study and realization of physiological culture concept as the most recent factor of existence of...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Study and Realization of Physiological Culture concept as the most recent factor of existence of Homo Sapiens – must be started with cognition of Fundamental laws of the

Universe. They were the basis for Human Body Project.There are just a few of such laws – the Law of Axis, Law of Necessity, Law of

Correspondence, Law of Analogy and Three dimensional design of everything on the Earth.

They are simple. Let’s use a pencil as a training aid. Take hold of it in the middle – that’s how you “start” the Law of Axis and the Law of Three dimensional design of

the Universe. Now, touch one end of the pencil… Note that the other end started moving!

This is the discovery – the basis of Continuous Health State Technology, where Physiological Culture is a constituent part!!!

The Action of the Law of Axis is an Inseparable Coexistence of Three, that’s why it is “coercive”.

Inseparable coexistence is such an integration of two opposites and relation between them (the Third Element), where they absolutely cannot do without

each other. Total interrelation!

From the standpoint of Sensphysiology the first question we should ask is Why? And Homo Sensus, using principles of Sensphysiology, always looks for

the simplest Answer to the most difficult Questions. And the first law of Nature, which instantly allows to get solution for all the

Problems or their manifestations, including the possibility of instantaneous Healing (here: Lumbar pain) - it is the law of Axis!

Let’s take, for example, a case of Lumbar pain to illustrate effect of this Law on Body.

The pain, which appeared in the Lumbar tells you that it is the way this part of your body responds to the actions of its OPPOSITE on the other side of the “pencil”… It’s

because according to the Law of Axis it has to instantly respond! Lumbar pain shows Homo Sensus that BEFORE THAT Lumbar’s colleague – its

diagonal opposite - had a problem. The question is “Who is the injured?”

If you’ve already started to get used to perception of Homo Sapiens’ body as a

Vertical Mobile System, then the Lumbar is supposed to balance something to maintain Verticality. The idea of Body is very simple here – it is designed this way for you not to


The idea of the back is very simple here – for you not to fall! So now try to figure out, what is arriswise relative to Lumbar – Chest!

And it’s you who deprived it of the Freedom Of Self-realization.



Because both Lumbar and Chest balance each other in order to Create and maintain Verticality and they also inform their colleagues on the other side of the

axis – to maintain balance by this interaction: Front – Back, Upper – Lower, Right – Left… Notably, this Balance is Perfect!

And now You, being a Homo Sensus, who KNOWS, how the Fundamental Law of the Universe - the Law of Axis - works, can easily heal Lumbar.


You have to stop restricting the freedom of Chest! All you have to do is… to Smell the Air every which way.

Doing so free the Chest with a gentle glib gesture, but LISTENING TO THE NEEDS of the Chest, Lumbar pain will disappear…

Stop torturing your Lumbar with different procedures.

SMELL THE AIR AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN! And not to torture your Lumbar with different procedures. The pain will have to

recede due to the freedom of the Chest, which is the COLLEAGUE OF Lumbar ON THE AXIS OF LIFE.

My advice is to smell the Air, it is so tasty and treats Radiculitis!Yours, Smelling expert…

Does a Homo Sensus really need medicines or manual procedures or even spine herniotomia?!

You’ve learned a Fundamental Law on the basis of which the body of your predecessor Homo Sapiens was designed and created!

It is important to know only one thing: the Law of Axis, like all other laws of the Universe is very general!


Homo Sensus doesn’t go to doctor to get prescription for medicines, but instantly analyses WHY? Answering the question this way: I must have been torturing its colleague on the

Axis of existence – elbow - for too long?"

And when you “free” your Elbow the method of your actions similar to Freeing the Chest with elbow motion combined with listening to the needs of the Elbow itself, then the Knee, SEENG YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, will instantly

stop troubling you. Because the task of the Knee was to give you the information!

To give it in the form of pain because it doesn’t know any other language and with THIS SIGN to let you know about Necessity.

Necessity of elbow freedom for its self-realization when protecting Your Verticality and Mobility.

Cause is there

Cause is there

Pain is here

Pain is here

Knee Elbow

If you have hypertonia then first of all instead constantly “till the end of your life” (as doctors advise) measure blood pressure and take pills, ask yourself “Who could be fed up

with your awkward control and whom you won’t let work freely?!”


If you have ulcer, for example, or some problem with thyroid gland, if you have a problem in pancreatic gland or suffer from spasmodic asthma, if you have… etc, etc..

