students’ syntactical errors in writing descriptive …

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NIM TE161836









Submited as a Partial Fulfilment of the requirements to obtain Undergraduate

Degree (S.1) in English Education Study Program


NIM TE161836







Jambi, October 13th


To. Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

In Jambi


Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading, giving guidance and fixing necessary, we agree that the

thesis entitled “Students‟ Syntactical Errors in writing descriptive text at MTsN 8

Muaro Jambi” by Yulinar, TE161836, has been progressed to be the examined as

a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain undergraduate degree (S.1) at

English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training the

State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, we assert the thesis can

be accepted well.

Thus, we hope this thesis will be useful for education, religion and nation.

Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

Advisor I Advisor II

Drs. Habibudin Ritonga, MA Hilma Suryani, M.Pd

NIP. .195906121987031003 NIP.19861226201503 2 005




I who signed below stated that the thesis that I arrange s a requirement to

get under graduate degree which is entitled “Students’ Syntactical Errors in

Writing Descriptive Text at MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi” is originally and truly my

own work.

As certain parts of the thesis which I quoted from the work of other

people, I have written the source clearly in accordance with the norms, rules and

ethnics of academic writing.

If later found that some parts of the thesis are not my own work or

indicated any element of plagiarism, I am willing to accept the consequences in

accordance with rules and regulation prevail. Therefore, in writing this statement I

am in good health and mind.

Jambi, October 13th






First of all, the writer gives praise and thankfulness to Allah SWT because

his blessing and the merciful with deeply this thesis can be finished.

I dedicated this thesis especially for:

My beloved parents, there are my Mother (Salbiah) and My Father (Binar),

thank you for your love, material, best support ,and prayer for me. Both of you

always give me best motivation when I am down. Your love give a power for me

to finish this thesis.

My big family and my sister who always pray and give me support and

spirit as well as wish for my success.

My beloved lecturers, my first advisor (Drs. Habibudin Ritonga, MA ) and

my second advisor (Hilma Suryani, M.Pd) thank you for your times, helps, and

advice, teaching me until I finished my thesis.

The last to all my friends, my classmates (English Member Class of D

2016 ) who can‟t mentioned one by one. thank you for being my friends and

giving support to me.



فإن مع العسر يسرا , إن مع العسر يسرا

So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief.

Verily, with every difficulty there is relief

(Q.S. Al Insyirah: 5-6)



By reciting Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin, with all mercies and blessing

Allah SWT, finally the researcher accomplished this thesis. The objective of this

thesis is partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English

Education Study, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in the State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “Students’

Syntactical Errors in Writing Descriptive Text at MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi”.

The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance, advice and

special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplishing this thesis.

Therefore, the write would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su‟aidi Asy‟ari, MA, Ph.D, as the Rector of the Islamic University

STS Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadhillah, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training the Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Wahyuni Fitria M,Pd, as Chief of English Education Study Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training The Stated Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Drs. Habibuddin Ritonga, M.A as the first Advisor and Hilma Sutyani, S.pd,

M.Pd as the second Advisor.

5. All lectures in Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi who have given knowledge to the writer.

6. H. Moeh Djuddah, M.Pd.I as the Principle of MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi and his

staff and teachers who have given their kindness as long as the researcher took

the data.

7. Hartati Ismail, M.Pd, as English teacher of MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi who was

helped the researcher in the process of getting accomplish this thesis.

8. All the students of VIIE as the subject of this research.

9. My big family who have me support and suggestion to the research to

accomplish this thesis


Finally, the researcher expects this thesis will give contribution to be

teaching English especially. The researcher hopes critics and suggestions of the

readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance

and blessing for me and readers. Aamiin ya rabbal alamin.

Jambi, October 13th


The Researcher





Name : Yulinar

Major : English Education Study Program

Title : Students‟ Syntactical Errors in Writing Descriptive Text at MTsN

8 Muaro Jambi

This research aims to find out the syntactical errors made by students of MTsN 8

Muaro Jambi in writing descriptive text and the frequency of errors. The method

of the research was qualitative method and the approach used in conducting this

research was descriptive research. The data obtained through documentation and

analyzed by Surface Strategy Taxonomy. This study involved twenty students of

MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi as samples The result of the research showed that there are

4 types error made by the students on their descriptive writing. The totals errors

were 41 errors which are divided 31,78% omission errors in 5 kinds, 19,51%

addition errors in 3 kinds, 41,47% misformation errors in 4 kinds and 7,31% mis-

ordering errors in 2 kinds. According to the data analysis, the common error made

by the students was misformation.

Key words: Error, Writing. Descriptive. Syntactical



Nama : Yulinar

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Kesalahan Sintaksis Siswa dalam Penulisan Teks Deskriptif di

Madarasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 8 Muaro Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kesalahan-kesalahan sintaksis yang

dibuat oleh siswa di MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi dalam penulisan teks deskriptif dan

jenis kesalahan yang dominan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini

adalah metode kualitatif dan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini

adalah penelitian deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui dokumentasi dan dianalisis

dengan menggunakan Surface Strategy Taxonomy. Penelitian ini melibatkan dua

puluh siswa MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan

bahwa ada 4 jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menulis deskriptif. Total

kesalahan sebanyak 41 kesalahan yang terbagi 31,78% error omission dalam 5

jenis, error addition 19,51% dalam 3 jenis, error misformation 41,47% dalam 4

jenis, dan error misordering sebanyak 7,31% dalam 2 jenis. Berdasarkan analisis

data, kesalahan umum yang dilakukan oleh siswa adalah misformation.

Kata Kunci: kesalahan. Tulisan, deskriptif, sintaksis



PAGE OF TITLE ..............................................................................................

OFFICIAL NOTE ............................................................................................i

ORIGINALITY THESIS STATEMENT .......................................................ii

DEDICATION ...................................................................................................iii

MOTTO .............................................................................................................iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................v

THESIS APROVAL .........................................................................................xi

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................vii

ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................ix

LIST OF TABLE...............................................................................................xi

LIST OF APPENDIXES................................................................................... xii


A. Background of study ...............................................................................1

B. Focus of Problem ....................................................................................4

C. Problems of study ....................................................................................4

D. Objectives of Study .................................................................................4

E. Significances of Study.............................................................................5


A. Writing ...................................................................................................6

B. Error and Mistake ....................................................................................10

C. Syntactical Error......................................................................................10

D. Error .......................................................................................................11

E. The Previous Study .................................................................................17


A. Research Design ......................................................................................18

B. Setting and Subject of the Research ........................................................18

C. Kinds and Source of Data ........................................................................18

D. Technique of Collecting Data..................................................................10

E. Technique of Analysis Data ....................................................................19

F. Trustworthiness of Data ..........................................................................21

G. Research Schedule ..................................................................................22



A. Research Finding .....................................................................................23

B. Discussion ..............................................................................................34


A. Conclusion...............................................................................................37

B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................37







3.1 Schedule of the research ...............................................................................18

4.1 Frequency of syntactical errors .....................................................................19



1. Students‟ Writing Descriptive Text

2. Consultation Card

3. Curriculum Vitae




A. Background of the study

In teaching learning English, the learners are demanded to master the four

skills in language, those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. According to

