summer 2018 volume xxix, issue 8 how to pump up your ...€¦ · joy, and fulfillment this summer...

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Summertime may seem like a break, for some, from Judaism. Makor, our Sun-day-School, is on hiatus, and we have a cou-ple months be-

fore our High Holidays. The ebb and flow of our Jewish activity level has been measured in what some call “Jewish volume.” This means that rather than measuring Jewish commitment based upon trips to the synagogue, we can measure Jewish-ness based upon the impact our her-itage has on our daily lives.

A high Jewish “volume” might in-dicate that Judaism plays a signifi-cant role in our home, social, profes-sional, and personal lives; whereas a low Jewish “volume” might mean Judaism does not. Most of us are attuned to a “mid-range” volume, with Judaism playing a small part in some but not all aspects of our lives, or perhaps a large part in relatively few.

Many of us find that during a sig-nificant life-cycle, personal, or his-torical milestone, our Jewish vol-ume increases dramatically, as with a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. An entire year goes into preparing, tutoring, study-ing, practicing and planning. Then,

after the thank-you notes are writ-ten, the volume goes back “down to normal.”

Even the simple act of driving to religious school, preparing for a wedding, or considering a trip to Is-rael in the distant future might sig-nificantly increase our Jewish “vol-ume.”

Thankfully, we can dial up or down the Jewish volume at differing points in our lives. Consider how low our Jewish volume might have seemed in college whereas, once we had children, it seems to be running at full blast!

Most Jews find that a higher Jew-ish volume contributes to family sense of well-being. A healthy dose of Judaism can provide a sense of rootedness, spirituality, meaning and connection to one another, our community, our people and our God.

Large numbers of Jews feel most comfortable with a volume of only High Holy Day attendance and car-pooling children to religious school. Yet this volume may not suffice for lasting Jewish impact on our day-to- day lives.

While synagogues can convey information and warm feelings for the Jewish faith, attendance alone may not impart identity, values, life-skills, appreciation for tradition and

an organic sense of what it means to be a Jew.

This summer, we can up the vol-ume of our Jewish lives in our homes in countless enjoyable ways. Play Jewish music, have friends over for a leisurely Sabbath meal, read a Jewish novel or website, learn to make challah or hummus, or attend a Jewish cultural event.

In this season of air-conditioning, turning up our Jewish volume might help with “heir-conditioning” as well! Now is the perfect time to en-hance our spiritual growth and to bring us and our children meaning, joy, and fulfillment this summer and in the coming year.


Summer 2018 Volume XXIX, Issue 8

How to Pump Up Your ‘Jewish Volume’

THE LIGHTPublished monthly by

Temple Beth Or 5275 Marshall Rd. Dayton OH 45429

www.templebethor.comPhone: (937) 435-3400

RABBIJudy Chessin




BOTY ADVISOR Gavi Douglass

OFFICERSJerry Weckstein, President

John Granby, Vice PresidentSue Nelson, Secretary

Karen Lindsay, Treasurer

MEMBERS AT LARGEJane Briskin Caryl SegalewitzJake Elder Jessica SimpsonMarni Flagel Dan SweenyJoan Greenfield

COMMITTEE CHAIRSAdministration: Ira SegalewitzEducation: Jessica SimpsonFund-raising: Karen LindsayMember Services: Marni FlagelPersonnel: Micah SiegalReligious: Joan GreenfieldVolunteers: Paula Gessiness

AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONSJudaica Shop: Karen LindsayBOTY Presidents: Ava Kuperman & Sara ZendlovitzConnections for Seniors: Hank Adler

Yahrzeit RemembrancesTemple Beth Or remembers our loved ones on the Sabbath nearest the

anniversary of their passing or yahrzeit. The following names will be read during services this summer.

