the film and didn’t rush into the beginning of the short film. I then added some music to the title credits from a sound track within my folder.

11th December 2012

Today I started to do the end credits. I then did the same as the title credits and extended the time to make sure that it all fit on with the effects I used on the writing. After I had done all of this, I rendered the end credits and them imported them onto premier and added it to the end of my final edit of my short film. Again I added music to it which I had gotten out of my folder.

Charlotte Bracken

13th December 2012

Today I exported my final edit of the short film on to YouTube and then added it to my blog. I also uploaded the production log which I have been writing throughout the process of my short film edits to record the process I have gone through to get where I am now. I then began to start to writ up my final evaluation of my final edit which I will then add to the blog.

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