Brown in Lailatul Husna (2001) writing is thinking process, because writing is a

process of putting ideas down on paper to transform thought into words and give

them structure and coherent organization. Harmer explained (2007) that writing

gives more „thinking time‟ than they get when they attempt spontaneous


Writing is undergone the most difficult skill in learning language. In

which, in writing students needs to master many skills of English; reading,

speaking, vocabulary, and etc. Besides that, students also have difficulty with the

difference between the learners‟ native language rules and that of the language

being learned. Writing is a difficult skill for native speakers and non-native

speakers; because writers must be able write it in multiple issues such as content,

organization, purpose, audience, vocabularies and mechanics such as punctuation,

spelling, and capitalization (Rass in Lailatul Husna, 2001). In expressing idea one

should consider many aspects that will support writing, such as, the relationship

between topic, idea and context, correct grammar, good spelling, mechanics, and

vocabulary. Therefore, when the students learn English especially in writing, they

often make mistakes and errors. Usually they do not master the English structure

well. In fact, making error learning English is a natural process and it can show

the students competence in English. According to Leo in Leli Dwi at.all (2007),

writing as a process of expressing ideas or thought in words should be done at our

leisure. It means to develop the idea to make the longer sentence in written.

There are many rules in grammar that cannot be ignored. They are articles,

part of speech, sentence pattern, tenses, etc. According to Setiyadi (2003), he

points out that English tends to be very difficult to be learnt in Indonesia because


English has different grammar from Indonesian language which might be difficult

for language learners to understand the system of target language. As we know,

those english and indonesian language do not have similar structure in sentence.

In english we have to know about the used of the verb correctly based on tenses

while in indonesian language we do not have to know about the form of verb. For

example, “he work as a merchant” it should be “he works as a merchant”.

One of the texts that must learned by seventh grade students is descriptive

text. According to Mukarto (2007) descriptive text is used to describe a particular

person, place, or thing. In this text, students describe about topic clearly with his

or her six senses. Thus, the readers are able to get the same sense as what the

writer experienced. The descriptive text have generic structure; first, identification

is introducing whereor who is the subject is being describe. Second, descrptive

text also describe qualities and characteristic or the supporting part of the

paragraph which describe in detail to assisst the reader to see and feel the subject.

The researcher chose descriptive text because student can express look, sound,

taste and smell about people, animals, things and place and their feelings toward

them. They can describe their family, pet, hobby and favorite place. Each students

has different description because the students have different thoughts about


In writing, syntactical problems are unavoidable. According to Atawneh in

Annie Gideon (1994) examined the English syntactic problems persistent in the

performance of educated Arabs living in the United States. Results indicated

performance problems in the areas of (1) tense agreement; (2) relative clause

construction; (3) indirect questions; (4) perfective tenses; and (5) use of

prepositions. Another similar study conducted by Zughoul in Annie Gideon

(2002), had showed that noun phrase errors were second to verb phrase errors, and

the most frequent noun phrase errors were in the use of articles, ordinals were

used interchangeably, and quantifiers were confused as to their use with count /

non count nouns. Syntactic problems created by students cannot be separated from

the lack of grammar knowledge so they transfer their mother tongue to a second



Having done preliminary study at one of junior high school Muaro Jambi,

the researcher found that, based on the interview with the English teacher, many

students still had difficulties in mastering grammar. One of the reasons was that

the lack of knowledge since they were in elementary school and there are even

students who have never learned it at all. That is why when they are in junior high

school, students have low grammar skills. According to an explanation from an

English teacher, when students write descriptive paragraphs, the error that is

usually found is the absence of s or es in the subject of a third-person singular,

incorrect placement of words, students' ignorance of the use of auxiliaries, is, am,

and are instead of auxiliaries do and does.

There have been many studies conducted related to students' syntactical

errors including: the first research was conducted by Jumriana (2017), where she

conducted research on syntactical errors in writing thesis. She found several types

of mistakes made by students in the form of: verb and verb construction,

transformation, verb, and noun phrase. Second, a study from Frijuniarsi (2016)

regarding syntactical errors on students translation. The results of his research

there are some syntactic errors in the form, noun phrases, verb phrases,

prepositional phrases. Adjective clause, adverb clause. Third, research from Gayo

and Widodo (2018), where they found some syntax errors including passive voice,

tense, noun phrase, auxiliary verb, subject-verb agreement, and demonstrative


Syntactical error is a confusion in part of speech. This confusion mostly

happened in constructing words into a clause, phrase and sentence. According to

Anggraini and Susanto (2014) Syntactic errors are errors in sentence or clause

boundaries (run-ons, fragments, and comma splices), word order, and other

ungrammatical sentence constructions. It can be concluded that syntactical error is

confusion part of speech in constructing how words are combined to form larger

grammatical units such as phrases, clauses and sentences

There are many errors will be produced by students in making their

assignment in writing descriptive text. Students make errors when they have to


express or describe something in English, especially about the structure

construction. Though, there have a lot of studies conducted on syntactical errors in

writing, the scope of the genre of writing is still limited. Therefore, the researcher

is interested in analyzing students‟ syntactical error in writing descriptive text.

Thus, in this research the researcher take the title “ Students’ Syntactical Errors

in Writing Descriptive Text At MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi”

B. Focus of Problem

From the researcher has explained above, there many problems faced by

the students in writing English paragraph. So that, in this study, the researcher

focused on analyzing the first grade students‟ syntactical errors on writing

descriptive paragraph at MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. To be more focused, the problem

is limited on analyzing the students‟ syntactical errors on English writing through

descriptive paragraph.

C. Problems of Study

Based on the background of study, the researcher would like to seek the

answer by the following problem;

1. What type of syntactical errors found in students‟ descriptive paragraph?

2. What is the most frequent of syntactical errors found in students‟

descriptive paragraph?

D. Objectives of study

The study will be aimed to finding out :

1. The type of syntactical errors in students‟ descriptive paragraph.

2. The most frequent of syntactical errors in students‟ descriptive paragraph.

E. Significances of Study

The result of the study will be benefit for English teachers to improve the

teaching techniques and to encourage students to be more cautious in using every

aspect of grammar in writing descriptive paragraph. For the students, this research

may assist them in writing descriptive paragraph correctly. For the writer, this

research becomes an input about the most typical syntactical errors that the


students do and the last benefit is for the other researchers, the result may serve as

guidelines for the future study related to the subject.




A. Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is an important skill to be mastered in learning English as a

foreign language. Therefore, in writing needs well knowledge and hard thinking

when the writer produce words, sentences, paragraph at the same time with good

English grammatical. There are several opinions about the definition of writing

that have been given by the experts. Writing is a complex process that allows

writers to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete

(Ghaith, 2002). It is an activity that encourages thinking and feeling that will

expres in to the written. When thought is written down, ideas can be examined,

reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

Bello (1997) states that writing enhances language acquisition as learners

experiment with words, sentences, and other elements of writing to communicate

their idea effectively, and to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary they are

learning in class. It means that writing is not only a means of communication

where students can share their views and thoughts, it is actually a pre request to

master other language skills. Byrne (1997) says that on one level, writing can be

said to be the act of forming symbol; making mark on a flat surface of some kind.