July 6Rose Landerman (7/4)Juliet Simon (7/4)Helene Albert (7/5)Phil Friedman (7/6)Charles Swerdlow (7/6)Sondra Zendlovitz (7/6)Hyman Lerner (7/7)Meta Nathan (7/7)Morris Ostrow (7/9)Koleman Schneidman (7/9)Katharine G. Reiger (7/10)

July 13Ann Lehrner (7/11)Sydell Merl (7/11)Dr. Edward Fickler (7/14)Harry N. Stein (7/14)Sam Cramer (7/15)Nathan Nelson (7/15)Morris Sureck (7/16)Rose Berks (7/17)

July 20Stuart Fickler (7/18)Nathan Rosengarten (7/18)Florence Fickler (7/20)Yetta Spaeth (7/20)Stanley Michelson (7/21)Paul Rachlin (7/21)Lorraine Schiff (7/21)Gennady Katz (7/22)Marcia Goldberg (7/23)Sylvia Ostrow (7/23)Harold Wise (7/23)Albert Youra (7/23)Leon Lehrner (7/24)

July 27Irwin Grossman (7/26)Carole Horwitz Lehrer (7/26)Irma Chamovitz (7/27)Suzanne Krull (7/27)Beverly Cearley (7/29)

August 3David Bernie (8/1)Eric Schiff (8/1)Leonard Solganik (8/1)Tillie C. Rosengarten Nelson (8/2)Israel Berman (8/3)Shirley Hoffman (8/3)

Samson M. Weckstein (8/3)Dorothy Elhardt (8/5)Julia Grunbaum (8/6)Edith Holroyd (8/7)

August 10John D. Auldridge Sr. (8/8)Harry Levenson (8/9)Charles L. Meyer (8/10)Fanny K. Alcus (8/11)Samuel Silverman (8/11)Stella Klein (8/14)

August 17Sylvan Holstine (8/15)Joanne Long (8/15)Judy Potasky (8/15)Shae Rosenblatt (8/15)Morris Fishman (8/16)Arthur Layman (8/17)Otto Farnbacher (8/19)Hannah Scheiner (8/19)Dora Solganik (8/21)

August 24Irma M. Grant (8/22)Beatrice Schiffman (8/23)Blanche Holstine (8/24)Aaron Horwitz (8/24)Marlene Spalter (8/24)Sarah Berman (8/24)Lionel Levant (8/25)Theresa Merritt (8/25)Herbert Wagshul (8/25)Paul Krochmal (8/27)Stanley P. Levine (8/27)Shimon Goldstein (8/28)Perry Ross (8/28)

August 31Marjorie Haffner (8/29)Rosalie Weckstein (8/29)Allen Beckerman (8/30)Sylvia R. Moss (8/30)Edward Nieman (8/31)Lillian S. Cream (9/1)Roberta Gordon (9/1)Stanley Goldberg (9/2)Lewis Plotkin (9/3)Gustav Carsch (9/4)Mary Seidenschmidt (9/4)Adam Spalter (9/4)

Our LivesDo you have news or need prayers? Please contact

the Temple office at 937-435-3400 to share a birth, marriage or seek get well wishes. Your congregation cares about you!

The congregation wishes strength, hope and health to the following: Madalyn Ammons, Arlene Graham, Jud-ie Kell, Anne Ostrow, Jewel Safferman and Peter Wells.

The congregation extends its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of our member and friend Rose Marie Mauch who passed away on June 10. May her memory be for a blessing.

The congregation extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Marc Rossio, whose mother Sandra passed away on June 25.

Mazel Tov to the family of Annette Nathan and Marc Gilbert. Marc’s daughter Erica was married to Nathan Bachman on June 9. The newlyweds are both teachers and live in Columbus.

Mazel Tov to Michelle Evanson and Terry Flack on their marriage which also took place on June 9.

Mazel Tov to Dave London on the birth of a new grandson, Ari Frank Cronstein, born to Stephanie and Adam on June 4.

Remembering Those Who Fell for our FreedomThank you to all who participated in

placing flags for our veterans at David’s Cemetery for Memorial Day.

We especially thank Alex Pearl for playing Taps in honor of those we have lost.

Also thanks to Steve Markman and the Dayton Jewish War Veterans for or-ganizing this effort and keeping records of deceased Jewish veterans in the Day-ton area.

Pre-need burial planning gives us peace of mind and relieves our loved ones of emo-tional and stressful decisions at the time of need.

Temple Beth Or owns burial plots in a dedicated, serene section of David’s Ceme-tery. These plots are available for purchase by full members of our congregation.

David’s Cemetery is located on the cor-ners of Far Hills Avenue, David Road and Mad River road.

Pre-Need Burial Planning

Call 937-435-3400 for assistance.

Human Beings Are Not Bargaining Chips

Tsar Nicholas the FirstWeb Gallery of Art, Public Domain

Tuvia’s mother was wailing and tearing her hair. His father was sobbing. His sis-ters were terrified. “Tuvia, my dear son,” his mother

cried. “My only boy, why are they tearing you away from me?”

