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Supplementary Materials for

Structural basis for the recognition of Sonic Hedgehog by human Patched1

Xin Gong, Hongwu Qian, Pingping Cao, Xin Zhao, Qiang Zhou, Jianlin Lei, Nieng Yan*

*Corresponding author. Email:

Published 28 June 2018 on Science First Release DOI: 10.1126/science.aas8935

This PDF file includes: Figs. S1 to S10



Fig. S1 Inhibition of the Hedgehog signaling for potential cancer treatment. Binding of ShhN to Ptch relieves the inhibitory effect on Smo, resulting in the activation of Hh signaling. Robotnikinin (32) and HL2-m5 macrocyclic peptide (33) are Hh signaling inhibitors targeting the Shh/Ptch interaction. Cyclopamine, Jervine, SANTs, Cur-61414, IPI-926, GDC-0449, LDE225, Vismodegib, Sonidegib and LY2940680 are Smo antagonist, while GANTs and HPIs are Hh signaling inhibitors targeting the pathway downstream of Smo (30, 31).



Fig. S2 Sequence alignment of the human Ptch1/2, mouse Ptch1/2 and Drosophila Ptc. Secondary structural elements of human Ptch1 are indicated above the sequence alignment and color-coded using the same scheme as for the overall structure in Figure 1. Invariant and highly conserved amino acids are shaded yellow and grey, respectively. The red arrow indicates the boundary of the construct used for structural determination. The E loop and H loop, which are engaged in ShhN binding, are indicated by blue arrows. The Uniprot IDs for the aligned sequences are: hPtch1: Q13635; hPtch2: Q9Y6C5; mPtch1: Q61115; mPtch2: O35595; dPtc: P18502. “h” for human, “m” for mouse, and “d” for Drosophila.


Fig. S3 Protein purification and cryo-EM reconstruction of Ptch1. (A) The domain organization of Ptch1. IH: Intracellular helix; TM: Transmembrane segment. (B) A representative chromatogram of the last step purification of Ptch1 through size exclusion chromatography. Shown on the right is the SDS-PAGE for the indicated fractions visualized by coomassie-blue staining. The peak fractions in Lanes 9-12 were pooled and concentrated for cryo-EM data acquisition. (C) The EM map of Ptch1 at an overall resolution of 3.9 Å.


Fig. S4 Cryo-EM analysis of Ptch1 alone and in complex with ShhN. (A) Cryo-EM analysis of Ptch1 alone. Left: A representative cryo-EM micrograph and representative 2D class averages. Middle: The gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC) curve for the 3D reconstruction; Right: the FSC calculated between the refined structure and the half map used for refinement (red), the other half map (green), and the full map (black). (B,C) Cryo-EM analysis of the complex between Ptch1 and ShhN (B) and a Ptch1 variant designated Ptch1-3M (C) that contains triple point mutations (L282Q/T500F/P504L). The same type of images and plots is shown below the corresponding ones in Panel A.


Fig. S5 Flowchart for cryo-EM data processing. (A) The protocols for cryo-EM data processing and structure determination of Ptch1-WT and Ptch1-3M. (B) The procedures for structural determination of the Ptch1/ShhN complex. Please refer to Methods for details.


Fig. S6 Cryo-EM maps for representative segments. (A) The EM maps for representative segments in Ptch1 alone. (B) The representative EM maps for segments in the Ptch1/ShhN complex. (C) Representative densities of glycosylation sites in the ECDs of the Ptch1/ShhN complex. (D) The densities in SSD and ECDs that may belong to CHS molecules in both structures. The maps that are contoured at 5σ were prepared in PyMol, and colored green for Ptch1 alone and blue for the complex.


Fig. S7 Structural analysis of Ptch1. (A) The topological cartoon of Ptch1. Secondary structural elements are shown. “IH” stands for the intracellular helix. The dashed lines (residues 1-72, 608-728 and 1186-1305) depict the flexible segments that are invisible in the 3D reconstruction. (B) Structural superimposition of the two transmembrane domains (TMD1 and TMD2). (C) Structures of ECD1 and ECD2. Secondary structural elements are indicated and the glycosyl groups are shown as black sticks. (D) The core regions of ECD1/2 base domains share structural similarity with the ACT domain (PDB: 1ZPV). Despite similar fold in the core regions, the overall structures of ECD1 and ECD2 cannot be well overlaid (right).


Fig. S8 The Ptch1-binding surface of ShhN overlaps with that for multiple binding partners. From left to right are the structures of ShhN (light purple) in complex with Ptch1, CdoFn3, Hhip, 5E1 Fab, and heparin. The PDB codes for the four reported structures are 3D1M, 3HO5, 3MXW and 4C4N, respectively. The heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are a group of extracellular Shh regulators that promote Hedgehog signaling by facilitating Hh transport between cells (83). Shh was shown to bind to HSGPs through two sites, the positively charged N-terminal CW motif (residues 32KRRHPKK38), and the Hh structural core (83, 84). The first site is invisible in the structure of the Ptch1/ShhN complex, while the second site (including several positively charged residues Lys87/Arg123/Arg153/Arg155/Arg178) overlaps with the Ptch1 binding site.


Fig. S9 Sequence alignment of the sterol-sensing domain (SSD) and sterol-sensing like domain (SSDL) from representative proteins. (A) Sequence alignment of the SSDs from indicated human proteins. The TM segments of Ptch1 are shown above the sequence alignment. The red dots highlight the potential sterol-coordinating SSD residues in Ptch1. The Uniprot IDs for the aligned sequences are: hPtch1: Q13635; hNPC1: O15118; hDisp1: Q96F81; hNPC1L1: Q9UHC9; hSCAP: Q12770; hHMGCR: P04035. (B) The SSDLs, which are the SSD-corresponding domains in the symmetry-related repeat, share sequence similarity with SSD. The conserved and invariant residues are shaded grey and blue, respectively. Shown here is the sequence alignment of hPtch1-SSD with SSDLs from hPtch1, hNPC1, hDisp1, and hNPC1L1.


Fig. S10

Resolution maps for Ptch1-3M (A) and Ptch1-WT (B).


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