He also states that writing involves the encoding of a message of some kind that is

translating thoughts into language.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that writing is producing

message into written language. Writing is a skill which can learned by anyone

who want to express their thought, ideas, and feeling. In addition, it is a tool of

communication, so that writing is a hard skill because it is an unnatural act which

is need hard thinking and it is a way of remembering and a way of thinking as



2. Aspect of Writing

Aspect of writing consists of grammar, form, mechanic, vocabulary, and style.

The following aspect can be explained as follows:

a. Grammar

Grammar is employment of grammatical form and syntactic pattern. It

means that sentence is another aspect that should be considered.

b. Form ( organization)

Form means the organization of the content. We should clarify our idea

and make it clear. So, the reader can deduce some organization well. Organization

means there is a communication between the reader and the writer.

c. Mechanic

Mechanic is the use of the graphic convention of the language we have to

pay attention the use of the punctuation and applying of the word of sentence.

Function is very determiners whiter the writer can clear for the reader.

d. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important aspect in teaching a language mastery

vocabulary. It means that, we can explore our idea and effect it in writing.

e. Style

Style means the choice of structure and lexical items to give a particular

tone to flavor the writing. It should be noted that the choice of lexical item to be

used writing must be accordance with the readers. by seeing the opinion above, it

can be said that there are five aspects in writing that have to be paid attention in

writing in order to make the writing more better and understand by the reader.

3 . The Process of Writing

a . Planning

The first step is planning or pre-writing. According to Richards and

Renandya (2002) planning is any activity in the classroom that encourages

students to write. This is the first step that students have to do before they write a

text. There are some activities which provided the learning experiences for


students at this stage, such as group brainstorming, clustering, rapid free writing

and WH-questions to generate ideas for the students before they write a text.

b . Drafting

The second step is drafting. In this step the writers are focused on the

fluency of writing and are not preoccupied with grammatical accuracy or the

neatness of the draft (Richards and Renandya, 2002). In the draft stage, students

are expected to put the arrangement they did in the planning stage on a paper. In

this stage, spelling rules for the written text are ignored. The students primarily try

to create the content.

c . Revising

The next step is revising. This stage consists of the students‟ review of the

written draft, sharing the draft with a writing group formed in the classroom, and

rearranging the content according to feedback from friends in the writing group.

In this stage, the students might expand the text with new ideas or remove the

unnecessary parts. Revising is a difficult stage for students.

d . Editing

The last step is editing. Up to this stage the focus is on the content. In this

stage spelling rules and punctuation, which are called the mechanical aspect of

writing, are checked. Before sharing what they have written with others, the

students review the draft for the last time and make corrections for readability. An

editing checklist might be prepared illustrating the spelling errors. The students

might benefit from this list for their learning in the future.

4. Descriptive Writing

a. Definition of Descriptive

Oshima and Hogue (2007), descriptive writing appeals to the sense, so it

tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A good description

is a word picture; the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her

mind. A description usually follows a pattern of organization that we call spatial

order. Spatial order is the arrangement of things in space. Oshima and Hogue

(2007), the supporting sentences not only provide details that prove the truth of

your topic sentences, but they also make your writing rich and interesting.


Hall in Diani Syahputri (2001), description is writing that uses vivid

details to capture a scene, setting, person, or moment. Effective descriptive

writing includes

a. Sensory details-sight, sounds, smells, tastes, and physical sensation

b. Vivid, precise language.

c. Figurative language or comparisons

d. Adjectives and adverbs that paint a word picture.

e. An organization suited to the subject.

Hall (2001), descriptive writing are chosen to offer specific information,

images, that accompany such writing in magazines and newspaper are equally

important in conveying a specific idea.

Generic structure of Descriptive includes:

a. General classification : contains the identification of matter / a will


b. Description : contains the explanation / description of the thing/

person to mention a few properties.

c. Language Features : the use of adjective and compound adjectives,

using the simple present

Based on the explanation above, the writer tries to conclude that

description is the text that describes something, the way that things look, smell,

taste, feel, or sound, it can stimulate the reader‟s imagination towards what the

writer experienced with his/her six senses.

b. Purpose of Descriptive Writing

Simon stated that description can serve several purposes as follow:

1) it can illustrate the basis on which you are making inferences, that will allow

readers to imagine the physical object involved in the writer experience.

2) it can provide visual images to make the essay lively and concrete

3) it can reflect criteria for comparing two subjects.


B. Error and Mistake

Some of people consider that the definition between error and mistake are

the same. Actually, they are quite different because both of them have different

concepts. According to James (1998) errors cannot be self-corrected until further

relevant input has been provided and converted into intake by the learner. In other

words, errors require further relevant learning to take place before they can be

self-corrected. Erdogan (2005) explains that mistakes is a condition when learners

sometimes use the correct form of a certain structure or rule and later on use the

wrong one and it still can be corrected by the learner themselves.

Meanwhile, Ellis (1997) stated that there are two ways to differentiate

between an error and a mistake. The first way is to confirm the consistency of

students‟ performance. Sometimes, the students use the correct items and vice

versa, it is called a mistake. However, if the students use the incorrect items

consistently, it is an error. The second way can be seen from their ability to

correct their deviation by themselves. If the students are unable to make the

correction, it is an error. Meanwhile, they are successful to correct the deviation, it

is a mistake.

An error is a deviation from the adult grammar of a native speakr which

reflects the learner‟s language competence. While mistake refers to a performance

error that is either a random guess or a “slip”, in that is utilize aknown system

correctly (Brown, 2000)

From the explanations above, the researcher concluded that error is

condition when the learners can not make a correction on the error and they need

help others to correct the error. Besides, a mistake is a fault that learners can be

self-corrected and the learners can correct it as soon as realizing what they say or

write is wrong

C. Syntactical Error

Syntactical error is a confusion in part of speech. It is any deviation from

the rule system due to insufficient competence of the target language, particularly

in syntax which involves phrase, clause and sentence. Some of the errors are

difficult to categorize unambiguously, however an error in word meaning may be


caused by ignorance of just one word, but it effects are sometimes global: that is

the entire sentence may be affected in unpredictable ways (Ruth Sanders, 1987).

Syntax errors are errors that affect text larger than the word namely phrase, clause,

sentence, and ultimate paragraph. ( Binti, 2007)

Syntactical errors include noun phrase which included, determiner,

nominalization, number, use of pronouns, use of preposition, errors in verb phrase

that include omission of verb, use of progressive tenses, agreement of subject and

verb, error in verb and verb construction, word order, and some errors in

transformations involve negative transformation, passive transformation.

(Tammase, 2011). In brief. Syntactical error is an error relating to the order of

word, phrase, clause and sentence.

D. Error

1. The Definitions of Error

To get clear understanding about the error, it is better for the researcher to

consider several opinions given by some linguists. Ancker in Diani Syahputri

(2000), making mistakes or errors is a natural process of learning and must be

considered as part of cognition. It means that error is a natural phenomenon that

accompanies any human activity, especially when we try the activity for the first

time. When error handled well, it is a welcome companion on the road to

understanding. When we recognize it, and identify its causes, our ability better in

the future increases. We are aware that one learns from ones mistakes, and want to

implement this process fully in our teaching and learning. Intellectually,

understanding the reasons behind an error is an effective way to grasp the nature

of a phenomenon under investigation.

