summer - · 4 i...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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The Very Coweet Idea. 0ITY p^™-«*w>ww

4 Nothing that'J new, stylish and good in

Hat tine escape* as. We have continually

the best aad most approved shapes and col­

ors in all of the fashionable Hats for gentle­

man. Including ladies' and children's Outing

Bats aad Caps.

Our $3 "M. & S." Guaranteed Non-Breakable. Our $1.95 Glove-Fitting Hat, Our $1.50 Natty Hat,

Our $1 Best Hat on Earth for the Honey.

"Dunlap's" Exclusive Agency. We show the newest eFeations in Soft Hats. The "Alpine,"

Panama and Golf shapes.

fasacMtts* B*4c*t «f •»•»—tsqps Matla-

•*•<• k>v Q w (May ••]»«**«*

Meng & Shafttf tl State Strut, 14 Wast Mill Streit, } Piters

Block. 186 Mil l St, Eis. Opp. Stou Strut

First GoimanicaDts' Attention! Don't bay until you have seen our beautiful line of White and

Colored Prayer Books.

i Handsome Pearl Rosary Given Away With every Prayer Book sold at 60o and over*

A beautiful White Kosary with every other Prayer Book.

YAWMAN 8L STUPP, No. 20 Clinton Avenue, North.

This beautiful Baby Carriage For only-^iAoo-

Don't fail to see it befqrt buy­

ing elsewhere.


Carpet and Drapery House, 150 to 156 West Main Street Cor.

Washington Street.

You will find all the latest designs, colorings and lowest prices at


New Wall Pape* Store 170 State Street, Opposite Allen,

Mouldings made to match all W A L L P A P E R .

P I C T U R E F R A M E S , made to order.

SPECIAL SALE, Friday and Saturday of eaoh week.


iTathei Hendrick aaauted at the laying of the corner atone of the nef I ehoreh at Peon Yan hat Sueday. I

Father Gonunenginger assisted at Forty Hours devotion at the Immacu­late Conception church the early peart of the week.

Father Hofechneider of St. Michael's church celebrated the six o'clock mass last Sunday.

Thursday, the feast of the Ascen­sion, masses were celebrated at 5. SO and at 9 a. m.

The school collection will be taken up next Sunday.

The Rosary Society will meet next Sunday.

We are much pleased with the children's choir at the May devotions Tuesday and Friday evenings.

John J. Collins,' Formerly of this pariah, has taken charge of Hotel Ontario for this season. Hit mother, Mrs. Catherine Collins, will be in charge of the house. We wish them success.

A high maas of requism waa cele­brated by Father Gommenginger Saturday morning, for the repose of the soul of Misa Julia A. Gragan.

The marriage of John Kirn and Miss Carrie Esaerich has been an­nounced.

Miss KatherLns Watson will enter­tain some of her friends next Wednes­day evening, with a pedro party.

The Advisory Senate,L. C. B . A., will meet next Tuesday evening at St. Monica's hall. Representatives of the different branches are requested to be present

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dwyer Bpent several days in New York this week. ~~TEe mtraioar given by Misa Mar garet F. Heveron and Miss F. Blanche Drury, last Tuesday evening, was very pleasant and entertaining, and was enjoyed by an appreciative and attentive audienoe. Each num­ber was well rendered and well re­ceived.

The school children kindly supply nowers for oar Blessed Mother's altar during this month.

We congratulate a member of this parish for their narrow escape from a serious bicycle accident this week.

Miss Clara Carney and Mr. Frank Carney of Le Boy, were entertained by Miss Florence Mullen hut week.

J. Jas. Cox of Brooklyn apent a week in Rochester with his parents on Hyde park.

8T. JtfABY'B

At the 8 30 o'clock mass to-morrow a class of 100 children will receive

©a Tuesday evening Branch ISfc C M. B. A,, initiated four members and received two applications.

M. IteGraff, formerly at the N Y. C. oar shops, has aootpted a position with the same company at Buffalo,

The monthly school collection will be taken up on Sunday (to-morrow), at all the matte*.

James M. Nolan spent several days the past week attending the Fomww* convention.

A number ef the pupils of the 6th, 6th and 7th grades of oar school en­joyed a May walk to Highland park on Thursday.

Elmer Barry, * » of William Barry of North Dnion street, is on the road to recovery from a painful accident which occurred the put week.

The children of our school enjoyed a holiday on Thursday, the feast of the Ascension.

James H. Weloh of Garson avenue is attending the railway conductors' convention at St. Paul, Mian

The •• Come in Time " Pedro slub have uuwle««*Bgeiae&t* teeJose^hefl season with a dancing party. Re- 1

mil mi niiiii» mmmm ^mw ^& \,

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ExJrapr<jI|T[8tjP5r :K- -%c

Of Jr&M&f*

freshments will be served OA.THEDRALu

At the 8 o'clock mass oa the feast of the Ascension a class of 155 chil­dren received their first oommunion. The solemn high maaa>t 9 o'clock was celebrated by Rev. William Ryan* with Rev: George Bums as deacon and Rev. A Fisher as sub deacon. The sermon in the feast was delivered by Rev. T. F. Hickey.