All “diseased” (body Parts, Organs and Systems) are Wrongfully Accused! They do not fail, they just respond to your Habits and Actions, which breach the

Fundamental Law of the Universe – the Law of Axis.

The Law of Axis is like action of two opposites (if one end of a “pencil” goes up then the other one goes down, etc).

No, it’s not entirely like that. Response (“disease”) is COMPULSORY ACTIVITY THROUGH LACK OF ACTIVITY.



How to realize this concept of Sensphysiology to achieve the state of Continuous health?

Life, as you know, is motion, i.e. continuous motion of both opposites and their bonding – but always together!

They make their life way only together and only in one direction – it’s impossible otherwise! And you cannot deny that Lumbar and Chest always move together with you (you are the bonding element between them), forming a oscillation unit of the Two (and

circular one, where you are the third element) in the direction of your goal.

Paired oscillation units are formed, like Leg-Leg, Arm-Leg… Whenever you make a step Chest and Lumbar as well as all other pairs fulfill their task/ mission, i.e. they move TOGETHER and move your Idea and Intention in Space, PROTECTING YOU FROM


And if you have pain somewhere you have it because somebody (and it’s you) or something (it’s also you) restricts any of them from moving together.

The Law of Axis is the law of incredible and INSTANT strength and action. Touch one end of a pencil and within fractions of a second (!) the other end will move. Stop it – and within

a fraction of a second the other end will stop too...


That’s the reason why in case of any problems in own body the first thing a Homo Sensus will do is…?

He won’t go to a doctor and take medicine, as a Homo Sapience would do, instead he won’t permit a fear of pain and disease to seize him.

Homo Sensus instead of fear of pain and disease develops the knowledge of the Law of

Axis as the most general method (of the Universe) for instant healing.

The essence of the second most important Fundamental Law of the Universe – the Law of Necessity – is even simpler!

You won’t deny that if you are in need of bread – you buy it. If you cannot buy you will try to make it yourself.

And if you don’t have flour or there’s nowhere you can bake it, you can borrow some bread…

But if neither of the options is possible then there’s one result. And only if there’s a threat of famine you can eat old dried bread…

Human body never does anything without a Need!And never does anything excessive!

Every particle of human body – even the smallest one – acts to satisfy some need and to help colleagues.

Eyebrows, for example, help eyes – they divert water. If something is itching – some organ or system ask a hand for


By the way. When you feel itch no matter how much you might want to scratch your Skin with your Nails – don’t do that! You, having Culture (Physiological one!) just pet the spot, where you feel itch, very-very gently – in this way you’ll activate antennas of selection and reception of information - lanugo hairs on the skin and this information

assistance will be enough for itching to stop.

I stress once again: this assistance will be enough for itching to stop…

The Renovation Process is very clear here – with your gentle touch you “close a hole in the


Human Hair is an antenna, receiving

signals of the Universe.

It is “information draught” that disturbed a certain organ, and this organ asked you… “to

close the window”! And if you, having realized the process of Renovation, learn how “to close the hole in the armor” with backside of a certain nail, it will prove the fact of Complete Consciousness!


Let’s continue speaking about the Law of Necessity. If your body has made a decision and decides to intromit a virus or infection or even allows these “parasites” to develop, it

does this because of NECESSITY… to save your Life. Its goal is to maintain the state of Functional Health – so that you could finally achieve

the Goal! Obviously, it has accumulated so much in the Intestine because of your habits, that its

own vermiculation to excrete what it doesn’t need… And at this phase it (Intestine) calls a “parasite” for help, which creates vermicular motion with its actions.

Influenza causes temperature rise and warms processes, which have “grown cold”… Herpes on skin saves a joint or organ, adjacent to this spot of skin from

overstimulation, etc.

Based on this important fundamental Law of the Universe – the Law of Necessity – a logical statement of Sensphysiology is developed: “Any disease of a Homo Sapiens is

always initiated by the Body to prolong life of a human!”On realizing this, seemingly unordinary model of disease perspective in

Sensphysiology, a simple and logical question can emerge: “What should a human do if a “guest” – i.e. a disease: virus or infection or stone or

high pressure… stays too long?”

And now the following by importance Fundamental Laws of the Universe come to the rescue:

LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE AND LAW OF ANALOGY.The essence of these Laws and their Physiological action for treatment and prevention of diseases is surprisingly simple – through cognition of a disease as your assistant, not an enemy, through cognition of the reasons of the disease as a necessity to save your life as a Human, through cognition of the Principle of Body abolition from health problems

on the basis of SIMILARITY FACTOR

E.g.: the Earth – spherical, the Sun – spherical and a Ball - spherical…OBVIOUS SIMILARITY.