Brown (2000) mentions that error is an obvious deviation of the grammar

from a native speaker that reflecting the inter language competence of the

learners. While, according to Erdogan in Dwi Anggraeni (20019) points out those

errors were considered as being the result of the persistence of existing mother

tongue habits in the new language. Hedge in Vattia Sahal (2018) stated that the

error is an unavoidable part of language learning. In addition, he claimed that

Error is now seen as reflections of learner‟s stage of inter language development.


Therefore, the error is one of the inescapable processes that shows the event phase

in learning the inter language.

From all definitions above, the researcher can summarize that error is

grammatically incorrect form that occur in writing, caused by the factor of

competence. On the other hand, they do not understand well the use of

grammatical rules in the target language; it will lead the students to make errors


2. Error Analysis

In recent years, studies of second language acquisition have tended to

focus on learners errors since they allow for prediction of the difficulties involved

in acquiring a second language. Error Analysis is a type of linguistic analysis that

focuses on the errors learners make. It consists of a comparison between the errors

made in the target language and that target language itself. Error analysis

emphasizes the significance of learners‟ errors in second language. It is important

to note here that Interferences from the learner‟s mother tongue is not only reason

for committing errors in his target language (khansir, 2012)

Meanwhile, Saville-Troike in Endang Fauziati (2014) states that Error

analysis is the first approach to the study of SLA which includes an internal focus

on learners‟ creative ability to construct language. The primary focus of EA is on

learner errors and the evidence of how learner errors could provide an

understanding of the underlying processes of SLL or SLA.

Vahdatinejad in Diani Syahputri (2018) maintains that error analysis can

be used to determine what a learner still needs to be taught. It provides the

necessary information about what is lacking in his or her competence. He also

makes distinction between errors and lapses (simple mistakes). Mistakes are a

sure sign that learners are learning language, especially L2. This statement suggest

learners know a point or have used many times correctly but somehow slip has

occurred. Errors, On the other hand, occur because learners don‟t probably know a

particular point of target language. Hence error correction has a role to play in

language learning. The explained above means that the students still always


learning about their errors for whatever their lack and the teachers should help

students to find the weakness of the students and give their treatments through

explanation or information.

Brown (2006) states that error analysis is a study of error that learner made

during their learning, this study arose since there are many phenomenon about

errors which are made by learners. It can observe the errors, analyze them, and

classify to reveal something.

Corder (in Ellis, 1994) as the mover of the analysis of learners‟ errors

refocused the errors from the perspective of the language process and language

acquisition. Corder suggested five steps to analyze the learners‟ errors: sample

collection, errors identification, errors description, errors explanation, and errors


The first step is collecting sample data for analysis. The researcher may

control the data by narrowly specifying the sample that they intend to collect.

Some researchers used samples that were collected in periods of weeks, months,

or even years in order to determine patterns of error utterances. The second step is

the identification of errors. In this step, the researcher identified the errors by

comparing the learners‟ sentences with the corresponding native sentences. Then,

the researcher identify which parts of the learners‟ sentences were different from

the natives‟ sentences.

The third step is a description of the errors. In this step, the researcher

describes the errors using the surface strategy taxonomy in order to describe the

difference between learners‟ sentences and the corresponding native‟s sentences.

The fourth step is an explanation of the errors. In this step, the researcher

determines the sources of error, in order to find the reasons for the learners‟

errors. The last step is the evaluation of errors. In this step, the researcher

determines which parts of the errors need more explanation or attention. Those

five steps are important in order to analyze and understand the learners‟ errors.

So the writer tries to conclude that the errors analysis is a way of looking

at errors made by the learners of the target language, as a source of information to


the teachers, which in turns helps them correct the students‟ errors, and improves

the effectiveness of their teaching.

3. The Types of Error

According to Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982), surface strategy taxonomy

highlights the ways surface structure is altered: learners may omit necessary items

or add unnecessary ones; they may misform items or misorder them. Classifying

errors using surface strategy taxonomy can give clear description about cognitive

processes that underline the learner‟s reconstruction of the new language or

language being learned. Surface strategy taxonomy includes errors of omission,

addition, misformation, and misordering. Below is the detailed description of each

category used in surface strategy taxonomy:

1) Omission

Omission is a type of errors which are characterized by the absence of an

item that must appear in a well-formed utterance (Dulay, 1982). The learner may

omit grammatical morphemes in producing a sentence. Grammatical or function

words, on the other hand, are those little worse that play a minor role in carrying

the meaning of a sentence. They include noun and verb inflections (-s, -ed, -ing),

the article (a, an, and the), the verb auxiliaries (is, will, can, may ) and preposition

(in, on, at, under). For example: She lecturer new college. (The correct sentence is

She is the lecturer of the new college.

2) Addition

According to Dulay (1982) addition is a type of errors which are

characterized by the presence of an item which must not appear in well formed

utterance. It is the opposite of omission error. There are three types of addition

errors, which have been observed in speech of both first language and second

language learners. They are double markings, regularizations, and simple addition.

These errors are good indicators that some basic rules have been acquired.

a) Double Marking

This type is usually resulted from the failure to delete certain items

required in some linguistics construction, but not in others. Double marking


usually happens in tense. In most English sentences, some semantic failure such

as tense may be marked syntactically only once.

For example: I did not read or I do not read. In English rule of the subject-verb

agreement, the first verb (auxiliary verb) agrees with its subject and the other verb

(main verb) must be constant (read). Learners who have acquired the tense from

both auxiliary verb and main verb often place the marker on both, as in: She does

not understands or I did not went. The auxiliary verb in error of double marking

may be produced twice, as in: Is this is your teachers? or over-marking the form

of auxiliary verb, as in: You did not known me at all or She does not likes him.

b) Regularization

Regularization errors that fall under the addition category are those in

which a marker that is typically added to a linguistic item is erroneously added to

exceptional items of the given class that do not take a marker. There are some

exceptions that can be found in English. For example: the verb sing cannot be

changed into singed but sang. The noun “woman” cannot be pluralized into

womans but women. It is true that in English most of verbs can be changed into

past form by adding –d/-ed after the basic verb and most of nouns can be

pluralized by adding –s/es to singular forms, but not all of them. The description

above shows other errors that may be made by the learners in which the errors are

interfered by regularization. The learners may say, The mans did not cry or

The men did not cried or even, The mans did not cried.

c) Simple Addition

It is an addition error that consists of double marking or regularization. No

particular features characterize all addition errors, which are the use of an item

should not appear in a well formed utterance.

Example: The book is in over there.

A this novel is good.


The error in the first sentence is the addition of the preposition in and the

error in the second sentence is the addition of the article a. either the preposition

in or the article a must not appear in those two sentences.

3) Misformation

Misformation error is a type of error that is characterized by using of the

wrong from of the morpheme or structure.

For example: The tiger catch a goat. and The boys is sad. Those two sentences are

not correct. The first sentence should be, The tiger catches a goat. The second

sentence should be, The boys are sad.

In English when the subject is singular, the verb should be verb for

singular, whereas when the subject is plural, the verb should be plural subject too.

