swid summit2012-scott lemm

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SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real World

May 2, 2012

SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldAgenda

• Introduction & Methodology

• ITAM: Welcome to My SAM World...

­ The #1 Question

­ People, Process, & Technology

• ITSM: Dude, Where’s My Service?

• ITFM: Financial Guesstimation

• No Shirt! No Shoes! No Tag! No Service!

• The New Reality: Risk vs. Expense

• Unity in our SAM CommUNITY

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


Introduction & Methodology

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldIntroduction & Methodology

Scott Lemm – Global IT Asset Practice Manager, Stefanini TechTeam Inc.

A technology consultant with a fierce passion for asset management, service management, and technology stewardship. Scott has over 15 years of experience in designing, implementing, and managing environments focused on total lifecycle management. With an emphasis on efficiency Scott is adept at marrying existing organizational procedures and tools with industry frameworks resulting in average savings that consistently exceed client expectations.

Scott is an industry expert sought by organizations including IAITAM, CAUCUS, IBSMA, ITFMA, EDUCAUSE, MHEC, Microsoft, IBM, Apple, and CA to speak on various asset and service management topics.

“A Healthy Disregard of the Impossible”

15,000+ Employees

70 Offices

28 Countries


© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential



Holistic approach increases value to End Users

• IT Asset Management (ITAM)

• Tracking and managing IT hardware and software

assets with respect to cost, contract, inventory and

use to support lifecycle management and decision


• IT Service Management (ITSM)

• Delivery of IT to the Business. Includes the

following areas: Configuration, Change, Release,

Incident, Problem, Service Desk, and more…

• IT Financial Management (ITFM)

• Accurate and Cost Effective Stewardship of IT

Services: Plan, Control, and Recover Costs

SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldIntroduction & Methodology

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

- Information Technology Management (ITM)

Welcome to My SAM World…

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

The #1 Question…

What Problems Do You Have?

SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldWelcome to My SAM World…

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


What Problems do you Have - Software (SAM)

Many organizations consider SAM a problem because of the complexity and resources required to manage the software lifecycle. Software details are often a black hole where software information lags behind more readily available hardware information.

• Validation is a necessary byproduct of the environment- Tagvault Study

• Implementation - Is OOTB ever a reality- Project vs. Activity

• No one Tool to Rule Them All- Multiple tools to manage SAM environments & metrics

• ISO Tagging (currently) is a Manual Effort- Tool Providers have a roadmap- Line in Sand - No retro fitting of previous installations

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldWelcome to My SAM World…

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


The Cost of SAM

Case Study: 10,000 End points, 4 FTEs ($426k Annually)

•Validation is a necessary byproduct of the environment- 25% of resources validate discovery data- Ghost records, Suite vs. standalone, per instance vs per device- 1 FTE is validating discovery data - $86k annually

• Implementation of Tools- Configuration of tools - $135k- 25% of resources maintain tool configuration- 1 FTE is maintaining configurations - $86k annually

• No one Tool to Rule Them All- Deskside End Point Management: SCCM - Data Center: SAP, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft - 4 tools/modules $75k - Lifecycle Repository: $ 200k- Infrastructure: $47k- Support & Maintenance Resources: $94k

• ISO Tagging – Manual Effort- 650 applications - $14.5k

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

ITAM as an ExpenseYear 1 3 Years

Hard $ Soft $ Resources Total

$457,000 $520,000 $2,265,000

Dude, Where’s My Service?

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldDude, where’s my Service?

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

IT Service Management (ITSM)

Effective IT Service Management requires accurate application details including location, relationships, and dependencies to mitigate unscheduled outages.

• “Don’t Touch Revenue”- Manufacturing- Retail

• Business Services / Infrastructure Service- Collection of Apps/Services- Web Apps- Modules

• Where is the Service- Internal Applications- Archeological Dig

• Where are the Dependencies- Scrape code or intercept packets - Application to Application- Application to Database

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldDude, where’s my Service?