The first anniversary mass for Very Rev. Father Kiernan was celebrated at this church hut Monday morning at 7 o'clock.

Mrs. Burnt of Williamiport, Pa., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barns of 29 Melrose street.

Miss Grace Murphy is with friends in New York.

Another bargaiD opportunity it i hew. A Sua five-niece $ni4 ^6n>l«^|e|u^^jpii^| piece, tnited baoks, ^hh«4 txmmti jfa*p*^0m m&, legs, damask oo-vfia, for Italyf *»».* ,\ ^ S * 2& AL

Also i number of odd mth* |dece» i$L$jjfatyH&. all the now «obr» equilly cheap. « ^ t "-

We «mtointiB ^dny tH *xm*l «* * 4te M l of Porch Bookers. larg« 3m, wMclt m ^ §|fj jtiffl4

T j *


WEIS & FISHER CO i ifT-firstlte st. TWO storet, 441-446 cunton Ave. Mi * i

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)Q H lell Phone ia6i .

To The Public : Owing* to the increase in our business during the past five years we have been compelled

to secure larger quarters. We can now be found at our own two story building; »n Vincent Street where we are prepared to turn out first-clast work at the lowest prices. The best work and prompt service will be our motto in cleaning, making over and reliving Carpets. Gleaning draperies renovating matresses and feathers." Tslephons 1221,

Moore's Carpet Cleaning Works, Formerly of West Avenue.

Palms, Plants,

Seeds, Etc.

Roses, Carnations,

Floral Designs.

H- B. CASH, plofist, 1 7 2 S T A T E S T R E E T ,


Call and see us. Home 'Phone 2477


Window and Door Frames. Cor. Allen and Piatt Sts.

G. H. STALKER, •» Sash, Doors. Blinds and Moaldisg

Scroll Sawing and Turning, Telephone 3019

Are Strictly Up-to-Date and Sold at Popular Prices.

Rochester Cycle Mfg. Co. 108-10 Exchange St.

their first holy communion. There was a month's mind on Wed­

nesday morning at 8 o'clock for Mrs. Alice O'Leary.

There was an anniversary mass on Monday morning at 9 o'clock for Father Kiernan. Solemn requiem mass was celebrated. A number of priests of the diocese were present in the sanctuary.

The funeral of Charles Muldoon took place at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning. Solemn mass was celebrated by Rev. Thomas Connors, assisted by Rev. George Burns as deacon and Rev. William Harrington MM sub-deacon, Rev. Francis O'Hearn acting as master of ceremonies. The remains were escorted by uniformed members of the police force headed by the Fifty-fourth Regiment band; Inter­ment was made at Holy Sepulchre cemetery.

Last week Father Connors gave the people of the south aiile the privilege of decorating the altar of the Blessed Virgin. All the week it waa filled with cut flowers and potted plants. This week the center aisle have charge and it looks quite as well as last week. The remainder of the month the north aisle people will have it in charge and will be watched with interest by the other members of the church.


On Tuesday evening of last week there was a sard party held at the home of Mr. and JUrs. F . W. Kelly on Central avenaf in honor of Misses Catherine F. and Anna Casey, late of San Francisco, Cal. The former is en her way to Ireland to visit her parents after an absence of ten years. * Both of the young ladies came on here to attend the wedding of their brother, J. J. Casey of Syracuse, which took place the preceding week, and also to visit their many friendi in Rochester,where they formerly lived before going to San Francisco. The numerous friends of Miss Catherine unite in wishing her "bon voyage,"

Eugene Garvey of Penrsylvania avenue was the victim of* wheel thief. His Athletic wheel was stolen from our school hall on Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Mary Wilson and Mr*. John MoPailinof Prince street spent sev­ers! days of the past w««k it Dttreit aaaBaflals.

Miss Anna Messer of Piatt street _ ha* returned freoi an -eastern-trip;--™


On Thursday evening of last week there was a reception and dancing party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kelly, on Bartlett street, in honor of the misses Catherine and Anna Casey, late of San Francisco, Cal. There were present about thirty couplet in all. Refreshments were served, and all enjoyed themselves and made merry until the wee hears of the morning.

Sunday, the 25th, school collection will bs taken up.

Branch 124, L. G B. A., held a pedro party on Tuesday evening which was well attended.

The Ladies' Aid society will bold a pedro party oa Friday eyening, May 24th.

Forty Hours opened in this church on Sunday morning at the 10.30 o'clock mass. Rev. Father Hickey of the Cathedral preached the sermon on Sunday evening.