4) Misordering

Misordering errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of

morpheme or group of morphemes in utterance. They occur systematically for

both first and second language learning in construction that have already been

acquired, especially in simple embedded questions. The researcher is focusing on

students‟ error in the level of bound morpheme.

The examples are below:

What you do mean? (You do mean is misordering)

What Daddy is doing? (Daddy is doing is misordering)

The first sentence should be, What do you mean?

The second sentence should be, What is Daddy doing?

4. Cause of Errors

The cause of error can be devided into three categories namely Brown (2002):

a. Interlingual Interference

Interlingual Interference is a cause of errors where the learners transfer

their native language system into the target language system. Interlingual

interference is called as interlingual, which is defined by Smith (1994) as the

systematic linguistic behavior of the learners of second or other language.


b. Intralingual Interferences

Intralingual is a cause of error from the target language itself due it‟s

complicated system Brown (2002). In this case, the learners have been saved from

the interferences of their mother tongue but as they learn the target language.

They find it more complicated and the result learning, the learner seem to make

generalization of the target system on the basis of the data to which they are


c. Carelessness

The error of carelessness is caused of the less knowledge of the students

and the students who are purposely done the mistake. It can be shown when the

students use double preposition or may be phoneme omitted or mistyping.

D. Previous Related Study

There are some studies related with the syntactical errors in writing.

Firstly, a research done by Faidah Yusuf entitle “Syntactical errors made by the

students in writing thesis”, the writer used qualitative descriptive method with the

aimed to find out the types of syntactical errors made by the students in writing

thesis and to find out the most frequent type of errors made by the students in

writing thesis. The writer used Politzer and Romirez‟s theory focusing on the

Syntactical errors. This study found the errors made by students were in the term

of noun phrase, verb, verb construction, and transformation. Then, the most

frequent error found was in the noun phrase term with 48.7%.

Another study research was a research done by Leli Dwi et.all, entitled

“Syntactical Errors in Short Stories Compilation Book Written by English

Department Students of Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan.” The writer

used descriptive analysis in form qualitative. In this research, the researcher wants

to find out types of students‟ syntactical Error in writing short story of English

Department student and the causes of error in short story compilation book of

English department student . Most of the errors found were caused by intralingual

error (error within the target language). The errors found were categorized as local


error and few of it were global error. The students‟ short stories or writing were

good in which the percentage of errors was not more than 25% of each short story.

In addition, the previous research by Hembati Ngangbam entitiled “An

Analysis Of Syntactic Errors Committed by Students of English Language Class in

The Written Composition of Mutah University: A Case Study.” This research

examined the English syntactic problems persistent in the written performance of

freshmen English language class of Mutah University. Subjects were 60 native

Arabic speaking students. 15 categories of errors were classified to find out the

causes of syntactic error, which type of errors are more frequent, areas of

weaknesses and problems tend to occur in writing compositions. Results indicate

performance problems committed in this study were due to mother – tongue

interference, misuse sentence fragment, overuse, lack of grammatical knowledge,

formation and developmental errors.

Based on the previous researchers above, they took the research subject

from students in university. In order to separate this study from the previous

study, the researcher will analyze the syntactical errors at junior high school. The

subject of this research only one class, in which there are 20 students. The

researcher choose descriptive text as a genre of students‟ writing. This research

has used surface strategy taxonomy to classify the students‟ errors in writing

descriptive paragraph.




A. Research Design

The method used in this research is qualitative method. According to

David Williams (1995), qualitative research is the collection of data in a natural

setting, using natural methods, and carried out by naturally interested researcher.

According to Denzim and Lincoln (1987), state that qualitative research is

research that uses a natural setting, with the intention of interpreting phenomena

that occur and are carried out by involving existing methods, in qualitative

research method that are usually utilized are interviews, observations, and use of


More specifically, the approach used in conducting this research was

descriptive research. Ch Surakhmad in Turfina Andriyani (1991) gives a statement

that a descriptive research is a method in which the researcher uses a descriptive

qualitative research design to get the answer of research question.

Therefore, the researcher will analyze the error occurred syntactically in

students‟ writing with reading deeply to find the errors, then counting them to find

the frequency every types of errors. Every sentence which has error including in it

has its own code to facilitate the analysis

B. Setting and Subject of the Research

a. Setting

The researcher conduct this research at MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi which is

located on Jl. Lintas Jambi Muaro-Bulian KM 22 Kelurahan Pijoan.

b. Subject

The subject of this research is the seventh year students of MTsN 8 Muaro

Jambi. There were five classes of first year students. Then the researcher took one

of classes, that was VIIE to be investigated. The researcher uses purposive

sampling to take the sample.

C. Source of the Data

1. Primary Data


In this research, the primary source is the main data to get information

about students‟ syntactical error made by students in writing descriptive text at

MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. The data will be documentation.

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the data supporting of this research. In this research, the

secondary data will be collected from the students‟ result of writing descriptive

text by the english teacher to the students VIIE at MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

Researcher must to know the procedures of data collection in qualitative

research, because the main purpose of research is to get data. Moleong (2004)

stated that the source of data in qualitative research can be collected by

observation, documentation, field note, photo, recording, and picture.

In this research, the researcher use documentation in collecting he data.

According to Creswell (2002), documents consists of public and private record

that qualitative researcher obtain about a site or participants in a study, and they

can include newspaper, minutes or meetings, personal journals, and letters. In this

research the researcher take documentation that is students write descriptive text.

Then student‟s writing is collected and analyzed. From this, the researcher knows

what types of students‟ errors

E. Technique of analysis data

In analyzing the data, the researcher used error analysis method. The error

analysis was used since it fits the characteristic of the data and the nature of this

research. It was strengthened by Gass and Selinker (2008) that error analysis is a

type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the errors learners make.

Then, Gass and Selinker (2008) there are a number of steps taken in

conducting an error analysis.

1. Collect data. Collecting the students‟ error in writing

2. Identify errors. Identifying the types of errors made e.g.: omission, addition,

misformation or misordering


3. Classify errors. Grouping the errors that have been found and stating the classes

of the errors e.g.: error of plural maker, error of conjunction etc.

4. Quantify errors. Explaining the errors and calculating how often the errors


5. Analyze source. Analyzing the sources of errors

6. Remediate. Based on the kind and frequency of an error type pedagogical

intervention is carried out.

Referring to the steps of error analysis above, the researcher analyzed the data as


1. Identification of errors

In this stage the researcher will find out any deviation which possibly

could be found in students‟ writing. That could be omission, addition,

misformation and misordering.

2. Classification of errors

Then the researcher will classify the errors which have been found based

on their grammar aspects, such as third person singular verb, to be and so on.

3. Tabulating the errors

The next, the researcher will calculate the frequency of each type of errors

and their grammar aspects.

4. Analyzing the errors

This step dealt with deeper analysis of the errors found and the sources of

errors in the students‟ writing.

5. Drawing a conclusion

After analyzing the errors, the researcher will make a conclusion based on

what have been found.


F. Trustworthiness of data

In this research for checking validity the researcher used triangulation.

Moleong (2006) triangulation is authenticity data collection technique of

exploiting data something else outside the data for checking or as comparator to

data. The principle of triangulation comes from navigation, where the intersection

of three different reference points is used to calculate the precise location of an

object. In research, the principle pertains to the goal of seeking at least three ways

of verifying or corroborating a particular event, description, or fact being reported

by a study. Such corroboration serves as another way of strengthening the validity

of a study.