Tuvia was taken, half-asleep, to a large house where many frightened, wide-eyed children were crying, “Mama, Mama. Take me home to my Mama!” The children cried all that sleepless night.

Larry Domnitch, The Cantonists: The Jewish Children’s Army of the Tsar, 79-80.

These words might sound like they could be recently-written or a work of fiction; however, they actu-ally come from the 19th century and record real history. They describe the experience of a Jewish family from that era—Tuvia Silverman, his parents, and his sisters—at a time when Jewish parents were be-ing forcibly parted from their young children. The separation of families it depicts (and these are Tuvia’s own words explaining what happened to him as a child) was the result of an-ti-Semitic policies enacted by Tsar Nicholas the First.

For some background on the rel-evant 19th-century history: Tsar Nicholas the First was a man who, in 1816, wrote in his diary the fol-lowing of Jews, whom he called by the pejorative name “Zhids:” “The ruination of the peasants of [Rus-sia] is the Zhids. They are regular leeches and suck these unfortunate governments to the point of exhaus-tion.”

In 1827, two years after becom-ing tsar, Nicholas determined that he could break the will of the Jews by creating a compulsory quota of

Jewish boys whom Russian Jew-ish communities would be forced to send away to the army. Boys as young as eight years old were sto-len away from their families for this reason and were sent off to the army for more than two decades at a time. Nicholas the First imagined that he could, in this way, work to rid Rus-sia of Jews.

Nicholas had some success in his sinister goal: the devastation felt by families whose children were taken was intense. He even succeeded in turning fellow Jews against one an-other. Jews were required to police each other to ensure that conscrip-tion quotas were met, and, thus, an infamous role—the khapper—was born.

Khappers were Jews who would kidnap Jewish boys, sometimes tak-ing them from their beds in the mid-dle of the night, to deliver them to the Russian government. Poor Jew-ish families were especially suscep-tible to having their children taken by khappers because they (unlike their more affluent peers) couldn’t afford to bribe those who might take their children.

Turning back to the present: Though, as an historian, I usually love to discover facets of history that are relevant to contemporary life, it is probably self-evident that this is an historical episode one would never hope to see paralleled in his or her own time. Neverthe-less, I hope that the pain of this chapter of Jewish history can steer our own thoughts today. It should help to shape our consciences and to deepen our empathy for others.

The Jewish ethos, formed by our experiences throughout history, teaches unambiguously that there is no appropriate time or way to use any human being’s life as a bar-

gaining chip for political or social ends. Regardless of the impact we might hope to have in doing things like this, Judaism does not sanction the political leveraging of children’s freedom or the separation of fami-lies.

Of course, every situation pos-sesses its own nuances; what hap-pens in 2018 is not identical to what happened in 1827. However, there are undeniable parallels between what was done to Jewish families in the past—as in 19th-century Rus-sia—and what has been done to mi-grants recently in the United States. Nevertheless, doing justice to our Jewish history means ensuring that no person in the present ever re-ex-periences the indignities we as Jews once too commonly suffered; it means remembering that all human beings are created b’tzelem elohim, in the image of God; and being Jew-ish, as well, means fully feeling the pain of the other, and acting to pro-tect those in need. Remember: we, too, were once strangers in a foreign land.

Rabbi Ari Ballaban

Makor School News

Makor Fees Remain UnchangedRegistration for Makor and Hebrew School this fall

opened July 1. Registration is again online and fees re-main the same.

Cost for Makor for preschool through second grade will be $350.

Cost for grades 3 through 6 for Makor and Hebrew School (required) will be $550.

Cost for grades 7 and 8 will be $350 and high school-ers will cost $250.

An additional fee of $500 will be charged for one-on-one tutoring with a rabbi for b’nai mitzvah preparation. Additional fees may apply for trips or events for high schoolers who are also encouraged to join BOTY (Beth Or Temple Youth).

Makor and Hebrew School will begin on Sept. 23. Makor will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sundays. Lunch will be provided for those staying for Hebrew School from 12:30 to 2 p.m.

2018-19 Makor CalendarOur first day of Makor is after High Holidays on Sun-

day Sept. 23 We are planning a special, welcoming pro-gram for Sukkot for all our students and their families.

Electives will begin on Sept. 30 and will again follow the tri-mester format that was so successful last year.

Since we are waiting until after High Holidays to begin, we will have nine weeks of class with no

break. Our first break will be on Thanksgiving week-end.

