survey monkey and facebook audience feedback

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Unfortunately I did not receive as many responses as I had anticipated however I am pleased with the results that I did get as I understand that people might not be willing to spend their time filling out a survey if there isn’t a reward in it forthem so I am grateful that 5 people did take the time towatch my music video and fill out the questionnaire.

Here are the responses from the my audience feedback survey that I created on survey

monkey and then posted on the social networking site Facebook alongside my music

video for the viewer to watch.

I have presented the results of this question in a bar graph to clearly show what ratings my target audience gave.


My response to feedback

I was happily surprised to see that every member of my target audience who completed this survey agreed that the visuals strongly match the genre of music. Nobody chose under 4 which shows that my video was a success in that uses genre characteristics efficiently.

My response to feedback

I was very pleased about the feedback that I got from my audience about the variety of shot types and angles that I used as I carefully planned these out to sustain interest throughout my video and it clearly did engage my audience. I was also very pleased that a someone picked up upon the handheld shot that I did to make it look as if the actor was looking at his feet as I wanted to give the video a personal feel to it.

My response to feedback

Once again the feedback reflecting on the choice of locations was very positive. It seems like my audience has interpreted the locations in the way I wanted to as they have pointed out that the locations were ‘chilled’ ‘pretty’ and ‘romantic’ which is what I wanted to signify using these locations. I was also very pleased that a viewer understood that the scene where my actor is standing in the empty car par reflects the artist’s feelings.

My response to feedback

Two people’s favourite part of the music video was the stop motion animation which I did expect as I thought that it is something different that will set my music video apart from others and will stand out and be memorable to the audience. It was interesting to see that one of the viewer liked the most out of the video the overall feel that they got from watching it and that it suited the slow calm music. Someone also commented on the puddle shot with the reflection of sky which I carefully constructed as there was a repeated focus on the sky throughout all three of my products.

My response to feedback

I agree with the majority of answers that I received from my target audience in response to the question what improvements would you suggest for this music video however

unfortunately I was unable to do some of these despite wanting too. The only way the video could be longer would be if I used a different song as my footage covered the whole length of

the song. If I were to do this task again I would use a better quality camera as I felt that the graininess did reduce the overall quality of my video however at the time of filming I did not have access to any other video cameras. I am actually pleased that I received what may seem

as negative comment that ‘what the video was based on wasn’t clear’ because my music video is a mix between concept and performance based so it is not meant to make complete sense but the viewer can still understand that it is about a relationship because of the photos of the couples. I would use lip syncing aswell as the guitar but for my actor it was too complex

to do both during filming so i would consider doing seperate clips of him playing the guitar and then singing. I did actually film more night shots however the camera quality in the dark

was too poor to use much of this footage in my final music video.

Here is a screen shot of how I posted my music video and survey onto the social networking site Facebook.

Below the post I received a few additional comments from friends on facebook. These were also all very positive and it was nice to see that my music video had been so well received by my target audience.

Overall I was extremely pleased that the comments that I recieved from my online survey were so positive and the improvements to make were quite reasonable and ones that I would make if I were to do this task.

The main points that I learnt from this audience feedback are that:

• the locations that I chose were very suitable for the song choice and genre of music and were also very popular amongst my audience.

•Using different camera angles makes a simple shot interesting.

• the use of different video techniques adds interest to the music video and keeps the audience engaged (stop motion animation, time lapse of clouds.)

• the performance element of my music video would be more convincing if I used lip syncing as well as my actor playing the guitar.

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