Mrs, George Moran died at her home, 33 Bartlett street, aged 23 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning from the Cathedral.

The funeral of Patrick Camming! took place from his late residence, 160 Reynolds street, on Monday moaning.

Mrs. K. Lynoh died Tuesday morn* ing at the family residence, 138 Rey­nolds street, aged 80 years. She had been a member of tins ohurch sines 1852.

A large class of children will make their first communion on Sunday at 9 o'clock mass. .

The wn^ejbnoa «f Glenny's as a place for the thjiqfinjg^L^ ii one of the store's strong feature*. No matter what the <K)on»k>n« what the price, tite approjirfila giftirto bei&und qolcstly i» another of the well-stocked departments.

Fio« * mthHeie at WaaUfMl «*4#»tf ^ and new a*sortm«ntoCst«tliajr»ilv«r Bowhaad Pkfcei p r ^ ajtfroja l a o ^ t o i and the noveUnd artistic pte«s of Kavierslatt--Tray», SvnipJ»|t: T**kardsj,;r Candlesticks. Vases, etc.-thtnrJets of which an sxtrs»atl)r sswraW,

ROOKWOOD POTTERY. YouraaytUnkufc saiJwuUita rtpsiftaf Rookwood, botw«d^yaayk}v«r^astj

studr the form, coloring »ndrtsHstieflQWfr paJntiftf* of *»ls*la plaea tor ata~~~ years to dUcovsr all it* bnaties). aad not htcows «nthu»!astic ovtr till *Oad«rf csn work of art, Juit sow we srt exhibit!** as unastiallf hsiwU(«i«oUt*Hoa.

New Belt Buckles, Persian B«Hingfl,wd*r^ngled and L«ce] «vete?lin^*ifewp-eo««rtei?¥»««

N ^al J& at ^ssss^

Summer • •i**Jp}:

•ft China M^ftWj^^ifll^^:

Grass ;Mi^|n|^; ':J^^(^;

Rattan and Bamboo Porch Shades, all Lac© and Muslin Curtains.Cross-

Curtains* Scret3rj» an<t Piazza, jft i j | Thefineifc Jitfeol Mil^bni^tstvf eVeif »ho>ra,

tinge from lOo up,»tid Japanes? MttHwjiiwiin-iS^ up. for summer cottages and pia*=a« needed at the lowest pricee.

HOWE & ROGERS C( SO ang. B4> S t a t e St. X « W « I M M i w i |

RELIABLE FQOTirVJEiilia* Our Speoialtiee are Union Made Good*. Fine Oaatptn,;

696 South &m,&hm* $%p* "mim^A^

'2 Michael O'Brien and daughter

Sara, of Rush, visited the family of Edward O'Brien of Doran street last week.

The many friends and acquaint­ances of John Sweeney will be pained to learn of his sudden death, from heart failure, which oco irred at bis late home, lb Edith street. Mr, Sweeney came to Rochester 18 years ago and had resided here ever siace. He was a member of this parish and was welP and favorably known throughout the city, particularly in the Nineteenth ward. He was 40 year* of age at the time of hise'eatb, and is survived by his wife, one sister, living in this city, and a brother in Ireland.


There was a solemn high mass eel** brated on Saturday, May 11th, for Jamss McHugh formerly of this eisy, who died in Fortlnid, Oregon, May 2nd.

{Addttbnal'NeiM on P*ge 8. ) I • I 'I »" • • ! « • •


The official order followsj^ilajr 8, Seneca Falls; Avon; St.Mary's Roch­ester; Moravia; Corning. 12—Monte­zuma; rmmagalate Conceptien, Roch ester: Ovid ; JSeneoye Flats, Holy Family, Rochester , St Patricks, Elmira. 1^—Nuai» ChfUn Springs, Union Bprin^s; West Bleemneld,

ly Apostles, Bothester, St Mary's •ira. 26-«ors«s GkruU, Roch

ester; Itluwa; JNTaples, Shortsnlle,

a i i T W i JOVMKJLL.

ft *

A NEW OENTOIfV And we might s*y a bustling Me hat started. We want a part of . the business that is to be done in . Watches 0iai»ona ,»leWe1*QM c» —

Our System of WBmI*T s PAYMENTS is Well kitoirisr H l most people of the dty%» Those ; who a*on*fc k»ow are sikec^to^eflk \ m$. takB a lo6k at ^wnat <n> iujre * *• to sell » Society Hns « Speeifciiy,

+m rflrfiu.ii'


James M, Nolan. 154 East Main St, Of ef Beadle A Sherborne Go's

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MCMK.»satH - * * . > J

ma _ Bsrrsnr m &Jj.

, J. - " " ? ' ••


W* an Hickory varaada mad * ttsad In Uw Lulttf Rtmj HcatlAna A b a s a t W s Wastara Htm Tat* a t a V**ifcJ atora taaa eww-Ha ftjassjBfc '

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