Family Shabbat Services with dinner will continue to be held on the second Friday of the month. We will be-gin with Friday, Sept. 14 with a family-friendly service not aimed at a particular grade. Come and reconnect with friends you may not have seen over the summer.

Our October Family Service will feature grades 6, 7 and 8 on October 12. Consecreation of our Kindergar-teners will be held during the Family Service on Nov. 19. Family services will continue to begin with dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by the service led by Rabbi Ari Ballaban.

For a complete calendar, please visit our website.

Tzedakah UpdateOur beautiful tzedakah box has been emptied and the

contributions counted. Our highest grossing class was the high school with $198.88.

Our overall total was $380.53. On the first day of Ma-kor, Sept. 23, the students will vote on which organiza-tion to send these donations to. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Remember to look for our tzedakah box outside the sancutary and give the kids a head start on their 2018-19 collection while you are at Temple this summer.

Hakarat Tovah: Outgoing Board Members

We Couldn’t Do It Without You!Temple Beth Or doesn’t accomplish anything without teamwork. Thanks to every contribution of prayer, time and funds, we can fulfill our mission of being a warm, welcoming place for ALL. Thank you!

Temple’s many funds provide a meaningful way to mark the life cycle events we all experience. From a birth to a graduation, from the recovery from an illness to a promotion or marriage, we all experience joy and sadness throughout our lives. To express your caring and concern, please send your tribute card and minimum $10 dona-tion to the Temple office. All donations are tax deductible.

Financial Donations

Our Hakarat Tovah column is our small token of ap-preciation to you who work so hard to keep Temple Beth Or going and glowing.

Serving on our Board of Directors is genuinely a la-bor of love and this month we thank and honor the two men who have recently completed terms on our Board: Corky Katz and Micah Siegal.

Both Corky and Micah served a three year term. While serving, Micah chaired our Personnel Commit-tee and was instrumental in hiring all of our current staff. Micah will continue as chair of Personnel even though he is leaving the board.

Micah also served on our Executive Committee and is a key member of our Life and Legacy Team – which has already exceeded our first year goals.

As a board member, Corky has assisted us with secu-rity planning, helping to find professionals to give us solid advice. Meanwhile, he shared his hobbies with us! He hosted a Hanukkah workout at Centerville Crossfit and is one of our beloved Brisketeers.

As a Brisketeer, Corky helped with our First Corned Beef Festival and has been a cohost of the Party Time event Bourbon and Brisket for two years. (Do we hear three?)

The Hebrew word for volunteerism, hitnadvoot, shares a root with the word for prince or noble person - nediv. We give thanks to these two noble men who have voluntarily contributed so much time, energy and support to Temple Beth Or. Todah Rabbah, Thank you very much!

General Fund By Mimi and Stuart Rose By Gary Holstine By Marni Flagel By Larry Glickler In Honor of Livnat Bella Adena Gilbert By Jan Maharam By Bonnie GewertzIn Honor of Elaine and Joe Bett-man’s 64th wedding anniversary By Joan and Art GreenfieldIn Memory of Gisela Strauss By Eva and Fred IzensonIn Memory of Louis Pat Landerman By Myrna NelsonIn Memory of Adam Nelson By Myrna NelsonIn Memory of Rose Marie Mauch By Jan Maharam By Claudia and Bill Fried

By Joan and Art Greenfield By Bonnie Gewertz By Caryl and Don WecksteinIn Memory of Henry Rochelle By Karen and John GranbyIn Memory of Herbert Bromberg By Diann and Richard BrombergIn Memory of Jacob and Lillian Orlinsky By Dr. and Mrs. Richard KleinIn Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Klein By Dr. and Mrs. Richard KleinIn Memory of Gennady Katz By Dr. Yana Kleinman

Rabbi’s Discretionary FundIn Honor of Gary Holstine’s grandson Ari By Sarah and Yaakov Weissmann

In Memory Of Adam Nelson By Bonnie GewertzIn Memory of Edgar Slotkin By Ellen and Samuel Lauber

Endowment FundIn Memory of Richard Irwin Sachs By Audrey G. Sachs

Music FundIn Honor of Ginny O’Connor’s Special Birthday By Caryl and Don Weckstein

Education FundIn Honor of Livnat Bella Gilbert By Maryna Braginsky

Campership FundIn Memory of Gertrude Phillips By Muff and Alan Steinharter

House of BreadTemple Beth Or members participated in a new,

multi-generational tikkun olam program at the House of Bread on June 10.