The type of triangulation chosen is investigator triangulation. Flick, et .all

(2004) stated that investigator triangulation is characterized by the use of different

observes or interviewers, to balance out the subjective influences of individuals.

The process of to get the data, researcher took students‟ writing from the teacher

with one data retrieval. Then researcher anlyzed the data.


G. Research Schedule

This research be held from January 2020 until October 2020, where the researcher arrangement proposal until the

researcher is taking a thesis examination. The Schedule of the research can be seen below:

Table 3.1

Schedule of the research






January February March April May June July August Septem


October November

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5

1 Arranging


2 Consultatio

n proposal

3 Preparing


3 Proposal


4 Collecting


5 Arranging


6 Thesis



7 Thesis






After analyzing the data, from the four types of theory surface strategy

taxonomy the researcher found that there are 41 errors made by the students. The

researcher described the errors based on the four types of errors omission,

addition, misformation and misordering.

The researcher presents and analyzes the data which have been collected

during the research. The data were taken from the students writing descriptive

text. The research continue the results of assignment by the teacher for students

and the topic were my family, pet, and hobby.

There were 120 students in VII. The writer used purposive sampling to got

the subject of the research. Purposive sampling in which based on the specific

purpose of the research. The research took VIIE as the sample of this research .the

researcher took the sample based on the full of descriptive text material that have

been learned by students. Therefore, the sources of the data were 20 descriptive

text which written by VIIE students at MTs 8 Muaro Jambi.

A . Research finding

1. The types of errors

1) Omission error

Omission error takes place when the writer omitted the

necessary items that must appear in a well-formed sentence. In this

type of errors, the researcher finds some errors. Those errors can be

divided into 5 types of errors; omissions on to be, omissions on plural,

omissions of preposition, omissions of pronoun and omissions of


a. Omission of “to be”

Errors made by students:


a). My mom * not fat and skinny also (student 6)

b). One of the scenes that make me laugh * the silliness of

SpongeBob and Patrick (student 15)

c) When chio* tired (student 12)

d). He* taller than me (student 7)

e). They * very funny. (student19)

f). They * local breed chickens (student 14)

The first error is the omission of be/auxiliaries. The users

omitted to be (is /am/ are) that should appear in the sentence. The

error happened because the students did not put to be (is, am, and

are) before using adjective. The student tried to apply English rules

in the wrong construction or they did not master English

grammatical structure.

The correct sentence is:

a). My mom is not fat and skinny also (student 6)

b). One of the scenes that make me laugh is the silliness of

SpongeBob and Patrick (student 15)

c) When chio is tired (student 12)

d). He is taller than me (student 7)

e). They are very funny. (student 19)

f). They are local breed chickens (student 14)

b. Omission of plural

a). They has brown coat with some black spot( student 13)

In this sentence, the student did error omission on plural.

Some is always followed by a plural noun. Therefore, the noun

phrase role requires a plural marker –s. So, it should be better

to change the word “spot” into plural form.

The correct sentence is: They have brown coat with some black



b). I love my cat.(student 19)

In this sentence, the student did not change the word

“cat” into plural form. On the paragraph of the writer, he has two

cats. Therefore, the noun should be plural form. So in this case

the student need to add “s” for the word “cat” to plural form.

The correct sentence is: I love my cats

c). Her height is about 169 centimeter(student 18)

in this sentence, student did error on omission of plural.

169 is a number that showed more than one. It is always

followed by a plural noun. Therefore, the noun kind requires a

plural marker s. “centimeter” should be replaced by “centimeters”

The correct sentence is: Her height is about 169 centimeters

c. Omission of preposition

a). My mother has brown skin like women *Indonesia (student1)

In this sentence, the student did not put preposition

between “women” and “Indonesia”. It should be put preposition

of place (in) because there is name of country.

The correct sentence is: My mother has brown skin like women

in Indonesia

d. Omission of pronoun

a).my father name is Suprino. (student 7)

In this sentence, the student did error on omission

possessive pronoun. The student omitted the possessive

pronoun („s) that should be appear in the sentence. Possessive

pronoun can also be formed with an apostrophe mark („) and

add (s). so, the word “father should be “father‟s”.

The correct sentence is: my father‟s name is Suprino.


e. Omission of article

a). My sister is active girl (student 3)

In this sentence, the students did error of omission of an

article. Before active should be added by an article an, because the

object is singular which the object is a singular noun

beginning with vowels.

The correct sentence is: My sister is an active girl

b). She has black hair( student 6)

In this sentence, the students did error of omission of an

article. Before active should be added by an article a, because

the object is singular which the object is a singular noun

beginning with consonant.

The correct sentence is: She has a black hair.

2) Addition error

Addition error is a type of error which is the presence of a item

must not appear in well-formed. In other words, the writer add the

unnecessary item in a sentence. In this type of errors, the researcher finds

some errors. Those errors can be divided into 3 types of errors; double

marking, regularization and simple addition.

a. Double marking

a). He is works hard for his family (student 9)

b). I really like to eat whatever she is makes.(student 18)

The error is addition on to be. The researcher found the

error in addition of to be in the students‟ sentence. In this case,

student 9 and 8 did error of addition of to be. the students add

to be after using verb and applying the double marking items.


The correct sentence is:

a). He works hard for his family,

b). I really like to eat whatever she makes

b. Regularization

a). My family consist of four peoples (student 7)

In this sentence, the student no need to add –s in the

word “people”. The noun “people” cannot be pluralized into

“peoples” because the word itself is in the plural form.

The correct sentence is:My family consist of four people

c. Simple addition

a). His body tall is about 157 cm (student 8)

In this sentence, the student add the unnecessary word

(body) that does not needed in the sentence. The word “body” is

considered incorrectly used when describing a person‟s height.

The word that should be add in the sentence is “height‟. The

word “height” more better than the word “body”.

The correct sentence is: His height is about 157 cm

b). I likes play with chio (student 12)

In this sentence, the student no need to add –s. in simple

present if subject of first person singular (I) then must followed

by main verb.

The correct sentence is: I like play with chio

c). I am have some chickens (student 14)

The researcher found the error in addition of to be in the

student‟s sentence. The student add to be before verb. To be

am should be omitted.

The correct sentence is:I have some chickens


d). She always to buys us things when she has money. (student 2)

In this sentence, the student did error on addition of

preposition. The preposition to should be omitted. It is no need

in this sentence,

The correct sentence is: She always buys us things when she

has money.

e). since I was little until now I am still like this sport. (student 16)

The researcher found the error in addition of to be in the

students‟ sentence. To be is should be omitted, because if there

is verb in sentence then no need to be in this sentence.

The correct sentence is: since I was little until now I still like this


3) Misformation error

Misformation error is a type of error that occurred by the using of

the wrong form of the morpheme or structure. In this type of errors, the

researcher finds some errors. Those errors can be divided into 4 types of

errors; misfromation of verb, misformation of auxiliary, misformation of

pronoun and misfromation of word choice.

a. Misformation of verb

a). I always watches this movie (student 15)

In this sentence, the student did not use the correct

formulation on simple present. The wrong verb is “watches”. It should

be replaced by “watch” because s/es only can add when student use

subject in third person singular. If the subject is first person singular

student cannot add s/es in the verb.

