sunday lesson (4/19)€¦ · john 5:24a very truly i tell you: nod head in affirmation, cup hands...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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River West Kids Family Resources Sunday Lesson (4/19) Nicodemus’ Question John 3: 1-21 Lesson: Today’s lesson includes probably the most well-known verse in all of the Bible… John 3:16. It states “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Many people know this verse, but they don’t know the context of this verse. Who was Jesus talking to when he spoke these words? What were they talking about? Let’s find out! Our lesson begins with a man named Nicodemus. He was looking for Jesus at night. Why at night? Well, Nicodemus was a Pharisee which means he was a part of the “religious elite” of that day. Pharisees were important leaders in the Jewish community who taught that everyone had to strictly obey all of the laws God had given to Moses. They had a lot of “head knowledge”, but Jesus revealed that they lacked “heart knowledge”. The Pharisees were very critical of Jesus and were threatened by him. But, Nicodemus knew that Jesus had performed miracles and he believed that Jesus came from God. It is possible that Nicodemus wanted to secretly meet with Jesus at night so that no one would know that he wanted to learn from him. Jesus started the conversation by confusing Nicodemus. He said, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3: 3) Nicodemus was lost already! He responded, “How can someone be bon again when they are old?” (John 3:4) Jesus is teaching Nicodemus that every person is born a sinner and needs to be “born again”. We are physically alive; we breathe and move, but without Jesus we are spiritually dead and separated from God. It is by the Holy Spirit—not by anything we do ourselves—that we are born again. Jesus also reminds Nicodemus of the bronze snake in Numbers chapter 21. When the disobedient Israelites were bitten by snakes, they could not heal themselves. But when they trusted in God and looked to the bronze snake lifted up by Moses on the pole, they were healed. Similarly, Jesus was lifted up on a cross and when we recognize his sacrifice and put our faith in him, we are saved and have eternal life. After this explanation, we find John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” The gospel, the good news of Jesus, is beautifully stated in one verse. Jesus closes out the conversation with this… “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.” (John 3: 20-21). It is clear that Jesus wants Nicodemus to step out of darkness and into the light which simply stated is a belief in Jesus.

Video Link to the story: Discussion Questions: •Who was Nicodemus and why did he want to talk to Jesus? (John 3:1) • What does it mean to be “born again”? (John 3:6; 16b) • What did Nicodemus learn about God’s love? Why was Jesus sent to the earth? (John 3:17-18) • Is God’s love for everyone? How can we become children of God or “born again”. (John 3:16; Romans 10:9) Craft: There are a couple of craft ideas to reinforce the powerful message of John 3: 16…

-Cut out a circle from cardstock or regular paper -Kids may either water color their circle using blue and green or they can make green handprints on a blue circle. -Last have your kids add a cross or heart and write in the verse. Here are a cross and heart in case they want to cut either of these out!

Activity for Younger Kids: Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Believe it or not, this book can illustrate our story today. Like the caterpillar, Nicodemus is hungry! His hunger is not a physical one, but a spiritual one. He was looking for truth about the kingdom of God and he comes to Jesus for answers. Jesus tells him about the need to be born again. It is explained that when a person believes in Jesus as Savior, he is born again spiritually and has the gift of eternal life. He is a new creation! Jesus’ powerful words are nourishment for our souls. In our book, after the caterpillar eats the nourishing food, he experiences a re-birth and turns into a butterfly. He also is beautiful new creation! Activity Sheets: You will find a coloring sheet, maze, de-coding activity and hidden picture challenge in the attachment. Game: Play a game of “Hangman” using phrases from the lesson. -born again -John 3:16 -Nicodemus and Jesus -eternal life Memory Verse: “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life” John 5:24a Very truly I tell you: Nod head in affirmation, cup hands around mouth. whoever hears my word: cup hands around ears. and believes him who sent me: Point index fingers to the sky. has eternal life: Point right index finger outward and make a circular motion. (Additional verses your kids may want to memorize- John 3:16 and Romans 5:8) Family Worship and Prayer: Play a favorite worship song and pray together as a family thanking God for sending Jesus as Savior of the World!

Potential Bucket List Activities for the Week-

1. Washing Hands to Psalm 23 (an idea from Rhonda Birchard) – Instead of singing the ABCs or Happy Birthday while your kids wash their hands, have them recite Psalm 23. Tape it up on a mirror or window above the sink. (see copy below)

2. Sidewalk Chalk- Have your kids draw a picture or write a message in your driveway or sidewalk for neighbors to see when they are on a walk.

3. One Word Song Challenge- Give your kids a word and have them try and think of a song that includes that word. You can have several rounds, and they can test you too!

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