Members, including House of Bread founders Joe and Elaine Bettman, prepared and served lunch for vis-itors to the House of Bread dining room.

The House of Bread was founded 30 years ago with the belief that no one deserves to go hungry. Joining the Bettmans in their long standing service to this agency were: Scott Beckerman, Benjamin Char, Deb Char, Melissa Guadalupe, Emma Lindsay, Karen Lindsay, Alex Pearl, Jane Pearl, Brian Simpson, Ellie Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Jerry Weckstein, Justin Weckstein and Ryan Weckstein.

“We had a very good time and it did us all a world of good,” said Deb Char. “It feels good to give time instead of just money.”

Spring Spruce UpMany hands make light work – especially when it

comes to yard work! Temple Beth Or’s grounds re-ceived a spruce up for the spring and summer in a two step process that involved a lot of mulch.

Ira Segalewitz, administrative chair, organized this effort again this year and we thank him.

Assisting in June and also greatly appreciated were the following individuals: Phil Dreety, Jake Elder, Dr. Felix Garfunkel, Dr. Marty Jacobs, Karen Lindsay, Eric and Summer Pachman and family, Mary Rogers. Thanks also to those who helped in May.

Party Time Music Programs

Choir Director, Music Café Operator and Con-gregational Entertainer Mary “Mahira” Rogers extends her thanks to all who attended two of our Party Time events: Mu-sic Through the Ages in February and the Art and Music Café in May.

In February, stories and songs from the 1920s through today were enjoyed among several knowledgeable mu-sic historians. Special thanks to Don and Caryl Weck-stein, Jerry and Caryn Weckstein, and Kevin and Karen Bressler for all of their hard work and organization of this event.

May’s event, hosted by Mary and Marc Gilbert brought out a number of talented artists.

“When we originally set this up as an ‘open stage’ music setting, we had no idea the amount of talent that was hiding within our humble congregation,” Mary said.

“Special thanks to my music partner for the evening, Marc Gilbert for contributing his excellent repertoire of 60’s and 70’s favorites to my Blues and folky standards and to all who sang along.”

Meanwhile, Annette Nathan provided a banquet fit for a king. Special thanks to the following artists and photographers for their generous contributions: Dr. Judy Chesen, Randi Bettman-Fuchsman, Lorraine Fort-ner, Sam Lauber, Dave London, Caryl Segalewitz and Scott Segalewitz.

In addition, Renate Frydman provided several pieces of her late brother’s (Brian Appel) art work for display, along with copies of her book, Anschel’s Story: Deter-mined to Survive.

Look for the Second Annual Art and Music Café on the 2018-19 Party Time schedule!

Thank You Volunteers and Guests!

Connections for SeniorsOur senior members continue to be an important part

of our Temple Beth Or family and Connections is a dy-namic outreach program that helps them maintain their involvement in our Temple community.

Care for CaregiversMark your calendar for an important workshop pre-

sented by Connections for Seniors!Caring for Caregivers will be presented Tuesday,

July 31 at 7 p.m. Our speaker will be Lawrence “Chip” Wilkins, Program Director for the Ombudsman Long-Term Care Program.

RSVP to the office at 937-435-3400 by July 27. Light refreshments will be served. Learn more at

L’Chaim!We celebrated seniors with birthdays in June, July

and August at the Annual Picnic on June 29.

This quarter we celebrate the following: Helene Adler, Madalyn Ammons, Marti Bernstein,

Elaine Bettman, Joseph Bettman, Richard Brom-berg, Louisa Dreety, Harold Fishman, Marni Flagel,

Annual Picnic Signals Start of Summer at TempleTemple Beth Or’s Annual Outdoor

Shabbat and Family Picnic drew a fun, diverse crowd. Multiple gener-ations enjoyed an outdoor service in blessed shade and a sumptuous buf-fet of picnic delights!

Thank you to one and all for your contributions to this fantastic meal. A special thanks to our grillmasters, Lynn Rogers and John Granby, ably assisted by Lorraine Fortner. Thanks also to Renee Perry and the children in attendance for assisting with the kiddush and motzi.