The correct sentence is: I always watch this movie


b). He teached sports (student 9)

In this sentence, the student should not added –ed in the

verb. It must be changed into simple present form. The word

“teach” should be added by -es because the subject is the third

person singular.

The correct sentence is: he teaches sports

c). I lived with my family (student 7)

In this sentence, the students using wrong simple present

form in verb. It must be changed into main verb. The word “lived”

should be “live”.

The correct sentence is: I live with my family

d). she like to give me the best advices (student 10)

e). She always listen my stories and my problems (student 10)

f). It look very cute and adorable (student 11)

g). My father keep them in a small barn in the backyard (student 13)

h). He work as a merchant (student 4)

In this sentences. The students did error on misformation of verb

tenses present. In the present tense when subject is third person

singular then the verb should be added by s/es.

The correct sentence is:

d). she likes to give me the best advices.

e). She always listens my stories and my problems

f). It looks very cute and adorable

g). My father keeps them in a small barn in the backyard.

h). He works as a merchant

b. Misformation of auxiliary

a). They has brown coat (student 13)

In this sentence, the student did error of misformation of

auxiliary. “Has” should be replaced by “ have”. The verb “have” use in


third person plural (they) and “has” only use in third person singular

(she, he. it)

The correct sentence is: They have brown coat

b). She have long straight black hair (student 18)

c). My sister have big eyes and pointed nose (student 2)

In this sentence, the students did errors of misformation

auxiliary. “have should be replaced by “has”. The subject that students

use In the sentences are third person singular. So after subject, the

verbs are “has”

The correct sentence is:

b). She has long straight black hair.

c). My sister has big eyes and pointed nose.

d). He is pointed nose (student 20)

In this sentence, the student did error of auxiliary. The

word “is” is error in the sentence. It should be replaced by “has”.

The correct sentence is: He is pointed nose.

c. Misformation of pronoun

a). Her hair is black and short like me (student 20)

In this sentence, the student omit the wrong pronoun. “her

should be replaced by “his” because in student‟s paragraph describe

about her brother. It means the subject is “he” and pronoun that correct

in the sentence is “his”.

The correct sentence is: his hair is black and short like me.

d. Misformation of word choice

a). She use glasses for helping her see clearly (student 8)

In this sentence, the student did error misformation of word

choice. The wrong word In this sentence is “use”. It should be replaced

by “wear”. In vocabulary there are words that have same meaning but

use In different context. Then, the verb should be add by s because the

subject is third person singular. It is the form of simple present.


The correct sentence is: She wears glasses for helping her see clearly.

b). While in summer, my father search the grass farther in the woods

(student 13)

In this sentence, the student did error misformation of word choice.

The wrong word In this sentence is “search”. It should be replaced by

“look for”. The use of the word “look for” is more appropriate than

“search” in this sentence. Besides that. The word “look for” is used to

search for something in physical form and in this sentence “grass” as

physical form that father look for.

The correct sentence is: While in summer, my father look for the grass

farther in the woods

c).I give food them about twice a day, usually in the morning, and

afternoon (student 14)

In this sentence, the student did error misformation of word choice.

The wrong word In this sentence is “give food”. It should be replaced

by “feed”. The word “feed” has the meaning of feeding, especially to

animals. So, the student no need to translated word for word.

The correct sentence is: I feed them about twice a day, usually in the

morning, and afternoon.

4) Misordering error

Misoredering errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of

a morpheme or incorrect sequence. In this type of errors, the researcher

finds some errors. Those errors can be divided into 2 types of errors;

misoredering of noun phrase and misordering of spelling.

a. Misordering of noun phrase

a). She has skin brown (student 6)

b). Mimoy is a cat female (student 11)

In this sentence, the student did error of incorrect placement

about adjective and noun .the noun is error because the sentence

should be put adjective first and followed by noun.


The correct sentence is:

a). She has brown skin

b). Mimoy is a female cat

b. Misordering of spelling

a). His weigh is about 70 kg (student 4)

In this sentence, student did error in misordering of

spelling. The student did not pay attention and more focus with the

word. The spelling of the word that the student‟s had wrote

The correct sentence is: His weight is about 70 kg

2. The calculation of error

After identifying and classifying the types of errors, the writer then

conducted an error analysis to determine the dominant errors. To determine the

dominant errors, the writer classified the errors into four categories. The four

categories are omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. In this part, the

researcher counts the frequencies of errors in order to know the percentages of

each type of errors. In calculating the most frequent type of error, the writer

applied the following formula:

f = 𝑑𝑦 x 100%


f= percentage of error

dy= total of the given error

dx=total of whole errors


Table 4.1

Frequency of syntactical errors

No Types of error The number of



1 Omission 13 31,78%

2 Addition 8 19,51%

3 Misformation 17 41,47%

4 Misordering 3 7,51%

Total 41 100%

Based on the calculation above, it can be concluded that the total errors of

omission are 13 errors or 31,78%, the addition are 8 errors or 19,51%.the error of

misformation are 17 errors or 41,47%. While the error of misordering is 3 errors

or 7,31%. From the calculation of the data, error of misformation is the most

frequent errors done by the students of MTsN 8Muaro Jambi with the percentage


Based on the calculation above, it was found that the highest frequency of

errors made by students based on surface strategy taxonomy was misformation

error 17 items (41,47%). Misformation is characterized by the use of wrong form

of morpheme or the morpheme of the structure. In this case, the students made a

lot of errors in misformation of verb tenses present. The students did not put –s or

–es when the subject of the sentence was in the form of third person singular.

Furthermore, omission with the total errors was 13 items (31,78%), it was

most frequent error in using to be form: is, am, are. Addition is characterized by

the absence of an item that must appear in well-formed utterances. In this case,

the appearance of addition error there were 8 items (19,51%), was less than

omission. Addition is characterized by the presence of an item which must not

appear in well-formed utterance. In this case, the students made a lot of errors in

simple addition.


The least frequent errors that students made were misordering, which were

3 items (7,31%). Misordering is characterized by the incorrect placement of a


B. Discussion

After analyzing the data collection students‟ writing products in writing

descriptive text were necessary to discuss the result of this study. The purposes of

this study were to find out the answer of the research questions. Furthermore, the

aims of this study were to identify the types of syntactical errors in writing

descriptive text and to identify the most frequent of syntactical errors in students‟

descriptive paragraph

The result of the error analysis research showed that the students make the

errors into four types based on the surface strategy taxonomy, which are omission,

addition, misformation and misordering. The total of errors that made by the

students was 41 errors.

Based on the data, the researcher found error in omissions with the total

error 13 in 5 kinds, comprise (6 omission of to be , 1 preposition, 2 article, 3

plural, and 1 pronoun). Omission error occurs when the learner omitted a

necessary element of word. They omitted the items that should appear in the

sentence. For examples the students omitted to be in a sentence such as My mom

not fat and skinny also. The sentence should be My mom is not fat and skinny

also. The source of this error comes from inter lingual transfer. The students did

not use the rule of their target language well.