It seems that they are different… But they are similar too, because their resemblance is a Fact.

SHAPE and the ESSENSE of SHAPE is reflection of the Laws of Correspondence and Analogy.

These Laws exist to facilitate identification of Principal – WHAT EXACTLY gives them all a chance to Exist…

and the Sun to be the Sun – spherical, without corners and evenly distribute light and the Earth to be the Earth, spherical in shape so that asteroids don’t hit it but pass it, and a ball to be a ball without corners and spherical in shape to rotate and fly farther… The Law of Correspondence and the Law of Analogy also exist to FACILITATE IDENTIFICATION


Possibilities of Effects on Human Life and Life

Effect on Human

For Example, if I’m walking a long the street and a a dog runs by, despite it is wagging the tail, I’m subconsciously ALERT

Because I Know (Law of Analogy) what CAN be expected from it.

Identification of Possibilities is a very important factor of existence of a Human in the Environment

I.e. those laws as Laws of cognition of Actions and Possibilities – are used to make choice and take actions .

And that happens due to the Contact Initiation Factor. A Ukrainian recognizes another Ukrainian among others, say, somewhere in Australia,

by Language. The language of communication is the Contact Initiation Factor. In other situation

Visual Similarity can be a Contact Initiation Factor – when a white person identifies another white person in Nigeria, or identification on the basis of some other criteria.. Similarity, no matter what kind of it, gives a Feeling of familiarity, which guarantees

Safety! Because from this creature, like from a dog in the example above, we can expect predictable actions…

which are analogous to your own – i.e. to your thinking!!!

You’ve met a fellow countrymen.. And just by speaking the same language he can easily show you the right direction in a strange country – it is Helpful.

In Human Body everything is organized in such a way that HELP of the SIMILAR by Shape and Shape Essence was timely or instantaneous, when necessary!

It’s interesting that “emergency stations” are distributed in the body in accordance with a distinct system – just like schools, hospitals and post offices or repair and maintenance service shops in a state... And for people not to wander in search and to recognize those

stations, post office uses its own sign and plate, police also have one… and in Body Correspondence systems are like those Signs and Plates (see Law of Correspondence) and

Forms of development (see Law of Analogy). Let’s take, for example Structure and Function of an Eye from the perspective of the

Laws of Correspondence and Analogy and examine a Human Body. And what do we see? – Form of an Eye is surprisingly similar to that of a Mammary gland…



So is there any sense for a Conscious Woman to be afraid of Mastopathy or even a worse disease of mammary gland? “SIMILAR IS TREATED WITH THE SIMILAR” –

stated the ancient people. Let’s think logically: there are fundamental Laws of the Universe – the validity of which is proved not only with the design of everything, existing

in the Universe, and (for me) with my medical practice as well as with practice of my colleagues but also (this is essential in our cognition of Physiological Culture) is proven

with LOGICS, incorporated by these Laws into Structure and Function of Homo sapiens’ Body.

And if a woman’s eyes and her mammary glands are analogues, according to these Laws, i.e. Colleagues by the Form of development – they have to be reactant due to the

System of their Existence – like the sun, the Earth and a Ball “have to rotate” etc. That’s why if we know the Law of Informational Reflection the answer to the question “Will a “Gypsy” motion with mammary glands activate the eyes?” is very straight

forward – “It will”. “And will a gentle and grateful Look of a Woman at her husband, children and world cure Mastopathy and Breast Cancer?” – the answer is not less clear –

“It will!!!”Just like mammillae visualization influences pupil of a child’s eye…Mammary glands respond to eye activity and eyes respond to mammary gland activity…


As an illustration, study carefully crossing of optic nerves in human Brain.

And now according to the Logic of the Laws described above let’s make the same scheme (on the basis of the Law of Analogy) suggesting that Information (i.e. Co-

vibration with an eye) Signal starts from a mamilla, which is analogue of pupil (mamilla looks).

Then between Left mamilla and Right shoulder bone there must be an analogous

mechanism of Informational Connection and Functional Interrelation – JUST LIKE BETWEEN LEFT EYE AND OCCIPITAL LOBE.

And that Law of Sensphysiology, which I educed earlier concerning other Factor: “a spade digs and a shoulder bone digs a Human out to life” is actuated from another

perspective – Eyesight.