Annual Picnic Signals Start of Summer at Temple

Felix Garfunkel, Stephen Goldberg, Arthur Green-field, Sharon Guterman, Gary Holstine, Eva Izenson, Benjy Klein, Sharon Lindquist-Skelley, Helen Mark-man, Sanford Mendelson, Susan Nelson, Myrna Nel-son, Alex Pearl, Jane Pearl, John Reger, Jewel Saffer-man, Lita Saul, Caryl Weckstein, and Dan Weiner.

TransportationIf you need a ride to Temple for Friday Shabbat ser-

vices, please contact the office by noon on Thursday. Someone from Connections will contact you with ride information.

Drivers are needed! Please contact the Temple Office or Hank Adler to volunteer. We will work to connect you with seniors near you.

Did You Know?The law has changed. If you are hospitalized, your

doctors and nurses are no longer allowed to contact your clergy unless you expressly ask them to.

If you or a family member are ill, having surgery or are admitted to a local hospital, contact the Temple of-fice to be added to our prayer list.

Connections for Seniors

President’s Post: The Feeling of Volunteering is


Adult Education

Chai MitzvahChai Mitzvah continues to meet

over the summer with fresh topics in the Mussar series. The Mussar series will cost $40 per person and includes a full year of topics fo-cused on middot.

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The July 12 meeting on Responsibility will be led by Mar-ni Flagel. The group will also meet on August 9 and Sept. 13. Call the office at 937-435-3400 to enroll.

Tanach Study begins the Book of Job

Our Temple’s study of the Bible began in the Fall of 1994. Verse by verse we have made our way through the holy scriptures and dis-cussed history, theology, language and politics. We have just finished the book of Proverbs and are now embarking upon the study of some very fascinating books of the Bible.

Starting Sunday July 15 at 10 a.m. we will begin the book of Job. This book is among the most difficult books of the Tanach (The Hebrew Bible). The topic of why bad things happen to good people is challeng-ing as is the Hebrew text. However, as we have learned, the more chal-lenging the text, the more fruitful our discussions and richer our learn-ing.

If you’ve not studied Bible with

us the past 24 years, now might be the time to begin! After our July 15 introduction of the book, we will begin the text on Saturday, Septem-ber 22. Starting in October we will commence our regular Tanach study schedule, the first Saturday and the third Sunday of each month (Satur-day October 6 and Sunday October 21).

A wonderful potluck brunch adds to our food for thought. Please join us.

Adult HebrewRabbi Judy Chessin’s Advanced

Adult Hebrew class will meet over the summer. Dates are July 8 and 15 and August 19. Weekly classes will resume in September.

Introduction to Judaism ReturnsTemple Beth Or will again partner

with other area synagogues and the Jewish Federation of Greater Day-ton to present an introductory Juda-ism class this fall.

The 16-week class will begin in October with the first five sessions hosted at Temple Beth Or. Details are being finalized but registration will be through the Federation.

Lionel Richie sang “Oh, what a feeling.” While he was dancing on the ceiling, several Members of Temple Beth Or were saying that same thing after volunteer-ing at the House of Bread earlier this month. Helping others really can bring about a great feeling inside of you.

Rabbi Chessin spoke of vol-unteering at the Temple Annual Meeting, sharing that when you get a great feeling from helping others, you are not a volunteer, you are a member of that com-munity. And that is what our Temple Members of all ages did at the House of Bread. They showed that they are supporting members of the Dayton commu-nity.

Hopefully, you feel that same way when you help (aka vol-unteer) at a Temple Beth Or event; that you are a supporting Member of the Temple Beth Or community. We ask often for your help, and next time you are asked, remember the great feel-ing that you had each time you said yes, and say yes again.

It is through your volunteer-ing that you remain a supporting Member of the Temple commu-nity and continue to keep Temple Beth Or a special place ‘Today . . . and for Generations.’

Jerry WecksteinBoard President

BOTY (Beth Or Temple Youth) is excited to host the regional Leader-ship Training Kallah for the Ohio Valley chapter of the North Amer-ican Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) on August 17 through 19.

We are expecting approximately 100 high school students from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. We will need hous-ing for these students and are pro-viding three large meals plus snacks for hungry teens!

The Leadership Training Kallah is a great opportunity for teens to:• Meet new people and see

friends from NFTY, Camp, Israel and Mitzvah Corps• Explore a new city• Learn valuable skills that

will help them build resumes and take on leadership roles at schools, congregations, and communities• Voice opinions at Asefah

(business meeting), which helps guide the movement forward• Participate in leader-

ship- themed p r o g r a m s , w o r k s h o p s and activities

The entire congregation is invited to an exciting Friday night service with the teens and Marc Rossio on August 17 at 7 p.m.