There are also 8 errors of additions in 3 kinds, they are (1 regularization, 2

double marking, 5 simple addition). In this kind of error, students added some

unnecessary or incorrect elements. For example the students added to be (am)

which must not appear in well-formed utterance such as I am have some chickens.

The sentence should be I have some chickens. the students had not clearly

understood of the structure of the sentence. So the source of this error comes from

the inter lingual transfer.


The researcher also found error in misformation with the total error 17 in 4

kinds, they are (8 misformation of verb tenses simple present for 3rd person

singular,3 word choice/word form, 1 pronoun, 4 auxiliary).The errors occurred

because the students used the wrong forms of the morpheme word. For example

the students did not added s or es when they use subject of third person singular

such as he work as a merchant. The sentence should be he works as a merchant

The researcher also found 3 misordering errors with the total error 3 in 2

kinds, they are (2 noun phrase, 1 misspelling).It happened because of students put

some elements or words in wrong place. For example in She has skin brown,

Mimoy is a cat female. This error is caused by the influence of bahasa. It is line

with the Ellis (2002) states that second language learners may be confused to

recognize the use the second language because of their first language‟s influences.

Thus, the most frequent errors in writing descriptive text made by the first

grade of MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi was misformation. Based on data in table 1, the

highest frequency is misformation which consists of 17 errors or 41,47%. It is also

similar to brown‟s statement in (2000) that error is noticeable from adult grammar

or native speaker reflecting the inter language competence of learner. Setiyadi in

Nur Choironi, at. All (2006) also states that language learner whose mother

tongue has no tenses tend to have more difficulties in learning a target language

which has tenses. Since English is a foreign language for them and their L1

(Bahasa Indonesia) does not impose such rules of tenses.

The students made errors in writing because they forgot the rules. Some of

them did not know which word they should use to create a good sentence and they

were still influenced by their habits when making sentences using their native

language (Indonesian). Therefore, They still lack of understanding the English

Grammar in term of tenses because in the Indonesian does not have the tense

system that show the time of the event unlike English

This finding was generally similar with Fatmawati (2015), the researcher

found that the number of students‟ omission and misformation errors are high.

The highest students‟ errors made in misformation are about 210 errors from 515

errors. Most of students have difficulties in misformation of verb in sentence.


Then followed by the omission error about 207 errors which are dominated by the

omission of article and the auxiliary.

Another similar finding is conducted by Istiqomah, (2017). In their

research, it was found that the most frequent errors made by students are omission

and misformation. In this research error omission more higher than misformation.

In omission, there are 673 errors or 66,67%. Commonly, students do the omission

error of be. the students omit be since they are influenced by their mother tongue

(L1). The misformation becomes the second type of common errors. The total

errors in misformation are 242 errors or 23,98%. The students make errors in

misformation on subject verb agreement. They don‟t know and get confused how

to use the agreement of be along with the subject.

Musthoriyah (2017) in her research found that the most errors made by the

students were misformation 145 or 54%. Most of students used wrong form of the

morpheme or structure especially in verb tenses present, simple for third person

singular. The error happened because they do not understand the rules of grammar

when they make English sentence.

From the discussion above, it was indicated that the students were still

influenced by their habits when making sentences using their native language

(Indonesian). The students make errors in their writing. Especially in using tenses.

Most of students wrote incomplete sentences and ungrammatical. Referring to the

examples given, we can see that the sentences did not use verb + s/es and it used

regularization errors in the third person singular subject. Thus the phenomena

must be remedied and they may not happen again.




A. Conclusion

Based on the finding of the study, the researcher found four types of errors

made by students in their writing descriptive text. These are omission error,

addition error, misformation error and misordering error. Total of omission are 13

or 31,78%, total of addition error are 8 or 19,51%, total of misformation error are

17 or 41,47%, and total of misordering error are 3 or 7,31%. It can be inferred the

highest frequency of errors is misformation which consist 17 or 41,47%ad the

lowest is misordering which consist 3 or 7,31%.

B. Suggestions

Based on the finding of the research, the researcher proposes suggestions

for English teacher students and further researcher as follows: The teacher has to

be selective effective strategies or how the way to make the students aware of the

importance grammar in learning English. The teacher should find the best method

based on the condition of the students to teach English especially in teaching

tenses. Since tenses and grammar are important for learning the language, it

should be taught cohesively. The teacher also needs to remind the students about

their errors and give the feedback to the students‟ task to make the students know

about their mistakes and errors that they have made. In addition the teacher can

improve his/her skill in teaching tenses with the best strategy, method and media

so, the students can understand briefly.

For students, they should be aware and pay attention, checked and

rechecked what they are write even it is plural form, gerund, verb form etc. Also

the students should be more practice and learn about tense, verb form, grammar

and how to apply it in writing.

For the further researcher, the researcher suggests to extend the larger of

error analysis. In this research, the researcher only find the types of error of

surface taxonomy strategy, but there are the other types of errors. The researcher


hopes the next researcher to examine not only based on the surface strategy

taxonomy, but other types. Furtheremore, to the next researcher in order to get the

data retrieval over and over.



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Write the descriptive text in two paragraphs or more which consist approximately

five until seven sentences in a paragraph. Hera are the topics

1. My family

2. Pet

3. Hobby























Name : Yulinar

Student ID : TE.161836

Advisor I : Drs. Habibudin Ritonga, MA

Title : Students‟ Syntactical Error in Writing Descriptive Text at

MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi

Faculty : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training



1 16th February 2020 Revise chapter I,II,II

2 23

th February


Revise chapter 1.II,III

5 28th



ACC Seminar

6 24th



Revise chapter IV and

chapter V 7 8

th October 2020 Revise chapter IV and

chapter V

8 13

th October 2020 ACC to munaqasah

Advisor I

Drs. Habibudin Ritonga, MA

NIP. .195906121987031003



Name : Yulinar

Student ID : TE.161836

Advisor II : Hilma Suryani, M.Pd

Title : Students‟ Syntactical Error in Writing Descriptive Text at

MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi

Faculty : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training



1 26th

January 2020 Revise chapter 1

1. Add preliminary


2 4th

February 2020 Revise chapter 1

1. Support the

paragraph with

experts‟ opinion

2. Eliminate


3 15th



Revise chapter 3

1. Triangulation

2. Sampling


4 18th



Revise chapter 3

1. Revise the tenses

2. State clearly

the reason of

selecting the


5 28th



ACC Seminar

6 6th



Revise chapter IV and

chapter V

7 9



Revise chapter IV and

chapter V

8 12

th September


Revise chapter IV and

chapter V


9 18th



ACC to munaqasah

Advisor II

Hilma Suryani

NIP.19861226201503 2 005



Name : Yulinar

Gender : Female

Place and Date of Birth : Pijoan, July 2nd


Address : RT 24 RW 01 Kelurahan Pijoan, Kecamatan Jambi

Luar Kota, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Jambi

Email Address :

Educational Background :

No Educational Graduated Year Place

1. SD Negeri 7/IX Lubuk Kuari 2005 Pijoan

2. MTsN Jaluko 2013 Pijoan

3. SMA Negeri 1 Muaro Jambi 2016 Pijoan

4. UIN STS Jambi 2020 Jambi

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