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

The Value of Tagging to ITSM

• Business Services / Infrastructure Service- Primary Service Tag- Component Tag- Module Tag

• Where is the Service- Tags presence on the server determines location (assuming effective ITAM)- Auto populate Service location in CMS/CMDB- Auto populate Service to Hardware Relationship in CMS/CMDB

• Where are the Dependencies- Enter Service Dependency into Tag

- Application to Application- Application to Database

- Auto Populate App to App Relationships in CMS/CMDB

Financial Guesstimation

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldFinancial Guesstimation

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

IT Financial Management (ITFM)

Business decisions related to the planning and controlling of costs are often made based on varying degrees of usable information.

• TCO - Total Cost of Ownership- 70% of costs occur after the purchase of Assets- Data integrations are limited or non-existent- Mapping Assets (software & hardware) to Service Management

• ROI – Return on Investment- Speak the language- Cost benefit analysis- Identify and beware of diminishing returns- Mapping Assets (software & hardware) to Business Services

• Forecasting- Reduce/Eliminate the Guessing Game- Identify Opportunities

No Shirt! No Shoes! No Tag! No Service!

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldNo Shirt No Shoes No Tag

No Service!

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

ITAM as an ExpenseYear 1 3 Years

Hard $ Soft $ Resources Total

$457,000 $520,000 $2,265,000

Providing Value with SWID Tags

Case Study: 10,000 End points, 4 FTEs, SWID Tags Std

• Confidence in Data: Validation Sampling- 5% of resources random sampling validation of discovery data- .2 FTE is validating discovery data - $17k annually (save/repurpose $69k)

• Implementation of Tools- Configuration of tools - $92k (save $43k)- 5% of resources maintain tool configuration- .2 FTE is maintaining configurations - $17k annually

• Fewer Tools- Reduce Infrastructure Tool/Support by $117k (25% savings)

• Deskside Management- Elevated visibility in application/image requirements- Reduced application footprint by 80% ($550k savings annually)

• ITSM-58% of Incidents are on Non-Standard (no tag) Software

- $20k month savings / $240k annually- Unscheduled downtime virtually eliminated

- $500k savings annually (soft dollars)

SWID ValueYear 1 3 Years

Hard $ Soft $ Resources Total

$857,000 $500,000 $2,491,000

The New Reality: Risk vs. Expense

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldThe New Reality: Risk vs. Expense

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

ITAM as an ExpenseYear 1 3 Years

Hard $ Soft $ Resources Total

$457,000 $520,000 $2,265,000

ITAM is an Expense – Where’s The Value?

SWID ValueYear 1 3 Years

Hard $ Soft $ Resources Total

$857,000 $500,000 $2,491,000

• CIOs have been Over Promised & Under Delivered• Executives focus on the Expense• ITAM Value is a risk

- No Guarantee - Estimates Can’t be seen or budgeted

• Need to move from Expense to Investment- Build the Business Case- Proof of Concept - Communicate in Business Terms – TCO, ROI- Identify & Publicize ROI

• The New Reality- Budgets are slashed and opportunities need to be GRAND

Unity in our CommUNITY

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


SWID Tags: End User Value in the Real WorldUnity in our CommUNITY

We Need to Work Together

• Asset Management is NOT a Critical Service- Does not effect Revenue- Not a core competency – can be outsourced like payroll

• Opportunities Need to be GRAND- Think outside the box- Publishers, Tool Providers, End Users work together- What MORE can ITAM do?

- Spend Analysis- Business Service Valuation- Service Cost Benefit Analysis- …

• It Shouldn’t be So Hard- We Have Standards

• Need more Activity in the EcoSystem- Brainstorm Opportunities- More Publishers supporting Tags- Better Tool Integration

IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

Data vs. Information


© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


? IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

Special Thanks

© 2012 Stefanini Proprietary and Confidential


TagVault for above & beyond promotion of SWID Tags. John Tomeny, Steve Kloss & David Bickett for (among many things) Introducing me to ISO and a world of potential. MyFriends in the Industry. Microsoft for supporting SWID Tags. My local Barrista – keeps me cafinated. My Bosteon Terriers – rugrats. My Wonderfully supportive wife. My Family.

Scott Lemm


IT Asset Management

IT Financial Management

IT Service Management

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