We are looking for volunteers to provide kosher-style food for Fri-day’s dinner and both lunch and dinner on Saturdays. We also need a lot of snacks and help making sure we offer vegetarian and gluten free options.

If you don’t want to cook, you can come and help serve. Call the office and we will connect you with the volunteer or group coordinating each meal.

Host families will be expected to provide transportation and breakfast both Saturday and Sunday.

If you would like to be a host fam-ily, please call the office at 937-435-3400.

Youth NewsConfirmation Delayed

Our 10th graders celebration of Kahn-firmation was cancelled by weather this spring.

In the spirit of these wonderful young people and our tradition of innovation at Temple Beth Or, we invite the congregation to celebrate Confirmation in the Sukkah!

We will convene in our Sukkah af-ter the first day of Makor classes on Sept. 23.

We will gather, sing songs and our teens will reflect upon coming of age in Judaism and preparing to take the next steps into adulthood.

We kindle havdalah candles as a sign of both separation and continu-ity. Our upper classmates light the torch of a 10th grader and thus pass on the torch of Jewish leadership and adulthood.

BOTY Hosting NFTY Kallah

Brandon Long to Become Bar Mitzvah July 21In the tradition of his ancestors Brandon

Matthew Long will be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah on July 21 at 4:30 p.m.

Brandon is the son of Stephanie and Mark Carreira and Kim and Kevin Long. His grandparents are Bonnie and David Parish, Joyce and Richard Carreira and Roger Long.

Brandon will be a freshman at Centerville High School this fall where he will play lacrosse.

He also enjoys basketball and plays with the Center-ville Hustle Basketball Club. He is a fan of the Pitts-burgh Steelers and Cleveland Cavaliers and spends much of his summer at Camp Kern.

When he is not being the funny uncle and big broth-er, Brandon also enjoys video games and world histo-ry. He is looking forward to having his entire family

around him for his bar mitzvah.Brandon’s Torah portion will include the

text of the Shema from Deuteronomy:

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.

Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”

Mazel Tov to Brandon and his whole family!

Everyone, regard-less of age, wealth or affiliation has the ability to leave a leg-acy to sustain Temple Beth Or. Temple has partnered with the Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton and

the Harold Grinspoon Foundation as part of the Life and Legacy Program.

Life and Legacy provides support to Temple in orga-nizing a strong planned giving program which increas-es our Endowment. Temple Beth Or is eligible for in-centive grants if it receives enough Letters of Intent. To date, we have 23.

For more information, contact Rabbi Judy Chessin or Dan Sweeny. Call the office at 937-435-3400 and we will help you make the connection.

Sincere thanks to the following members who most recently signed one or more Letters of Intent as well as to those who have asked to remain anonymous.

Rabbi Judy ChessinJacob Elder

Kathryn ElderLorraine Fortner

Jan MaharamHelen and Steve Markman

Martha Moody & Martin JacobsJanet Sherman and Marc Low

Legacy Giving Ensures Temple’s Longevity

Some Giving Strategies Can Save Tax Liability

Committment Forms for 2018-19 Coming to Your Mailbox

Giving to Temple Beth Or reaps many benefits, including potential tax savings for the giver.

Qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) are a unique tax strate-gy that allows individuals who are at least 70 ½ and have traditional or inherited IRAs to distribute up

to $100,000 per year directly from their IRA to Temple Beth Or with no federal income tax consequences.

QCDs are not included in your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) so using this strategy can lower your income and may decrease the tax you pay on your Social Security in-

come. The process is easy. The financial

institution holding your IRA just makes the check payable directly to Temple Beth Or.

If you have questions contact your financial advisor or call the office at 937-435-3400.

Members will soon receive information on making their committment for the new Fiscal Year under Tem-ple Beth Or’s new Member Support Structure.

Under the new structure, each adult member is asked to contribute a Sustaining Level of Support for the fis-cal year.

The amount is determined by dividing our anticipated annual expenditures by the number of adult members of our congregation.

If you are not able to pay the Sustaining Level amount, it is no longer necessary to submit a dues reduction form. Instead, you will indicate on your Commitment form how much you can pay.

Payments may be made in full, semi-annually, quar-terly or monthly. However, we ask that all commitment forms be returned by July 31.