Conclusion for a Homo Sensus (diagnostical, therapeutical, and, most importantly, preventive) is comforting – the problem of breast cancer and Eyesight, Vertical Mobility etc., is the problem of blockage of the place of intersection of two opposites – mammillae

and shoulder bones. So is it incidental that those peoples, which protect their culture, have a gift from the Creator – a dance, for example Jewish or Gutsul folk dances, when,

while dancing, a simultaneous vibration of mammilla and shoulder bone area is created?!

It also becomes clear, how a “fortune telling” – that is appraising (focused) look appears on a Gypsy’s

face?... From a dance, created by these people on the basis

of these Laws!

My mum used to tell me – if you want to sneeze, but cannot, look at the Sun. I looked at the Sun or, if there was no Sun, at any other source of light… AND SNEEZE

HEAVILY. Yeah – I sneeze with the very Intersection between mammillae and shoulder bones! (I

call this effect sneezing with Thymus),

Thymus (gland)

And now, after many years of my own “practice” and experience with my patients I’m sure that it helped me, who has inherent visual deficiency, save it from


If only then (before I invented Senphysiology) I had been conscious!! If only I had known about such Fundamental Laws of the Universe as the Law of

Correspondence and the Law of Analogy as well as the mechanism of such “physiological crafts” of the Body, which had been developed long ago (here for renovation of eyesight),

those “Crafts” would have become for me a “Technological element ” of My PHYSIOLOGICAL CULTURE!

And even when sneezing occasionally, but knowing WHY IT HAPPENS, I would “play” a nice game with my Body – at the moment of sneezing I would move my Eyebrows, Eyes (to activate orbital muscles) or would “improve comfort” of Chest, shoulder bones or… even

not when sneezing, but when yawning…

It is the search of such nice Similarities in Forms of Development: both on the surface of the Body and among anatomic pictures, known from school, as well as similarities in

Physiological or other Functions, for example, Protection Functions or other Parameters allows a Homo Sensus to find an ALGORITHM OF INTERACTIONS OF

SIMILARITIES, that is the possibility to use this Algorithm as SKILLS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CULTURE as a TECHNOLOGY OF ORGANIZATION OF ONE’S OWN CONTINUOUS HEALTH STATE – i.e. as a System of Protection of Own Self in

changeable Environment and as a System of body Renovation. And by means of this – without any exogenous factors: exercises, diets, massage,

medicines, doctors, etc stop development of any Disease! We only have to remember that Physiological Culture is an amazingly beautiful SYSTEM



Further in the Video-Book you will learn some Lessons on Technology of organization of

Continuous Health state. These are going to be lessons of Feeling the

Fundamental Laws of the Universe!

Since Rules and Basics of the Physiological Culture skills are based on the foundation of the Laws of the Universe, BEING A PROJECT AND PROGRAM OF FUNCTION

AND PHYSIOLOGY OF HOMO SENSUS’ BODY not to overload the Video Book with information, you have to remember the following: if we are analyzing some skill of Physiological Culture and I recommend you to hold a cup, for example, with your thumb and forefinger in order to Renovate Health, this Action (Technology Act) is developed in accordance with the Law of Correspondence, which is familiar to you,

where a hand is a projection of body (according to PACK CHZHE VU)

It shows that according to the Law of Correspondence You hold a cup with Head

Muscles (it’s Thumb) and Arm Muscles (Forefinger). Analyze the Fugure carefully.

It is this vision and understanding of Renovation Technology that can develop activity of Life energy of your Head and Arm… If such Skill of Physiological Culture as taking a cup

with one hand and then with the other is offered

then this Technological Practice is used by you to reestablish the Feeling of the LAW of AXIS (i.e. to “repair” Verticality). And if you are offered separately male and female type of Culture and Ethics Physiological Skill in this case Technology of

Influence with the Law of Necessity will be involved – because you are a person of some particular gender…

The Technology of Renovation (Organization) of Continuous Health State is not my fantasy.

Since apart from Physiological action of these Fundamental Laws of the Universe it also includes Physiological Action of the Laws of Physics and Chemistry, Physiological

Action of Vibration and Energy Meridians, known from Chinese medicine, Physiological Action of Religious rituals and rites, culture and clothing of peoples… we can’t name

them all! Otherwise we are going to have not a video book but an Encyclopedia of Physiological culture!

That’s why you yourself on the basis of acquired algorithm of knowledge – should make an analysis, using logics, (i.e. Sensphysiology) of your actions, body actions and all your habits and skills… because there’s nothing unknown in Physiological Culture and

Ethics and in the Theory of Health Renovation!

Professor Alexander KharchenkoLutsk, telephone: 80508760217E-mail:

And there’s nothing artificial – because the Universe itself uses them to create Beauty and

Perfection of Existence.

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