Giving levels above the Sustaining amount are also available and welcome. We trust that all our members

will provide fi-nancial support commensurate with each mem-ber’s abilities.

The sustaining level of support does not include the building fund, an assessment required of all mem-bers in their first five years of membership; nor does it include education fees, b’nai mitzvah fees or fees for activities. Information on this is included in the mailing.

The Board of Directors believes this new structure better aligns with our values and the changing environ-ment toward membership.

Please contact a board member or call the office at 937-435-3400 if you have questions. Visit our website at for an FAQ.

Summer ServicesIn July and August, services at Temple Beth

Or are led by lay members of our congregation. Anyone can lead.

An outline is provided.

Call the office if you would like to fill one of the open slots below.

Prenegs start at 6 p.m. followed by the service at 6:30 p.m.

Sign Up for a Fall Oneg!Oneg and Preneg hosts are needed for upcoming

services. What is an Oneg Shabbat? It is simply a nosh shared with friends after services. Prenegs are held before services.

Oneg Shabbat hosts are needed on the first Fridays of the month. Preneg hosts are needed on the third Fridays of the month.

Hosting is a great way to celebrate birthdays, milestones or blessings. Share your joy. Call the Temple office at 937-435-3400 to sign up.

Friday, July 6Preneg Snacks: Dr. Marty JacobsService: Dr. Marty Jacobs

Friday, July 13Preneg Snacks:Service: Lorraine Fortner

Friday, July 20Preneg Snacks:Service: Joe Bettman

Friday, July 27Preneg Snacks & Service: Mary Rogers, Annette Nathan, Marc Gilbert

Friday, August 3Preneg Snacks & Service: Rachel Gilbert, PJ Library and PJ Our Way

Friday, August 10Preneg Snacks & Service: Mary Rogers and Lorraine Fortner

Friday, August 17Special Service with NFTY-OV Leadership Training Kallah and Marc Rossio, 7 p.m.

Friday, August 24Preneg Snacks: Temple Beth Or ChoirService: Joe Bettman

Friday, August 31Preneg Snacks: Wendy RachlinService: Ira Segalewitz

Renew Shoppers Cards

New Website LaunchedLike many synagogues nationwide, Temple Beth Or

has launched a new website.The site is hosted and supported by the Union for

Reform Judaism who is now supplying newsfeed on the home page.

The address remains and new features will make it easier for members to make payments and complete registrations online. Makor registration starts July 1.

Feedback about the new site is welcomed. Please contact Communications Coordinator Sharon Bengel at

If you shop at Kroger or Dorothy Lane Market, it’s easy to support Temple Beth Or!

Register your Kroger Plus Card online, designating Temple Beth Or as your charity of choice. Our orga-nization number is 81170.

Then every time you scan your Plus Card at Kroger for groceries, gas or gift cards and Temple will earn a percentage donated back to us.

Temple Beth Or participates in Dorothy Lane Mar-ket’s Good Neighbor Program. To participate, just register your DLM Club Card at Our organization number is 215.

Dorothy Lane Market also offers reloadable gift cards (sometimes known as SCRIP).

Visit the customer service counter at your favorite store and ask for it to be applied to Temple Beth Or, organization number 1033. Reload these cards before you shop!

You must re-enroll in these programs annually so log in and check that your contributions are coming to our Temple.

























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Temple Beth Or5275 Marshall RoadDayton OH 45429-5815


Rosh Hashanah

Sunday, September 9Erev Rosh Hashanah, 8 p.m.

Monday, September 10Morning Services at 10 a.m. Traditional, Sanctuary Family/Youth, Levin Hall

Lunch at 12:30 p.m. (reservations required)Family Services, 2 p.m.

Yom Kippur

Tuesday, September 18Kol Nidre, 8 p.m.

Wednesday, September 19Morning Services at 10 a.m. Traditional, Sanctuary Family/Youth, Levin Hall

Afternoon with Dr. Michael Cook, 1:30 p.m.

Family Services, 3 p.m.

Yizkor Service, 4:30 p.m.

Ne’ilah followed by Break the Fast, 5:30 p.m.

5779 High Holy Days at Temple Beth Or

Have you been thinking about sharing your voice and most excellent ruach with us? Now is your chance! Rehearsals for High Holy Days begin the second week of August.

Contact Choir Director, Mary ‘Mahira’ Rogers at to join the choir. Or, call the office at 937-435-3400 and we will connect you.

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